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`3-fl} i"tu'tsun1 .-ivenuc
`Sam lirsrttriscri, fl.-\ 9-11 18
`. I am the Office Manager at the [ntemet Arch ive, located in San Francisco,
`California. I make this declaration of my own personal knowledge.
`2. The Internet Archive is a website that provides access to a digital library of
`Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide
`free access to researchers. historians, scholars. and the general public. The lntemet
`Archive has partnered with and receives support from various institutions, including the
`Library of Congress.
`3. The [ntemel Archive has created a service known as the Wayback Machine. The
`Wayback Machine makes it possible to surf more than 150 billion pages stored in the
`Internet Archive's web archive. Visitors to the Wayback Machine can search archives
`by URL (i .e., a website address). If archived records for a URL are available, the visitor
`will be presented with a list of‘ available dates. The visitor may select one of those
`dates, and then begin surfing on an archived version of the Web. The links on the
`archived files, when served by the Wayback Machine. point to other archived files
`(whether HTML pages or images}. If a visitor clicks on a link on an archived page, the
`Wayback Machine will serve the archived file with the closest available date to the page
`upon which the link appeared and was clicked.
`4. The archived data made viewable and browscable by the Wayback Machine is
`compiled using software programs known as crawlers, which surfthe Web and
`automatically store copies of web files. preserving these files as they exist at the point of
`time of capture.
`5. The Internet Archive assigns a URL on its site to the archived files in the format
`http:2'/[Year in yyyy][Month in ntrn][Day in dd][Tirne code in
`hh:rnm:ss]/[Archived URL]. Thus, the Internet Archive URL
`httpzf/web.archiveorg/web} l 9970] 260453232’ht1p:b‘ww'w.archive.orgf would be the
`URL for the record of the Internet Archive home page HTML file
`(http://1.vw\v.archive.orgf) archived on January 26, 1997 at 4:58 am. and 28 seconds
`(l997!0lI26 at 04:58:28). A web browser may be set such that a printout fi‘om it will
`display the URL of it web page in the printout"s footer. The date assigned by the Internet
`Archive applies to the HTML file but not to image files linked therein. Thus images that
`appear on a page may not have been archived on the same date as the HTML file.
`Likewise, if a website is designed with "frames," the date assigned by the lntemet
`Archive applies to the frarneset as a whole. and not the individual pages within each
`6. Attached hereto as Exhibit A are true and accurate copies of printouts of the
`Internet Archive's records of the HTML. files for the URLs and the dates specified in the
`footer of the printout.
`7. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`DATE: 0/1
`Christopher Butler
`PAR1 O28
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`Page 1 of 362

`See Attached Document.
`State of California
`County ofSan Francisco
`Subscribed and swam-to-{-er affinncd) before me this
`\c’_Mflday of 3”“ 9'
`, 7-«‘’‘7--', by
`’?>\Mrh or
`proved to me on the basis of satisfactory
`evidence to be the person who appeared
`before me.
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`Page 2 of 362

