`SAMSUNG, CBM2014-00190
` CBM2014-00192
` Petitioner, CBM2014-00193
` CBM2014-00194
` -against-
` Patent Owner.
`APPLE, INC., CBM2015-00117
` CBM2015-00118
` Petitioner, CBM2015-00119
` CBM2015-00120
` -against-
` Patent Owner.
` May 4, 2015
` 3:02 p.m.
`B E F O R E:
` Administrative Patent Judges
`Reported by:
`Jennifer Ocampo-Guzman, CRR, CLR
`JOB NO. 39048


`A P P E A R A N C E S:
` For Petitioner Apple:
` 700 12th Street N.W.
` One Metro Center
` Washington, DC 2005-3948
` (202) 508-4600
` For Petitioner Samsung:
` 1425 K Street
` Washington, DC 20005
` (202) 626-6447
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`1 2
`3 4


`APPEARANCES (Continued):
` For the Patent Owner Smartflash:
` 8300 Greensboro Drive, Suite 500
` McLean, Virginia 22102
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`1 2
`3 4


` JUDGE ELLURU: Good afternoon, this
` is Judge Elluru. I have Judges
` Anderson, Bisk, Clements and Chen on the
` line with me. This is a conference call
` in CBM2014-00190, 192, 193, 194, Samsung
` against Smartflash; as well as
` CBM-2015-00117, 118, 119 and 120, Apple
` against Smartflash.
` Do we have counsel for Apple
` present?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` Steve Baughman from Ropes & Gray and
` with me is Ching-Lee Fukuda.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And do you expect
` anyone else today?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: No one else but
` Steve, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And do we have the
` court reporter?
` MR. CASEY: The patent owner and
` the court reporter, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And is counsel for
` Samsung then on the call as well?
` MR. RENNER: Certainly. This is
`1 2
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` Karl Renner. I'm joined by Tom
` Rozylowicz and Andrew Patrick.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And Mr. Renner, do
` you expect anyone else today?
` MR. RENNER: We don't, thank you.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And finally, can we
` hear from Smartflash as to the counsel
` present?
` MR. CASEY: Yes, Your Honor. This
` is Michael Casey of Davidson, Berquist,
` Jackson & Gowdey.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And do you expect
` anyone else to join you today,
` Mr. Casey?
` MR. CASEY: No, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And I assume you
` have a court reporter at your request on
` this call?
` MR. CASEY: We do, yes.
` JUDGE ELLURU: We do order that
` patent owners file transcript of this
` teleconference as an exhibit in the
` Samsung, as well as Apple cases, that I
` identified earlier.
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` MR. CASEY: Your Honor, may I ask
` today if we can use a common header for
` all the cases? Typically that's not
` permitted for parties, only for the
` board, but it certainly would be
` helpful.
` JUDGE ELLURU: That's fine. In
` this instance, that's fine.
` It is our understanding that Apple
` requested this call to discuss timing,
` or scheduling in the CBM2015 cases that
` I identified earlier.
` With that, Mr. Baughman, could you
` please take the floor?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Thanks, Your Honor,
` yes.
` This is a request for a call,
` before we had filed the CBM2015-17, 18,
` 19 and 20 proceedings to advise the
` board that we intended to file these
` follow-on petitions that were copies of
` the substantive argumentative of Samsung
` with respect to institute a 101 grounds
` for providing the same evidence and
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` asking for this call about schedule, but
` we obviously now have in the hands of
` CBM numbers that were assigned, but we
` didn't when we filed before today.
` We are calling about two scheduling
` items.
` First, the time of a preliminary
` response, to the extent that the patent
` owner determines that it's necessary,
` given that the arguments and evidence
` are the same, it's my understanding, and
` I'm sure we will hear from patent owner,
` that patent owner does intend to file a
` preliminary response, and we would
` suggest that it would be appropriate to
` set a period of, along the lines of
` two weeks, as was done in one of the
` cases we cited IPR2013-0035, the Dell
` case that the board has pointed to under
` other circumstances.
