——0riginal Message—— '
`Fnom: Shah. Ankur D.
`Sent Tuesday, May 2!, 2002 3:16 PM
`To: ‘RicharxiWeisbcrger@USPTO.GOV‘
`Subject RE: 09/590,692
`"IT 0099473

`TT 0099474

`——-Original Message———
`From: [mai|to:AShah a fole
`Sent Friday, May 31, 2002 2:31 PM
`To: Richard_Weisb_ergei@USPTO.GOV
`Subject RE: 09/590,692
`Per our disufision, the information for forwardingthe divisional app. is at
`I look forward to hearing fmmyou on
`the bottomofthis c-manl cham.
`Monday or" Tuesday 0
`'1'!‘ 0099472

`Froui: RicharcLWeisbuga@USPTO.GOV |mailto:Richar(LWeisbirggg(a}USPTO.GOV]
`Sent Monday, June 24, 2002 4:08 PM
`To: AShah@foley|
`Subject RE: 09/$90,692
`I'm out of the oflice today. I'll call you tomorrow aflcmoonfl should have
`favorable news). Can you forward the serial number and filing date for the
`specification incorporated by reference on page 8 of the instant
`Richard -
`How are mother and child?
`'11‘ 0099471

`Sent Tuesday, June 25, 2002 10:08 AM
`subject RE:-o9/590,692
`Mother and daughter are fine. [am a bit sieepy.
`Tr 0099490

`——-Original Message-———
`From: Richard.Weisbcxger@USPTO.GOV |mailto:Richar(iWeisbergg@USPTO.GOV]
`Sent: Tuesday; June 25, 2002 2:51 PM
`To: AShah@foleylaw_com
`Subject: RE: O9/590,692
`unscheduled meeting today with the Federal Reserve Banlg. I may not
`I had
`be able to speak with you today. If not, I'll contact you tomo.n'ow._ '
`Richand —
`PS Her n_1other's looks, I pray.
`TI‘ 0099491

`———-Original Message————
`From: AShah@fo| |mailto:AShah@ folcylaw_com|
`Sent Wednesday, June 26, 2002 3: [9 PM
`To: Rjdbar<iWeisberger@USPTO.GOV
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692
`We were anxious to find out the latest developmentsand learn the
`today. I just lefi you a voice-mail to that effect. I look forward to
`hearing fiom you. ‘Blanks.
`-Ankur D. Shah
`'11‘ 0099447

`-——Original Message—-—
`From: Richard.Weisbergc:@USPTO.GOV Imai|to:RichaniWcisbe[ge[@USPTO.GOV]
`Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 4:01 PM
`To: AShah@t’
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692
`It turns that our meeting was scheduled for two days. I'll call you when
`upon its completion.
`Richard -
`TT 0099446

`-—Original Message——-
`Frown‘ Richard.-Weisbecger@USP'f0.GOV |mailto:Richard_Wcisberg_g@'‘USP'I»‘0.GOV]
`Salt Thmsday, June 27, 2002 4:56 PM
`Subject RE: 09/590,692
`TI‘ 0099493

`No new prior art was found showing the combination of feanmes of the MD
`sofiwaxt charactetized in claims 22,29 and 35, and the Notice of Allowance
`will be mailed early next week, In addition, I've ordered SN 09/971087 and
`09/894637. Let's see if we can quickly dispose of these cases. Lastly, I'm
`looking at 09/589,751 to see ifthe lack of the static pricing display
`presents issues under I12 lstor 2nd and/or 103.
`TT 0099494

`From: Shah, Ankur D.
`Sent Thursday, June 27, 2002 5:20 PM
`To: 'Richard_Wcisbcrgcr@USPTO.GOV‘
`Subject RE; 09/590,692
`Thank for you this positive informaxion.
`Regarding the subject case in which the Notice‘ of Allowance will be issued
`early next week, you an: no doubt aware of the sense of urgency associated
`Tr 0099459

