SFDC 1023
`SFDC 1023

`Richad Frankland
`ATTN: Patent Group
`Suite 1 100
`777 - 6th Street, NW
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)
`SFDC 1023
`SFDC 1023

`Notice of Abandonment
`Application No.
`1 4
`A” Unit
`3694 ‘
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address--
`This application is abandoned in view of:
`1. IXI Applicant’s failure to timely file a proper reply to the Office letter mailed on 27AQril2010.
`(a) I] A reply was received on
`(with a Certificate of Mailing or Transmission dated
`period for reply (including a total extension of time of
`month(s)) which expired on
`), which is after the expiration of the
`(b) I] A proposed reply was received on
`, but it does not constitute a proper reply under 37 CFR 1.113 (a) to the final rejection.
`(A proper reply under 37 CFR 1.113 to a final rejection consists only of: (1) a timely filed amendment which places the
`application in condition for allowance; (2) a timely filed Notice of Appeal (with appeal fee); or (3) a timely filed Request for
`Continued Examination (FlCE) in compliance with 37 CFR 1.114).
`but it does not constitute a proper reply, or a bona fide attempt at a proper reply, to the non-
`(c) I:I A reply was received on
`final rejection. See 37 CFR 1.85(a) and 1.111. (See explanation in box 7 below).
`(d) IXI No reply has been received.
`2. El Applicant’s failure to timely pay the required issue fee and publication fee, if applicable, within the statutory period of three months
`from the mailing date of the Notice of Allowance (PTOL—85).
`(with a Certificate of Mailing or Transmission dated
`(a) El The issue fee and publication fee, if applicable, was received on
`), which is after the expiration of the statutory period for payment of the issue fee (and publication fee) set in the Notice of
`Allowance (PTOL—85).
`(b) I:I The submitted fee of $
`is insufficient. A balance of $
`is due.
`The issue fee required by 37 CFR 1.18 is $
`. The publication fee, if required by 37 CFR 1.18(d), is $
`(c) I:I The issue fee and publication fee, if applicable, has not been received.
`3.|:I Applicant’s failure to timely file corrected drawings as required by, and within the three-month period set in, the Notice of
`Allowability (PTO—37).
`(a) I:I Proposed corrected drawings were received on
`after the expiration of the period for reply.
`(b) I:I No corrected drawings have been received.
`(with a Certificate of Mailing or Transmission dated
`), which is
`4. I] The letter of express abandonment which is signed by the attorney or agent of record, the assignee of the entire interest, or all of
`the applicants.
`5. I:I The letter of express abandonment which is signed by an attorney or agent (acting in a representative capacity under 37 CFR
`1.34(a)) upon the filing of a continuing application.
`6. E] The decision by the Board of Patent Appeals and Interference rendered on
`of the decision has expired and there are no allowed claims.
`and because the period for seeking court review
`7. I:| The reason(s) below:
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3694
`Petitions to revive under 37 CFR 1.137(a) or (b), or requests to withdraw the holding of abandonment under 37 CFR 1.181, should be promptly filed to
`minimize an neative effects on atent term.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTOL-1432 (Rev. 04-01)
`Notice of Abandonment
`Part of Paper No. 20110103

`Electronic Patent Application Fee Transmittal
`Filing Date:
`Title of Invention:
`Integrated Change Management Unit
`; L
`Utility under 35 USC111(a) Filing Fees
`Fee Code
`Sub-Total in
`Basic Filing:
`Miscellaneous Filing
`Patent Appeals and Interference:
`Post-Allowance-and-Post Issuance
`Extension - 3 rnonths

` S“:-S1-;(t$a)| in
`Total in USD (S)

`Electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`Title of Invention:
`Integrated Change Management Unit
`Payment information:
`Submitted with Payment
`Charge any Additional Fees required under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.17 (Patent application and reexamination processing fees)
`The Director of the USPTO is hereby authorized to charge indicated fees and credit any overpayment as follows:
`Charge any Additional Fees required under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.16 (National application filing, search, and examination fees)

