..4.._;.-..-...- .
`......- -...-....
`From: Ridiz1d_Wdsba'gcr@USFT0.G0V
`Sent: Monday, September 23. 2002 2:05 PM
`.To: SlcvcBorsand(l I)
`' Subject: RE: 09/894,637 and 09/97l,087
`Did you consider claim amcudmcnts for 09158975 I?
`Ridnzfll -'
`. Fmm: S£cw:.Bonnnd@u2dingtcchnolo'
`Sent Monday, Sqatanbctll, 1002 2:47 PM
`To: ¢i&ti .pv
`09I894,Q7 and 09/97 [.087
`,.[lc&ymrmicauail ondzisassvcll today. lthoughtlwouldalsddmp
`irhmpossible). ljustwantcdtosccwhcuwcanlalkaboullhcpmposcd
`ncwclaixnsdutwcxcfaxodloyoulastwock. Hopcfullywcantalkasapto
`loclosurc. Oncc we rcacjlagxccuxantoulhcdaizxrs, we
`Plcascallmcat3lZ-476-l0l8tod2saxss. Ankurisout oflhcoflioclnost
`Stcvulf. Bound
`T°4iI=8T9di=°|°ei=. In
`' pl: 4i|_n7.47a_|ozs

`~_-..-‘...-:_r..'.;.v_g;.-.-----V .--.-—--. .. .
`-.-.1.-..-_—~.x.-.-..-.r_.; -.-,.~_~.._;_-_,-_........_ . _ ._
` 4
`.-... .-. <-.:.. o.: . ...u .-.-~—._._-_-.__z. #11174 =-.-.~.-.-- \ A.-.~ .-
`._. .. ._
`_...-_.-.~.-.-,._._._ _.__._
`,_;___._,._,__._,____r ,, ._ __ _._._ _.__.__.___
`__ _
`From: Riclnrd.Wcisbcrgcr@USPTO.GOV
`' Sent: Thursday, October 23, 2003 lt:l6'AM
`To: Stcvc Bmsand ( IT)
`Subject: RE: terminal disclaimer and IDSS
`-"From: go¢mIq&mm
`Suit Webnday, oaobuiz, zoos 6:20 PM
`él0wdodn&xed'papasgdnun:hcd? Bthacanythinglczndommak}
`3 SCI!
`Fmur. [mailm:RkhanLW ugvm-gov)
`sea: Wednesday. 0cIol>cr22, 1003 I217 PM
`To: gxmmgu.m
`subject: :12: lcnninal disclaimer and (USS
`' ggochnolog§c&coru|
`Scat Fiidzy, octobq 17, 2003 5:26 PM
`To: weishagu; magma
`Subject: ecnnixnl
`and ms:
`- -wighurn 'fl:t3¢n'ly.isancisIha(lhcflJSsooe<llninch1dci7opic§o.f'lir:_
`’-dams: ShouldvIejustaIb1nit§:1uy1!fi:§‘gbyhandotsl:éIili'f.yvc-sdzmit
`9 .V.Icphxion'filigIg.cyc:y1hing_oaMou¢hy.
`.; '

`...-;.<_:.-~. .v-
`... _..
`- -.. _..._._.:...—.....4._ r$.La..".:.:.....—-:2.'.“2;_..... ;,¢——_,___
`.—._........ . .......~__, -- -__.- _..-_-:._
`- .
`~ ~- —
`___._..__.._..._ _....r_; _..
`__.- ..
`.. .......--__...-._.........-
`-_-.-.. ........_.-_.......«.u..».‘;.».-.-:4.~...-.m_.-».::,-.-m-.-us.-s.:.. .. .. ... .... .._c-
`~ _ ....... .
`..<. —'
`- -
`"’- ““'
`Emu: Steve .B‘orsand (Tr) [Stcvc.Bo:mnd@tradingteclmblogics.oom|
`Sent: Friday, Ma1'ch 2!, 2003 10:05 PM
`Subject: amcndmquts
`‘Ih:IhiecanandmcuIswucfdedby&xtoymnadicrIfiiscvaxing_ lwillalso-fixyoucopicslo lheothcrfa_xl_fyou gavexnc
`- Stet:
`a---——-_.‘ —...—
` 4n_v~-a-.——....

`From: Steve liotsand (TF)-[StcVc.Bot$|
`Sent: 'l11uxsday‘, March 27, 2003 l0:39 PM _
`Subject-: 09/590,692 ct aL _
`Richnd -[ was wondering itjyou met with quality on Watt and ifyou have a_ better idea ofhow long the review wiI_l lake‘!

