`- - - - - -- -DBMS: Opening Doors
`To New Opportunities
`- - - -Edited by Lois Paul and Susan Bllilceney
`Pase 2
`O<tob~t 15, 1982
`Fr<l~I Ir Sull1¥an UUol' Surv•y, ton •
`f:idtt.1My >- thin Ollt-lhi.r<I of l}lt(cid:173)
`lll$1.1lkd Jl\M .1.nd lllt..lo(l)fl'l~ble
`'P''.,~ in tlw Unitild S liltf!o!> i.a .... .1
`dalb b4$C' WliUUl(l'llW!l".nt $)'~•
`'lll•,.fo~, thcl'l) i:S MUI much room
`f,,.. powt}I fo r •II Of th@ T8M~titr1t·
`eod of!tri.llg"' 1t1d foilllM'' own offr.r-
`11:1$5 .:a. wfll," d w •u~""" tolltl.n.•
`""" T~ n«t IWO "•roingn:t" 'tflldor:s .•
`SO....NJ -
`~,,........ _
`IJy toil P•ul
`NEW 'r'ORJC - ~ dlit4 h•
`111.n •
`.1gff'ltlU '>"'~ (011!..IS) niark.et will
`in<n'lll&'t ; n IOIAI l'«'\'tn\lt itotm .ll:iout
`$1311nillion l..-day lo PoWib-Jy SI boil·
`lion by 1 ':1117. growing .t • r.it of W-
`1w""" 251' M J.S'\'l *'ldl )'Nol, lltt'Ord.o
`il!lg to 11 m•rl<.l!t twVW)' N'I&~ here
`by~· .. S\llli"rln. Jl'IC,
`Wilhi n thi5 tN.l'l<tt ovtr lht l'lt.>.1
`~e. If•• -•rcll firm fof'f<a.t
`1h.i DeMS '°'~ fro1r1 c:o111.pv~r
`mtl\ufflttuNK W ill .i.~l'll'Mt th<!'
`larg~t i.nerN~"' ~n.din1 from 1
`~m 43'1\ ~~ sNno io doff to
`~ i.n lM Mid· ti> l.ut '«Iii. Ind.
`~l'tffnt 06MS ~tw•~ iJ t,,;pectod
`IO lnrttaH:. b\:rt .1t I d«f'Qting nill!,
`Entltl4d L11111 &tk' i\11111,ff'-.lll SJ1·
`t(Jff s,ft'"'r' M• rl'(J in it. .. U.S., the
`.m.dy wu ~ on .survl')" of 75
`Oj!.:MS fttldotf 1nd O'Fff ,,000 "1lll!I'
`(lf)Pllt1iUIWm, tntl udi~ tM J:orh.IM
`1000, Qll.l!MiOJ1n..Jm "lrtO w.n litf'lt
`to Jot!«tfd 1)P ~It with I ,mo.,.
`in~~ in the O&MS flitld. ltttpolUI'
`notu WWlt 271' klr t)lt' ¥itl\dl)r llut't'e)'
`and upw1rd of 1~ for tbl' _ _, tw""
`.,...,, F,,.. It Su1Uv1n ttpo11N.
`M1rtc,1 (;r(lwth P,.;.Mtd
`TM t ftNttbffl lndlactd tha:l dit
`p~t«.I 11-:rowl.h of th• DBMS Mal'·
`~ will ~ fwrkd by ' nMly of ·~
`pt.il:llltlom 1.1\d ,_of thi. .oft....tt.
`~ly witt.l.n
`(whKh thq f"A:t'CI » tM l•IJ'"'I
`I~ pwth ""''),. Oltder I'll.tty
`11nd o ro.W< ~i.nf5, l11v·•s'llory, tl(cid:173)
`llADCI! and l!nllrkt-ling,
`''?hit r.ngl!! of DIMS Utl: is blOlld
`•t1d 111'1 !ht il.'ICnMt," tlw<f ti~.
`"'Yl't- prtdkt th•I bo(h the dtpth and
`Fueled by Variety of Applications
`Total DBMS Revenues Seen at $1 Billion by '87
`...... ._
`, ...
`......... ~
`_ ..
`,.,..., .. _~ ...
`-- ...
`•«Ol'dl.ng to f!rost le s.iuivan,. &:tt
`C\Ulirw.nt Dwo\1.1$t S>-&' -'- 1M.,
`whkh h.15' .1bout 500 1.n9'lllladon. of
`It!! 10,.IS otffflf\g: and sotiw1te AC;,
`whic.h h.-, imi;.Ued jl.lJA~ QeMS
`In t-«wffn 350 10 31S tiM.
`I"<" llw <.Mulll \1$(:, r .ithff tN.n tM
`tlw nu'llW will «ll\li nuor IO grow. M
`C l°*'}' foUOWillg ltlM, 0.Ultl&M
`_ _, ~plaMll' UIO'fftcf in ~~n l'.'°J>\'riffl~d !«hnkt.n tJo '""n~l y
`..,.o Softw•"' AG ~ fi.,.. od"',.. c1 ...
`(l)ln Sn;~-. l lW. he llfl u.utaUtd
`With dw l•pnn·M prt«Jp:rlot' bottom.: the htavie$t wrttof inttg:Rot·
`NH: of Ahou:t ?,700 _.., o( li. To111I
`l!l'ltno.of 1ha1><t1.1\dt l.1b.i,..mana15. .... OKI d:iu. ~ tn.ilW~.Mtl'll JYMtlM
`, _,. W ~ c:ll!('lllho,"' tM l'fW•""'·
`O&MS. ~rtfort, C:i.rico"' r...nl<•
`ait<n.l •1"ll!1N l'.n"if'on111ent."
`The .....,, .uid l'l'.ndon ~ tn bddl'd.
`fine l.n ~111$ of 11ll.lllbl!r of 0(1.).~ It!·
`di~g,rted Oft '°m.r po;111• l.n I.ht
`•wll111Jom. Ahbo~h. a vlial !.1nor in.
`<JUf!lti.-iM.i™• I've' ~~pit, w 11•
`lflto.I t~ Ltfdff
`lht m••k• lpUtt, wt 11- l.h•ir
`g10Wth r•te fl> .,., on 1M low ti•:•
`donnted "'ffM'o!~ubc!lngthltir M«m:llng to !}It w~ ""Ill~.
`lht 5'\ltveyff$ (OfltllUlitd.
`tnAjor product .1dv11nu.gt .111111 I.ho IW ti;o•roftlfy bl I.ht \Ndlng Ol»otS
`1-ti of ll'W-l!M ilfl lh• l*rt of "ti:!" 't'ltlllior by tnW SIWWrvnwnH (SH
`.N•,;• i n li n• •er. l.nt*'I C:()IJI .. with
`1• bri"' their lllA'ior .cn.ul<l!til\g prob-
`di.1tt}. '1'hey 11'1' tht Wldff ir1 ti'."'"
`2110 ~lllNtiOll' of Syll«!lll 2000: Ap(cid:173)
`pl!N D.1!.ll R~h., IM .. wbldl ti...
`lom.. Howtvott, tlw u.tt:n though.t l~ of ~Onlld, !Wing -ftd·pUct
`iu O.OC..-Joe pl'Odutt iM t1U(!d in
`d_,., 06.1-fS Pfd:iign; ~ l"'l't>nJly Cit\ICOll'I (Sy~ .. J.rit. J ~ • oomfl)l'I·
`lbk-IJl.Ulll'I," FroMfi SufliYUI no!~.
