`W I
`See MPEP chapter 500 conceming uiiifly-paient application contents.
`Fee Transmittai Form (9.9.. PTQISBW)
`[Submii an on‘ginal and a dupficaie for fee processing}
`Applicani claims smaii entity stains.
`See 37 CFR 12?.
`a) g
`52:9 .
`.. ‘8
`an -
`Assignment Papers {cover sheet & documenfisj)
`Name of Assignee Smarthlash Limited
`113. [:1 37 CPR 3.73m) Statement
`{3 Power of '
`{when there is an assignee)
`1?. [:3 Other;
`1;. E] Statements verifying identity of above copies
`- 18. if a CONTINUENG APPLICATEON, check appmpn‘are box, and suppry the requisite infofinarion below and in Eire first senience of the 3'
`specification foiiowing the rifle, win an Application Daia Shoot under 37 OFF? 1. 75:
`E] Divisionai
`B Confinzzaijonuinupari (CiP)
`oi prior application No: 101111 716
`Art Unit: 2876
` Prior appiz‘caiion information: Examiner 8. Folk
`{Dory for new nonprow‘siona! appiicafions under 3? CFR 1‘. 53m};
`PTOISBIQS (05415}
`Huist, Hermeward
`Ev 333333333 US
`Commissioner for Patents I
`13.0.30: 1450
`Alexandria, VA 223134450
`3% Specification
`gain the claims and abstract must start on a new page
`{For infomation on the preferred anngsmanr, see MPEP 608.3912?»
`_ 4.. DrawingisH35 U.SiC.113)
`5. Oath or Declaration
`[Torai Sheets
`a. [:1 Newly executed {originai or copy)
`b. E A copy from a prior application [37 CPR 1.63 (d):
`{fora ooniinuationfdivisionai with Box 18 completed)
`Signad statement attached deieiing invenéoris)
`named in the prior application, see 3? cm
`1.634539) and 1.3301}.
`6. E Application Data Sheet. See 3? CFR 1.?6
`i 71:] oo-RoM‘oroo-R in duplicate, Eargetabie or
`Computer Program (Appendix)
`D Landscape Tobie on CD
`8. Nucleotide audio: Amino Acid Sequence Submission
`(if applicable. ifems a. 3 c. are required)
`a. Computer Readabie Form (CRF)
`i. 1:} Computer Readabie 503m (CRF)
`ii. 1:} Transfer Request (3? CFR 1.821 (3})
`b. Spedfioafion Sequence Listing on:
`[:1 (JD-ROM or CDsR {2 copies): or
`ii. [:3 Paper
`11. [:1 Engilsh Transiation Document {if appiicabie)
`Informaiion Disclosure Statement (PToisama arr-3104449)
`EX! Copies of foreign patent documeots,
`pubiioations, & other iniormation
`13. D Prefiiminary Amendment
`Return Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
`(Should be specifically itemized}
`15. B Certified Copy of Priority Documenfls)
`{if foreign priority is orafmeo')
`16. C} Nonpubiioation Request under 35 use. 122 (b)(2)(i3)(i}.
`Appiicant mus: attach form PTO/SW35 or its equivaieni.
`3 v
`The addraSS associated wiih Customer Numbeiz'
`OR B Correspondence address below
`60682954 v1
`. ..
`Registration No.
`. Aime-331333