`. ,
`.-._.__...a-...s..-.—_..-x...-4.-.-.-.__,.u. 4.. 4. _-.... ........-.;..... ..._«_..__....- ;.. . .... __... . ..».-.....x-.x-;::.-.:;.4_~.-..._.‘- u-.z_..I—-'~ " =-..—_‘- -.-_».».-_-4,-.-.-_~. -.-..‘.‘:.«.-.- .-.'. '.*. .-. _ --_...-,-.~.-.:.-...~..._'' hr. ,-.‘.:.:.::.:_'._'- ".:.’.‘_'__:._—;.-‘‘A “‘ " ~ ‘ - :; L’.-
`From: Steve 8'0:-sang! (I'D [Sccvc.Bo'«]
`Sent: Friday, April 25, 2003 9:14 AM
`-To: ridIa1d.weisl>
`Subject: 09/590,692 ct al.
`Richard—Didyoufindanythingou‘tyectemay re: lhe statusolourcasesinqualityreviev/.7
`Steven F. Botsand
`Vde Presideht, Imeflectua! Property
`Trading Tedmologies, Inc.
`ph: +1.312.-876.1018
`lazc +1.3_12.476.1‘l82
`dwe.wsaw mm

`;._-._.*;._;..»-1-._:.-¢;:.~.::r...=...n.-_:.a.-_:.;«.4...._._.4.5...-_:.~...-.=J.:.;.-.r_—.u.-.:_-.__-- - -. '.'..'_'lJ‘..’.l_'r_.'.z:.t.aJA'AA4:(¢“
` _.;....~..- .....-....;.~».:.- -... »g.'..._.. . -.s~ -..-...x;.: . -.»~ \. .. . _ . -. -.. 2.. . .-... .-..«—
`Fnymz Steve Boxsand (IT) [Stcve.Botsand@u'adingteclmologics.oom|
`Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2003 4:42 PM
`_To: RidmtLWcisbaga@usi)
`-. Sqbject: 09/590,692 et al.
`Attachments: refcrcnccs.d6c
`vatiousmsa. Eadupageofltneattadredgotyespotndslcxatiitteretuczase. Evetyteferencelistedotitheaflached
`vnsgivmdtwuyywmitaidedasbérgoasfiawmywhabaamwduehzpafltumss, Nso,Ihe
`outofanabundanoeolcaution. Callmeif,youhaveanyqu‘e'sfions. PIeaseleflusifyouwah(1sslnpteparePTO
`892foanswith-afloflhezefenenoafisted. A1so,ifthe1eisaneed!oroop3esofanyreIerenoes,le(meImowandl
`lnaddi6on,u1ereisoneolherre(etenoe(US200?J0138401 Al)lhatlbeieveshouldalreadybeo!ceoominead1
`oflhecases. 1hiswasamfamoemawas&swssedatflwhuavkmdMa:d\I3_2m3.unflIsmfamoehas
`yeuobeEstedon‘aPTOfotmIhatwehaveseen. lnthespitito(eotnpleteness,lwarxtedlomaloesutelIistthat_
`nnmsiordonsidesing this,
`vce Puesiaeng Irueuecmaj Pmpedy
`Trading Tedlnoiogies, Ina
`ph: +1'.31zz17s.1o1s
`Iaac +1.:nz4‘/6.1182 .


`..-_;_~ _ _,-.- _.___~_-_
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`(cited in 09/589,751)
`WO 95126005 (cited in o9/539,751)
`wo 99/307.59 (cited in 09/394,637)

`'.. ;'.."_...'. .. _;.:.'_-. .-.-.‘. 22-.
`09/894 63.7:
`(cited in 09/539,751)
`' 5,101,353
`(cited in o9/539,751)
`(cited in 09/539,151)
`(cited in 09/539,751)
`. 6,035,237
`wo 95/26005 (cited in 09/539,751)

`...._._._--_................ -....._.. ._..
`09/971 087:
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,63.7)
`(‘cited in 09/539,751)
`(cited in 09/539,751)
`(cited in 09/539,751)
`(cited in 09/539,751)
`wo 95/215005 (cited in 09/539,751)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited In_09l590,692 and 09/394,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`WO 99130259 (cited in 09/394,637)
`'fulLhtznl-(viewed 5/22/200 I)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`Khatout; a trading room with a vicw, Fuuircs 27, I 1-11/1998
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/394,637)
`— -

` .:'r-.
`~"j‘?"““V.— '-‘.~""*“""t""" """-,-,"‘T. “'
`_"- —““"-“‘.'