`•bovl 150 •It~: ln!od.rtca. IM .. whow
`lMfficlmt. diffi.:uh to -
`and COlll•
`pt..A, lhe '"tw)"'" ff'PO"t'd. lk>lh The IM.tl:'lllng ftrm t:11S""'111" 1blo'
`ln.qutrt DIMS b In 1bcKl1 100 ltut.W
`&t()t.tpt, flaw ,.,.le~ in tht' ,,.... (It tht'tt •~ ("Umi,n1ly about 1,)00 IMS
`btil>tlt (l.lr,..,"11'y;
`.1nd Compui.r
`hemlOll on.1ht ~ ol th<!' U$t'f °"""' u.li.ng &hovl 2.000 "' ?,100 i.ntit&ILI·
`C(ll'p. of A__,je., whidl h.u in·
`t>B~1S un1knJ1andi11J and W«!Jm" and 100 to 800 OL/ l iJlll'taUdion», ~
`.WIN Ml>det 204,.115 DBMS, lft •bout
`$0 O<Jp_nj UtiO;n.,_ Tllt lludy i rtdudft
`dnalkod IN.ly.U of lhl"ff "rt11dol'11
`prod<ucu. .1nd m.1rbting 51r.11tgltj.
`Thi! Dlt• 8o!'f ,\f•t111~1lVlll S)'ill<w
`5"/hr;~< At1rtd ,W tM U.S. .n.dr (No.
`747) b ll'V.ail.1Nt for S92S fl'O#I Ff'Olf
`• Sulliv•n.. l~ Flll~fl 54,. Nl!W Yon,
`N.'l'. 10038.
`ln$1all4tinflt and Crowth ~te. (01 Lu.di"& V1IMIOI$
`ttont o r DIM OfJMS pn>du.r1-.
`lBM"• cvrttftt DBMS pwth. rato:
`Vl!11don • n.d ~ .~ th.It tho:
`rn.1ttl!t lor OIMS 50kwOlott i. In .1 wuctltd•$hlgblftcontf>,1.No11tolts
`gn>wtl\ ph•, tn<*I )" \>(o(turot of C:OinPt"tititlft, .. M~, -tiol:itnlll'
`thM a rt'lati-.~lr klw pt:rUftlagl! of
`pritl!/ pl!ri"onnlllt«' impfl)Yf(nl!n.3 iJI
`IBM Uld lllMot0tnp.aclblt N.:rdw•tt(cid:173)
`'both the }Ii.rd"'·~ ud 50ftwarc and
`'Y''"" ~·I!~" prn•tr1 t<!d. 111""°·
`iMWMNI •~ibil.ity of llw d f tl
`ex· po&aaing ltlc s;,inpk reiJuli. of ow
`~ 1\1' !hi! erid Wlltt. " In hln. -
`DBMS Cu.ide Gl'Owth of
`fora.t Products fin1111 , , • , •••• , .SR/3
`Cot1vl!niofl COlob Hidclc-n
`Pitfall• of DBM.CJ ••• , • , , • , ••• SR/ 26
`N.Y.C. llOU11it1g W .arm• Up to
`D.at.1 8¥c SY'titm .. • . •• . •• . •• Sfl/4J
`Clarify Obj«til'ft Briono
`lmplf:mlf'.ftti11;g DBM.$ •• . •• . • . .SR/ 4
`Wh.1t'f Mitaing in Oa.t.1
`~ M.ch'-"ttr • , , •• , • •• ••••• SR/S
`n... Oa_y t!,1 Good Softw~
`!?tJry PaJd • Vk:ll , •• ,, • , •• • • , .SR/6
`DBMS 0.liftn Sttv~ to
`' LA. Timff" Ro:adtn ••• , • •••• • SR/&
`~.r l) B~tS Tttotb TUI!
`ln.duSlr)' lrito 19'0$ • . • • , • • • •• ,SJt/9
`Al rcr1l1 Fl.rm Fii.et A lo11g V.'llh
`ODt.tS Support . •• . •• . • . . • , •• SK.Ill
`Relado11;1J DBMS Oevelopod
`By Non· RM M.Jn.framf:.-s •••• SR/18
`Prl!vmtlon. Tt<hniqutt ~
`PToc:H6lt13 SIUl!p •• . •• . •• , ••• SR/11
`Ttthftiqut t.tlnJmb:a O eitdlock
`PouibWty • , •• . . .. • .. • . •• .. • SR/28
`DBMS, Cr11phj<t Coinpl"-mf'nt
`hdi Othn , • • , •• .. • . •• , • • . • SR/30
`08M$ ll ~uJ t$ In. Q11kl<,.
`P.1 ln l~ (>Tu.g Kttt1rt.h • , , • , .SR /SS
`TIS fittn Ukt 081'.tS to Tl'.-tk
`lb Computf'n ••• ••• , , •• , • , , .SR/39
`O i&ttlbutor COft Relational to
`Mod'l'J'r1lu Fil"' . •• , •• , • • , • • ,SR/.fO
`DB.\llS Tu.n.tS Up C.b1e Flr.'f
`Prod11ttl•lty • •• • , , • , •• , • •• • • SR/44
`Re11.tion.il DIMS a.ti.:•
`U.S. Combat Sy1tem1 •• . •• . •• SR/4!
`R1!1l DBMS Stn.etits Re.1Jiud
`IQ On··lifle l!n.viron.men.t •• . •• SR/46
`MHl\od<tlogr Kty 10
`Applk.ldont lfl t~10o11 ' . ' •• SR/.f9
`Procltionlvity Ti>Olf ~tt.1&l
`t.t•tcli Sytttm Nttd$ .. •. • . . • . $RISI
`P1r1m~1en1 Htlp 0J)41mlie
`0 .1.ll ~ Dulgr1 .. • . •• . •• . • . SKIS'
`Fu.U&.ale DB~t,c; Nffded
`IQ loticro Wotld • . .. . .. . .. . . . SR/56'
`Rdlltion1l t.todds Vi.1bk
`i111 Comm"-rri.1l l\'orld • • : • •••• SR/1'
`Sp•clfl( C• pabilittn N t t"-llMl')'
`111 Fuh~l"t OD/DS • , , •• • •• , •• SR/ 4t
`l tt1lth C,.oup I.*" DIMS t<t
`CUre O.at.1 lllf . . .. . .... . ..... SR/57
`DBMS Shopping? Co11111ldtl'
`Conveniot1 CMb • • •• • • • • • •• • SR/22
`Sc.t+oul Switching From BatC'h to
`On· l..iM Witb Aid of DBMS •• SR/ 42
`T'rah:1lng Oitk..l to
`lmpl1'111efllltlon. ot OB.MS • , •• SR/60
`' .
`DBMS Guides Growth of Forest Products Fir1n
`l _
`Multinational Employs 40,000
`Jn Over 400 Locations
`Octob~r 25, 1981
`-&o,b Q•b•an w~ iiutni_,.tal in 4ni.p.in5 tht -.&!" 111d i nvlll'•Oory lfll·
`t - bwUt 1ntu11d t!w Cnglhll4lngu.:igf DIMS,~ do-n. by CUmpl·
`oa. TM Otl~tS "'wM 1 ... ta1JC'd e.i.tl)' ln. Septelll'lbtt 19111. l'l'e ttlttldtd eigllt
`d11,.. of d~ allod lud Mid wp11• d ru • 11i•K ~)'Ille tlrltrd W('tlo: Vf ~tObtr.