`Exhibit A
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`Page 3 of 362

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`PAR1 O28
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`37463] .1351
`Notice ol'.\‘ltg.
`:0323nldJ_1_1m_ & pg
`lliriefmg Information
`.s1.14a1.,gr, gm
`37~l4rl.El_f. IE
`37'“'11-I_*<lI- ‘LIE!
`Briefing lnformnlion
`';Briefing Package
`rmp:Uwcb.archivc.orgfweb:'200I 06 172 l0030r'h1tp:fwww. fda.gowoiu-rns-"dockeIsfac.’cder0 I .htm
`CBM of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`53131:} u;.Eu(39z0)
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`CBM of U8. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`- (rm: 02.;!!f[6852}
`36'.'1'r1_l}l.@. pg‘
`'Guest Roster
`36':-'1' r1_lI2.@. ;g‘
`Briefing lnfonnntitnn
`Briefing Package
`i6_Tl=;Ld;¢ 5‘ Ifl'
`.i(j‘.r7g|2 OLQM‘ & @'
`5j?‘‘-'g.|.‘‘ Q?,_Ijoc & mJ_f
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`37-|9al.5;]1& mm
`37-I-9qI.n¢;l_f&. mm
`IB:-iefing Information
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`l.3737a1.m;g, pg;
`:3737ql .|_|;g. nfl‘
`B:-iefing lnfonmllinn
`Eflunning Agenda
`|{3737al_plannit|g.];um. ]Af
`! ;
`http1En»»'200 I 061 72 1003 0.=’l1u'p:Iw w w. fda.gowol'Irmsfdockets/acicderfll .htm
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`I lnrx III
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`Members J75-Irl_0l .2d_[.
`3754 rl _'|.'|2.pj'. htrnl
`Public Hearing
`3'?5-1ql.;1l_f, html
`Briefing Information
`3724a! (In qgfl
`] "lug,
`’wcbI200106172lD030fhn;p:,v'www.fda.govfohrmsfdoc-ketsr'ac:'cde1'0I .htm
`3".-'2-lrl_0l Q93. [Elf
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`Agenda (DRAFD
`3'T24x2.Q;_§. 1311‘
`Route r
`3714 r] _D2._(li_l£. p_d_l'
`Briefing Info
`'3 724 tam
`CBM of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`New Page I
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`Briefing Info
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`.98frxll323{ll gfl
`98 frI032J0l g.133'
`|t;I1I~..;'llpl I'I|I HI
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`'3685l'1.dQc, {Q
`363541! -999 L!!!
`Briefing Info
`3685a2.i|(_-c. ggf
`3685r2.<§. mfl"
`358592-Q. Lfl
`Briefing Info
`36S5I2.1nJ_l'. Iu
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`Age nda
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`Planniag Agenda
`373'fal_p|anni.tIg.@. mij
`3737q1-LI.L!- 151.1"
`Briefing lnfonnnlien
`http;.-“fwebarchiv‘ web! 200 I 06 I 72 1003 0.’Imp: I w ww.fda. gow'ohr111sfdockets Iac/cdefi} l .hIm
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Docurnents
`l uf9
`IIL-um: P-._tgt|[('|ii-.R||( lJRII|[(l||l_[g[{_\t' \.\[u('. H‘-nl [.\|_;_'i;\3ihiI|L\J
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` CDER .I?(J01 Meermr Documerrts
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`I:".|I:I'~n nil:-I lru I-II
`1. 3llIrI' “Ln \
`nun; ”|1\|Ii
`Due to the events ofthk week. [I111 meeting has heel: postponed It will be rescheduled Drafl Agenda
`in the future. Please (‘heck here fur the new dale.
`3'! ’?8ql .m11'
`Meeting Info
`!m0000l]l.ml1’. mm
`lirlefing Information
`l7Tfii_!| mm
`I l
`Docket Number 0 I \—1igS(.
`Ir-.n1~.-rip! I'|'|l-
`III kl-r
`|:'.Iu-«unit Int ll’
`i\l.!l' an Ixill
`||t|~.«:I' II-3-1 \ III
`It will hit rescheduled in the future. Please check
` Agenda
`3?-Ifial .p_+J_[. 1‘]_I_l_l_l
`0‘J!l2 Due to the events nftliis week. this meeting has been pmatpuned.
`hen: furthe new daie.
`Pages 1- loll
`37461 I _m .135
`.37-16l1-1:Lf (383) 8: h.l|_“_'
`Pages 101-201:
`Pages 201 -339
`T-T :- ‘Ga - --‘IG «.4
`'.3'r44:I_o1.ga1& M l3744u.1r
`Briefing Info.
`‘3'a'46rl_l]2gt.Iest.;gf, [ml
`Notice of mg.
`03230] mum 8: ml!
`Briefing lnfonnatiun
`3744a] .;5J_f. @
`37-=I4rl .gQ'. E
`.’o'J'-‘I-iql .mLf. mm
`‘ mm
`3744: I .;g_l_f
`Briefing Information
`http :L’\~'e b. archi ve.0rgr'web.*'200 I 100408 I 740«'h1:tp: Kw w w. fda.gow'ohrms»' doc kets.-‘acfc der0 1 .htm
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Colnmiuee Meeting Documents
`I L
`[J7-l4a2.r_:gl', h_I:_L:
`=i3744r24.~gI. mm
`i3 74412-Lm. mm
`Bricfng Package
`§719r] ,hIm
`3?l'9.-:1 .htrn
`J-7l‘hl Jltm
`37 I ‘lg! .h;m
`01:30 3719::
`.37l‘)tl u2.;;gr(6374)
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`I’ “I H}
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`I1 .I|l\1. rip! L'\l II}
`.»n.=..- 5.": M»:-
`Draft Agcnda 3792: l.[,§1_f&
`Final Agenda 3392:] mi
`& mu:
` Host: 1-
`( To mmiu.-c 3 792 rl__0l .gg_f
`& [gm (Consultants &
`Guests 3792 rl_02.pfl
`Qutstiuns .3'i"9g5]l mg}
`Briefing lnfonnntion
`Agenda 3792I1.p_§jf 8; m_m
`(fnmmittcc 3792 IQ_0I .353
`34 Iat_n1 Consultants &
`Guests 3792l2__I)2.p_§[
`Questions ,}79Zgz.m}f
`Briefing lnfnnnatinn
`3 79} Q2 .1]; m
`3731 :1 .d_r.Lc. Elf
`ETJIII [|l.[fll' [6394]
`373 I ll
`Mam |J3.;,§jf(3920}
`33! sl.|:I_m
`373 I 1'! Q. pg’
`H3 1, 1._1_:j_f
`hnpzffw eb.archive.orgrw ebr200 1 100408 l740.='hl'l'p:r’WW w.fda.goVr’oh1-ms.’dockcts.’ac.r'cder0 l .htm
`CBM of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`C DER 200! Advisory Committee Meeting Docurmnts
`3 of9
`’.Briefing Information
`93676rI.g9_c. pg!"
`Briefing Information
`Hncfing Information
`3t.7t.cI nf
`3fi'}'6tl hqfil"
`ismau d.pdl’

