`TDA 1002 Part 2
`CBM of U.S. Patent No. 7,685,055

`WO 02/33637
`We claim:
`1. A method for computerized trading comprising:
`— inputting a trading order into a logic engine;
`— using a first plug-in in said logic engine for implementing a trading strategy;
`— inputting data for said order into said logic engine;
`- processing the order with said logic engine, using said p1ug—in; and,
`- executing said order.
`Ex) A method as in claim 1, wherein the step of inputting a trading order into a logic
`engine further comprises inputting an order through an ordering system.
`3. A method as in claim 2, wherein the step of inputting an order through an ordering
`system further comprises inputting a Comp1exOrder through an ordering system.
`4. A method as in claim 3, wherein the step of processing the order with said logic
`engine, using said plug—in, further comprises deconstructing said ComplexOrder
`into at least one Event and Action.
`5. A method as in claim 1, wherein the step of executing said order further comprises
`outputting said order through an ordering system.

`WO 02/33637
`6. A method for computerized trading comprising:
`- inputting a ComplexOrder into a logic engine through an ordering system;
`— using a first plug-in in said logic engine for implementing a trading strategy;
`- inputting data for said order into said logic engine;
`- processing the order with said logic engine, using said plug—in through
`deconstructing said ComplexOrder into Events and Actions; and,
`— executing said order through outputting said order through an ordering
`7. The Event and Action produced by the method of claim 4.
`8. An apparatus for computerized trading comprising:
`- a logic engine for processing trading orders;
`- an interface to said logic engine;
`— a first plug—in in said logic engine for implementing a trading strategy.
`whereby said logic engine processes orders received via said interface.

`WO 02/33637
`9. An apparatus for computerized trading comprising:
`- a logic engine for processing trading orders;
`— a first interface to said logic engine for processing orders;
`— a second interface to said logic engine for processing orders;
`— a first plug-in in said logic engine for implementing a trading strategy.
`whereby said logic engine processes orders received via either of said first and
`second interfaces.
`10. An apparatus as in claim 9, wherein said first interface further comprises an Input
`11. An apparatus as in claim 9, wherein said second interface further comprises an
`Exchange driver.
`12. An apparatus as in claim 9 wherein said first interface further comprises an
`interface to an ordering system.
`13. An apparatus as in claim 9 wherein said second interface further comprises an
`interface to an ordering system.
`14. An apparatus as in claim 9 wherein said logic engine further comprises a Core
`Processing Area.

`WO 02/33637
`Process 1
`Process 2
`| 4
`l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..L_,_.__J

`WO 02/33637
`Process 1
`Process 2 10
`L. _ _ _ _ _ _ _____L _ _ _ _ _ _ __~_,
`Process 3
`FIG. 2

`WO 02/33637

`wo 02/33637
`Administration Tool
`Look '11‘ Fool
`Order Tracker
`Ngonlhm Configuration § S6rvorMcn)!or
`Ngonlhm Context
`FIG. 4

`WO 02/33637
`Repotfiw T1me!(I0 (W38)
`Papefivo Tbnunb (19/60)
`Repeu’§voTma (H (1259)
`Rupekvvo Tm-.1 (19 (20160)
`nepeulvo Tm (M21160)
`nepefiflvu Tlmu (I2 (I
`FIG. 5

