`{Only far new nonpmvislonaf appiicafians under 3? CFR 1‘. 53(b,l}
`See MPEP chapter 500 canceming uliffly patent arpplicalion contents.
`Proisaras (05-05}
`EV 38339133 us
`,‘§§,“f‘§lfff§‘;’;§‘ '°' P*“°‘”“‘
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`The address assaciated wilh Customer Number:
`[1 Correspondence address belaw
`Zip Code —
`Email Address
`Registration No.
`_ Awmnl
`r wevhone
`6068295-¢ v1
`. Ke"‘“T'L‘°"M°““
`. ..
`Ac co M PANVENG Ap p L53A110 53 PART3
`g N -
`"1‘__\l : '
`Assignment Papers {cover sheet & £€ocumenl{s))
`Name of Assignee Smart~Flash Limited
`1:}. [:1 37 CPR 3.73(b) Statement
`{when there is an assignee)
`[1 Power of I
`11. E] English Translation Document fifapplicabiej
`Informaiion Disclosure Statement (:=To.=same srP'TO~14alB)
`El Copies of foreign patent documents,
`pubiicatinns, & other irfiormation
`13. CI Preliminary Amendment
`Return Receipt -Postcard (MPEP 503)
`(Should be specifically ii:-3-mizedj
`15. D Certified C-spy af Priority Decumenfis)
`(if foreign priority is claimed)
`15. C} Nonpubiication Request under 35 u.s.c. 122 (b)(2)(i3)(ll.
`Applicant mus: attach form PTO/SB/35 or its equivaienl.
`1?. [3 Omar;
`Fee Transmittal Farm (e.g.. PTOISBIET)
`fsubmif an angina: and a duplicate for fee processing}
`Appiicani claims small entity stains.
`See 37 CFR 12?.
`[Total Pages
`3. E Specification
`attain the claims and abstract must start on a new page
`{For r'nformatn'c:n on the preferred arrangsn-:-ant, see MPEP 6E78.€}!(a),!
`[Total Sheets
`_ 4. Drawirrg(s}(35 u.s,c.113)
`5. Oath or Declaration
`a. E] Newly executed {original or copy)
`b. E A copy from a prior application [37 CPR 1.63 (d))
`{Fara coniinuatlanfdivislonal with Box 18 completed)
`Signed statement attached deleting invensorisl
`named in the prior application. see 3? cm
`1.a3(a)(2) and ‘E..33(b}.
`6. E Application Data Sheet. See 3? CFR 1,76
`3 7. E] on-RoM‘orct3-R in duplicate, Eargelable er
`Csmputer Program (Appendix)
`[3 Landscape Table on CD
`8. Nucleotide andior Aminn Acid Sequence Submission
`(if applicable, ifems a. » 4:. are required)
`a. Computer Readable Form (CRF)
`E. El Compute-rRead3ble §=osm(CRF)
`ii. S Transfer Request (3? CFR1.821le})
`b. Specéficafien Sequence Listing on:
`i’. D CD-ROM or CD-R <2 oepies): or
`ll. [:3 Paper
`:3. E] Statements verifying identity of above copies
`- 18. if a CONTINUENG APPLECATEON, check appmpfiare box, and supply the requisite information below and in Eire firs! senlence of the A
`speclficalian foliowlng the title, or In an Application Daia Sheet under 37 OFF? 1. 75:
`‘lCl.'1‘l‘l 716
`E] Divisicrtal
` Examiner 8. Fall:
`Prior application information:
`[:3 Cc>ntin:.zaijor:»ir\~pari (car)
`oi prior appllcatinri Nor
`Ari‘ Unit: 2876

