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`WO9930259 [file://\\dcwasO3\firmdata\lp\FoIeyPat\PatentDocuments\WO9930259.cpc]
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`Wo993o259 [tj_I_e_:;/_\_\c1e\_~g§_<1_3_\_fn_r_r1w_gl__ga__t,g:g_\_!_plliglgxfigt)_l3§_t§_g_tQ9,gyme,:11§)yy_§2§2,§1§Q_2_§,§2,.9p9l................................................................................__
`Page 210 M21;
`lnlefnfitionfll 9PPli¢81i°" N0-
`Int.Cl‘ G06F17/60
`According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or to both national classification and [PC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`Int.c1‘ G06F17/60
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Jitsuyo Shinan Koho
`Toroku Jitsuyo Shinan Koho
`Kokai Jitsuyo Shinan Koho
`Jitsuyo Shinan Toroku Koho
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, search terms used)
`Cate ory‘
`Citation of document. with indication, where a
`re riate, of the relevant
`assa cs
`Relevant to claim No.
`JP, 5-314139, A (Reuters Ltd.),
`26 November, 1993 (26. 11. 93),
`Full text
`to 36
`Full text
`to 36
`Full text
`1 to 36
`(Family: none)
`EP, 0434224, A2
`26 June, 1991 (26. 06. 91),
`Full text
`1 to 36
`Full text
`1 to 36
`Full text
`1 to 36
`(Family: none)
`JP, 6-251022, A (Fujitsu Ltd.),
`9 September, 1994 (09. 09. 94),
`Par. Nos.
`to [0013]
`; Figs.
`(Family: none)
`1 to 17
`JP, 4—184678, A (Ricoh Co., Ltd.),
`1 July, 1992 (01. 07. 92),
`Full text ; Figs.
`to 9
`(Family: none)
`E] Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. E] Sce patent family annex.
`Special categories of cited documents:
`document defining the general state of the art which is not
`considered to be of particular relevance
`earlier document but publislmd on or after the international filing date
`document which may throw doubts on priority elaim(s) or which is
`cited to establish the publication date of another citation or other
`special reason (as specified)
`document referring to an oral disclosure. use. exhibition or other
`document published prior to the international filing date but later than
`the priority date claimed
`later document published after the intemational filing date or priority
`dale and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand
`the principle or theory underlying the invention
`document of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot be
`considered novel or cannot be considered to involve an inventive step
`when the document is taken alone
`document of particular relevance: the claimed invention cannot be
`considered to involve an inventive step when the document is
`combined with one or more other such dommcnts. such combination
`being obvious to a person skilled in the an
`document member of the same patent family
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`22 January, 1999 (22. 01. 99)
`Date of mailing of the international search report
`2 February, 1999 (02. 02. 99)
`Name and mailing address of the [SN
`Japanese Patent Office
`Facsimile No.
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1992)
`Authorized offioer
`Telephone No-

`’wo993o259 [file://\\dcwas03\firmdata\|p\Fol§yPgl\PatentDocuments\WO__993Q259.cpc}
`Page 211 of 213
`International application No.
`Relevant toclaim No.
`Citation ofdocument, with indication, where appropriate. ofthe relevant passages
`JP, 9—62738, A
`(Kawasaki Steel Corp.),
`7 March, 1997 (07. 03. 97),
`Par. Nos.
`to [0013]
`(Family: none)
` JP, 10-320494, A (Toshiba Corp.),
`4 December, 1998 (04. 12. 98),
`Full text
`; Figs.
`to 62
`Full text
`; Figs.
`to 62
`Full text
`; Figs.
`1 to 62
`Full text
`; particularly Par. No.
`to 62
`(Family: none)
` JP, 10—320481, A (K.K. Supureddo Iguru),
`4 December, 1998 (04. 12. 98),
`Full text ; Figs.
`to 7
`(Family: none)
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (continuation of second sheet) (July 1992)
`; Figs.
`to 17