`wo 02/33637
` A+D+G
`FIG. 6

`WO 02/33637
` 20
`: 4 {
`FIG. 7

`WO 02/33637

`WO 02/33637
`0 D

`WO 02/33637
`E H

`““°”““i°““‘ “"‘°"°““i°“ N°"
`: G06F 17/60
`According to lntemational Patent Classification (IPC) or to both ttational classilication and IPC
`Minimum documentation searched (classification system followed by classification symbols)
`: 705/37, 35. 36; 340182526. 825.27; 707/104.1
`Documentation searched other than minimum documentation to the extent that such documents are included in the fields searched
`Electronic data base consulted during the international search (name of data base and, where practicable, Search terms used)
`Category *
`Citation of document, with indication, where appropriate, of the relevant passages
`US 6,119,104 A (BRUMBELOW et a1.) 12 September 2000 (12.09.2000), see abstract and
`column 4, line 61 — column 5, line 5.
`US 6,026,440 A (SHRADER et al.) 15 February 2000 (15.02.2000), see abstract and entire
`US 5,434,395 A (STORCK et al.) 18 July 1995 (18.07.1995), see abstract.
`Relevant to claim No.
`i:i Further documents are listed in the continuation of Box C. Ci
`Special categories of cited documents:
`document defining the general state of the an which is not cotisidetcd to he
`of particular relevance
`earlier application or patent published on or after the international filing date
`document which tnay thmw doubts on priority claitn(s) or which is cited to
`establish the publication date of another citation or other special reason (as
`tlocuinent referring to an oral disclosure. use, exhibttltm or other means
`document published prior to the international filing date but later than the
`priority date claimed
`See patent family annex.
`later document published after the international tiling date or priority
`date and not in conflict with the application but cited to understand the
`principle or theory underlying the invention
`document of particular relevance: the claimed invention cannot be
`cottsidered novel or cannot be ctntsidered to involve an inventive step
`when the document is taken alone
`tlocuinent of particular relevance; the claimed invention cannot he
`cmtsiderctl to involve an inventive step when the document is
`Combined with one or tnon: other such tlocuntents, such combination
`being uhvinus to a person sktllctl tn the art
`docuttiettt member ofthe same patent faintly
`Date of the actual completion of the international Search
`23 .l:1nua_ry 2002 (23¢<01n42O02)
`Name and mailing address of the ISA/US
`Connmsstoner of Patents and Tradcntarks
`Box PCT
`VVashington, DC. 20231
`Facsimile No. (703)305-3230
`Form PCT/ISA/210 (second sheet) (July 1998)
`Date oftttai1itti0 tAeRati?fifi§ch report
`Authorized Officer
`Vincent Millin
`4 0 g Q M ¢ ";j,é
`Telephofle N0~ 703 305-3900

`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(10) International Publication Number
`(43) International Publication Date
`19 April 2001 (19.04.2001)
`WO 01/27843 A1
`International Patent Classif|cation7:
`G06F 17/60
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date: 12 October 2000 (12.10.2000)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`Not furnished
`13 October 1999 (13.10.1999)
`13 October 1999 (13.10.1999)
`11 October 2000 (1 1.10.2000)
`Related by continuation (CON) or continuation-in-part
`(CIP) to earlier applications:
`Filed on
`Filed on
`Filed on
`09/417,514 (CIP)
`13 October 1999 (13.10.1999)
`60/159,172 (CIP)
`13 October 1999 (13.10.1999)
`Not furnished (CIP)
`11 October 2000 (11.10.2000)
`Applicant (for all designated States except US): TRADE
`TEK, LLC [US/US]; 18 Crawford Street, Needham
`Heights, MA 02494 (US).
`(72) Inventors; and
`for US onbd:
`11 Morse Road, Newton, MA
`Thurston [US/US];
`02460 (US). GELFOND, David [US/US]; 190 Walnut
`Street, Newtonville, MA 02460 (US). GILMAN, Scott
`[US/US]; 18 Dudley SI:reet, Cambridge, MA 02140 (US).
`MSUMBA, Aleke [US/US]; 111 Main Street, Grafton,
`MA 01560 (US). BONARRIGO, Paul
`[US/US]; 41
`Richardson Street, Billerica, MA 01821 (US).
`Agent: OCCHIUTI, Frank, R.; Fish & Richardson P.C.,
`225 Franklin Street, Boston, MA 02110-2804 (US).
`Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ,
`DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR,
`HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR,
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ,
`NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM). European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG,
`CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`[Continued on next page]
`40 _’L.
`(57) Abstract: A graphical user interface (GUI) displays information (62) that relates to a transaction in a security. The information
`includes an identifier (65) that corresponds to the security, the transaction performed with respect to the security, a number of shares
`(70) of the security involved in the transaction, and a price (74) of the security in the transaction. Different prices are displayed in
`different colors.

`WO 01/27843 A1
`— With international search report.
`— Before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`For two-letter codes and other abbreviations. refer to the ”Guid—
`ance Notes on Codes and Abbreviations " appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue of the PCT Gazette.

