Patent Eligible Subject Matter
`TD Ameritrade v. Trading Technologies
`Page 1 of 112


`TT Claims Directed to Eligible Subject Matter
`• Not directed to an abstract idea—
`i.e., a fundamental economic concept
`• Not claiming merely “trading” or “displaying
`market data” with a generic computer tacked on
`• Do not preempt trading or
`displaying market information
`• Directed to specific features of an
`inventive GUI—technology
`(Improves functioning of computer)
`Page 2 of 112


`35 U.S. Code § 101—Inventions Patentable
`101: Inventions Patentable
`“Whoever invents or discovers
`any new and useful process,
`machine, manufacture, or
`composition of matter, or any
`new and useful improvement
`thereof, may obtain a patent
`therefor, subject to the
`conditions and requirements
`of this title.”
`Page 3 of 112


`35 U.S. Code—Other Sections
`102: Novelty
`103: Non-obviousness
`112: Written description
`Page 4 of 112


`Case Law
`Bilski v. Kappos,
`130 S.Ct. 3218 at 3225 (2010).
`Supreme Court
`“Congress took this permissive approach to patent
`eligibility to ensure that ‘ingenuity should receive
`liberal encouragement.’”
`Quoting Chakrabarty, 100 S.Ct. at 2207.
`Page 5 of 112


`Case Law
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`Supreme Court exceptions: “Laws of nature, natural
`phenomena, and abstract ideas are ‘the basic tools of
`scientific and technological work.’”
`Quoting Myriad, 133 S.Ct. at 2116.
`Page 6 of 112


`Overriding Concern = Pre-emption
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“[T]he concern that drives this exclusionary principle
`[is] one of pre-emption.”
`“[U]pholding the patent “would pre-empt use of this
`approach (hedging) in all fields, and would effectively
`grant a monopoly over an abstract idea.”
`Quoting Bilski, 130 S.Ct. at 3218.
`Page 7 of 112


`Overriding Concern = Pre-emption
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“We have ‘repeatedly emphasized this… concern that
`patent law not inhibit further discovery by improperly tying
`up the future use of’ these building blocks of human
` Quoting Mayo, 132 S.Ct. at 1292.
`Page 8 of 112


`Overriding Concern = Pre-emption
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354-55 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“Accordingly, in applying the § 101 exception, we must distinguish
`between patents that claim the “‘building[g] block[s]’” of human
`ingenuity and those that integrate the building blocks into something
`more, thereby “transform[ing]” them into a patent-eligible invention. The
`former “would risk disproportionately tying up the use of the underlying”
`ideas and are therefore ineligible for patent protection. The latter pose
`no comparable risk of pre-emption, and therefore remain eligible for the
`monopoly granted under our patent laws.
`Quoting Mayo, 132 S.Ct. at 1294, 1303 (citations omitted)
`Page 9 of 112


`What Is an Abstract Idea?
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2350 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“‘[a]n idea of itself is not patentable.’”
`Quoting Benson, 93 S.Ct. at 255.
`“A principle, in the abstract, is a fundamental truth;
`an original cause; a motive; these cannot be patented,
`as no one can claim in either of them an exclusive right.”
`Quoting Le Roy, 55 U.S. at 144.
`Page 10 of 112


`What Is an Abstract Idea?
`Benson: mathematical algorithm itself +
`generic computer
`Parker: mathematical formula + generic
`Bilski: fundamental economic concept of
`Alice: fundamental economic concept of
`intermediated settlement (on a generic
`Page 11 of 112


`Bilski: Claims Directed to Hedging
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2357 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“[T]he Court grounded its conclusion that all of the claims
`at issue were abstract ideas in the understanding that risk
`hedging was a ‘fundamental economic practice.’”
`Quoting Bilski, 130 S.Ct. at 3230.
`Page 12 of 112


`Alice: Claims Directed to Settlement +
`Generic Computer
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2355, 2360 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“These claims are drawn to the abstract idea of intermediated settlement.”
`“Viewed as a whole, petitioner’s method claims simply recite the concept of
`intermediate settlement as performed by a generic computer… the claims at
`issue amount to ‘nothing significantly more’ than an instruction to apply the
`abstract idea of intermediated settlement using some unspecified, generic
`computer… Under our precedents, that is not ‘enough’ to transform an abstract
`idea into a patent-eligible invention.”
`Quoting Mayo, 132 S.Ct. at 1297, 1298.
`Page 13 of 112