`' P7056117 (12-04)
`Com fete if Known
`Huist, Harmer:-ard
`Etfecriva an 12f0&-'2tJo4.
`Fees pursuant 9:: the Consolldaisd Jlppmpxiatfores Act, 2095 (HR. 4818}.
`For FY 2006
`3 A lécatima Number
`_ Filir‘: Daze
` Firs: Named lzwentr
`i my acme. I __ 9-MU ll
`Cl Chuck D Credit Card Cl Money Order C] None E] 0‘{l'!€2E(ple::scidcx1rEf}'):
`Deposit Acceunt Deposimocountmmber: 23.1430
`Deposit Accaum Name: Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP
`For the above-identified deposit acesc-uni. the Director is hereby authorized to: {check all that apply)
`E] Charge EBe{s)inéica1ed below, except fer the filing fee
`Charge feats) indicated below
`7 Charge any adcsitinnal fee{s) or undergaymenis of fee(s) 7
`‘A under 3? CFR 1.16 and $.17
`WARPJEMS: Informatlon on this farm may became publégz. Credit card infnn-nation should not be included on this form. Provifie credit card
`inormtl as zxorizatlon o TO-2C¢3B
`FEE e:m.c;u1.A1'rc:u
`_ 1. BASIC FiLiNG, smacn, men EXAMWATEON FEES
`Small Entity
`Small Entigg
`Small Entigg
`Feeggg Fee [§§
`Fee (fit Feem
`Fee(§} Fesaifl
`Aggiicaticm Tyge
`Fees Paid §§;
`Niuitlgle Degenderst Ciaims
`Fee §§§
`Fee Paid §§)
`Fee F-‘aid
` Provisional
`Small Entity
`Fee §§[ Fee (§}
`Fee Descrlgtlun
`Each claim save: 20 at, for Reissues, each claim over 20 and more than in the original patent
`Each independent claim aver 3 or, for Reissues, each independent claim mere than in the original patent 200
`- Multiple dependent claims
`Fee Efl
`Toial Claims
`Extra Claims
`Fee Paid i§l
`-20 or H? =
`HF’ = highest number oftutal claims paid for. if greater than 20
`incieg. Claims
`Extra Claims
`- Fee 5;:
`HP = highest number of independent claims paid for, ii greater than 3
`If the specification and drawings exceeé 100 sheets of paper, the application size fee due is $250 ($E25 for small entity)
`for each additional 50 sheets or fraction thereof. See 35 U,S.C. 4l(a}(l)(G} and 37 CPR l.l 6(3)».
`‘Fetal Sheets
`Extra Sheets
`Numbe: of each atitfltienal 59 or fraction thereof
`= - 130 = I50 = {round up In a whole number) x
`Nonvfingiisli Specification,
`$130 fee (no smail entity discount)
`Fee ?aid (§1
`Fees Paid g'§l
`‘ UEMIE .
`(Atéorneyilfigeni) 35333
`Name(PrintfTyP9l Kevin T. Lelvlond
`50683003 V1

`PTOISBFOS {(15-05)
`E-Iuirn-st, Herman-ard
`$3 ‘“‘“‘§
`pinnfugéisiciréeer M 39"
`Aiexandria, VA 223134459
`Assignment Papers (cover sheet 8: dracumerzqs
`f°“'>’*°'"eW"“"W‘3’°"a"W“SW°"**’-W . I-:\/3336 Us
`_ See !vfPEPhap1e-rsaficcnceming uiiiizypaieni auction cote-ms.
`. 1. K Fee TransmittalForm{e.g.,PTO;'SBI1T)
`(Submit an original and a duplicate for fee processing)
`2. [E Appricanr ciaims small entity saatus.
`See 3? CFR 1.27’.
`Application Data Sheet. See 37 CFR 1.75
`7. U CD-ROM or CD-R ir: duplicate, iarge tabie er
`Comp'..Iter'Program (Appendix)
`C] Landscape Tame an CD
`8. Nucleotide andlor Amino Acid Sequence Submission
`(if applicable, items a. - c. are required)
`a. Ccmputar Reaciabie Farm (CRF)
`L C] Computer Readable Form (car;
`2:. E] Transfer Request <3? cm 1.821(3)}
`b. Spedfication Sequence Listing on:
` 171:} Other:
`:. [Ii CD-ROM or'CD-R (2 ::.opies);cir
`ii. El Paper
`:2. C] Statements verifying identity of above copies
`I 18. if a CONTINUING APPLICATION. check appropriate bear, and suppfir the f'eQ£1i'$r‘£’9§nfDrr'i1af5Dr? below and in the first sentence of the
`. specification fofiowing fire rifle, or in an Appficafion Dara Sheer under 3? CF}? 115."
`E Continuation
`U Divisional
`C} Continuation-in-par1(C|F')
`1131111 715
`uf pricnr applicatinri N9:
`Ar! Unit.‘ 2835
`Prior appffcation inforrnafion:
`Examiner S. Pglk
`. 6.
` Name of Assignee Smar’r—Fiash Limiierf
`[Totaf Pages
`3. E Specification
`Both the ciaims and abstract must start an a new page
`{For infizmrazim an the preferred awangsment, see MPEP 5DB.0i{a),i
`a:.E Drawing(s}(35;
`_ 5. Oath or Declaration
`[:1 Power raf I
`10. E] 37 CPR 3.73m) Statement
`2. El Newly executed (original or copy)
`(when there is an assignae}
`b. E A copy fram a prior application (3? CPR 1.63 (d))
`{fora continuation./wvisiona! with Box 18 ccmpieiedj
`Signed statement attached deieting irwentor(s)
`named in the prior apptécaiion, see 37 CFR
`1.53(G)(2} and 1.339)).
`11. C] Engiish Transiation Dncument (if applicable)
`12. E Information Disciosure Statement (PTOJSBID3 or PTO-€449)
`E Copies of foreign patent documents.
`pubiicatians, & other information
`13. E} Preliminary Amendment
`Return Receipt Postcard (MPEP 503)
`(Should be specificalfy itemizezfl
`15. [1 Certified Copy of Priority Documenfls)
`(if fcmign priority is claimed)
`15. [:1 Nonpubiication Request under 35 u.s.c.122(m:2;rs;;s}.
`Appficant must attach fonn FTOISB/35 or $15 equivalent.
`The address associated with Customer Number:
` OF? E] Ccrrespondenrze address beiaw
`Emai! Address
`Registration No.
`Attome iAent
`I Signature
`HG-582954 v1
`Kevin T. Lewiond

