`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 1 of 15 PageID #:1
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 1 of 15 PagelD #:1
`Judge Robert E. Blackburn
`SEP 2 5 3335
`Civil Case No. 05-cv-G1584—REB—OES
`COGT, LLO, a Colorado limited liability.r company,
`a core ooorporaion
`Blackburn, J.
`This matter is before me on the following motions: 1} Defendant Trading
`Technologies' Rule 12 Motion to Transfer [#8], filed September '1", EDGE; 2} Trading
`Technologies International, Inc.’s Motion to Strike Plaintiffs’ Notice of
`Supplemental Authority [#30], filed December 21, 21305; 3} Defendant Trading
`Technologies International, inc.’s Motion to Strike Certain Allegations and
`Dismiss Claims II - V of Piaintiffs’ First Amended Complaint [#31], filed December
`22, 2005; and 4] Defendant Trading Technologies’ Renewed Rule 12 Motion to
`Dismiss, Stay, or Transfer Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 14(14 [#32], filed December 22,
`21105. Responses and replies have been filed oonceming each of these motions. For
`the reasons discussed below, [#8] and [#31] are denied, and {#32} is granted;


` r
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 1 of 15 PageID #:1
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 1 of 15 PagelD #:1
`Judge Robert E. Blackburn
`SEP 2 5 3,335
`Clwl Case No. 05 CV 01534 REB OES
`COGT, LLG, a Colorado limited liability.r company,
`a core ooorporaion
`Blackburn, J.
`This matter is before me on the following motions: 1} Defendant Trading
`Technologies' Rule 12 Motion to Transfer [#8], filed September in", 2DEI5; 2} Trading
`Technologies International, Inc.’s Motion to Strike Plaintiffs’ Notice of
`Supplemental Authority [#30], filed December 21, 21305; 3} Defendant Trading
`Technologies International, inc.’s Motion to Strike Certain Allegations and
`Dismiss Claims II - V of Piaintiffs’ First Amended Complaint [#31], filed December
`22, 2005; and 4] Defendant Trading Technologies’ Renewed Rule 12 Motion to
`Dismiss, Stay, or Transfer Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 14(14 [#32], filed December 22,
`21105. Responses and replies have been filed oonceming each of these motions. For
`the reasons discussed below, [#8] and [#31] are denied, and {#32} is granted;
`1, the undof".1ed,C]a-k Ofthe
`United. States Di; ct Cote: for the
`0001 -B


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 2 of 15 PageID #:2
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 2 of 15 PagelD #:2
`in their original complaint {#1], filed August 1?, 2005, the plaintiffs, CQGT LLC
`and CQG, Inc. [COG], asserted a claim for declaratory judgment. COG sought a
`judgment declaring that two patents owned by the defendant, Trading Technologies
`lntemational, inc. (TU, are invalid. The patents ooncem electronic trading software and
`are referred to as the ‘132 and the '304 patents. Alternatively, CQG sought a judgment
`declaring that CQG has not infringed either the "132 or ‘304 patents. CQG‘s declaratory
`judgment suit was filed as negotiations between COG and TT were nearing an end,
`according to TT, or after negotiations had ended, according to CQG. Two days after
`CQG's complaint was filed, TT filed a patent infringement action against CQG in the
`United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois {Illinois Case}. On
`September i’, 2005, TT filed its motion to dismiss or transfer [#8] in this case.
`In its motion to dismiss or transfer [#8] the original complaint, TT argued that this
`court does not have declaratory judgment jurisdiction over CCtG‘s declaratoryjudgment
`claim because license negotiations concerning TT's patents were ongoing between "IT
`and COG when the complaint was filed. Declaratoryjudgment jurisdiction exists in a
`patent matter only when there is an explicit threat or other action by the patentee, which
`creates reasonable apprehension on the part of the plaintiff that it will face an
`infringement suit, and when there is present activity, which could constitute infringement
`or concrete steps taken with intent to conduct such activity. See, e.g., Phillips Pfastfcs
`Corp. v. Kata Hafsoujou Kabushr‘kr' Keisha, 5? F.3d 1051, 1052 (Fed. Cir. 1995}.
`Alternatively, TT argued that I should exercise my discretion to decline the exercise of
`jurisdiction over the declaratory judgment claims because CQG had waited until an
`agreed negotiation period was near its end and then raced to the courthouse to
`preemptively file a declaratory judgment suit.


