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`in re Application of
`Assistant Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, DC 20231
`APD|iZti217.iz % 6’ .32“:
`Art Unit
`I Examiner
`Paper No. # ;2 /
`1, C]
`I hereby request access under 37 CFR 1.14(e)(2) to the application file record of the above-identified
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`United States Patent Application Publication No. ______________
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`United Slates Patent Numher_’J_- 0 @
`0 0__‘_3_q_g 6 4'
`. column _
`an international Application which was filed on or after November 29, 2000 and which
`designates the United States, WIPO Pub. No. _
`____, page ___, line
`D (B) referred to in an application that is open to public inspection as
`set forth in 37 CFR 1.11(b) or
`____. line __
`1.14-(e)(2)(i), i.e.. Application No.
`______________, paper No. ____. page
`2. D thereby request access under
`37 CFR 1.14(e)(1) to an application in which the applicant
`has filed an authorization to la
`y open the complete application to the public.
`9/9» c:/,9. /zé 9 pfirewrseku//age
`3/,5/0 3
`Typed or printed name
`'‘'"'’""h" '

`' 7' 37 "‘
`is ._-s~.i::za.:?in, cr..c u.::."1aZ.- .....iscla
`Unified s:a':—s Paientépplicafion Puisicafion
`Unified S‘:27'.'_=s Patent ixlummr
`___:______ 0. llr:
`WIPO Pub. ND.
`. pagej__, line
`ate-d lnfonnaiion a?::o:.:'t A-:cess in Pending Appflcaéions (3? CF? 1.14}:
`C12-3:355 to pending applications is no.
`=ilab!e to me gublic but so:
`may be available aw: may be
`"ul:llc Records upon payment cfiho appropriaw I95 (37 CFR 1.'!9(l:.)), as follow.
`purchased from the Grace of
`For aublis-had anollcai-ions Ehat are sill! nenolg-_q._ a memberof the public may o‘ a copy of:
`lha file contents;
`the pending appllcafion as cfiglnally filed; or
`any document in éhe file or‘ he pending zapplicaion.
`For -_-znaLrbl‘1s21ed aaolicafions that are still uendlno:
`(13 if the benefit of the uendino aoolication is claimed under 35 U.S.C. 11Q(e_‘.,120, 121. or 365 in another
`.-appficaiian (a) issued as 2 us. paterxt. or (b)
`as a statutory invenfior. r:-gisiratéon. .=. U.S..
`pe‘IT=rl: applicafion publication. or an lnternaiional ;:lair=ni egpficaficn guhficafion in accord anca wfih PCT
`Arilcla 21(2). a member oi‘ as _cublic may
`a copy oi:
`lhe file contents;
`the pending applicatbn as originally filed: or
`any document in the file ofme penning appficailcn.
`If the appficaticr. ls inccroorated bv .-eference or oifherwise icienfified in:—'_- US.
`2 12:.-.u-.v_-:55‘
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`ADC-?.ES5. ‘DRE.-'~lG TC: File lnfonzsztlsn Unit, Cn/si:—l ?la2T1...e, inc.-.~. 1901, 2021 Sc_..‘.

`21 San‘-J1 Cia".:
`Rehéeci lnfonraaiion aéoufi .5.4:cess ‘o 3‘--enriira
`A-lpiiazaii-ans {SF CF?-3-. 1.143:
`. .
`la and may he
`sublic but copias may '9 5'
`p-.2.-<:r-.===d from the Ol'1‘ice-:>.
`Jbiic Records unan
`appmpriate fee (37 CPR 1.19(b)). as follows:
`For rsublisi-led anoiicaiiuns
`2:‘-.‘: still ner:di_r_, 2
`ITIZTIEEI‘ of the public may abteln 2 cogzyofz
`aha pending applicaiion as eiiginflly file-.2‘; er
`any document in the file of ire pa-iding applies?-an.
`For unaJ!)iis!1ad andicaiions that are still nendina:
`120, 121. or 365 in another
`lad under 35 U.S.C. 119-’
`if the benefiioffize aendina E nli
`' cla
`aaapimtion il1a'tl‘-.a-: (5) issued as a U.S. p.—.u=ni'.. or(b);3ubllsl1e'd a‘ 5 ma-:' ory invention reglstation, a U.S._
`patent application publication. oral in':ema'rional;:1a=':ent_ olicaizion pubficafi-:-n in :—::::orda1ce wiih PCT
`.‘-‘riicle 21(2), a rnember of he public may obiain a copy or.