`_'..'—I-'— .4-..o.-.-.2».-.5-4. \\‘.-.‘ I .._..;_. ,
`. . -.r. ~
`,~_-_-_- -_~
`_..___........ ..._._ ...._.._..__........_ ;...-.1.». . . . a 2- .
`.4-..,_«-~_..i,;,;_«.eA4t.-.4.-,~'.z.a..~~.....-_. -.
`...-..... .r... .v...t¢t_.....x-.t._t...¢_._._._.;__;-. ._i,._. ,,_,_,,
`: ..~.~.—.o -u-: _. .--.». . .
`,,_,_. .,_,_.__,_.__-,_..,.__,_..,_,,.
`09/589,75 I :
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cass)
`5, 136,501
`(cited in all other cases)
`5,297,03 1
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`5,689,6S 1
`(cited in all other %cs)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`6,098,0S 1
`(cited in all other cases)
`6,13 1,087
`(cited in all other cases)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(citedin 09/590,692 and, 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in-all othet‘ cases)
`2002/0055899 (cited in all other cases)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637) _
`, 4,674,044
`(cited in 09/590,692.and 09'/894,637)
`(citedin 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`(cited in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`wo 00/65510 (cited in all other cases)
`wo_01/16830 (cited in all other cases)
`W001-/22315 (cited in all other cases)
`«W-.0 01/sssos (cited in al_l.other cases)
`we 99/30259 (cited in 09/394,637)
`ucts/xuade full.html.(viewed:Sl22_l200l)
`09/590,692 and 09/894,637)
`trading mom withavie'.w,‘FtIttu_es 27, 1 1-1 l/I998
`in 09/590,692 and 09/894,637.)
`. ...~«_...--....,....,__,.,._-..;,_,,,1__........—~.-..—..7....-,.._.....,.

`'..:;.' .'..‘.2‘J’.-.1421-IL;3L‘;2"._'."_‘._."";‘Ju.'-::‘._..___.;.‘~"""~‘'-* -_.-- .-..-..-.'-‘_-.'::_'.'.'.‘.___"" '.-:\'.'.-‘-‘» S---~
`-A . —_._._. - -__.__._._._-_..
`-_-_._»_. -_.- —_,.-_.~.
`._. ._...- .._._._,-_.. .__-;.-.«_._,;._-.__«. __‘._-_.,
`._-_: ._-.;_.
`.~ .
`-~---'~-- ‘'
`From: Stevg Borsand (IT) [Stevc.Boi'sand@Lra']
`Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 IZZ47 PM
`To: richar<
`Subject: 09/590,692 ct al.
`Rich — Could you please call me at 312-476-1018? (I left youa vbioemaii aswelt).
`Stevenfi Botsand
`Vnoe Pnsident. lnteliectuai Pmpedy
`Ttacfng Technologies, Inc.
`ph: +1.:m_47s.1o1a
`faac +l.3‘l2.475.1182

`_ _ -- -.- -.. ...._.-.........-..;.;._-.2... ,~...~.-.:.;.
`":"'r.“_-_'.‘.~_'.:.-.-.__....-;;:..:c.'._.. '
`.-.....-.-> -..'.4.4--..-.'....Z.:..—.';L.-.:-
`From: Steve Borsand (I'D []
`Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 I227 PM
`To: ticbard.wcisbcrgct@usp!o.gbv
`- Subject: 09/590,692 ct al.
`Rich-Heflyouavoicemailaswefl. Couidyoupleasegivemeacalltolellmeaaleaslaquidmtatus? Lasttime
`we talked, weagreedlotalkon 1013.
`. a
`cven F. Botsand
`Vnoe Ptesident. Intellectual Pmpedy
`Trading Tedunoiogies, Inc.
`ph: 4.312.476.1018
`Iazc +1.312.-176.1182

` ._ A,,._ .
`. ....... .. ...... _-._...- ..._..-..-am-_.._.._........___.‘
`From: Stcvc Botsand (TT) [Stcvc.
`Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2003 9:30 AM
`To: richard.wcisbetga"
`Subject: 09/690,052 ct al.
`' ingtcchnologiescoml
`Steven F. Botsand
`Woe President lntellecmal Pmpefly
`Tratfitj Tedmoiogies, Inc.
`pt: +I.312.47é.1018
`faac +_1.312_4Z6.1182

`Frou::_ Stcvc Borsand (TD [Stcvé]
`Sent: Wednesday. October I5, 2003 lI:l5 AM
`To: R_icha:d.WcisbcIge1@USPTO.G_OV
`Subject: RE: 09/690,052 ct al.
`-Subject: RE:~09I690.052 et at
`I'll have an update lat: tomoaow.
`From: &w& hfim5m
`ScnI:'l'ucsdzy. 0otoba'0‘I, 2003 [two AM
`To: richatd.w¢§isba'ga@nspto_gov
`Subject: 09l690,052 at al
`_ agegdtougkop (0/3.
`_ .
`..._.,.-..,.\....--—~.. .-..,_.
`., .._.,..m~.h-.....-..._.....,._.... .....
`. ___H_____h_w_W __
`'- .-

`-'.......'' -
` _.,._._....._......._....
`Frvom:.Stcvc Boxsand (IT) [Sfcvc.Bo(sand@,u2dingtechnolo'gi5.oom]
`Scnc Thuxsday, Qctober I6, 2003 4:09PM
`Subject: meeting tomorrow
`10:00am. Lctmclcnow iflhetp
`’ -Yoticznteach meoéinyoelhtxfl-477~98l8-
` ----. —-—u«-.