`Charge any Additional Fees required under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.19 (Document supply fees)
`Charge any Additional Fees required under 37 C.F.R. Section 1.21 (Miscellaneous fees and charges)
`File Listing:
`File Size(Bytes)/
`Fee Worksheet (PTO-875)
`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO ofthe indicated documents,
`characterized by the applicant, and including page counts, where applicable. It serves as evidence of receipt similar to a
`Post Card, as described in MPEP 503.
`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
`lfa new application is being filed and the application includes the necessary components for a filing date (see 37 CFR
`1.53(b)-(d) and MPEP 506), a Filing Receipt (37 CFR 1.54) will be issued in due course and the date shown on this
`Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the filing date of the application.
`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
`lfa timely submission to enter the national stage of an international application is compliant with the conditions of 35
`U.S.C. 371 and other applicable requirements a Form PCT/DO/E0/903 indicating acceptance of the application as a
`national stage submission under 35 U.S.C. 371 will be issued in addition to the Filing Receipt, in due course.
`New International Application Filed with the USPTO as a Receiving Office
`lfa new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary components for
`an international filing date (see PCT Article 11 and MPEP 1810), a Notification of the International Application Number
`and ofthe International Filing Date (Form PCT/R0/105) will be issued in due course, subject to prescriptions concerning
`national security, and the date shown on this Acknowledgement Receipt will establish the international filing date of
`the application.

`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, Virginia 22313-1450
`Richad Frankland
`LUFK—00 1/01US
`3E3%LEY LLP7590
`Patent Group
`Suite 1
`777 - an Street, NW
`Please find below and/or attached an Office communication concerning this application or proceeding.
`The time period for reply, if any, is set in the attached communication.
`PTOL—90A (Rev. 04/07)

`Office Action Summary
`Application No.
`Art Unit
`3694 -
`-- The MAILING DA TE of this communication appears on the cover sheet with the correspondence address --
`Period for Reply
`- Extensions of time may be available under the provisions of 37 CFR 1.136(a).
`In no event, however, may a reply be timely filed
`after SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`If NO period for reply is specified above, the maximum statutory period will apply and will expire SIX (6) MONTHS from the mailing date of this communication.
`- Failure to reply within the set or extended period for reply will, by statute, cause the application to become ABANDONED (35 U.S.C. § 133).
`Any reply received by the Office later than three months after the mailing date of this communication, even if timely filed, may reduce any
`earned patent term adjustment. See 37 CFR 1.704(b).
`1)IXI Responsive to communication(s) filed on 24 July 2008.
`2a)I:I This action is FINAL.
`2b)IXI This action is non-final.
`3)I:I Since this application is in condition for allowance except for formal matters, prosecution as to the merits is
`closed in accordance with the practice under Ex parte Quayle, 1935 C.D. 11, 453 O.G. 213.
`Disposition of Claims
`4)IXI C|aim(s)1is/are pending in the application.
`4a) Of the above c|aim(s)
`is/are withdrawn from consideration.
`5)I:I C|aim(s)
`is/are allowed.
`6)IXI C|aim(s)1 is/are rejected.
`7)I:I C|aim(s) j is/are objected to.
`8)I:I C|aim(s) j are subject to restriction and/or election requirement.
`Application Papers
`9)I:I The specification is objected to by the Examiner.
`10)I:I The drawing(s) filed on
`is/are: a)I:I accepted or b)I:I objected to by the Examiner.
`Applicant may not request that any objection to the drawing(s) be held in abeyance. See 37 CFR 1.85(a).
`Replacement drawing sheet(s) including the correction is required if the drawing(s) is objected to. See 37 CFR 1.121(d).
`11)I:I The oath or declaration is objected to by the Examiner. Note the attached Office Action or form PTO-152.
`Priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119
`12)I:I Acknowledgment is made of a claim for foreign priority under 35 U.S.C. § 119(a)-(d) or (f).
`a)I:I All
`b)I:I Some * c)I:I None of:
`1.I:I Certified copies of the priority documents have been received.
`2.I:I Certified copies of the priority documents have been received in Application No.
`3.I:I Copies of the certified copies of the priority documents have been received in this National Stage
`application from the International Bureau (PCT Rule 17.2(a)).
`* See the attached detailed Office action for a list of the certified copies not received.
`1) E Notice of References Cited (PTO-892)
`2) D Notice of Draftsperson's Patent Drawing Review (PTO-948)
`3) |:| Information Disclosure Statement(s) (PTO/SB/08)
`Paper No(s)/Mail Date
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`4) D Interview Summary (PTO-413)
`Paper N0(S)/M3” Data E
`5) I:I Notice of informal Patent Application
`6) D Other:
`PTOL-326 (Rev. 08-06)
`Office Action Summary
`Part of Paper No./Mail Date 20100413

