' W0 9526005
`information iyincluding symbol,
`volume of shares,
`bid‘, first
`and last._pr"i'ce)
`intheylaprea 30 ‘of the display screen of
`terminal as‘ shown in 1=‘_igure.‘3-_.
`For purposes of
`an index «or custom. basket of shares, the display -will contain
`the information with. ‘respect ‘to the shares included in the
`index or basket
`as" illustrated.
`The system then executes
`a‘ dynamic data
`link to"
`the. spreadsheet which causes‘ the 0
`spreadsheet to read
`the list o'f,stocks to themultiplehorder
`‘,In' the next step
`the present
`trading_ system "of
`the ‘system captures the spreadsheet data and makes each‘ stock
`price .and volume a variable that
`is’. inserted in _a list of
`preprograxnmed ‘commands... The ‘list is then sent
`to the order
`' entry system of the stock exchange with a single key stroke.
`each of
`the’ stocks and the pertinent data
`' 15
`relating theret-o is- entered into the multiple order -entry
`K .

`wo 9s}26do‘5 '
`system, and at
`the appropriate time and with the appropriate
`command,_ the entire basket can be dealt with in a single
`.transaction within a matter of seconds before prices or other
`Acriterion change.
`The present system therefore eliminates the need
`.a" trader/operator
`to enter
`each individnal
`stock and
`ithe transaction criterion, which in_the case_of 100 stocks
`or so, would be time-consuming, prone to error}
`and difificult
`' _to coordinate ‘because Fof. the ichaneinge prices
`relationship to the transaction criterion.
`"Also illustrated in Figure 3 is a box 32 in which
`the necessary commands may be entered from a keyboard.‘
`_ Also
`area .34,
`is‘ a
`series ref
`commands which may be quickly entered by means of
`a mouse
`_ or
`similar device,
`including "identification eof
`the basket

`WO 95126005
`shares "to -be
`traded 36,
`"the "type of .transaction (buy,'
`sell, cross, or sell.short) 38,
`the appropriate buy lb 45,’
`‘or sell 1D 42, and the price (bid, offer, or
`lasts 44. when
`the gaopropriate commands" have -been ‘entered ‘the transaction
`nay be lexecuted -by‘ pressing" the launch button 46
`and all
`of the shares of_the basket are traded almost instantaneously.
`‘as in all cases a-provision is made for the entry
`a pass word_48.-to provide ‘security against _unauthorized
`use and other
`functions which are commonly associated with
`éraphic user interface are provided.
`by means
`the present
`terminal or personal computer may be used to c.apture"'from,’
`a spreadsheet all the data necessary to trade in a selected~
`list or grout of shares,
`‘and by inserting this ‘data into
`the preprogrammed commands'ot
`the system, all of the necessary
`to execute the trade in all of
`the shares may be.
`‘sent_to the stock exchange order entry system in a single
`set of signals.
`— is -

`wo 95/215005
`It will be appreciated that this system will enable
`a Vtrader ‘to deals in baskets of -shares,‘ whether
`related topa standard index,
`such as the TSE 35 or
`the TSE
`l00, or
`a customized basket of _shares adesigned— for _cr
`each customer and will be able to effect transactions quickly
`and without
`the complications that arise from the time delay
`in entering.each stock transaction separately.
`Figure '4 ‘is a block diagram and flow chart which
`‘facilitates a faster more efficient operation of the automated
`trading facilities.
`In tne diagram the mainframe-0; central
`computer of
`the_stock excnange is shown at 50 and includes
`a ticker
`feed -‘system 5V2Vwl1ichA ‘constantly generates updated
`data on the prices and volumes of various stocks being traded,
`and delivers the updated data to a server 54 where the data