` And as to the motion for joinder,
` also we would suggest that that should
` be done on an expedited schedule, if
` that's possible. I think in the Dell
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` case, the owner was given one week, but
` we would suggest it would work to have a
` two-week response, if they wish, in this
` case, until May 14th, we could reply
` within a week, by May 21st; and that way
` both the motion for joinder and any
` preliminary response would be in hand
` for the board before the patent owner
` response would be due in the original
` proceedings, so that we could avoid
` unnecessary filing of additional papers,
` if that's possible.
` And we've also proposed a motion
` for joiner that to the extent that's not
` possible, we would be open to the filing
` by patent owner, if they wish, of an
` additional paper shortly after the
` response in the Samsung proceeding to
` address anything regarding the Apple
` petitions. But we're trying to do this
` in a way that would minimize the need
` for any additional papers or
` expenditure, and as indicated in our
` motion for joinder, we would intend to
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` remain in the background, to the extent
` that for whatever reason Samsung doesn't
` remain in these cases to the end.
` JUDGE ELLURU: So Mr. Baughman,
` it's my understanding that you're
` requesting that Smartflash file its
` preliminary response as well as its
` opposition to the motion for
` consolidation by May 14; is that
` correct?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Mr. Casey, would you
` like to respond, and please let us know
` whether you plan to file a preliminary
` response in the CBM2015 cases?
` MR. CASEY: Yes, Your Honor.
` Patent owner would expect to file a
` preliminary response.
` To put things in perspective,
` patent owner received the original paper
` copies of the filings. I have been able
` to get on to the RPS system and download
` copies, but this is rate of -- of
` processing is prejudicial to the patent
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` owner, and in addition, the patent owner
` would want to be able to raise the issue
` of contrary evidence of the patent owner
` would be requesting enough time to be
` able to file a motion or routine
` discovery in order to obtain from, to
` obtain from Apple documents relating to
` the preemption question raised in the
` petitions. Since the filing of
` Samsung's positions, the district court
` has ruled on the 101 issue in the
` district court, and as part of that
` ruling, the court cited to evidence of
` defendants that relate to noninfringing
` alternatives, which is contrary to the
` arguments that they've made about the
` claims being -- the claims preempting
` entire fields.
` So we think it would be premature
` to have, A, a short deadline, and B, a
` deadline that does not take into
` consideration the fact that patent owner
` believes that it is entitled to this
` routine discovery that should have been
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` filed with the petition.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Mr. Casey, wouldn't
` those motions come into play only if we
` instituted in any event, so why should
` that affect the schedule as to whether
` the scheduling for the preliminary
` responses, certainly the opposition to
` our institution decisions?
` MR. CASEY: Because it may affect,
` Your Honor, whether or not you believe
` the argument of the petitioner that
` preemption is, preemption does exist.
` To the extent that the petitioner has
` already said in another forum that there
` are embodiments that are not covered by
` these claims, contradicts the arguments
` raised in the --
` JUDGE ELLURU: Mr. Casey, we
` don't -- at this point we're not going
` to entertain any argument on motions for
` routine discovery or additional
` recovery. We're just talking about the
` scheduling for the preliminary response
` and the opposition. And you've
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` indicated that you do intend to file a
` preliminary response in the CBM2015
` series of cases and you referred to
` contrary evidence. Can you expound on
` that?
` MR. CASEY: Yes, Your Honor. In
` the decisions at the district court, the
` magistrate judge in her report and
` recommendation indicated that defendants
` had identified a number of alternate
` configurations that could be used
` instead, which is indicative of the fact
` that there is not preemption as
` petitioner is now proposing.
` So I guess what I'm trying to
` understand, Your Honor, if they have
` taken this, the contrary position, the
` contrary position, this does seem to be
` the time to obtain that evidence prior
` to institution to avoid the cost of
` instituting the trial.
` Now, I can't tell whether or not
` you're going to institute a trial based
` on this repetitive grounds, considering
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` that Samsung has already filed the exact
` same petition, but in order to preserve
` all the possible rights, I believe that
` patent owner is entitled to that routine
` discovery because it is contrary to
` arguments presented, and that discovery
` should have been provided at the time
` the petition was filed.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Mr. Baughman, would
` you like to respond?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: If I may, Your
` Honor.