`with it and of my client's strong interest in its prosecutiorL Accordingly,
`please send me a copy ofthe Notice of Allowance via facsimile as early as
`possrhle next week. My facsimile number is (202) 672-5399- We will then
`await receipt of the oficial notice by U.S. maiL
`Also, regarding the othercases you mentioned below, I have those files in
`my oflice and am ready to work with you on rapidly advancing their
`Best regards.
`-Ankur D. Shah
`Foley & Lardner
`(202) 945-6 I32
`The information transmitted is intended only for theiperson or entity to
`which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
`material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or
`taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or
`entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited If you received
`this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any
`'11‘ 0099450

`From: Shah,.Ankur 1).
`Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 2:53 PM
`To: 'Richard.Weisberger@USP'I‘O.GOV‘
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692
`[tried to contact you a few times yesterday and today, sometimes with my
`client on the line as well, regarding the Notice of Allowance that was to
`have been mailed early this week.
`I left you a voice-mail yesterday
`regarding the same.
`Please let me know the situation. Based on your e-mail fi'om last week, the
`president ofthe company was expecting that we would have be able to confirm
`that the case had been allowed before the 4th ofluly holiday.
`Any infonnation you can provide would be helpful.
`Thank you
`-Ankur D. Shah
`(202) 94545132
`TT 0099458

`From: Shah, Ankur D- [ASl1ah@f<_)leylaw_com]
`Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:34 PM
`To: Steve Borsand (TT)
`Subject: NOA
`Attachments: Untitled.pdf
`Heme is a copy of the cover of the notice of allowability.
`faxed to me by the Examiner.
`It was just
`TI‘ 0099598

`07/03/02 WED 18:16 FAX 703 303 3687
`T" T"''
`T "T" "
`us p,-mm 0..-“CE
`Notice of Allowability
`Application No
`Richard c Weisberger ‘Y
`Art Unit
`—- The MAIUNG DATE 0! this communication appears on the cover sheet with the oorrapondence address-
`All claims being allowable. PROSECUTION ON THE MERITS IS (OR REMAINS) CLOSED in this application.
`If not included
`herewith (or previously mailed); a Notice of Allowance (PTOL-85) or other appropriate communication will be mailed in due ootrse THIS
`NOTICE OF ALLOWABILTIY IS NOT A GRANT OF PATENT RIGHTS. This application is subject to withdrawal from issue at the initiative
`otthe Oflice or upon petition by the applicant. See 37 CFR 1.313 and MPEP 1308.
`1. E This communication is responsive to amendment A .
`' 2. 8 The allowed dairnts) islare ;2_-_7;q.
`3. C] The drawings filed on
`are accepted by the Examiner.
`4. C] Admovwedgmenris rnade or a claim for foreign priority under 35 u_s.c. § 1 19(aHd) or (rt
`a)I:] All
`b)D Some‘
`c) U None
`1. U Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2 C] Certified copies at the priority documents have been received in Application No. __
`3. Ucopies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this national stage application from the
`International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`‘ Certified copies not received: j.
`5. E Acknowledgment is made of a claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(e) (to a provisional application).
`(a) D The translation ot the toreign language provisional application has been received.
`6. D Acknowledgment is made ota claim for domestic priority under 35 U.S.C. -§§ 120 andlor 121.
`1 Applicant has THREE MONTHS FROM THE ‘MAILING DATE‘ of this comnurtication to file a reply complying with the requirements noted
`below. Failure to timely complywill result in ABANDONMENT of this application. THIS THREE-MONTH PERIOD IS NOT EXTENDABLE.
`7. C] A SUBSTITUTE OATH OR DECLARATION must be submitted. Note the attached EXAMlNER'S AMENDMENT or NOTICE OF
`INFORMAL PATENT APPLICATION (PTO-152) which gives reason(s) why the oath or declaration is deficient
`8. E connecreo DRAWINGS must be submitted.
`(a) Cl
`including changes required by the Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review( PTO—!_948) attached
`1) C] hereto or2) E] to Paper No.
`including. changes required by the proposed drawingoorrection filed
`(b) C]
`(c) D including. changes required by the attached Examiners Amendment I Comment or in the Office action of Paper No.
`‘which has been approved by the Examiner.
`Identifying indicia such as the application number (see 37 CFR 1.84(c)) should be written on the drawings in the top margin (not the back)
`ofeach sheet. The drawings should be filed as a separate paper with a transirittal letter addressed to the Otficial Dratbperson.
`9. E] DEPOSIT OF andlor INFORMATION about the deposit of BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL must be submitted. Note the
`' 1U‘No1ioe of References Cited (PTO-892)
`BD Notice of Drattperson's Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948)
`'s®.Inro:mation Disclosure Statements (PTO-1449), Paper No.
`-7['_"_I Examiner's Comment Regarding Requirement for Deposit
`of Biological Material
`2U Notice of Informal Patent Application (PTO-152)‘
`4[:] Interview Summary (PTO-413), Paper No.__‘g .
`6121 Examiners Amendxnewcoknzaem
`88 Examiners Statement of Reasons tor Allowance
`9|’_‘| Other
`11.8 PEI! zit TI‘4ncwIark.OI'¢
`PTOJ7 (Rev. 04-01)
`Notice of Allowability
`Part of Paper No. 1 5 .
`TI‘ 0099599

