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`rainbow o ramada
`spray, or mist 2 a : a multicolored array b : a wide assortment or
`range (a ~ of flavors) 3 [fr. the impossibility of reaching the rain-
`bow, at whose foot a pot of gold is said to be buried] : an illusory goal
`or hope 4 : RAINBOW TROUT — rain-bow-like adj
`1 : having many colors 2 : of, relating to, or be-
`ing people of different races or cultural backgrounds (a ~ coalition)
`rainbow fish n (1722) : any Of numerous brilliantly colored fishes (as a
`wrasse, parrot fish, or guppy)
`rainbow runner n (1940) : a large brilliantly colored carangid food and
`sport fish (Elagatis bipirmulata) that is common in warm seas and is
`blue or dark green above and yellowish white below
`rainbow trout n (1882) : a large stout-bodied salmonid fish (Oncorhyn-
`chus mykiss syn. Salmo gairdneri) of western No. America that is relat-
`ed to the Pacific salmon and is typically greenish above and white on
`the belly with a pink, red, or lavender stripe along each side of the body
`and with profuse black dots — compare STEELI-IEAD
`rain check it (1884)
`: a ticket stub good for a later performance
`when the scheduled one is rained out 2 : an assurance of a deferred
`extension of an offer; esp : a document assuring that a customer can
`take advantage of a sale later if the item or service offered is not avail-
`able (as by being sold out)
`rain-coat \'ran-.k6t\ n (1830) : a waterproof or water-resistant coat
`rain date n (1954) : an alternative date set aside for use if a scheduled
`event must be postponed due to rain
`rain-drop \-.drap\ n (bef, 12c) : a drop of rain
`rain-fall \—.fOl\ n (1854)
`1 : the amount of precipitation usu. measured
`by the depth in inches 2 : RAIN 2a
`1 : a tropical woodland with an annual rainfall of
`at least 100 inches (254 centimeters) and marked by lofty broad-leaved
`evergreen trees forming a continuous canopy — called also tropical
`rain forest 2 : TEMPERATE RAIN FOREST
`rain gauge n (1769) : an instrument for measuring the quantity of pre—
`rain-mak-er \'\ n (1775)
`1 : a person who produces or at-
`tempts to produce rain by artificial means 2 : a person (as a partner in
`a law firm) who brings in new business; also : a person whose influence
`can initiate progress or ensure success — rai -mak-ing \-.m5.—'kin\ it
`rain out vt (1928) : to interrupt or prevent (as a sports event) by rain —
`rain-out \'ran—.aut\ n
`rain-proof \'ran-.priif\ adj (1831) : impervious to rain
`rain shadow n (1902) : a region of reduced rainfall on the lee side of
`rain-spout \-.spaut\ n (1878) : GUTI‘ER 1a; also : DOWNSPOUT
`rain-squall \-.skwél\ n (1838) : a squall accompanied by rain
`rain-storm \—.stOrm\ n (1816) : a storm of or With rain
`rain tree n (ca. 1890) : MONKEYPOD
`rain-wash \'ran-.wosh, -.wash\ n (1876) : the washing away of material
`by rain; also : the material so washed away
`rain-wa-ter \-.wo-tsr, -.wa-\ n (bef. 12c) : water fallen as rain that has
`not collected soluble matter from the soil and is therefore soft
`rain-wear \—.wer\ n (1939) : waterproof or water-resistant clothing —
`called also rain gear
`rainy \'ra-ne\ adj rain-i-er; -est (bef. 12c) : marked by, abounding
`with, or bringing rain <~ weather)
`rainy day n (ca. 1580) : a period of want or need (saving for a rainy
`day) — rainy—day adj
`1 raise \'raz\ vb raised; rais-ing [ME reisen, raisen, fr. ON reisa —— more
`1 : to cause or help to rise to a standing position 2
`a : AWAKEN, AROUSE b : to stir up : rNcITE <~ a rebellion)
`c : to
`flush (game) from cover d : to recall from or as if from death 3 a
`: to set upright by lifting or building <~ a monument) b : to lift up
`(~ your hand) <~ sunken treasure)
`c : to place higher in rank or
`dignity : ELEVATE d : HEIGHTEN, INVIGORATE <~ the spirits) e : to
`end or suspend the operation or validity of <~ a siege) 4 : to get to-
`gether for a purpose : COLLECT <~ funds)
`<~ cotton) b : to bring to maturity : REAR <~ a child) c : to breed
`and bring (an animal) to maturity 6 a : to give rise to : PROVOKE <~
`a commotion) b : to give voice to <~ a cheer) 7 : to bring up for
`consideration or debate <~ an issue) 8 a : to increase the strength,
`intensity, or pitch of (don‘t ~ your voice) b : to increase the degree