`Fundamental Economic Practice
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2356 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“The Court explained that ‘hedging is a fundamental
`economic practice long prevalent in our system of
`commerce and taught in any introductory finance class.’”
`Quoting Bilski, 130 S.Ct. at 3231.
`Intermediated settlement is “a building block of the modern
`Alice, 134 S.Ct. at 2356.
`Page 14 of 112


`Most Software Related Inventions Are Eligible
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2358-59 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“There is no dispute that…many computer-
`implemented claims are formally addressed to
`patent-eligible subject matter.”
`Page 15 of 112


`Most Software Related Inventions Are Eligible
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“At the same time, we tread carefully in construing this
`exclusionary principle lest it swallow all of patent law. At
`some level, ‘all inventions…embody, use, reflect, rest upon,
`or apply laws of nature, natural phenomena, or abstract
`ideas.’ Thus, an invention is not rendered ineligible for
`patent simply because it involves an abstract concept.”
`Quoting Mayo, 132 S. Ct. at 1293–1294 (citations omitted).
`Page 16 of 112


`Claims to Technology Are Clearly 101 Eligible
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2359–60 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“Viewed as a whole, petitioner’s method claims simply recite the
`concept of intermediate settlement as performed by a generic
`computer…The method claims do not, for example, purport to improve
`the functioning of the computer itself…Nor do they effect an
`improvement in any other technology or technical field…instead, the
`claims at issue amount to ‘nothing significantly more’ than an
`instruction to apply the abstract idea of intermediated settlement using
`some unspecified, generic computer… Under our precedents, that is
`not ‘enough’ to transform an abstract idea into a patent-eligible
`invention.” [citations omitted]
`Page 17 of 112


`Claims to Technology Are Clearly 101 Eligible
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2358 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`Diehr gives example of eligibility despite claim employing a
`mathematical equation.
`“[T]he claims in Diehr were patent eligible because they
`improved an existing technological process, not because
`they were implemented on a computer.”
`Diehr, 101 S. Ct. 1048 (1981).
`Page 18 of 112


`Two Part Test
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`Part 1: Are claims at issue directed towards an “abstract idea”?
`“[a]n idea of itself”
`Part 2: If so, consider “the elements of each claim both
`individually and ‘as an ordered combination’ to determine
`whether the additional elements ‘transform the nature of the
`claim’ into a patent-eligible application.”
`“inventive concept”
`Quoting Mayo, 132 S.Ct. at 1294, 1297, 1298.
`Page 19 of 112


`Two Part Test
`Part 1: Are claims at issue directed towards an “abstract idea”?
`“[a]n idea of itself”
`Part 2: If so, consider “the elements of each claim both individually and
`‘as an ordered combination’ to determine whether the additional
`elements ‘transform the nature of the claim’ into a patent-eligible
`“inventive concept”
`TT’s claims eligible under both prongs
`Page 20 of 112


`Case Law
`Supreme Court
`Key Takeaway:
`Cannot patent an abstract idea with a
`generic computer tacked on
`Page 21 of 112


`Claims Directed to Eligible Subject Matter
`Examples of Abstract ideas looked
`at by the U.S. Supreme Court:
`Supreme Court
`• Fundamental economic practices
`• Mathematical expressions
`Page 22 of 112


`Technological Inventions Are Eligible for Patents
`Can patent improvements to:
`• Technology
`• A technical field
`• The functioning of computer
`Page 23 of 112


`TT’s Claims Are Eligible Under 101
`• Not directed to abstract idea
`• Do not pre-empt ability to trade
`• Do not pre-empt displaying data
`• Claim a new trading tool
`• Rooted in computer technology—GUI
`Page 24 of 112


`CQG’s Improper Analysis
` says TT’s claims are merely directed to:
`“the abstract idea of placing an order for a
`commodity on an electronic exchange, based
`on observed market information, as well as
`updating the market information.”
`–Dkt. 898, at 1
`Page 25 of 112