` First, just to note that we did
` serve copies as well, both by courier
` and electronic copy. I believe the
` courier tried to deliver on Friday --
` I'm sorry, on Saturday but was unable to
` do so and will be delivering today, and
` the materials were downloaded
` electronically from a link we provided
` on Friday.
` On the issue of additional, what
` they call routine discovery, this
` request was made of us this morning. We
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` are still evaluating it, but I have a
` few additional responses, if I may.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Please keep them
` brief.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: I will, Your Honor,
` I'm sorry.
` I understand trial is already
` instituted here in the Samsung matters,
` we're trying to join that trial. I
` think to the extent that there are
` contingents about this, they can be
` addressed in the context of that trial.
` Second, we don't agree that the
` material that Mr. Casey is referring to
` is inconsistent with positions we've
` taken. So arguments we've made about
` preemption, it's on the rationale of
` Mayo. It's an issue of relative
` preemption, and the Mayo case talks
` about foreclosing more future inventions
` than the underlying discovery reasonably
` justifies. The fact that there may be
` other ways of doing something does not
` mean that the preemption inquiry for
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` section 101 purposes is concluded. We
` do take the positions that we have a
` noninfringing product, so if that's the
` question, I'm not sure what discovery is
` required for that.
` And we certainly have a lot of
` people talking about the fact that even
` if one could practice an idea in a
` manner that doesn't infringe, that
` doesn't mean that the relative
` preemption issue that is raised by the
` Alice in the Mayo analysis is somehow
` resultant in patent eligibility under
` section 101. So we don't plan to --
` that it is contrary information and we
` are actually in the process of trying to
` determine whether there is some material
` that is not confidential that we could
` agree to produce just to avoid the
` dispute. We haven't had a chance yet to
` respond to patent owner's request on
` that.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Thank you.
` Mr. Casey, so given what you've
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` heard from Apple's counsel, are you
` willing to -- are you agreeable to a
` shortened preliminary response time?
` MR. CASEY: Maybe shortened
` preliminary response of two months, but
` certainly not two weeks, Your Honor. A
` filing date has yet to be accorded to
` any of these patents, to any of these
` petitions.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And so it's my
` understanding that -- I would assume, or
` let me ask you, are you going to oppose
` the motion for 325(c) consolidation?
` MR. CASEY: We're going to -- yes,
` we will oppose the motion under 325(c)
` and indicate that the board should
` exercise its discretion and not
` institute at all for this, under 325(d)
` as well.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And that opposition
` would be due I believe on May 30th?
` MR. CASEY: I think, yes, Your
` Honor, that's exactly right.
` JUDGE ELLURU: I'm going to put the
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` parties on hold while I confer with the
` panel.
` (Panel confers off the record.)
` JUDGE ELLURU: The panel has
` conferred.
` Is counsel for Apple present?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And counsel for
` Samsung?
` MR. RENNER: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And counsel for
` Smartflash?
` MR. CASEY: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: The panel has
` decided that we would like an expedited
` preliminary response in this case. It
` will be due at the same time as the
` opposition, which is May 30th, but that
` is a Saturday, so those two papers will
` be due on June 1, 2015.
` And we do have a question for
` Samsung. Does Samsung contemplate
` opposing Apple's 325(c) motion?
` MR. CASEY: Your Honor, thank you
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` for asking. No, Samsung does not
` contemplate opposing that, thank you.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And we also wanted
` to know -- to put Apple on notice that
` we have briefly read the 325(c) motion
` and we may contemplate, as we do join
` those Apple petitions with the previous
` Samsung case, we may let the parties, we
` would contemplate along the parties to
` cooperate Apple's motion suggested that
` if they couldn't come to an agreement,
` that they would be allowed to file a
` separate paper as well as giving
` Smartflash the opportunity to respond to
` that paper, but in other cases what
` we've done is just sought that the
` second petitioner has to cooperate with
` the first petitioner, and if they can't
` reach agreement then they would have to
` call the board and ask for additional
` three things.