`Eflecrr‘va an 12/030004,
`Fees pursuant {o the Consolidated Appmpdatfons Act, 2095 (HR. 4818}.
`For FY 2006
`g A. ligatisn Number
`. Filin- Daze
` Firs: Named Inventor
`Art Unit
`Com .iere if Known
`Hulst, Herman-arc
`' PTOJSEH? (12434)
`. Wflmvmkfilm 0803M9«IM0..00US
`UCheck DCreciltCatd [:1 Money Order DNone DOEherleascidenrify):
`. ._
`w... .
`Dcpesfi Acceum W905" Account NfimbEfl 26-1430
`Deposit Accounl Name: Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP
`For the above-identified fiapesit acwunl. the Director is hereby aulhorized to: {check all thal apply)
`D Charge feels) indicated below, except fer the filing fee
`Charge feels) indicated below
`v Charge any adsltiunal fee{s) or undergarments of feeis) v
`h under 37 CFR 1.16 and $.17
`Credtl any avarpaymams
`WARNENfi: Information on this farm may became publlgz. Credit card information should not be included on this form. Provifie credii card
`infaonormtl adn atrthmorizatlon on PTO—2336
`Aggiicatlan Tyee
`'Fees Paid§§3
`Small Entity;
`Small Entity
`Small Enti’gg
`Fee§§l Fee [fl
`Fee (fit Feem
`Feefi} Fee ($1
`Muitlgle Degendent Claims
`Fee Paid ($1
`Fee Pald
`3 00
`Small Entity
`Fee l§l Fee l§l
`Fee Descrlgtlun
`Each claim over 20 fit“, for Reissues, each claim ever 20 and more than in the original patent
`Each independent claim over 3 or, for Reissues, each independent claim mere than in the original patent 200
`- Multiple dependent claims
`Fee {$3
`Tara! Clalms
`Extra Claims
`Fee Paid (§}
`-20 or H? =
`HP = highest number oftntal claims paid Ear. 3f grealer than 20
`indeg. Claims:
`Extra Claims
`- Fee 5;:
`HP = highest number of independant claims paid for, i1 greater than 3
`If the specification and drawings excseé 100 sheets of paper, the applicatien size fee due is $250 (SE25 for small entity)
`for each additional 50 sheets 01' fraction thereof. See 35 USS. 41(a}(l)(G} and 37 CFR l.l 6(5)».
`“Fetal Sheets
`Extra Sheets
`Number of each adcfitional 50 or fraction thereof
`Fee i’aié Q1
`= - 190 = I50 = {round up tn a whole number) x
`Fees Paid m
`.w . .
`..l .....
`Registraiinn No.
`(AfiorneyiAgem) 35,933
`Name (Pnnthype) Kevin T. LeMond I
`50683003 v1
`Non—English Specificatims
`$130 fee (no small entity discount)
`Date MRS/08


`PTOISBJ‘OS {05-05}
`Hulct, Hermeward
`Express Mail Label NO.
`EV 353391 335 US
`E} _
`.. Ccmmissionerfpafiorents
`no}... E:
`no. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 223134450
` '11:
`(Only for new nmprcvisionai applicaiions under 37 CFR 1.53m);
`_ See MPEP chapter sac concerning uiiiiiypalen: application come-Ms.
`. 1. E Fee Transmittal Form{e.g.. PTOISBHT)
`(Submit an original and a duplicate for fee processing)
`2. [3 Applicant ciaims small entity siatus.
`See 3? {Di-"R 12?.
` Name of Assignee Smart—Flash Limiter!
`Assignment Papers (cover sheet 8: dccument{s
`1% Specification
`Both the ciairns and abstract must start an a new page
`{For :11th an the preferred anangement, sec MPEP 598.01{a}}
`4E Drawing(s}(3EU.S.C.113J
`_ 5. Oath or Declaration
`a. El Newly executed (original or copy)
`b. {E A copy frem a prior application (3‘! CFR 1.63 (d))
`{fora caniinuafion/divisional with Box 18 completed)
`Signed statement attached deieting inventor(s)
`named in the prior appiécafion, see 37 CFR
`1.63(d)(2} and 1.313(9).
`. 6.
`[:1 Power {if I
`Application Data Sheet. See 37 CFR 1.76
`7. {j cn-ROM or CD-R in duplicate. large table tr
`Ccmputcr'Program (Appendix)
`E] Landscape Table an CD
`Flucleotide andlor Amine Acid Sequence Submission
`(if applicable, items a. - c. are required)
`a. Ccmputer Readable ch‘t (CRF)
`i. C] Computer Readable Form (CRF)
`a. E] Transfer Request <3? cm 1.821(3)}
`b. Specification Sequence Listing cm:
` 17. [3 Other:
`i. [:l CD~ROM or'CD-R (2 cupies); or
`ii. [I Paper
`:2. C] Siatemenis verifying identity of abcve copies
`I 18. if a CONTINUING APPLICATION, check appropriate bcx, am} supply the reqw'sfie information below and in the first sentence of the
`. specification foilowr'ng ihe rifle. or in an Application Data Shae: under 3? CFR 1. 75:
`E Continuation
`E] Divisional
`[:1 ContlnuatIUn-in-pari (c153;
`5f prior applicaiinn ND: mm 715
`Prior application information:
`Examiner S. Pall:
`Ari Unit: 2315
`10. [j 37 CPR 3.73m) Statement
`(when there is an assignae}
`11. C] English Translation Dncument (if applicable)
`12. E Information DisciOsure Statement (Prarsaina or PTO-1449)
`E Copies of foreign patent documents.
`pubiicailflns, & other informaticn
`13. [3 Preliminary Amendment
`Return ReCESpt Postcard (MPEF’ 503)
`(Should be specifically itemizezfl
`15. [3 Certified Copy of Priority Documenzls)
`(if fcmr'gn priority is claimed)
`16. [:1 Nonpubilcation Request under 35 use. 122 (b)(2}(B)(i}.
`Appficant must attach form FTOISBISS or its equivalent.
`The address associated with Customer Number:
` OF? E] Correspondence address beicw
`' Signature 7’
`. Mlle
`50532954 111
`. Kvem T. LeN‘iond
`Telephone —./‘ Emaii Address
`. I
`Registration No.
`Attorne iA-ent