`' 2:-rozsam (12404)
`Effective on 12/6812304.
`Com lets if Known
`Fees pursuant lo #19 Ccnsalidaéed Appmpriations Act, 2005 (H. R. 46$).
`i A licaiicn Number
`FEE TRANSMETTAL i Janus 19,2005
`Hist, He-rmen—ard
`Art Unit
`l 30
`l 60
`l 50
`3 Fee Descrigtinn
`Each claim cvcr 20 cr, for Reissues, each claim over 20 and more than in £l:c origina! patent
`' Each independent claim over 3 or, for Reissues, each independent claim more than in the original patcn:
`Multiple dependent claims
`Fee §§)
`Total Claims
`Extra Claims
`Fee Paid ($1
`-25 as HP =
`5 HP = highest number of tctai claims paid for. if greater than 20
`Imieg. Claims
`Exirg Claims
`~Fee ($1
`5 HF‘ = highest number 9? inéeperndcnt claims paid for, if greater than 3
`lfihc specification and drawings exceed l{}O sheets ofpapcr, the application size: {cc due is $250 ($125 for small entity)
`for each aciditicnal 50 sheets or fracticn thereof. Sec 35 U.S.C. 4l(a}(i)(G) and 37 CFR i.l6(_s).
`Total Sheets
`Extra Sheets
`Number of each additional 50 a: fraction thereof
`Fee gs}
`(round up to a whcie number}
`- 100 2
`I50 ==
`Fee Paid {5}
`Multigie Oegendent Ciaims
`Fee {Q
`Fee Paid Q}
`Fee 551 Fee {fit
`Small Entity
`Non-English Specificasion,
`$130 fee (no small entity discount}
`I Registratio Ncg. 3-5333
`41 5’575‘‘_32GU
`Name (Prtntrrypa) Kevin T. Lelvfond
`60633003 V‘!
`Fee Paid {$1
`Fees Paid Q1
`Acpiicam claims small enuty status. Sea 37 CFR 1.27
`Atmmey Docket NR
`(5) 2950
` 03-acme II
`YNT ck all {liai a -.
`Z [3 Check El Credit Card D Moncy Order El None [I Other (piezse identify):
`Q Deposit Account DepcsitAccour1tNumbe!: 20.1439
`Deposit Acccunl Name: Townsend and Townsend and Crew LLP
`For the aboveddentified deposit account the Directur is hereby auihcrized to: (check all that apply)
`E Charge feeés) indicated below
`l::l Charge feels) indicated below, except for the filing fee
`.7 Charge any addificnai ies(s) or underpayments of fee(s)
`g Credit any overpayments
`under 37 CFR 1.15 and 1.17
`' WARNING: Information an this form may become pubiip. Crecilt card information should not be irsciudeé on this Tomi. Provide credit card
`' Infcrmatun ii atarization :10-238 _
`Small Entigg
`Smaii Entigy
`Fee (§1 Fee [$1
`Fee £§1 Fee §§l
`Small Entigg
`Fee g§§ Fee j§1
`Fees Paid (§1
`Asgglicafion Tgge