`W0 01/27843
`Background of the Invention
`This invention relates to displaying information
`relating to securities.
`Computerized trading of securities, such as stocks and
`bonds, has grown in popularity in recent years.
`To make
`informed decisions about buying or selling securities,
`traders need access to different types of information.
`a trader may need the bid and ask prices of a
`security from various "market makers"
`(brokerage firms),
`number of shares traded in that security over a time period,
`and the high and low prices during that time period.
`It may also be valuable for a trader to know other
`information as well.
`In particular,
`a trend in a security's
`performance may affect a trader's decision to buy or sell
`that security.
`For example,
`if a stock has just gone below
`its previous closing price ("PCL"),
`a trader may be more or
`less likely to purchase that stock depending upon the
`traders's strategy.

`WO 01/27843
`This invention is directed to obtaining information
`about securities and provides ways of displaying that
`information in one or more graphical user interfaces
`For example,
`in one embodiment,
`the invention
`detects events occurring for a security, such as the
`security crossing its PCL, and displays that information in
`a GUI.
`In another embodiment,
`the invention displays price
`fluctuations of a security over a selected time period,
`as an hour,
`a day, or a month.
`In its various embodiments,
`the invention provides
`traders with useful
`information about securities that is
`organized logically and in a way that is easy to understand.
`Network connections provide the trader with a way to
`transact in the securities using this information.
`In general,
`in one aspect,
`the invention is directed a
`GUI that includesindex display areas for displaying
`different security indices.
`The GUI also includes change
`display areas, each of which are associated with a
`corresponding index display area.
`Each of the change
`display areas displays a change in a corresponding security
`index over a predetermined time period.

`W0 01/27843
`This aspect of the invention may include one or more of
`the following features.
`The index display areas include
`areas for displaying the Dow Jones® Industrial Average,
`NASDAQ® Composite, and the NASDAQ® lOO Composite.
`predetermined time period is an intraday time period.
`GUI is generated by a computer program that is stored on a
`computer—readable medium.
`In general,
`in another aspect,
`the invention is
`directed to a GUT that displays information about a
`The information includes an identifier that
`corresponds to the security,
`a value of a last trade in the
`security, and a difference between the value and a previous
`closing value of the security.
`This aspect of the invention may include one or more of
`the following features.
`The value o:
`the last trade is
`color—coded to indicate whether the value of the last trade
`is higher than, or lower than,
`the previous closing value of
`the security.
`The information cascades during display.
`information is updated after a trade in the security.
`GUI is generated by a computer program that is stored on a
`computer—readable medium.

`WO 01/27843
`In general,
`in another aspect,
`the invention is
`directed to a GUI that displays information relating to
`trading activity in a security.
`The information includes an
`identifier that corresponds to the security,
`a time of a
`last trade in the security, an identity of the last trade,
`price of the security in the last trade, and a volume of the
`security in the last trade.
`This aspect of the invention may include one or more of
`the following features.
`The identity of the last trade is
`one of a sale or change in inside bid or ask prices of the
`security. At least some of the information displayed in the
`GU: is color—coded to indicate if the price of the last
`trade is greater than or equal
`to a price of the security in
`a trade that preceded the last trade.
`The information
`cascades during display.
`The GUI is generated by a computer
`program that is stored on a computer—readable medium.

`WO 01/27843
`In general,
`in another aspect,
`the invention is
`directed to a GUI that displays information that relates to
`a transaction in a security.
`The information includes an
`identifier that corresponds to the security,
`the transaction
`performed with respect to the security,
`a number of shares
`of the security involved in the transaction, and a price of
`the security in the transaction.
`This aspect of the invention may include one or more of
`the following.
`The information includes an open position
`with respect to the security.
`The transaction includes one
`of buying the security, selling the security, or selling the
`security short.
`The GUI is generated by a computer program
`that is stored on a computer—readable medium.
`In general,
`in another aspect,
`the invention is
`directed to a GUI that displays information relating to
`transactions in a securities portfolio.
`The information
`includes an identifier that corresponds to the security,
`transaction performed with respect
`to the security,
`number of shares of the security in the transaction,
`a price
`of the security in the transaction, a total Value of the
`transaction, and a balance in a trading account that
`corresponds to the portfolio.