`' arorsarir (12404)
`Effective on 72/682364.
`Com .lete if Known
`Fees pursuan! in {he Consaiidaéed Appropriations Act, 2005 (H. R. 48w).
`: A- slicaiion Number
`FEE TRANSMETTAL -_ Jam 19,2905
`For FY 2996
`Huist, Hermen—ard
`5 HP = highest number a? inéepandant claims paid for, if greater than 3
`Muitigie Degendent Ciaims
`Fee {$1
`Fee Paid ($2
`Fee Paid ($1
`Art Unit
`Agpiicam claims smail entity status: Sea 37 CFR 1.27 —
`(5) 2950
`Attorney Docket NB.
` 0879US93-000100
`WV” “65* filth-3‘3“?
`1 [:1 Check [3 Credit Card D Money Order [3 None D Other (piease identify):
`1 E 133905“ Account Deposit ACCOUM Numbefi 20—1430
`DepositAccouni Name: Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLF’
`For the aboveqidentified deposit account the Director is hereby auiharized is: (check all {hat appiy)
`E Charge feats) indicated beiow
`[:1 Charge 136(5) indicated below, except for the filing fee
`.7 Charge any additionai 189(3) or underpayments of feeis)
`.under 37 CFR 1,15 and 1.17
`& Credit any overpaymenis
`' WARNING: Information an this form may become pubiip. Creciit card informaflnn should not be inciudeé an this form. Provide credii card
`' Infsrmatiun and auhtarization cram-2935 _
`f FEE cmcum‘nor:
`Small Emit!
`Smaii Entity
`Smail Entigg
`MSW Efiflfl Fe_fi[§.1 M M 533.15.} E93131
`1 50
` 306 150 500
`Provisiem 3i
`Small Entity
`Fee gfl Fee {fit
`Fee Descrigtinn
`I Each claim GVCT 20 (2:, for Reissues, each claim over 20 and more than in ihe origina! patent
`1 Each independent claim over 3 or, for Reissues, each independent claim more than in the original patent 200
`Multiple dependent Claims
`Fee {$1
`Total Claims
`Extra Ciaims
`Fee Paid ($1
`-2i: 0! HP =
`5 HP = highest number of totai cta‘lms paid for. if greater than 20
`lmieg. Ciaims
`Exirg Claims
`~Fee ($1
`if ihe specification and drawings exceed 100 sheets ofpaper, the application size: fete due is $250 ($125 for smaii entity)
`for each additional 50 sheets or fraction thereof. See 35 U.S.C. 41(a}(i)(G) and 37 CFR “6(5).
`Total Sheets
`Extra Sheets
`Number of each additional 50 a: fraction thereof
`Fee £53
`- $00 2
`[50 =
`(round up to a whoie number}
`Non-Engiish Sgecificazion,
`$i30 fee (no small entity discount}
`Fee Paid f5)
`I Registration No.
`H I H
`{AfinrneyiAgentj 35833 415-575-{_}200 Teiephone
`Name(Printhypa) Kevin T. Leiviond
`60633003 v‘i