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 3 of 15 PageID #:3
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 3 of 15 PagelD #:3
`Currently, the Illinois Case, TT v. COG, remains pending in the Northern District
`of Illinois, along with seven other cases involving the same TT patents. All of these
`cases now are assigned to Senior United States District Judge, James B. Moran of the
`Northem District of Illinois. COG filed a motion to dismiss the Illinois case for improper
`venue COG argued that venue for that action was improper in the Northern District of
`lilinois because COG had filed this case, the Colorado case, before the Illinois Case
`was filed. Trading Technologies international, inc., EDGE US. Dist. Lexis 26514, *3
`{D. III. October 31, ZEUS]. Again, both cases concern the ‘132 and ‘304 patents.
`Noting that “two identical lawsuits should not proceed in federal courts in two
`different districts,” and that the first filed case generally takes priority, Judge l'vloran
`analyzed the circumstances of the Illinois and Colorado cases to determine whether the
`Illinois case should be dismissed for improper venue.
`id. at *5 - *E. The parties agreed
`that patent cased are bound by the law of the Federal Circuit, rather than regional
`circuit law.
`id. at *6 n.1. Applying the considerations established by the Federal
`Circuit, Judge Ivloran concluded that venue is proper in Illinois. He concluded that, in
`filing the Colorado case, COG was “engaging in tactical strategies similar to the
`maneuvering the Declaratory Judgment Act was designed to prevent.” id. at *10.
`addition, Judge Moran concluded that the balance of conveniences weighs in favor of
`consolidating the suits in Illinois, and that the two cases are so similar that consolidation
`of the two cases is warranted.
`id. at *‘I U - *13. He also noted the efficiency of resolving
`all of the related patent infringement actions in one court.
`id. at *14. Judge Moran
`found that the circumstances of this case support a rejection of the first—filed
`presumption, and concluded that “we accept jurisdiction and believe that the Colorado
`court should transfer the related case to Illinois for consolidation with this case." id. at


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 4 of 15 PageID #:4
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 4 of 15 PagelD #:4
`On November 22, 2005, shortly after Judge Moran's order was filed. COG filed
`its First Amended Complaint in the Colorado case. TT‘s renewed motion to dismiss
`[#32] is addressed to the First Amended Complaint.
`In addition to their orlginal
`declaratory judgment claims, CQG added a claim for a judgment declaring that IT has
`misused the ”132 and '3fl4 patents. CQG also added claims that TT has monopolized
`the market for eiectronic trading software by asserting its rights under the "i 32 and '304
`patents, in violation of the Sherman Act, 15 U.S.C. § 2; a claim that TT has attempted
`to monopolize the market for electronic trading software by asserting its rights under the
`‘132 and '304 patents, in violation of the Colorado Antitrust Act, §E-4-105, C.R.S.; and a
`claim that T'!~ violates the Colorado Consumer Protection Act, §6-1-1U1 et seq, C.R.S.,
`when it asserts its rights under the ‘132 and ‘304 patents as to software which, COG
`claims, does not infringe those patents. The filing of the First Amended Complaint
`mooted TT's Rule 12 Motion to Transfer [#8], filed September ?, 2005, and TT
`subsequently filed its renewed motion to dismiss, stay, or transfer, requesting similar
`Despite the presence of CQG’s added claims in the First Amended Complaint, I
`conclude that this case shouid be transferred to the Northern District of Illinois. The
`initial declaratory judgment complaint, asserting the declaratory judgment claims, was
`an anticipatory filing over which I decline to exercise jurisdiction. The addition of other
`claims after Judge Moran’s order appears to be an attempt to make this case appear to
`be something other than an anticipatory filing. Whether that is true or not, however, it is
`clear that all of the claims asserted by CDC in this case are based on the ‘132 and '304
`I agree with the findings and conclusions of Judge iv'ioran concerning the