`-—On'ginaJ Message——-
`From: Riehard.Weisbergcr@USPTO.GOV Imailto:RichardWcisb£_rge@USPTO.GOX1
`Sent Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:50 PM
`To: AShah@foleylaw-eotn
`Subject RE 09/590,692
`I think I mentioned to you that I'm studying for a Master's in Finance.
`Anyway, I tend to keep odd oflioe hours. If you are still there, I can FAX
`you a copy of die Notice of Allowanc-ze.
`TT 0099480

`—Original Message——-
`From: ||
`Sent Friday, July l2, 2002 'l_0:ll AM
`To: RichardWeisbeI_'ger@_USPTO.G0V
`Subject RE: 09/590,692
`Hello Richarkt
`Ijust tried calling but your -voiceqnail was. full. How did you do that?‘
`I informed our client last Wednesday evening, July 3rd, of the good news
`after you faxed me a copy ofthe Notice ofAllowability. Based on your
`e-maib, l expected to have received the original Notices of Allowance and
`Allowability in the mail by now. Our firm hasn't received it and according
`to the PTO computer, nothing has been sent out.
`Plezise contact me by telephone or e-mail to let me know the status.
`TT 0099461
`Thank you

`-Ankur D. Shah
`Foley & Lardner
`The information transrnitted is intended only for the person or entity to
`which it is addressed and may contain confidentiaiand/or privileged
`mataial. Any-review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or
`taking ofany action in reliance upon, this information by persons or
`entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. Ifyou received
`this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material fi‘om any
`TI‘ 0099462

`——0riginal Message-—
`From: Richard.Wcisbcrger@USPTO.GOV |mailto:Rjchar<LWeisberve[@USPTO.GOV]
`Sent: Friday, July 12, 2002 l2:l6 PM
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692
`[check on it today (I've been out on holiday).
`PS I have over 200 cases on my docket Ifyoumultiply that by the number of
`times that you called, you can see how ones voice mail can fill;
`Richard —
`TT 009948 1

`——-Original Mcssage——
`From: Shah, Ankur D.
`Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2002 4:|2 PM
`To: 'Richard.Wcisbcrgcr@USPTO.GOV‘
`Subject RE: 09/590,692
`We await your update regarding the mailing of the otficial Notice of
`Allowanccand Notice of Allowability, a copy of which you (‘Axed to me on
`July 3, 2002.
`-Ankur D. Shah
`TT 0099482

`-—-Original Message-—
`‘From: |mailto:AShg@folgIaw_com|
`Sent: Thursday, July I8, 2002 4:21 PM
`To: Richar¢Weisberger@USPTO.GOV
`"Subject: RE: 09/590,692
`We just tried reaching you by telephone and your mailbox is still fulL The
`PTO customer service representative said that the notice of allowance had
`not yet been mailed.
`It has now been over two weeks since your fax and three weeks since you
`indicated thatit would be mailed. Please-let me know if there is any
`l might be able to help.
`The delays in this case have been significant and patent term_ extension
`won't be of much use in this technical field Of utmost importance is that
`the patent be able to issue promptly so that we can help ouriclient stop the
`present infringement of their technology.
`Your response is urgently sought
`-Ankur D. Shah
`Foley & Lardner
`(202) 945-6132
`The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
`which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
`material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or
`taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or
`entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received
`this in error,.please contact the sender and‘ delete the material from any
`Tr 0099483