`the file contents:
`the pending application as originally filed: or
`any document in the fiiaof the pending applicetlen.
`— U.S. pal.=.nt_ r-: =tamton_: inventi-an
`if the a_pllca+.lor. ES ncomorated bv .'er'e.-ence or oil-lsswise ic'
`uonal pate:-Hi application pubfication in
`regisiraiic-n. .=. U.S. _n
`..m''. appficaiior: pubiicaizion. or an Em:
`eccerdance wiih PCT Article 21(2), 2 mar.-1i.7er of ihé public may 9 train a ca,-.3! or‘:
`i.'1nc‘ma apnlic2‘li'cn as “ichally filed.
`'l—f'll 3: L»:
`‘G 'l.'-‘*: F:'ls'll'lfa.'.'n.-_»‘

`United Sleies
`are-1tA_npficeiion Fuisli-.1:-Lficn No.
`Uni-:ed Slates Pe’er.ti\lum1:er E 2 2213 7-»polumn Flo
`WIPG Pub. No. .iine . pa-Je
`Er'.1gc::m_ ‘
`File lnfom
` n. ‘/A
`- one: (703,! .':'G3—2'.7EE
`r’ -
`o9:EL’.:: In' 3Q 91.
`_ _
`Flelai-ed inforrnaiiora ei:-oust Access io Pending
`Dirac!‘ '‘-:cess to pending ep;3iE<:aéicas is no: aiieilehle Ea
`purchased from the Oi-.=.ce -of Public Reccm'e upo
`vment or me eppmprae‘
`For aublishe: eaoiiceiiors ifiai: are still uena‘:g:i_. ._ member or‘file public rn.-_-;/
`the file conbnis:
`the pending = nfcaiion as ofigimsily filed; or
`any docurnemm élsefile of ‘£116 pending eppflczfian.
`For -maubiished eaaliraiicins that are sfll nendinv.‘-:
` under 35 U.S_C. ‘I1’:‘:(e)., 120. 121. or 365 in another
`if the benefit afiiee oendino ennli
`tion is clai.
`tory inve
`‘hes: (a) issum 2 2 U5. pe‘ra~.'ii‘. or (b) pubfis.
`n reoisration, e U.S._
`patent applicr. Ton publication. or an imer-national ;::e-Leaf application pui!ficefion in
`rdaace wiih PCT
`Ariicle 21 (2). 2 member of ihe public may obEin a copy or‘:
`the file conie.-‘Its;
`the pending application as originally filed: or
`any document in file file afthe pending application.
`Ir’ ihe epplicefjcn is incoa-oore?:.—:d bv reference orai:‘ identified in e U.S. ,:ei'e.1
`regis' aiion, e U.S.
`iappfcra-':'o.1 pubiication. or an imemefionel patent epplic "
`accordance with PCT Asucle 21(2), e mber of
`:— public my obiain a copy or‘:
`the pending appllzetlon as
`clndlv filed.

`United States Patent
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 6,772,132 B1
`Kemp, II et al.
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Aug. 3, 2004
`( ‘ )
`Inventors: Gar-yA1lan Kemp, II, Wmnetka. IL
`(US); Jens-Uwe Schlueuer, Evanstnn,
`IL (US); Harris Bnlmfield, Chicago.
`IL (05)
`Trading Thchnnlogles Inter-nntlonnl,
`Inc, Chicago, IL (US)
`Subject b any disclaimer. the termofthis
`patent is extended or adjusted tuner 35
`U.S.C. 1540:) by 245 days.
`App]. No.: 09/590,692
`Jun. 9, 2000
`Related U.S. Applicatton Datn
`War. 2,
`Provisional application No.
`*‘”6'°L'*'3’” "7
`Int. cl.’ ..........................._
`G061? 17/6|]
`U.S. Cl. ....
`............... 705/37; 705/35; 705/36;
`705/37; 705/10; 705/14;.345/814
`Fleld of Search
`705/35, 36, 37,
`705/10. 14: 345/814
`References Cited
`4.674944 A
`6l1987 Knlmus et 2!.