`WO 01/27843
`This aspect may include one or more of the following
`The transaction is one of buying the security,
`selling the security, or selling the security short.
`information is displayed for a predetermined time period.
`The predetermined time period may be an intraday time period
`and/or an overnight or any other conceivable time period.
`The GUI is generated by a computer program that is stored on
`a computer—readable medium.
`In another aspect,
`the invention is a GUI for
`displaying information about securities.
`The GUI
`selectable tabs that correspond to categories of securities,
`and an area which displays information relating to events
`that occur for securities corresponding to a selected tab.
`This aspect of the invention may include one or more of
`the following features/functions.
`The categories of
`securities may be organized by a user.
`The events may
`include one or more of the security hitting a PCL,
`security passing the PCL,
`the security equaling or exceeding
`a high or low price, and the security bouncing off the high
`or low price.
`The information displayed on the GUI may be
`color coded.
`The information may be displayed in
`association with a price of the security,
`a trade volume of

`WO 01/27843
`the security, and an identifier for the security.
`The GUI may include a transaction button which controls
`display of a second GUI for transacting in a security
`displayed on the first GUI.
`The second GUI may include a
`field for entering blocks of shares of the security, and
`selectable buttons for initiating transactions for the
`blocks of shares entered in the field.
`The second GUI may
`display one or more o:
`the following for a selected
`a PCL,
`a high price for a period of time,
`a low
`price for a period of time,
`inside bid and ask prices, and
`information pertaining to a last trade in the security.
`A computer program, which is stored on a computer-
`readable medium, may be used to generate the GUI.
`The GUI
`may be generated on an apparatus which includes a processor
`and a memory that stores the computer program.
`In another aspect,
`the invention receives data related
`to securities, and analyzes the data to detect events
`relating to the securities.
`Information relating to the
`events is then provided for display.
`In this aspect, analyzing may include determining if a
`security has passed a PCL, determining i: the security is at
`a PCL, determining if the security is at a high or low price

`WO 01/27843
`for a specified time period, and/or determining if the
`security bounced off a high or low price.
`In still another aspect,
`the invention is a GUI for
`transacting in securities.
`The GUI
`includes selectable
`buttons that correspond to securities,
`a first area which
`displays selling information for a security that corresponds
`to a selected button, and a second area which displays
`buying information for the security.
`This aspect of the invention may include one or more of
`the following features/functions.
`The selling information
`may include bid prices of market makers.
`The bid prices may
`be arranged from highest to lowest.
`The buying information
`may include ask prices of market makers.
`The ask prices may
`be arranged from highest to lowest.
`One or more of the
`following information may be displayed for the security:
`number of shares of the security that have been traded,
`a high price for a period of time,
`a low price for a
`period of time, and inside bid and ask prices.
`The GUI may include a field for entering blocks of
`shares of the security, and selectable buttons for
`initiating transactions for the number of blocks entered in
`the field.
`A computer program may be used to generate the

`WO 01/27843
`The GUI may be generated on an apparatus which
`includes a memory and a processor.
`The GUI may include
`transaction buttons for initiating transactions relating to
`securities that correspond to the selectable buttons.
`apparatus may include a network interface over which data is
`transmitted for a transaction.
`In still another aspect,
`the invention is a GUI which
`displays information relating to securities.
`The GUI
`includes an entry field for entering a security, and buttons
`for selecting time periods.
`An area is provided on the GUI
`for displaying prices of the security in the entry field
`over a time period selected by a button.
`The GUI may also include buttons for selecting a
`display format of the prices, and an area which displays a
`trading volume o:
`the security in the entry field over the
`time period selected by a button.
`The buttons may comprise
`a button for displaying the prices in chart
`form and a
`button for displaying the prices in list form.
`The GUI may
`be generated by a computer program and on an apparatus which
`includes a processor and a memory.
`In still another aspect,
`the invention is a securities
`trading program, stored on a computer—readable medium, which