`we mmsss
`This invention is generaiiy concerned with data storage and access systems. More '
`partiouiariy, it relates to a porta’bieoata oaoier for storing and paying for data and to
`computer systems for providing access to data to be: stored. The invention also includes
`corresponding methods and computer programs. The invention is particulariy useful for
`managing stored audio and video data, but may aim be applied to storage and access of
`text and sofiware, including games, as weii as other types of data,
`Once pmbiem associated with the increasingiy wide use ofthe intense! is the growing ‘
`prevaionco of so~calleé data pirates. Such pirates obtain data either by unauthorised or
`legitimate means and than make this data avaiiobie essontially world-Wide over the
`inter-net Without authorisation. Data can be a very vaiuabie aommodity, but once it has
`been published on the Internet it is difficnit to police access to and use of it by interned
`o usors who may not even reaiise that it is pirateé. This is a pmicuia: probiem with audio
`recordings, and, once the bandwidth béoomes available, is aiso iikeiy to be evident with
`Over the past three or four years compressed nudio sources have bosom: increasingly
`widoiy avaiiabie on web pages. One wideiy usual audio daia compression format is MP3
`{MPEGB} which is an internationally dofinedrsiandard ino‘iuding a definition of
`compressed audio information such as speech car-music. It relies on psycho~acoustic
`, properties of human hearing to achieve very barge data. compreszion factors. It is thus
`feasible to download usefully long passages ofmusic in a pmticoily convenient short
`time. Pirate data suppliers have not been siow to realise the potential ofthis and many
`unnumorisod websites have sprung up offering popular music including recent mieases
`by worm famous bandso This has calmed the recording industry oonsidexnbic concern -
`and there is an urgent need to find a way to address tho probiem ofdoia piracy.


`we 0131599
`The invention described below adfiresses this end related problems.
`According to the present inventiun there is therefere provided a method of providing
`portable data comprising providing a porlable data garage device comprising
`tiewnloaded data storage means and payment validation means; providing a terminal for
`interest assess; eoupking the portable data sierage éevice to the terminal; reading
`payment infennatien from the payment validatinn means using the terminal; valiriating
`the péyment'infennatien; ami downloading data into the portable storage device'frorh a
`dam Supplier.
`Another aspect of the Enventien prevides a correspencling mobile data retrieval device
`for retrieving and oulputting data such as stared music answer noise {rem the clam
`slorage device.
`The payment validation means is, for example, means to validate payment with an
`external authority such as a bank or building ancient The combination of the playrnent
`valislafien means with the data storage means-L allows the access to the demldadeti data
`which is to: be stored by the data storage means, to be made conditional upon checked
`and validated pageant being made for the date Binding the data access and paymerrt
`iogefiher ailews the legitimate owners of the data to snake the data available themselves
`over the internal wimoul fear of loss of revenue, thus undennining the position of data
`A funher advantage of the system is the: it allows users under the age of 18 to make
`inter-net purchases. Currently inter-net users pay for goods andfor services by credit card.
`Since credit cards cannot be legitimately be used by persons under the age of 1% (ti: least
`in the UK}, a significant fraction of etlvenmmus interact users are exeluécd from 9*
`commerce. one of the mesi significant predicted uses of the inter-net. In one
`embodiment of the invention hewever, the payment validation means comprises e-cash -
`that is the payment validation means stores transacfien value information an a cash


`W0 {1151599
`‘ PCTIGBWffl-fllfi
`value of transactions vaiidatabie by the data storage means. in simpie terms, the data
`I storage means can be a card which is charged up to a desired cash value (if necessm
`iimitod to a maximmn value) at a suitable terminal. This might be an internal access
`terminal but could, more simply, be a device to accept the data storage card and to
`receive and count money deposited by the user to charge the card, writing update cash
`value information onto the card‘ More sophisticated ways of updating the cash voiue on
`the card are also possibie, such as éirect bank transfer. Since. with this type of
`embodiment, tho data storage means is, essontially, prechorged with cash rather than
`acting as. a credit card it can be used by young peopie without fine risk oftheir imam-ring
`large debts.
`In one embodiment the data storage means is powered by the retrieval device when it is
`connected to the device and retains a memory of the ctovmloaded data whenrit is
`unpowered. This can be achieved by the use of Flash RAM or, more generaliy, any
`form of programmabie read-oniy memory. Attemotiveiy the strata storage means rrtay
`incorporate a rechargeable ceii or capacitor and store information in battery backed-up
`Vstatic RAM.
`The downioadod fiata maybe entered into the data storage device by moansof an
`interface such as a magneticaiiy or capacitativeiy coupled connection or an opticat
`connection, but preforabiy the interface comprises contacts for direct electricai
`. connection to the storage means. The payment validation means may likewise have one
`of a variety of interfaces but again preforabiy comprises a set of eioctrica! contacts. The
`payment validation means couldfi howovcr comprise a magnetic or holographic data-
`strip such as is known for use with cmtiit cords and phone cards. The interface to
`receive the dowrtloaded data may be separate from the interface to the pajrment
`validation means, to faciiitate separate and simultaneous access to both these systems;
`In other embodiments a singie interface may serve for both data storage and payment
`Advantag‘eousiy the payment validation means inchtdes a memory storing information
`to identify tho person who is paying for the downioadcd data.