`Application/Control Number: 12/098,154
`Page 2
`Art Unit: 3694
`Detailed Action
`This action is in response to the application filed on 7/24/08.
`Acknowledgment is made of applicant's claim for prior continuation of the prior of
`Application No. 09/797,488, filed 3/1/2001 now patent 7,356,482.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 1 01
`35 U.S.C. 101 reads as follows:
`Whoever invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or
`any new and useful improvement thereof, may obtain a patent therefor, subject to the conditions and
`requirements of this title.
`Claims 2-7 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. 101 because the claimed invention is directed to
`non-statutory subject matter.
`In order for a method to be considered a "process" under §101, a claimed process must
`either: (1) be tied to another statutory class (such as a particular apparatus) or (2) transform
`underlying subject matter (such as an article or materials). Diamond v. Diehr, 450 U.S. 175, 184
`(1981); Parker v. Flook, 437 U.S. 584, 588 n.9 (1978); Gottschalk v. Benson, 409 U.S. 63, 70
`(1972). If neither of these requirements is met by the claim, the method is not a patent eligible
`process under §101 and is non-statutory subject matter.
`Examiner finds these method claims lack structure such as on a “computer readable
`medium”. One example of corrective action might be to place “electronically" before an action
`verb and “on computer (or other appropriate structure)"
`For example in the claim:
`“Method comprising:

`Application/Control Number: 12/098,154
`Page 3
`Art Unit: 3694
`Calculating a score
`Assigning rank...”
`Would need to become:
`“Method comprising:
`Electronically calculating a score on a processor...
`Electronically assigning rank on a processor...”
`This is just one elementary example to provide guidance however there many be various
`ways to overcome the l0l method without changes to the invention.
`The examiner acknowledges that there are elements such as "user interface" and
`"application" that most likely are on a computer but requests that the computer or processor is
`positively recited.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC § 1 03
`The following is a quotation of 35 U.S.C. l03(a) which forms the basis for all
`obviousness rejections set forth in this Office action:
`(a) A patent may not be obtained though the invention is not identically disclosed or described as set forth in
`section 102 of this title, if the differences between the subject matter sought to be patented and the prior art are
`such that the subject matter as a whole would have been obvious at the time the invention was made to a person
`having ordinary skill in the art to which said subject matter pertains. Patentability shall not be negatived by the
`manner in which the invention was made.
`Claims listed below in this section are rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being
`unpatentable over Dodrill (U.S. Patent 6,766,298) and McLauchlin (U.S. Patent 6,754,672)
`Re claim 2 & 8 & 14: Dodrill discloses:
`A method & system, comprising:

`Application/Control Number: 12/098,154
`Page 4
`Art Unit: 3694
`Receiving first information about unique aspects of a particular application (see Dodrill,
`column 16, claim 1 there are multiple "first information" that read on this limitation — the
`examiner will use the "XML page” and “XML tags” as the “first information”);
`Receiving second information about user interface elements and one or more functions
`common to various applications (see Dodrill column 17, claim ll “user interface"), the various
`applications including the particular application;
`Upon establishment of a communication connection with a user system that includes the
`particular application, dynamically generating a functionality and a user interface for the
`particular application, the functionality and the user interface of the particular application being
`base on the first information and a second information (see Dodrill column 17, claim ll);
`Providing the functionality and the user interface of the particular application to the user
`system (see Dodrill column 17, claim 11 + Figure 8); and
`Modifying at least one of the first information and the second information in response to
`changes determined to have occurred to information associated with the particular application
`(see Dodrill, column 16, claim 2 “second XML” + column 17, claim 15)
`The examiner believes Dodrill shows the aspects of the claim but because the claims are
`generic many prior art reference included all the claim limitation of the claims. The examiner
`has provided a second reference as well. Almost all of the references cited in the "notice of
`reference cite" by the examiner would full read on the applicants limitations as a 102.
`A method & system, comprising:

