`Adapting Multimedia Internet
`Content for Universal Access
`Rakesh Mohan, Member, IEEE, John R. Smith, Member, IEEE, and Chung-Sheng Li, Senior Member, IEEE
`Abstract—Content delivery over the Internet needs to address
`both the multimedia nature of the content and the capabilities
`of the diverse client platforms the content is being delivered to.
`We present a system that adapts multimedia Web documents to
`optimally match the capabilities of the client device requesting it.
`This system has two key components. 1) A representation scheme
`called the InfoPyramid that provides a multimodal, multireso-
`lution representation hierarchy for multimedia. 2) A customizer
`that selects the best content representation to meet the client
`capabilities while delivering the most value.
`We model the selection process as a resource allocation problem
`in a generalized rate-distortion framework. In this framework,
`we address the issue of both multiple media types in a Web
`document and multiple resource types at the client. We extend
`this framework to allow prioritization on the content items in a
`Web document. We illustrate our content adaptation technique
`with a web server that adapts multimedia news stories to clients
`as diverse as workstations, PDA’s and cellular phones.
`Index Terms—Compression, content adaptation, Internet, mul-
`timedia, information appliances, rate-distortion, transcoding, uni-
`versal access.
`NETWORK appliances, or information appliances, are
`computing devices that are network enabled. They typ-
`ically have fewer resources than personal computers and are
`geared toward a limited number of applications. Some current
`examples of network appliances are hand-held computers
`(HPC’s), personal digital assistants (PDA’s), set-top boxes,
`screen telephones, smart cellular phones and network com-
`puters. In “ubiquitous” or “pervasive” computing, consumers
`will use different network appliances to connect to the Internet
`for different applications, from entertainment to banking, from
`different settings, from living rooms to cars. Sources, such
`as The Economist [1] and International Data Corporation
`(IDC) [2], predict that the sales of network appliances will
`significantly outstrip that of personal computers after the year
`2002. Therefore, within a decade, network appliances will
`replace personal computers as the client device of choice for
`viewing Web content.
`Currently multimedia content is authored with the personal
`computer as the target client device. Web documents, which
`have rapidly become the largest deployed form of multimedia,
`are also authored specifically for personal computers with
`reasonable wired network connections. However, network
`appliances are very different from the typical PC on a modem
`or LAN. The network appliances vary widely in their features
`such as screen size, resolution, color depth, computing power,
`storage and software. They also use a variety of network
`connections ranging from cable to mobile, with different band-
`width, connection characteristics and costs [7]. The diversity
`of these devices will make it difficult and expensive to author
`multimedia content separately for each individual
`type of
`device. Therefore,
`technologies that can adapt multimedia
`content to diverse client devices will become critical in the
`coming pervasive computing era.
`In this paper we present a system that adapts multimedia
`Web content to optimally match the resources and capabili-
`ties of diverse client devices. This system employs two key
`1) A progressive data representation scheme called the
`InfoPyramid [25]. Content items on a Web page are
`transcoded into multiple resolution and modality ver-
`sions so that they can be rendered on different devices.
`For example, a video item is transcoded in to a set of
`images so that it can be rendered on a device not capable
`of displaying video. The InfoPyramid provides a mul-
`timodal, multiresolution representation for the content
`items and their transcoded versions.
`2) A customizer that selects the best versions of content
`items from the InfoPyramids to meet the client resources
`while delivering the most “value.” The customizer al-
`locates resources on the client among the items in
`the document. This resource allocation results in the
`selection of the appropriate resolution or modality of
`the content items. If the client has limited resources
`(such as a PDA or pager), some of the content items
`may not get any resources assigned and thus will not
`be delivered to the client. We propose a novel value-
`resource framework for the customizer. This value-
`resource framework allows us to design and analyze a
`number of content adaptation strategies.
`We illustrate this content adaptation with a multimedia
`news delivery system that adapts to clients ranging from
`workstations to cellular phones.
`Manuscript received September 9, 1998; revised December 9, 1998. The
`associate editor coordinating the review of this paper and approving it for
`publication was Dr. Thomas R. Gardos.
`The authors are with the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown
`Heights, NY 10598 USA.
`Publisher Item Identifier S 1520-9210(99)01784-8.
`A. Related Work
`Much work (for a small sampling, see [3]–[6]) has been
`done on adapting video to bandwidth variations by selecting
`a suitable compression scheme. These systems consider only
`a single type of media, not composite multimedia documents.
