Apple Inc., Exhibit 1074, Page 1

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`Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
`Graf, Rudolf F.
`Modern dictionary of electronics I Rudolf F. Graf.~7th ed.,
`revised and updated
`ISBN 0-7506-9866-7 (alk. paper)
`1. B1ectronics—Dictionan‘es. I. Title
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`Apple Inc., Exhibit 1074, Page 2
`Apple Inc., Exhibit 1074, Page 2

`mat stores images on a separate storage screen behind the
`viewing screen in the tube. lrnages then remain on the
`V-jg“/ing screen until the storage screen is erased. Since a
`storage tube does not have to be refreshed, it can display
`an extremely large amount of data without flicker. 3. A
`cathode-ray tube combined with an electrostatic storage
`unit that is used to introduce, store, and retrieve infor-
`mation translated into electric charge form. 4. A CRT
`mar retains an image for a considerable period without
`store—-1. To retain information in a device from
`which the information can later be withdrawn. 2. To
`introduce information into the device in (1) above. 3. A
`British synonym for storage. See storage, 2.
`store and forward--1. A data communications
`technique that accepts packets, stores them until
`are validated and complete, and then forwards them
`to the next node on the packet path. 2. Process of
`message handling used in a message-switching system.
`3_ Communications system in which messages received at
`jntennediate routing points are recorded for later retrans-
`mission to a further routing point or the ultimate recipient.
`stored energy—'I'he amount of energy stored in the
`primary of an electonic ignition system. In an inductive
`system the stored energy is
`W, at 1/21.12
`W}, "m energy stored in the primary field, in joules
`L = primary inductance, in henrys
`1 = current in the primary winding, in amperes
`In a capacitor discharge system,
`W, m 1/2cE‘
`W,,=energy stored in the primary capacitor, in joules
`C = primary capacitance, in farads
`E as peak primary voltage, in volts
`stored-energy welding—A method of welding in
`which electric ‘energy is accumulated (stored) electro-
`statically, electrontlagnetically, or electrochemically at a
`relatively slow rate and is then released at the required
`rate for welding.
`stored program—A set of instructions in the com-
`puter memory specifying the operations to be performed
`and the location of the data on which these operations are
`to be performed.
`stored-program computer—A1so called general-
`purpose computer. 1. A computer in which the instruc-
`tions specifying the program to be performed are stored
`in the memory section along with the data to be oper-
`ated on. 2. A digital computer that, under control of its
`own instructions, can synthesize, and sometimes alter,
`stored instructions as though they were data and can sub-
`sequently execute these new instructions.
`stored program logic—A program stored in
`a memory unit containing logical commands to the
`Ielnainder of the memory so that the same processes are
`Performed on all problems.
`stored-response tostlng—Cornparison of
`actual output responses of the device under test with the
`Expected correct output responses stored within the tester.
`The expected correct responses can be recorded from a
`kII0wn—good device or determined by manual analysis or
`software simulation. Storcd—responsc testing often implies
`storage of die actual logic states. although such digital sig-
`natures as transition counts could be the stored responses.
`store — strain-gage alarm system
`stored routine—ln computers, a series of stored
`instructions for directing the step-by-step operation of the
`stored writing rate (of a storage oscillo-
`Scope)~—-The highest rate of spot movement that will
`leave behind a stored image on the face of the cathode-ray
`tube. Faster spot movement will not leave an image, as in
`step-response displays with no vertical edges or sine—wave
`displays with the zero-crossing edges missing.
`store transmission bridge -—A transmission bridge
`that consists of four identical impedance coils (the two
`windings of the back-bridge relay and the live relay
`of a connector, respectively) separated by two capaci-
`tors. It couples the calling and called telephones together
`electrostatically for the transmission of voice-frequency
`(alternating) currents, but separates the two lines for the
`transmission of direct current for talking pm-poses (talking
`storm loading——The mechanical loading imposed
`on the components of a pole line by wind, ice, etc.. and
`by the weight of the components themselves.
`straight dipoIe—A half-wave antenna consisting of
`one conductor, usually centerfed.
`straightforward circult—A circuit in which sig-
`naling is performed automatically and in one direction.
`straightforward trun|<ing—In a manual telephone
`switchboard system, that method of operation in which
`one operator gives the order to another operator over the
`trunk that later carries the conversation.