` So we haven't decided the 325(c)
` motion yet. We just wanted to let the
` parties know that and put them on notice
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` that that is a possibility.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Understood for
` Apple, Your Honor. Thank you.
` JUDGE ELLURU: Are there any
` questions remaining, starting with the
` Apple's counsel, Mr. Baughman?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: No, Your Honor.
` Well, I guess the one question would be
` on the subject of a reply, if necessary,
` can we file one promptly as of the 30th,
` if needed?
` JUDGE ELLURU: We will give you
` seven days to file a reply in support of
` the motion for 325(c) consolidation.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And is there any
` questions or issues from Samsung's
` counsel, Mr. Renner?
` MR. RENNER: No, Your Honor. Thank
` you.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And lastly, Mr.
` Casey?
` MR. CASEY: Yes, Your Honor. I
` guess the other way to approach this
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` would be to consolidate the cases the
` other way around and then we would not
` be pressed on the schedule, everything
` can be consolidated into now what is
` 2015-00117 through 120, and then there
` is no need to rush the proceedings.
` JUDGE ELLURU: At this point we are
` going to stick to this schedule. If we
` do consolidate the cases, we may at that
` point discuss changing the schedule, for
` both, for the consolidated cases.
` MR. RENNER: Your Honor, this is
` Karl Renner for Samsung. If that were
` to be considered, we would appreciate a
` voice and a later opportunity to discuss
` that.
` JUDGE ELLURU: And we are not
` contemplating that at this point. So
` currently, as I said earlier, the
` opposition to the motion for 325(c)
` consolidation in the CBM2015 series of
` cases is going to be due on June 1,
` 2015, as well as the preliminary
` responses in those cases.
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


` Proceedings
` MR. CASEY: Understood. Thank you.
` JUDGE ELLURU: With no questions or
` issues remaining, this call is
` adjourned. Thank you.
` (Time noted: 3:18 p.m.)
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`7 8 9


` C E R T I F I C A T E
` : ss.
` I, Jennifer Ocampo-Guzman, a
` Notary Public within and for the State
` of New York, do hereby certify that the
` within is a true and accurate
` transcript of the telephonic
` proceedings taken on May 4, 2015.
` I further certify that I am not
` related to any of the parties to this
` action by blood or marriage and that I
` am in no way interested in the outcome
` of this matter.
` hereunto set my hand this 4th day of
` May 2015.
` ________________________________
`1 2
`6 7
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099