`W0 01131599
`PCTfGBDfifiM 119
`For additional security the downloeded data may be encrypted. In this case date.
`decryption may 7tee necessary at some stage, either in the data storage means or in the _
`retrievai device or in an information deiivering apparatus such as a data access terminal.
`Aitemativeiy the data decryptlen flirtation can be shared amongst one or more of these
`devices. The skilled person will be aware ofe range of suitabie encryptionfdecryption
`techniques including Pretty Good Privacy (Registered Trade Mark) and PKI {Public Key
`Irtfrastmeture). Normally when the dowriioeded data is encrypted edeeryption key must
`be supplied. This can be generated automatically'by-the data access terrains! or date
`eccess service provider or it can be entered by the user into the data access tennirtai or
`into the mobile data retrievai device;
`The data storage means andfor the retrieval device can be provider! with access contr'oi
`means to prevent unauthorised access to the downioadeti data. Additionally or
`alternatively; use control means can be provided to stop or provide only limited access
`of the user to the domloaded data in adcordartce with the amount paid. These access
`and use control functions may in some embodiments be combined; permitted use
`controiling access or permitted access controlling use. Thus, for example, a complete
`set of data information reieting to a particular topic, a particular music track, or a
`particuiar software package might be downloaded, eithough access to pan of the date set .
`might thereafier be controiied by payments made by a user at a later stage. In this way, a ‘
`user couid pay to enable an extra level on a game or to enable firrther tracks of an
`In embodiments where the access or use control means is responsive to the payment
`validation means, access or use control infometion may be stored with the downloaded
`data or in a separate storage area, for example in the payment valitietiort means. The
`user‘s acceeé to the downioadeti data could edvemegeottsty be responsive to the
`payment italidation means, for example, by means of a control line coupling the
`payment vaiiéatien means with a memory access or decryption contmi element.


`we was»
`In one embodiment the (iota storage means comprises an electronic memory card or
`smart card and the moblle data retrieval device is provided with a slot to receive the
`semi. From-ably the card is a push~fit within the retrieval device, and retention of the
`card may be effected by pressme fiom electrical interface comections andlor resilience
`. of the housing, or by using a resilient retaining means. In a preferred embodiment the
`retfisval‘devloe includes an audio output and a display, to play a downloaded track and
`to show information about the track sodfor an accompsnfing video,
`To domload data onto the data storage means the user can employ a data access
`terminal coupled to the interact. The terminal can directly validate payment - for
`example in the case of e smart card charged with electronic cash it can deduct a cash
`value from the card. Altematix‘rely it cart mmunicate with a bank or other financial
`services provider to control payment, In a preferred embodiment, however, the terminal
`connects to a data access service provider which provides a portal to other sites and
`which validates payment and then {onwards data from a data supplier to the user’s local
`access terminal. The data access service provider may alternatively forward payment
`validation information andfor information from the paymertt validation authority to the
`data sopplier for control bythc supplier of the data supplied. "l'l'msy access to the
`payment validation system andfor data for downloading may be entirely controlled by
`the data supplier.
`Data held on the data storage means may aovamegeously include data relating to the
`user’s or payer‘s usage of the system This information may include, for example,
`information on a user‘s spending pattern, information on data suppliers used and
`information on the downloaded data. This information may be'aceessed by the 6am
`supplier and/or dots access servéco provider and can be used for targeted marketing or
`loyalty-bescd incentive: sol-zeroes such as air miles or the like.
`The data access tannins] may be a conventional oomputer or, alternatively, it may be a
`mobile phone. Wireless Application Protocol (WA?) anti i-mode allow mobile phones
`to efficiently access the interact and this allows a mobile phone to be used to download