`W0 95,26-005
`is stored and accessible to any terminals which are connected
`to the network.
`information ‘in the ‘server
`is ‘read by
`the spreadsheet 56 of a terminal, such as the one illustrated
`in $igure l, which is designed to read and display a_given
`basket of
`'shares _with ‘the pertinent
`'data with respect lto
`volumes, hid,
`‘offer,_ last, etc.
`lBlock 58..represents'
`invention which
`the present
`multiple order trading system of
`reads the data from the spreadsheet,
`including all the data
`a given basket Vof shares,‘ organizes. the data into. the
`{proper format-for automated trading, and issues the multiple
`orders to the order entry system 60 of
`the.centra1 computer
`50 at the stock exchange}
`_By having the data formatted by the multiple order.
`the ‘transaction 'of-
`a ‘whole basket of
`shares can
`be effected .quickly, easily, with fewer errors. and within
`the time frame for which the criterion or
`instructions for
`the transaction are valid.
`_ 17'-

`.wo 95/25005
`By providing a means,
`such as the multiple order~
`launcher, which is-capable of capturing all
`the data on a
`selecting .what
`is required,
`and organizing nit
`into ‘the
`form of :an‘.order,
`the; present
`invention creates
`‘a bridge between‘the_spreadsheet, which contains the necessary
`datai on a, group of
`and the order entry system of
`stock exchange_ which effects a. transaction in 'those'
`because ‘it_ can use and format
`data more guickly and .correctly than ‘an hoperator
`keyboard,‘ it
`is capable, of eifecting_ a.
`transaction. within
`the time and‘ parameters which are rapidly changing, _in a
`‘manner which an operator could not accomplished.
`instead of merely processing data, it is capable of activating
`and controlling Astock'
`In .this
`suss1'ITu'rE SHEET
`ofooéloéip %

`wt) 95126005
`Pcr/CA,95’°° 123
`system may be adapted to initiate a transaction automatically
`when certain criterion are met, or may be designed to.create
`a signal when the criterion are met so_that a trader/operator
`'makeA the“ final decision or’
`to execute
`transaction or not,
`and may
`then execute it substantially‘
`instantaneously once the decision has been made.
`the order ientry has been 'received -by‘ the
`system,_ the
`appropriate records and confirmation documents are produced
`in the usual
`‘manner without many
`‘furtheri activity .by
`It will,
`be‘ realized that ynumerous
`modifications and variations from the illustrated embodiments
`_may be employed without departing from the inventive concept-

`W0 M26005
`The _embodiments
`invention in Qhich
`exclusive property’ or privilege is claimed _are defined as
`For .use in. a
`computer ~system having means
`— receive data from a central
`computer of
`stock ‘exchange
`-on a spreadsheet;
`display means and means to~communicate’
`to the- order entry usystem —of
`the 'stock exchange
`a‘ control. system ncomprising- means ‘to read selected
`groups of said data from said spreadsheet;
`to formulate said data in a manner acceptable’
`- means
`to the stock exchange computer or entry systemi
`to launch said orders.
`to the stock exchange
`computer order entry system.

`wo 95126005
`A 'control
`system as
`claimed in clainx l wherein
`said means
`to launch is responsive to conditions in the data
`rread from said spreadsheet..
`Apparatus as claimed in claim 2 wherein said means
`launch said order dis
`responsive to the commands of an-
`Apparatus as claimed in claims 1,-2 and 3 wherein
`said means
`to read, means
`to formulate, and means
`to launch
`are operated by means of a graphic user interface with display
`_ means and a mouse adapted to communicate to selected.controls
`on the graphic user interface display;

`A )system as
`claimed in claim 4
`in which said
`graphic user interface displays commands which include share
`symbols, price selections, order size, and transaction type.

`W0 9SI26005 '
`_ hUDsU hVD

`wo 9sr26oos
`- PCT/CA_95/00123
`'' _ V
`22 0
`Traneaction Type
`Cross 0
`Change Options
` CFO#. ecxL# Re4can0 0
`I‘ Market Quote'(via CATS)’
`Pg UP
`Pg Dwn
`Common Kes:
`News Quote Screen ‘
`’ §
`0 F:c5.2A.