`able 9:22
`action 22:15
`addition 10:2
`11:22 13:23
`14:3 18:21
`address 8:20
`advise 6:20
`affect 11:6,10
`afternoon 4:2
`agree 14:14
`Alice 15:13
`1:18 4:4
`Andrew 2:24
`Apple 1:8 2:4
`4:8,10 5:24
`6:10 8:20
`10:8 17:7
`18:5,8 19:4
`Apple's 16:2
`17:24 18:11
`7:11 10:17
`11:17 13:7
`asking 7:2
`assigned 7:4
`assume 5:17
`avoid 8:11
`12:21 15:20
`B 1:16 2:24
`based 12:24
`2:10 4:12
`6:14,16 9:5
`9:12 13:10
`13:12 14:6
`17:8 19:3,7
`believe 11:11
`Berquist 3:5
`Bisk 1:17 4:4
`blood 22:15
`board 1:2 6:6
`6:21 7:20
`8:9 16:17
`brief 14:5
`briefly 18:6
`C 2:2 22:2,2
`call 4:5,24
`5:19 6:11
`6:18 7:2
`13:24 18:21
`calling 7:6
`case 7:20 8:2
`8:5 14:20
`17:17 18:9
`cases 5:24 6:4
`6:12 7:19
`9:4,16 12:4
`18:16 20:2
`Casey 3:8
`4:21 5:10
`5:20 6:2
`12:7 14:15
`15:25 16:5
`CBM 7:4
`1:3 4:6
`6:12 9:16
`12:3 20:22
`Center 2:7
`4:25 6:6
`11:8 15:7
`certify 22:9
`chance 15:21
`Chen 1:19
`2:12 4:14
`cited 7:19
`claims 10:18
`10:18 11:17
`1:18 4:4
`CLR 1:21
`come 11:4
`common 6:3
`confer 17:2
`1:15 4:5
`confers 17:4
`9:10 16:14
`19:15 20:22
`17:23 18:3
`context 14:13
`contrary 10:4
`10:16 12:5
`13:6 15:16
`copies 6:22
`copy 13:16
`correct 9:11
`cost 12:21
`counsel 4:10
`4:23 5:8
`16:2 17:7,9
`17:12 19:7
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`courier 13:15
`court 4:20,22
`5:18 10:11
`CRR 1:21
`date 16:8
`Davidson 3:5
`day 22:19
`days 19:14
`DC 2:8,18
`17:16 18:23
`11:9 12:8
`10:15 12:10
`deliver 13:17
`Dell 7:19,25
`11:22 13:6
`14:22 15:5
`discuss 6:11


`dispute 15:21
`district 10:11
`10:13 12:8
`doing 14:24
`Drive 3:6
`due 8:10
`16:22 17:18
`17:21 20:23
`E 1:16,16 2:2
`2:2 22:2,2
`earlier 5:25
`6:13 20:20
`Elluru 1:17
`4:23 5:4,7
`6:8 9:5,13
`13:10 14:4
`15:24 16:11
`17:15 18:4
`19:22 20:8
`20:18 21:3
`entire 10:19
`entitled 10:24
`ESQ 2:10,12
`event 11:5
`evidence 6:25
`7:11 10:4
`10:14 12:5
`exact 13:2
`exactly 16:24
`exhibit 5:23
`exist 11:13
`expect 4:15
`5:5,13 9:18
`7:24 17:16
`expound 12:5
`extent 7:9
`8:15 9:2
`11:14 14:11
`F 1:16 22:2
`fact 10:23
`12:13 14:23
`fields 10:19
`file 5:22 6:21
`7:14 9:7,15
`9:18 10:6
`12:2 18:13
`filed 6:19 7:5
`11:2 13:2,9
`filing 8:12,16
`10:10 16:8
`filings 9:22
`finally 5:7
`fine 6:8,9
`first 7:8
`13:14 18:19
`FISH 2:16
`floor 6:15
`forum 11:15
`Friday 13:17
`Fukuda 2:12
`further 22:13
`future 14:21
`G 1:17
`give 19:13
`given 7:11
`8:2 15:25
`giving 18:14
`going 11:20
`12:24 16:13
`Good 4:2
`Gowdey 3:5
`Gray 2:5
`GREGG 1:18
`grounds 6:24
`guess 12:16
`hand 8:8
`hands 7:3
`header 6:3
`hear 5:8 7:13
`heard 16:2
`helpful 6:7
`hold 17:2
`HON 1:17,17
`Honor 4:12
`5:10,16 6:2
`6:16 9:12
`9:17 11:11
`13:13 14:6
`17:25 19:4
`19:24 20:13
`idea 15:9
`5:25 6:13
`8:24 12:2
`inquiry 14:25
`instance 6:9
`institute 6:24
`12:24 16:19
`11:5 14:9
`11:9 12:21
`intend 7:14
`8:25 12:2
`intended 6:21
`issue 10:3,12
`13:23 14:19
`issues 19:18
`items 7:7
`J 2:10
`Jackson 3:5
`Jennifer 1:17