`of c : to cause to rise in level or amount <~ the rent) d (l) : to in—
`crease the amount of (a poker bet)
`(2) : to bet more than (a previous
`bettor) e (1) : to make a higher bridge bid in (a partner’s suit)
`: to increase the bid Of (one’s partner) 9 : to make light and porous
`<~ dough) 10 : to cause to ascend <~ the dust)
`11 : to multiply (a
`quantity) by itself a specified number of times <~ two to the fourth
`12 : to bring in sight on the horizon by approaching <~
`land) 13 a : to bring up the nap of (cloth) b : to cause (as a blister)
`to form on the skin 1 4 : to increase the nominal value of fraudulently
`15 : to articulate (a sound) with the tongue in a higher
`16 : to establish radio communication with ~ vi
`1 dial
`: RISE 2 : to increase a bet or bid syn see LIFT — raIs-er n — raise
`: to act wildly : create a disturbance
`2 : to
`scold or upbraid someone esp. loudly (raised hell with the umpire) —
`raise eyebrows : to cause surprise or mild disapproval —— raise the
`bar : to set a higher standard (new software that raises the bar for com-
`1 : an act of raising or lifting 2 : a rising stretch of
`road : an upward grade : RISE 3 : an increase in amount: as a : an
`increase of a bet or bid b : an increase in wages or salary 4 : a verti-
`cal or inclined opening or passageway connecting one mine working
`area with another at a higher level
`1 a : done in relief b : having a nap 2 : leavened
`with yeast rather than with baking powder or baking soda
`raised ranch n (1962) : BI-LEVEL
`rai-sin \'ra-z°n\ 11 [ME, fr. AF, grape, raisin, fr. L racemus cluster of
`grapes or berries — more at RACEME] (14c) : a grape of any of several
`varieties that has been dried in the sun or by artificial heat
`rai-son d’étre also rahson d’etre \.ra—.zo"-'detr°\ n, pl rai-sons
`d’étre also rai-sons d’etre \-.zO“z-\ [F] (1864) : reason or justification
`rai \'raj\ n [Hindi & Urdu rdj, fr. Skt rdjya; akin to Skt rdjarl king]
`1 : RULE; esp, often cap : the former British rule of the Indian
`subcontinent 2 : the period Of British rule in India
`ra-ia or ra-iah \'ra-ja, -(.)ja, -Zh9, —(.)zhéi\ n [Hindi & Urdu rdjd, fr. Skt
`rdjan king — more at ROYAL] (1555)
`1 : an Indian or Malay prince or
`chief 2 : the bearer of a title of nobility among the Hindus
`Ra-iab \rc-‘jab\ n [Ar] (ca. 1771) : the seventh month of the Islamic
`year — see MONTH table
`—\ n [Hindi & Urdu Rajasthdni fr.
`Ra-ias-tha-ni \.ra-ja-'sta—né, . "
`Rajasthan Rajasthan] (1901) :
`e Indo-Aryan dialects of Rajasthan
`Raj-put or Rai-poot \'ra .put, 'razh-\ n [Hindi & Urdu rdjpfit, fr. Skt
`rdjaputra king’s son, fr. rdjan king + putra son — more at FEW] (1598)
`: a member of a dominant military caste of northern India
`1 a
`1 rake \'rak\ n [ME, fr. OE racu; akin to OHG rehho rake] (bef. 120)
`: an implement equipped with projecting prongs to gather material (as
`leaves) or for loosening or smoothing the surface of the ground b : a
`machine for gathering hay 2 : an implement like a rake
`ake vt raked; rak-ing (13c)
`1 : to gather, loosen, or smooth with or
`as if with a rake <~ leaves into a pile) 2 : to gain rapidly or in abun-
`dance — usu. used with in <~ in a fortune) 3 a : to touch in passing
`over lightly b : SCRATCH, SCRAPE 4 : to censure severely 5:10
`search through : RANSACK 6 : to sweep the length of esp. with gunfire
`: ENFILADE 7 : to glance over rapidly — rak-er n
`ake n [origin unknown] (1626)
`1 : inclination from the perpendicu-
`lar; esp : the overhang of a ship’s bow or stem 2 : inclination from the
`horizontal : SLOPE 3 : the angle between the top cutting surface of a
`4 tool and a plane perpendicular to the surface of the work
`rake vi raked; rak-Ing (1691) : to incline from the perpendicular
`5rake n [short for rake ell] (1653) : a dissolute person : LIBERTINE
`rake-hell \'rak-.hel\ n (1554) : LIBERTINE 2 — rakehell or rake-belly
`\—.he-le\ adj
`rake—off \'rak-.of\ n [rake off, v.; fr. the use of a rake by a croupier to
`collect the operator‘s profits in a gambling casino] (1888) : a percent-
`age or cut taken (as by an operator)
`UNCOVER (rake up a
`rake up vt (1581) : to make known or public :
`ra-ki \rs-‘ké; 'ra-ké, 'r'al-\ n [Turk, fr. Ar ’araqi, fit, of liquor, fr. ’araqli—
`quor, arrack] (1675) : a Turkish liqueur flavored with aniseed