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 5 of 15 PageID #:5
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 5 0f 15 PagelD #:5
`proper venue for this case. which is directly parallel to the TT v. CGQ case that is
`pending in the Northern District of Illinois.
`In addition, based on the arguments
`advanced and authorities cited by TT in its motion to dismiss, stay, or transfer {32], and
`its repiy {#42}, I conclude that venue for this action is proper in the Northern District of
`Illinois, that the balance of equities tip strongiy in favor of a transfer of this case, and
`that this case should be transferred to the Northern District of tilinois. Because I
`conclude that venue should be transferred to the Northern District of Illinois, I will not
`undertake to resolve the TT's motion to strike certain allegations and dismiss certain
`claims [#31].
`1. That Defendant Trading Technologies‘ Renewed Rule 12 Motion to
`Dismiss, Stay, or Transfer Pursuant to 23 U.S.C.§1404[#32],fiied December 22,
`2. That under 28 U.S.C. § 1404 this case is TRANSFERRED to the United
`States District Court for the Norther District of Illinois;
`3. That Defendant Trading Technologies’ Ruie 12 Motion to Transfer [#3],
`fried September T, 2005, is DENIED as moot;
`4. That Trading Technologies InternationalI Inc.’s Motion to Strike
`Plaintiffs' Notice of Supplemental Authority [#30], filed December 21, 2005, is
`DENIED; and


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 6 of 15 PageID #:6
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 6 of 15 PagelD #:6
`5. That Defendant trading Technologies International, Inc.'s Motion to
`Strike Certain Allegations and Dismiss Claims il - V of Plaintiffs‘ First Amended
`Complaint [#31], filed December 22, 2005. is DENIED as moot.
`Dated September 21, 2006, at Denver, Colorado.
`5! Robert E. Blackburn
`Robert E. Blackburn
`United States District Judge


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 7 of 15 PageID #:7
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 7 of 15 PageID #:7
`September 21, 2006
`United States District Court
`Northern District of Illinois
`219 S. Dearborn Street
`Case Number: 05-cy-t'll 584-REB-OES
`Room lat-105
`Alfred A. Anaj United States Courthouse
`am 19‘" Street
`Dem-er, Colorado 80194
`Phonefl303j 844-3433
`SEP 2 6 aces
`[4:ch 1”. annual;
`Elufillt Hell “I“m
`COGT, LLC., a Colorado limited liability company, et al.,
`v. Trading Technologies International, Inc, a Delaware corporation.
`Dear sir or madam,
`The above numbered case has been ordered transferred to your district pursuant to an order of
`this court.
`Enclosed please find a certified copy of the order and docket sheet. You may access
`electronically filed documents in this case at our ECFEPACER web address
`hrtp:I,fecf.cod.uscourt.goy. Any documents not available electronically are enclosed in paper
`Please aclmowledge receipt by returning a copy of this letter noting the case number in your court
`in the enclosed envelope.
`1Very truly yours,
`Gregory C. Langham, Clerk
`by sf Ginny Kramer
`Deputy Clerk


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 8 of 15 PageID #:8
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: (19/26/06 Page 8 of 15 PageID #:Eage 1 01‘s
`. career
`F I L E
`District of CIEIZTadoflghnver)
`Internal Use Only
`SEP 3 § 2335:
`MICHAEL or. been"!
`8 II. ”J. fll'l'llm ml
`CQGT, LLC et al v. Trading Technologies International, Inc. Date Filed: fiEil’iiE
`Assigned to: Judge Robert E. Blackburn
`Date Terminated: fl9i21i20G5
`Referred to: Magistrate Judge Michael E. Hegarty
`.llll'ff Demand: Plaintiff
`Cause: 35:27] Patent Infringement
`Nature of Suit: 83D Patent
`Jurisdiction: Federal Question
`a Coioroo'o iimiieo’ iiobiiin: company
`represented by Mark William Fischer
`Faegre 3r: Benson, LLP-Bonlder, CO
`1903 Fifteenth Street
`Boulder, CO 30302
`Fax: 333—44T-T303
`Email: mfiseher@faegre.eom
`Jared Barrett Briant
`Faegre Sc Benson, LLP-Bouider, CD
`19130 Fifteenth Street
`Boulder, CO 303132
`Fax: 3fl3-44'i-TSGD
`Email: jhriant@faegre.eom
`TERWL-t TED: {JR/i 532 [396
`Nina Y. Wang
`Faegre & Benson, LLP—Denver CD
`#3200 Wells Fargo Center
`17130 Lincoln Street
`Denver, co 30203—4532
`Fax: EDT-36flfl
`Email: nwang@faegre.eom
`represented by Mark William Fischer
`[See above for address}
`e 1
`e " aed,Cluttofthe
`at Court or the
`fiistzict of'fcimfiflr {is 03 '— 33 313-3
`*3 3 3‘33 "-3333 ‘3 33
`firearm; or: file '
`_ _
`333 333- 3333 33733.33
`Court tisiséjl‘fiay
`J b
`GEQES‘UR‘? C. i. E = 7
`CQG, Inc.
`o Colorado corporation