`we 9131599
`This invention is gene:-oily concerned with data storage and access systems. More .
`particularly, it relates to a ponoble_data carrier for storing and paying for data and to
`computer systems for providing access to data to be stored.
`'E'_he invention also includes
`corresponding methods and computer progems. The invention is particnlariy useful for
`managing stored audio and video data, but may aiso be applied to storage and access of
`text and sofiware, including games, as well as other types of date
`Once problem associated with the increasingly wide use ofthe intense! is the gowing ‘
`prevalence of 5o—cal}e<i data pirates. Such pirates obtain data either by unauthorised or
`legitimate means and then make this data available essentially world-wide over the
`internal without authorisation. Data can be a very valuable oommodity, but once it has
`been published on the Internet it is difficult to police access to and use of it by interned
`. users who may not even reaiise that it is pirateé. This is a particular problem with audio
`recordings, and, once the bandwidth becomes available, is also likely to be evident with
`Over the past three or four years compressed eudio sources have become increasingly
`widely available on web pages. One widely‘ used audio dale compression fon-not is MP3
`(MPEG3) which is an internationally defmedzstandard including a definition of
`compressed audio information such as speech or-music.
`Ii: relies on psychomzoustic
`_ properties of human hearing to achieve very large data compression factors. It is thus
`feasible to download usefully long passages ofzmrsic in a practically convenient short
`time. Pirate data suppliers have not been slow to realise the potential of this and many
`unauthorised websites have sprung up ofiering popular music including recent neieases
`by world famous hands‘ This has caused the reeorciing industry considerable concern I
`and there is an urgent need to find a way to address the problem ofdeta piracy.

`we 0131599
`The invention described below adciresses this end reiated prebiems.
`According to the present invention there is therefore provided a method of providing
`portable data composing providing a porsebie afata smrage device comprising
`tiownioaded data storage means and payment validation means; providing a terminal for
`internet aceess; coupling the portabie data siorage cievice to the tefminai; reading
`payment information from the payment vaiidation means using the terminai; valiéating
`the péymentinfonnation; ami downioading data into the portable storage devieefrosh El
`data ‘supplier.
`Another aspect of the invention provides a corresponcfing mobile data retrieval device
`for retrieving and ousputting data such as stored music andfor noise from the éata
`storage device.
`The payment vaiidation means is, for example, means to vaiidate payment with an
`external authority such as a bank or building society. The combination of the piayinent
`vaiidatien means with the data storage zriezms allows the access to the downloaded data
`which is to be stored by the data storage means, to be made conditional upon checked
`and vaiideted payment being made for the date. Binding the data access and payment
`iogeiher allows the iegixirnate owners of the data to make the data availabie themselves
`over the internet wishoul fear of loss of revenue, thus undermining the position of data
`A further advantage of the system is thai it aliows users under the age of IE to make
`interact purchases. Cm-remly imemet users pay for goods andfor services by credit card.
`Si-nee credit cards cannot be Iegitimateiy be used by persons under the age of 1% (ti! least
`in the UK}, -a significant fraction of eévenmrotxs intemct users are excluded from e»
`commerce. one of the mosi significant predicted uses of the internet. In one
`embodiment of the invention however, the payment vaiidation means comprises e-cash -
`that is the payment validation means stores transaction value information on a cash

