MQSeries Integrator
`Version 2


`MQSeries Integrator
`Version 2

` Note!
`Before using this information and the product it supports, be sure to read the general information under Appendix A, “Notices”
`on page 109.
`First edition (April 2000)
`This edition applies to IBM MQSeries Integrator for Windows NT Version 2.0 and to all subsequent releases and modifications
`until otherwise indicated in new editions.
` Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 1999. All rights reserved.
`US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

` Contents
`About this book
` v
` v
`Who this book is for .
` v
`How to use this book .
`MQSeries Integrator V.0 publications .
` v
`MQSeries publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
`MQSeries information available on the Internet
`. vi
`Chapter 1. Reading a message .
`Reading a message .
`. 1
`. 1
`Chapter 2. Contacting IBM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
`Chapter 3. Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
`BIP0001-BIP0999 (Control Center)
`. 5
` 10
`BIP1000-BIP1999 (Configuration Manager)
`BIP2000-BIP2999 (Broker) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
` 61
`BIP3000-BIP3999 (IBM Primitives)
`BIP4000-BIP4999 (IBM Primitives)
` 63
`BIP5000-BIP5999 (Parsers) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
` 80
`BIP6000-BIP6999 (MQ and NEON Parsers) .
`BIP7000-BIP7999 (Publish Subscribe)
` 83
`BIP8000-BIP8199 (Commands) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
`BIP8200-BIP8399 (Security) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
`BIP8600-BIP8799 (Installation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
`Appendix A. Notices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
`Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
` Copyright IBM Corp. 1999

`iv MQSeries Integrator Messages

`About this book
`About this book
`This book describes the user messages returned by the MQSeries products listed
`below, with explanations and suggested actions.
`It is designed for use as a quick
`This book applies to the following MQSeries products:
`(cid:1) MQSeries Integrator for Windows NT, V2.0
`Who this book is for
`The information is intended for system operators, system programmers, and
`anyone who needs to understand and take action in response to MQSeries
`Integrator user messages.
`How to use this book
`See Chapter 1, “Reading a message” on page 1.
`MQSeries Integrator V.0 publications
`The following books make up the MQSeries Integrator Version 2 library:
`(cid:1) IBM MQSeries Integrator V2.0 Introduction and Planning, GC34-5599
`(cid:1) IBM MQSeries Integrator V2.0 Installation Guide, GC34-5600
`(cid:1) IBM MQSeries Integrator V2.0 Messages, GC34-5601 (this book)
`(cid:1) IBM MQSeries Integrator V2.0 Using the Control Center, SC34-5602
`(cid:1) IBM MQSeries Integrator V2.0 Programming Guide, SC34-5603
`(cid:1) IBM MQSeries Integrator V2.0 Administration Guide, SC34-5792
`The MQSeries Integrator V2.0 Installation Guide and MQSeries Integrator V2.0
`Introduction and Planning are available in hardcopy.
`All books in the product library are available in softcopy, in Portable Document
`Format (PDF).
`You can read these books using the Adobe Acrobat Reader or in a Web browser
`(with Acrobat Reader as a plug-in). You can also print your own copies of these
`You can download a free copy of Acrobat Reader from the Adobe Web site at
` Copyright IBM Corp. 1999

`About this book
` MQSeries publications
`For a complete list of MQSeries Messaging product publications, refer to the
`information on the MQSeries Web site (“MQSeries information available on the
`MQSeries information available on the Internet
`The MQSeries Business Solution, of which MQSeries Integrator is a part, has a
`Web site at:
`By following links from this web site you can:
`(cid:1) Obtain the latest information about all MQSeries family products.
`(cid:1) Access all the books for the MQSeries family products.
`(cid:1) Down-load MQSeries SupportPacs.
`vi MQSeries Integrator Messages

`Reading a message
`Chapter 1. Reading a message
`MQSeries Integrator user messages are numbered BIP0001 through BIP8999, and
`they are listed in this book in numeric order. However, not all numbers have been
`used so the list is not continuous.
`Reading a message
`The format of an MQSeries user message is:
`(cid:1) The message identifier, in three parts:
`1. The characters ‘BIP’ which identify the message as being from MQSeries
`2. A four-digit decimal code
`3. A letter indicating the severity of the message. The letter will be one of the
`– I: This is an information message
`– W: This is a warning message
`– E: This is an error message
`– S: This is a severe error message
`Note: On AS/400 the letter E indicates an error the program can recover
`from, the letter S indicates there is no automatic recovery.
`(cid:1) The text of the message
` Message information
`For each message, this information is provided:
`Explanation: Why the message was issued.
`User action:
`Instructions to the user.
` Message variables
`Some messages display text or numbers that vary according to the circumstances
`giving rise to the message; these are known as message variables.
`The message variables are indicated in this book by the use of the ‘&’ symbol and
`a number: &1, &2, and so on.
`In some cases a message may have variables in the Explanation or User action.
`Find the values of the message variables by looking in the error log. The complete
`message, including the Explanation and the User action, is recorded there.
`Note: Always look at the whole message as shown in this book, including the
`Explanation and the User action, before taking any action.
`If there are any
`message variables (&1, &2 ...) in the Explanation or User action, look in the event
`log to find the values.
` Copyright IBM Corp. 1999