`Application/Control Number: 12/098,154
`Page 5
`Art Unit: 3694
`Receiving first information about unique aspects of a particular application (see
`McLauchlin, column 12, claim 1 + figure 1, item 36 & 40 “data source” and “schema” are the
`Receiving second information about user interface elements and one or more functions
`common to various applications (see McLauchlin, column 12, claim 1 “user interface”), the
`various applications including the particular application;
`Upon establishment of a communication connection with a user system that includes the
`particular application, dynamically generating a functionality and a user interface for the
`particular application, the functionality and the user interface of the particular application being
`base on the first information and a second information (see McLauchlin, column 12, claim 1
`“user interface”);
`Providing the functionality and the user interface of the particular application to the user
`system (see McLauchlin, column 12, claim 6); and
`Modifying at least one of the first information and the second information in response to
`changes determined to have occurred to information associated with the particular application
`(see Dodrill, column 16, claim 4 “supplemental data source”)
`Re claim 3 & 9 & 15: Dodrill discloses see page , column, line . Note “predetermined
`business application" could read on a very broad area the word "application" could be software
`to any business process and the qualifiers “predetermined business” also read very broadly - just
`about every application is business.
`Re claim 4 & 10 & 16: Dodrill discloses:
`XML page is considered by the examiner to be a logical design (see Dodrill, paragraph)

`Application/Control Number: 12/098,154
`Page 6
`Art Unit: 3694
`Claims listed below in this section are rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being
`unpatentable over Dodrill (U.S. Patent 6,766,298) and McLauchlin (U.S. Patent 6,754,672) in
`further view of Wikipedia
`Re claim 5 & 11 & 17: Dodrill discloses see column 17, claim ll “user interface
`generation parameters”
`Although Dodrill does not have metadata, Wikipedia claims “Metadata”
`Therefore it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time the
`invention was made to modify Dodrill by adapting metadata of Wikipedia.
`It is clear that one would be motivated to combine prior art elements according to know
`methods to yield predictable results.
`Below is what wikipedia says about metadata (httta
`1//en .wil«:i ‘9€dlEl.0I‘
`Metadata is loosely defined as data about data. Though this definition is easy to remember, it is
`not very precise. The strength of this definition is in recognizing that metadata is data. As such,
`metadata can be stored and managed in a database, often called a registry or repository.
`However, it is impossible to identify metadata just by looking at it. We don't know when data is
`metadata or just data.L1"l Metadata is a concept that applies mainly to electronically archived data
`and is used to describe the
`of data files with all contents in context to ease the use of the captured and archived data for
`further use. Web pages often include metadata in the form of meta tags. Description and
`keywords meta tags are commonly used to describe the Web page's content. Most search engines
`use this data when adding pages to their search index.

`Application/Control Number: 12/098,154
`Page 7
`Art Unit: 3694
`So by definition of metadata it is “representative of structures and functions associated
`with a plurality of application"
`Re claim 6 & 12 & 18: see claim 5 above + Dodrill discloses column 5 line 53 + others
`+ see McLauchlin, column 12, claim 3 “reporting”
`Re claim 7 & 13 & 19: Dodrill discloses see column 18, Claim 26 + see claim 2
`rejection above
`Claims listed below in this section are rejected under 35 U.S.C. l03(a) as being
`unpatentable over Dodrill (U.S. Patent 6,766,298) and McLauchlin (U.S. Patent 6,754,672) in
`further view of Tsirigotis (US Patent 6,098,096)
`Re claim 14: Dodrill discloses:
`See claim 2 rejection above +
`Server (see Dodrill, Figure 8, item 64 or 66 + see McLauchlin, Figure 1)
`Although Dodrill does not have portions of a server, Tsirigotis claims five portions of a
`server (see Tsirigotis, column 3, lines 32-52)
`Therefore it would have been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art at the time the
`invention was made to modify Dodrill by adapting portions of a server of Tsirigotis.
`It is clear that one would be motivated to combine prior art elements according to know
`methods to yield predictable results.
`Examiner Note
`If the examiner had not read the application number she never would have realized that
`these claims went with this specification. The claims are extremely generic and broad there is no