`-..-......-._..._....._....-s ;.. _.«.._.__....-_=..-..-.;......_v..--...-.~..-.»4.. -.. . . . - . ......‘ .;‘..a.As_-4_*.*. ._ _ -. ~__-.. _ .. . . . . ...-.; ...
`From: Steve Bolsand (T1) [S(]
`Sent: Tuesday, October 2|. 2003 2:34 PM
`Subject: 09/590,692 at al
`_Rich—lleflyouavoioemaiaswefl.lbefleveallofthedoaunentsysave-been tiled. Pleaseconfirmthatyou have
`evetythingyouneedlamailtttenofioeofaflowanoe. A!so,wilydubeset_'u:linglhatshon1l{I
`Steven F. Bovsand
`Vice PI'B§d&'IL Intellectual Pmpedy
`Ttarfing Technologies. Inc.
`_pIc +1.31Z476.1018
`féac +1.312_476.1 182

`From: Steve Boxsand (TT) [Smvc.Bo logim-wm]
`Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 I253 PM
`To: tichatd.wcisbccgca_'@uspto-gov
`Subject.’ trying to reach you
`Rich —Areyouin today! Ihave been vying-loreach you (and leftyouavoioemaijyesteaiay).
`Steven F." Botwtd
`Vcce Ptesident, Intellectual Property
`Trading Tedmologies. Inc.
`pt: v1.31Z476.1018
`(ax +1.317_476.1182

` - . .....~4.>. 4.1.-...-:. vs -..s._~_,_,_ ,.-..--.3. ..-.-_._.,-.-...- .—_-__. ;...4..
`From: Steve Botund( IT) 31¢
`Sent. Friday, Oclolic: 17, 2503 :35 :>':aand@mdmgwdm°l°g'°S'°°m'

`.~.~.:.s-.v...-.~.....£._.'.. '.. J. .>:.'._._ ._ : : '-2'.‘ ':.:.'.- ....
`From: Stcvc Borsand (TI) [Stcvc;Botsand@tradingt:'echnoIo'gics-oom]
`Sent: Fciday, Mamh2l,2003 11:50 AM ‘
`Subject: FW: proposed arncndmcnls
`_ Attachments: ncwwo(ding.doc
`wo0|1s,ff0tg0((o8tmchlhcdoaLIncaL Hacitis:
`-—-Original Mcsage-—~
`Faun: Stew Botsand (IT)
`Sent Friday, Mam|I2l, 1003 ll:49 AM
`To: 'R.ichanl.Weisbcxgc_:@USP'l‘().~GOV‘
`'Ricl1anl—AttachodisthclanguagcdxatwcwillusctoreplaccIhcsc!oclinglimitationinwhztwzsmxmliaedclaims4I and
`'l6ot'[hc'631ase. lknowyousaidyoudidnineodtosocigbculjxstwmtcdlogddlismywwhflcwcarcpncpaxingdxe
`‘ —0¢iginal Mcssgo——
`‘Faun: Ridn:d.Webbagc:@USPTO.GOV |g_a_;'lto:Richard.VV [SFl=‘0.G0!|
`senc F-ida'y,Ma:ch21,2oo3 10:25-AM
`To: Stew:.'Botnm‘
`Subject RE: pmposodamcndmcnu
`-Stcv}: -

`. .....»..........._-..._..- -.\- ._\....‘..-.~_ ;....-...................u.-........._..._.....-.v...:.-.-..... ._-. _ _ .-
`. (.-.-.-.—.- .-.-_-.--- -- --
`$89.75!. Thcdouzmaxlshzvcmdlineduunodontoshowlhcditfcrcnoes with
`<<592claimsatua1dcd.<£o<>> <<631daixnnm<> <<lSlamcnd.doc>>
`Stcva:F. Botsand
`Vice Pmsidcnt, Intdlocunl Ptopctty
`ph: 4_-l.3l7_476.l0l8
`fix: 4-L3I2.416.l I82
`L 000120--~~

`location of the order entry rcgion by a single _
`in rcsponsctoa§elcctionofa particular
`lurality of pammctcxs for a nude order relating to
`action ofa usu input device, setting a p
`order to the electronic exchange.
`the oommodityand sending the

` -._':.‘.' L'-..:7_-_—.-_.,. ......;~::-.~.:.:..~..:;...-..; .::.~.-_._>.._ .
`‘-.-.-.-- .-:-.-.-..-.._...._.V..
`..._..........,‘ .. .....
`Fmm: Stcvc Bo:sand( I l ) [Stcvc.Borsand@u-adingtcchnologi'cs.oom]
`Sent: Thursday, December II, 2003 10:54 AM
`To: Richard.Wéisl>aga@USPTO.GOV
`Subject: RE: slams
`Rich- llcflyouavoicanailaswell. lassmnemalmcrcewdyauowcdcascymzamiefarirlgis thcascinwhichwc filed
`lfIhati‘soom:ct,c‘ouIdyoa siyuhe lDSsandcomplc(c_andsa:d:d1c notices éfallowanominthcothcr
`3 as: _(09IS90,692, 09/894,637 and 09/9'll,987) now so thatdac onlytascbcing held upbyqnality would be 09/589,751?
`——-Otiginal Mcssage——
`From: Richanl.WcisbcIgct@USl"l'0.G0V |mflm:N¢adWc' fl§£ I Q50! I
`San: 'l‘lmm:lay, Dcoanlvcr _l 1, zoo: was AM
`- To: Stcve.Borsand@na<fingt¢chnologics.oom
`Stcvc -
`I was on leave to attend to finab aid and ofsqucstcr (MS ofF'man_ce)
`issues. I have the casm in my posscsion and runbved the recently allowed
`"case fiom lh_c n'oanal'q-uality cue. Spokcwifl: quality diis morning, it should
`no Iongcrlhan lhmcdays to rcmovcmc hold.
`' Regards.
`jnnaw. Could you please 12ll'ine at 3|2—47’6-l0l8~‘!
`V/"I9: Pfmidcnf,