`Reading a message
`2 MQSeries Integrator Messages

`Contacting IBM
` Chapter 2. Contacting IBM
`Before you contact your IBM Support Center, use the checklist below to gather
`related information:
`(cid:1) For MQSeries Integrator:
` – CSDs applied.
` – E-fixes applied.
`– All current trace and error logs, including relevant Event log entries.
`– A list of the components installed on this system.
`(cid:1) For MQSeries for Windows V5.1:
` – CSDs applied
` – E-fixes applied.
`– All current trace and error logs, including relevant Event log entries and
`First Failure Support Technology (FFST) output files. You can find
`these files, which have the extension FDC, in the \Program
`Files\MQSeries\errors directory.
`– Details of MQSeries client software, if appropriate.
`(cid:1) For each database you are running:
` – Version.
`– Service pack level.
`(cid:1) For Windows NT:
` – Version.
`– Service Pack level.
`– The version of the operating system files msvcrt.dll, msvcp6(cid:31).dll,
`msvcirt.dll, and mfc42.dll. You can find these files in the
`WINNT\SYSTEM32 directory. Use the Windows NT Explorer file properties to
`display the version.
`(cid:1) Details of the operation you were performing, the results that occurred, and the
`results you were expecting.
` Copyright IBM Corp. 1999

`Contacting IBM
`4 MQSeries Integrator Messages

`Messages (cid:1) BIP0020E
` Chapter 3. Messages
`BIP0001-BIP0999 (Control Center)
`BIP0003E Cannot add the XML element &0.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The insertion of this
`XML element is not permitted as it does not conform to the
`Document Type Definition.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0004E Cannot create or add the XML element &0.
`Explanation: An XML element by that name already exists.
`User action: Try again with a different name.
`BIP0005E An invalid request was received. This is an
`internal error. The method was: &0.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`Incorrect parameters were supplied.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The method was: &0.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`The format of the URL is invalid.
`Explanation: Either no legal protocol could be found or the
`string could not be parsed. The URL was: &0.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0010E Unknown host &0.
`Explanation: The IP address of a host could not be
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0011E An error in the underlying protocol occurred,
`such as a TCP error.
`Explanation: This could be a TCP error. The resource path
`was: &0. The message from the exception was: &1.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0012E NotBoundException: a communication error
`Explanation: The resource path was: &0. The message
`from the execption was: &1.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`The resource &0 has never been checked in.
`Explanation: A resource that has never been checked in
`cannot be locked or checked out.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`The XML document is missing a root element.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The XML document
`has an invalid internal structure. &0.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0015E An I/O error occurred when accessing the
`Explanation: The URL was: &0. The I/O Exception
`message was: &1.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`The XML element &0 has no owning
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The XML element
`has an invalid internal structure.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`The XML element &0 does not contain a UUID.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The XML element
`has an invalid internal structure.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`The XML element &0 has no parent.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The XML element
`has an invalid internal structure.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0019E An attempt to dynamically load a Java class
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The class &0 was
`found but could not be instantiated.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0020E An attempt to dynamically load a Java class
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The class &0 was
`found but access was denied.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
` Copyright IBM Corp. 1999