`WO 01/27843
`generates multiple windows for displaying securities
`The securities trading program includes
`instructions that cause a computer to generate a first
`window which displays a price of a selected security over a
`time period,
`to generate a second window which displays
`information relating to performance of selected securities,
`and to generate a third window for transacting in
`the third window including buying and selling
`information for selected securities.
`This aspect of the invention may include on or more of
`the fol'owing features/functions.
`The first window may
`include an entry field for entering a security, buttons for
`selecting time periods, and an area for displaying prices of
`the security in the entry field over a time period selected
`by a button.
`The second window may include selectable tabs
`that correspond to categories of securities, and an area
`which displays performance information for securities that
`correspond to a selected tab.
`The third window may include
`selectable buttons that correspond to securities,
`a first
`area which displays selling information for a security that
`corresponds to a selected button, and a second area which
`displays buying information for the security.

`WO 01/27843
`This summary has been provided so that the nature of
`the invention can be understood quickly.
`A detailed
`description of illustrative embodiments of the invention is
`set forth below.
`Description of the Drawings
`1, comprised of Figs.
`la and lb,
`is a block
`diagram of a network in one embodiment of the invention.
`is a view of a GUI for logging into the network
`of Fig. 1.
`is a block diagram o:
`software used to generate
`windows for
`displaying stock information.
`is a View of a quote profiler window.
`of a history window.
`an alternative history window.
`a trendspotter window.
`a list editor dialog box.
`a trend analysis window.
`a a a a 6
`comprised of
`Figs. 10a, 10b, 10c and 10d,
`is a
`showing a process for analyzing trends in stock
`11 is a View of an index indicator window.

`WO 01/27843
`Fig. 12 is a view of a stock ticker window.
`13 is a View of a time and sales window.
`Fig. 14 is a view of a position manager window.
`Fig. 15 is a View of a trader profit and loss window.
`1 shows a network system 10 according to one
`embodiment of the invention. Conceptually, network system
`10 can be divided into trader network 12
`lb) and data
`feed network 11
`though these two networks may be
`part of a single,
`larger network. Briefly, data feed
`network 11 receives and stores information in various
`servers. Traders access this information via trader network
`12, and execute trades based on this information.
`Data feed network 11 includes client proxies 14,
`servers 15, bridge 16, and satellite receiver 17.
`Satellite receiver 17 maintains an RF (radio frequency)
`link to a communications satellite (not shown).
`A data feed
`such as the Standard & Poor Comstock data feed,
`received over this RF link. Alterna:ively, data feed 19 may
`be received over telephone lines via a modem link (not
`to data feed network 11.

`WO 01/27843
`Data feed 19 includes information relating to
`in this embodiment, stocks.
`Information in the
`data feed is time—indexed and updated periodically.
`the information transmitted in data feed 19 are stock
`identities of market makers that offer the stock
`prices, and stock exchanges on which the stocks are listed.
`Data feed 19 is provided to servers 15 via satellite
`receiver 17 and bridge 16.
`Servers 15 are computer programs
`that extract specific information from data feed 19 and
`provide that information to trader network 12.
`For example,
`quote servers 15a and 15b handle current stock prices, and
`information relating thereto. Level II servers 15c and 15d
`handle market maker information,
`such as bid prices (the
`highest price a market maker is willing to pay for a stock)
`and ask prices (the lowest price a market maker is willing
`to sell a stock). History server l5e maintains a record of
`stock prices over a period of time,
`including previous stock
`highs and lows, stock volumes, PCLs, and the like.
`(New York Stock Exchange) quote server 15f handles
`information relating to stocks listed on the NYSE.
`servers are shown in Fig. 1; however, servers may be added
`to, or removed from, data feed network 11 as desired.