`II w"' a ftr1i5h tfo;rw1td i.111rM-mfflllriOfl fO'I' a <-pies IJ)'t'l!llll b'l<111M' Foo·
`«H ilM-Jf b YC'fJ' • traJghtfor;qr4,"' ().C'blo'llll rtt•llff,
`ind our Co111.IC'I\, ln<. ~90. bdt of
`thoC'd1':11'ibUllon ttl'lltn l';llltt'J fbc 111°
`v•nrory, oNtt Hilty .t.n.d iAvoitlng
`i.n/\l'nfl111i(ln into ibJ laM Sc""'l.I 111
`ttw dOM' of bwln~ ~o;h di)·,"
`W.WI\ :l.\lcl.
`"'()v11t l.\iKhl, lht Cotn.tu coUtm a.II
`d w 1.11r-.n:o1t •l!od U•ntl~" i1 ,. •
`fonts d.:i~ bur on •n IBM :Kl33,"'
`\'o'.Wh ..;d.
`~\'Ith lu 111 ..
`HAMlLTON, Otlio -
`k.tligh.l~tid!C' ruu Cj:IUtr.
`,,...,1 '""1t'll Jl'(lwi ng w $4 i:,iltion ifl
`"'They 'tt wh.ttillfl~rifn~ nQll
`~rifntni. an.d they look to
`1961,11 fo""c prod:um <0111pa11y Mn'
`1urMd to • dM. ~ ma1Wgm1t1u
`I.hi! MIS (l'ft•n.ig"""n..t lnfonn.:itlon
`•Y~.tn~J fi:f'(lup foi ti0lu.tio n$ l(I t~Jr
`•}"'lf'm (08MS) Kl ho:tl p hllt'locll• ti•
`boiu.int,M p.ro~" hf Mid,
`~t'f'+in<~"S i.nfunn111Wr.i lo.1d.
`O!al!lpion Jntttt1anolw.I Corp.'f do(cid:173)
`"'Our ttJPOl'dib41Uy, lhtl\. Is 10 ""
`'..-One.I ~\litl:ly With IO.)l.r1io~ th#t
`lnftlk d i '1fkln. include< nn1b(;r.
`l11t1cl$.. w'hith m •iwr,«i ClvalpiW1'•
`tll')' (111\ \IM> Th•)'• Jik\' ~ fYfr'f'
`Wt\('l'C', ,)tt pwi.iig irlOtt •nd I'll.Oft
`m.utri~ fol't'lltty <0D«mJ¥ 8uildlns
`Produ<1r.. whkh tnanufac.<1:utt10 prod.
`ftu..CRlll'd With ttadltlo.n.•I E)p 0!'5 ..
`t1i11MiOH&. Th" m~;,q ... that ufoifd t'1
`utN tUlgift:g fr.)•*'feW(lc)cf pliywi»cl
`uwridc progr.iiam.ffS w~th gu.nas j,
`lo> P"l'tidC' bo&rd; l'all'('I', with prod(cid:173)
`gone. Wt Al'(' l.:id~ W w- prob-
`ffne wrlritig pa•
`U(b r.inpn:g: fro•
`9-1 eh•e ,,.. OCllliWlflll.tl& M.IS Of'Sa<
`~l'l to m.lU: ..nd or.u1g• juioe Uf'IOt'I'>
`ni~iq"' •II O\'\'• .
`llftd P.k'kaj i ng, wi lh «im111m'!' p-d:·
`·t'Ol'J'Ug-11:'d concaiflcB for
`"'Pint, thC'tt al'C' IOO f - P">Ple 10
`b\ii kl the' N'q,Ui ffd ~ll'IN, l.fl tndO.
`ho~oid •ppJl.UltJK ind p1~r
`b11gi; fo r a~ri.,..
`tii>Nl way~ S'!<»nd, ~··· ~ WO
`The WCll~ny flfl""")'ll '40.000 I_.
`m u<h AAd WM loo kl"8 IO "IW.
`ThJrd., thl!tt h11s .Jwayf ~a coni.(cid:173)
`pk- i.n OVfl' 400 loo:Mkin.s I.ft the U.S ...
`m un leuh.m• prflbkm Mwctn. uwin
`CANdl Uld ~•.i:U.
`•nd ""'h.ni.ri.on~:· ~~ii
`F~ ... co11.ou..sa.,...
`•All o f t~ f~IOl!!I ~rtxltt tke
`Foc\u -
`., hlgh·lcvcl. ~.nt·
`probt.Nn of llow to gte to111.nhlng
`<kin. i n thi~ hlli$i n•. Al'ld t hat, ol
`fd, Engli$h..Wlg~ 011.),fS f:r<>m ln•
`CQUno!. if the t')' ,_ ol tlw l9&0.
`glj,h," J,1wby N.icL
`- ~
`(v rlt!iltil)n BloiJd~ In<-.
`'"°'lf"d tk to111p.t11y <Otl~idatc ib
`•. , At.'ld ihC' l'C$potUoe I) itn.-11.lte.
`- h°"· <•n we bl' inol'C' l'C$pol'IA''C' to
`f11t>ttaichlng 1.nf-lon l'l«'ds •nd.
`1he tlld·11"'r rom•u.1111yr u we ~4·1
`'""" be-gun WOlking Wilh
`l'()lY\' l h•I pl'(I~, W'f'll b., i_n 1'11ri(cid:173)
`flt>0pfi~ fo r p 1¢fi.nll IN'nd" Th•t,
`' itnpl ify i U. Ua l'l'l.W\'&I fu.nttiQM.
`tllQ, ~O\lld be C'll(IOl'IMWSI)' hflrJ,.I,."'
`trouble In• ~'J''bort ti.fM.
`It ... ,, dnqM<J "" fqunh-gtnA!rll·
`""Htl'C' .:it Ch.:impton,."' v.~;akb. <0n1Sn·
`OOtl toflW•tt n.tOu.:rrt to ~nd 10
`...s. "wt 11re Mtd,...lng 11'11' ~110 on
`lhl' flffd for tApld ;t.nd ll«ut~tf ait•
`llob Q utbl!Mn, MIS l(icll.fliu.I Ulll·
`t hl'ft i.n1t<.u~h11 .. d front._
`~MIC h> flt.plud~11f ~11Unll> o f it1k'lr(cid:173)
`IP" •I 1tw Kni5hbbri4.ge! °"1a C~11·
`• Pint .. WC' lltt m.d:lnj: Yl'r"f Mll't' thfl
`ttr .... ,,. iMltulll<('nQ) 111 ~rring
`Optr.:iun:g: ln. ui tn1C'Aittl~ C'll'l"i•
`out p l11ftl'ling Iii" oomptthl'IUOiYI! .:is
`.at1d wrt11.ng Mae5.
`p<Wib lll • ...,,It f lud)' lrtt1d,; ill hant..