`_ .
`.-_.,-t- ..-'|
`In |-II-
`-I|'l kl-I
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`3779r1__cnm n1'tttc.h_1r!_! 6: mlf
`37’T9rl_I.:onsulla1‘I1s.@ & pl!‘
`Public Hearing
`3?'T9rl_publ|c_hcariIIg.h_Ig1 & mj
`Briefing lntoruution
`3779q1.m at gm
`Jlkcviscd Questions
`§37"!9q1_revEsed.11_[_r;r_n 6: 153
`371-'9|I2._lgm 8: ELI
`J'»'79r2_comn1iltee.@ 5: [gr
`3?1‘9 r2__¢.-onsulta mag 3: IQ’
`Public Hearing
`3?19r1_pu»1ic_hearaag.m_m & gr
`3T79m2.p_d_f an IE3 "
`am :rages1.1un
`:J'}"F9;2 §[|,mj]
`{Pages 101-159
`1779;; g!"_,;5;t'
`1 I
`!2001 10040817-wfhttp:Iwww.ida.gow'ohrrm:'dockets.racfcder01 .hIIn
`CBM of Us. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 16 of 362
`Page 16 of 362

`CDER 200! Advisory Comrnittee Meeting Documents
`.'B riefing Information
`'374l}hl .m_m
`3‘740ql.]]1_II1 8: [I_v;l_!'
`R0 :12 r
`3740rl__0l 33$ & [x_If
`3740rl_|}2 [um 8; mil"
`3'.’-I0: I .l_1_gm
`Jfi77al.fl, ggf
`3677*, [gr
`Guest Roster
`367%-1 _02.§§gg. mil"
`Briefing Information
`3677b] .1u_rg
`36'."TqI .5113. ml!
`36775] .jmt_1
`Brimng Package
`F513".-"1|'g Lgloc 34: ifl
`|567':,.2 II!l.duc at g
`3677512 & pg;
`iJ 1
`14;: 9
`367'!:I_{II .132! (6421)
`3071: I .nf(56l)
`ggmg o;.g¢I‘{a':74)
`ifi-.1'll3_!!3.-1::Lf (6352)
` '(29| 3)
`1Efl1Ln£ (597)
` Briefing lnfonnaliun
`{l|II1_'I'Il1u -. HI
` lI'.|I|~.\'I'l1'-I PI ‘I H}
`It.n'|u lI|.~[
`|t'\l H1
`I\i..rc III
`Ill I-.lI:
`-Ixin III Mn
`Pages 1-100
`Pages 101-200
`3775: I ._b_[_m, flf
`Briefing Inlurnnatiun
`J':7§pg Jym
`Pages 20!-300
`3"r"r'5t| 03.|>df
`Pages 301-400
`|37'T5§l U-l.|rL|f
`ihges 40]-411
`1:775“ gs my
`Re mondulin
`377Sql_0l.p_J.u'. Q93
`hrq:-:K! ve.or_g.'w cb:’200 I 100408] 740»’htIp:Ewww.fda.govfohrmsfdocketsfacfcderfl I .htm
`CBM of Us. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 17 of 362
`Page 17 of 362

