{Page 20 of
`-LmwnunvN#¢ Cucxoxmnnsmmnramcuuwurvxczmxthanmm
`‘Dre Click Offset field, which is inactive in the above screen shot. and thus greyed out. is
`order that is too far away from the last Traded Price. Effectively. the trader establishes a
`floor or ceiling above or below the last traded price by enabling Click Ofiset. To use the
`Offset feature, atraderwouldsetthe -I-/- valuetozero. Hewouldthenset a figurein the
`Click Offset field. This will halt any orders that are above or below the last traded price
`by at least the number of ticks in the Click Ofiset field. A “tick” is the minimum change
`in a price value that is set by the exchangefor each commodity (for example, $.01, $.05,
`$.10 or any other value).
`Without the Click Offset feature, a trader might intend to click on a particular price, but
`between the time he decides to do so and the time he actually clicks (which may be only
`hundxedths of a second) the price may change. He may not be able to stop the downward
`motion of his finger and the order would be sent to market at the wrong price.
`Sometimes the change in price is significant and could cost the trader a lot of money.
`Using Click Offset a trader could trade in the market depth, but no order would be sent to
`market that is entered by the trader for a price furtherfmm the last price than the figure
`displayed in the Click Ofl’set field.
`Using the following screen shot, the following trading scenario could take place:
` -
`Page l6of41

`.'.":'.'.. ."..n..'_L'.“.'.i*.§.‘2"..I..‘.:..'.-;.:
`;.;_._-._-.;:i«.-_.-.—:s»_-,_;;..3:5:;:3;.};;3:;-,;.5;._1;. l,,-. v. -_«_-«» —_.-_-_-,_-,-».--.__-_.- -- -- -._-
`. ......... ._......-.....--—-.::.~‘-'
`,, ., - . .
`. ....
`.-.-:.‘..4..~_.\-..~_.-........'...4..._...,... ..-.-... ...
`..- H- __._.....
`~ ‘
`(Page 21 O!
`. .
`. _.____-_.._ _,
`- l“;‘jI .1-
`0 Because the Click Offset field is in use, the trader cannot trade more than 2 ticks
`from the Iasttradedprice. In this screen. the lasttradedpriceis 7627sothe trader
`might right click on 7629, which is one row below the inside market ask price.
`This would send a buy orderto the market forhis previously entered quantity (10
`in the screen above) for7627. Because this is within two ticks of the lasttraded
`askprice, theorderwouldgoto themarket. All l0lots wouldbefilledbecause
`thereare836 (815 plus Zlflotsinthemarlcetatleastat thisprice.
`Ifthetraderclickedou7630orhigher,heeouldnot enteratradebecausethc‘
`price is greater than 2 ticks above the last traded-price.
`- INNOmnoJv#5.- uuca sxrmvc AHGMENTAHON BASED ONA rxasxr vaanwuz
`(cucx +/-)
`Trading with Click +l- allows a trader to chase a fast moving market up to a certain
`amount of ticks. A trader would set the number of ticks in the Click -H~ field once. He
`would then be able to send orders to market with a single click in the market depth for a
`price up to (or down to if selling) the price clicked plus (or minus if selling) the number
`of ticks in the Click +/— field. The best available order in the market within the preset
`parameters would be filled.
`If the market was moving fast and the inside market was rapidly increasing or decreasing
`(or both alternatively), Click +/- will insure that the trader can keep up with the changes.
`Using the traditional electronic trading method. he might not be able to sell or buy large
`quantifies at or near the price he needs beatuse the prices moved before he could enter all
`of the required data. Using Click -I!—, he can trade pre-specified quantities at any chosen
`price plus or minus the ticks chosen. This might insure that his trades get filled before
`the market moves away.
`The following screen depicts Click trading with the Click Offset feature disabled and a
`.Cliclc+I-quantitygreaterthanoentered. Tlrisenuywillenable thetradertouadeatany
`price he clicks in the market grid and enter an order for up to (or down to if selling) 5
`ticks above (or below) the clicked price.
`1>age17or41 -

