` Petitioner,
` V.
` Patent Owner.
` Case CBM2015-00031, Case CBM2015-00032
` Patent 8,336,772 B2
` ---------------------------------------------
` APPLE, INC., Petitioner,
` V.
` SMARTFLASH LLC, Patent Owner.
` Case CBM2015-00133, Patent 8,336,772 B2
` --------------------------------------------
` The challenge to claims 5 and 10 based on 35
`U.S.C. § 101 in CBM2015-00059 has been consolidated
`with this proceeding.
` The challenge to claims 1, 5, 9, and 10 based
`on 35 U.S.C. § 101 in CBM2015- 00132 has been consolidated
`with this proceeding.
` The challenge to claim 14 based on 35 U.S.C.
`§ 101 in CBM2015-00059 has been consolidated with this
` The challenge to claims 14, 21, and 22 based on
`35 U.S.C. § 101 in CBM2015-00132 has been consolidated
`with this proceeding.
` Transcript of Proceedings
` Conference Call
` McLean, Virginia
` Monday, December 14, 2015
` 3:00 p.m.
`Job No.99716 Pages 1-19 Reported by: Tina D. McComb

`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
` Transcript of the proceedings in the
`above-captioned matter, held by conference call.
` Judge Rama G. Elluru
` Judge Jennifer Bisk
` Judge Greg I. Anderson
` Pursuant to Agreement, before Tina D.
`McComb, Reporter and Notary Public of the State of
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S
` 2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
` Washington, DC 20006
` (202) 508-4606
` 50 California Street
` 22nd Floor
` San Francisco, California 94111
` (415) 875-6600
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
` A P P E A R A N C E S C O N T I N U E D
` 1425 K Street, NW
` 11th Floor
` Washington, DC 20005
` (202) 626-7735
` 8300 Greensboro Drive
` Suite 500
` McLean, Virginia 22102
` (571) 765-7700
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` JUDGE ELLURU: This is Judge Elluru,
`along with Judge Bisk and Judge Anderson. We are
`here today in the matters of Apple, Inc., Samsung
`Electronics, Limited, Samsung Electronics America,
`Inc. and Google versus Smartflash, LLC, Case
`Numbers CBM2015-00131, 00132 and 00133.
` We'd like to start with appearances of
`counsel. Could petitioners identify themselves
`starting with Petitioner Apple.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, your Honor, Steve
`Baughman and Megan Raymond for Apple.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. Will anybody
`else be joining you?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: I don't believe so for
`Apple. Thank you, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Do you have a court
`reporter on the line?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Not for Apple, your Honor,
`but I believe Patent Owner does.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. And for
`Petitioner Google.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
` MR. HOLMES: Yes, your Honor. This is
`Drew Holmes on behalf of Google. And with me today
`is Kevin Smith and Adam Botzenhart. And there will
`be nobody else joining us on behalf of Google
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you, Mr. Holmes.
`And for Patent Owner.
` MR. CASEY: Your Honor, there's still
` JUDGE ELLURU: I don't believe they're on
`this call since they're not one of the petitioners
`in these cases.
` MR. PATRICK: Yes, your Honor, that's
`correct. This is Andrew Patrick on behalf of
` We believe that we were asked to join,
`but I could drop off the call if you'd prefer.
` MR. CASEY: Your Honor, I reached out to
`Samsung because 059 was joined with 32 and 31, so
`they are a petitioner in 31 and 32.
` But if I should haven't, I apologize,
`your Honor. But I wanted to make sure all parties
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`were present.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Do any of the other
`parties object to Samsung being on the line?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Apple doesn't object, your
` MR. HOLMES: Google does not object
` MR. CASEY: This is Michael Casey, your
`Honor, on behalf of Patent Owner, Smartflash. And
`we do have a court reporter on.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. And Mr. Casey,
`could you please file that transcript of today's
`call --
` MR. CASEY: Yes, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: -- in the record for these
`cases? Thank you.
` MR. CASEY: And your Honor, can I have
`permission to file the same transcript in all four
`cases rather than having to separate --
` JUDGE ELLURU: Yes, please. Thank you.
` So before we start with the merits of the
`case, I do want to say -- relate to the parties
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`that if we schedule a teleconference in these
`cases, it should not be taken lightly. Our email
`should not go ignored.
` It is no small feat to coordinate the
`schedules of four administrative judges to be on
`the call at the same time for these
`teleconferences, especially when the panel is
`trying to accommodate the parties' specific
`requests and times of availability.
` So in the future, if the parties are on
`notice of a teleconference hearing and a party is
`absent, that party may waive its rights to present
`its views or object to the representations by the
`other parties. So I hope that's clear.
