Publication 2
`Futures/Options Trading System
`Guidelines for Operating the Trading Terminals
`Tokyo Stock Exchange
`Business Systems Department
`RCG-TT 0146831
`TD Ameritrade v. Trading Technologies
`Page 1 of 16

`Table of Contents
`Table of Contents
`Chapter 1: System Overview ...........................................
`1-1 System Structural Diagram ..................................................
`1-2 System Operating Hours
`.-., ~.~u~.m~ m ,-,l,~m~g w nn Old Terminals
`Chapter 2: Devices That Structure the Terminal System ...............................
`2-1 Overview of the Structure of the Terminal System
`2-2 Terminal Servers ..........................................................
`2-3 Clients .........................................................................
`2-4 Printers
`2-5 Receipt Printers .............................................................
`2-6 Circuit Switching Equipment ............................................ 2-17
`Chapter 3: Basic Operations ........
`3-1 Selecting Menu Items ......................................................
`3-2 Pointing Operations in Operating Windows
`3-3 Moving Windows .......................................................
`3-4 Double Clicking With the Mouse
`3-5 Displaying Shortcut Menus by Right Clicking With the Mouse ..................3-7
`3-6 Operations when the "Send (Enter)" Key is Pressed
`3-7 How to Close Windows
`Chapter 4: Trading Products .................................................................
`4-1 The Bond Futures Market .............................................................
`4-2 The Bond Futures Options Market .......
`4-3 The Index Futures Market ....
`4-4 The Index Options Market--
`4-5 The Stock Options Market-
`Chapter 5: Screen Structures ..................................................................
`5-1 The Main Window .......................................................................
`5-2 Various Entry Windows ..........................................................
`5-3 Various Query Response Windows
`Table of Contents - 1
`RCG-TT 0146832
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`Table of Contents
`Chapter 6: User Settings When Using the Terminals
`6-1 Setting Up the Types of Ancillary Information on Board/Quotation Screens
`6-2 Setting Up the Board Screen Price Display Method
`6-3 Format Settings for the Order Entry Windows
`6-4 Automatic Setup for the Control Items (Either Self or Consigned) For Order Entry~6-7
`6-5 Setting Up the Entry Limit Quantities When Inputting New Orders
`6-6 Setting Up the Destination Printer for Order/Contract Related Notifications ....6-11
`6-7 Settint~ Up the Destination Printer for On_e-W~_y Cc.~..m.._-Sceticr,~ N~tificatJ,~ns,
`Such As Purchase Contract Balance Notifieatiorm 6-i 6
`6-8 Setting Up the Destination Virtual Server for Order/Contract Related Notifications - 6-19
`6-8 [sic] Setting Up the Notification Output Timing for the Page Printer ~-- 6-22
`6-9 Setting Up the Buzzer Tone For When a Notification Has Arrived in the
`Notification Display Area
`6-10 Setting Up the Mouse Operations
`Chapter 7: Board/Quotation Information Queries-
`7-1 Page Registration
`7-2 Split Format
`7-3 Board Screen
`7-21 Quotation Screen
`Chapter 8: The Notification Display Area
`8-1 Structure of the Notification Display Area.
`8-1 Method of Displaying in the Notification Display Area
`8-3 Notification Display in the Notification Display Area-
`8-4 Inputting Corrected Orders From the Notification Display Area
`Chapter 9: Inputting Orders
`9-1. Displaying the Order Entry Window
`9-2 Entering New Orders
`9-3 Inputting Sales/Purchase Lump Orders
`9-4 Entering Edited (Canceled or Modified) Orders
`9-5 Group Cancellation Instructions
`7- I
`-- 9-36
`Chapter I 0: Queries
`10-1 The Query Function .....................................................10-1
`10-2 Board Detail Queries ..........................................................10-5
`10-3 Query of the Table of Orders By the Finn (Time Sequence) .....................10-8
`10-4 Query of Order and Contract Histories ...................................10-11
`10-5 Query of Order Fulfillment Status
`Table of Contents - 2
`RCG-TT 0146833
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`Query of Contract Statuses.
`Query of High Volume Contract Data Table
`Query of Contract Records.
`Query of Settlement Price Table
`Query of Security Money Calculation Base Price Table
`Query of Order Information
`Ouerv of Settlement lriformation
`Table of Contents
`Chapter 11:
`1 1-8
`---- 11-1
`Inputting Resale/Buyback Quantifies, Etc.