`4,750,135 A
`6/was Boflen ..............
`4,903,201 A
`2I199D Wagnr
`5,038,284 A
`8/199]. Kramer ................... 364/408
`5,007,565 A
`12/1991 Siivennan at at
`5,101,353 A
`3/1992 Lupine! :1.
`5,136,501 A
`5,270.93 A
`5,297,031 A
`5.297.032 A
`5,639,65l A
`5,774,877 A
`5,793,301 A
`5,797,002 A
`S,845.2fi6 A
`5,915,245 A
`5,924,082 A
`12/1998 Lupien et 21.
`6/1999 Patterson, Jr. 2
`7!1999 Silverman etal.
`(List continued on next page.)
`W0 99[3OZ9
`WO 95/26005 A1
`WO 98149639
`W0 99l19&1
`W0 99/310259 Al
`WO 99153424
`W0 00/5319
`W0 O0/62187
`W0 0C|I65510
`WO 01116830
`WO 01115352
`W0 01/2251)‘
`W0 01/88808
`(viewed May 22, 2001). <J\m. 9, 2000.‘
`Khtmuf, A trading mom with a view, Fumtes, 27,11, Nov.
`USPTO Presentation, NASDAQ, Nov. 8, 2001, enclosed pp.
`Primary Emmr‘ner—Richard Weisberger
`(74) Amrrmy, Agent, or Firm—Foley & L-udncz
`A method and system for reducing the time it takes fur a
`trader to place a trade when electmnicafly trading on an
`exchange, thus increasing the lfxeliinod that the trader will
`have urders filled at desirable prices and quantifies. The
`“'Mercary" display and trading method of the present inven-
`tion ensure fast and accurate execution of trades by display—
`ing marker depth on a vertical or hm-izcntal plane, which
`flucnrates logically up or down, Iefl or right across the plane
`as the marketpricus fluetualfi. This allows the trade: In Ind:
`quickly and eficienrly.
`56 Claims. ti Drawing Sheets
` BE II\Efillllilltflllllltllllfii
`: <3 ;3 '

`'.-u “-
`'\F:'-r:‘I!: '
`U5. Paar: an: Tlacsmm cam: us
`uncnr mu .=nuwur.i Radudm Ac‘.-at
`1555. an an.-ran: 1.1 rue.-treat: mcaad ta 1 =Ic¢':.1 ai i:=.‘o:mn;‘.:n mu; :1 ;-:.:;-.;
`.-" _
`Ila nfunnafian Unit
`lfipplicatlcn NLrni:ar
`1 Filed
`Cn'/siaiPiaza'i'nrae.Fta . 1:01
`U201 [fié Egfiga
`2/Wt’ 2, 520330
`2021 southcla-mace
`Arlingtnn. VA .-
`Telephone: (703) 3115-273
`AUG 2 4 2004
`File Information Unit
`aha‘-ma-Edenihiai .¢3Aa\iD0.ll_‘-.~_‘.-
`I hereby request access under 37 CF.‘-t 'i.14(a';(1)(tv) to theap_ailcatia1 fiia racard .-.7‘
`application. which is idsniiied in, arm whi-':i1 abenefit is claimed. in the following clacumeniias show-r. Sn L13
`Fag:-9.’ Nc.
`United States PatantAp_DIication Publication Na.
`638 .page.
`. column
`United Srates Patent Numbsrgo Z 29¢ 53
`WIPO Pub. No.
`. line.
`Related infosmaticn about Access to Pending Applications (37 CFR 1.14):
`Direct access to pending applications is not available to the public but coplas may be available and may he
`purchased from the Offica 4! Public Racords upon paymentofthe appropriate fee (37 CFR 1.19(bJ). as fciiaws:
`For nubilshed agflgtions gig! are m nencllna. a member at the public may obtain 2-copy oi‘:
`tha tila contents:
`the pending application as nriginailyfiiad; or
`any document in the tile ofthe pending application.
`ans that am still andina:
`Far unuuisllshad a
`if the undar 35 U.S.C. 119(6). 120. 121 , or 365 in another
`application that has (a) issued as a U.S. patent. at (in) published as a statutory invention registration. a U.S.