`——Original Messagc———
`From: Richard.Weisbcrgcr@USPTO.GOV Imailto:Rjchar<iWcisb_grgg_r@USPTO.GO! I
`Sent Friday, July 19, 2002 3:2l PM

`To: Ashah@£oIcyIaw_oom
`Subject RE: 09/590,692
`I'll pasonally walk it through the mail room on monday?
`TT 0099484

`——Original M'essagc——-
`From: Shah, Ankur D.
`Seht: Fuiday, July 19, 2002 3-35 PM
`To: 'Richard.Wcisbcrget@USPTO.GOV‘
`Subject RE: 09/590,692 _
`Thank you That wouldbe appreciatexi
`I will let my client know.
`Bast regards.
`TT 0099485

`-——Original Message———
`From: AShah@foleylaw_com |ma_ilto:ASh¢@fo||
`Sent: Wednesday, July'24, 2002 2:24 PM
`To: Rich-'ard.Weisberger@USPTO.GOV
`Subject: ma; 09/590,692
`If you did indeed follow through on your e-mail below and had it mailed out
`on Monday, thank you. According to the USPTO computer, however, nothing WE
`mailed out. This is causing much consternation at this end.
`You indicated the case had been allowed and, on July 3rd, faxed us a copy of
`the notice of allowability. We were simply awaiting the official notice of
`allowability and notice of allowance and issue fee due papers. [don't have
`any explanation to provide my client as to why nothing has yet been
`received, since presumably your substantive work has been completed. If
`there is a problem, I am not quite sure what it might be.
`Please respond. Thanks.
`-Ankur D. Shah
`TT 0099486

`——-Origigal Message-—-—
`Fnom: Richard.Weisbergcr@USPTO.GOV |mailto:Rjchar<1WeisbergeI_'@USPT0.GOV|
`Salt: Wednesday, July 24, 2002_4:53 PM
`To: AShah@foley|aw.oom
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692
`I'm out ofthc office today: will check on the mail status tomorrow.
`TI‘ 0099487

`——Original Message——
`_ From: AShah@foleylaw_com [|
`Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 6:55 PM
`To: Richard.Weisberger@USPTO.GOV
`Subject RE: 09/590,692
`I hope you were able to resolve the problem today. Please let me know.
`Ifnot, I would -like to schedule a meeting with you for this coming Monday
`so that I can come there personally and wecan address and resolve any
`remaining issues. While perhaps unorthodox, at this poing such a meeting
`and visit are warranted in View of the importance of the patent to my
`client, the ongoing infringement of their technology and the sheer number of
`delays to which the prosecution of this application has been subjected.
`Yourprompt‘ response is-appreciated
`Best regarfi.
`-Ankur D. Shah
`TT 0099488

`:0riginal Massage--
`Fmm: Richard.Wcisbcrgcr@USPTO.GOV |mailto:Richard.Weisbe[ge[@USPTO.GOV|
`Sent: Friday, July 26,2002 2:12 PM
`Subject RE: 09/590,_692
`Aocordjng to my docket clerk the case has been forwarded to the mail room.
`Check the palm system Monday.
`'11‘ 0099489

`From: Richard.Weisberger@USPTO.GOV
`Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 10:48 AM
`To: Steve Borsand (TT)
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692 et al.
`Steve -
`My schedule is very tight both today and tomorrow. I'm available Wednesday
`between l:00-5:00. We can pick it up from there.
`Richard -
`——Original Message-—
`From: Stcve.Borsand@tradingtechno|
`Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 8:45 AM
`Subject RE: 09/$90,692 etal.
`Richard — I would like to talk with you regarding these cases and the new
`references. Are you available to talk today or tomorrow? Also, I am going
`to be travelling to the east coast possibly next week and I would be happy
`to meet in person to try to reach closure on these cases (for that matter, I
`can come anytime that suits your schedule).
`.:——Original Message-----
`. From: Richard.Weisberger@USPTO.GOV [mailto:RicharcLWeisbergega2USPTO.GOV]
`Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 1 I200 AM
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692 ct al.
`I've been in sunny warm Miami this past week. I'll check the status of your
`cases this week.
`—‘—-Original Message——-
`Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 10:32 AM
`Subject: 09/590,692 et aL
`Richard — Have-you had a chance to look at the new references that we
`cited? I would like to talk with you about these at your convenience.
`‘IT 0099511