`Overview oflnputting Resale/Buybaek Quantities, Ere.
`Points of Caution When Inputting Resale/Buyback Quantities, Etc.
`Inputting Resale/Buyback of Futures Transactions.
`Inputting Resale/Buybaek/Exeeution of Rights for Options Transactions ..... 11-9
`Inputting Resale/Buyback of Futures Accompanying the Execution of Rights to the
`Corresponding Options Transactions
`Ending the Inputting of Resale/Buyback, etc..
`Inputting the Consigned Portion Transaction Security Money Calculation Basis Balance
`Ending the Entry of the Consignment Portion Transaction Security Money Calculation Basis
`Balance- 11-15
`Chapter 12: Querying Contract Balances, Etc.
`The "Contract Balance Table (For the Firm)" for Futures Transactions .....12-1
`The "Contract Balance Table (For the Firm)" For Options Transactions ....12-3
`The "Contract Balance Table" for Futures Transactions
`! 2-3
`The "Contract Balance Table" for Options Transactions
`Chapter 13:
`13 - 1
`Types of Output Notifications.
`Notification Output Destinations
`Notification Serial Numbers
`Notifications Pe~aining to Order Entry
`Notifications Pertaining to Transaction Status
`Notifications Pertaining to Resale/Buyback/Execution of Rights .............13-36
`Notifications of Dividends
`Notifications Pertaining to Contract Balances ..............................13-47
`Notifications Pertaining to Transaction Security Money Calculation Base
`Contract Balances
`Final Settlement Index (SQ) Messages ......................................13-55
`Chapter 14: Operating Functions ....................................................................
`14-1 Final Serial Number Description ..........................................................14-1
`Table of Contents - 3
`RCG-TT 0146834
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`Table of Contents
`14-2 Retransmission RequesffCancellation
`Substitute Instructions/Cancellation
`Searching Notifications
`[sie] Printing Notifications
`Forced Printing of Notifications .
`14-8 Clearing Notifications.
`15: Actions in the Event of Faults
`Fault of the Transaction Terminal Equipment
`Fault of the Communications Circuits
`Fault of the Central System
`Operations When Recovering From Faults
`Use of Terminals When There is a Fault
`Fault Messages in the Terminal System
`Handling When There Is a Fault In a Terminal Supplied By the Company 15-8
`<<Appendix 1>>
`<<Appendix 2>>
`Pattern for Automatically Set Up Pages
`<<Appendix 3>>
`Functions (Optional Functions)
`<<Appendix 4>>
`Numbers Related to the System
`Table of Error
`Issue Record
`August 1998
`Tokyo Stook Exchange
`Business Systems Department
`Table of Contents - 4
`RCG-TT 0146835
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`Chapter 2: Devices That Structure the Terminal System
`2-1 Overview of the Structure of the Terminal System
`2-1-1 Terminal System Structure Diagram
`Page printer
`Network connection
`Dot matrix printer
`Client connection
`I~’D (Monitor Video)
`Through multi level branching fi’om the
`distributor, up to 64 monitors can be
`RCG-TT 0146836
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`Chapter 3: Basic Operations
`3-4 Double Clicking the Mouse
`Several operations can be simplified by double clicking the mouse (successively pressing the left button on the
`* Double clicking in specific areas on the boards/quotation screens
`--) This will display the new order envy window, and automatically fill in the issue name, sell/buy, and price,
`etc., from the position that was double clicked.
`Double clicking m the notification area
`--) This will display the corrected order entO, window, and automatically fill in the issue name and the order
`number from the notification information from the place that is double clicked.
`* Double clicking the order-related query response window
`-) This will display the corrected order ently window, and automatically fill in the issue name and order
`number from the order information from the query response in the position that was double clicked.
`* Double clicking the response display field in the resaleJbuyback onto, window, etc.
`--) This will display, in the entry area for the resale/buyback quantity, etc., and automatically fill in the
`~e×piration month, etc." and the "selffconsigned" fields fi’om the response information in the position that
`was double clicked.
`<Example of Automatically Filling In From the Position That is Double Clicked>
`FIote that it is possible to set the interval for double clicking the mouse.
`--> See Section 6-1 I, Setting Up Mouse Operations.