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 9 of 15 PageID #:9
`. malaria ages-c0052 getaaaerapae'ed 09/26/06 Page 9 of 15 Page'D #age 2 gm
`Jared Barrett Briant
`(See above for address}
`TERMIM-i TED: flflfljfl’flflo
`Nina Y. Wang
`(See above for address]
`Trading Technologies International,
`represented by Leif R. Sigmond, Jr.
`McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert &
`o Defmvore corporation
`Berghofi' LLP
`300 South Wacker Drive
`Chicago, IL 50606
`Fax: 312—913-0002
`Peter Attila Gergely
`Merchant 3; Gould, P.C.—Denver
`1050 ITdt Street
`Denver, CO 80265-0100
`Fax: 303-3ST-16TI
`Email: pgergelv@merchant—gotdd.eom
`George 1. Lee
`McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert EL
`Berghoff LLP
`300 South Wacker Drive
`Chicago, IL 60606
`3 12-913-0001
`Fax: 312—913—0002
`Email: lee@ntbhb.eom
`31 COMPLAINT against Trading Technologies International, Inc. [Filing


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 10 of 15 PageID #:10
`. cmcfgbfshdiga‘it’fBitiihicgfltl‘dflédhdfii'ed1 09/26/06 Page 10 0f 15 Page'D #13er 3 of8
`fee $ 250', Receipt Number 26230?) Summons Issued, filed by CQGT,
`LLC, CQO, Inc. (Attachments: it 1 Exhibit A, US. Patent# 2 Exhibit B,
`US. Patent# ,3, Ciyii Cover Sheet # i Receipt)(bprn, } (Entered:
`[13f lSflUflS)
`3; MEMORANDUM RETURNING CASE for reassignment by Judge
`Matsch. (bptn, } (Entered: {18(22f2flfl5)
`9; LETTER REASSIONING CASE. Case reassigned to Judge Robert E.
`Blackburn for all further proceedings. Judge Richard P. Matsch is no
`longer assigned to case. (bpm, } (Entered: fl3f22JZUfl5)
`3:1 SUMMONS Returned Executed by CQGT, LLC, COG, Inc.. Trading
`Technologies International, Inc. served on 8:“ 13(20135, answer due
`QITI2DEIS. (Fischer, Mark) (Entered: [1393201215]
`9i ORDER REFERRING CASE to Magistrate Judge O. Edward Schlatter
`by Judge Blackburn. (rebsec, ]I (Entered: 08(25f2fl05)
`3? NOTICE of Entry of Appearance by Peter Attila Gergely on behalf of
`Trading Technologies International, Inc. (Gergely, Peter) (Entered:
`95 MINUTE ORDER for SchedulingFPlanning Conference set for 12(6a’2005
`09:45 AM before Magistrate Judge O. Edward Schlatter. Signed by
`Magistrate Judge O. Edward Schlatter on 3(26f05. (dlb, ]I (Entered:
`First MOTION to Dismiss, MOTION to Transfer Case by Defendant
`Trading Technologies International, Inc.. (Attachments: # _1_ Exhibit # 2
`Exhibit # 3 Exhibit # 9} Exhibit #- fi Exhibit it E Exhibit # 2 Exhibit # it
`Exhibit # 9 Exhibit it It) Exhibit # I 3 Exhibit it I2 Deposition Excerpts #
`1:; Exhibit # 14 Exhibit # ii Exhibit # to Exhibit at 13 Exhibit # 1,8
`Exhibit # 19 Exhibit # 2151 Exhibit it 21 Exhibit # 2 Exhibit # Q Exhibit
`it 21% Exhibit it 25 Exhibit ii 26 Exhibit # 2? Exhibit # 23 Exhibit it 29
`Exhibit ii 3E! Exhibit # 3! Exhibit it 32 Exhibit # 33 Proposed Order (PDF
`Only})(Oergely, Peter} (Entered: flQfflWEUUS)
`Technologies International, Inc.. (Gergely, Peter) (Entered: IDWUTIZIJDS)
`alt) NOTICE of Entry of Appearance by Leif R. Sigmond, Jr on behalf of
`Trading Technologies International, Inc. (Sigmond, Leif} (Entered:
`RESPONSE to Motion re 3 First MOTION to Dismiss MOTION to
`Transfer Case MOTION to Transfer Case MOTION to Transfer Case
`flied by Plaintiffs CQGT, LLC, COG, Ind. (Attachments: # I, 2995 WL
`2105035# 2 Declaration of Mark W. Fischer# 3 Declaration of Josef
`SchroeterMFischer, Mark) (Entered: 09(2'Jt‘2tlil5}
`9i2 NOTICE of Entry of Appearance by Jared Barrett Briant on behaif of
`CQGT, LLC, COG, Inc. (Briant, Jared) (Entered: 09(29f2fi05}
`httpsflcodeinsdcl 2222432468-L_353_fl—1