`.- ;..~._-.-.._-v .;..._.-.. ._.-..... . . ..._-__....ra....... ._»..;_a..u.4.u_.s_. .. -—.u.
`.. .
`.. .
`.. .._. __ .
`. _,
`..~ ~
`.r. ;.-.u.;i.».-
`(Page 22 of
`-:-:..s.t-.; :
`. ..
`. ...._
`.. .- .
`-.z..- -.
`._._ -...-.
`--- -- —------
`— —
`In the above semen shot the following trading scenarios might take place:
`I The trader seeks to sell 10 lots, so he clicks on the 7623 Bid Price, which is three
`below the insidemarket. This will sendanondertomarket to sell 10 lots foras
`low as 7618 (7623 minus 5 ticks). The best available price will be filled first.
`Thus, in this scenario, all 10 lots will be filled because otfcxs exist in the market
`place in this price range that amount to -many more than 10 lots. Note that
`without Click Offset enabled, this made will go through regardless of how far
`away from the last Price it is.
`0 The trader would buy 10 lots for as much as 7635 by clicking on the 7630 field in
`the Ask Price column. All of these orders will also be filled.
` 5:‘ Equations for vations 4 & 5:
` 1
` KEY:
`» Ask Price clicked with Click trading button = A
`' Bid Price clicked with Click trading button = B
`LBS! Traded Price = L
`Click Ofiset value = Off
`Click 44- value = C
`Quantity = Q
`Bny limit ondersent to the mar'ket=Bo
`. Sell limit o1dersenttJothemadcet=So
`Page 18 of41

`(Page 23 or
`‘T IfC>OtbenBo=(A+C)Q
` '3 IfC=0andifabsolutevalueof(L—A)>Ofi‘thenNOQRDERSENT
` IfC=0andifahsolutevalueof(L-B)50fithenSo:)Q
`I ll’C=0andifabsolutevalueof(L-B)>OffthenNOORDERSENT
`3' IfC=0andifabsolute valueof(L-A)50ffthenBo=(A)Q
`o INNOVATION #5: Sum ovzmwz AND PRICE szmrzvc AUGMENTATION uszo
`ONA nuzssr VARIABLE (DIME +/-)
`Dime trailing allows traders tojoin the market at a value above or below the best bid or
`.askbyaspecified number. UaingDirne -H- a traderwouldenterorders into the market
`thatwouldnotbefilled tmtilanequalmatchrnettheorderinthernarlcet.'I‘heu'ader
`would select the quantity as he did when Click trading and enter the tick amount in the
`“dime +l-“ field. A setting of zero (“0”) ticks will enter an order for the price cliclced. A
`tick setting of any amount greater than or less than zero (“0") sends an order to the
`market for the price clicked plus (minus if selling) the dime +l— setting. If the trader
`clicked on the Bid order column, a bid would be sent, while a click on the Ask column
`would send an Ask order. This type of trading may be utilized to join the market or to
`move the prevailing prices up or down.
`The following screen shot shows an X__TRADER® screen with dime trading enabled:
`p Page 19 ot'4l

` _V_.,__ .. .,_.., ;- , »..,.u,‘..~.’.-:.....-__..-'.._." .'.' . .' - . .' .. --
`(Page 24 of
`_..,_ .
`,._.,_._ ,-
`..... .
`.... ..——....
`Using the above screen shot, the following trading scenarios could take place:

`. 0
`In this screen. the trader might right click on 7622, which is four rows below the
`inside market bid price. This would send a buy order to the market for his
`previously entered quantity (loin the screen above) for 7624 or better (up to two
`ticks above the clicked price). Nothing would be filled at this point. Rather, the
`orders would be placed in the market as a Bid limit order at 7624 and would only
`be filled if an Ask order entered themarket for 7624 or better.
`IfDime -14- was set at a negative number, for example -3, a right click on 7622 in
`the BidPrc column would enter a Bid limit order for 7619. None of these would
`befilledin the market until the asks meet or beat7619.
`AskPric'e clicked with Dime trading button = A
`Bid Price clicked with Dime tmding button = B
`Dime -H- value = D
`Quantity = Q
`Sell limit order sent to the market = So
`. Equatio:
`Page 20 of 41
`TT01 01 849