`0 wo 9535005
`.03/14/94 Belzberg CATS Interface 2:44PM
`0 ON/CL_~.
`0 PPTX'
`j *
`Stk Watch"
`%% Order Rep.
`Super Charts
`Tradin&g_Logs5 Bas%ket%Tradés0

`wo 95/26005

`wo 95/26005
`Eile Edi
`§ession window I_-I_e|p .-
`' —
`_3_6 OTSE35QTSE100 ocustom .
`'- Trade Type OBuy OSel|
`OSell Short
`_ 38
`Buy ID‘
`0 CL 0 N/CXV o N/C PPTX ON/C -
`Sell ID
`’ 3,3
`O N/CX O N/C PP'D( O N/C‘
`’ CQO614. *‘

`WO 95126005
`..V.-q'\, mu

`wo 95/426005‘
`PCT/CA_95/00123 '

`hm umppmflon No
`-PCT/CA 95/00123
`According to International Patent Classification (IPq'&s.uo‘ 111 national clficalion and we
`8- news SEARCHED i
`Minimum documentation sea:-died (eliinflieation system followed by clanficanon symbols)
`IPC 6
`Doeumentalim ceuched other than minimum docurnenulion to the extent that such documents are included in the fields enrehed
`Electronic data base u'mmlt.ed during the imerrmional Search (name of data base and.
`sppropnnle. of the relevantpasages
`(Italian or document. with indicuion.
`EP,A,0 401 203 (MJT HOLDINGS INC) 5
`December 1990
`see the whole document
`October 1991
`see the whole document
`W0,A,91 14231 (CHICAGO TR
`September 1991
`see the whole document
`' Special categonu of cited documents :
`‘A’ document defining the genernlstate of the art which is not
`considered to be of pnrdeular relevance
`‘E’ earlier dominant but published on or after the international
`filing date
`'L'_ document which may throw doubts-on priority clu'm(s) or
`which is cited to establish the publication date of another
`duoon or other speciu reason (as specified)
`'0' document refernng to n oral disclosure. use. exhibition or
`other man:
`‘F’ document published prior to the international filing date but
`' later than the pnonty date claimed
`Date of the actual completion of the international search
`later document published alter the lntemational filinxdate V
`or priority date and not in oonniet with the application but
`cited to understand the principle or theory underlying the
`’X' document of particular relevance; the claimed invention
`cannot be considered novel or cannot be considered to
`involve an inventive step when the document is taken alone
`‘Y’ document of particular relevance; the daimedinvention
`cannot be eonndered to involve an inventive step when the
`document is combined with one or more other such docu-
`ments. such combination being obvious to a person skilled
`in the an.
`‘E document manber of the same patent family
`Date of mailing or the international search report
`21 Ju1y 1995
`Name and mailing add:-as of the ISA
`European Patent Office, P.B. 5818 Patentlun 2
`NL - 1280 HV Riiswijlz
`Tel. (-0 3|-70) 3&0-IIMD. 1}. ll 65! epo III.
`Fax: (-9 3|-70) 340-JOI6
`Suendermann, R‘
`Faun PCT/ISA/210 (nomad Ihnt) (July U92)
`50 11. 08. 95
`Authonzed officer

`lnfétnunaa on patent lnmily membux
`late: .
`xna.lApp|icah'on Nb
`PCT/CA 95/00123
`vPa!.env. family .'l«
`‘ member(s)
`' 02-12-93

`_ 735s491-
`24-10-91 «
`-22-09-94 '
`10-10-91 '
`» US-A—
`'_ 4507159 1
`Faun PCrII5k’2|D (pllall {unity Innu) (July I991)
`7 10006181 1_