`patent application publication. or an intemationa palant application publication in acoordanca with PC?
`Article 21(2). :5 member oltha public may obtain a copy at‘:
`the tie contents;
`the pending appllcaticn as originally filed; or
`any document in the file of the pending application.
`llthaappllcation Bl
`tad vraf
`9 o
`lherwisa identified in a U5. patent. a statutory invslificn
`registration. a U.S. patent application publication. or an international patent appiicaiicn puhlicaflcn in
`accartianca with PCT Article 21(2), 3 member of the public may obtain a copy or‘:
`mud! .- _.-. ..
`Typad or printed name
` Ragistration—Numbar. if applicable
`Talephona Number
`‘nth =lecE:n at i.1l:rr.1:lia1 in raqulicc by 37 CPR 1.14. Tho h!r:n1ii:nluu..‘uirad 5: .-‘chin crrstzin :_‘:¢.-.n_fii by in: ,:ub'J:t-nigh is lafili (If-1 a;:u_:- U553:
`aaauacani an lanluiinn. cantlcmdaslylagolunoe byzs u.s.c. 122 cm: 3:’ c:.=.1.1:. Thu :fl!I'_'l:.'I nu Oil-‘filled tn an 12 l.'J1'!l in :_~.-.1:lal=. =r-‘-‘== --=
`gultlring. przgring. gnu cutmm ma c:r.-.,-.ii'_u,4. g,;;5a:ian (cm. to slim LE?TO._'i'ins will v_a.-1 .‘.I:l.-.¢im_; ucca Ilillllq-"?«rn§.-ail cue.
`‘ Tqs .
`imam“ 55” 1,5" |-“uh! m gafi-‘pug; mi; (5511 ;_mv_Iq( uggnwons lay.-guudn; flux §lildI|'n. mould DI an: In QMC31 9- lnf...1nztmn O: ..r. U .3
`+—.«.—.—. mil».
`in -: nmmmmrnv r:—.=r-ur.-a = r. RIN ~J.=.:‘i. Aun=-n.1.-i- VA 12:11-11565. D_o NO 5:311: FE“ CF. cOMF'.EiE'.'r Fear}. Tu n-

`............... 705/37
`12/1998 Lnpien et al.
`$845,266 A
`611999 Patterson, Jr. at ul.
`5,915,245 A
`............ 70$/37
`7Il999 Silvennan el al.
`5,924,082 A
`(List continued on next page.)
`W0 99@759
`' 6/1999
`W0 95/26005 A1
`WO 98149639
`W0 99l19B2l
`WO 99131259 A1
`W0 99]$424
`W0 C0/52619
`W0 O1I16&O
`WO 01116852
`W0 011115
`WO 01188808
`(viewed May 22, 2001), <Jun. 9, 2000.‘
`Kllamuf. A trading room with a view, Futures, 27,11, Nov.
`USPTO Presentation, NASDAQ, Nov. 8, 2001. enclosed pp.
`Primary Exam1‘ner—Richard Weiaberger
`(74) Anomey, Agent, or Firm4oley &. Lardner
`A method and system for reclining the time it takes for a
`hader to place a trade when electronically trading on an
`exchange, thus increasing the lilcelihoud that the trader will
`have orders filled :1 desirable prices and quantities. The
`“Mercury” display and trading method of the present inven-
`tion ensure fast and acanate execution of trades by display-
`ing market depth on a vertical or horizontal plane, which
`fluctuates logically up or down, left or right across the plane
`as the market prices fluctuates This allows the trader to trade
`quickly and eflidently.
`56 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
`( ‘)
`Inventors: GaryAllan Kemp, II, Winnetka, IL
`(US); J2ns—Uwe schlumer, Evanston,
`IL (US); Harris B1-nmfield, Chicago,
`IL (US)
`Tmdlng Technologies International,
`.Inc., Chicago, IL (US)
`Subject to any disclaimer, the team of this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`U.S.C. 154(1)) by245 days.
`App!‘ No.: 09/590,692
`Jun. 9, 2000
`Related U.S. Application Data
`1>:m&'.e.rona1 application No. 50/155,322. filed on Mar. 2,’
` ............ GOGF 17/60
`U.S. Cl.