`If using a three-button mouse, the trader would
`the middle mousebutton. Ifthe traderselected a
`the market with a single click of
`. A trade: would simply
`Properties setup, these radio buttons are inactive ‘
`maneuver the screen cursor above the price in the market depth and click the-middle
`button. A dime trading order would be sent to market in the manner described above
`Using the three button mouse, a click on the right mouse button with the cursor
`positioned above a price in the market depth would send a click trade to market as
`described above.
`-_INNoVArtoN#7: U53 0174 TWO BurroN uousx WHEN zmnuva INA '
`Ho1z‘1zoNrxLLr1;1sru 730 DEPTH or Mums!‘ WITH rm! ABIIJTY ro rooauz
`(swmca BETWEEN) DIMEAND CLICK mwnva wmmz mrs RJGHTMOUSE Btn'mN
`BFFECIS Bom DIME AND Cuczr manure osrzzvnuva ON WHICH IS zmauzo
`Ifusing a two-button mouse,- the dime radio button must be selected before using the
`right mouse button to send the order to market. Ifthe trader’: Click 'I\'ading Properties
`7* and a trader must
`designates a 2 button mouse, these radio buttons are active
`manually select Click orDirne trading modes. Once chosen, the trader can send as many
`orders as hedesires. eachwith oneelickoftherigrtmousebutton andeacheitheraclick
`or Dimeorder depending on which mode he chose.
`- INNov.u'1oN#8.- ABIIJTY m AUGMBNI‘ Cucx TRADING LOGIC mmmxo anzcx
`Traders may also enter or restrict trades based on pre-determined theoretical values. The
`values are derived fi'orn equations, which can be set up in various programs such as Excel
`(a Microsoft pmyam) or other proprietary software other than X_TRADm®.
`X_TRAl_)ER® allows the traderto input the value derived from the equation into a field,
`which wd = y» e: below the following Theoretical Bdgelmplementation field:
` The trader's click trades would then be restricted by this value and no
`order would be allowed that was not as good orbetter than the theoretical value. This
`value would be applied regardless of whether the trader attempted to buy or sell. Thus, if
`Pag€2l of4l

`, ..
`. ‘ ._~
`.. _.
`(Page 26 or
`713/0 1
`the theoretical value was 102 and the trader attempted to click trade in the BidPrc column
`at 101, no order would be sent because the clicked value was worse than the theoretical
`value. Clicks on 102, 103, 104 or higher in the BidPrc column would be allowed because
`these would send orders as good as or better than the theoretical value.
`To engage the theoretical price feature, the trader would click in the box next to ‘Theo’
`in the screen shot above. The theoretical values would be
`into X_'I'RADER®
`as demonstrated in the following screen shot:
`o INNovA11oN#9.- A31u17roA0cMz1vr cucx_ mwuvc r.oGIc WIIHB/A
`Ifthe trader clicked in the box next to BIA in the screen shot above. a separate theoretical
`value couldbe established foreach bid and ask. Separate bid and asktheoretical values
`wouldbeestablishedforeachrowin themarket depth. Bach attemptedbidorask order
`would be checked against each corresponding theoretical bid or ask value. If the clicked
`price is as good or better than the corresponding Bid or Ask theoretical value, then the
`order will be sent.
`Page'22 of4l

`-.;._--_; _._._,;;-.;..__. . ..-;;.-
`A - - -;_;_-.--__.-'.'_‘.-___-- _-_~_;..~.-.-_:.-.-'.:.~.-~_;-.-.;-‘__----_—_~“_-...‘"-:..:;..;::;_-.__-w-L; _-.;.._—..
`~ - --.-.-..-.».::.'_‘.-..-.-.s.-.:._.'--‘~_-.;_+'< .~:..-....»...'.4 -.-. . ..-. . -.
`(Page 21 of
`. _.-._._.
`__.._......._.__-... .._-......_...._.- ...... .s.
`- INNOVATION #10: Aamrr ro uonm EDGE FOR mac CHECK
`Traders may also edge their trades away from the theoretical values described above.
`When 'I'heo or B/A arecheckcd, a white field appears in the box to the lefi of "Theo" and
`“BIA.” Traders can input a number of ticks here which allows them to enta orders that
`are within the specified number of ticks away from the corresponding theoretical value.
`.Forexample, witha 12.2 theoretical, a l2.6marketbid,and anedge valueof4 ticks, a
`trader's onderto sell thebidwillpass theedgetest. Butifthe bidmovedonclicklower,
`to 12.5. an atternpttosell wouldfail the edge test. becanseonly 3 ticks ofedgewouldbc
`made on the trade.
`to 4 ticks will construct a bid 4 ticks higher than the offer or an offer 4 ticks lower than
`the bid. If this constructed price fails the edge test, the order won't be sent.
`As explained above. X_'I'RADER® greatly improves the speed and accuracy of
`electronic trading. However, the display of market depth and the manner in which traders
`trade within the market depth can be effected in different manners, which many traders
`will find materially better, faster and more accurate. Despite the safety feature of Click
`Offset and the innovative Click and Dime trading, which allow traders to keep up with
`fast moving markets. a fluid market can still leave a trader behind. Rapid price fluctualion
`may move the market beyond even the Click Offset and click and Dime trades. In
`addition. some traders may find the display of market depth to be difficult to follow.
`X_TRADER® lists charts the market depth vertically so that both Bid and Ask prices
`descend the grid. In X_'I‘RADER®, the Bid prices descend the market grid as the pdcw
`decrease. However, in a somewhat counter-intuitive manner, Ask prices also descend the
`marketgridastzhwepricesactnallyincrease. Mexcuryremediesthcseissuesinancw,
`innovative and logical manner. Mercury also pmvides an order entry system. market
`grid,fillwindowandsummar-yofmarketordcrsinonesimplewindow. Sucha
`condensed display materially simplifies the trading system by entering a tracking trades
`in an extremely efficicnt manner.
`- I1v1vovA2ro1v#11.- Vsmrou.Drsruror mazsrmm uvcwzzzwauaxxsr
`X__'l‘RADER Mercury displays market depth in a logical, vertical fashion or horizontally
`or at some other convenient angle orconfiguration. A vertical field will be shown and
`described for convenience, but the field could be horizontal or at an angle.
`In turn, Mercury further increases the speed of tradng and the likelihood of entering
`orders at desired prices with desired quantities. Mercury displays a static vertical column
`Page 23 of4l