`CQG’s Improper Analysis
`1. A method of placing a trade order for a rommodity on
`an electronic exchange having an inside market witb a
`highest bid price and a lowest ask price, using a graphical
`use;;r iute;;r(ace;; am.l a use;;r iuput de;;vice, said methou com(cid:173)
`setting a preset parameter for the trade order
`displaying market depth of the commodity, through a
`dynamic display of a pluraJiry of bids and a plurality of
`asks in the market for the commodity, including at least
`a portion or the bid and ask quantities of the
`commullity, tlJ~;; dy uamic display being aligned witb a
`static display of prices corresponding thereto, wherein
`the static display of prices does not move in response
`to a change in the inside market;
`displaying an order entry region aligned with tbe static
`display prices comprising a plurality of areas for
`rt;ct:iving commands from the user input dt:vices to
`send trade orders, each area corresponding to a price of
`the static display of prices; and
`selecting a particular area in the order entry region
`through single action of the user input device witb a
`pointer of the u er input device positioned over the
`panicular area to set a plurality of additional param(cid:173)
`eters for the trade order and send the trade order to the
`electronic cxcbaogc.
`1 I\ ruetbod for displaying mMket in1onnation re l atin~t to
`and facilitating trading of a commodity betng traded 10 ao
`electronic exch an~e having an inside: market with a hit h<:-.t
`bid price and a lowest ask price on a graphical user interface,
`the method comprising:
`d ynamit.-,u]y displaying a first indicator in one or a plu(cid:173)
` of locations in a b id display region. each location
`in the hid display mginn com:!->JlOnding 111 11 price lc..,cl
`along a '-"Ommon static pri<.:e axis, the lir:.t imlica tor
`representing quantity associated witb at least one orde r
`to huy rhe commodiiY at the highest hid price cllrrcn tly
`uvailahle in the markt:t;
`d ynamically displaying a second indicator in one of a
`plurality of locations in an ask display region, each
`lu~.:<ttiou in tbe ask display region ~.:urrcspuudiug lu u
`price level along the common s tatic price axis, the
`sct·ond indicator representing quantity associated with
`at least one order to sell the commodity at the lowest
`asl< price currently available in the market;
`displayi ng the bid ami ask di3-play regions in relation to
`fixed price levels positio o~d along tb~ com mon static
`price axis such that when the inside market changes, the
`price levds along the commou static price a xi"' du uol
`move and at least o ne of the first aud ~coud inui cntor~
`mo,•cs in the bid o r ask display regionc; relative to the
`common static price axis;
`displaying :10 order entry region comprising a plurality o l
`location" fnr receiving cmnmancb In ~>e nd tr:-~dc order;,
`cacb location corr~-pom1ing to a prk:c level along the.:
`common stattc price axis; and
`iu n;:,punsc to a selectio n of a particular lucalion of the.:
`order entry region by a single action of a user input
`, st:lting a pluralit)' u f paramclt:l'l- fu r a t
`o rder relating lo lhc commcxlity and sending lht: lr;•dt:
`o rder to the electronic exchange.
`Ex. 1, ’132 at Claim 1
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Page 26 of 112