` Are there any questions starting with
`Petitioner Apple?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: No, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Petitioner Google?
` MR. HOLMES: No, your Honor, other than
`-- and this is Drew Holmes, by the way, on behalf
`of Google. I do want to apologize for the
`confusion last week and the inconvenience.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
` It was our understanding that the email
`address that was sent to me was -- there may have
`been a typo in it, which is why we did not receive
`it. So I do want to apologize for that.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And if we don't have the
`correct contact information for any of the parties,
`that should be fixed in the record.
` So turning to the merits. We did receive
`an email from Petitioner Apple saying that --
`alleges that there may be an oversight or error
`ITR -- I'm sorry, CBM2015-00132 because we
`instituted review of Claims 9 and 21 and joined
`those claims with CBM2015-0031 and 0032 (sic)
` Given that this is a petition filed by
`Google, we'd like to hear from Google's counsel
` Counsel, you can start by letting me
`know, since the 132 petition was filed before the
`133 petition, wasn't that the first petition to
`challenge Claims 9 and 21 of Patent 8,336,772?
` And in the event, didn't you -- in any
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`event, didn't you specifically ask to join those
`claims to CBM2015-0031 and 32?
` MR. HOLMES: Yes, your Honor. This is
`Drew Holmes on behalf of Google. And I'll take
`your Honor's questions sort of in chronological
` The first point is that, yes, Google did
`file petition 132 on May 8th. That was the first
`petition at the time to challenge under Section 101
`Claims 9 and 21, which are the claims at issue here
` Apple filed its petition challenging
`those claims under Section 101. That's the 133
`petition three days later on May 11th. So it was
`Google's understanding certainly that it was the
`first to challenge those.
` So when it came time to file the -- its
`joinder motion, Google joined a joinder motion
`seeking to join Claims 1, 5, 10, 14 and 22, which
`were overlapping claims.
` And the nonoverlapping claims at issue,
`Claims 9 and 21, when it filed its joinder motion,
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`Google's request was that in the first instance,
`that all of those claims would be joined with
`Apple's pending CBM petitions 31 and 32 and that
`Google's evidence and argument all be incorporated
`into those proceedings, which Google at the time
`believed was the most efficient way to proceed.
` And then in the alternative, Google took
`a position in its joinder motion that if the Board
`was not inclined to proceed with Claims 9 and 21
`because they did not overlap at the time, that
`Google would be allowed to proceed on those claims
`as a separate proceeding.
` And then when the institution decision
`and the joinder decision came out on December 1st
`with respect to the 132 petition, I believe that
`the Board granted Google's joinder request, but
`joined all of the claims that Google was
`challenging, including the two nonoverlapping
`Claims 9 and 21, but did not -- as far as we read
`the institution decision, did not allow Google's
`evidence or argument to be incorporated into the 31
`and 32 proceeding, which is why I think -- and I'll
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`let counsel for Apple step in at some point, but
`which is why I believe they have requested this
` Because the -- right now as it stands,
`the -- for Claims 9 and 21, because the Board did
`not incorporate Google's argument and evidence but
`it joined the proceedings and then later instituted
`petition 133 on Claims 9 and 21, that there was
`some sort of I guess gray area as to whether or not
`the Board would be willing to hear any argument on
`Claims 9 and 21 at the hearing coming up on January
` JUDGE ELLURU: So what is your request
` MR. HOLMES: Our position right now is
`that Apple has made a request that -- and Apple's
`counsel correct me if I'm sort of not relaying this
`correctly, which is that Claims 9 and 21 be moved
`from the 31 and 32 proceedings into the 133
`petition, because that is the petition that the
`Board instituted first under Section 101 with
`respect to Claims 9 and 21.
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
` And I will take a step back, which is
`that the Board instituted Apple's petition, which
`is 133 on Claims 9 and 21 first. But Google was
`the first to challenge those claims.
` But the way that the institution
`decisions came out was that that institution
`decision came out before Google's 132 petition
`decision came out.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Counsel, I'm a little
`confused. This is your petition. Yet you're
`saying that Petitioner Apple is asking to change
`the review in those claims from consolidating with
`CBM2015-0031 and 32. Are you making a similar
` MR. HOLMES: Yeah. We are saying that
`we're not opposed to Apple's request on that. That
`would be fine with us.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And why is it the issue is
`being raised for the first time now? As you
`yourself has said, CBM2015-00133 petition was filed
`three days after the 132 petition, but was on
`record. And you were fully aware of that petition
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`as you were aware of the 31 and 32 petitions.