`''F.:IC!u£ wa. i11$111Ulld "'rty in Swp.(cid:173)
`1<ln-11-1. fotuli 5- uid to givl: Wotf'J
`o:Hi.11f ~ tQ 4.<tt. d1.r<u,1gh ii!;
`lfnibcr l9SJ. \Ye atwidt'd ri.ght day•
`-tt And tOftoo'.n tt'd\nolog;y ind
`u.-.n.ds ln our own wir of doing buJlo
`nonpt0etdunl l11n.g~C' and l'C'fM•
`of dll#l"f and hlld Mlltf up •nd Nft>o
`ft- ..n.d phn our ~.,,_ d...wlllp.
`nily ~litfiff 11 full r•t1g• o f ftffdli -
`n;na byOw tl'li rd wo:to:tk of Cktot..r. II
`..... t11T~5h.tft)fW,1rd iolpl\'IJl('l\'9-
`from Mmpt<t in.quiri<t~ lo> C'OlllPll'-.
`-nt .cwrdinglr - OM of uv <0rpo(cid:173)
`r111A"c t)"ltel' if -«JI M"cl'Ylll$ ._ well
`lkln.. fo r • <omplC'X S}'Jtl'fft b«~u.e
`probknl-$0lvltlg ttpo!U; •lfrittio:.il
`FON5 il$ot!( ;;1 vtry 11taith1Jorw•ld,~
`.)nAl) .. lli Uld. fltw1dal eiodl'.lk
`after 10 )'f'll~ -0( OPf't'•tiOfl, 11tld wt' d
`t<i t'njoy 1t1111 w"'
`"~IUI)' t)f CNt .-~,-Ou.I tn 1h.it MlJI$
`~b!M.TI .. id.
`ui.., •Jlow ~., .. _
`"Now wf'"' loo~i.ng M fO<WJ for lU
`•nd dM•i'ibo;it;on unlw\I, arw oot ~·
`''Sttond, wt *"' ~plt'-& 'tolu·
`p<!nt.n«<I In data pr~lfltl - *114
`d•lil dktiOflal')'. fol'ffi'Stlns and <Olor
`ihel'C'·s no l'fl$0ft why -
`•hould tl<•
`i iOfl nnh1~· jlnform•lioft t l'lllttJ)
`ar•pflld. Wt'rt ~~>' pMducing
`P<t<1 th<tlfl tu ~," Mid Totr1 Walsh.
`h.ifl(ltram,; ()fl f'O(u$ usa,gfl. Th11 tOll'.M'
`lh«of <:\'nhtrS <(ln~i,;1 O( •n Mt5 <Vt.'I·
`tt<'.hnJnol "°'"'i<"" d.i~f •I lh \'
`gnpbio will bf g~ Mlditiona lo
`•t1llolR~. with • ,tro~ bw.i"""" Me\·
`grnu.nd. n 1her tN.n • OP Nd:·
`lhil; up.ibUily, .. Outl>ln.An Aid.
`g!'QUf'ld.. amwd wi~h • ~ O( toob to
`.nth ... ,;~- ill • >.1ttly wh M
`Walsh Pft'd.int'd: and i• lhf _pri.111.e
`hdp f!'C'Of'IC' dYf th.fir own prol>-(cid:173)
`l'NIOll why !ht tlnn F~ .11ppli< ..
`wm .. Sllol'.b. coot. in<tude rl1r1Mh•f·
`in.g 11t1M ~. peWoe>n11l t-pultt11
`'""" w111 • rd1!SYtly l'f!f1:rintc1 one.
`fllo(! ,.U\' ... TIC'fd Qffj~ ~lflnj IO>ft•
`"'T- ~ «rtain.ly i~ our
`C..11ti1tld Sfl'pt.
`w~ $11di u ttp;On gl'flfraton that
`tffccti,•en.nau pkntlt'n ~we
`h..llw .a ll'lll(h inol'C' infort:Mtion
`"We'n! awving nty fltll1ito~ly."'
`•tt tt'lod.•11$tt fl'ltnd.,'' l'lo u i4.
`l'o'lish Mid . ... One 1Jttp 111 .11 11-. Tbt
`• v•it.bl\'t ' l);oWod&()ll ~ddtd. "No OM
`ht'l'C' who <ti,_.,, FiK"U$ h• *"' had
`A lttUt •ed MtS ~
`Ull';t ltdtttM .it1d. dtllt.llftd: !or Jloai5 If
`w:ry l'ligh.. ,.....,pk tn 1ht ttill.Ott atld
`.. The go.11 n tMt tht- w"'uJ1<1nt
`~ft)' DP ttpe'ritl!.<~. i10 II h trvJ:y '"
`ft'5W-l ((IQl'li<.l09 Wllftt "'"'°" A"iJ
`~ A guide for lht ~
`-uU -
`tnd·"*1'· frtl'nd.I)' p roduo:1."
`net Wttt tchotd ti,.
`the Tllt\btrt..n<h o;v;,,IOfl, for ~
`Hi$ wn1i-
`11.w ro:tl iiflw> ti... ~us d•p.m-nt ot
`lllllOlf ol t~ biir.:Wn. In thb llOlll!lioon
`pit. With. ltf h.\18.C! d.111~ ~Of tn.Jcn(cid:173)
`f'l"td J.,1001>)', wciicxr Qpt'ratiO~ ptn1.
`-j.On fih)rftl by ttH lltld !Witt o f
`111.ng 111Wfy$1 i n d\.t' Swl'locd ofJI<\' -0r
`CeJUtl' llf'p«\)r.h. WC' UC' going l't<'a,1
`th# M:l'ftj: diYl:t.IOfl. ~O UJn f'ocl.- IO
`'-nd, Q.11,'1 wait 10 :hfvf ·rox11.11 m11~
`ftl>M btli kll ng tr.:id.ltionll syMtmt:
`.:iv all.ab.It to thowi. Bue we dOfl'I w.11nt
`11.W •l)W'lln.l tolvlt1g ~!1111tJo.
`~ ~••ti< f)f;n wfltol'Y llnd eoulcu•
`to be ovcrwflelmfd with che df(cid:173)
`t.111 t hot d i \'iNocln'• pt.l(lt nwtg1ft on•
`"I had a-n l t1W$1i<gatt ng 1t11ditlo>n•
`• • oeMS:· W.111-.h ClOtllilUlll'd, "b..-1 '*"
`dailt• b•'UJ
`f!iud Iha! I w., ~i'\11 lit th•
`" \\'e Nwe 10 l'ft•n.age our own
`.. Wf ""' «11n~ Fueio~ pt'l)C'Nl•11i<li
`growth..\\'" "'.tlu t lw( we•tt proN·
`wrong wol. Wiii' didn't l\ffd lhf re·
`(w,-lnen In H11lt\Ut0fl,. Colo"
`bJy ...On!' C'Ull'l~rl~tiY• lhlill'l 1'1'11»1, but
`eonry <•pabtlltl1'1- ol " OflMS; t<' <i'
`~....,(qr 1ht 111.~ partl .:.bout 30$
`!hit 1im~ - hn·•11f,,,1t buil.dll'lg !hill
`<if 1h e 1i t1i. to ru.n ttgul.u ttp0m.
`nttded to d\"11"'"1' 1.nlonn.adoa to~
`Thof ..,., of ••"'r ~ i nkltw\MiOI.\ it
`f'l""'8 \o,llllt will psy llff boK.o~ I
`~;,, • fn-dty w•y. Thal'•whffl we
`through Ml hlx qu.<t""-" Ja(Olly taid.