`wo993o259 [file://\\dcwasO3\firmdata\Ip\Foleyfat\Pat¢ntDocuments\WQ§930259.q}gg]
`Page 212 of 213
`E%mfi&% PCT/IP98/05522
`A. %%®flT69§®fiE(E%fi%9fi(IPC))
`Int.C|° G06Fl7/60
`axaamzmfixew 1971$—1999$
`Bfiafiflfimfifififl 1994$—1999$
`axa%mfi§§aam 1996$+1999$
`C. wm+aemwanaxm
`mmxmz &U—%wfifi#mM¢6&$u.%mmfi¢5fimwfi$
`E cn1uom=s:s:cao:»=z«1Jaisénr»~z».
`[1 /<7-‘/ my 3 u —a:r;a-rzaszuxaema.
`rAJ%umEomaxmrum<.—&m&mmm&fi¢ FT;mfimfiaxuamaauafiéntxmraor
`mm fifl
`E%$% 03—3581—1101

`'WO9930259 [file://\\dcwas03\firmdata\lp\E9IeyP_gt\Eate[1tQocum§nts\WO993O259.<;;gc]_
`c (fié) .
`mmxmz &U~%OfiWfififiT6k$fi.f®%MT6fifi®§fi
`7 0
`> (%K%&fi£)
`(HEiC€:‘H::<7"1/’~‘/ F/f—-7/V)
`dobSEwm 009-
`E ® ® @&
`2 1 1 1 K D

`Best Available Copy
`' cle one) _> «P cc “R” cc ’taRTC!a
`*T'o/dJay"s Date: 3“ t}4$~{)§j Patent No.
`(I I/I9/2002)
`CalIer’s Name:
`Comments (note what is being requested or problem):
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`If request was denied forward file to LIE, to send applicant copy of
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`If errors were made in the keying of corrections for published/issued CofC, inform attorney/applicant to
`noted corrections to quoted text or corrections on (1 copy ot incorrect C0[C and send it to this Branch. Key
`new record.
`If request was processed without file locate CofC in “PUBLISH” CofCs and forwdard
`fax/request to Team Leader, screening requests for the week. Team Leader change MRD if current date
`was keyed in order to complete record in CofC Database. If request was processed with file, give request
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`[: 6. Error in in LlE’s decision (correction(s) denied), inform applicant to submit Request for Reconsideration
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`REQUEST COPY OF ORIGINAL REQUEST. Key new record. Forward to Team Leader whose Team
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`Er erlite
`lace in red moi] tub or next issue bein
`roceseeserl or ublisltin o
`rover! corrections , ASAP.
`' TO: LIE
`To OAC:
`(Revised 5/09/2003 chn) # 3

`09/590,692 (Signature)
`Gary Alan KEMP ll et al.
`Appl. No.:
`Atty. Dkt. No. 024051-0135
`I hereby certify that
`this paper
`is being facsimile
`:.':.::;".":::..::.:::. ‘.:?.‘=‘?‘.1.i:I‘i.‘..Z“.§:?J..‘f"“
`Cymanthla ITVIDQ
`(Printed Name)
`Filing Date:
`March 21,
`(Date of Deposit)
`R. Weisberger
`Art Unit:
`Commissioner for Patents
`Washington, D.C. 20231
`Please amend the application as follows:
`In the Specification:
`In accordance with 37 CFR § 1.121, please substitute for the paragraph starting
`on line 10 of page 17, the following rewritten version of the same paragraph, as
`amended. The changes are shown explicitly in the attached "Marked Up Version
`Showing Changes Made."
`Using the screen display and values from Figure 5, the placement of trade orders
`using the Mercury display and trading method is now described using examples. A left
`click on the 18 in the BidC1 column 1201 will send an order to market to./t)‘l.I\_\.Z)1 7 lots
`(quantity # chosen on the Quantity Description pull down menu cell 1204) of the
`commodity at a price of 89 (the corresponding price in the Prc column 1203). Similarly’,
`a left click on the 20 in the AskO column 1202 will send an order to market t6"s_e?fl>17
`lots at a price of 90.
`In the Claims:

`Atty. Dkt. No. 024051-0135
`In accordance with 37 CFR § 1.121, please substitute for claims 22, 23, 29, 30,
`and 35-40, the following rewritten versions of the same claims, as amended. The
`changes are shown explicitly in the attached "Marked Up Version Showing Changes
`Further, please add new claims 89-95 as indicated below.
`A method of placing a trade order for a commodity on an
`electronic exchange having an inside market with a highest bid price and a lowest ask
`price, using a graphical user interface and a user input device, said method comprising:
`setting a preset parameter for the trade order
`displaying market depth of the commodity, through a dynamic display of a
`plurality of bids and a plurality of asks" in the market for the commodity, including at
`least a portion of the bid and ask quantities of the commodity, the dynamic display
`being aligned with a static display of prices corresponding thereto, wherein the static
`display of prices does not move in response to a change in the inside market;
`displaying an order entry region aligned with the static display of prices
`comprising a plurality of areas for receiving commands from the user input device to
`send trade orders, each area corresponding to a price of the static display of prices; and
`selecting a particular area in the order entry region through a single action of the
`user input device with a pointer of the user input device positioned over the particular
`area to set a plurality of additional parameters for the trade order and send the trade
`order to the electronic exchange.
`A method of placing a trade order according to claim 22,
`wherein said trade order is a buy order if the position of the pointer at the time of said
`single action is within a bid order entry region and wherein said trade order is a sell
`order if the position of the pointer at the time of said single action is within an ask order
`entry region.
`A computer readable medium having program code recorded
`thereon, for execution on a computer having a graphical user interface and a user input

`Atty. Dkt. No. 024051-0135
`device, to place a trade order for a commodity on an electronic exchange having an
`inside market with a highest bid price and a lowest ask price, comprising:
`a first program code for setting a preset parameter for the trade order;
`a second program code displaying market depth of a commodity, through a
`dynamic display of a plurality of bids and a plurality of asks in the market for the
`commodity, including the bid and ask quantities of the commodity, aligned with a static
`display of prices corresponding thereto, wherein the static display of prices does not
`move in response to a change in the inside market;
`a third program code for displaying an order entry region comprising a plurality of
`areas for receiving commands from the user input device to send trade orders, aligned
`with the static display of prices, each area corresponding to a price of the static display
`of prices; and
`a fourth program code for receiving a command as a result of a selection of a
`particular area in the order entry region by a single action of the user input device with a
`pointer of the user input device positioned over the particular area, to set a plurality of
`additional parameters for the trade order and send the trade order to the electronic
`A computer readable medium having program code recorded
`thereon, for execution on a computer to place a trade order according to claim 29,
`further comprising program code for establishing that said trade order is a buy order if
`the position of the pointer at the time of said single action is within a bid order entry
`region and that said trade order is a sell order if the position of the pointer at the time of
`said single action is within an ask order entry region.
`A client system for placing a trade order for a commodity
`on an electronic exchange having an inside market with a highest bid price and a lowest
`ask price, the system comprising:
`a parameter setting component for setting a preset parameter for the trade order;
`a display device for displaying market depth of a commodity, through a dynamic
`display of a plurality of bids and a plurality of asks in the market for the commodity,
`including the bid and ask quantities of the commodity, aligned with a static display of
`prices corresponding thereto, wherein the static display of prices does not move when