` And also as you again note, that 133
`institution decision went out on November 16th,
`almost two weeks before we instituted review in the
`132 petition. So how come wait until now? How
`come this issue was not raised during that time?
` MR. HOLMES: If I'm understanding your
`Honor's question correctly, the issue of whether or
`not Google could join with the earlier instituted
`133 on Claims 9 and 21 did not become ripe until
`January -- or I'm sorry, until November 16th.
` So I believe that's why it wasn't raised
`I think before this time frame. We still I believe
`are within the 30-day time limit if in fact Google
`needs to file a motion for joinder for that.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Does Petitioner Apple have
`anything to add on why there was a delay in raising
`this issue?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, Steve Baughman
`for Apple. I think we generally follow the
`chronology that counsel for Google laid out. I
`think there may have been perhaps an oversight in
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`one of the briefs suggesting that there hadn't been
`another proceeding filed on those claims. I think
`that was probably an oversight that may have
`contributed to a little confusion here.
` But we didn't understand that there was a
`confusion about this until we saw the December 1st
`order, your Honor. But I think that all the
`parties, if I understand correctly, coming into the
`call were agreeable to moving with the Board's
`permission obviously, Claims 9 and 21 to the 133
`provision where -- excuse me, proceeding where the
`claims were instituted and where that record and
`schedule allow the parties to address those claims
`specifically with evidence in briefing directed to
`those claims.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And Mr. Casey, does
`Smartflash oppose the request to move the review of
`Claims 9 and 21 from the 31 and 32 cases to the 133
` MR. CASEY: Given that the only other
`real option would be to reopen 31 and 32, your
`Honor, Smartflash does not object to moving 9 and
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`21 over to 132 -- I'm sorry, to 133.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. I'm going to
`put the parties on hold while I confer with the
` (A brief recess was taken.)
` JUDGE ELLURU: This is Judge Elluru. The
`panel is back on line.
` Is petitioner for Apple present?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Counsel for Google?
` MR. HOLMES: Yes, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And counsel for Samsung?
` MR. PATRICK: Yes, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And lastly, counsel for
` MR. CASEY: Yes, your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: The panel has conferred.
`We will move the review of Claims 9 and 21 in the
`CBM2015-00132 case to CBM2015-00133. So argument
`on those claims will not be heard at the January
`6th hearing given that they're no longer part of
`the CBM2015-0031 and 32 cases.
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
` Are there any questions starting with
`Petitioner Apple?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: No, your Honor. Thank
` JUDGE ELLURU: Petitioner Google?
` MR. HOLMES: No, your Honor. Thank you.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Petitioner Samsung?
` MR. PATRICK: No, your Honor. Thank you.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And Smartflash?
` MR. CASEY: Yes, your Honor. What
`evidence if any is going to move from 132 to 133?
` JUDGE ELLURU: Can you clarify your
`question? So we will be consolidating -- there
`won't be any evidence that is moving since we're
`just going to be consolidating review of these
`claims with the already instituted 133 case.
` As we've said in our other consolidation
`orders, the evidence and argument that's presented
`by the first party will be controlling.
` MR. CASEY: Okay. Your Honor, I just
`wanted to double check. Thank you.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And our order will make
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`that clear.
` MR. CASEY: Thank you, your Honor. No
`other questions.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you. This call is
` (Proceedings concluded at 3:17 p.m.)
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`7 8 9

`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
` I, Tina D. McComb, Court Reporter, the
`officer before whom the foregoing proceedings were
`taken, do hereby certify that the foregoing
`transcript is a true and correct record of the
`proceedings; that said proceedings were taken by me
`stenographically and thereafter reduced to
`typewriting under my supervision; that review was
`as appropriate, and that I am neither counsel for,
`related to, nor employed by any of the parties to
`this case and have no interest, financial or
`otherwise, in its outcome.
` IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
`my hand and affixed my notarial seal this 16th day
`of December 2015.