`.......................... 705/37; 705/35: 705/36;
`705/37; 705/10; 705/14; 345/814
`Field of Search ......................... ... 705/35. 36, 37,
`705/10, 14; 345/814
`.. 364/408
`.. 364/514
`. 364/408
`Rcferences Clted
`Kalmus et al.
`4,674,044 A
`Boilen ..........
`4,750,135 A
`4,903,201 A
`5,033,234 A
`5,DTI,665 A
`Silvcrnun at al.
`s,mus3 A
`Iupien at nl.
`Silverman d al.
`5,135,501 A
`5,270,922 A
`5,297,031 A
`Guuerman at al.
`5,297,032 A
`Trojan et al.
`5,689,651 A
`Lozmun ........
`5,114,871 A
`Pa1.terso11., Jr. et aL
`5,’/93;1o1 A
`Fattexsun, Jr. et 11!. .. 340/825.26
`5,797,002 A
`Patlersm1,.l1: et al.
`United States Patent
`Kemp, II at al.
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 6,772,132 B1
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Aug. 3, 2004

`AUG 2 ‘-5 2004
`File Information Unit
`P--an:Applica'n'on P-.'blic.=.fian Mo.
`United S‘L=_¥:ss Pa' Nur.-
`6 772 /3; ,caiumn
`WIPG 5'-Mb. No.
`c- apprcpriaia fa
`51:3 C2-‘Ft 1.1
` _9('3))=
`co_ :4 r.
`‘SIDE? of -‘he pul:-Iic may obtain
`licaéians £3? C‘ '
`led lnfz:-nnaiiora 21:-on.-ii’ Access to Pending .'1,_=:;
`c.-:-ass éo penning applicaficns is
`pure.‘-aged from its 01':
`cf ;-’-iubiic Rena.-cls upon‘
`For aubfishe-:1 acoiicafions ii-lei: are sill asnc'ir_G. "
`the file com’:-anis;
`the pending application as crigi.-idly filed: or
`any docnlment in the file of the pending appllceflon.
`For -an
`-Ibiisi d aonllcatlons ll1at are all nendir-us:
`{.4L°.' :-
`li me benefit offre oendina anolicziion I claimed under 35 U.S.C. 11
`120, 121. or 365 in another
`'tl'1as: (5) issued as 2 US. pzient, or(b)g:1uhlisl'1e'cl as a stat
`artery invention ragis7.rafion, 5 U.S._
`paierlt apglimzion pubficaficn, or an internal anal pafient
`nlication puizflczu-:-.1 in accordance wiih PCT
`,'-‘rjcle 21(2), 2 member of me public may obtain a copy of.
`the file contents;
`the pending eppficetion as originally filed: or
`any documeni in the file of the penning appllcsiier.
`if the aplicailcr. IS incomoratai bv rafera.1c:.= or 0-':l-lerwi
`regfsiraficn, a U.S. paéent appiczfinn pubiicatiun. or a.
`’ _.
`member of £115 public .. ay obtain .5 ca
` ougzrzallv filed.

`' 0
`(12) Umted States Patent
`KEMP: 11 et 81-
`(10) Patent No.:
`US 6,772,132 B1
`(45) Date of Patent:
`Aug. 3, 2004
`( ' ) Notice:
`venlars Gary Allan Kan H, W‘
`flu, [L
`(US); Jens-Uwe SPo:,hludhle:mEvAns(on,
`Ham’ “'"'“.5*"‘- °hi°*E°-
`(73) Axignecz 'fi:1dlngTechuolugies International,
`luc., Chicago, IL (US)
`Subjccl to any disclaimer. the term ofthis
`patent is exlcuded or adjusted under 35 W0
`U.S.C. 1540;) by 245 days.
`(21) App].No.: 09/590,692
`(22) Filed:
`Jun. 9, 2000
`PM ..
`llellated U.S. Agpllcatlan Data
`(60) moasanm applnahon
`o 6l‘.|Il36.3fl, filed on Man: 2,
`Int. CL’ .................................... soar 17150
`u_s_ cg,
`__ 705,37; 705,35; 705,35;
`-, 7:15:10; 705/14; 345/314
`12/1993 Lupieu elal.
`5,845,256 A
`511999 Patterson, Jr. :1 .