`Steven F. Bozsand
`Vice President, Intellectual Property
`Trading Technologies, Inc.
`ph: H3 l2.476.l0l8
`fax: +l.3I?.476.l I82

`TT 0099512

`From: Richard.Wcisberger@USPTO-GOV
`Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 4:00 PM
`To: Steve Borsand (TT)
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692 et al.
`_ Steve -
`I'll call you between 4:00 and 4: l5.
`——0riginal Message——
`Sent Tuesday, March 18, 2003 4:24 PM
`Subject RE: 09/590,692 ct al.
`Richard - I was hoping we can pick a time tomorrow to talk.
`available any time that is good for you.
`I can be
`Steven F. Borsand
`President, Intellectual Property
`ziading Technologies, Inc.
`-ph: +l3l2.476.l0l8
`fax: +-1.312.476. l I82
`TT 0099507

`From: Richard.Weisberger@USP'I‘O.GOV
`Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 11:36 AM
`To: Steve Borsand (TT)
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692 et al.
`;VC '
`lilcasc consider the following amendment in combination -
`said dynamic display of bids and asks traversing said static price column in _
`response to changes in the inside market,
`said column static price axis responsive to a one click centering feature
`that re—ccnters the inside market of the traders screen,
`Richard —
`—-—-Original Message——
`Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 12:06 PM
`Subject RE: o9/590,692 et al.
`-' ~55 faxing them right now.
`.—.-4-Original Messagc——-
`‘From: Richard.Weisbetger@USPTO.GOV [mailto:Richard.Weisberpe[@USP’1‘O.GO\_/ I
`Sent. Wednesday, March 19, 2003 10:32 AM
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692 et al.
`The RC-‘E requests for 09/590,692 and 09/894,637" have not been matched to
`their files. Can you fax a copy to me at 703 872 9025?
`—-—'Original Message——
`| |
`‘Sent: Tuesday; March-is, 2003 4:24 PM '
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692 et al.
`Richard — I was hoping we can pick a time tomorrow to talk.
`iilablc any time that is good for you.
`I can be
`TT 0099519

`v_en F. Borsand
`.2 President, Intellectual Property
`Tmding Technologies, Inc.
`fax: +l.3l2-476.l 182
`- 'I'I‘ 0099526

`From: Steve Borsand (TT) []
`Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 l0:39 PM
`To: richar(
`Subject: 09/590,692 ct al.
`Richard — I was wondering if you met with quality on Wed. and if you have a better idea of how long the review will take?
`Thanks, Steve
`TT 0099549

`From: Steve Borsand (IT) []
`Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 9:14 AM
`Subject: 09/590,692 ct al.
`Richard — Did you find anything out yesterday re: the status of our cases in quality review?
`Thanks, Steve
`Steven F. Borsand
`Vice Ptesident, Intellectual Property
`Ttading Technologies, Inc.
`fa)c +1.312-476.1182
`'1'!‘ 0099550

`From: Richard.Weisberger@USPTO.GOV
`Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 1 1:00 AM
`To: Steve Borsand (IT)
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692 et al.
`es The cases are scheduled to be reviewed within the three weeks. Agam I
`do foresee any issues, as I am co—editing with the reviewer an internal news
`letter on the patent board's business method decisions. We have a very
`strong working relationship.
`Richard —
`—-Original Message——
`echnolo ies.eom]
`Sent Friday, April 25, 2003 10:14 AM
`Subject 09/590,692 et al.
`Richard -— Did you find anything out yesterday re: the status of our cases
`in quality review?
`Thanks, Steve
`Steven F. Borsand
`Vice President, Intellectual Property
`Trading Technologies, Inc.
`'' 9):: +1.3 l2.476.l0l8
`. ix: +1.3 l2.476.l I82
`stevc.borsand@tradingtechnolog ics .c0m
`TT 0099514