`My commission expires:
`November 14, 2017
` ---------
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`Conference CallConference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015Conducted on December 14, 2015
`1:15 9:11 16:19
`1:9 13:20 16:19
`9:13 10:2 13:13 16:22
`1:10,12,13,15 9:21
`10:9,16 13:4
`10:12 11:18
`1:10,12,15 9:12,13,21
`10:21,22 11:2,9,11,17
`11:19 12:5,8,11,18,22
`13:3,4,12 14:10 15:2
`16:18,20 17:16
`8:14 18:1
`12:11 15:8
`1:2 11:8,16 12:5,10,21
`3:17 6:3
`C 3
`:1 4:1,1 5:1
`1:18 2:2 3:2 6:11,17
`7:13 8:6 12:3 15:9
`1:6,6,9 5:6 7:22 15:19
`16:19 17:16 19:11
`6:12 7:16,19 8:2 15:18
`4:13 6:8,18 7:8,8,11,14
`7:17 15:16,20 16:16
`17:10,20 18:2
`1:3,8 3:5 5:4,10,12,16
`5:19 7:4 8:16 9:9
`10:12 12:1,16 13:11
`14:16,20 16:8 17:2
`11:3 12:16 13:2,16
`11:4,21 12:6,10 16:19
`13:22 14:1
`B 4
`13:1 16:7
`3:6 5:11,12,15,19 7:4
`8:17 14:19,19 16:9
`3:4,13 4:3,12 6:2,4,14
`7:9 8:20 10:4
`5:15,20 6:10,16 11:15
`12:2 14:12,13
`2:5 5:3
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`3:17 6:3
`9:2 15:13
`11:20 15:13
`1:4 5:5
`2:6 5:3
`3:15 4:5 6:14
`6:21 8:21 9:4

`G 2
`:4 5:1
`9:15 15:20 16:21
`16:2 17:11,15
`1:4 3:14 5:6,22 6:2,4
`7:6 8:18,21 9:16 10:4
`10:7,18 11:5,7,11,17
`13:3 14:9,14,21 16:10
`9:16 10:15 11:1,4,16
`11:20 12:6 13:7
`3:8 12:9
`9:16 12:10
`8:11 12:11 16:21
`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`9:22 10:1
`11:4,21 12:6 15:14
`7:12,18 10:8,17 14:15
`9:15,19 10:12,22 13:20
`9:17,20 10:7,8,16 11:1
`12:21 13:3,4,19 17:19
`3:20 4:8
`7:18 8:5
`11:13,14,20 13:7,8
`6:2 8:20 10:4
`E 3
`:1,1 4:1,1,1 5:1,1
`1:3,4 5:5,5
`2:4 5:2,2,13,17,21 6:6
`6:10 7:2,11,15,20
`8:18 9:5 12:13 13:9
`13:18 14:16 15:16
`17:5,7,9,12,22 18:4
`8:2 9:1,9
`3:6,7,15,16,17 4:5,13
`1:18 2:2 3:2
`8:22 15:4,6
`13:12 17:13,15
`6:14 9:6 12:17 19:5
`12:18 14:8 15:8
`5:9 9:16,18 12:1,17
`13:9 14:21 16:10,12
`16:14 19:9
`5:17 7:10 19:2
`D 1
`:22 2:14 4:1 5:1 19:2
`10:14 13:21
`3:10 4:9
`1:20 11:14 15:6 19:15
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`N 3
`:1 4:1,1,1 5:1
`10:21 11:18
`2:15 19:1,19
`14:3,11 19:17
`3:9 4:7
`O 4
`:1 5:1
`7:3,4,6 8:13 15:22
`10:6 15:7 17:22
`5:18 7:3 16:7
`13:9 15:4
`1:5,9 5:6
`M 3
`2:16 19:20
`1:22 2:15 19:2
`1:19 4:17
`3:7 5:12
`7:21 9:8
`4:13 7:8
`10:18,18,22 11:8 14:15
`15:17 16:18 17:11
`15:9,22 17:14
`J 3
`12:11 14:11 16:20
`6:16 10:1,19 14:9
`10:18,18,22 11:8,14,16
`6:19 9:12 10:18 11:2
`11:17 12:7
`5:14 6:4
`2:4,5,6 5:2,2,3,3,13,17
`5:21 6:6,10 7:2,11,15
`7:20 8:18 9:5 12:13
`13:9,18 14:16 15:16
`17:5,7,9,12,22 18:4
`K 4
`3:16 6:3
`3:15 6:1,2,6 7:6 8:19
`8:20 10:3,4 12:15
`13:15 14:7 16:11
`5:11,16,19 6:1,8,13,18
`6:22 7:5,9,14,17 8:17
`8:19 10:3 14:19 15:7
`15:22 16:9,11,13,16
`17:3,6,8,10,20 18:2
`10:5 14:8
`9:12 12:7,21 13:2 14:4
`14:9 15:12 17:16
`11:13,20 13:5,6 14:3
`10:10,21 13:18 14:6,8
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`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`9:12 13:12 14:4 15:17
`16:18 17:15 19:8
`S 3
`:1 4:1 5:1