`1520–9210/99$10.00 ª
`1999 IEEE
`Apple Exhibit 1041
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`Drastically different clients, such as those that cannot handle
`video, are not addressed.
`Web content adaptation can be performed either at
`server, at the client, at an intermediate proxy, or some com-
`bination of the three.
`Some client devices adapt content at the device. For exam-
`ple, Windows-CETM devices change color-depth (for example,
`from 24-bit color to 4-bit gray-level) of images. The drawbacks
`are that network appliances have low network bandwidth,
`which results in slow access to pages with rich multimedia, and
`they are restricted in their computational power, which makes
`content adaptation at the device slow, or even impossible.
`Most content adaptation systems [7]–[16], [18] are http
`proxy-based. The proxy intercepts client device’s requests for
`Web pages, fetches the requested content, adapts it, and sends
`the adapted version to the client. This content adaptation is
`often termed “transcoding.”
`In the TranSend project [7]–[10] a proxy transcodes Web
`content on the fly. The adaptation, which they term “distilla-
`tion,” is primarily limited to image compression and reduction
`of image size and color space. Video is also converted into
`different frame-rates and encodings using a video gateway [6].
`Based on this work, a company, Proxinet [16], has been started
`that provides a proxy which customizes content for a special
`browser on the 3Com PalmPilotTM [17].
`Bickmore and Schilit [11] also propose a proxy based
`mechanism. They use a number of heuristics and a planner
`to perform outlining and elision of the content to fit the Web
`page on the client’s screen.
`The Spyglass PrismTM [13], a commercial product, is an-
`other transcoding proxy. AvantGo [18] offers a solution similar
`to Proxinet.
`Content adaptation upstream of the client results in a
`faster response time [7], [8]. Based on this observation, Intel
`launched the QuickWebTM [12] service that compresses images
`at a proxy.
`These transcoding proxies typically consider a few client de-
`vices and employ static, ad-hoc, content adaptation strategies.
`A common policy [7]–[13] is to scale all images by a fixed
`factor. Thus, these transcoding proxies fail to dynamically
`address the variation in the resource requirements of different
`Web documents. The set of client devices will also grow
`more diverse. Certain resources, such as effective network
`bandwidth, costs and patience of the users can be different
`for similar client devices. The static adaptation policies used
`by these systems do not handle well this variability in Web
`content and client resources.
`None of the existing transcoding systems (with the possible
`exception of [11] and [14]) consider the requirements of
`the entire Web page or relationships between its various
`components in different media. Also,
`these systems only
`consider transcoding within the same modality.
`In this paper, we propose a content adaptation framework
`that dynamically accounts for resource requirements of the
`complete Web page and its individual components. It selects
`from a number of different possible transcoded versions of
`the content, ones that provide the “best value” within the
`constraints of a client’s resources. This system also considers
`transcoding between modalities. We provide a theoretical
`framework in which various content adaptation policies can
`be formulated and analyzed.
`One big benefit of the proxy approach is that it is totally
`transparent to the content providers; they do not have to change
`the way they author or serve content. However, there are a
`number of drawbacks to this approach:
`1) content providers have no control over how their content
`will appear to different clients;
`2) there may be legal issues arising from copyright that may
`preclude or severely limit the transcoding by proxies;
`3) HTML tags mainly provide formatting information
`rather than semantic information;
`4) on the fly transcoding is difficult to apply to many media
`types such as video and audio.
`These factors limit both the quality and the amount of cus-
`tomization that proxies can provide.
`In this paper we present an alternate solution that extends
`the Web server deployed by a content provider. In this system,
`the content author can lay the transcoding policies and control
`the adaptation process. Also, the content author can edit and
`replace the transcoded versions of content items generated
`by the system. This control of the customization overcomes
`problems of publisher control and copyright issues faced by
`transcoding proxies [7]–[18]. The content is authored in XML
`[23], allowing the author to provide more information to the
`transcoding and customization system than can be deduced
`from an HTML page. The key benefit of this server-based
`system is that due to the guidance provided by the author,
`significantly greater level of customization can be performed
`than is possible in transcoding proxies. The systems generates
`transcoded versions of the content items prior to any requests;
`thus, it can handle media items such as video and audio which
`are difficult to handle in proxies. This off-line transcoding
`also leads to lower response latencies than proxies. The server
`shares the benefit of transcoding proxies in speeding content
`delivery as the customized content is often much smaller than
`the original content.