`% $ 9:‘ E
`(SI) @l!%ll¢i‘l'-5}fi6
`G06F 17/60
`(20 mausrase
`(22) mag E!
`(30) Edam-7'~5
`tfififiil-T-10/3231 18
`l9985i5l2H 7E! (07.12.98)
`199785125 8 B (08.12.97)
`1997412125 8 El (08. 12.97)
`19970512)? 8 B (08. 12.97)
`1997£ti12E 8 El (08.l2.97)
`1997fiE12B 8 B (08.l2.97)
`l9985¥6J5l 26 El (2605.93)
`l9985fi6)i 26 El (26.06.98)
`1998£fi1 IF! 13 El (13.1 1.98)
`l9984Fl 1F! 27 El (27.1l.98)
`(II) %’.L§§fi§%
`(43) lfifzhfififl
`1999fiE6H 17 El (l7.06.99)
`(72) 968%‘ : :5 .1; U
`(75) mane/max (5lél:’>v\'C0)77-)
`’r’rfifi&fi(TA1<EKuMA. Toshiya)[.lP/JP]
`$i“‘l“IEl§(MURANAKA, Masanobu)[JP/JP]
`=l=$ E8 t§&(NA1<AMurA, Tetsuya)[JP/JP]
`fi§fl¥(sA11‘o, Yuko)[.lPIJP]
`?1008071 ItiE€ti=F’rk:EB lZ2<$BI2T B 6$3%
`er E zlsfilfilaliitérivs Tokyo, (JP)
`s%l1§:l<E—(sH1BAzA1<1, Takikazu)[.lP/JP]
`T104-0033 fiJ‘7I%l$=l=9elX%"rJIl IT 5 29#10%
`Tokyo, (JP)
`(74) REA
`$170-0013 am11ee1z2ama1ra17ase
`W.’.$?'I'G73<—'2‘ 1 l‘ E‘/V59? Tokyo, (JP)
`CN.US. Bktfllém (AT. BE. CH, CY, DE, DK.
`(81) lat?
`ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, 112, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE).
`(71) tflfiJ\ (a1e@>:rts< '§"\"Cf7)¥§5‘:’l§l:ol7\‘C)
`fir B itiwfifififiétt
`T 100-8071 fiJ7I%lS$l’ctE lZfi<$l9T2T E 6§3%
`Tokyo, (JP)
`(54)%§‘l03fi81)‘/’F E€:FuW3l§E.
`fiin'°r:F1§|?7‘?:E\ Btlfiifllfiltlvillli
`(57) Abstract
`Tenninals on the buyer side and the seller side
`intercommunicate with a host to execute a processing of
`cross trading by subscription based on purchase infonnation
`issued on the buyer side, a processing of cross trading by
`subscription based on selling information issued on the
`seller side, and a processing of trading where a plurality of
`pieces of purchase information is collated with a plurality of
`pieces selling information and commitments are made one
`by one in order of agreement. Since the generally called
`future delivery trading can be made on a network, both the
`buyer side and the seller side can make a selling plan or a
`purchasing plan without going to a wholesale market and
`can make a transaction of commodity by using their own
`terminals. The buyer side and the seller side can be provided
`with more chance than ever and can make commodity
`exchange more efficiently.
`ll2.ll3.114...MAJOR SELLER
`l2I.lH.l23...MAl0R BUVER
`EAST Version: 1.03.0002