`1:21 22:7
`JOB 1:21
`join 5:14
`14:10 18:7
`joinder 7:22
`joined 5:2
`joiner 8:15
`judge 4:2,3
`5:21 6:8 9:5
`9:13 11:3
`11:19 12:9
`13:10 14:4
`15:24 16:11
`17:15 18:4
`19:22 20:8
`20:18 21:3
`Judges 1:19
`June 17:21
`K 2:17
`Karl 2:20 5:2
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`keep 14:4
`know 9:14
`lastly 19:22
`line 4:5
`lines 7:17
`link 13:21
`LLC 1:6,11
`LLP 2:5 3:5
`lot 15:7
`14:15 15:18
`matter 22:17
`matters 14:9
`Mayo 14:19
`14:20 15:13
`McLean 3:7
`mean 14:25
`Metro 2:7
`Michael 3:8
`months 16:6
`motion 7:22
`9:9 10:6
`17:24 18:6


`19:15 20:21
`motions 11:4
`N 2:2
`7:10 19:10
`need 8:22
`needed 19:12
`New 2:12
`10:15 15:4
`Notary 22:8
`note 13:14
`noted 21:6
`notice 18:5
`numbers 7:4
`N.W 2:6
`O 1:16
`obtain 10:7,8
`obviously 7:3
`1:21 22:7
`open 8:16
`18:15 20:16
`oppose 16:13
`17:24 18:3
`9:9 11:8,25
`16:21 17:19
`order 5:21
`10:7 13:3
`original 8:10
`owner 1:7,12
`3:4 4:21
`owners 5:22
`P 1:19 2:2,2
`panel 17:3,4
`paper 8:18
`9:21 18:14
`papers 8:12
`8:23 17:20
`part 10:13
`parties 6:5
`17:2 18:9
`patent 1:1,2,7
`1:12,19 3:4
`4:21 5:22
`8:9,17 9:18
`13:5 15:14
`patents 16:9
`Patrick 2:24
`people 15:8
`period 7:17
`permitted 6:5
`PETER 1:19
`petition 11:2
`petitioner 1:4
`1:9 2:4,15
`12:15 18:18
`petitions 6:22
`8:21 10:10
`16:10 18:8
`plan 9:15
`play 11:4
`please 6:15
`9:14 14:4
`point 11:20
`pointed 7:20
`10:11 14:16
`possible 7:25
`practice 15:9
`10:9 11:13
`11:13 12:14
`7:8,15 8:8
`12:3 16:4,6
`17:17 20:24
`present 4:11
`5:9 17:7
`preserve 13:3
`pressed 20:4
`previous 18:8
`prior 12:20
`5:1 6:1,20
`7:1 8:1,11
`9:1 10:1
`11:1 12:1
`13:1 14:1
`15:1 16:1
`17:1 18:1
`19:1 20:1,7
`21:1 22:12
`process 15:17
`product 15:4
`Public 22:8
`put 9:20
`16:25 18:5
`p.m 1:14 21:6
`question 10:9
`15:5 17:22
`R 1:16,18 2:2
`3:8 22:2
`raise 10:3
`raised 10:9
`11:18 15:12
`RAMA 1:17
`rate 9:24
`reach 18:20
`read 18:6
`reason 9:3
`received 9:21
`record 17:4
`referred 12:4
`relate 10:15
`related 22:14
`relating 10:8
`relative 14:19
`remain 9:2,4
`19:6 21:4
`Renner 2:20
`4:25 5:2,4,6
`17:11 19:19
`19:20 20:13
`reply 8:5
`450 Seventh Avenue - Ste 500, New York, NY 10123 1.800.642.1099
`report 12:9
`reporter 4:20
`4:22 5:18
`request 5:18
`6:18 13:25
`9:7 10:5
`required 15:6
`respect 6:24
`respond 9:14
`13:11 15:22
`response 7:9
`7:15 8:4,8
`8:10,19 9:8
`11:24 12:3
`11:8 14:3
`right 16:24
`rights 13:4
`Ropes 2:5
`routine 10:6
`10:25 11:22
`2:22 5:3
`RPS 9:23
`ruled 10:12
`ruling 10:14
`rush 20:7


`S 1:17 2:2
`Samsung 1:3
`2:15 4:6,24
`5:24 6:23
`8:19 9:3
`13:2 14:9
`10:11 19:18
`13:18 17:20
`schedule 7:2
`7:24 11:6
`6:12 7:6
`second 14:14
`section 15:2
`series 12:4
`serve 13:15
`set 7:17 22:19
`seven 19:14
`short 10:21
`shortly 8:18
`1:6,11 3:4
`4:7,9 5:8
`9:7 17:13
`sorry 13:18
`sought 18:17
`ss 22:4
`starting 19:6
`State 22:3,8
`Steve 4:13,18

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