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 11 of 15 PageID #:11
`' 6-cv-(E’5022 :cggclfinogflétfiE:5?er1tilled: 09/26/06 Page 11 of 15 PageID #Ilajg
`. cmcf‘i‘tfs.
`10:“ 12:9005
`Transfer Case by Defendant Trading Technologies International, Inc..
`(Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A)(Gergely, Peter) (Entered: l l!03:9005)
`l 1:92:9005
`l 1:93:9005
`at 3 MINUTE ORDER re: 1;] MOTION to Stay Rule 26 Deadlines and
`Vacate Scheduling Conference by Defendant. Plaintiff has to 12fl:’05 to
`respond by Magistrate Judge O. Edward Schlatter on 1t:93:’05. (dlb, )
`(Entered: 11:93:9005}
`it; REPLY to Response to Motion re 3 First MOTION to Dismiss,
`MOTION to Transfer Case by Defendant filed by Defendant Trading
`Technologies International, Inc. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit 1# 2, Exhibit
`2# 3 Exhibit 313 at Exhibit 4)(Gergely, Peter) (Modified on 10! 13:9005 to
`delete duplicatiye text) (dlb, ). (Entered: 10f12l2005)
` 1 1:013:9005
`MOTION to Transfer Case MOTION to Transfer Case MOTION to
` 11:91:9005
`_ MOTION to Stay Rule 2d Deadlines and Vacate Scheduling Confirence
`by Defendant Trading Technologies International, Inc.. (Attachments: it 1
`Exhibit Exhibit lit 2, Proposed Order (PDF Only)}(Gergely, Peter}
`(Modified on 1092:9005 to clarify entry) (dlb, ). (Entered: i 1:91:9005)
`MEMORANDUM referring to Magistrate Judge Schlatter : fi MOTION
`to Stay Rule 26 Deadlines and Vacate Scheduling Conference filed by
`Trading Technologies International, Inc., by Judge Robert E. Blackburn
`on 11:92:05. (Text Only Entry - No Document Attached)(rebsec, }
`(Modified on 11:92:9005 to clarify entry) (dlb, ). (Entered: 1 1:92:9005)
`AMENDED COMPLAINT against Trading Technologies International,
`Inc, filed by coon LLC, coo, Inc.. (Attachments: # t Exhibit as 2
`Exhibit B)(Fischer, Mark) (Entered: 11:92:9005}
`(Court only) ***Deadlines terminated for answer, amended complaint
`filed [report clean up] (dlb,) (Entered: 11:95:9005)
`91$! MOTION for Extension of Time to File Answer re 11' Amended
`Complaint by Defendant Trading Technologies International, Inc..
`(Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order (PDF Only})(Oergely, Peter) (Entered:
`93 Proposed Scheduling Order by Plaintiffs CQGT, LLC, COG, Inc..
`(Briant, Jared) (Entered: 1301:9005)
`all RESPONSE to Motion re 15 MOTION to Stay Rule 26 Deadlines and
`Vacate Scheduling Conference filed by Plaintiffs CQGT, LLC, COG,
`Inc.. (Fischer, Mark) fintered: 1301:9005)
`I322 MEMORANDUM referring to Magistrate Judge Schlatter : 1? MOTION
`for Extension of Time to File Answer re IE Amended Complaint filed by
`Trading Technologies International, Inc, by Judge Robert E. Blackburn
`on 12:9:05. (Text Only Entry — No Document Attached)(rebsec, }
`(Entered: 1302:9005)
`Minute ORDER granting Unopposed t9 Motion for Extension of Time to
`Answer, Respond or Otherwise Plead to 1? Amended Complaint-
`littpsn’fcodeinsdci 0.dcnfcgi-biin’ 63-L_353_0-1
`0001 1


