Paper No. ______
`Filed: June 23, 2015
`Patent Owner
`Case CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`Patent Owner’s Opposition to Petitioner’s Motion to Exclude

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`Preliminary Statement .................................................................................. 1
`Standard ......................................................................................................... 1
`III. Exhibit 2007, a Set of Demonstrative Exhibits, was Properly Cited
`in TT’s Preliminary Response and is not Hearsay ..................................... 2
`IV. Exhibit 2202, a District Court Demonstrative, Was Not Offered
`for the Truth of the Matter Asserted ........................................................... 3
`The Thomas Report (Ex. 2010) was Properly Cited in TT’s
`Preliminary Response and is not Hearsay; Ex. 2201 was Not Filed
`in This Proceeding ......................................................................................... 5
`VI. The HCI Printouts (Exs. 2011-2019) Are Admissible ................................ 7
`The HCI Printouts are Exceptions to the Hearsay Prohibition or
`are Not Hearsay at All ........................................................................... 7
`The HCI Printouts Are Properly Authenticated .................................... 9
`VII. TT’s Video Animation (Ex. 2203) Is Demonstrative, Not Offered
`for the Truth of the Matter Asserted ......................................................... 10
`VIII. Conclusion .................................................................................................... 11

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`Preliminary Statement
`In its motion to exclude, Petitioners TD Ameritrade et al. (“TD”) repeatedly
`ask the Board to ignore the nature of the evidence submitted by Trading
`Technologies (“TT”), as well as the timing and circumstances of the evidence’s
`TD criticizes TT’s reliance on exhibits, not declarations, to support the
`Patent Owner’s Preliminary Response (“POPR”)—when, by rule, no declarations
`can be submitted at that phase of the proceeding. TD criticizes as hearsay exhibits
`not submitted for the truth of the matter asserted, twisting the exhibits’ use to
`further TD’s exclusionary goals. TD also argues that government websites and
`published articles are somehow inauthentic or unreliable.
`As these examples demonstrate, are motivated not by a fair reading of the
`rules of evidence, but rather on a litigation-driven desire to exclude relevant,
`probative evidence. Accordingly, TT respectfully requests denial of TD’s motion.
`The Federal Rules of Evidence (“FRE”) govern the admissibility of evidence
`in this proceeding. Trial Practice Guide, 77 Fed. Reg. 48,756, 48,758 (Aug. 14,
`2012). As the party moving to exclude evidence, TD bears the burden of proof on
`inadmissibility. 37 C.F.R. § 42.20(c).

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`III. Exhibit 2007, a Set of Demonstrative Exhibits, was Properly Cited in
`TT’s Preliminary Response and is not Hearsay
`TD criticizes TT for citing Exhibit 2007, a set of demonstrative slides
`submitted to a court in parallel litigation, in its Patent Owner’s Preliminary
`Response. TT cited this exhibit as general background regarding TT’s formation,
`company size, and success of its MD Trader product. Other than one mention of
`commercial success, TT did not repeat this reliance in its Patent Owner’s Response
`(“POR”). TT’s reliance on these demonstratives was proper under the Rules.
`Under Rule 42.207(c) and the Board’s Trial Practice Guide (“TPG”), a
`Patent Owner cannot submit new supporting declarations with its Preliminary
`Response and must rely on evidence from other proceedings. 37 C.F.R. § 42.207(c)
`(“The preliminary response shall not present new testimony evidence beyond that
`already of record . . . .”); TPG at 48,764 (“The preliminary response may present
`evidence other than new testimonial evidence to demonstrate that no review should
`be instituted.”) (emphasis added). TD’s criticism of TT’s citation of Exhibit 2007,
`not repeated in the Patent Owner’s Response, is misplaced.
`Exhibit 2007 is demonstrative in nature and illustrates exemplary differences
`between TT’s technology and the prior art. To narrow the issues before the Board,
`TT agrees to rely on Exhibit 2007 as a demonstrative only, not to establish the
`truth of the matters for which it is cited on pages 1 and 29 of the POPR. As such,