`PCT -
`(S1) @%4$§‘F§}§6
`G06F 17/60
`@% xgfig
`(43) fifzififi El
`19995156}? 17 El 07.06.99)
`(21) lettttfifi-%
`(22) Elfiétflfifi 13
`(30) §5*fi$‘7—5’
`199851512)? 7 El(07.12.98)
`19974fi12F1 8 El (08. 12.97)
`199735125 3 5 (0812.97)
`19975151213 8 E1(08.12.97)
`1997515125 8 3 (08.12.97)
`19984156}? 26 El (26.06.98)
`1998356}?! 26 E (26.06.98)
`l9984FllF1 13 E (l3.11.98)
`(71) {HERA (3i€El’§:lR< T'\"C0>#‘e?E‘|§i:ou\‘C)
`#15 El asaasetameti
`?100~3071 Elrififilfifia 1Z)<$|HT2T E 6&3-%
`Tokyo, (JP)
`(72) filififi ; rs; U
`(75) fiflfilfi/tidfilk (>lél:T11:owca>.1»)
`1>’)‘fi§fi§§z(TA](E](uMA, T(,shiy,,)[;p,;p]
`’F'T‘¥‘IEi§(MURANAKA, Masanobu)[JP/JP]
`¢$Efi& “K,”
`gm§:,e(S,(::1~0' yu,:g3’p,T,:.‘]s"ya)UP/JP]
`E 6§3_%,
`gf 5|
`Tokyo’ (JP)
`%fi§j(g——-(SH[BAZAK[’ Takikazunjp/JP]
`?[04_0033 fij—.fg]'5q;);%E§7.J|llTE29$l0.g.
`Tokyo’ up)
`(74) «EA
`fiyzz-l}3(1(QKuaUN, Takayoshi)
`-T-[7o.()())3 fifig13&5[X§g(l_1.§1Tg|7g3.g.
`?lM§TG7l=—-2‘ 2 1~ l:‘;v5l%‘ Tokyo, (JP)
`CN, US. w~H4es==r (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK,
`(81) #31?
`ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE).
`(54)%Fi*i0>£:l’/F fi‘i:5‘l:$(6|§'€E\
`fi1=‘s':Hl5'l7‘J’i£‘n &()*%‘B1)Efi§l1li
`(57) Abstract
`Terminals on the buyer side and the seller side
`intercommunicate with a host to execute a processing of
`cross trading by subscription based on purchase information
`issued on the buyer side, a processing of cross trading by
`subscription based on selling information issued on the
`seller side, and a processing of trading where a plurality of
`pieces of purchase infonnation is collated with a plurality of
`pieces selling information and commitments are made one
`by one in order of agreement. Since the generally called
`future delivery trading can be made on a network, both the
`buyer side and the seller side can make a selling plan or a
`purchasing plan without going to a wholesale market and
`can make a transaction of commodity by using their own
`terminals. The buyer side and the seller side can be provided
`with more chance than ever and can make commodity
`exchange more efficiently.
`WWW4-DB4-7 7 ‘J
`101 ...SERVER
`I 12.1 111 14..MAl0R SELLER
`07/26/2002, EASq‘0QI%%0sion:
`l . 03 . 0002

`11199930259 [file://\\dcwas03\firmdatajlp\FoIey_l?agE’atenlDqcuments\Wp9930259.<;pc]
`Page 1 of 213
`(11) aaaaasa
`(43) lfiféiifi El
`19995156}? 17 E! (l 7.06.99)
`199s£*r=12F1 7E1 (o7.12.9s)
`1997£.=—12fi1 8 B (0312.97)
`199751212151 8 B (0312.97)
`19974312}! 8 E1 (08. 12.97)
`I99’/£1-=°I2}5I 8 B (08.I2.97)
`19985156)? 26 13 (26.06.98)
`1998$11H 13 13 (13.1 1.98)
`199851511)?! 27 El (2711.98)
`(72) fiflfifi‘ ;ia.1;U
`(75) ¥§f)i%/tt1fl)\
`>F~Ttt=IEfa‘(MuRANA1<A, Masanobu)[JP/JP]
`WEE‘/'§f;'f(’fTo, Yu,:g[';‘;,,T,‘;,t]s"ya)[JP/JP]
`-100.80 ER
`11; 5 xmgmakitgtjili ?riolEyo.::)r2T B éfisg‘
`%w§j(g—(SH]BAZAKI’ Takikazu)[JP/JP]
`—,o4_oo33 fi§'
`']'1‘-okyo, Up)
`WP [X
`H 'TB29$m%
`(74) REA
`$1-10.0013 fifiqfigg, [zm+_1§1T g17g3;g.
`?lfl£$TG7l<—-2< x 1 L’/VSISE Tokyo, (JP)
`CN, us, 55:1-Hmfir (AT, BE, CH, CY. DE. DK,
`(81) ififizlfl
`ES, Fl, FR, GB, GR, 113, 1r, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE).
`(5') lggffé’/if:
`(2!) Ell%!tflfi$%
`(22) ieuaia B
`mimic/3231 13
`(71) Uififilk (5iéE1Ei$%<‘i‘’\‘‘C0)¥EElEl:o1n'C)
`55'? '3 Ziwwiitfiii
`T100-8071 §:::a1s=1=1*e EH IX7<$|lIT2T B 6$3%
`Tokyo. (JP)
`(54)$é5fl.¢7>fi$/11 Pé‘i=Fufl"3|§§E\ 1”€fiA’EaHil‘3|“x27J.»t
`R-‘ii:-.1”E:EZ5;'|7:T&\ Eztffifliifiififii
`(57) Abstract
`Terminals on the buyer side and the seller side
`intercommunicate with a host to execute a processing of
`cross trading by subscription based on purchase information
`issued on the buyer side, a processing of cross trading by
`subscription based on selling infonnation issued on the
`seller side, and a processing of trading where a plurality of
`pieces of purchase information is collated with a plurality of
`pieces selling information and commitments are made one
`by one in order of agreement. Since the generally called
`future delivery trading can be made on a network, both the
`buyer side and the seller side can make a selling plan or a
`purchasing plan without going to a wholesale market and
`can make a transaction of commodity by using ‘their own
`terminals. The buyer side and the seller side can beprovided
`with more'cha.nce than ever and can make commodity
`exchange more efficiently.
`151 ...RETAlL BUVER
`121.122.l23...MNOR BUYER