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 12 of 15 PageID #:12
`- cscscffifibldfirfi‘éfidfifiantbbaflédhéflnfii'ed1 09/26/06 Page 12 0f 15 Page'D #:fée 5 offl
`Trading Technologies International, Inc. answer due 12f23f2flfi5, by
`Magistrate Judge O. Edward Schlattcr on 12f2ffl5. (gins, } (Entered:
`NOTICE of Entry of Appearance by George I. Lee on behalf of Trading
`Technologies International, Inc. (Lee, George) (Entered: 12f05f2fifl5)
`REPLY to Response to Motion re _l__5_ MOTION to Stay Rule 215
`Deadlines and Vacate Scheduling Confircncc filed by Defendant Trading
`Technologies International, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1, Exhibit l)(Lee,
`George) (Entered: IZIGSIEUIJS)
`, MINUTE ORDER: Scheduling Conference set for 12fflfif2fi|35 is
`VAC-ATED by Magistrate Judge O. Edward Schlatter on 125(65. (dlb, )
`(Entered: I2ffl5f20il5}
`ORDER granting 7175 MOTION to Stay Rule 26 Deadlines and Vacate
`Scheduling Conference by Defendant. This case is stayed pending a
`resolution by Judge Blackburn of dft's motion to dismiss or transfer
`venue. Signed by Magistrate Judge O. Edward Schlatter on 125.305.
`(dlb, ) (Entered: 130551005)
`Second Notice of Filing of SUPPLEMENTAL Authority to B First
`MOTION to Dismiss MOTION to Transfer Case MOTION to Transfer
`Case MOTION to Transfer Case by Defendant Trading Technologies
`International, Inc.. (Attachments: if 1 Exhibit A)(Lee, George) (Modified
`on 12f?f2flfl5 to clarify entry) (dlb, ). (Entered: lZfflfiflflUS)
`I2:f 14(21335
`329 Notice of SUPPLEMENTAL Authority to _l__I RESPONSE to Motion re 3
`First MOTION to Dismiss MOTION to Transfer Case MOTION to
`Transfer Case MOTION to Transfer Case filed by Plaintiffs CQGT, LLC,
`CQG, Inc.. (Fischer, Mark} (Modified on 12! 15(2'00'5 to add linkage and
`clarify entry) (dlb, ). (Entered: 1314:9005)
`MOTION to Strike 29 Notice of SUPPLEMENTAL Authority to ii
`RESPONSE to Motion re it First MOTION to Dismiss MOTION to
`Transfer Case MOTION to Transfer Case MOTION to Transfer Case
`filed by Plaintiffs filed by Defendant Trading Technologies International,
`Inc.. (Attachments: it 1 Exhibit # ,2 Exhibit)(Gerger, Peter) (Modified on
`lMflZUfiS to clarify entry) (dlb, ). (Entered: 12(21f2fil35)
`_ MOTION to Strike certain allegations and Dismiss Claims II-V of 1:!
`Amended Complaint by Defendant Trading Technologies International,
`Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit at 2 Exhibit # 3 Exhibit # 4 Exhibit # 5
`Exhibit # 6 Exhibit if 2 Exhibit # 3 Exhibit)(Gergely, Peter) (Modified on
`I2f23f20fi5 to clarify entry) (dlb, ). (Entered: l2i’22i'2fl05)
`j_ Renewed MOTION to Dismiss Stay or Trnmfir by Defendant Trading
`Technologies International, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit if 2 Exhibit #
`1 Exhibit it A Exhibit # 5 Exhibit # ti Exhibit it 3 Exhibit # 3 Exhibit # {3
`Exhibit # l0 Exhibit # II Exhibit)(Oerge1y, Peter) (Entered: 1322:2095)
`933 MOTION to Supplement 31 MOTION to Strike I}, Amended Complaint
`W2 “2006