`BIP0021E (cid:1) BIP0046E
`The file does not exist.
`Explanation: The file &0 could not be located.
`User action: Verify the file exists and try again.
`The XML element &0 has no parent.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The XML element
`has an invalid internal structure.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0025E Missing document property.
`Explanation: The document &0 is expected to have the
`attribute: &1.
`User action: The WebDAV (.wdp) properties file may be
`missing or it may not contain the property &1.
`BIP0027E Cannot load a properties file.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The properties file
`&0 could not be loaded.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0028E Cannot replace the XML element &0.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The XML element &1
`does not conform to the Document Type Definition.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0029E Cannot delete the XML element &0.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The XML element is
`required by the Document Type Definition.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0030E Cannot modify the resource &0.
`Explanation: The resource cannot be modified because it
`has not been checked out to you.
`User action: You must check out the resource.
`BIP0031E Cannot checkout the resource &0.
`Explanation: The resource has already been checked out.
`Locking userid: &1, Locking user workstation: &2.
`User action:
`BIP0032E Cannot checkout the resource &0.
`Explanation: This is a new resource you have just created.
`It has never been saved and never been checked in.
`User action: You can modify the resource, but you must
`save and check it in before you can check it out.
`BIP0033E Cannot checkin the resource &0.
`Explanation: The resource has not been checked out to
`User action: There is no action required.
`BIP0034E Cannot create the WebDAV document &0.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The WebDAV
`document already exists.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`The XML element &0 is not a reference.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. A reference was
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0036E Cannot delete the resource &0.
`Explanation: The resource has been checked out. Locking
`userid: &1, Locking user workstation: &2.
`User action: The resource must be checked-in to be
`BIP0038E Cannot find resource &1.
`Explanation: The resource type &0 could not be found at
`that location. The resource may have been deleted.
`User action: You can remove this resource from your
`The XML element &0 does not contain an ID.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The XML element
`has an invalid internal structure.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`The XML element is missing an href attribute.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The XML element
`type &0 named &1 is expected to have an ''href'' XML
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0043E Cannot lock the resource &0.
`Explanation: The resource has already been locked. The
`locking userid is: &1, The locking user workstation is: &2.
`User action: Wait until the resource has been unlocked.
`BIP0044E Cannot unlock the resource &0.
`Explanation: The resource has not been locked by you.
`The locking userid is: &1, The locking user workstation is: &2.
`User action: You cannot unlock a resource that you did not
`BIP0045E Cannot lock the resource &0.
`Explanation: This is a new resource you have just created.
`It has never been saved and never been checked in.
`User action: You can modify the resource, but you must
`save and check it in before you can lock it.
`BIP0046E Cannot unlock the resource &0.
`Explanation: This is a new resource you have just created.
`It has never been saved and never been checked in.
`User action: You can modify the resource or check it in.
`6 MQSeries Integrator Messages

`BIP0047I (cid:1) BIP0101I
`Cannot unlock the resource &0.
`Explanation: The resource has not been locked.
`User action: You can check out or lock the resource.
`A total of &0 resources were exported.
`Explanation: This is an information message.
`User action: No user action required.
`A total of &0 resources were imported into
`your local repository.
`Explanation: The import operation has imported just those
`resources in the import file that either do not exist in the
`shared configuration repository or message repository, or that
`are currently checked out to you.
`User action: The imported resources may be checked in to
`the configuration repository or message repository when you
`have finished working with them.
`The file &0 cannot be updated.
`Explanation: The file cannot be written to, it may be read
`User action: Verify the file can be written to and try again.
`The file &0 cannot be updated.
`Explanation: An I/O error occurred when accessing the file.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0054E Cannot open message catalog file &0.
`Explanation: The message catalog file could not be
`opened. The text for the message &1 could not be obtained.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0055E Cannot find message &0.
`Explanation: The message number does not exist in the
`message catalog file &1.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0056E Cannot read the XML file for a resource.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The following errors
`occurred when parsing the XML file:
`At line &0, &1,
`At line &0 before column &1, &2.
`User action:
`The name "&0" is not a valid property name.
`Explanation: This is an internal error.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0061E A number of resources could not be added.
`Explanation: The Control Center was not able to add some
`resources to your workspace.
`User action: The following messages provide information
`for each resource that could not be added.
`BIP0062E Cannot read the XML data stream for a
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The following error
`occurred when parsing an XML data stream:
`Processing &0, &1.
`Processing &0, at line &1, &2.
`Processing &0, at line &1 before column &2, &3.
`User action:
`Invalid Java class name.
`Explanation: This is an internal error. The name &0 is not
`a valid class name.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0067E An unexpected exception occurred: &0.
`Explanation: A &1 exception occurred which reported the
`following message: &2.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP0068E An unexpected exception occurred: &0.
`Explanation: A &1 exception occurred but provided no
`additional information.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`The paste operation cannot be performed.
`Explanation: There are no suitable recipient for the
`resource being pasted.
`User action: Locate the appropriate recipient or create a
`new resource.
`The paste operation cannot be performed.
`Explanation: Some resource referred to by the data in the
`clipboard cannot be found.
`User action: Use the appropriate menu to create the
`The workspace file does not exist.
`Explanation: The workspace file &0 could not be located.
`User action: Verify the workspace file exists and try again.
`BIP0100I WebDAV Response Status Code: 100.
`Explanation: Continue.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0101I WebDAV Response Status Code: 101.
`Explanation: Switching Protocols.
`User action: No user action required.
`Chapter 3. Messages 7