`CDER 200] Advisory Committee Meeting Dncuments
`5 of9
`OM10 Pages I-10037751; tIuL|31I' F1‘ {Z99}
`Pages 101-200
`.¥'.'7§I2 {l2.pgif'
`3 7753 l_.lI1__q]
`Briefing lnforlnation
`Pages 201-228
`37',r5qz_I,i[, ME
`3775:: 05.1311‘
`Briefing Information
`3"!-I9tl_02.g¢f (B690)
`3 7-19b] .|_'ljfl
`3'? -I911 _03.@' (‘I 469]
`374931.;-fi& mg
`[3149t2.1r (-I65}
`5'M9¢2_o1.p(_ur (9171)
`3'!-19t2_02.[Af (8465)
`3749t2_03.1m' (8352)
`3149:2+o-mgr {T3-I5)
`3?-I9ql.1g1'& IIL1
`nriefing Intornumon
`3'?-19q2.m|_I& mm
`h':n1u-I1|uI |‘|J} ll}
`inn: in Ll-|
`Imum II|'—l
`lml Ill
`IHIL‘ |.l| I-.|II
`Hlllcl I1-uxlll
`0'2-‘I26 Pages I-I00
`-3'J'filt| 01.pdf{9.-M6)
`‘Notice oflfleeting
`June 3.2001 Q gfl‘
`lPages lfll-200
`i5'r(_.1:I 02.;_gIr{9.613)
`-Pages 20] -J00
`Tages 30! -342
`3.791;; g!§,[5]t‘(8.306]
`mm Pages l—l0ll
`JTSIIE lI1.|:df(3,393)
`Pages ll}!-200
`.3'f6|I2 lI2.[;jf(8,SI]8)
`Pages 201-300
`.3'I6I!I lI§_.;g_!_f(8.3l3)
`Pages 301-359
`3751:: n14.;,99I)
`§:ms|m2.p_«,1_r 5: mm
`§37e1al.pd_s. @
`3761111-vfla h_I1n
`Briefing lnfonnalion
`.576Ia2.g_5j_I'. mm
`3‘!6lr2.;g_l_I'. E
`Briefing lnfunnatlon
` fl
`|1.'|I|-u.u1r[ I'I||' H1
`l(I I-JPI
`l|'.m-ungni I|\l III
`l"~I/\' in E-_IH
`I-Jxx ill
`hrtpiffweb.*web:20{Jl 100408 1 740;‘ http: fiww w.r' ohrmsa'dockets‘a.c-'cder0 1 .htm
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 18 of 362
`Page 18 of 362

`CDER 2001 Advisory C ommittce Meeting Docmnenls
`6 of?
`*. gm;
`373Ta1.J1t_r_n. IQ‘
`Plann‘mg Agenda
`37373) _p|fll|llilIg.Mg, gr
`373701 -Jim. PAT
`Briefing Information
`3?3'? bl mm
` Pages 101-200
`M37 I I
` Pages 201-300
`3'? Tll
` Pages 301-345
`373711 ggad-5;:
`l\I.-'I_ "mill-1
`II.IlInI||:I |\'\1”'
`min: in; MI.
`in Mr-
`Morning Session Pages
`Morning Session
`I-100 3782§I j||g ,udf
`. ‘*2
`['1 In (139)
`(l0.008) Pages 101-179
`3782:] 01 bqflf
`- lien-noon Session
`_ " _
`Afternoon Session Pages
`I-100 31821]
`(9,796) Pages 101-200
`3783:! 02 h.p(l1' (9,878)
`Pages 201-225
`fl_Z§.pdf (2.226)
`D9fl 0
`1378231.];-d_f& mm
`Revised Agenda
`'.3182s‘l_revised..]fl_f& _l3§_n3
`3782 rl.mI_l' & E
`E3782 rl_|:onsulants.p_d_[_ &
`3782q1.m|_f 8: mm
`lmrudose 3782ql_02. Q"
`58: tum
`Briefing Information
`Slides 32«'§",,.gl,gt:_11_
`Briefng lnfornution
`3732o2_m*a|iII-ntfl & t_Is.n_1
`Slides 3'!82s2.hIrn
`, my
`Briefing lnl'm-matiun mg; &
`3757a1.Iu_m & mu
`Iiriefng Information
`3757bl.§:_;m 8:. gr
`Pages I-I00
`3-'J'§zl2 Q§,p_q1 Pages
`I0]-200 3'?82tg flgmflj
`Pages 201-239
`ems Pages mno
`375§u 01.133‘
`3-r5eu.m, 3754s:1.n_n
`Plgcs I01-200
`3715 '
`P ages 101 -end
`06101 Pages 1-111»
`575m 1.
`3‘T5Ttl.m. Iu_m
`Pages 101-20]
` 100408 I74D.r'l:1tp:£www.!ohrmsIdocketsJaclcder0I .htm
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`Page 19 of 362