`straight-line capacitanoe—The variable-capa-
`citor characteristic obtained when the rotor plates are
`shaped so that the capacitance varies directly with the
`angle of rotation.
`straight-line codo—The repetition of a sequence
`of instructions, with or without address modification,
`by explicitly Writing the instructions for each repetition.
`Generally straight-line coding will require less execution
`time and more space than equivalent loop coding. If
`the number of repetitions is large,
`this type of coding
`is tedious unless a generator is used. The feasibility of
`straight-line coding is limited by the space required as
`well as the difficulty of coding a variable number_ of
`straight-line frequency—The variable-capacitor
`characteristic obtained when the rotor plates are shaped so
`that the resonant frequency of the tuned circuit containing
`the capacitor varies directly with the angle of rotation.
`straight-line tracking arm-—See radial lonearm.
`straight-lino wavelength —The variable-capacitor
`characteristic obtained when the rotor plates are shaped
`so that the wavelength of resonance in the tuned circuit
`containing the capacitor varies directly with the angle of
`strain—-The physical deformation, deflection, or
`change in length resulting from stress (force per unit
`area). The magnitude of snain is normally expressed in
`microinchcs per inch.
`strain anlsc-tropy—A force that directs the magne-
`tization of a particle along a preferred direction relative
`to the strain.
`strain 9396-1. A resistive transducer whose elec-
`trical output is proportional to the amount it is deformed
`under strain. 2. A measuring element for converting force,
`tension, etc.,
`into an electrical signal. 3. A
`device for measuring the expansion or contraction of an
`object under stress, comprising wires that change resis-
`tance with expansion or contraction. See also load cell.
`4. A sensor that produces a voltage or resistance change
`when a mechanical force is applied.
`strain-gage alarm system — An alarm system that
`detects the stress caused by the weight of an intruder as
`Apple Inc., Exhibit 1074, Page 3
`Apple Inc., Exhibit 1074, Page 3

`Poisson's ratic
`to the longitudinal s
`longitudinal stress.
`Dolar—— Pertaining
`P018 (3-3. the poles C
`‘Polar eapacito:
`with a direct voltage
`indicated on the term;
`polar circuit»
`current flows in one t
`in the opposite directi
`polar coordinat
`which a point is loc:
`(angle) from a fixed p
`polar axis).
`polar crystals_i
`of alternate positive a:
`polar diagram __
`of quantity is shown b
`—-— 1000 HERTZ
`---- 7000 HEHTZ
`‘‘‘ " 15.000 HERlZ
`po|a_r grid-—-A type
`and azimuth are reprcs
`polarimetry_'n,e ,
`plane of polarization of r
`polar-tty—— I. A cond
`current can be determiner
`batteries and other dire
`two opposite charges, 0
`3. Having two Opposite
`the other south. 4. The
`negativeness in an electri
`n°8al.lVc orientation of a
`condition in which there :
`or charges. such as POSifi\
`. P0|ar‘Ity of picture 5
`uve_or black positive, Th.
`portion of the signal repm
`relative to the potential re]
`polarization—— 1. The
`other radiation vibrate perp
`tions are straight lines. circ
`circular. or elliptical pol:
`increased resistance of an e
`of_ an electrode changes di
`this shorte_n_s their useful li
`Pf W5 Positive charge in ca
`is placed into an electric 15
`tion of molecules in a piece
`material placed in a magnctj
`nal magnets tend to line 1;
`force. 5. The direction of ti
`point efl‘ect— The phenomenon whereby a discharge
`will occur more readily at sharp points than elsewhere on
`an object or electrode.
`pointer—Also called a needle. 1. A slender rod that
`moves over the scale of a meter. 2. Registers in a CPU
`that contain memory addresses. See also data pointer:
`program counter.
`pointer address—Thc address of a core-memory
`location that contains the actual effective address.
`pointer register—A register that contains the abso-
`lute address of an item of data in its memory. Data can
`be accessed at this address or relative to it via the pointer
`register. The value of the pointer register can be updated
`to access a different block of data, where the data can be
`one or several bytes.
`point impedance—Ratio of the maximum E-field
`to the maximum 1'-I-field observed at a given point in a
`waveguide or transmission line.
`pointing — A method of allowing a nontypist operator
`to enter data items. A menu of items is displayed on the
`screen; the operator chooses one by pointing at it with
`a system device, such as a lightpen, stylus, or even the
`tcrminal’s cursor.