`From: Steve Borsand (TU [SteveBorsand@tradingtechnologiescom]
`Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 4:42 PM
`Subject: 09/590,692 et al-
`Attachments: referencesdoc
`Examiner Weisbeiger — Attached is a list of the references that we would prefer to be made of record in the
`various cases. Each page of the attached corresponds to a different case. Every reference listed on the attached
`was either cited by you or initialed as being considered by you in at least one of the four pending cases. Also, the
`most relevant references are already officially of record in each of the four cases and we are doing this clean—up
`out of an abundance of caution. Call me if you have any questions. Please tell us if you wantus to prepare PTO
`892 forms with all of the references listed. Also, if there is a need for copies of any references, let me know and I
`-can have those made.
`In addition, there is one other reference (US 200210138401 A1) that I believe should already be of record in each
`of the cases. This was a reference that was discussed at the interviews of March 13, 2003, but this reference has
`yet to be listed on'a PTO form that we have seen.
`In the spirit of completeness, I wanted to make sure I list that _
`here as well (it is not listed in the attached).
`Thanks for considering this,
`Steven F. Borsand
`Vice President, Intellectual Property
`Trading Technologies, lnc.
`fax +1.31Z476.1182
`"PT 0099551

`(cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`WO 95/26005 (cited in 09/589,751)
`WO 99130259 (cited in 09/894,637)

`(cited in 09/539,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`wo 95/26005 (cited in 09/589,751)
`11‘ 0099553

`09/971 087:
`5,689,65 1
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`6,098,05 1
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`5, 10 1 ,353
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`WO 95/26005 (cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited 11109/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`WO 99/30259 (cited in 09/894,637)
` (viewed 5/22/2001)
`(cited in O9/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`Kharouf, a trading room with a view, Futures 27, 1 1-11/1998
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)

`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in 09/590,692 -and 09/894,637)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and O9/894,637)
`(cited in all other cases)
`2002/0055899 (cited in all other cases)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`W000/65510 (cited in all other cases)
`W0 01/ 16830 (cited in all other cases)
`WO 01/22315 (cited in all other cases)
`WO 01/88808 (cited in all other cases)
`W0-99/30259 (cited in 09/894,637)
`‘ (viewed 5/22/2001)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`Kharouf, a trading room with a view, Futures 27, 1 1-1 1/ 1998
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`TT 0099555

`From: Richard.Weisberger@USPTO.GOV
`-Sent: Monday, August 25, 2003 3:39 PM
`To: Steve Borsand (TT)
`Subject: RE: 09/590,692 et al.
`‘zevc -
`I'll give you a ring tomorrow.
`—-«Original Message-——
`Sent Monday, August 25, 2003 2: l2 PM
`To: Richar¢
`Subject: 09/590,692 et al.
`Rich — Could you please give me a call? I would just like to get a status
`on what is going on in the quality review of the various cases. I will try
`to reach you by phone as well.
`Steven F. Borsand
`Vice President, Intellectual Property
`}'ading Technologies, lnc.
`fax: +l.3 12.4’/6.1 I32
`TT 0099513

`From: Steve Borsand( I I ) []
`Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 12:47 PM
`Subject: 09/590,692 et al.
`Rich — Could-you please call me at 312-476-1018? (I left you a voicemail as well).
`Steven F. Borsand
`Vice President, Intellectual Property
`Ttading Technologies, Inc.
`pl: +1.312.476.1018
`fazc +1.312_476.1182
`TI‘ 0099557

`From: Steve Borsandl I l ) [Steve-Borsand@tmdingtechnologiescom]
`Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 1:27 PM
`To: richard.weisberger@uspto.»gov
`' Subject: 09/590,692 et al.
`Ridw — I left you a voicemail as well. Could you please give me a call to tell me at least a quick status? Last time
`we talked, we agreed to talk on 10/3.
`. Steven F. Borsand
`Vice President, Intellectual Property
`Trading Technologies, Inc.
`ph: +1 312.476.1018
`fax +1.312.476.1182
`TT 0099558