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 13 of 15 PageID #:13
`. anaemic???SltSleEXfE‘J'timiEcRE‘EtlflSflédfieltjoEi'ed1 09/26/06 Page 13 0“ 15 Page'D #nse 5 art
`by Defendant Trading Technologies International, Inc.. (Attachments: # _1_
`Exhibit)(Lee, George} (Entered: IEBDIEUUS)
`(Court only} * a“*hriotions terminated: :13 MOTION to Supplement 31
`MOTION to Strike 1? Amended Complaint filed by Trading
`Technologies International, Inc., This is NOT a motion but a Notice of
`filing Supplemental Authority. (era) (Entered: nonsense)
` fllfflfifilfiflfi
`til i“ lflflflflfi
`Docket Annotation re: 36 RESPONSE to Motion re _3_{J_ MOTION to
`, RESPONSE to Motion re 31 MOTION to Strike l’i' Amended Complaint
`filed by Plaintiffs CQGT, LLC, COG, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit l#
`2 Exhibit 2)(Fischer, Mark} (Entered: flla’lllZflflfi)
`, Notice of Filing of SUPPLEMENTAL authority in support of 31
`MOTION to Strike certain allegations and Dismiss Claims II-“tIir of 3
`Amended Complaint by Defendant Trading Technologies International,
`Inc. (Attachments: # _i Exhibit)(Lee, George) (Modified on 1591306 to
`correct linkage] (dlb, ). (Entered: filifl4a’2fllflfi)
`Docket Annotation re: 34 Notice of Filing of SUPPLEMENTAL
`authority in support of 31, MOTION to Strike certain allegations and
`Dismiss Claims 11-13 of l 7" Amended Complaint by Defendant [Entry
`modified to correct linkage and clarify entry]. Text only entry - no
`document attached. (dlb,} (Entered: Ulffififlfiflfi]
`_ RESPONSE to Motion re 3t} MOTION to Strike 29 Notice of
`SUPPLEMENTAL Authority to _l__l_ RESPONSE to Motion re 8 First
`MOTION to Dismiss MOTION to Transfer Case MOTION to Transfer
`Case MOTION to Transfer Case filed by Plaintiffs filed by Plaintiffs
`CQGT, LLC, COG, Inc.. (Fischer, Mark) (Modified on 1.311320% to add
`linkage} (dlb, }. (Entered: Ulilfiflflflé}
`Strike 29 Notice of SUPPLEMENTAL Authority to l ,1 RESPONSE to
`Motion re 3 First MOTION to Dismiss MOTION to Transfer Case
`MOTION to Transfer Case MOTION to Transfer Case filed by Plaintiffs
`filed by Plaintiffs. [Entry modified to add linkage]. Text only entry - no
`document attached. (dlb, ] (Entered: 01f] lflflflfi)
`039 RESPONSE to Motion re 32 Renewed MOTION to Dismiss Stay or
`Transfer filed by Plaintiffs CQGT, LLC, CQG, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1
`Exhibit 1# 2 Deposition Excerpts 2}(Fischer, Mark) (Entered:
`I31!f 1 lflflflfi}
`I] III 2(20'06
`9&1} NOTICE of Entry of Appearance by Nina Y. Wang on behalf of CQOT,
`LLC, COG, Inc. (Wang, Nina) (Entered: Glf12i’2flfli5)
`gait REPLY to Response to Motion re fifl MOTION to Strike 29
`SupplementI'Arnendment, filed by Defendant Trading Technologies
`International, Inc.. (Gergely, Peter} (Entered: 0139330136}
`';_ REPLY to Response to Motion re 3; Renewed MOTION to Dismiss Stay
`or Trangfer filed by Defendant Trading Technologies International, Inc..
`(Attachments: # 1 Exhibit # 2 Exhibit # 3 Exhibit # 4 Exhibit it i Exhibit)
`httpsflcodeinsdcl fldcnfcgi—binkatRptplfl 664 12222482463-L_3 53_D-1
`91921 none