`$915,245 A
`7r1999 Silva:-man at at ..._....... 705/37
`5,924,082 A
`0”‘ °°'“'““°d °“ "°’“ 9'5“)
`roman PATENT nocumams
`WO 95116005 A1
`wo as/49539
`wo 99/19321
`W0 99/1139 A1
`W0 99153624
`W0 $19
`wo amass:
`wo nuzms
`wo ouassog
`lChaxouf.A lrading mom win: a view, Futures, 27,11. Nov.
`USFYO Prcsenugion. NASDAQ. Nov. 8, 2001, cnclosni pp.
`[field of Search ......................_._ 705/35, 36, 37,
`705/10, 14; 345/814
`References Cited
`..... 364/408
`4,674,044 A
`H1987 Kallnus at :1.
`l____ 3“/5“
`4,750,135 A mg“ Beau _________.
`0903301 A
`7,1990 w_y,,,
`5,033,234 A mm xmm .................... 364/409
`5,071,665 A
`12/1991 Silvenmn at al.
`5,101,353 A
`3/1992 hnpien cl. al.
`5.136.501 A
`8/19.92 Silvcrmnn -1 al.
`5,297,031 A
`Gulten-nan el al.
`5-279-912 A
`‘M993 W885“ ------------------- 364v’408
`$37,032 A
`5,639,651 A
`I1/1997 '
`5,774,377 A
`5,793,301 A
`BIl998 Pnuuson, Jr. etaL .. 340185.26
`5,797,002 A
`8/1998 Pallnsnn, Jr. :1 al. ..... 395/611
`Primary Emzniner—-Richard Wensbcrger
`(I4) Ammtey, Agent, or Firrn—Fo1ey A‘: Lardner
`um: 11 tgkes for n
`Amethod and system for rcdumng
`trader to place a trad; when clean-onmlly lradmg an an
`on-‘hange. thus inmasins the lflmlihnod that the trader will
`have orders fillcd at dcsinblc prices and quantities. The
`“Marw:-y" display and trading method of the prawn! inven-
`Iinn ensure fasl and accurate execution at trades by d'splny-
`ing mnrkct depth on a vertica! or horizontal plane, which
`asthe market prism flnctuaxes. This allows the trader to Ind:
`q“i°kI" “"5 °m°i"““V‘
`56 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets
` flummcs logcally up ardnwn, lefi or righi ucmss the plane
`, 0
`L .
`' I
`_ I

`Aapro-Jae for us-
`‘Jvcugtl 7l3‘.r‘20G‘:'. one -‘IE
`_ U.5. Fact and Trademark Otis‘.
`Under the Paperwork Rec‘uc:c.-I ;n::c.’1SEE. no :ersc.-is are required an ramn: '3 z mllesticn aiinformecic
`d!SlJlE‘l5 a -.-all: C.‘-£ :1.-e-.'cl =~.~.-r.-;’:es.
`' no of
`Erin; completed form to:
`File lnfomiation Unit
`Crystal Plaza Three. Room 1D1
`2021 South Clark F-‘lacs
`Arlington, VA
`Telephone: (703) 308-2733
`File lnformatlofi Um‘
`I hereby request access under 37 CFR 1.14{a)('l)(iv) to the application file record of the above-identified ABANDONED
`application, which is identified in, or to which a benefit is claimed. in the foliowing document (es 3:-town in the
`United States Patent/-ipplicafion Publication No.
`.page. _________line
`' United States Patent Number 4-Z2213 2-
`WIPO Pub. No.
`. page ____. line
`. line. ._____i or
`Reiated inform ation about Access to Pending Appiications (3? CFR 1.14):
`Direct access to pending applications is not available to the public but copia may be available and may be
`purchased from the Office of Public Records upon payment or’ the appropriate fee (37 CFR 1.19(b)). as follows:
`For oublishad aoulicalions that are still oendino a member of the public may obtain a copy on
`the file contents:
`the pending application as originally tiled; or
`any document in the file of the pending application.
`For unpublished agoligafigns that are still nendino:
`If the e
`litztion is claimed under 35 U.S.C. 119(3), 120, 121. or 365in another
`application that has: (a) issued as a U.S. patent. or (b) published as a statutory invention registration. a U.S.