`pointing and flying-The method of navigating
`through virtual reality when wearing a virtual reality glove
`by pointing and then “flying” in that indicated direction.
`point-junction translstor——A transistor having
`a base electrode and both point-contact and junction
`point-of-sale terminaI—-Abbreviated POS termi-
`nal. 1. An intelligent input/output device that is used to
`capture data in retail stores, i.e., supermarkets or dcpan-
`ment stores. POS is a term used to indicate that data
`regarding a sale is entered directly into the computerized
`system without having to be converted to another form
`first. 2. Electronic tenninal that can serve as a conven-
`tional cash register but has the capacity to capnire sales
`data and store or transmit it to a computer.
`point-plane rectifier—See glow-tube rectifier.
`point source— 1. A radiation source whose dimen-
`sions are small compared with the distance from which it
`is observed. 2. Radiation source whose maximum dimen-
`sion is less than 1/10 the distance between source and
`point-to-point— l. Describing communication bet-
`ween two fixed stations. 2. A limited network configu-
`ration with communication between two terminal points
`only, as opposed to multipoint and multidrop.
`point-to-point network—-A communications net-
`work consisting of a single communications link that
`connects two terminals and is not shared by other ter- 1
`radio communication—Radio ‘
`communication between two fixed stations.
`sion of data between two points without using an inter-
`mediate terminal or computer.
`point-to-point wlrlng—-1. A method of forming
`circuit paths by connecting the various devices, compo- ,
`nents, modules, etc.. with individual pieces of wire or .-
`ribbon. May be soldered, welded. or attached by other
`means. 2. Wiring done in a direct path from one point to ."
`another without dressing wiring in parallel runs. Crosstalk ;
`is thus reduced. Used for high-speed logic panels.
`point transposition—-Transposition, usually in an ‘
`open-wire line, that is executed within a distance compa- .1
`table to the wire separation, without material distortion of '
`the normal wire configuration outside this distance.
`Poisson distribution—A statistical distribution '
`similar to the normal distribution except that the standard _
`deviation is equivalent to the square root of the mean.
`Pockel’s effect — Poisson distribution
`pnp transistor.
`Pockel’s effect—'I‘he alternation in the refractive
`properties of a transparent piezoelectric crystal by the
`application of an electric field. See also modulator crystal.
`PockeI‘s-effect modulation —-A phenomenon that
`occurs when a transparent dielectric is a piezoelectric
`crystal. The crystal tends to strain whenever an electric
`field is applied, rotating the plane of polarization of the
`incident wave. Some 7500 V/m causes a 90° rotation of
`poid—The curve traced by the center of a sphere
`when it rolls or slides over a surface having a sinusoidal
`point—Cal1ed the binary point in binary notation,
`and the decimal point in decimal notation. In positional
`notation, the character or location of an implied symbol
`that separates the integral part of a number from its
`fractional part.
`point availabilIty—'I'he percent of time an equip-
`ment is available for use when an operator requires it.
`point-based |lnearlty—Non1inearity expressed as
`the deviation from a straight line that passes through a
`given point or points.
`point contact— A pressure contact between a semi-
`conductor body and a metallic point.
`point-contact crystal dlode—A crystal diode
`whose rectifying activity is determined by the touching
`of the crystal to a finely pointed wire surrounded by a
`material of opposite type.
`point-contact diode— l. A diode that consists of
`a semiconductor against which the end of a fine wire (cat
`whisker) is pressed. Such a diode has a very low reactance
`and can be used as a detector or mixer over most of the
`microwave range. It has a square-law response at low
`power levels. 2. Device consisting of a metal whisker
`making pressure contact with the semiconductor chip,
`normally tungsten for silicon and phosphorus bronze for
`germanium and gallium arsenide. Point-contact diodes
`are generally encapsulated in axial
`lead glass, axial
`prong ceramic. cartridge-type ceramic, or metal coaxial
`enclosures. The electrical characteristics of the device are
`determined by the size, shape. and pressure of the whisker
`and the thickness and resistivity of the epitaxial layer.
`point-contact transistor—A transistor having a
`base electrode and two or more point-contact electrodes.
`point defect—An imperfection caused by the pres-
`ence of an extra atom or the absence of an atom from its
`proper place in the crystal.
`Apple Inc., Exhibit 1074, Page 4
`Apple Inc., Exhibit 1074, Page 4

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