` __ ,.-. .-.’.-;-.1.‘-_':r.-:_".‘.'b;

`1 ;

`......n.........x.-a..a....--;...,_u.¢..;........:...r....:..-.._;_ ,.__.
`_ . ,
`. ., . .A.
`,,,_ .
`..- --_. _- _..-A..._
`--—.\I.‘ _-......~..--.._..
`. ..._ .._-_..
`< ~-
`4_..:_;;_J...a)-..«._p.o._. .:..._..x...:. - ..¢...-._:.g. 2.-J. _—...~_._-—_.r.a..-. »_~;..:.r."_~'."_.'-..-.;<.-:.- --.--.1
`..,.,..,,.-_—.-.-.; .-.....~_._,,_-,-.....-.—...-
`'~ ---
`--r-.-:.-.-.-2.-.;--.-.- .-.;-.
`.‘..:-.-...-—.>..;.-_:-_.....;. _...--_ .
`.z|.'__»‘..'.a;‘.'.._ '; :1 1.‘. : '.‘.::
`From:-Stcvc Botsand (Tl) []
`Scni: Tuesday. December 16, 2003 l:58 PM
`To: Richard.Wci.sbcrgcr@USPTO.GOV
`Subject: RE: status
`Ricguani — Any llpdzlc?
`Bun: Ridxard.Wcisbaget@USPTO.GOV |guai!to:Ilid1antW USP1‘O.GO!|
`ScncTbu::dzy, Dooanbct ll,2003 I038 AM
`To: b§&mm
`subject: RE: status
`isucs. [have thecascs in my possasion and removed dxcmccntlyallowcd
`use lion: Ihcnonnalqtnlilycuezspokc with quality this morning, itshould
`nolongerthanthrocdays Ioruuovc_th<:lIold.
`Richard -
`Fmm: &cn.B bgm_wm
`sairi Tuesday, opqanbdov, 2003" 233 PM -
`To: weisbagcr, nicami
`‘Rid:-J l.learn¢;‘dy6u wgeouxqrihe ofliqe la§tI:yeekbIn‘dtatyou4ucba¢'1:
`innavy, Could _you p!i:asccall~u:e'§t-312‘-476—l0l.8?
`u ‘I
`- 11

`.-_,. .‘._.. ..M.‘., ,, ,_._ ,9 _
`_~,:-:u..'.ra.- M. __ ....

`-- -.. .-2.-..._..~ .
`. ....
`From: Steve Botsand.(T'l) [Stcyc.Borsand@uadingtochnologics-com]
`Sent: Monday, Deocmbcr22, 2003 4:38 PM
`To: Richan-d.Wa'sbcrgcx@USPTO-GOV
`Subject: RE: status
`Hun: ‘itidmLweisbaga@Ustrro.Gov [gaillo:Rid:asd.W gsmucoxj
`Satfllmsday, Dooanbcr I8, 2003 I222‘! PM
`—-—Original M69go——
`Imai!to:Stcvc.Botsan@§ing3_odu:o@, |
`_ Sent: Tu.-.«.day,Deocmbe: I6," 1003 2-53 PM
`-To: Weishctgcr, Richard
`subjec_c ma sums
`Rid|an1— Any update‘!
`Fmm: xudm¢weis5agcx@us_rro.Goy.
`iitmkiamuw ‘_
`‘R-‘mm -
`:. ”r‘_'roo99s73j'-
`2 -.:...;_.-,..._,:,.¢;..—_,u‘s...u.4;-._a.\.