`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 14 of 15 PageID #:14
`‘ CMFECPQifSiIQEEfi‘éictSmdddgwdgflifiigdnftiledi 09/26/06 Page 14 of 15 PageID #:lgazée T ofS
`(Gergely, Peter} (Entered: UliEfifEflflfi)
`REPLY to Response to Motion re 11 MOTION to Strike 1‘} Amended
`Complaint filed by Defendant Trading Technologies International, Inc..
`(Attachments: it I Exhibit)(Oergely, Peter) (Entered: filflfiflflflfi}
`944 REASSIGNTNG MAGISTRATE JUDGE. Upon the retirement of
`Magistrate Judge O. Edward Schlatter, this case has been reassigned and
`is now referred to Michael E. Hegarty, effective February 15, 2006. All
`future pleadings should reference Magistrate Judge Hegarty at the end of
`the civil action number (such as GS-cy-UGSUfl-LTB-MEH]. The dates and
`times for all previously scheduled matters will be maintained and will
`now be handled by Magistrate Judge Hegarty in Courtroom A60]. His
`chambers are located in Room A651. His telephone number is SIDS-844-
`4501 (Text only entry - no document attached} (gins, ]I (Entered:
`Fourth Notice of Filing of SUPPLEMENTAL Authority to 35,3, MOTION
`to Strike certain allegations and Dismiss Ciaims II-V of 1? Amended
`Complaint by Defendant Trading Technologies International, Inc..
`(Attachments: it
`1_ Exhibit A Opinion Order)(Gerger, Peter} (Modified
`on 4f5f2flfl6 to clarify entry) (dlb, J. (Entered: D4ffi4f2flflfi)
`[19f lifZflflfi
`946 Docket Annotation re: :15 Fourth Notice of Filing of SUPPLEMENTAL
`Authority to 3,1. MOTION to Strike certain allegations and Dismiss
`Claims 11-? of 1? Amended Compiaint by Defendant. [Entry modified
`for clarification]. Text only entry - no document attached. (dlb, )
`(Entered: fldffififlflfld]
`(Court only) ***Deadlines terminated [report clean up] (dln, ) (Entered:
`94? Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as Attorney (Jared Briant} by
`Plaintiffs CQOT, LLC, CQG, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order
`(PDF Only))(Briant, Jared) (Entered: USL’ISIEUUE}
`9433 MEMORANDUM regarding fl Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw as
`Attorney {Jared Briant) filed by CQG, Inc., CQGT, LLC by Judge
`Robert E. Blackburn on 9H Sffifi. (Text Only Entry — No Document
`Attached)Motions referred to Magistrate Judge Michael E. Hegarty
`(rebsec, ) (Entered: UQIISIZUGIS)
`[DE lSIEflfifi
`it? ORDER granting fl Unopposed MOTION to Withdraw Attorney Jared
`Briant as counsel for Plaintilfs CQGT, LLC, COG, Inc.. Signed by
`Magistrate Judge Michael E. Hegarty on 9(15fflfi.(dln, ] (Entered:
`ORDER: 3; Renewed MOTION to Dismiss Stay or Transfer by
`Defendant is granted. This case is transferred to the USDC for the
`Northern District of Illinois. 3, First MOTION to Dismiss, MOTION to
`Transfer Case by Defendant is denied as moot. 3!} MOTION to Strike 23
`Notice of SUPPLEhrfENTAL Authority to II RESPONSE to Motion re 3
`First MOTION to Dismiss MOTION to Transfer Case MOTION to
`httpss'fcodeinsdcl G.dcn(cgi-binkatRpt.[313654122224 82468-L_353_U-1
`9(2 lflflflfi


` .
`Case: 1:06-cv-05222 Document #: 51 Filed: 09/26/06 Page 15 of 15 PageID #:15
`* cmrcggi?Sifigffifimcgflg'iflfiflétfiiiaiofiiledi 09/26/06 Page 15 of 15 PageID #lgzifie 3 of 3
`Transfer Case MOTION to Transfer Case filed by Plaintiffs filed by
`Defendant is denied. 31 MOTION to Strike certain allegations and
`Dismiss Claims 11-“? of 1} Amended Complaint by Defendant is denied..
`Signed by Judge Robert E. Blackburn on 9f21fflfi.(dln, ) (Entered:
` S3_fl—l

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