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`TD’s hearsay objections are unfounded. TD’s objections under FRE 602, 702, and
`703 fail for the same reason.
`TD’s reliance on the best evidence rule (FRE 1002 et seq.) against Ex. 2007
`is similarly misplaced. First, TT has not offered Ex. 2007 “in order to prove its
`content” or as a “summary . . . of voluminous writings.” FRE 1002; FRE 1006. TT
`never alleged any passage or figure of these exhibits served as a “summary” of a
`prior litigation. Nor has TD pointed to any discrepancy between Ex. 2007 and any
`underlying document. The “contents” of Ex. 2007 are therefore not at issue, and
`these rules are inapplicable. Second, TD’s arguments go to the sufficiency of the
`evidence, not its admissibility. TD’s motion questions whether the passages of Ex.
`2007 are “proper summaries” of the root proceedings. Motion at 5. This argument
`is improper in a motion to exclude. See TPG at 48,767 (“A motion to exclude . . .
`may not be used to challenge the sufficiency of the evidence to prove a particular
`IV. Exhibit 2202, a District Court Demonstrative, Was Not Offered for the
`Truth of the Matter Asserted
`TD similarly asks the Board to exclude another demonstrative exhibit,
`Ex. 2202, on the basis of hearsay, lacking personal knowledge, and the rules
`governing expert testimony. Motion at 1-5. Due to the demonstrative nature of the
`exhibit, as well as its intended use, TD’s arguments fail.

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`TT relied on Ex. 2202 to show how purported experts of TD’s co-defendants
`had characterized the field of the ’055 patent as technological. POR at 22. But
`contrary to TD’s insistence, Ex. 2202 was not offered to establish the truth of these
`characterizations. Id.
`Because TT did not present this exhibit to establish the truth of the matters
`asserted, it is not hearsay under FRE 801(c)(2). Anderson v. U.S., 417 U.S. 211,
`219-220 (1974); Abrams v. Dep’t of Public Safety, 764 F.3d 244, 252 (2d Cir.
`2014). And because TT offered these exhibits to show what prior tribunals
`considered, the personal knowledge (FRE 602) and opinion testimony
`requirements (FRE 701, 702) are immaterial. Such evidence is not witness
`testimony. Finally, TD’s attacks along the lines of the best evidence rule fail for
`the same reasons above. Namely, the content of the exhibit is not at issue, so these
`rules do not apply. FRE 1002, 1006.
`Finally, TD asserts that Exhibit 2202 is somehow irrelevant (FRE 401) or a
`waste of time (FRE 403). Not so. The exhibit contains materials considered in
`litigation as to the nature of the patent in dispute here. This material provides
`factual background helpful for patent eligibility and nonobvious assessments.

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`V. The Thomas Report (Ex. 2010) was Properly Cited in TT’s Preliminary
`Response and is not Hearsay; Ex. 2201 was Not Filed in This Proceeding
`TD next challenges Exhibit 2010, an expert report from Mr. Thomas in a
`parallel litigation. Motion at 5-8. TD attacks Ex. 2010 on four grounds, each of
`which is improper.
`First, TD accuses TT of relying on Ex. 2010 as hearsay in its Preliminary
`Response. Id. at 6. This criticism is misplaced for the same reasons explained
`above. Specifically, a Patent Owner cannot submit new testimonial evidence with
`its Preliminary Response and therefore must rely on evidence from other
`proceedings. 37 C.F.R. § 42.207(c); TPG at 48,764. Here, TT cited Ex. 2010 to
`establish industry praise for its MD Trader product, POPR at 29, and explain one
`of the benefits of the product over existing systems. Id. at 42. Other than one
`mention of industry praise, TT supported similar statements in its Patent Owner’s
`Response with additional evidence. See, e.g., POR at 4. Accordingly, TD’s claims
`are unfounded.
`Second, TD takes issue with paragraphs 31, 33, and 34 of Ex. 2010 as
`allegedly acting as “conduit[s] for the expunged Brumfield testimony.” Motion
`at 7. But TD’s attacks are again baseless. TT could not submit new testimonial
`evidence in its Preliminary Response as a matter of rule. And TT never relied on
`any of these paragraphs in its Patent Owner’s Response. TD’s accusations
`therefore do not survive scrutiny.