`B. Outline
`We first present the overall architecture of the system. The
`InfoPyramid, a multimodal, multiresolution representation hi-
`erarchy for multimedia, content analysis, transcoding modules,
`content customization, and cache, is described in Section II.
`In Sections III–V, we describe the customization process
`in detail. In Section VI, we present an implementation of
`the content adaptation system. We present a summary in
`Section VII.
`The content adaptation system is an extension to a Web
`(http) server. An overview of the system architecture is shown
`in Fig. 1. The content source contains the multimedia con-
`to be delivered by the Web server. First, content
`analyzed to extract meta-data used in guiding subsequent
`transcoding and selection processes. Based on the capabilities
`of the typical client devices, different transcoding modules
`Page 00002

`document. For streaming media this includes only the
`initial buffer space required before the media starts
`playing, not the size of the media itself. The payload is
`defined as the product of the network bandwidth and the
`time the client is ready to wait (bandwidth* wait-time)
`before the complete Web page downloads. For storage
`constrained devices, the payload will be defined as the
`storage space.
`4) Capabilities for displaying video/audio/image.
`B. Content
`We will restrict our discussion to Web pages. The content
`is authored in XML [21], which is converted to HTML
`prior to delivery. We are also working on an extension to
`HTML that allows authors to introduce more information for
`content customization using XML and also enables our content
`adaptation system to be deployed at proxies.
`A multimedia Web document
`is composed of a number
`of component items
`Each item can
`be an atomic unit of media, such as an image or a video clip.
`An item can also be composed of other items, for example a
`document can have a number of stories as content items, and
`each story item may be composed of image items, text items,
`etc. For simplicity, we will first consider only atomic content
`items, and then, in Section V-B, deal with composite items.
`C. Content Analysis
`The authored content is analyzed to extract information that
`will be useful in transcoding and customization. Two types of
`content analysis are performed.
`Each atomic item
`of the document is analyzed to de-
`termine its resource requirements. The types of resources
`considered are those that may differentiate different client
`devices. We determine the following resource requirements.
`1) Static content size in bits.
`2) Display size such as height, width and area.
`3) Streaming bit-rate.
`4) Color requirements.
`5) Compression formats.
`6) Hardware requirements, such as display for images,
`support for audio and video.
`The semantics of the content items are determined in the
`context of the entire document. We currently analyze images
`to determine their type and purpose [22], [23]. This analysis
`allows us to improve image transcoding by selecting policies
`according to image type and purpose [22].
`D. InfoPyramid
`The InfoPyramid [25] is a framework for aggregating the
`individual components of multimedia content with content-
`descriptions, and methods and rules for handling the content
`and content descriptions [24]. The InfoPyramid describes
`content in different modalities, at different resolutions and
`at multiple abstractions. In addition, it defines methods for
`manipulating, translating, transcoding, and generating the con-
`tent. We use InfoPyramids to represent content at multiple
`Fig. 1.
`Internet content adaptation system architecture.
`are employed to generate versions of the content in different
`resolutions and modalities. A novel data representation, the
`InfoPyramid, is used to store the multiple resolutions and
`modalities of the transcoded content, along with any associated
`meta-data. This transcoding is done off-line, during content
`creation time. When the Web server receives a request, it
`first determines the capabilities of the requesting client device.
`A customization module then dynamically selects from the
`InfoPyramids, the resolutions or modalities that best meet
`the client capabilities. This selected content
`is then ren-
`dered in a suitable delivery format (for example, HTML)
`for delivery to the client. A cache that stores these client
`specific versions of content is used to improve response times.
`In the following sections, we describe these processes in
`A. Client Devices
`The types of devices that can access the Internet are
`rapidly expanding beyond the workstation on LAN that most
`multimedia Internet content is authored for [1], [2], and [7].
`One can now use personal digital assistants (PDA) such
`as the PalmPilotTM and Sharp ZaurusTM, handheld personal
`computers (HPC) such as the Psion and numerous Windows-
`CETM machines, various Internet capable phones such as the
`AT&T SmartphoneTM (cellular) and Screenphone (wired), set-
`top boxes such as WebTVTM etc. to browse the Web. Even
`traditional computers such as workstations, laptops and PC
`may vary widely in their display and specially in their network
`bandwidth. The browsers designed to meet the special needs
`of handicapped people can be modeled as client devices with
`specific capabilities [19]. For example, a speech browser for
`the blind may be modeled as a device that only supports audio.