`CDER 2001 Advisory Committee Meeting Documents
`;3743a1.g_n_u an Lg’
`E3 743 rl .Ll__I33, pg!
`Briefing Infommtion
`E37-1.3b1.@ & p_t_1_I‘
`l"\.I H'|
`|I';1n-rri|_u I'I‘| H1
`lung in LI:
`in I«I~|
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`;'3'?5-ialqfili. E
`I.'|II| \ III
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`I-in nll I\lII
`[Pages llll -200
`Pages 20l—3{l{)
`Pages 301-38]
`Rust: rs
`Mennbers 3'15-lrI_0l 4&3
`II I In]
`3 754rl _02.5fl[. ht ml
`Public llearing
`3';'MrI_G3.1fl'. Imnl
`Questio ns
`375‘lql.fl5|_f. hlml
`Iflrie-flag lnfonlatiun
`3754: IE
`372-ial._(,l1_:g;. M
`Briefing Info
`Agenda (DRAFT)
`31‘24a:'..;|_u_c. ml’
`372-Iri__01.5!n_r. E‘:
`Briefing Info
` "H19 Page-s 1-I00
`I_\i.-‘C I1I|~l'I:-
`Ullu-I hum‘-. H]
`||:nm.-rip1 l'I'Il- II:
`II.u|u'r||'.1 |t‘\f Ill
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`3"."63ll.hllI1, g
`hnp: ."r'WEb.arChi\-*3. orgfwebfzflol I 00403 I ?40Khrtp: Iww w"»'ohrms/docketsfacfcdero1 ,htm
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 20 of 362
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`CDER 2001 Advisory Cotmfittee Meeting Doctlments
`3'!63r1.m_m 8: gfl
`Guest Roster
`3'J'63rl_guest._d9_c 3:
`FDA Roster
`763l.1_fda_g9£ &
`3'.-'63q2._n;m & pgfl
`PQQGS 301-313
`3763: I .,mm
`3763a2.h;|n J’: adj‘
`Guest Rostar
` &
`FDA Roster
`3763r2_fdI.Qu_ -In
`Pages 1-190
`Pnges lfll-I'll
`. ‘Mice ofivlecling
`‘8fn0323ll lg.]:|g1;
`98fr:03230l u.pfl_f
`‘HIT Pages!-I00
`‘M2t1~nI(93)& '
`1. (100)
`PAR1 O28
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,668,730
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`Page 21 of 362

`CDER 2001 Adviser)‘ Committee Meeting Documents
`9 of’)
`'.-'m- in mu :»\ge ndn
`lI‘.aIIu'Illu[ Pill
`1-.,|rr an I-.I-n
`|l;ll-'-I Hp: lrxl H1
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`33685 r1
`' '
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`;3685m2 .13!
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`B riefing In fo
`3685b! Jfl
`;363sa2.fl, 3,11
`Haste r
`,3685r2.d£{. flf
`'368Sq2.;l_u;. Qgij
`Briefing Info
`I I".'II|\ r r Jpl Ir \l Inn in l.In
` Pages 1-100
`Pages 20] -300
`37,571! D_$.Lgr
`Pages Sol -315
`Questiu ns
`r3737t|l._I1[|_l__. 5111'
`llirieflng Information
`!3'F3T!;i .Itlm
`In :
`[Updated ll}.-'l}2.*'[}|
`http: fa-‘web.a.rchive. orgrwebiznol I004 08 I 7-10.’hIrp:.-*www .f(:1a.gowohrrm; docketsfacrcdcrfll .hm1
`CBM of US. Patent No. 7,868,730
`Page 22 of 362
`Hlliu I131»; -. Ill
`|'\L/t u: |\h_:-
`i373TaI.h1r1. 511?
`I [
`Pinning Agenda
`I ;
`Ill LII:
`3731... 1 E
`JTJTII 014111‘
`Pages 101-200
`J-T3'3'lI 02.
`Page 22 of 362