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`Third, TD challenges paragraphs 32-34 of Ex. 2010 as hearsay. Motion at 8.
`Given that Exhibit 2010 is an expert report prepared for use in a Federal District
`Court, reliance on facts and data beyond the expert’s personal knowledge, even if
`otherwise inadmissible, is proper under FRE 703. HTI Holdings, Inc. v. Hartford
`Cas. Ins. Co., No. 10-cv-06021, 2011 WL 4595799, at *3 (D. Ore. Aug. 24, 2011)
`(“hearsay is admissible as a type of fact or data reasonably relied upon by an
`expert”). Further, TT cited Ex. 2010 only once in its Patent Owner’s Response—
`relying on paragraph 32 for showing industry praise for the MD Trader tool. POR
`at 4. Similar to the arguments above, TD claims that Mr. Thomas has “acted as a
`conduit for hearsay statements” from traders who signed declarations—under the
`penalty of perjury—describing the importance of the patented invention to
`electronic trading. Ex. 2010, ¶ 33. TD’s allegations fail to account for the context
`as a whole. Mr. Thomas considered these statements in forming his opinion
`regarding public perception of the claimed system. CBM2014-00135, Ex. 1030 at
`55:7-18. Mr. Thomas was ready and willing to answer questions regarding how
`these declarations, as well as his conversation with one of the declarants, factored
`into the preparation of his declaration. Id. at 52:17-55:18. TD opted not to pursue
`this discovery. Because the declarations relied upon by Mr. Thomas are proper
`bases for an expert opinion under FRE 703, paragraphs 32-34 and the declarations
`should not be excluded. Further, the declarations demonstrate the mental

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`impressions of those in the industry falling within FRE 803(3)’s established
`exception to the hearsay rule.
`Finally, TD asserts that Ex. 2010 is somehow irrelevant or a waste of time.
`Motion at 8. But the exhibit contains materials considered in litigation as to the
`nature of the patent in dispute here—information that may help the Board as
`factual background or inform its patent eligibility or nonobviousness assessments.
`TD attacks Ex. 2201 on the same grounds as Ex. 2010. Motion at 5-8. Ex.
`2201 was not filed in this proceeding; therefore, there is nothing to exclude.
`VI. The HCI Printouts (Exs. 2011-2019) Are Admissible
`TD requests exclusion of the HCI printouts (Exs. 2011-2019) for purportedly
`being hearsay and lacking authentication. Motion at 9. Neither assertion is correct.
`A. The HCI Printouts are Exceptions to the Hearsay Prohibition or
`are Not Hearsay at All
`TT does not rely on Exhibits 2011-2019 for the truth of the matter asserted,
`as TD suggests. These exhibits do not state that TT’s GUI “is technological and
`solves a technical problem.” Motion at 9. Rather, TT provides these exhibits to
`corroborate that GUIs are technology. See POR at 22. Exhibits 2011-2019
`corroborate this fact regardless of whether TT’s GUIs are “technological and
`solve[] a technical problem.” Motion at 9. Accordingly, these exhibits are not

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`Even if TT did need to prove the truth of the matter in these exhibits, they
`fall within hearsay exceptions. Exhibits 2011 and 2012 are separately admissible
`because they represent statements from a public office setting out the office’s
`activities. FRE 803(8)(A)(i). NASA, a federal agency, is a public office. And its
`statements on the division of its technical areas and their “research activities” set
`out its “activities.” Id.
`Exhibits 2013-2019 are also admissible under FRE 807. These printouts
`from websites maintained by colleges and universities reflect the courses offered at
`those educational institutions. There would be no reason for these institutions to
`misrepresent the courses they offer or their descriptions thereof. Each website
`remains available to the public at the addresses provided. See infra. Thus, these
`statements have circumstantial guarantees of trustworthiness. FRE 807(a)(1).
`The exhibits also evidence a material fact and are highly probative,
`FRE 807(a)(2)-(3), demonstrating that third party institutions consistently classify
`subject matter relevant to this proceeding as technological. Finally, admitting these
`exhibits best serves the interest of justice. FRE 807(a)(4). The websites are
`accurate. It would have been cost prohibitive (and pedantic) for both TT and TD to
`depose an agent from each and every one of these schools for the sole purpose of
`confirming their course offerings match their online listings. To request this
`stresses form to the literal exclusion of substance.