`patent application publication, or an intan-rational pawni application publication in accordance with PC?
`Article 21(2). a member of the public may obtain a copy at‘:
`the file contents;
`the pending application as originally filed; or
`any document in the file of the pending applitztion.
`‘ified in a US. patent, a siattxtory Tr.-raniion
`if the application is '
`registration, at us. patent application publication, or an international patent application publication in
`accordance with PCTArtic|e 21(2). a member of the public may obtain a copy or’.
`Typed or printed nane .
`Registration Number. if applicable
` Telephone Number
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`Bring can-rpletedlrzrrn to:
`File lntorrnatian Unlt
` 2021 South Clark Place
`Arlingtnn, VA
`Telephone: (703) 308-2733
`titration, which is identified tn, in to
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`3 member or the
`(37 CFR 1_19(b)). as folluwa:
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`the pending application as origtnaily filed; or
`any document tn the tile of the pending applitgmm
`Fa ggguhlishect applications mat are still gendigg:
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`application that has: (a) Issued as a U.S. patent, or (In)
`had as a statute
`patent application publlcalmn, or an International patent application pub
`W men 0" regl5tra"°"' 3 Us-
`Article 21(2). a member of the public may obtain a copy of:
`"cam" "'1 30D0l'dance with Per
`the file contents;
`the pending application as originally filed; or
`any document in the file cfthe pending appliuatjan,
`it the application is incor arated b refere
`ur othenrvlse ldentitiad in a
`registration. a U.S. patent applltion publication, or an intarna '
`accordance with PCTArtlcle 21(2), 2: memberal‘ the public ma
`the enlna - icatlon as orilrlall
`Registratiun Number. if applicable
`(Z032 ‘it 3-0 ZZEEQ
`Telephone Number
`Thiscullanlimnlinlcrmatianisrequiredby57CFR LI4. Thetntmmainnis
`P 2 1
`lo amcesslan application. Conlidahialily Is go-vented by 35 u.s.c. 122 and rfiqcrn 1.14. This1: Efigge “°'°1“2""°“" ‘“ 5‘
`Gums ‘B
`'Ig. and submitting the carnplaled application loan in lhe USPTO. fine will varydepending upn
`amount olllm: ywu requie In complete this term andlnr suggestions lnr reducing this burden. should be sent in the Chlel I t
`‘E I
`'1 mm '-
`Trade-nafl Ollicn. U.S. Depal1mentu!ConImerce, PD. 801 1450. Aleltandria. \/A ZZ3‘..'!-
`ADDRESS. BRIAG TO: Flle tnfcumalton Unit. Crystal Plaza Three, Room 1D0‘l, 2011 South Clark Place Ailing-tan VA
`Ifyou need assistance in completing I/reform, call I-J00-PTO-9/99 andselect aplran .7.

`erolsalaa (07-03:
`Approved for use through 7l31I2DD3. OMB 0651-0031
`us. Patent and Trademark Olfice: L15. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Panervvnnt Redudion Act M1955. no persons are required to re ~- nd to a ccnecrion at intomraiion unless it disola s a valid OMB control number.
`in reApplic_atlonof
`Bring completed fomr_lo:
`l‘-“lie lntormabon Unit
`Crystal Plaza Three. Room1DiJ1
`2021 South Clark Place
`Arlington, VA
`Telephone: (703) 308-2733
`File information Unit
`"‘”"”"I “L “E
`Appr ion Number
`3 2
`3 2_ 60
`E i
`S’ J
`I hereby request access under 37 CFR 1.14(a)(1)(lv) to the application file record of the above-identified ABANDON_ED
`application, which is identified in, one which a benefit is claimed, in the following document (as shown in the
`United States PatentApplication Publication No.
`, column
`United States Patent Number G,
`WIPO Pub. No.
`. page
`, page.
`Pending Applications (37 CFR 1.14):
`Direct access to pending applications is not available to the public but copies may be available and may be
`purchased fromthe Office ofPublic Records upon payment ofthe appropriate fee (37 CFR 1.19(b)), as follows:
`For published applications that are still pending, a member of the public may obtain a copy or’:
`the tile contents;
`the pending application as originally filed; or
`any document in the file of the pending application.