`C DER 2001 A.Clvis0ry C ommitlaee Meeting Documents
`[I-'t~‘.it'ra| RI.‘giILtl.-I‘: [| F!) \ ”I‘ll‘Ili.‘ Page |[l)m:|u-I\ Imml: P:l§t‘]|( lilil-l[|{'I)I1'.Jl]|Qi_|]_l:_£]].\t \\ halt‘; .\'rh|
`|l-.'-Inai! | Docket: lklungenu-nt Brunch. 56.30 Fishers Lam: ~ Room lI.|6I- III".-\—505. Iiorlwilie. \ID, 20852; 301-82?-6861?; I-‘ax
` CDER 2001 Mc.=etm' Documents
`.\n¢-nth:-tic and Life 5I.u|y;_nt_nrt Ilruga Adv isnn t"un1n1ittce
`.-\nti-infective Dru Is .-\dvison' Committee
`.\rni-\'in|l llrugs .\d\'ison' Committee
`('urdim'ascularand Renal Dmg; .-\glviso}1('g11]g_1iIgee
`l-Zndpcrinulogic and \le-ta buiit‘ Drugs .-\d\'i:mrI Committee
`._Vun|gnrscr'_ipIion Ilrugs .1dvison' Committee
`0l‘N:uk_I_gic I):-ugs .=\dvisor\ (‘ummittee
`Peri hcralund Central Van-nus System Dru 5 .-\rl\ mun“ fummiltce
`.\rlvi.wn' fummitlee for Pharmaceutical Scirnce
`I’s\'(‘h1.:|}h:1!Tnar.'ok)fii(‘ DI"I.l]'1.-\lJ1 EON (Tmnmiltec
`H mmm'~-HR‘ V ‘H 50!
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`II'.lI:\1."I'|-I II.‘I.l' Ill
`|-II/1 in I-._|Il
`I-in‘ in I-.|n_u
`Duo: :0 the events ofthia week, this muting has been postponed.
`in the future. Please check here forth: new date.
`It wilt he me:-uhedul-ed
`1 llhv r I"!-an s H"!
`1\ia'.t‘ m I-.I.~I
`Draft Age mla
`31 'I8q I .;m
`fleeting Info
`mnooou 1 .p_1J_1',
`Briefllg lnfonnalion
`Docktt .VumbcrfiI.\-I12: g1
`I|'I Id‘?
`Ir-|nuJ'Ip:r In: III
`In l.h:
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`El lug“;-Vltml lhm
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`Questions [\\unJ xersuiun]
`hrclfter.-aiun] [htm \'crsa_g" I1]
`Briefing Infonuntiunyg
`Agenda him 8:
`Question Q & ;g'
`Briefing lnfonnatiun
`jCamm'net MI.-mbtrs £1
`i=& mu’
`3:371-1-.[_\\'gsnI we rsiunl («rm
`& |llTMl. \'grsi:L-:1] (394)
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`=3':9m 01.15;:
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`iPages 201-300
`|3'}'2‘;I't: {)§_E}f
`Pages 301-345
`It hill but rtst-hcdulrtfillfi futunr. Pica»: check
`09/I2 Due to the eve rug. oflhh week. this meeting t;III—S been postponed.
`|‘Il.'l'¢ forth: new date. This meeting was rescheduled for l(}.!l6.’i}l.
`;'web.*’200 I
`1 I 161444]9.*'hl1p:fwww.fda.g0\~'2'0hnmIdocket.s:’ac!cder0Lhtm
`CBM of US. Patent No. 7,668,730
`Page 23 of 362
`Page 23 of 362

`CDER 200} Advisory Commiuee Meeting Documents
`2 of I I
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`ll-{I26 Pagcs 1- 100
`Pages 101-200
`H] 9546)
`_,__:j.-.__: T .T
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`3746tl.;j (388) 6': html
`£3‘?-I6al.p£f. Q
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`3T46rl_02gue51-j1'LiI- mm
`Nulice offlrltg.
`0323ll1d.t4_Lt31 3: pg
`Briefng Information
`3T4-4r1.p_4,!_[, E
`glineling lnfonnatnon
`3‘?-‘I41-'2.;u_lt'. LL11
`Briefing Package
`371%! .hlru
`{I719 1.h:
`n.Pnges 201-339
`3‘744Il_01.pfl& ht_m
`!3744t2.nd_[ 8: m
`(HBO J'.":9:1 j!|-;g;fq6l26)
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`||'| Ltu

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