`_j_'-fage _2 of 21_3_
`PCN:§’5l«"C{L\‘E§«=‘5i’LZ>El|3%£ia‘fif7)/\"/7 I/7 +%—§c:1wa<m:pcmummm-ra1:av>c:{§m:snz. =— w(a2+:m)
`AE T57ffi§E%
`’ 1747
`A L 7Iw\':7
`AM 7110‘ :7
`7-E»/<4 -)1-y
`7i{z':7 - ’\IL»“/;-.:!'K-)‘
`A/lad K7.
`75 -‘/'11»
`’l'}~’.='7IE -:1
`123/ I’-II»:/T

`WO9930259 [file://\\dcwas03\firmdata\lp\Fo|eVyf'3t\PatentDocuments\WO9930259.cpc]
`WO 99/30259
`ffi:‘fi’:f)\I5"l"?b4‘v’rE63'E'E'SU)I‘%L\'Cio‘<" Elfi" tufihhéo L/7'C.7){o'C» %I%c:

`WO9930259 [file://\\dcwas03\firmdata\|g§FokgyPaj}PatentDocum_ent§\WO9930259.cggg]_’_
`F:-age 4..9f.213
`WO 99/30259

`W Q9§1§i9_Z,§§3_[ti_£§_;flqqw§§,9§§flcmg§_!§_x!§_t)E:1tgm,!;2_9.s;g.m§;.n!.§M_Q.909§.Q_2_§§2..¢.9r2.9I...................................................................................................................
`...........E.§_9¢ 5.91213
`W0 99/30259
`5 LkLTL#$%Kfi<C&#T§UVoLkWoT{%$¥%H\Afi\Wfi
`6° :0Di%1%6:l2t\ §"u$¥%i2~‘E'¥¥%‘faw50)%§i*P'7 7 v 7 x%"H:J:E>BE3'U5:
`0JWfii§f2<%Eé>!’L'CL\F:>o it, I¥§£:‘:’i.I£157i~0)—FI£Ffiéi’:c:'>L~'C¥;l§I1%(:‘

`§A!.C_>_9z_9.1.:>....2.‘9'._.Q..[ti_|.$2.;.((§§99m@§.9})fl:m.9.a.:a.).!93.E9.!.§yRa1\_FiaI9.r1t... ...................................................................................................................................................._.E.a9.e ..6.2f.2.1_3
`WO 99/30259
`5 6&5fifi&KowTm‘i@®I¥fl%P—fifi%&d%fl0‘Efiflfififi
`10 7v47w#fim:t#6.$Emu1%WLtfi§fi‘E¢uwfi?éM¥m
`15 &¥mT5:&###nmfiT%©\it\EE#6®wfi&w5w€#Uwo
`20 fiEWfifimfi&Lk%€\§fifi#6§§$T®%fi§KowTm\ERIE
`25 yb®m%§KowfB\LmLtwfi§&U$fiB®£%K%oT§%T5:

`!\!.§2_9§_>_§9_Z..5_9_Ims2.{ms1§>n1§_sQ§.Xfi£m§.§1a§.!.EH59! .................
`-WO 99/30259
`'§$¥%¢i‘ ’m?1‘4I‘?‘.§’&’§5‘6?b7.'.fi}\=?:"$-’¢'§EfJ"L\(
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`WO 99/30259

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`WO 99/30259

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