`ly filled in
`double clicke&
`RCG-TT 0146837
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`Chapter 5: Screen Structures
`The operating screens that are displayed on the monitors are structured from the (1) main
`window, the (2) various types of entry windows, and (3) various types of query response
`5-1 The Main Window
`6. Power OFF
`Board/Quotation Display
`RCG-TT 0146838
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`Chapter 7: Board/Quotation Information Queries
`The board/quotation screens can be displayed in six different formats, with a maximum of six issues
`for the board data and information for a maximum of 24 issues for the quotation information displayed
`The board/quotation information displays have the following main characteristics:
`* The board/quotation information is updated automatically at three second intervals.
`In the board/quotation screens, corresponding codes are displayed.
`In the board screens, automatic updating continues even when the board information is scrolled
`up or down.
`The index orders with closing conditions are displayed continuously in the board screen.
`In the board screen, the actual order prices are displayed, without compiling the orders for
`quotation into a compiled display for the quotation prices.
`Moreover, queries for the board/quotation information fill in the issue name into each of the
`registered pages and call the applicable pages.
`7-1 Page Registration
`When querying board/quotation information, the set up of the applicable issue name is fundamental
`as the registration information for each of the registered pages, and by calling each of the registered pages
`it is possible to query board/quotation information for the issue name that has been registered into the
`applicable pages.
`The issue name registration pages have custom settings pages and automatic settings pages, where it
`is possible for the user to select and register issue names as desired for each client in the custom settings
`pages, where, in the automatic settings pages, the issues that have been set up in advance by the Tokyo
`Stock Exchange are registered [automatically].
`Custom Settings Pages
`Automatic Settings
`Page Number
`1 -49
`55 - 60
`75 - 80
`Various source
`stock codes
`Registers any desired 24 issue names for each client.
`Bonds futures transactions automatic setup pages.
`Bonds futures/options transactions automatic setup pages.
`Index futures transactions automatic setup pages.
`Index options transactions automatic setup pages.
`Stock options transactions automatic setup pages.
`<Example>: Page "1801"
`-9 Automatic setup page for "Taisei Construction options
`RCG-TT 0146839
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`Chapter 7: Board/Quotation Information Queries
`7-3 Board Screen
`7-3-1 Board Screen Display Items
`* 2-split Board Screen
`This is displayed when the split format (board x 2) is selected.
`13o23, @
`6084 169
`Morning and
`Aitemooa Session
`0 13291
`H 13320
`L 132.74
`¯ (9:10)
`P 13310
`V 42588
`L5 13005
`(13: 14)
`L4 13008
`2] L3 1300c~
`L2 1
`(13i 16)
`L! 1300~.
`W 5
`. 1810
`2 2
`RCG-TT 0146840
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`Chapter 7: Board/Quotation Information Queries
`The applicable raw stock for the OP issue is truncated depending on the level, and displayed.
`If less than 100,000 yen: All digits are displayed.
`If 100,000 yen or more: Last three digits are truncated for display.
`* When it comes to the price of the raw securities, delays in the timing of sending the updated
`data may cause different prices to be displayed between issues for the same raw security.
`Daily Volume:
`The daily volume is displayed in only the 6-partition board screen.
`Unfulfilled Order Quantity Order:
`Displays the total quantity of unfulfilled orders.
`* For the unfulfilled orders, the various designated prices for the designated price orders are
`totaled and displayed, and also, in the applicable display field, the total quantities are
`displayed as well.
`Message Indicating Caution Information
`When caution information has been generated, "Caution" will be displayed.
`* When this message is displayed, query the "’Caution Information" to check the details.
`--) See Section 10-1 i, "Caution Information Query."
`Board Automatic Update Paused Message
`If the automatic updating processes for the board information are interrupted due to a fault in the
`central system, for example, the "Board Paused" message will be displayed.
`* When the automatic updating process for the board information has been interrupted and this
`message is displayed, a query of the board information for the most recent status of the issue
`displayed can be performed by pressing the "Send" (Enter) key.
`Order Price
`This displays the order price (market/closing/designated).
`Moreover, for the designated part, the 2-partition board screen will display 20 prices, and the 4/6-
`partition board screens will display 7 prices.
`* The designated prices will be displayed in the price units for the issue that is displayed.
`--9 See Chapter 4, "Transaction Products"
`For the order price display method, one of the following can be selected:
`’2qon-compressed price display method" (A method that displays all methods.)