`WO 01815953
`data to the data 510mg: means, acfvantageousiy, direcfily. The data storage means camif
`desired, inwrperate the functionality of a mobile phane SIM (Subscriber identity
`Module) card, wkdeh cards aiready include a. user identification means. to anew use:
`biiiing finaugh she phone netwark operator.
`In prefened embodiment the downloaded data is MES or other encoded auéio data, but
`the system finds more general appfication for tamer data types. Fer exampie, dowrfload
`data can include seftwar'e, and particularly games, share price infermaticn, current news
`' infometien, transport timetabie information, weather infmafiofi and eatalegue
`shopping information. The downioaded infometion may aiso include compressed
`viéee data. The storage capacity of the data storage means is adaptable to suit the type
`oféata intended to be dewfloeéed - for example, 32 megabytes is sufficient for CD7
`quality music, but for video it is prefereble mat the data storage means has a capaefity of
`128 megabytes or greater.
`In another meet, the invention prevides a portebie data carrier compfising an interfaee
`for reading and writing data from and to the earrief; non-velatile data memory, coupled
`to the interface, for storing data on the semen nonovoiatile payment data memory,
`coupled to the interface, for providing payment date ta an extema} device.
`These features alfiow the dam ean‘ier to store ham payment date and content tiara thus
`b providing the advantages outlined’aboVe. Depending upon the payment system used,
`the payment data memory may also store code for validating or confinning a payment to
`an extemai payment system. The payment (feta win nonnaiiy be Einked to card or card
`homer identification data for payment by the card hoider. The non-veiatiie memory
`ensures that stared content and payment date is retained in the data carrier when the data
`carrier is not receiving power from an external source. Thus "nonwolafike"
`encempasses, for example, Sow—power memury whose contents are retained by} a baflery
`back—up system. In one embodiment the payment data memary comprises EEPROM
`and the content date memm'y comprises Flash memozy, but other types of mutant data
`memory, such as opticai, for exempts, 'hoiogmphic, data memary can exist: he used. The


`WE} 61131599
`data carrier may also be integrated into other apparams, such. as a mobile
`cemmunieeticns éeviee.
`Preferably, the ponebie data carrier fimher comprises a program store storing eerie
`implementabie by a processor; and a processor, cecpied to the content eats memory, the
`payment date tummy, rhe’ interface arid lathe program store for implementing code in
`the program store, wherein the code ccmpri see eerie to output payment data from the
`payment date memory to the interfaceend code to provide enema} access-1m the data
`Normality, the (content) data memory eilcws hath write and read access for both storing
`anti retrieving data, but in some embeciimenrs the come-rat data memory may be read
`oniy memory. In such embodiments, content may be pre—ieaded onto the carrier and
`payment may then be made for permission to access the pre-icadeé data.
`' Preferabiy, the data carrier also stores a record of access made to the content data and
`updates this in response to extemai access, preferabiy read access, made to, the data
`memory“ The carrier may aiso store contemese rules pertaining to aliowed use of
`stored data items. These use mics may be linked to payments made from the care! to-
`provide payment options such as access to buy content data outright; rental access to
`content data for a time period or for a specified number of access evems; endlor
`rental/purchase, fer example where rental use is provided togetherwith an cpticn tc
`perchase semen? {ism at the reduced price afier rental access has expired.
`Thus where the dais carrier stares, fer exarnpie, music the purchase outright‘ option may
`. ”be equiveiem to {he purchase ofa eempaet disc (CD), preferebiy with some form cf
`content copy protection such as digits} watermarking. In this exnrripie, the rental or '
`subscriptien payment Option may be a pay-per—play option, and with this cpficn payment
`may either be before or after access to the stored data so that the carrier may operate in
`either e debit or Credit payment mace.