`BIP0102I (cid:1) BIP0412E
`BIP0102I WebDAV Response Status Code: 102.
`Explanation: Processing.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0400E WebDAV Response Status Code: 400.
`Explanation: Bad Request.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0200I WebDAV Response Status Code: 200.
`Explanation: OK.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0201I WebDAV Response Status Code: 201.
`Explanation: Created.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0202I WebDAV Response Status Code: 202.
`Explanation: Accepted.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0203I WebDAV Response Status Code: 203.
`Explanation: Non-Authoritative Information.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0204I WebDAV Response Status Code: 204.
`Explanation: No Content.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0205I WebDAV Response Status Code: 205.
`Explanation: Reset Content.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0206I WebDAV Response Status Code: 206.
`Explanation: Partial Content.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0207I WebDAV Response Status Code: 207.
`Explanation: Multi-Status.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0300E WebDAV Response Status Code: 300.
`Explanation: Multiple Choices.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0301E WebDAV Response Status Code: 301.
`Explanation: Moved Permanently.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0302E WebDAV Response Status Code: 302.
`Explanation: Moved Temporarily.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0303E WebDAV Response Status Code: 303.
`Explanation: See Other.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0304E WebDAV Response Status Code: 304.
`Explanation: Not Modified.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0305E WebDAV Response Status Code: 305.
`Explanation: Use Proxy.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`You are not authorized to perform this task.
`Explanation: The current user has tried to issue a task
`which is not authorized for the MQSeries Integrator group the
`current user belongs to.
`User action: To issue this task you must log as a user
`which belongs to the appropriate MQSeries Integrator group
`as listed in ''Using the Control Center'' manual.
`BIP0402E WebDAV Response Status Code: 402.
`Explanation: Payment Required.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0403E WebDAV Response Status Code: 403.
`Explanation: Forbidden. On a local file system, the
`document may be read only.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`The requested resource could not be found
`either on the local repository or on the
`Configuration Manager.
`Explanation: The resource may have been deleted by
`another user.
`User action: No user action required.
`BIP0405E WebDAV Response Status Code: 405.
`Explanation: Method Not Allowed.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0406E WebDAV Response Status Code: 406.
`Explanation: Not Acceptable.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0407E WebDAV Response Status Code: 407.
`Explanation: Proxy Authentication Required.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0408E WebDAV Response Status Code: 408.
`Explanation: Request Time-out.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0409E WebDAV Response Status Code: 409.
`Explanation: Conflict.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP04010E WebDAV Response Status Code: 410.
`Explanation: Gone.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0411E WebDAV Response Status Code: 411.
`Explanation: Length Required.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0412E WebDAV Response Status Code: 412.
`Explanation: Precondition Failed.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`8 MQSeries Integrator Messages