`WO 01/27843
`Servers 15 may run on a single computer or multiple
`computers as needed.
`In the embodiment of Fig. 1, each
`server is executed on a separate computer having a processor
`20 and a memory 2- which stores server modules 22
`(see view
`Server modules 22 are instructions (computer code)
`that are executable by processor 20 to perform the server
`functions described below.
`Module 22a receives data feed 19,
`interprets its
`contents, and extracts portions of data feed 19 that are
`relevant to server 15a. Module 22b stores the extracted
`portions of data feed 19 in memory. Module 22c handles
`requests for information from trader network 12.
`example, when module 22c receives a request for information,
`it determines what
`information is being requested and from
`where, retrieves the requested information from memory, and
`outputs the requested information accordingly.
`Client proxies 14 are computer programs, executing on
`one or more computers, which mediate requests for
`information between trader network 12 and data feed network
`For example, client proxies 14 direct requests to
`appropriate server(s) based on the content of those
`requests. Client proxies 14 also perform any protocol

`WO 01/27843
`conversions or other processing required for communicating
`between data feed network 11 and trader network 12.
`Trader network 12 includes frame relay connection 25,
`database server 26, execution servers 27, authentication
`server 29,
`Internet connection 30, and trader terminals 31.
`Trader terminals 31 are personal computers
`they may be "dumb" terminals of a mainframe
`computer, or any other type of computing device that is
`capable o: processing and displaying information.
`As shown
`in close—up view 32,
`a trader terminal 31a includes a
`processor 34 and a memory 35, which stores computer
`instructions, namely trading code 36.
`Trading code 36 generates various GUIs that are used by
`a trader to request information relating to stocks,
`to view
`that information, and to transact in stocks. Specifically,
`trading code 36 generates and displays a window depicting
`the trading history of a stock,
`a window depicting stock
`trends, and a window for transacting in stocks, among
`A detailed description of trading code 36 is
`provided below.
`Frame relay connection 25 connects networks 11 and 12
`to related network 13 via a dedicated line or Virtual

`WO 01/27843
`private network ("VPN").
`The components shown in Fig.
`1 may
`be included at one site,
`such as a building or office.
`Frame relay connection 25 thus enables remote traders to
`access the services available at that site via network 13.
`Execution servers 27 are computer programs that receive
`transaction requests from trader terminals 31, and forward
`such requests to specified market networks 23.
`In Fig.
`there is a one—to—one correspondence between servers and
`market networks or trading systems.
`For example,
`Archipelago® has its own server and Island® has its own
`server. However,
`this is not a requirement.
`For example,
`one server may support more than one market network or two
`servers may support
`the same market network. Likewise,
`single computer
`(with processor and memory) may be used to
`execute a single execution server,
`a combination of
`execution servers, or all of execution servers 27.
`Authentication server 29 is a computer, or other
`device, which executes computer programs for determining the
`identity of users when they log into trader network l2.
`example, at login,
`a trader terminal 31a will display window
`(Fig. 2)
`to the po:ential user.
`The user then must enter
`a password and user ID (identifier) in order to enter trader

`W0 01/27843
`network 12. This information is passed to authentication
`server 29, which uses it to determine if the user is
`authorized to access trader network 12.
`If the user is so
`authorized, server 29 permits access to trader network 12;
`otherwise access is denied.
`Database server 26 maintains a record of transactions
`executed on trader network 12.
`To this end, database server
`26 includes a memory for storing transaction records and a
`processor for retrieving that information upon request
`Each time a transaction takes place,
`information is
`provided to database server 26 identifying the transaction
`(e.g., by stock, number of shares traded, price) and the
`trader. This information is stored in a transaction record
`on database server.
`Internet connection 30 includes standard hardware and
`software for maintaining a connection, such as a VPN,
`remote traders on the Internet.
`For example, one or more
`Internet servers 40 may be provided, which pass data between
`trader network 12 and the Internet,
`thereby allowing traders
`on the Internet to access the services available on trader
`network 12. Mail server 41 controls the transmission of
`electronic mail between trader network 12 and the Internet.

`WO 01/27843
`Firewall 42 is provided for security purposes, and performs
`packet filtering and the like to keep unauthorized users
`from accessing trader network 12.
`A T1 line 44 provides
`high—speed Internet access.
`Referring to Fig. 3,
`the architecture of trading code
`36 is shown.
`Included in trading code 36 are GUI
`module 45, GUI output module 46,
`function key processing
`module 47, quote view manager 49,
`trendspotter manager 50,
`history chart manager 51,
`login manager 52, execution
`manager 54, and query/receive parser 55.
`Query/receive parser 55 receives information from data
`feed network ll, examines that
`information, and

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