`lPage 28 at
`in vertical columns to the
`of prices with the bids and asks displayed
`column. An --
`leofthis -- Ia follows
`de ofthe price
`Bid quantities are in the blue column and ask
`in the red column. In
`quantities are
`example. the inside market
`is 18 (best bid quantity) at 89 (best b
`quantity) at 90 (best ask
`)and 20 (bestask
`i price:
`Fach field is described as follows
`Page 24 of41

` "
`[Page 29 ot
`column: This column (entered/worldng column) displays the current
`status ofthetradefs orders. The‘ status ofeach orderwillbe displayedin the pricerow
`where it was entered.
`S/W: The number next to S indicates the number of the trader‘s ordered lots that
`have been sold at the price in the specific row. The number next to W indicates
`the number of the trader's’ ordered lots that are in the market. but have not been
`filled-—i.e. the program is working on filling the orrbr.
`B/W: The number next to B indicates the number of the trader's ordered lots that
`have been bought at the price in the specific row. The number next to W
`indicates the number of the trader's ordered lots that are in the market, but have
`not been filled-——i.e. the program is working on filling the order.
`- L/R: These fields indicate aquantityvalue. which maybeadded to the
`order quantity entered. This process is explained below.
`a Volume: Below theL andkfields, anumberappears which
`represents the current nmrlcet volume. This is the number of lots that have been traded
`for the chosen contract.
`in 0:48:44: This is the actual time ofday.
`Page'25 of4l '

`’.:— : :. ~-
`"~"~’-"'~""' “
`' ‘ "
`‘ ‘*1’
`‘ ‘
`(Page 30
`- ....4 —— -...........
`amount—“l0" will incmcase it by
`increase it by 1000.
`pearbelaw the Cument
`crease the eunent quantity by the indicated
`10; "lH" will incnzase it by 100: “IK” will
` -
`unntity Description: This pull down menu allows the trader to chose a
`Quantity Description.
`#: Chasing a number in this field will set a default buy or sell quantity.
`0&'set: Chasing “o£fset" in this field will enable the IJR buttons.
`NetPos: Choosing “NetPos" will set the current Net Quantity as the trader‘s
`quantity for his next trade.
`Page 26 of 41
`000211 I

`....-._.-__._..__ ..._ _ ._ .__ ._..... . .._..-....._...-, ........, .
`".v--‘~'- A-‘—‘A=-‘4'-'.'-'—'-'-
`7.‘.-. -..-2.-.-.v¢.u_,.
`.g.«_---4.-.;._'.. . 4 . . - -.- . .-.' -.-.".'
`lPa9e 31 ot
`~- BidQ column: This column represents the current market bid quantities in the
`corresponding rows of each price.
`- kQ column: This collmm reptaents the current market ail: quantities in the
`corresponding rows of cash price.
`, ...-,,._ __.,..... .,.,..._.._
`. 4
`4--.-i«,«_~. - -.-..-A 7 ~

`(Page 32 of
`column: This column represents prices forthe chosen commodity.
`I TQ: This column lists the last traded quantity in the comesponding_row of the
`last traded pzioc.
`o..,_ .1.‘-.-.Aa u.- . IV‘: ...-_-...-—.~.
`‘_________9_G9‘2_1_3____"_"___._______._____ ‘_ _ “ ._____“_‘ ___
`‘___ __*_.
`‘____ ‘ __ V_
`,___ _,
`_._,.._.... .............o .