`1 rak-ish \'ra-kish\ adj [5rake] (1706) : of, relating to, or characteristic of
`a rake : DISSOLUTE
`2rakish adj [prob. fr. ‘rake; fr. the raking masts of pirate ships] (1824)
`: having a trim or streamlined appearance suggestive of speed (3 ~
`2 : dashingly or carelessly unconventional
`rak-ish-ly adv (1838) : in a rakish manner
`rak-ish-ness 11 (ca. 1828) : the quality or state of being rakish
`ra-ku \'ra-(.)kii\ n, often attrib [Jp, lit., pleasure; fr. the use of the char-
`acter for this word on a seal given to the family of the potter who intro-
`duced the style] (1875)
`: Japanese hand—modeled pottery that is
`fired at a low temperature and rapidly cooled 2 : a process by which
`pottery is fired at a relatively low temperature and then moved while
`hot to a closed container with combustible materials (as paper or saw-
`dust) that ignite and cause a reaction creating colors and pattems in
`the pottery’s surface; also : pottery produced using this process
`rale \'ral, 'ral\ n [F rale, fr. rdler to make a rattling sound in the throat]
`(1828) : an abnormal sound heard accompanying the normal respirate
`ry sounds on auscultation of the chest
`ral-len-tan-do \.ra-Ian-'tan—(.)do\ adv or adj [It, fit, slowing down ver-
`bal of rallentare to slow down again, fr. re- + allentare to slow down. fr.
`LL, fr. L al— ad- + lentus slow, pliant — more at LITI-IE] (1800) : RITAR'
`1ral-ly \'ra—Ie\ vb ral-lied; ral-ly-in [F rallier, fr. 0F ralier, fr. re- + alier
`to unite — more at ALLY] vi (1603
`1 a : to muster for a common pur-
`pose b : to recall to order 2 a : to arouse for action b : to rouse
`from depression or weakness ~ vi
`1 : to come together again to n:-
`new an effort 2 : to join in a common cause 3 : RECOVER, REBOUND
`(rallied briefly from his illness) 4 : to engage in a rally
`ally n, pl rallies (1651)
`1 a : a mustering of scattered forces to renew
`an effort b : a summoning up of strength or courage after weaknes
`or dejection c : a recovery of price after a decline d : a renewed of-
`fensive 2 : a mass meeting intended to arouse group enthusiasm 3
`: a series of shots interchanged between players (as in tennis) before)
`point is won 4 also ral-lye [F rallye, fr. E ‘rally] : an automobile com-
`petition using public roads and ordinary traffic rules with the object of
`maintaining a specified average speed between checkpoints over I
`route unknown to the participants until the start of the event
`3rally vt raI-lied; raI-Iy-in
`[F miller to mock, rally — more at RAIL]
`(1668) : to attack with rai lery : BANTER
`rallying n (1957) : the sport of driving in automobile rallies
`rallying cry n (1798) : WAR CRY
`rahoxol-fene \.ra—'lak-sc-.fen\ n [ral- (of unknown origin) + -oxifene, al‘
`ter. of -oxifen (as in zamoxifen)] (1993) : a drug used orally in the form
`of its hydrochloride C23H27N04S'HC1 as prophylaxis against ostco
`porosis after menopause
`1 all
`1ram \'ram\ n [ME, fr. OE ramm; akin to OHG ram] (bef. 12c)
`male sheep b cap : ARIEs 2 a : BATTERING RAM b : a warship with
`a heavy beak at the prow for piercing an enemy ship 3 : any of van
`Ous guided pieces for exerting pressure or for driving or forcing some-
`thing by impact: as
`a : the plunger of a hydrostatic press or fore
`pump b : the weight that strikes the blow in a pile driver
`ram vb rammed; ram-ming [ME rammerl, prob. fr. ram, n.] vi (14c)
`: to strike with violence : CRASH 2 : to move with extreme rapidity~
`1 : to force in by or as if by driving 2 a : to make compact (asby
`pounding) b : CRAM, CROWD 3 : to force passage or acceptanceoi
`<~ home an idea) 4 : to strike against violently — ram-mer n
`RAM \'ram\ n [random—access memory] (1957) : a computer memory
`on which data can be both read and written and on which the location
`of data does not affect the speed of its retrieval; esp : RAM that acms
`the main storage available to the user for programs and data — called
`also random-access memory; compare ROM
`Fla-ma \'ra-ma\ n [Skt Rama] (1819) : a deity or deified hero of later
`Hinduism worshipped as an avatar of Vishnu
`ra-ma-da \rs-‘ma-do\ n [AmerSp, fr. Sp, arbor, fr. rama branch. alter.
`of ramo, fr. L ramus — more at RAMIFY] (1853) Southwest : a roofed
`shelter With usu. open sides

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