`.~--4.;-:'.-5 :. .u‘¢?‘:'.*.‘J.‘_.“'..‘.".’_'-"“
`.. _ . . .. .. .
`‘--~--—--‘- A--- -- --—~ -—-——-v --—-———-*—-_'4=¢-._~.'.:.:.':..z..'..'.-.- - -. .-.-.-._-;.«g.~_:-..~..—.;._.--_-_
`...-~._-.._.»_.. ...~..‘,_...-__.-..,.-_-..»:;. .
`,-.-.-.-..-.--. _-..-...
`..-..-..-...... ...-..‘.:-....-_;- __.—.'.u.~
`Fmm: _S(cv<.:.Botsand@u-adingtcdxnologianom
`‘I maiho:Stzv5Botsang@uad'|
`Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 2:33 PM
`To: Wcisbcxgcr, Ridnrd
`Suirjca; sums
`innow. Couldyouplascczllmcatlll-476-l0I87
`Steven F. Botuud
`Vic: Pnsidmt, lngcucctual Pnopcay
`TI?-fin: T°dIn.o|6gi<=s. Inc-
`ph: +I3|2_476.|oxs
`flux:-+13 l2.476.l I82
` ‘.1;
`_—_g—,‘~;_~.g_—¢_;7:'§._g-_.‘—_u5-L3.“ 1'.v=-vs§Ic.‘_.¢§“--E§D¢?.""'.....-=-.13:-.'..‘. nan-.-r1-nv-rs ‘

`.._... ... ....._ ... -.- - . . . ._. . .. . . s . .._-4 u . 1...-.g_u_;L4....-.r.-as-....._._...._.-....:;.,.uu—_~.. -.~.=..u~,-.-.»_-.;_~_-.:.:.c:.:.-.-_s—.
`.;.-.v_-ark‘ :.,.... --..-_‘.-:'.-:.:;v:_;.;:.-;.._..-~
`_.___._~_.-.‘.«_-.;';';‘_‘~.:-:.-'.:.:'.i.‘.'.—;'... .
`...;..-. ..a....'..
`From: Stcvc Botsand (IT) [Stzvc.B01$and@tradingla:11nol0gicS.c0m]
`Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 4:|2 PM
`Sqnbjcct: status
`ph: *1.312.476.10I8
`fax: +1.31Z.475.‘l 182
` L.‘-'.t::.—_'-.12:-_ 2
`..~ '~'}_- , ~. 3,. L," ;-.'‘xvi,-.-..c.-.-.:.'..‘
`'.‘."— "'7?-4- '- *‘“

`From: Steve Borsand (IT) [Stcvc..BoI$]
`Sent: Monday; January [2, 2004 2:32 PM
`To: Richaxd-WeisbcIgct@US‘|’T0.GOV
`Subject: RE: status
`-——-Oiiginal Mange-—
`I-‘mm: l(id:a:tlWcisbctger@USl’I0.GOV lrnailto:R.ichaxd.W §§|Q.(£_! |
`San: Sunday, Jammy u,2oo4 ans PM
`To: bgi§.mm
`Subject: RE: sums
`Steve -
`Ijusuemmed to the officc. Ilmow youraaxious lbrancply, but plcasc
`bcpadgqtas l have 5 fcwdozmmwsqages and-four cmeslhathavc kibc
`moved by ghe cndofihc day, Monday. in call you cilbcrway by the cndof
`Fioau hga.m
`Scat Monday,_Januaxy 05, 2004 ‘I l:l6 AM
`To: Wcisbcxgcr, Ridlard
`' ‘ :.
`Fmmi RidmrLWcisI>ctgu@USPT().GOV |rna:'.|!o;.Ridmd.W ' '
`Suit: _Fri_fij', January (Y), 2004 j:42PM
`§§P'T0.G_0! I
`pas! away.-fllbé out oftbe oflice moi ofncx! _Wi:dL rn
`when‘! .

`——0riginal Mcsage-——
`Fmtn: Slcv<_:.Bo¢sand@uadingtcchno!ogi6.<:o1n
`inovedmolo '
`'$atc Monday, Dooanbct 22,2003 5:38 PM
`To: Wcisbagcr, Ridmrd
`Subject RP.‘ slams
`on it tomotrow. The offer. is having a holiday party today.
`Sent Tuesday, Deoaiuscr I6, 2003 2:58 PM
`'-To: Wcisbagcr, Richard
`Subjea: RE: scams
`'‘na'rd - Any update‘!
`Sa1t]1:iu'sday,DcocqIhu'l_l,2003 nir:ssAM
`Tm obfi6mm
`fium.Ih‘c ;.oeu.a1?q..anzy
`spokg with 'qu:p!i_Iy me moming. itsadusa
`_ uo_l¢ngc:_uun-__mn=e days to mnavé the hold.’

`Ridxani —‘
`—On'ginal Mcsago—-
`innow. Couldyouplcascall IPcat3I2—416-_|0I8?
`Stcveu F. Bozsand
`Vin’: Prcsitlazl, lnlelfcctual Ptopgty
`Trading Technologies, Inc.
`pm +un.476.1oIa
`fax: +1.3 l2.476.I I32
`awcMmn o§mwn