`W0 tIL’31599
`‘ PCTfGB0llffi-flltl
`value of transactions veiidatabie by the data storage means. in simple terms, the data
`I storage means can be a card which is charged up to a desired cash value (if necessary»
`limited to a maximum value) at a suitable terminal. This might be an intense! access
`terminal but could, more simply, be a device to accept the data storage card and to
`receive and count money deposited by the user to charge the card, writing update cash
`value informatiort onto the card. More sophisticateo ways of updating the cash value on
`the card are also possible, such as direct bank tntxtsfet. Since. with this type of
`emhoditnent, the data storage means is, essentially, preohorged with cash rather than
`acting as. a credit card it an be used by young people without the risk oftheir incurring
`large debts.
`In one embodiment the data storage means is powered by the retrieval device when it is
`connected to the device and retains a memory of the clownloaded data wltencit is
`unpowered. This can be achieved by the use of Flash RAM or, more generally, any
`form of programmable read-only memory. Altemetively the slate storage means may
`inooqzorate a rechargeable cell or capacitor and store information in battery backed-up
`‘static RAM.
`The downloaded tlata maybe entered into the data storage device by meansof an
`interface such as a magnetically or wpacitativeiy coupled connection or an optical
`connection, but preferably the interface comprises contacts for direct electrical
`. connection to the storage means. The payment validation means may likewise have one
`of a variety of ioterfaoes but again preferably comprises a set of elecoical contacts. The
`payment validation means could‘ however comprise a magnetic or holographic data-
`strip such as is known for use with cmtiit cords and phone cards. The interface to
`receive the downloaded data may be separate from the interface to the pefment
`validation means, to facilitate separate and simultaneous access to both these systenté.
`In Dlhel’ embodiments a single interface may serve for both data storage and payment.
`Advantageousiy the payznent validation means includes 3 memory storing information
`to identify the person who is paying for the downloaded data.

`W0 01131599
`PCTfGBO{}!{M 110
`For additional security the downloaded data may be encrypted. In this case data
`decryptian may fie necessary at same stage, either in the data storage means or in the _
`retrieva§_ device or in an information deiivering apparatus such as a data access terminal.
`A-kematively the data dccryptiar: function can be shared amongst one or more of these
`devices. The skiiled person will be aware efa range sf surtabie encryptionfdgzcryption
`techniques Enciuding Pretty Good Privacy (Registered Trade Mark) and PKI {Pubiic Key
`Infrastructure). Nor-maiiy when the downioaded data is encrypted axdscryption key must
`be supplied. This can be generated automaticallyhy-the data access terminal or data
`access service provider or it can be entered by the user into the data access tcnrrina or
`into the mobile data retrievai device.‘
`The data smrage means andfor the retrieval device can be provideci with access contrbi
`means to prevent unauthorised access in the downloaded data. Addilionaliy G!‘
`alternatively; use control means can be provided to stop or provide only limited access
`cf the user to the downloaded data in accardance with the amount paid. There access
`and use contra} fianctions may in some embodiments be combined, permitted use
`controiling access or pertained access controfling use. Thus, for example, a complete:
`set of data information reiating to a particular topic, a particular music track, or a
`panicuiar software package might be downloaded, although access to pan of the data set '
`mighr thercafier at wntreiied by payments made by a user at a later stage. lrrthis way, a _
`user couid pay to enable an extra have! on a game or to enable further tracks cf an
`In ambodimcnts where the access or use control means is rcspcnaive to the payment
`validation aims, access or use control irzformatian may be srored with the downloaded
`data or in a separate storage area, for example in the payment validation means. The
`uscr‘s acceaé is the d-awnioadeé data could advantageorxsiy be responsive 10 the
`payment iraiidatian means, for exampie, by means of a control fine coupiing the
`payment vaiiciatian means with a mamory access or decryption conmzi element.

`we Illi31599
`In cane embodiment the éata srorage means comprises an electronic merncry card or
`smart card and the mobfilc data renieval device is provided with a slut to receive the
`carfi. Preferably the card is E push~fir within the retrieval device, and retention of the
`card may be effected by pressure from electrical interface connections andfor resilience
`, al‘ the housing, or by using a resilient retaining means.
`112 a preferred embodiment the
`retrisval'devi<:e includes an audio output and a display, to play a downloaded track and
`to show information about the track sndicr an accompanying video,
`To dowrxlcad data onto the data storage means the user can employ a data access
`terminal coupled to the internet. The terminal can directly validate payment - for
`example in the case of a smart card charged with electronic cash it can deduct a cash
`value from the card. Aitematixrely it call: communicate with a bank or other financial
`services provider to control payment. In a preferred embodiment, howevsr, the lerrninal
`connects to a data access service provider which provides a portal In other sites -and
`which validates payment and then forwards data from a daxa supplier to the users local
`access terminal. The data access service provider may alternatively forward payment
`validation infarmatior: arrdfor information from the paymerlt validatirm authority to the
`data sfipplier for control byjhc supplier cf the data supplied. Thus, access to the
`payment validasion system andfor data for downloading may be entirely commlled by
`rhe data supplier.
`Data held on the data storage means may aévamsgeously include data relatlng to the
`user’s er payer's usage of the systam. This information may include, for example,
`information on a user‘s spending pattern, informaticn on data suppliers used and
`information an the dawnloaded data. This inforrnarion may bevaccessed by the data
`supplier and/or data access ssrvéca pmvider and can be used for targeted rrinrkcting or
`loyalty-bsscd incentive: schemes such as air miles or the like.
`The data access terminal may be a conventional wmputer er, altcrnstivsiy, it may be a
`mobile phone. Wireless Application Protocol (WA?) and E-mode allow mobile phones
`to efficiently access the imcmet and !his allows a mobile phone to be used to download