`1:3,3 4:4 5:4,5 6:9,15
`6:19 7:3 16:12 17:7
`9:9 13:11,15
`8:1 15:13
`10:9,13 12:21
`7:19 11:12
`13:19 14:6,12
`3:7 5:12
`7:15 9:7 13:22 15:12
`2:15 5:18 7:10 19:1,2
`11:1,16 12:13,16 13:14
`13:16 15:17
`11:15 12:22
`5:9 6:11
`11:3 14:1
`10:7 12:1
`11:8 12:15
`7:1 8:12 16:8
`1:11,13,14,16 11:12,22
`1:17 2:1 11:5 12:7,19
`18:6 19:3,6,6
`2:15 19:1,19
`1:21 18:6
`14:8 17:13
`8:15 10:5 17:1 18:3
`R 3
`:1 4:1,13 5:1
`9:10 14:22 15:3
`1:6,9 4:12 5:20 6:7 7:9
`P 3
`:1,1 4:1,1 5:1
`8:7 16:4,7,17
`3:2 6:22 7:3,22 8:8,10
`8:14 9:6 15:8,13 16:3
`8:11,12 17:19
`1:1,2,6,7,9,9 4:12 5:20
`6:7 7:9 9:21
`4:5 6:13,14 16:13 17:8
`7:18 15:10
`9:15,19,20,20 10:8,9
`10:12,14 11:15 12:8
`12:20,20 13:2,7,10,20
`13:21,22 14:5
`1:4,8 3:4,13 4:3 5:10
`5:22 6:20 8:16,18 9:9
`13:11 14:16 16:8
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`1:12 5:7
`1 1
`:12 10:19
`11:14 15:6
`1:10,12 10:19
`1:11,12,14,15 10:9,13
`4:8 10:14
`9:19 10:8 11:15 13:7
`13:21 14:5 16:1
`9:20 10:13 12:8,19
`13:3 14:2,10 15:10,18
`16:1 17:11,16
`1:13,15,20 10:19 19:17
`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`U 4
`9:1 10:15 14:7
`V 1
`1:19 4:17
`7:22 8:21 9:4
`6:22 17:21
`3:10 4:9
`9:20 14:12
`8:20 11:6 13:5
`13:16 17:14
`10:4 13:1
`8:2 16:5 19:4,6
`5:13,16,21 6:6 7:11,16
`7:20 16:2 17:3,6,8,21
`11:22 14:13,20,22 15:2
`10:14 13:21
`8:6 10:9,17 11:5,10
`13:19 14:6,13,14
`1:22 2:14 19:2
`5:4 6:2,5 10:11
`1:17 2:1 7:12,18 19:5
`11:18 14:4
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM
`1:5,9 5:6 7:9 15:17,22
`16:15 17:9
`3:16 6:3
`9:11 14:11 16:1
`10:5 12:9,17
`10:1 15:14
`5:8 7:21 9:18
`5:10 8:15 17:1
`2:15 19:20
`12:1 13:1
`5:11 14:19
`3:19 4:7

`Conference Call
`Conducted on December 14, 2015
`5 1
`:10,12 10:19
`12:12 16:21
`1:7,9 9:21
`9 1
`:12 9:12,21 10:10,22
`11:9,19 12:5,8,11,18
`12:22 13:3 14:10
`15:10,18,22 16:18
`14:3,11 19:14
`1:20 19:15
`3:11 4:10
`1:15 9:12,21 10:10,22
`11:9,19 12:5,8,11,18
`12:22 13:3 14:10
`15:10,18 16:1,18
`1:15 10:19
`6:19,20 11:3,21 12:19
`14:1 15:18,21
`6:19,20 10:2 11:3,22
`12:19 13:13 14:1
`15:18,21 16:22
`888.433.3767 | WWW.PLANETDEPOS.COM

`The undersigned hereby certifies that the transcript of the teleconference for
`CBM2015-00031, -00032, -00132 and -00133 on December 14, 2015 was served
`today, by agreement of the parties by emailing a copy to counsel for the Petitioners
`as follows:
`J. Steven Baughman (
`Ching-Lee Fukuda (
`Megan Raymond (
`Attorneys for Petitioner Apple Inc.
`Walter Renner (
`Thomas Rozylowicz (
`Attorneys for Petitioners Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Samsung Electronics
`America, Inc.
`Raymond Nimrod (
`Attorneys for Petitioner Google Inc.
`Dated: February 11, 2016

`/ Michael R. Casey /
`Michael R. Casey
`Registration No. 40,294
`Davidson Berquist Jackson &
`Gowdey, LLP
`8300 Greensboro Drive
`Suite 500
`McLean, VA 22102
`Telephone: (571) 765-7705
`Fax: (571) 765-7200
`Attorney for Patent Owner

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