`For unpublished applications that are still pending:
`ifthe bomfit of the pant-rgg application is claimed under 35 U.S.C. 119(e). 120. 121. or 365 in another
`application that has: (a) issued as a U.S. patent. or (b) published as a statutory invention registration, a U.S.
`patent appticaiion publication, or an intemaiional patent application publication in accordance with PCT
`Article 21(2). a member of the public may obtain a copy at:
`the file mutants;
`the pending application as originally tiled; or
`any document in the lil - of the pending application.
`e application is r,._.-mo . »- -
`reference or otherwise identified in a U.S. patent. a statutory invention
`= istration, a U.
`. pa nt -lirlication pubfication. or an international patent ap lication publica ‘on in
`.CTA '
`l'1(2). a memberof the public may obtain a cap of:
`- - ,- cati oriilly filed
`Timed °' Pflmed name
`Registration Number. lfapplicable
`70 3-‘fl§~0‘3<7§
`Telephone Number
`This ootieaion at infonnatinn is required by 37 cFR1.14. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit bylhe pubtlcvmlch is I: file (and by the USFTO
`to process; an application. confidentiality is governed by 35 use. 122 and 37 CFR 1.14. ‘nits collection is estimated intake 12 minute: to complete. including
`gathering. preparing. and submitting the ccmoletedappiication iorm to the USP'l'D_ Time wiiwrydepencilng upon theiiidivldual case. Any comments on the
`amount of time you require to complete this form andlor suggestions tor reducing this burden. should be sent to the chiei lniormation Ofiicer. u.s. Patent and
`Trademark Oifice. U.S. Department of Commerce. P.O. Box 1450. Alexandria, VA 22913-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS
`annnr:=: RRINL‘. Tn- Fit: lnFnrl'nafinr| tlrrit ¢‘.nrr=tat Plaza Thrnn. Room 1001. 2021 South Clark Place. Arllnulon. VA.

`SEP 2 79 Zflllll
`File Information Unit
`Bring c=n=_ul’eF_=d form ab:
`File lnionneiion Unit
`Cdrstal Fleze Tnree,_Rccl::1 11301
`2021 Saufh Clerk Place .‘
`Arlington. VA
`Telephone: (703) 308-27.3a.
`l here;-1;‘! reques; _ac_cess under 37 CPR 'l.‘l4(e.)(‘l)(iv) to the eppliceiionfile recs rd of die above-Edeniified ;1B.£ND0i-lE-'_‘|
`application, Whlcfl 15 zderrtmed in, or to which a heszefii is claimed, in ihe following document (as shown in the
`United Staies Pafenmpplication Fubliceflon No.0\.\'((9~Ci C?
`United States Patent Number
`line ,
`, line.
`WIPO Pub. No.
`. page
`. line
`Related information about Access 3:0 Pending Appiicaeions (37 CFR 1.14):
`Direct access to pending applications is not available to the public but copies may be available ad may be
`purchased from the Oifica of Public Records upon payrnentoi ihe appropriate fee (37 CFR 1.19(b)l. as follows:
`For nublished applications that are sbll aendino a member of the public may obtain a cop} or‘:
`the file contents:
`the pending application as originally filed; or
`any document in the file of the pending eppliceiion.
`For unpublished aoollcations that are sfill uendina:
`\ (1) , If the mda 35 U.S.C. 11Q(el. 120. 121. or 365 in another
`applicafion that has (a) issued as a U5. petenlz. or (in) published as e steiuiory invention regislrezicn, a US.
`patent application publlzztlon. or an lnlemaiionel paheni application publication in accordance with PCT
`Article 21(2). 3 mernberof ihe public may obtain 2 copy of:
`lhe file contents;
`the pending application as originally filed: or
`any document in the rile ofihe pending appicafian.
`lr' the application is incomorzted bv E:-3‘..§[_xce or oli1eiwiseiden'u'rTed in e U.S. neieni. e s't.=.iui:ory invention
`regietrafian. a U.S. patent application publication, or an international pzieni epplicafian publication in
`accordance with FCTAriicle 21(2), a member or‘ the publlc may obiein a copy of‘.
`the penoin application as oriinally filed.
`Typed or _on‘nted name
`Registefion Nurnhe‘. lfeppllceble '

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