`we 0131599
`data to the data siosagc means, afivantageously, direcfily. The data storage means can,‘if
`desired, incorpnrate the functionality of a mobile phone SFM (Subscriber Identity
`Module) card, which cards already include a. user identification means, to allow use:
`billing through she phone network operator.
`In pregame emhodiment the downloaded data is MP3 or other encoded auéio data, but
`the system finds more general application for other dents types. Fer example, dowrlload
`data can include saftware, and particularly games, share price information, current news
`infonnatien, transport tfimetabk: infermation, weather infm-rnatioi: and catalogue
`shopping infonnation. The downloaded infcrxnation may also -include compressed
`video data. The storage capacity of the data storage mmns is adaptable to suit the type
`ofldata intended to be dewnloséed - for example, 32 megabytes is sufficient fer CDT
`quality music, but for video it is preferable that the data storage means has a capacity of
`128 megabytes or greater.
`In another aspect, the invention provides a portable daia csrfier compzising an interfaee
`for reading and writing data fmm and to the carrier; non-vnlatile data memory, coupled
`to the interface, for storing data on the carrier; nonwoiatile payment data memory,
`coupled to the interface, for providing payrnem data ts an external device.
`These features allow ‘she data carrier to store bmh payment date and content tiara thus
`l providing the advantages outlinedabove. Depending upon the paymem system used,
`the p‘%ay-meat data memory may also store code for validating or canfirming a payment to
`an external payment system. The payment ésta will mmnally be linked to card or card
`holézler identification data for payment by the card holder. The non-valatiie memory
`ensures that stared content and payment data is retained in the data carrier when the data
`carrier is not receiving power from an external source.‘ Thus "non~volatile"
`encompasses, for example, low-power memory whose ccmtents are retained by} a baflery
`baek—up system. In one embodiment the payment data memary comprises EEPROM
`and the content data memory comprises Flash memozy, but other types of csntent data
`memory, such as optical, for example, "holographic, data memory can also he used. The

`WG 01131599
`data carrier may also be integrated "into other apparatus, such as a mobile
`communications device.
`Preferably, the poriabie data carrier further comprise: a pmgram store storing code
`implememabie by a processor; and 3 processor, eoispied to the content data memory, the
`payment date menwry, she’ interface arid lathe progam store for implementing code in
`the program stare, wherein the code cempzi ses eorie to output payment data fi-om the
`payment date memory to the interfacesnd code to provide extemai access to the data
`Normaiiy, the (content) data memory snows hath write arid read access for both storing
`anti retrieving data, but in some embcciiments the content data memory may be read‘
`oniy memory. In such embodiments, content may be pmioacied onto the carrier and
`payment may then be made for permission to access the pie-ieadeé data.
`' Preferably, the data carrier also stores a record of access made to the content data and
`updates this in response to extemai access, psefetabiy read access, made to, the data
`memory. The canrier may aiso store comentuse rules pertaining to aiiowed use sf
`stored data items. These use mies may be linked to payments made from the card to-
`prcvide payment options such as access to buy content data euhighi; rental access to
`content data for s time peg-ice or far 3 specified number of access events; andler
`remailpurchase, for example where rental use is provided I0g€Ih8I"\A?ith an option in
`purchase cement fiata at the reduced price afier rental access has expired.
`Thus where the date carrier stores, for exampie, music the purchase outrighti caption may
`_ "be equiveiem to the puzehsse ofa compact disc (CD), prefer-abiy with sonic form "of
`content copy protection such as digits} watermarking. In this exsriipie, the rental or '
`subscription payment uptien may be a pay-per-play option, ans with this option payment
`may either be before or after access to the stored data 50 that the carrier may operate in
`either a debit or credit payment mime.