`BIP0413E (cid:1) BIP0612E
`BIP0413E WebDAV Response Status Code: 413.
`Explanation: Request Entity Too Large.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0414E WebDAV Response Status Code: 414.
`Explanation: Request-URI Too Large.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0415E WebDAV Response Status Code: 415.
`Explanation: Unsupported Media Type.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0422E WebDAV Response Status Code: 422.
`Explanation: The Entity cannot be processed.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`The resource is locked.
`Explanation: The requested resource is currently locked by
`another user.
`User action: There is no action required.
`BIP0424E WebDAV Response Status Code: 424.
`Explanation: Method Failure.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0425E WebDAV Response Status Code: 425.
`Explanation: Insufficient Space On Resource.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0500E WebDAV Response Status Code: 500.
`Explanation: Internal Server Error.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0501E WebDAV Response Status Code: 501.
`Explanation: Not Implemented.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0502E WebDAV Response Status Code: 502.
`Explanation: Bad Gateway.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0503E WebDAV Response Status Code: 503.
`Explanation: Service Unavailable.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0504E WebDAV Response Status Code: 504.
`Explanation: Gateway Time-out.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0505E WebDAV Response Status Code: 505.
`Explanation: HTTP Version not supported.
`User action: Contact your IBM support center.
`BIP0600E Cannot add &0.
`Explanation: It has an invalid or missing Type. The Type
`may have been deleted.
`User action: Try to add another one.
`BIP0601E Cannot add &0.
`Explanation: &1 has an invalid or missing Type. The Type
`may have been deleted.
`User action: Try to add another one.
`BIP0602E Cannot add &0.
`Explanation: It has the same Type as the parent.
`User action: Try to add another one.
`BIP0603E Cannot add &0.
`Explanation: It has been descoped.
`User action: There is no action required.
`BIP0604E Cannot add &0.
`Explanation: It contains an Element of the same Type as
`User action: Try to add another one.
`BIP0605E Cannot assign the base Message Set &0.
`Explanation: Base Message Set must be finalized.
`User action: Finalize the Message Set &0 or try to assign
`another one.
`Invalid Type for Element Valid Value.
`Explanation: Type must be of logical type String, Float or
`User action: Select another Type.
`BIP0607E Cannot add Element Valid Value &0 to
`contextTag &1.
`Explanation: They do not have the same type.
`User action: Try to add another one.
`BIP0608E Cannot add Element Valid Value &0 to
`Element &1.
`Explanation: They do not have the same type.
`User action: Try to add another one.
`BIP0609E Cannot add Length to Element &0.
`Explanation: Only Elements with logical type of String can
`have a Length.
`User action: There is no action required.
`BIP0610E Cannot assign this Element Qualifier &0.
`Explanation: Element Qualifier &0 is not valid for the
`current Element.
`User action: Try to assign another one.
`BIP0611E Cannot finalize Message Set &0.
`Explanation: &1 &2 is not checked in.
`User action: Use Check in List from the File menu to check
`in all components that are not checked in. Then try finalize
`BIP0612E Cannot freeze Message Set &0.
`Explanation: &1 &2 is not checked in.
`User action: Use Check in List from the File menu to check
`in all components that are not checked in. Then try freeze
`Chapter 3. Messages 9

`BIP0613E (cid:1) BIP0625E
`BIP0613E Cannot freeze Message Set &0.
`Explanation: &0 is not checked out or locked.
`User action: Check out or lock &0 and try freeze again.
`BIP0614E Cannot add Message &0.
`Explanation: Only one request or one response message is
`User action: Try to add another one.
`Execution Group &0 cannot be deleted.
`Explanation: A Broker must contain at least one Execution
`User action: Create another Execution Group and then &0
`may be deleted.
`BIP0616E Cannot add Broker.
`Explanation: A Broker may not be contained in more than
`one Collective.
`User action: Try removing the Broker from its current
`BIP0617E Cannot add Connection.
`Explanation: Cycles are not allowed in the Topology.
`User action: Ensure that a new Connection does not create
`a loop.
`BIP0618E Cannot execute action.
`Explanation: This action requires the Topology to be
`checked out.
`User action: Check out the Topology and try again.
`Invalid date format.
`Explanation: A date was entered that does not follow the
`given format.
`User action: Please use the specified date format and
`check that a valid date has been entered.
`Invalid date received from Configuration
`Explanation: The value was &0. This is an internal error.
`User action: Turn on Control Center tracing to capture
`details of the error. Retry the operation and contact your IBM
`support center.
`Problems were encountered when retrieving
`the logged messages.
`Explanation: Some messages may not be appear correctly.
`User action:
`BIP0622E Cannot execute action.
`Explanation: This action requires all ExecutionGroups in
`Broker &0 to be unlocked. Either you or another user has
`ExecutionGroup &1 checked out.
`User action: Unlock ExecutionGroup &1 and try again.
`BIP0623E Cannot execute action.
`Explanation: This action requires Broker &0 to be checked
`User action: Check out Broker &0 and try again.
`BIP0624E Cannot execute action.
`Explanation: This action requires the parent topic &0 to be
`checked out.
`User action: Check out &0 and try again.
`BIP0625E Cannot delete topic &0 and its child topics.
`Explanation: The following problems were encountered: &1.
`User action: The problems listed above will help you
`resolve the error.
` BIP1000-BIP1999 (Configuration
`BIP1001S Message associated with number &1 was not
`Explanation: A message number was used for which no
`associated message text could be found. The following data
`was supplied: &2.
`User action: This is an internal error. Contact your IBM
`support center.
`BIP1002S An unexpected exception was encountered
`within the Configuration Manager.
`Explanation: An exception was caught by the
`ConfigurationManager class &2 method while the
`Configuration Manager was being started or stopped. The
`exception text is: &1, &3.
`User action: Retry the operation.
`If the exception still
`occurs, contact your IBM support center.
`The Configuration Manager is available for
`Explanation: The Configuration Manager has started
`User action: No user action required.
`The Configuration Manager is not available for

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