`l:llOW thM It's goitlg 10 gf'llW' -
`d.md""' -On f\)Cu~ \Nlt•u,.. ;(& ..otu ·
`"Tlw Foxu' lulpig<t., trimplt alld
`*NW "flidly. Atld ,.,..,.,. tt1nfiik't1t
`b01\·ont11~. 11ot ~ri'!nl'fd,
`··wlll'" dn.1gnN a .Nles vid U"<YC'l\IOJ)'
`l.h'I f11<\l!I will ti. th'!~, i fl bc>lh OUt
`;1tr.-~h!IOll'W•rd. i10 I <11n 11it • Ult
`l'Ylu1io>11 and 41tvdopm'!rot ~:11:13,
`ditpl11y .:ind oompMC 11 q1'C'J)' tbnotJI
`tyHttn.. <llkd ~Wet fu..r.AgtlMf'lt
`whtl.\ WC' nf'td It.'' W&IJl<i <0n<h16fd,
`aoo q uit.UT M I toukt Sl.lltf' l1 in fQ-
`lftd Cot1trot S) .. IC!lfli U-OUnd focus
`l ..,,_,yn;ihtG m 1 •nJI
`' Tht intflrnwllon i. ttlldy f« 11C«'!:l5
`"' lh~ au..n of 11Mfl bu'ifl- d•y b)•
`.Jl'la.IY~' 1n St.t:Jiford.. C..mn .. •nd tl>\>
`ffjlOflal off>«s tai"IS Tex• Jrutru.·
`tutnl~ lt\t. 940 tl'rndN.15 uid 810
`pri.nl\'1:$." w .. Q<t. ('()fldudood-
`C.uy ~'"dtlion.. ad.llii ni"-'*""' "'"
`t btin.t in CM !111.1ldln5 J'rodo.KU Cltvi·
`&iOfl'f O..nvo:trollkt, Ila.Id, "Wt th.11.\k
`fl()OI C)tolyb«ouM It'•
`Flxu•i!JA:IWI -
`lfO C'M')' to t<'<lfk with, bvl bieol'1uw w f
`tAn. !l'I much morf infol"llWrlon dw.11
`WM l'(ltitoibl• bff(lff. A.net, With. J'oo
`C\lt • ..,.t' U11 ~C'I ttportJ O'llt of tfo<t d.111'•
`~~:::.;':° • ~lly. t•ti'IC't Wn moJUh(cid:173)
`"M•111r oJ O\ll' "'""" ••• ,. ... • Ol •*P"•
`rit""'1 ln d•t.r. pfO<eMilllg -
`tlrw.Wt M rie-wtirwesh....Jdu·
`p.,.d tlrl•m lb i..;• ..,,.. T- l'l'•I"'.
`"'Th<ty, IJI<• _.,,. ~rywhittt, '"'
`g:rowing: lllK)ft ••d IMIMt fna!oolr•tl'd
`with kadition•I 01' f.>fgal'i~tion~"'
`Avoid Disastrous Consequences
`Clarify Objectives Before Implementing DBMS
`Odo~r 2S, 19&2
`..,.. h 11ph1•tntiJ1f • t.:rst d~t. ININ.
`iru>o\Jiili • dlltll bW. t)'~tm, eht data
`tlw pNoblt - aw;ocial:fd Willi Mi'lll'h
`8y 11ri•n D••1t
`wnil'ltl illtf'5rhy an.d providlr11 ,._ b.i~ 1d.mi nbt:rW.1f mia•n ~ thf a"8o-
`To nonyout• dtotalk-d dd1u.111ri.
`I• ell'ptflslvt,
`If )'OU >itt pl>1t1Altlfl to llllllpk-me111 • oovery.
`Ju~ >ivthorlty on tM d.fof\.11.h~on uid
`..- o r d11t.:i. Ti- e.J'I bt pf'Obltrnt. 1r11i11.-d prnorinl'.I nid •1181 No~
`~u ~ ~~t-f'lt •1~m
`hOW'l"rff, t'Vt'.ft ... ~ lht' ~ .,_ $IJOl\g maiwgnnenl Ndd .. ng. How·
`(O~IS), )'~ mutt ~ <'"f •booiet
`O...ea 1laM Appt'Ottlll,
`t'O~r. h" ;I.I\ -1\IW Pl'Oef# li <Wu.
`F'~loi.•l11g .. d•la .,_ •ppl'09Ch ee.n
`(unrtlotl h..u bttft
`)'OQf objc<U\'e$,
`1)1) )'011 iAlotnd 10 foll.:>w • d.:11..1. ~ in .. ot .. ot • f..ltV Nptt.d Upttldttutt1 pMpffly U't tJP. Ci .. tll U \U'tfflt Jil•
`i• t(I IW QC1o11t.mltd 11,_.i fll&t'l:ilg-f'd tf•
`o\Jial tN!t '°""lc>f alan. w.tiOo\, ....,.,IJtn lll'f! li.lriy to pull kcti .. 'f4y,
`IPf'rolth IO m:oaa.gi l'I& )'Our COIJ\ptl• 1M it it -
`•an ;a«- method? le ls q uue <-· pl.ie.:itiom of .,.hal ii Involved, bu.I CfdW'e'J ltl Mder 1oovtto0mt ~ you un "110fd to litt at1 t.nthUIU&il
`Thi• ts not. hO'M't"t'tt, .ui uw. wlwtt
`ny'• ..WU. or ju,. .,_ • D8~1S pachgt'
`;,g«nt'nl n.ot oaly 10ndeowid tbf i m- nnk and by.,._ tht" nt.Olhr.twd pro-
`lll!On fOt • D&.tS '°'M "1&E'<I '°*""' • al&o th•• they nuin.tai n ~•ll oon.. prObk.m'- It is nOt PoMibk to su•r·
`IO<llk' without vi'ry atrict «inlTOh.
`troil o f the proj«t. U,.. m•""4~ an1"' that 1tii,, ... u 1 n"""' hitppt"I\. Giv"n a <...mW approach and 11\it ap-
`pifti<UWt pn.>bltin .,.ilh the- i nltn·
`,and If h d - oenir dw d.ltl b - Ml· plleulofl o( ;a lot ol OOl'IUl\Ofl _....,
`1St1110( havl.llg flO lfll-fW't 0111N<OM- men• u.l\denta.nlb "'"""' 1• l nt'Oll"C'd,
`f"'"'Y• However, t.hete i• • 4'.iign
`they wiU l'-)'.PKI m:1j()t f>tlWlita 10.,. a.ini&olnitor m1et f<IUOW vp ..i.er thi' ~ne.lilt<&n W•<lik.-ed.
`that uslt1g• D!MS in this w•ya11 re• ptO'l'ided ",at a strok.e" and will t~l'lt 10 l'.'nMlrt' th4l hi• rttonh ~ Bri.ngll'ltl In nperien« either ffO.l'l'I
`•Wt i fl i." I# i iltl'Mllin,g i n ..n u fl(!C)ft. q uidly bot«ltn• d.dilha51.:>n.td .,.hitfl
`the V•l'ldOr Or • ((N'l•ulunt (II" M "
`!Nill tol'l'*"lotrU.
`they ~•low to .,PS>fllr.
`gOQd in~11ntn1, but~ norefu) how
`IJ'O.lkd W"ll)', ofwn 1"\llting in d.iJ,.,.