`...—.._.._.....___... _._.._. -..._ _
`. “J ..
`.-..«.-.-...-.~_—..~ ..
`. n .n..r.-n...».-.~.
`..-».__—..._..-_/.a;.a..'_ _-..~..-,_.:.:v_~.<_.._A.,.:._ .‘_,._.._..
`From: Steve Botsand (TD [Stevc.Borsand@uadingte'chxiologies.oom]
`Sent: Friday, December 19, 2003 12:03 PM
`‘to: Ri_ehaxd-Weisbcsgct@USPTO.GOV
`Subject: RE: status
`I lefl you a voioemail u wc|L Could you please (21! me
`312-476-l0I 8?
`mai to:RichaId.W '
`Salt: Thulsday. Dooelnbet I8, 1003 I227 PM
`fro: hficum
`-———0riginal Message——
`From: S1cve.Botsand@uadingted'xno|
`' t :St¢ve.
`Scat mesday,.Dwun1'»er I6, 2003 1-53 rm
`To: Weisbcrgcr, Richand
`Subject RE: slams
`Richard — Any update’!
`Flam: Rid;an'd.Weisbage§@lJSl?‘f0;G0,V |iiailt6:R_icha:d;Wc
`' ~_Squ:TlBu:sday,Deenuzbqjll,20(f.i;l0'38A.M
`‘ '-1¢ hmm
`_' no-longcI'ltnndirec'dz‘y'suiuunovc;h'<:holcL‘

`|ma:'lto:Slcv tradini__l<_>gics.oom|
`Saul: Tusdzy, Dccanbcr 09, 200-1213] PM
`To: wcisbage}.
`subje-.2: sums
`innow. Cou.ldyou_plasccallmcat3|2-476-I018‘!
`"Steven F. Bousand .
`Vice Ptesidbnt, lnlcllectual Property
`Trading Tedxuologits, Inc.
`'rzc+1.:m.416.1 m
`_ gdmloga.wm

` -4.-.-..~-'....-.... ..
`.. ........
`From: Steve Botsand (TT) [Stevt:Borsand@tradingtochnologies.oom]
`Sen}: Friday, January 30, 2004 I [:02 AM
`Subject: status
`Wuhan! — Any update?
`Steven F. Borsargd
`Vase Ptesideni, ln!e(lectualPn>petty
`Ttading Tedxnotogks, Inc.
`pt: +1.31?_476'.!0I8
`fa): +1.31?_476,1182
` .wm

`From: Steve Bolsand (IT) [Stscve.Bo:sand@uadingtochnologics.oom]-
`Sent: Thmsday, February 26, 2004 8:41 AM
`To: fidmrd_wdsba’gef@(Spm-gov
`-Subject: FW: Unaclmowledgod IDS fotms
`below is an listoflhe IDS thatwete filed in the 590.6_92 and
`-Richard — Foflowirpg up on my voicemai! yesteaday,
` faxuscopces?
`894,637 Ihatwe have not neoeived
`Otherwise, we delivetoopiesof lhe
`0-. "I
`l-‘tom: Shah, Anlcu-.r D. [mailtI::AShah@fo!ey.oom]
`Sent: Wednesday. Febcuaty 25, 2001 4:36 PM
`To: ‘Steven F.%mu( )'
`Subjed: Unadcnowledged IDS fotms
`Heteis|I\e|istoflDSsbydatewherethec_oaespon<{mg 1449orSB08 fotmhasnotbeeninitialedandrelmned to
`usbylhe Examiner.
`November 11. 2002
`Deoembe; 18, 2902
`m&agc may be co
`is dot ingeudod tin izansmissioq go, or '
`itlnsbcankcanftsuiouinqmr, do nbtrcad it, P'lca's'c-ncply toms":
`"4 ‘.

`,'~;._.,-_,,-;.:::.1¢-_,;;.;_:‘-.=3:».'.:‘~; - «~
`, —
`. »-
`.-.._....._.-.. ....
`Frozh: Steve Borsand (TT) [Stcve;Boxsand@u-adingtcchnologisociml
`Sent: Monday, March 0|, 2004 ll:l2 AM
`To: Richard.Wcisbcrger@USPTO.GOV
`Subject: Re: Unaclmowlodged EDS fotms
`.Riclsan1—Anywayweantall:todayabouuh'5'! lcanbereachcdonmybcll a1—847-9lS-l4ll- Thanks, Stcvc
`‘ -
`——-On'g'nal M£Sngw—~
`I-‘man: Wcisbagcr, Richard <Richzxd.Wcisbcrga@USl’l‘0.GOV>
`Sq‘:t:'l'lml-‘ch16 n;s|:412oo4
`""‘ " '
`———OI'iginal Mcssago——
`Sufi Thursday, Fcbmary 26, 2004, 9:-1| AM
`To: Wcisba'ger_ Richard
`Subject: FW: Unachxowledgai IDS fomis
`|mil@:&wa mgg‘gt_cg§l_ggig,oom]
`Ridntd- Followinguponmy voiocmafl yesterday, below is an listoflhc IDSthatwar: filedingtic 590,692 mid 894.637
`thatwe have notreceived aclaiowledgcdfonhs. lflhcy have been signed, could-yqu fiuus copies‘! Qthctwise, we deliver
`copies ofthc fanns to you. I will fallow up with:you byghonc.
`——-Original Mcssago——-
`Fmin: Shah, 'Ankur D. |mdIto:AS .oom|
`San: Wednesday, rebmm/15,2004 456 PM
`To: ‘Staten F. Botand ( bgi¢wm)
`Sulfide: dmS Eoans
`“ .1
`“« ~
`I-‘cbguary Il,2003'