`we 01131599
`The perm-bility of the {ma ear:-ier potentieliy ailows it in be used to access content or. in
`the exampie, play music without the need to be linked to a communications system or to _
`be on-line to the internet. By providing a use record memory on the data carrier, use of _
`the stone data can be tracked whilst ofiliine and then any necessary payment can be
`made when the data carrier is next coupled to a eemmuiiicatien system. Tilis allows the
`' data carrier to operate in a credit mode. in a‘ debit mode, the additienel storage of use
`mics facilitates the regulation cf access to cement data stored on the caniei without the
`need for further exchange of paymentiuse data with an exteiiaa-1 system to validate the
`By combining digital rights management with cement data storage using a single carrier
`the stored cement data beeemes mobile and can be accessed anywhere whilst reaaining
`contrei over the stored data for the data content pravider or data copyright owner.
`Preferabiy, the data carrier also stores access control data, such as a user ID and 3
`password, as the stored data maybe vaiuable. The access control data may be combined
`with access contra} tn the payment date, which is typicaiiy by means of a PEN (Personai
`ideniification Number} to simplify access to veiued content stance on the eanier.
`in one embodiment the stored cement data is encrypied and-a unique password or PIN
`andler biometric data is required for decryptien. The data easier may be arranged so
`that the content is erased afier a predeterinined number of ineerreet access attemgits.
`Adciitionaily or aliematively, a perrnanenliy stored fiagmay be set audio: 3 hardware
`modification (such as a fusabie iink)'may be made to prevent the dataearrier fmrn
`functioning for further data storegefretrievai. Preferably, hewever, eeeess to enyesiored
`value./payment data is nevertheiess retained.
`Suppiernentary data may also be stored on the canier in assoeiatien wiih stored ecintem
`data. This suppiementery data may comprise customer reward management data audio:
`advertising data. The supplementary data may comprise a pointer to an external data
`source from whiehidata is dewnioafied eiiher to the data carrier at to a dam access

`W0 9131599
`device or content piayer, so that afiveriising or other data: can be dispiayed when
`reviewing or accessing the storeé content.
`Additional dam security and/or a mechanism for rewarding cpcrators as. éiffercnt ievels
`in the data supply chaixi may be provided using a content synthesis function. The
`suntan! synthesis function combines partial content inforrnation from two or more '
`sources to provide cergtcni data items for storage and/or output. Thus, for-':exampic, a
`first percentage cf a content data item could be provided by a content rctaiicr whilst a
`remainirig percentage couid be provided by an on—linc data supplier. This wculci
`provide ari incentive for a user ‘to register with akcorrtent retailer or distributor as well as
`with an an-line scheme owner anti so cmzid encourage the use of existing retailers and
`could prqvide a mechanism for paying commission to such rctaiiers. The two ponicins
`cf dam combined to provide a content data item could comprise encryption demand a
`key but prefer-abiy comprise separate parts ofa compiete daia item, for cxampie, ieast_ .
`significant bits-and most significant bits or high frequencies and low frequencies -(for
`audio). This arrangement also faciiitates cilsicmcr reward and loyalty management.
`In (me cmboéiment 111: data carrier further comprises memm-y fer storing data for I
`accessing a mcbilc communications network, for example to receive content data over
`the network; For such an embodiment; the data carrier may replace a SIM (Subscriber
`identity Module) card in a mcbile communications dcvice, thus pmvidinga single card
`for both network access and valued content retrieval and staragc. Additionaliy or
`aitcrnativeiy the card may aiso stare the web address cf a data supplier from whom data
`may be dawnioaded 01:29 the carrier.
`The data memory for storing ccntcnt data may be optic, magnetic or semiconductor
`' me.-mory, but prcfembly comprises Fiasb memory. Prcfcrabiy, the data memory
`iarge capacity for storing large data files such as comprcsseci video data. Preferabiy, the
`data mcnwry is partitioned for lock access, that is" for read andfor write access to blocks
`of, for exampic, 1K, 4K, 16?: or 64K databyics for fast:-r data access, particularly where
`the siored cement data will ncsrmaily be accessed safiaiiy, as is normally the case with

`W0 0101599
`audio and video data. Preferably the eatfi is configured as an if: card or smart card and
`base credit earcmype format, although other forrnats such as the "memory stick" format
`may else be used. This provides a small and convenient portable format-and faciiitetes
`remevable interfacing with; variety of deyieas.
`The invention also pmvides a reiatted method of cont

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