`It ii:I gtMr•lly agtted th•I it ~ illlr'
`yov ~ the-M- ~It', You •houkl
`Osta Di«iun• •)' Import.._.,,
`lfO'IU COMCqllfflttt.
`A ()~tS I• jt.llJI .:i tool. A ~Ui bue-
`ponall.I lit e.Q1'.li1JI .:!ti authorl~h~ Tho:' ll\0$l l fll-pona.1H ;akf tequUfd by o\lnt to prodiJt:e ;a .,._.!elllll tb.M Ull M
`·p~ch,. ,.,,. tM IMMt N.t'ld, .. Mft. d••• b.\Ut idm.illiMr;llk>A f\IMtlotl •I
`tha ~"" b.lu idlltiftiMNWIOir ;. IM ~ll'ltaiNd -•ly by , ... typaof .i•rf
`lht' ~i11ni11g of 11 dill•""" ~· 4"11 di<riorwry'. A dole. di<ri<INJ}' i• • y~ txprt'l lc.> h11ve 11""°1d i n the fct.
`<l"med with lht' PJ'OP" marwgemtnt
`o f d"" com.panr"• d11i;, u.d hnpUc-. • MOtt f!C'OPI" rl'<Ognill'r 1hM th" d'" " wo:r1hwhU" tc.>ol In ,any DP derm·
`ture. ~lake Mtre Iha• the t"Xptrit11ot
`well-Of$anu,,J' dal,a p~ng df:, b - ;i.d:ml.nlltr.uOf should be ;ip-
`111. but II ~ a 11~1)' of lhe pt09lt bn'iughl lt1 IJ ~ Ofl
`partm.,1u t~ Mt JOOd 6U:tllJUdj
`pui"ltd 111 mll~M•l'I• level aACI w'ht11 • daea beH •yMtm S. brit1g im· 10 )'(lu t Maff by ••b.ilcldi115 the;m in
`that W function will evenl\ially in-
`;,nd procl"duttt., whkh att strktly
`p ltlDl"TltC'd.
`tho:' proj«t ~ams.
`company did 11~ mu,q • di.la di<tio- w.,. in whktl progn•met'J u~ the
`~p.Nt1ce h.U 1how1l 1.h111 .,.ht~ a Ottlu.l 001uto.1 ~ •l\Cllail'f>d ov"r t h•
`tt1fott!td. II ;. i1'o l.l'l'lporu111 to 1.1ft. vol\lll Mvtnl p«1p1e.
`In pnt°ti«', chit hMJ p~ to M
`dl""tnid lhl'- ditkrTal.'ll """«n "'"
`1ablbhl11g Ill\ lnttp•~o:'d d'lu. ~ very du'bcult to 11m.ngt. lo.bony w- 11ary•t tho:' =rtafl ol adlola 1 -projc<t.. OIM-1$ d.ala rnan.lpu'4tl0fl languag_t.
`""' d•ll:I boo~ for nvi n unii:, °" with thl'- p"11liltftlllll'ld althc'lugh tlw,..
`;l.tld impbrfl\IUUi llg .. n11mNr of~ fl"l'li~ N-WI ttcfUH'd 10 COIM «I tttfl\$
`lt W~f llOOn fo.tt~ 10 ~ubll$.h OM. II
`Iii SOll'lt Or&>tliU lioflf tlwy h•v•
`t"n W both dilfi<u.lt and funi'<Vn· , (ormord • 8111'-<i1J grou.p t(I wrl ~ it. A
`'' a penon u.lk-d • d•ll:I b,. ...:fmi•
`w.ming IO <lfftt' • dott. dkrion.nr (01 btntr ')'$lcm h.:a• provo:'d IO boe tht
`IMn!!)f, h" IJ usu.ally• p~ dwi l n ulMl.ng srt"- · Unlc-M yov on.e that 111~ tlw progruna\t:l' '°
`bt 11p~ch11d w ith """'''°l'I N<iuw who Pf'rf.:>rll\$ ;a \ow•~ d.:iu ((lft•
`The lt1ttpMlon of J)'ltteu nefd• 10
`tlwtt _.,.«'ptlOfl;dly weU-doellll\e1utd "'"le lhe d.lU aanlpulatitlt1 Ian..
`ioaior wilh 11~1-t'l,)UP kl . -itw
`o f the m lild> b ifht>r ~I of e}(pwrtiM 1;rot f1111ction, la thill poktiol\ tlw 5)'111tlM. tt ii pt0bi.bly ot1ly f!•wtie.-1
`lit ...,dopa d•lll dkrionur fur l\4"W wl\M tht'f pa'Od~.
`~uirN. the pobe.cs inv.,....l"d 111. d'IU Nsit ad.minhtrf.tof ha& no -"!·
`•lwl'ing lftf.:>rmatil>fl, the tMtt-.:1 O.oril)' llACI (Ill\ ex.m'.IW I\() ttal (WI• •pplkl.doN.
`Altho .... h IJ\o:'tt 1$ ilOIM INIJI I.II d""'
`ove~4' invuJved. with P~l\S trol.
`It i~ Qultt<Oirn-A f0ir Mmfl"Ai .. N:I
`111a-•1u thal 1ni11tt progn11111Wft
`lfacomoponyl•"'riou•abc.>111imple- uprrim«- nwjof probkm• ill w.n· ha" fek't'f pn:ilile - ill Wllil'ltl •
`uid rna1ni;,i111ng the da111 N.w and
`.in011g thf d.ni;gne.111.
`t><p.M11.c. tn
`i• pl,..
`;==========================il l f\3 to ltm'I• with th eir tllklt~ da4a. Dflb..IS dwn do progr~- el<ptrl•
`kl..-lly, eht wbol• pl'Ojrtl 61'\ould be
`f'flM. i n OC1onWlltio1111l f ile ... nag ..
`~ to bl'. ~ndtnl OJI tt.- mer11 "tdultq,.._ tlwn' nt ill pra('(cid:173)
`Ike few problfll'I• ln g~Afl Jl«IF*°
`dMa dletlon.:uy •nil dt$1gner.i; uid
`prvble• i• 111"" lik.ty '° O«W
`pM~mm•rt 11hc'luld ha ff on.-liM
`10 thiilk data b.lu at thiJ "'""'· TM
`i nll!noptiOfl fciliti~ Updtll" au·
`thorlty thou.kt Ofllf ~ '"'ilable IO
`1lw da111 bi\t.e ad111l111$tr111itr •
`. ::JAnalysts ·- -- -
`Tht wid11r im pl i('lltiOl'I~ ol .»ta hM4t
`""'"'-~ i1 dlf:fklllt to •IP"\' (It\
`11 fl"'C!.l:dtt~.nt• Nilt' Une with ""'°'"
`aACI I.hi$ un N- m•jor del.:iy• lit the
`prl'.I~· If fir'-• ,.,.. llO N
`i mp l ..
`trlt'llll"d 4(JOW dt"pert.mt'lllal bovnd·
`arlff thett &ff Uuty IO be 5"te11$ po(cid:173)
`fitit<il pr()bffm'
`Wl•rillg <if .S... whkh (nl oJ\Jy bl'.
`,,..,;ol,,.,i by • .,;.,, ." ............. ,,._
`l yf"'l' ol probl•••r11 vttu r far I - i i\(>,.