`Atty. Dkt. No. 024051-0135
`the inside market changes, and for displaying an order entry region aligned with the
`static display of prices, comprising a plurality of areas for receiving commands to send
`trade orders, each area corresponding to a price of the static display of prices;
`a user input device for positioning a pointer thereof over an area in the order
`entry region; and
`a trade order sending component for receiving a command as a result of a
`selection of the area in the order entry region by a single action of the user input device
`with a pointer of the user input device positioned over the area, to set a plurality of
`additional parameters for the trade order and send the trade order to the electronic
`A client system for placing a trade order for a commodity.
`according to claim 35, wherein said trade order sending component establishes that said
`trade order is a buy order if the position of the pointer at the time of said single action is
`within a bid order entry region and that said trade order is a sell order if the position of
`the pointer at the time of said single action is within an ask order entry region.
`A client system for placing a trade order for a commodity
`according to claim 36, wherein said trade order sending component establishes that the
`trade order is for a pre-determined fixed quantity and for a price corresponding to the
`position of the pointer at the time of said single action.
`A client system for placing a trade order for a commodity
`according to claim 36, wherein said trade order sending component establishes that the
`trade order is for a quantity equal to a current net position of the user in the commodity
`and for a price corresponding to the position of the pointer at the time of said single
`A client system for placing a trade order for a commodity
`according to claim 36, wherein said trade order sending component establishes that the
`trade order is for a quantity equal to a predetermined fixed offset plus the sum of all
`quantities in the market at prices better than or equal to a price corresponding to the

`Atty. Dkt. No. 024051-0135
`position of the pointer at the time of said single action and for a price corresponding to
`said position.
`A client system for placing a trade order for a commodity
`according to claim 39, wherein said trade order sending component establishes that said
`offset is equal to a first pre—determined value if a single action of a first type is taken
`and said offset is equal to a second predetermined value if a single action of a second
`type is taken.
`(New) The method of claim 23, wherein the bid order entry region
`overlaps with a bid display region and the ask order entry region overlaps with an ask
`display region.
`(New) A computer readable medium having program code recorded
`thereon, for execution on a computer to place a trade order according to claim 30,
`wherein the bid order entry region overlaps with a bid display region and the ask order
`entry region overlaps with an ask display region.
`(New) A client system for placing a trade order for a commodity
`according to claim 36, wherein the bid order entry region overlaps with a bid display
`region and the ask order entry region overlaps with an ask display region.
`(New) The method of claim 22 wherein the market depth is based on an
`exchange order book and wherein the static display of prices does not move in response
`to the addition of a price to the exchange order book, the additional price comprising a
`displayed price.
`The method of claim 92 wherein the static display of prices does not
`move in response to the removal of a price from the exchange order book, the removed
`price comprising a displayed price.

`Atty. Dkt. No. 024051-0135
`The method of claim 22 wherein the market depth is based on an
`exchange order book and the static display of prices never moves in response to a price
`change in the exchange order book relating to a price which is displayed.
`The method of claim 22 wherein the plurality of additional parameters
`comprises a price and type of order.

`Atty. Dkt. No. 024051-0135
`Claims 22-88 were pending in the application. Claims 22, 23, 29, 30, and 35-
`40 have been amended. Claims 89-95 have been added. No new matter has been
`introduced. Thus, claims 22-95 are pending for-consideration at this time.
`Applicants thank the Examiner for the telephone interview of March 21, 2003.
`The pending claims have been amended as discussed. The discussion resulted in
`agreement that the claims as amended are allowable and that a Notice of Allowance
`would be issued promptly.
`Applicants note that the amendments are being made without prejudice and
`solely in order advance prosecution of this application more rapidly to issuance.
`Date March 21 2003
`.. fl©o/%/
`Respectfully submitted,
`Customer Number: 22428
`(202) 672-5300
`(202) 672-5399
`Ankur D. Shah
`Attorney for Applicant
`Registration No. 41,514
`Should additional fees be necessary in connection with the filing of this paper, or if a petition for
`extension of
`time is
`required for timely acceptance of same,
`the Commissioner
`is hereby
`authorized to charge deposit account No. 19-0741 for any such fees; and applicant hereby
`etitions for an needed extension of time.

`Atty. Dkt. No. 024051-0135
`In the Specification:
`The paragraph starting on line 10 of page 17:
`Using the screen display and values from Figure 5, the placement of trade orders
`using the Mercury display and trading method is now described using examples. A left
`click on the 18 in the BidO column 1201 will send an order to market to [sell] p_u_y 17
`lots (quantity # chosen on the Quantity Description pull down menu cell

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