`W0 01131599
`The portability of the tiara carrier potenriefly ailows it is) be used in access content or. in
`the exampie, play music without the need to be linked to a mmunfcarions system or to .
`be ran-line to the intemet. By proviriing a use record memory on the data carrier, use of .
`the stores! data can be tracked whilst offline and then any necessary payment can be
`made when the dam carrier is next coupled to a cemmurricarien system. This aliews the
`' data carrier to cperare in a credit mode. in a debit made, the additiengl storage of use
`mics facilitates the regulation cf access to cement data stored on the carrier wirhom the
`need for further exchange of paymentiuse data with an external system to valiriate the
`By combining digital rights management with warren: data storage using a singie carrier
`the stored content data becomes mobile and can be accessed anywhere whilst retraining
`centre} over the stored data for the data content pmvider or data copyright owner.
`Preferabfig the data carrier also stores access control data, such as a user ID and a
`passwcrd, as the stored data maybe varuable. The access control data may be combined
`with access central to the payment dam, which is typicafly by means of a PEN (Personai
`fdenrification Number} to simplify access re veiued content stored on the carrier.
`In one embodiment the stored cement data is enerypred and-a unique password or PIN
`and/or biometric data is required for decryptien. The data carrier may be arranged so
`that the content is erased afier a predetermined number of inwrreet access attempts.
`Additionaily or aliemarively, a permanently stored fiag'may be set audio: 3 hardware
`modification (such as a fusable iink)‘may be made to prevent the data‘carfier from
`functioning for fmflier date storagefreuievai. Preferably, hcwever, access to enysrorcd
`value/payment data is nevertheiess retained.
`Suppiememary data may also be stored en the carrier in asmeiatien wiih stored cement
`data. This suppiementary data. may comprise customer reward management data mdfor
`advertising data. The suppiernenrary data may comprise a pointer in an external data
`source from which data is demioafied eisher to the data carrier or to e darn access


`WI} 6131599
`FCTIGBfiflmél m
`device or content piayer, so that aeiveriising or ofirer data can be dispiayed when
`reviewing or accessing the storeé content.
`Additional dais security and/0r a mechanism far rewarding aperamrs as' éiffertm ievels
`in the data supply chaixi may be provided using a content synthesis function. The
`cement synahesis function combines partial content information fiem two or more '
`sources to previde comm data items for storage and/or output. Thus, for'éxampic, a
`first percentage of a content data item could be provided by a content mafia: whilst a
`remainifig percentage some! be provider} by an can-line data supplier. This wuulci
`provide arr incentive for a user to register with a‘coritent retailer or distributor as well as
`with an (rm-line scheme ewner anti so couid encourage the use of existing retailers and
`wuld provide a mechanism for paying commission to such retar'Eers. The two ponicins
`cf dam ccmbined to grovide a cement éaia Elam amid comprise eflCryption data'and a
`key but preferabiy comprise sepamtc parts ofa compiete data item, for‘exampie, least.
`significant bits-3nd most significant bits or high frequencies and low frequencies {for
`audio). This arrangement also facifitates cusicmer reward and loyalty management.
`In arse emboéimem fire data carrier further comprises memmy fer storing data for I
`accessing a mabilz communications network, fer example to receive content data over
`the nework; For such an embodiment; the data canier may replace a SIM (Subscriber
`identity Modute} card in a mabile commficafions dévicc, thus providing-a single card
`for both network access and wheat mutant retrieval and stamgc. Additionaliy or
`airemafiveiy the card may aiso stare the web address at" a data supplier from whom data
`may be dawnioaded 0112:: the carrier.
`The data memory for storing cantent data may be: optic, magnatic or semiconductor
`' mat-mung, but pmferably comprises Fiasb memory. meerabiy, the data memory has a
`iarge capacity for storing large data files such as compmsseé video- data. Preferabiy, the
`data memmy is partitioned for lock access, that is‘ for read audio: write access to blocks
`ef, for exampka, 1K, 43:, 16?: or 64K databyies for faster dam was, pmicularly where
`the stored cents-m data will manually be accessed sedan}: as is annually the case with


`W0 0151599
`audio and video data. Preferably the zero is configured as 3131C card or smart card and
`has-a credit cardwtype format, although other formats such as the "memory stick" format
`may also be used. This provides a small and convenient portable format-and faciliteres
`removable interfacing with; variety of deyioes.
`The invention also provides a rotated method of control

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