`:Page 33 of
`prices 11:
`and decrease. For example, the fol]
`owing screen depicts
`interval when: the
`inside xnarkethas risen three ticks:
`Page 29 of 41

`(Page 34 or
`_ __
`_4__,_._.,,_._ _.,.__._ __.,_.__.,__.__,,_..-.<.;_~...—. .-. .-. .—.- __ . ...-.- ...
`. _ _ . ....
`.. .. . . . . . . - - . - . __ . . _ ._-_—_-_-._-..:.:.«..v-.-.:;;;.~gu::J: ssj'' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ijv“'
`__. __..
`_,-_____.- 4-...._.._ _
`-... ...__._. . ..-_.
`the market ascends and descends thevezticalMercurydisplay, themarketwill
`move left and tight in the hoxizontal Mercury display.
`Using Mercury, a trader would first designate the desired eomodity and quantities, then
`he can trade with single elicks of the right or left mouse button.
`Page 30 of4l

`j(Page 35 of
`__...._ ....... .
` a
`For example, using the above condensed screen shot. a left click on the 18 in the BidQ
`column will send an order to market to sell 17 (qnant:ity# chosen on the Quantity
`Description pull down menu) lots of the commodity at a price of 89 (the corresponding
`price). A leftclick onlhe20intheAskQcolumn will sendan ordetto marketlobuy 17
`lots at a pzice of 90.
`Page 31 of4l
`EI2 i.I.ii

`zrage 36 of
`._ ....-_-.- 1-.-4.- .
`Orders can also be sent to market for quantities that vary according to the quantities in the
`market; quantity variables preset by the trader; and which mouse button the trader clicks.
`Using this feature, a tradetcan buyorsell all ofthebids orasks in the market at orbetter
`than a chosen price with one click. The traderconld also add or subtract a preset quantity
`outstandingin themarket.
`Ifthetndercliclésin a tradiug cell——i.e. in the BidQ orAskQ column. he will enter an
`otderinthemarlcet. 'I‘heparametezsoftheorderdependonwhichmousebuttonhe
`‘ clicks and what preset values he set.
`Using the right mouse button, an order would be sent to market at the price that
`corresponds to therow clicked for the total quantity of orders in the market that equal or
`betterthechosenpriee plustbequantityin the Rfield. Thus, an'ghtclickintheAslcQ
`colunmabovein the 8’/prioerowwill sendasellorderto matketataprice of87 anda
`quantity of I50. 150 is the stun ofal] the quantities 30, 97. 18 and 5. 30. 97 and 18 are
`‘all quantities in the market that would meet or better the trader's sell order price of 87.
`These quantifies are displayed in the BidQ column because this column represents the
`Page 32 of 41

`(Page 37 of
`orders outstanding in the market to purchase the commodity at each corresponding price.
`The quanitity Sis the quantity pre-set in the R field.
`‘ght clickintheBidQ columnatthesame priceof 87 would sendabuy
`ordertotnarketforaquantityofs. 'Ihequantity<isdeterrninedintlresamemanneras
`above. Inthisexample, though,thereareno ordersinthemadcetthatequalorhettertlie
`So,thesInnoftheequalorbettHquantitiesiszern(“0"). Thetothlord'ererreterdbythe
`An order entered with the left mouse button and the “Ofl‘set" option chosen in the
`quantity description field will be calculated in the same way as above, but he quantity in
`the L field will be added instead of the quantity in the R field. Thus. a left click in the
`BidQcolumnabovein the92pria:row willsendasell oxdertornarlret‘at apriceof92
`anda quantity of 96. 96 is the sum of all the quantities 45, 28, 20 and 3. 45, 28 and 20
`are all quantities in the market that would meet or better the trader's buy orderprzioe of
`decrease the total quantity sent to market. In other words, in the example above, if the R
`field was -5, the total quantity sent to market would be 140 (30 + 97 + 18 + (-5)).
`If a tradexchose the “NetPos" option in the quantity description field, a right click would
`still work as explained above. A left click would enter an order with a price
`corresponding to the price row clicked and a quantity equal to the current Net position of
`the trader. The net position of the trader is the the trader's current position on the chosen
`contract. In other words, if the trader bought 10 more contracts than he sold, this value
`would be 10. NetPos would not affect the quanitity of an order sent with a right click.
`If. the trader chose a number value in the quantity descriptiori, a left click would send an
`order to market forthe current quantity chosen by the trader. The default value of the
`current quantity will be the number entered in the quantity description field, but it could
`be changed by adjusting the figure in the current quantity field.
` ' R=ValueinRfield
`i L=ValueinLfield
`-Total fallt:iestnBrdQ eolumnatan equalorbetterpncethanP
`’. Q,=Totalofa1lquantitiesinAsl:QcoluInn atanequal orbetzterpricethanl’
`Page 33 of4l
`TFO101862 '