`Thus, we see that to fulfill the promise of universal access to
`the Internet, devices with very diverse capabilities need to be
`catered to.
`Currently, the system considers the following client device
`1) Screen size i.e., width and height in pixels, color and
`2) Effective Network bandwidth.
`3) Payload defined as the total amounts of bits that can
`be delivered to the client for the static parts of a Web
`Page 00003

`modalities and resolutions so that it can be rendered on a
`variety of devices. Fig. 1 shows a simplified InfoPyramid for
`a video.
`Multimodal: Multimedia content is usually not in a single
`media format, or modality. A video clip can contain raw
`data from video, audio in two or more languages, and closed
`captions. In the medical arena, MRI, CT, PET, and ultrasound
`can be captured for the same patient, resulting in multiple
`three-dimensional (3-D) scans of the same content.
`For certain devices, the appropriate content modality may
`not be available. The required modality may be generated by
`transforming other modalities. For example, a video clip can
`be transformed into images showing keyframes [36], while
`text can be synthesized into speech.
`Multiresolution: Each content component can also be de-
`scribed at multiple resolutions. Numerous resolution reduction
`techniques exist for image and video. Features and semantics
`at different resolutions can be obtained from raw data or
`transformed data at different resolutions, thus resulting in a
`feature or semantic pyramid.
`Multiple-Abstraction Levels: The abstraction levels de-
`scribe features and data in a hierarchical
`fashion. For
`example, one hierarchy could be features, semantics and
`object descriptions, and annotations and meta-data. For content
`adaption, we store meta-data such as size, color, bandwidth
`requirements, publisher preferences, etc., for each constituent
`element. This meta-data may be supplied by content analysis
`(Section II-C) and/or by the content author.
`Methods and Rules: Methods generate content descriptors
`from the features of the data, or analyze, manipulate, provide
`modality translation, or process the data in various ways. In
`addition, the InfoPyramid may have rules to provide flexible
`application of the methods. Methods and rules provide linkage
`between different modalities, resolutions and abstractions. For
`content adaptation, we consider procedures and rules for
`translating and summarizing (transcoding) between modalities
`and resolutions.
`The InfoPyramid concept can be further generalized by
`using other axes such as fault/loss tolerance, numerical com-
`plexity, interaction modality, etc. Rather than forcing a strong
`separation between the data and the content description meta-
`data, the InfoPyramid offers a continuum between the data,
`various abstractions of the data, and content description data.
`Definitions: From each original item
`in the Web doc-
`an InfoPyramid
`versions with different
`is computed by transcoding
`resolutions and modalities.1 We will denote the original version
`We also introduce a null version, which
`corresponds to the item being deleted from the delivered
`content, by
`E. Transcoding
`Content transcoders populate the InfoPyramid structure with
`multiresolution, multimodal versions of the content. For exam-
`ple, in Fig. 2, the video is transformed to images by extracting
`1 In the following discussion, we will often use “item i” as a shorthand for
`“InfoPyramid of the item i:”
`Fig. 2. An InfoPyramid for a video item.
`a set of key frames [36]. Audio is also extracted from the
`video. Each of the modalities is then represented at different
`resolutions, bit-rates, color depth, etc. We have implemented a
`number of transcoding modules for handling video and images
`and imported others for text, images, video and audio. The
`system is designed to allow third-party content transcoders to
`be plugged in. The capabilities of the typical client devices and
`content analysis are used to guide the transcoding process. The
`transcoding is done off-line, unlike in previous proxy-based
`systems [7]–[18].
`F. Customization
`The customization module uses the client device characteris-
`tics as constraints to pick the best content representation. The
`best representation is the one that maximizes content value
`for that client device. This customization process is detailed
`in Sections III–V.
`The InfoPyramids represent the transcoded resolutions and
`modalities of the component multimedia items. From the
`InfoPyramids, the customization module selects the final en-
`semble such that it optimally satisfies all the client’s resource
`constraints. This content selection is performed dynamically
`in response to a request. Thus, the customization is able to
`account for any time varying client resources such as effective
`bandwidth and storage.