`p11inliol1' ..,.hete thf illiriati~ (.or
`dw dllt.11 0- approach co111n from
`ln all <OlllP'l'ttr ~l()pnwnts tht,.
`" rw, • r~t"d t11d produ<1111 w-hkh
`to ~in. · TM 11.Yfl~ it1t"Vitabty
`ii iJ bring d"vtloopt'd. The
`~hatlfl~ •
`Iha! cruo~~ent will 4'llf"'<' tl\.M '*'•
`proOlem w~th • <!Ml bai.t lo)'llhtll'I iii
`1Ut or• O&.«S will t11•blt> you to
`take on ~td dla~ 111.0~ rwdlly.
`The IMS Integrated
`Machine Workshop Serles
`Ou1 IMS 1111eg11«1 MW1111e Work$1'\0P serto• en•~oes rou to
`Gtw•IOf> )'Ollf flwt'I IMS pt()@l.Mlllt~f»t ,..Olll'Cff in·llOU$$
`1na l f'Oid tile el<""""'4 111C1 11as5lt ol 111ring l10m outSielt your
`~lltliofl. TniJ MoiM It dMiJOl*I 10 .,...,.;.,. 1*1lti~IJ -.111>
`a wOo'llAflg l l -18<1(1• Of Ir.IS 06.tOC alld i11¢lut1•• tilt l~I0•;"9
`111111«1 1~ 4)(111(-;
`• Of.fl A~ion P.QGr1mml119 • a.11:11 Teimmal Sitnftalor
`• Dat1 COfl'lmulOQlions
`• Me~ L'<lrma• Semo:e
`• Aj)j:llloa.llon °"""ropm1111 ~»Cilll1(00!10f'Wlof)
`A ee•iee of~ WOtkslloP prou1orn11will t>e u~
`IN~· thO program IO rtlf'llCWCI 1,,. IOCl\111 malarial af'ld fllO.
`.;ce fl\ffltllfilfwilrl li,.....fl1nll to11e<itn(;l:l In tile 11n-onlften'I in
`oevc.IOp )CU OPP'l<"'llOfll,
`'ftlllCll lllO\I -
`n. •Ml(lfllltd Machi"' WOlkthoP IO•"'°"l t11abl" .,o.,i. *lall
`10 become Pl'Oduct<Ye wlU'lln 11.-e weel\JJ. Tiie ~ies c~ets ot
`11\tot Sllpat&I• IOul c».y ws111on.s. "''* .......... t #Id MtondlaS.
`$On,. tlloie Is. WOdl. °'' ~ ~les PWIJeiC¥flS IO C~ll
`1111 •ortaflOllS #Id absorb m.i11llM froll'l lllt 11,....kl1111 lfflllon.
`Up tO llflffn ~e 1:1n t>e !r11l11ed pm1,1ll- l f l y,
`f<f)O - · ifll•m1tlon, conlKt"" Wth< 1t O&MIC20ai '4~$2:$4.
`We m,ake every bit count.
`&•pllrit>l'lrit t.. U.Ow11 tit.al tlw o,.
`g11niuliOJI$ ... hldi ha~ Md the nwet
`sue«t5 In lt11plo:'111t11dt1g • dMa w,..
`1)'5UM h.1 ... !Jlt fo lkl ... tng thlt1p ln
`• A long h..lftory ol ~(ul da~
`· n.. •><i&1.in.t11 o f go<lol 1U.t1.S.rdto
`Uld prcHWd....,... which are ...wt.ly
`• v,.vW113
`iuntirig in.lt:gfl!ted •)"ti"-.
`• A corpor.ie tolftl!lllt-.nt to ...,111g
`!ht DBMS k>r aU .yMellll.
`The~ i~ P(> 6o1i1bt, ,,_..,, t.h•I
`providiflg )'I.I'll pt"" IOJlether thi'
`~ e?lptrtl$t and h..1'\" IOi.l
`~Nig4tm••H 0011U111t-111 that dw
`p;i111 o r 111•1 riilo. iJ i n th• devdop(cid:173)
`""'"" Uf I IQl1lly l'lllW "J'Mt•.
`Filially, i t it ~ miking
`polt1t tbd 111m1 o f tht di&leiten th•t
`lw.w bt<f.n attrtbvted to thf DBMS
`Although lhl!' UJjf o r 11 Ott.CS ~ are i n rHl.il)' tM l'ffUl t ot Md m.ltl•
`mak" d\angt ell!ier, tht M<nlt o f 1'\IC'- AJl•mitTI•· u-ny t h• ~ hM
`<c.M i. dw develop11W11.l fl"'X"'" 111 beer+ il'l"'"Y<ff •• • ,...._ i .i the
`Wb.id> Manllg_t~ C'OflUOi, •lnlc-
`hope d wt It ... u1 ('Ute pro~ th.It
`11,1rt'(I ell!diniqu-. datll ual)'lli• al\d ~~ttMilled.frot11aNdl1~
`th" d.aho d:ictiOfl.uy .U pl«y a tti i.I OP dtpar11ntnt or fro• th• actl • iliM
`p.itt In pnidudl'lg .. •r"'• th.111 1, of • pou.p <if ~t1I ~fittiJ
`tlwt have brefl f.llowtd 10 get 1.1'111 o(
`both Of.;.:tbk Uld N$lf 10 m,al.l\Wn..
`0."'5..• totdllll_.,. ilt 1W UK.._.,.
`How•voir, dat.1 ~ ~i.ntion N.l\d,
`"nd teMrvtrurina c-n i t1"'4l¥• ... ry
`len;gthy ~ whirh ...,. u uw n..tM m .t.i<1 ~ s,i:e,_ Mf-'lf~
`~ opl"mierwl probl.,_ if JOU UTMll ~-""' DSMS _, u~
`Copyngh1eo materl'll
`* ol I ~ "M' rnlldlill• 1ft(tudf$
`t}u: ld.N that flXh a proce11tof "'fl"'*
`i1tni. • fPtci"IJudOfl ol funcdon -
`SP"'i lially, t1 .. data Mit Wla.IUI ...
`~t (06).(5) h111ction, Th.i• •Pttlal·
`lz•tiOfl. ol (OW'Jlt. b«oaltt ~bit
`Oflly WMfl tol'l'lpu'td 10 M>Cl'ICt.hing
`t ltoe -
`ll\Opj>Vm.111ity thU 1ri-
`whe"' Ci\oO"' dNtfy tlvan in • Mt·
`WOik ot disu1but~. bo.11 COlllUll.UN·
`~nsm;ioi;:h i~,
`Spttifie.lly, .omt node. In « Pll'I·
`worli: aay bt gear'\'<d tow.a.rd apptica•
`tiofl ~I.fig. W"ht NlllS Ont Ot' 111.0I'*
`llt.IWT'8 (i,. .. 4"'u °""' m~i"M) , ..
`Getting C011iputer-based training
`up and n111ing
`-ra-quires lean SIWol'L
`vmen vou ~ ~ comDUCef.Oi.Jsea tralnf'lg
`~. VOU need ti) IOOlc at Mete lNnjJ$l 50ft·
`W¥fl ttiect the 'ie"dor'lwstom~$1,()pQft" roe·
`1ne PHOENIX System IS tile state~·d'le-an
`leidOr il'I CeT ~re 1'ne PHOENIX Sys,tem l\iS
`me Mie:st•to-use .._,tt'IO!tm wsttm M'ilble for
`CST ,._ ... o . The PHO£NI)( S'yStem IS~ by
`~ $V'!tel'l'lf' (X)f'(ll*tt customer StQ)Ort team
`PltOOUCT DIVILOPMINT. our orodu.:t des9n
`Ql'CkJO ~ SOft'A•Jre ~ w'ah se>e·
`m tht ooeratianal re<N'19"n8fltS d diffl?rtnt ,,.