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`TT also notes that its Preliminary Response serves as proper notice on the
`intent to use these exhibits. FRE 807(b). And each of the exhibits lists names and
`addresses of the institutions, or such information is readily available. Id.
`The HCI Printouts Are Properly Authenticated
`TD’s argument that Exhibits 2011-2019 are somehow inauthentic should
`also be dismissed. Exhibits 2013-2019 include direct links to their sources at the
`top of each page. See Exs. 2013-2019. All of these sources remain available to this
`day and are accessible by either typing in a URL or querying public search
`engines. TD can immediately confirm their content. TD cannot genuinely question
`that these documents are what they purport to be. Moreover, these exhibits also
`include additional indicia of authenticity such as school or government logos,
`familiar colors and formats, dates, addresses, contact information, etc., sufficient to
`determine their authenticity. FRE 901(b)(4); see also QSC Audio Prods. v. Crest
`Audio, IPR2014-00127, Paper 43 at 11-12.
`Exhibits. 2011 and 2012 are self-authenticating. “[P]ublication[s] purporting
`to be issued by a public authority” “require no extrinsic evidence of authenticity.”
`FRE 902(5). Exhibits 2011 and 2012 are websites published by NASA, a federal
`agency (i.e., a public authority). Documents on government websites are thus self-
`authenticating. See, e.g., Hispanic Broad. Corp. v. Educ. Media Found., 2003 WL
`22867633, at *5, n.5 (C.D. Cal. Oct. 30, 2003); Langbord v. U.S. Dept. of

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`Treasury, 2011 WL 2623315, at *14 (E.D. Pa. July 5, 2011) (finding printouts of
`National Archives website are “prima facie authentic under FRE 902(5), which
`provides that ‘publications purporting to be issued by public authority’ are self-
`authenticating”). These documents also include indicia of authenticity—such as
`NASA logos, the familiar website layout, proper names of research groups and
`related officials, etc.—confirming they are genuine. FRE 901(b)(4); see also QSC
`Audio, Paper 43 at 11-12. These documents remain available to this day. Any
`disagreement regarding the authenticity of these documents should thus go to their
`weight, not their admissibility.
`VII. TT’s Video Animation (Ex. 2203) Is Demonstrative, Not Offered for the
`Truth of the Matter Asserted
`TD asks the Board to exclude TT’s video animation (Ex. 2203) as hearsay,
`lacking personal knowledge, improper opinion testimony, lacking authenticity, and
`an improper summary. Motion at 10-12. TD bases these contentions under the
`theory that TT is “using this animation as evidence of how some displays actually
`operate.” Id. at 11. This argument misstates the purpose of Exhibit 2203, as well as
`its demonstrative nature.
`As is clear from page 27 of the Patent Owner’s Response, TT offered this
`material as a demonstrative—providing examples of problems generally present in
`the technical field, the recognition of these problems in the specification of the
`’055 patent, TT’s novel, non-obvious solution to these problems, and how the

`Case No. CBM2014-00137
`Patent 7,685,055
`claimed invention improved over the prior art. POR at 27 n.4 (describing 2203 as
`an “example”).
`Because this exhibit is demonstrative in nature, it is not hearsay under FRE
`801(c)(2). Nor is it a summary of expert testimony subject to FRE 701 or 702.
`Finally, TD never articulates any way in which the exhibit lacks authenticity (FRE
`901) or is improper summaries (FRE 1006). Thus, TD has waived any such
`VIII. Conclusion
`For at least these reasons, TT respectfully requests denial of TD’s motion.
`Dated: June 23, 2015
`Respectfully submitted,
`By: /Erika H. Arner/
`Erika H. Arner, Lead Counsel
`Registration No. 57,540
`Joshua L. Goldberg, Backup Counsel
`Registration No. 59,369
`Steven F. Borsand, Backup Counsel
`Registration No. 36,752
`Attorneys for Patent Owner Trading
`Technologies International, Inc.

`Patent 7,685,055
`The undersigned hereby certifies that a copy of the foregoing Patent
`Owner’s Opposition to Petitioner’s Motion to Exclude was served on June 23,
`2015, via email directed to counsel of record for the Petitioner at the following:
`Lori A. Gordon
`Jonathan M. Strang
`Robert E. Sokohl
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
`/Ashley F. Cheung/
`Ashley F. Cheung
`Case Manager

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