`._»_> .
`. .-.,.... . .-..___.’.-.,(_...,,,._._,_. ‘ .
`Sqxcmbcr 1, 2001-
`Scptanber 20, 2002
`November I4, 2002
`Deoanbec I8, 2002
`Fcbtuary I3, 2003
`N:ov_unbcr I2, 200]
`lMPORTAN'l‘N0'I'l(]i:;l‘hcpn‘:ccdingmcsagc mzybcconfida:tialor.pmtoctcd by tbcauomcy-cliqxtprivilcgc. ltknot
`intA=adedfortraxmnissiouto,o¢'tvoeciptI!y,anyuuaulho(izI=dpc!S0I;S.IfyvubcIicVclhatithasl5ccusa1lloyou inu'mr,do
`nouudiLPlcascmplytod:csqxda'dna1you havcIeccivcdlhcmcsagcin<:'mr.Thcudcstmyh.Tlnnkyo1L
`-- -'
`000137 %

`-~-_-.-___._---- -- .-»_--..-——_o
`— - — - -
`- -
`_ _'r_-.:.*_-_g.:.n,:-.r_‘_a.'.v.;Lu_;'.r;:22-.r_:::.u.=:1:;.p.x-:c::;n.r_L;.L.::.';;u.'.'..":_‘.=—-»'" ‘-—-..'‘ 13.9.4'.-.I_u.L.;- g -_,_-_»;_.,-_p;-_- -L - r _v_-_1-.1-_:_—_~.,-;_».-.:z.-.:k':.-.._...-~ ~‘ ' .:,-_.—,,.
`:.~;.;-.-.~_-.-;';:-. .-.. :.»_-__..-.-..-.v:r.~.—..-u.':.-.-:- -.~ ~-_= -
`.___._,_~_-_-__,_, ___ __ ._,_ _
`_ ............-..-..:......;..._;-.._:............-.. _-.»-. A-.u.;.-;...._,,~..-..\...-..- ..
`,_-__-,..:..~-.. -.-.-..........-.._-..- ...\._ J,._,.,-,.:_-..-.
`.._._, ;..
`From: Slcvc Borsand (IT) []
`Sent: Tuesday, March I6, 2004 M232 AM
`Subject: 1orz37,m
`Richand—Ivr¢mted torgiveyouaheadsup malon 3I1Z04_we fited amended-daims as_we haddiscussed in this
`ooutimxafiondirededbflnefeauueofnaposifiotioglceoetutetivg.‘ Youhadatztuaflysugggaslgadthatweptopose
`‘ndependemdaitrIswithlnisIia1_nitalioninlI1epasL flnisismefilemalllhinkwasaigituailyassigttedloadifietesrt
`aanina'evaIflIbughRisasuaigNoonfimnafionflmnme09I590,692case- lnlhenextweekorsolwilbe
`'Sleve'n.F. Borsand
`’ Vice President. lnlelledual Pnoperty
`Tvading Technologies, Inc
`pit +1.312.47'6.1o1a
`[arc +1.31Z476.11'82

`-__:..-..-..._'.-_:_-_».___.;.:¢....-.-..._.-.-.-. .: .. .-.- ‘ . -_- r-_'.'.r.-_.-~-_z~;_-_.;v , . -,- 5 - - -5. .a;._ :.'.‘:.»'.-;..--:1-_,;:_-..—_r_.v'_..‘- -
`::_'::;-L::.::.-*;_'~_-.£.:';;.;;;.‘;._'.‘_-.‘;.:~:;_::;;‘«;.£::.»:.'..-.”:._;.‘.Z.4"_‘_-L.”-.‘'..‘.‘.-»'.-.v :‘.x:.".‘.‘: .2; 2;La-..‘Ly-
`-‘»'_:_-’-:....‘~'-":.:::2.._v‘ r..~‘-...1 :...~. .
`.\ I
`,,,___‘_,_... ....
`10/02/02 WED 12:25 FAX 703 306 3667

`-.__".:;:;;'::-:1-'£4-3'».-.1.—.-.-.-;-;-:=;:.42_;..;...=.:»..:;;;.2:;.:;-59:‘. ..-.;.
`c.-.v.-.-.-.-...~__~-.;.--_.‘_.-.'.'..»-.-é'._._-.'. ..
` -,
`From: Shah. Anlmr D. [A.Shah@f9l<:yiaw.oom]
`Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 5:14 PM
`To: Stcvc Bormnd (TT)
`Subject: NOA
`Attachlnenb: Untitlod.pdf
`Hacisaoopyofdxcoavuoflhcnotiocofallowabilky. ludsjust


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