`"Compressed price display method" (A method that displays only the specified prices,
`such as the prices for which there are orders.
`"-) See Section 6-2, "Setting Up the Board Screen Price Display Method"
`RCG-TT 0146841
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`Chapter 3: Board/Quotation Informalion Queries
`The last conWact price (or the day’s reference price if prior to the first settlement for the day) will be
`displayed in yellow.
`There is a "basic board screen" that displays the prices in the center of the "board display c~nter
`prices" and a "scroll screen" when scrolling has been performed.
`Se~ Section 7-3-2, "Board Display Center Prices."
`(12) Order Quantifies/
`(13) Order Ewmff
`(14) Closing Specified
`Price Order Quantities
`(! 5) Corresponding Codes
`(16) Quotation Codes
`The number of orders, the number of order event~. _a.ad_ Lh~_ n,,_~L2~-r ~f clc,q~g
`specified pric~ orders will be display~ for e-nob order price.
`For unfulfilled orders, the specified price orders are totaled and displayed
`for the specified prices, and the total quantity is displayed in the
`"unfulfilled order quantity total" field.
`In the "closing" field, only the "At market closing" orders are displayed.
`The total number of orders for which the prices exceed the displayed
`prices is displayed in the "OVER" field, and the total number of orders
`for prices that are less than the displayed prices is displayed in the
`"L/NDER" field.
`The "OVEK" and "UNDER." fields are not displayeA when the board
`information is scrolled. (These are displayed only in the basic board
`screen display.)
`* When a caution quotation or a special quotation is displayed, the orders to
`which said quotations apply are not displayed in aggregate in the
`quotation prices, but rather are actually displayed in the order prices.
`When in a matching state, the following codes are displayed at the strike
`"#": Prices for which a strike is possible.
`"*": Prices requiring a decision by the Tokyo Stock Exchange ~ to
`whether or not a strike is possible.
`* However, when there are multiple strike prices on the board, the "#" will
`be displayed at the s~’ike price that is nearer the reference price, and "*"
`will be displayed For the other prices.
`In the quotation display, the following codes are’displayed to the IcR of the
`prices for sales quotations, and displayed to the right of the prices for
`purchase quotations:
`* Bond/Bond Futures OP Issues
`* Special quotations that do not depend on the board
`* Special quotations for sales: "U" / Special quotations for
`purchases: "K"
`Special quotations that depend on the board
`* Special quotations for sales: "[Japanese Katakana "U"I /
`Special quotation for sales: [Japanese Katakana "Ka"]
`Index Futures/Index Options/Stock Options Issues
`* Caution quotations
`* Caution quotations for sales:"U" / Caution quotations for
`purchases: "K"
`Special quotations
`* Special quotations for sales: "[Japanase Katakana "U"] /
`Sp~ial quotation for sales: [Japanese Katakana "Ka"]
`RCG-TT 0146842
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`Chapter 7: Board/Quotation Information Queries
`Session Status
`Prior to the firs~
`7-3-2 Board Display Center Prices
`The board screen wherein scrolling has not be performed is to.ned the "basic board screen," and
`the display ofthe board information is constantly updated to be displayed in the center part of the
`board for the "board display center prices." The "board display center prices" are determined in
`the priority sequence in the table below.
`Priority Seouenea of the. _.Pr_ic~.._~ _for the Bo~,-~I_ D’.’~Fla), .Cen’.er Price.~
`(!) Sl~ecial-quotation prices
`(2) Reference prices
`(1) Caution/special quotation prices
`(2) The applicable order prices if there has been a purchase order or
`sales order with priority over the most recent contract price.
`(3) Most recent contract price.
`(!) Last special quotation prices.
`(:2) Last prices
`(3) The days reference price if there is neither a contract for the day nor
`a final special quotation price
`In the "Basic board semen" of the "Non-compressed price display method," "Three prices above
`and below" is set for the "Floating display area" of the "Board display center prices" for the two
`partition board display, and "one price above and below" is set for the four or six partition board
`display, and when that range is exceeded, the prices in the center part of the board are compiled
`In the "compressed price display method," the "board display center prices" are always compiled
`automatically in the center part of the board.
`Moreover, in the "scroll screen," the display positions for the prices do not change automatically.