`Application/Control Number: 12/098,154
`Page 8
`Art Unit: 3694
`mention about regulatory changes or anything that the invention talks about in the first 13 pages
`of the specification that the invention is trying to solve/ directed at.
`Currently the independent claim has 1) “unique aspect” and 2) “user interface element”
`for a particular application. If you talked to any software developer every project they worked
`on has at least these two elements and probably 100% of their software projects.
`Contact Information
`Any inquiry concerning this communication or earlier communications from the
`examiner should be directed to Kirsten S. Apple whose telephone number is 571.272.5588. The
`examiner can normally be reached on Monday - Friday 9:00-5:30.
`If attempts to reach the examiner by telephone are unsuccessful, the examiner’s
`supervisor, James Trammell can be reached on 571-272-6712. The fax phone number for the
`organization where this application or proceeding is assigned is (571) 273-8300.
`Information regarding the status of an application may be obtained from the Patent
`Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system. Status information for published applications
`may be obtained from either Private PAIR or Public PAIR. Status information for unpublished
`applications is available through Private PAIR only. For more information about the PAIR
`system, see http://pair-direct.uspto. gov. Should you have questions on access to the Private PAIR
`system, contact the Electronic Business Center (EBC) at 866-217-9197 (toll-free).
`/Kirsten S Apple/
`Primary Examiner, Art Unit 3694

`Notice of References Cited Examiner
`Application/Control No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under
`Art Unit
`Page 1 °i2
`Document Number
`Country Code-Number-Kind Code
`US-6,098,096 A
`US-6,154,843 A
`US-6,314,415 B1
`US-6,493,717 B1
`US-6,678,682 B1
`US-6,754,672 B1
`US-6,766,298 B1
`US-6,898,645 B2
`US-6,920,607 B1
`US-6,934,356 B1
`US-6,973,619 B1
`US-6,990,654 B2
`US-7,181,320 B2
`Tsirigotis et al.
`Hart et al.
`Mukherjee, Krishna C.
`Junkin, Joseph R.
`Jenkins et al.
`McLauch|in, Andrew William
`Dodrill et al.
`Abujbara, Nabil M.
`Ali et al.
`Satheesan et al.
`Hirose et al.
`Carroll, Jr., Thomas J.
`Whiffen et al.
`_\ \ _\
`_\ \ _\
`\ 4
`Document Number
`Country Code-Number-Kind Code
`Include as applicable: Author, Title Date, Publisher, Edition or Volume, Pertinent Pages)
`— U
`*A copy of this reference is not being furnished with this Office action. (See MPEP § 707.05(a).)
`Dates in MM-YYYY format are publication dates. Classifications may be US or foreign.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTO-892 (Rev. 01-2001)
`Notice of References Cited
`Part of Paper No. 20100413

`Application/Control No.
`App|icant(s)/Patent Under
`Art Unit
`Page 2 °f 2
`Notice of References Cited
`Document Number
`Country Code-Number-Kind Code
`US-7,222,292 B2
`US-7,269,795 B2
`US-7,318,066 B2
`US-7,320,007 B1
`US-7,366,972 B2
`US-7,409,710 B1
`US-7,505,995 B2
`Ali et al.
`Whittenberger, Kevin
`Kaufman et al.
`Chang, Peter Hon—You
`Baumert et al.
`Uchil et al.
`Grealish et al.
`_\ \ _\
`Document Number
`Country Code-Number-Kind Code
`Include as applicable: Author, Title Date, Publisher, Edition or Volume, Pertinent Pages)
`— U
`*A copy of this reference is not being furnished with this Office action. (See MPEP § 707.05(a).)
`Dates in MM-YYYY format are publication dates. Classifications may be US or foreign.
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`PTO-892 (Rev. 01-2001)
`Notice of References Cited
`Part of Paper No. 20100413