`The customization utilizes a value-resource framework,
`which is generalization of rate-distortion (Section III). We then
`solve the problem of generating a version of a Web document
`that provides the most “value” to a client within the client’s
`resource constraints. In Section IV, we model the selection
`problem as one of optimal allocation of the resources on the
`client among the different versions of the multimedia items
`of the Web document. We show that different models for the
`relationship between the value and the resource requirements
`lead to different optimal resource allocation strategies. In
`Section V, we present extensions to the optimization process
`to 1) account for the importance of each item and 2) to jointly
`satisfy different class of resources, such as display area and
`Page 00004

`G. Cache
`When a customized Web page is delivered to the client,
`it is also stored in a cache. When the system receives a
`request for a document, it first checks if a client with the same
`capabilities made the request previously, and if so, retrieves the
`corresponding customized. Temporal variations in resources
`on the client, such as bandwidth, CPU resources, storage,
`etc., will reduce the cache hit ratio. To effectively handle
`this, the cost of performing customization versus the variation
`in the resources will need to be considered. Our system
`currently performs customization again if the resources for the
`requesting client differ from the cached versions. Alternatively,
`one can group clients with very similar capabilities under the
`same client id. We will also explore the possibility of storing
`partial InfoPyramids based on customizations performed for
`clients, and using these to for subsequent customizations, thus
`reducing the search space for the customization.
`Image or video compression can be viewed as adapting
`the content to meet bit resource constraints. One framework
`for compressing to meet bit resource constraints [26], [28]
`has built on the rate-distortion
`theory due to Shannon
`[27]. Rate-distortion theory deals with the minimum bit-rate
`needed to represent a source with desired distortion
`alternately, given a bit-rate
`determining the distortion
`in the compressed version of the source. The rate-distortion
`framework is employed in many image and video compression
`systems, for example [26], [28]–[30], [33]. We generalize
`rate-distortion theory to a value-resource framework by con-
`sidering different versions of a content item in an InfoPyramid
`as analogous to different compressions, and different client
`resources as analogous to the bit-rate.
`Distortion is typically measured as the mean squared error
`(MSE) between the source and its compressed version. One
`problem with the MSE based distortion measure is that it may
`not correspond to the perceived loss of fidelity [31]. However,
`a bigger drawback is the difficulty of formulating a meaningful
`distortion measure when the adaptation is drastic. For example,
`it is difficult to measure the loss of fidelity when a video is
`transcoded to a set of key frames or transcoded into its textual
`To overcome this problem, we introduce a subjective mea-
`sure of fidelity which we call value.
`Definition: Value
`transcoded version
`perceived value of
`perceived value of original
`for original item
`when the item is excluded
`is that we have a measure for fidelity that
`The benefit of
`is applicable to transcodings of media at multiple resolutions
`and multiple modalities. This also allows us to compare
`document items that were in different media types. However,
`the drawback is that we still do not have a computational
`mechanism for determining
`The value
`can either be
`assigned by the author for each transcoding, or we can assume
`some arbitrary functional relation between
`resource utilized. In the special case where we can measure
`the distortion
`of all the versions, and the distortion for the
`null version is assumed to be infinite, we have
`The value/distortion is neither an easily estimated metric,
`nor is it uniform across different people with diverse interests.
`In general, it will also be difficult to manually assign values to
`different transcodings. The content value is a useful construct
`that helps us analyze various dynamic content adaptation
`policies in a theoretical rate-distortion based framework and
`draw parallels with compression.
`We can then model the content adaptation as the following
`resource allocation problem:
`such that
`are the values and
`resources used by the th item
`of the multimedia document.
`are discrete, we will first consider them to
`be continuous, and then deal with the discrete case.
`the maximum resource available at the client.
`Let the value
`be some function of the resource,
`We convert the above constrained optimiza-
`tion problem to an unconstrained optimization problem by
`considering the Lagrangian [32]:
`is an optimal solution, there exists a
`Then if
`Given that the items, and thus their
`values, are independent of each other, we get
`Therefore, the candidate solutions to (1)
`are given by
`A. Analytic Functions
`Content value, as an alternative to distortion, makes it
`possible for authors or users to specify value judgements about
`various transcoded versions of the content. However, manually
`assigning the values is not a practical proposition in most
`scenarios. To mitigate this problem, we introduced functional
`mappings between content value and resource utilization. This
`is not
`to suggest
`there actually exist such a simple
`mechanism for assigning value (or distortion). Computing
`distortion, even in specific modalities such as images, that
`is meaningful perceptually over all
`images and people is
`not easy [31]. Our framework allows one to design fast
`adaptation policies for a combinatorial resource allocation
`problem, by assuming a particular functional mapping that
`captures the general trend of reduction in value with resource
`utilization. Fig. 3 shows a table for example values obtained
`Page 00005

`Fig. 3. Table showing value V for different functional relationships between value and resource used in terms of bytes.