`From: Steve Borsand 1 I I ) []
`Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 9:30 AM
`To: richard.weisberger@uspto-gov
`Subject: 09/690,052 et al.
`Rich — I am hoping we can talk today about status. Several weeks ago we agreed to talk on 10/3.
`Steven F. Borsand
`Vice President, lnteliectual Property
`Ttading Technologies, Inc.
`fax: +1.312.476.1182
`TT 0099559

`From: Steve Borsand (IT) [Steve.Borsand@t1adingtechnologicscom]
`Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 2:34 PM
`Subject: 09/590,692 et al.
`Rich — I left you a voicemail as well. I believe all of the documents _have been filed. Please oonfirm that you have
`everything you need to mail the notice of allowance. Also, will you be sending that shortly?
`Steven F. Borsand
`Vsoe President, Intellectual Property .
`Ttading Technologies, Inc.
`_ph: 4-1.312-476-1018
`fa)c +1.312.476.1182
`’I'I‘ 0099562"

`From: Steve Borsand (IT) [Steve.Borsand@tradingtcchnologiescom]
`Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2004 11:32 AM
`Subject: 10/237,131
`Richard - I wanted to give you a heads up that on 3/12/04, we filed amended claims asywe had discussed in this
`continuation directed to the feature of repositioning/recentering; You had actually suggested that we propose
`"independent claims with this fimitation in the past This is the file that I think was originally assigned to a different
`examiner even though it is a straight continuation‘ from the 09/590,692 case.
`In the next week or so l will be
`checking to make sure that the lDSs in this case are up to date and if they are not we will file an additional IDS.
`Steven.F. Borsand
`Vice President, Intellectual Property
`Trading Technologies, Inc.
`ph: +1.312.476.1018
`fazc +1—312447641182
`_ TI‘ 0099591

`Alston & Bird

`From: Shah, Arilcur D. []
`Sent: Wednesday, September I l, 2002 4:50 PM
`To: Richard.Weisberger@USPTO.GOV
`Cc: Steve Borsandt l
`Subject: Scheduling Interviews (09/589,75l;09/894,637;09/971,087)
`You have my condolences on this anniversary of the tragedy.
`We tried calling you a few times today without much luck.
`So that my client can make the necessary travel anangements, I propose we
`schedule the interviews for Wednesday, September l8th in the afternoon.
`This will allow us enough time to discuss the issues and made any changes
`necessary to place the cases in condition for allowance before the end of
`the month.
`Please let me know by e-mail or voice-mail if this is agreeable to you. We
`can still discuss the cases by telephone this week to remove some issues in
`advance if you like.
`-Ankur D. Shah
`Foley & Lardner
`(202) 945—6l32
`The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
`which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
`material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or
`taking of any action in relianceupon, this information by persons or
`entities other than the intended‘recipient is prohibited Ifyou received
`this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any -
`'11‘ 0099502

`10/02/02 WED 12-25 FAX 70; 308 3
`US PATENT of-‘[-‘(CE
` Interview Summary
`(2) ~
`Date of Interview: 18 Sggtember 2002 .
`Type: a)D Tetephonic
`b)C] Video Conference
`c)® Personal [copy given to: 1)l:] applicant
`2)C] applicant's representative]
`Exhibit shown or demonstration conducted:
`-d)® Yes
`e)E] No.
`_ If Yes, brief description: Tradigg Technoges Software .
`All participants (appticant, applicant's representative. PTO personnel):
`Richard C Weisberger
`(1) Richard C Weiggger.
`(3)Steve Borsand .
`Clairn(s) discussed: 1-21 .
`Identification of prior art discussed:
`Agreement with respect to the claims 08 was reached. 9)D was not reached. h)C] N/A.
`an agreement was
`ferred embodiment of the
`Substance of Interview including description of the general nature of what was agreed to it
`reached, or any other comments:
`7719 sutfect matter ofthe interview was directed to a
`invention. Claim Ian ua wa

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