`o.ismes Tlle'f na...e oewloOeO.a user ·f'neo.itv. eas·
`tv<nst<llecl ~ ""'-tiet)S)W Wt! a M:CeSWt
`Uainll'Q ClroQfKn
`TICtmCAL SWflOIT. Goal !MtemSbedtsur> vour
`ttainir<:i *"'with .a g~p Of h~NY·tnitled 1ed'l(cid:173)
`nca!: oeoonnel doo~ eit:::\ISl'Jelv to f!elpn9
`ttie most oroct.lC •
`~9fStM'I CUSltll"l't'l'S M
`IP.le ~tll'O':ltamS..
`ttair'linO Of'OJP aAO ~ fCtte .,,(11 \\<O(I( '..tth toj)
`~CMO'lt. vour IRlnnQ dc:rxtrtmert PlnQn·
`I llCW niort l!ttl'Oi nq ,...,.,.,,_,..,._.
`I ..-n.dlD .... ,.,....
`I wee'Cl«t to,...aOf'Ct!IOl"l*""l:Cff:
`B wn:rr.2·6mowta n wtmln&-u~ I
`I -.~
`I -
`1 -
`I -
`........ ,,__
`I ~
`What's Missing in Data BaSe Machines?
`P•g.e s
`<Xtober 25, 1982
`«'!601'$, the> ·•fl!1taowuib'' whtrt datll
`87 RIHl•l.d C. RoN
`'""" lflough II Sood ~
`.terYkt l~uage - ~en. If f<1at11tt-
`OIW -
`11; .. .,..>N ... Tl\15 k W't.1>r1> ··~w.
`tM«- Is
`_..,,., to h•ve bffn m.:idie -
`ht~ - m 1n1 ~1DO.-e powtt{ul tll.ln
`s,..n..11w> CWJ
`.i.nc ve>ry lat!• i.N)l\y In 1h11:i.r ()lfiJI·
`Wll•I fl'(W ~· d•la biow lllolothi "lr
`t h• rac.1 (If c.t;ou btlM ....
`it i-.." -
`tril\Ul:i(itul \l<'l~·por.'·'*41il .. rlilnt
`5'1ftr ;, M fate•• .di- •• 1c.-.1 wnll
`-.how the' "'outsl~"' woc-1d1 TM .m· Wo1n.terp1m. Th;, I• b«•1nt" the
`dli.ntt -
`'"' .m.1lly \'.f'ffkd.
`fhat lfon.y rffidcs In tM t.KI I.ha!
`slwttd ""'It i. phy1lcally ~r .. c
`Extno B.1113
`~lfbod)' (lubi~ ... ppl>w re with
`ul:• n i.n i#ola1iot1, t hi'i r d•lil bul' m• ·
`..-id fun.:tion• IJ)' d;ttin.et fl'(I•
`Thi" juteifK.uon for a tp«Wlittd
`~Ntd ~i.w,1,11t. a1'd abo ~lie'
`(hi- aTt hi~. They •tt mi!Hing
`d.J~ bMt 1'1'1.:idllnc (.-. oppoltd to •
`dwc Vff'Y t ngrc-d.lcnl to fundamclllill
`lht •lwtt<i cook 1'1'1.,_I bt"bk lOWtlS(cid:173)
`Thb i$ OM of the t.UlellpKkd fN•
`twn 11\M
`IW<I •iJoili.catit (lf~r· fy in1n ydJff11l'l>nl m.ft'IU1$. Al'ld i;o i t ill
`ttMtali* m.3Chi nir ~ltttwd: «I n.1J1
`ui t11l11tion11 lhlJ(lty -
`th• QM t hat
`inp ifl th;, attt1. 1he &ritlon·Ltt. !Jw • • ,..bm • •pm.iiud dit!W. " -~
`• now diwiblltt"d DU.CS) W thac It of·
`givn 1hll' "'lfthlfl~I modtl ,-.. m.uch
`l nteUlgtn.1 o.tat-- ~hint UDM)
`tor!. lnliod~ ltito• ntl""-'Or'or..
`Olli. J"l°"°"•lfl)· -
`the a~ ty1'•
`fna JfgnlJkwl7
`tt11\atictd d•lil
`m•iugt'M•M ~ility and PfffOir·
`~ uid tntd Corp:1 t n.1el Da1<1i 8- ., As tlw mtttr~t .. ldl.:hff ... (01 .. cook.o
`We, ot Ml-UIW'd llM• tllbliltl&WIC•·
`~ iiJ IJtt r4il11t If/ t/tf ••t:i.t• 8.o!W
`1/1.IU't(ll'. """-d"' w to!Jt, 9olh Britton·
`i.J:\S up" dir111. ;1 Giii.it irui&t Oftlld.il"l!(t
`p~, (IDllP')•Mtt. ltl bochtaiatt,
`,'lln.nkrJff."' • pM&fitilrio" fwd••• Mii,...
`L« ~ ln.1el a"' beuing on the m..
`t~ .. miNin(' ~l'lt!n.t i• dw .I(· en"'i~ Wlg:uage for sp«ifyirtg wlwt
`~-.itt p•f/~~J ,.t.JiW4 /ly Ddr..,.
`tlon.at lllOdd to pro'l'idc 1t11s ~•r•
`th.al ~d•I b fl~. AU the dteMlflg Ol'I lhb
`~ l~.,..S'" .yntu: -
`N"' RIU'.lrt h (ill011p Pf f\c11~w. l..llu:w
`ta11311at• -
`pie-tt ol•pto:ltkat»ft th.ti gtvcsa") .. •
`Ofl I.he_,,, -
`bang f.or tho1 bouel.
`th e i-
`t>tm itti ha11d~ •Pft'•r•n« eo llw m,,.,t ~ left to tht •ppl.kl!ltion P"'"
`Whe~l!J the j11:cy ;, Mill o u t on th.IA
`f o fti. ,\IA".
`ll!JUIS rtblie.
`\\'by miNi.ng? Everybody'• dt~ftl• ~----------------------------------------
`8~ towiird da .. lll.fi'""l~ent. tlt(cid:173)
`q\lt$1S !or data .IN ~ fto111. appll•
`e11tiot1 pl'C)tftolfng maChifld 10 .s...
`beM! ~·•••t.nl -hb1~. Md lht
`lleC'.IUN the d.1t.1 ~ mact\lnt i.
`~J"~ boll! phf8if"'UyaM f•fle(cid:173)
`tionally fro91 •pplkrion PfO(.-.ng.
`11 t.:111 ucrt no con.irol wh•~
`ov..- wlu.t ~ Oft within 11ioM f>l'O(cid:173)
`\'.l'Min.g. °' ovt"f how die Ian~
`uled eo atftt1 tht ~ i. tcit(cid:173)
`m.u~. It a.ti ftO no Ut!her lh •ft
`•h11pJy to clkbltt wfull f.omw