`using different functional relationships with the resource in
`bits (payload).
`Let us assume a function
`Note that
`therefore, the solution, is dependent on the choice of units for
`is concave, (2) will give us the optimal solution. We
`will first consider the case when
`is not concave and then
`the case when it is.
`Nonconcave: We will limit our discussion to the case when
`is either linear or convex. Let us assume that the value
`of an item is linearly proportional to the resource that it
`utilizes i.e.
`From the definition of
`, we have
`when item is absent from the delivered
`document i.e.
`for the original version
`of item i.e.
`We term
`to be the resource utilization factor (RUF) because it measures
`how well the item utilizes its resources to deliver value. It is
`easy to see that a greedy algorithm that allocates resources to
`items in the order of their RUF’s gives the optimal resource
`1) store items in order of decreasing RUF,
`2) starting with the item with the largest RUF, allocate the
`maximum resources that each item can use until all the
`resources are depleted.
`Similarly, the optimal resource allocation for any convex
`is also the greedy algorithm.
`Concave: Let us consider the concave function
`We have defined
`to avoid negative
`For simplicity, we assume that
`for most versions,
`and that
`is equivalent to the item being deleted, giving
`We now get a RUF
`Using (2), we see that the resources
`are distributed among the items in proportion to their RUF’s.
`is concave (and the constraint is linear),
`this solution is optimal. In a similar vein, (2) will give us the
`optimal solution for all other concave functions.
`Discrete Values: Since each item is transcoded into a lim-
`ited number of versions, we may have no version that uses
`exactly the same resource as computed in the optimization
`process above. To account for the discrete values, we use the
`following algorithm.
`1) For each item let
`be the resource selected by the
`optimization process. Select version such that
`is minimum.
`2) Order the items in order of decreasing RUF’s. Starting
`from the item with the highest RUF, while there are any
`resources left, assign to each item the version with the
`next higher value.
`Step 2 needs to be performed only once.
`B. Arbitrary Functions
`When the values
`are assigned, say by the author, we adapt
`a technique by Shoham and Gersho [33]. For each InfoPyramid
`of each item we plot the value
`versus the resource
`of each version
`as illustrated in Fig. 4. The
`optimal version
`is given by sweeping a line with slope
`from the top-left to the bottom-right, until it meets the concave
`hull of these points. As shown by (2), and in [33], the optimal
`solution is given by the same slope
`for all the different
`As in [33], we perform a binary search for
`is close to, but less than
`Points outside
`the concave hull are not in the solution space. For example, a
`text transcript of video may take more screen space but have
`less value, so it is out of the solution space. Note that if
`is denoted in terms of
`as in (2), this resource allocation
`strategy becomes equivalent to the one presented in [33].
`Page 00006

`Next we consider the extensions of the resource allocation
`strategies discussed in the previous section to account for
`1) priorities on content items;
`2) hierarchical or composite items;
`3) multiple classes of resources;
`4) mutually dependent items.
`A. Priorities
`In the resource allocation strategies discussed in Section IV,
`no matter how the value to resource relationship is defined, the
`items with the least resource requirements for their original
`versions (i.e., with the highest RUF) get precedence in the
`allocation of resources. Thus, when considering the bandwidth
`or computational resources, text items will always be assigned
`resources ahead of image items, and smaller images will get
`precedence in resource allocation over larger images.
`The author of the Web document may have a mental priority
`ordering of the items in the document that is different from
`that given by their RUF’s. Consider, for example, a news Web
`page that has one color photograph of the event covered in the
`news story. The page also has a large number of small images
`used for decorative purposes. When the news story is adapted
`for a client with low bandwidth or small screen size, all the
`resources may get allocated to the decorative images and the
`image central to the story may not get delivered.
`Thus, we need to extend our content adaptation model to
`account for priorities on the content items of a document. The
`priorities may be assigned by the author of the page, as is the
`case above. Many Internet applications, such as search engines,
`customized news sites, etc., generate documents dynamically
`in response to a user request. In these applications, there is
`often a priority implicitly assigned to the items. For example,
`in image search engines, the match scores of the returned
`images serve as priorities. When the result page consisting of
`the matched images is returned to a client with low bandwidt

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