`_ M3:4:‘-22:2;:7;-2r;<.-;;;a.:s::;;=_>_-=;.~-2=':;=----—~s2-~-._.-~'‘:u;; .: v. __ -
`- -
`'-'3' '.':'.‘.:‘-.'_’.‘r.'.‘- ‘.'.‘.I ;_;'_~'.-.- - v,- - - 2.
`...-._ ..,,....
`(Page 38 of
`_ _
`, _ __
`. _
`I N=tetPosin'on
`So: Scllordcrsenttomarkct
`I; Bo_= (Q.+ L)P
`' S0 = (Q.,+ L)P
`I If "number" mode chosen in Quantity Description field then:
` So=QP
`I’ If“NetPos" mode chosen in Quantity Description field then:
`‘In "NetPos" made, all orders using the left mouse button will be limit orders.
`citherthcxight orleftmouse button anywhemin thelasttradedquantity (LTQ) column.
`'l‘hisallowsatradertoexitthemn1ketimmediately. Tkadetswillusethisfeatmewhcn
`they arelosiug money and want tostnp the losses from pilling up. Tradexs may also use
`this fcauuetoquicldyexitfliemadcetuponmakingadcsiredprofit.
`' TT0101863
`i 0 Any order eutened using right mouse button
`‘AH orders using the right mouse button will be limit orders.
`B0: (Q,~l-R)?
`E So=(Q;,+R)P
` . 0 Orders uttered using the left mouse button
`'1 If “.Offset" mode chosen in Quantity Description field then:
`*In Oflfret made, all order: using the left mouse button will be limit orders.

`(Page 39 of
`o INNOVAnozv #18: D8u5'r1NG.4LL ORDERS Wolumva INTHE uA1uurrA1'.4 GIVEN
`Haw uzvzz. WITHA savour cucx
`Mcrcuryalsoallows atradertodeleteallofhisordasfromthemaxketatapaxticular
`price level. A click with either mouse button in the Entcxed/Working (EJW) column will
`"delete all working order: in the cell that was clicked Thus, if a uaderbelieves that a
`previously sent orders at a pardcula'r-price that have not been filled would be poor trades,
`hecan delete these orders with a single click.
`Page 35 of4l

`[Page 40 of
`— _::“_
`,..—-.—;,....,...r.r-.-n...-- .
`.. 7,.-_-..
`. .-.,. _.
`.._..__‘,.y :;,:,._v,j{,.-_'._-:;-:.-.;¢TD!::;i;=£-,;.;,_._.:_;‘r;;.-55.-.-'fl€;::.L_r:;..5_._£...j?...__..
`_ _gs_-a— - — ——
`..- __
`4——¢'~ -—J-
`- nu .
`-.. 4- ‘u... - . --
`Cflck and Dime Trading
`. TT0101865
`Pagc36 of4l '

`(Page 41 of
`.4..- x....-;._.-.._. ..--...-
`.....» .. ... ...._-..~.-.. -..‘ -....
`.....-... .
`._.._.... .-..._-.._._.~.
`~ «-—-—-
`= ‘--'---~'
`- ---""‘ """
`’ "
`- . -
`- .5. . ..-.......-.,.._ -_ ... .. .r.. ...-_..—--_-,..~....__..~.-4. _v‘.--aw
`Fiowchart of Dime Trade Algorithm
`Algorithm for Dime
`Page 37 of-4]

`_ __V_,_._.
`(Page (2 of
`:- :. .1.
`.._..._.. - —'.-_-..14..».4..-'-- —— -
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`Flowchart for Algdrithm fbr Click Trading
`Algorithm [of Click Trade
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`which may funhcr restrict these ondcts.
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`Example of Click and Dime trading:
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`X_Trader System Architecture at a Glance
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`Market_Depth_ Trader Window
`Market Depth Trader Window Overview
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`Market Depth Trader Options Dialog Box
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