`App|icationIContro| No.
`Seafch NOTES
`App|icant(s)IPatent Under
`Art Unit
`Search Notes
`see attached EAST notes
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Part of Paper No. : 20100413

`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History
`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
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`20 09/ 1 2/ 1 5
`20 09/ 1 2/ 1 5
`4/ 23/ 2010 11:48:13 AM
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`- Q3 2006\12-098-154\12-098-154 v1-NF.wsp
`file:///CI/Documents%20and%20Settings/kapple/My%20Docum...098154/EASTSearchHistory. 12098154_Accessib1eVersion.htm4/23/2010 11:48:28 AM

`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`,. BOX 1450
`xandria, Vi.1gLnia 22313-1450
`F ING OR 371 (C) DATE
`Richad Frankland
`LUFK-001/0 1 US
`ATTN: Patent Group
`Suite 1
`777 - 6th Street, NW
`Title:Integrated Change Management Unit
`Publication No.US—2008—0256133—A1
`Publication Date:10/16/2008
`The above-identified application will be electronically published as a patent application publication pursuant to 37
`CFR 1.211, et seq. The patent application publication number and publication date are set forth above.
`The publication may be accessed through the USPTO's publically available Searchable Databases via the
`Internet at The direct link to access the publication is currently
`The publication process established by the Office does not provide for mailing a copy of the publication to
`applicant. A copy of the publication may be obtained from the Office upon payment of the appropriate fee set forth
`in 37 CFR 1.19(a)(1). Orders for copies of patent application publications are handled by the USPTO's Office of
`Public Records. The Office of Public Records can be reached by telephone at (703) 308-9726 or (800) 972-6382,
`by facsimile at (703) 305-8759, by mail addressed to the United States Patent and Trademark Office, Office of
`Public Records, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 or via the Internet.
`In addition, information on the status of the application, including the mailing date of Office actions and the
`dates of receipt of correspondence filed in the Office, may also be accessed via the Internet through the Patent
`Electronic Business Center at using the public side of the Patent Application Information and
`Retrieval (PAIR) system. The direct link to access this status information is currently Prior to
`publication, such status information is confidential and may only be obtained by applicant using the private side of
`Further assistance in electronically accessing the publication, or about PAIR, is available by calling the Patent
`Electronic Business Center at 1-866-217-9197.
`Office of Data Managment, Application Assistance Unit (571) 272-4000, or (571) 272-4200, or 1-888-786-0101
`page 1 of 1

`Attorney Docket No. LUFK-001/01US 309694-2002
`In re Application of
`Richard FRANKLAND et al.
`Confinnation No.:
`Serial No.:
`Group Art Unit:
`April 4, 2008
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Randolph Building
`401 Dulany Street
`Alexandria, VA 22314
`Prior to examination of the above-identified application, please amend the above-
`captioned application as follows:
`Amendments to the Specification begins on page 2 of this paper.
`Amendments to the Claims begin on page 3 of this paper.
`Remarks appear on page 7 of this paper.

`Attorney Docket No. LUFK-001/0lUS 309694-2002
`Serial No. 12/098,154
`Page 2
`In the Specification:
`Please amend the following paragraph of the application that follows the title. Amendments to
`the specification are shown with additions underlined and deletions in . No
`new matter is added by this amendment.
`Cross-Reference T0 Related Applications
`This application is a continuation of U.S. Patent Application No. 09/797,488, filed on
`March 1, 2001, entitled “Integrated Change Management Unit,” which is incorporated herein by
`reference in its entirety:, which is a continuation of U.S. Patent Application No. 09/215,898, filed
`on December 18, 1998, entitled “Integrated Change Management Unit,” now U.S. Patent No.
`6 341 287.

`Attorney Docket No. LUFK-001/01US 309694-2002
`Serial No. 12/098,154
`Page 3
`In the Claims:
`This listing of claims will replace all prior versions, and listings, of claims in the application.
`Currently amended claims are shown with additions underlined and deletions in strileethreugh
`text. Claims 2-19 have been added. No new matter is added by this amendment.
`1 .
`(New) A method, comprising:
`receiving first information about unique aspects of a particular application;
`receiving second information ab

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