`After closing
`<Example of Automatically Compiled Display: The Non-compressed Price Display/6 Partition Board
`Screen (With one price above and below in the floating display area)>
`~__~I 8ot~’ -P012-9500 V
`U4700 (13: 17)
`7 45 OVER
`At M=~et
`<~h,en the contxact at the "..1500," the price ht the
`center of the board display chan~es from "4700"
`to "4500," ;rod becallse thi~ e~ceed~ the "floathlg
`dt~play area,- the "4500" is automatica~-
`conq~iled mid displayed ia Ihe eenler oflhe board.
`"’" ~ttt00°’"
`10 2
`RCG-TT 0146843
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`Chapter 7: Board/Quotation Information Queries
`7-3-3 Board Display Scrolling
`The board information scroll operations are performed using the method below in order to see
`information on the prices above and below the display range of the prices that are displayed in the
`"Basic board screen."
`* Use the mouse to click the scroll buttons (the ¯ or ¯) on the board screen.
`--> Scrolls by one price each.
`Press the arrow keys on the keyboard to move the cursor on the board screen up and dr~w~.
`":~ :Scrolls by on price each.
`Press the "Up" or "Down" key on the keyboard.
`--> Scrolls by ten prices each for the 2 partition board display, or three prices each for the four or
`six partition board display.
`Moreover, the display can be returned to the "Basic board screen" from the "Scroll screen" using the
`method described below:
`* Use the mouse to click the "H" (Home) button on the board screen.
`Press the "Home" key on the keyboard.
`Even when scrolling is performed, the board information still updates automatically.
`The"Over’" and "Under" field information is not displayed whe~ scrolling
`The "I-P’ bullon is displayed M red on the board screen when lhe scroll screen is displayed.
`.<EXaml~le of Scroll Opo’ation~>
`Click.the, scroll button.
`4600 I0
`UNDER 12 3
`RCG-TT 0146844
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`Chapter 9: OrderEntry
`9-2-2 Ordering From the New Order Entry Window
`9-2-2.1 Displaying the New Order Entry Window
`There are the two following ways to display the new order entry window:
`* Use the mouse to double click the special area in the board/quotation screen.
`-) Depending on the location that has been double clicked, the "issue name," "sell/buy," "order
`prices," and "execution conditions" will be filled in automatically.
`* If the double clie.kln*7 nn Ch~. tu~-,4/m,,,~*; ........ :" " " ’ .... ’-- wh~l~h~ board
`ioformation is not displayed, Lhen a new order en~’-’y window will be displayed with
`nothing filled in automatically.
`<An Example of Automatic Fill-in Depending on the Double Click Position>
`,.*~-IOI L°n’t~ Ttrm O°v" B°nd Oi 2
`-- ~,,on,~
`~" ~
`Bade" "la2-~e I
`1510 t3~1 I
`5 ~3023
`51 (9:46) I
`h t~ [
`Double cliCk
`~ ~
`" ~ .~1
`~e ~o~a~oa ~m
`~ ~cafion ~tat is
`double c~ck~ ~ ~
`~ ~tomafic~.
`~ 0K
`HO~ff ~ice
`Even after the new order entry window has been displayed,
`it is possible to chmaga the settings by double clicking the
`mouse on a specific board/quotation screen again.
`RCG-TT 0146845
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`<<Appendix 4>> Systcm-relat~ Telephone Numbers
`As of August, 1998
`Inquiries regarding repairs/maintenance of the transaction terminals
`~rl~i~hl D~hi 3~rvice): Main: 327i-270i
`Ext.: 658
`*There is no maintenance for terminals supplied by your finn, so maintenance should be
`handled by the participant.
`Queries regarding purchasing replacement parts
`(Hitachi Data Systems): Telephone: 3464-7119
`* For replacement parts, the "Hitachi Data Systems" is presented as a vendor, but
`replacement parts can be purchased from other companies as well as long as they do not
`cause problems in use.
`* Queries regarding increasing the number of transaction terminals or moving the transaction
`(Tokyo Stock Exchange Business Systems Department):
`Telephone: 3665-1363
`* Other queries
`(Tokyo Stock Exchange Business Systems Department): Telephone: 3808-2571, 2
`187, 8
`* Use of terminals during emergencies and faults
`(Tokyo Stock Exchange Business Systems Department):
`Telephone: 3808-2571 - 5
`187 - 9
`Appendix 4-1
`RCG-TT 0146846
`Page 16 of 16

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