`CQG’s Improper Analysis
`1. A method of plac ing a trade orde r for a commodity on
`an clcctwni..: cx...:hangc bavmg an inside market with a
`li1gbest bid price and a lowest ask price, using a g raphica l
`u~r iuh;rfau : aud .t u ~cr iuput dcvil:t, said method l:Uill(cid:173)
`scuing a preset parameter for the trade order
`displaying market depth of the commodity, through a
`dynamic display of a pluraJity of bids and a plurality o f
`asks in the market for the commodity, including at least
`a p ortio n or the bid and ask quantities of the
`commullity, tlJ~;; dy uamic display being aligned witb a
`static display of prices corresponding thereto, wherein
`the static display of prices does not move in response
`to a c hange in the inside market;
`displa ying an order entry region aligned with the static
`disp ay prices co mprising a plurality of areas fo r
`rt;c;t:iving c.:ommands from the user input dt:vic;t;s to
`send trade o rders, each area co rresponding to a price of
`the static display of prices; and
`selecting a partic ular area in the order entry region
`throug h single actio n of the user input device with a
`pointer of the u er input device positioned over the
`panicular area to set a plurality of addirional param(cid:173)
`eters for the trade order and seod the trade order to the
`electronic cxcbaogc.
`1 I\ ruetbod for displaying market iotonnation re l atin~t to
`and facilitating trading of a commod•ty bc1ng tradLd 10 an
`clt:ctrwuc exchange baving an insid.: market with a hig,h.::-.t
`bid price and a lowest ask price on a graphical user interface,
`the method comprising:
`dynaiDiL-,u)y di:;playiflg a first indicator in Olle Of {I p(u(cid:173)
`rai.Uy of locations in a b id display region. each location
`in the hid display mginn com:!->Jlllnding 111 11 price lc..,el
`along a '-"Ommon static pri<.:e axis, the lin.t imlicator
`representing quantity associated witb at least one order
`to huy rhe commodiry al the highest hid price currcn lly
`uvailahle in the markt:t;
`dynamically displaying a second indicator in one of a
`plurality of localions in an ask display region, each
`lu~.:<ttiou in tbe ask display region ~.:urrcspuudiug to u
`price level along the common static price axis, the
`sct·ond indicator representing quantity associ11Lcd with
`at least one order to sell the commodity al the lowest
`ask p_rice currently available in the market;
`displayi ng Lhc bid aml ask di3-play regions in relation In
`fixed price levels positio n~d along lb~ com mon static
`price axis such that when the inside market changes, the
`pr ice lt:vds along the commou static price a xi:-. tlu uol
`move and at least one of tho; first aud s.;coud inuicntor~
`mo,•es in the bid or ask display regionc; relalive to I be
`common static price axis;
`dL-.playing 3D order entry region comprising a plurality ol
`lrlCation" fnr receiving cmnmancb In ~>e nd tr:ulc order;,
`each location corr~-pom1ing to a prk:c level along the
`common stattc price axis; and
`iu n;:,punsc to a selection of a particular klCalion of the
`order enlry___region by a single action of a user input
`, ~uing a pluralit)' uf para mclt:l'l- fu r a l ro~c.le
`order re!aHng to lhe commcxlily and sending I he 1n1de
`order to the electronic exchange.
`Ex. 1, ’132 at Claim 1
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Page 27 of 112


`CQG’s Improper Analysis
`placing a trade order for a commodity on
`an clcctw ni.; c x.;ha n~c
`s ... \ ..
`~ .:_~.. •1sim! a gr.tphical
`iutc;J rau : atll.l .t u ~c;r iuput dc;vil:t, -. ... iJ llt-til u <.:on-
`nresc; paran l:l~r for the trade order
`se uing
`nrkct depth of th~; commodit,, through a
`d ispla ying
`l •spla~ lf a plurality L1l' bids and a 1)1ur.dit\ c•f
`asl .. s tn the mar kct Jo~ the ~nmmodity. includmg at lo.!ast
`1 portil n of th~ hid and ask quantiti\.::-- ol
`~OIIIIIJtJdity. til~; dy ua111ic display bt:iug aligm:d \villi .t
`st:tlll' ( nr pril~s corresponding thereto, wlwrt in
`th'- st. tic displ.1~ of pn~..cs doe~ not move in rcsrnnsc
`1.. h 1 w" in the m:sidc market;
`micr ~.:nlr) reg10n aligned wllh the static
`d ispla ying
`ccs compnsmg .1 plural tv oi areas 1 r
`tct~\ IIH! <.:omrn.mds from tht: user inpJI u~:\kcs l
`M:Dd trade ord~r;. each .trca c lrrespooding to a price ( f
`c ciJspla\ o pr ccs: and
`eg1 n
`select ing a p ru ul:u art: a in the order entry
`1 " nble actwn o I the u..;;er mput de\ 1ce "1 It a
`p mtcr of 1 e user mput de\ icc positioned
`\ r th~:
`paruculdr , rc.J tn s 1 a pluralt} of additiona p.tnn(cid:173)
`dcr-; I )f th~.: trade lfd~.:r md send the trade order to the
`elcc.:trontc cxch, nbc.
`displa~i og m:ukel intormation
`_ 1rading of a commo<llty bctng lra<kd 10 30
`dt:ctrunK: e'Cchange •
`d t.spl:iying
`Ex. 1, ’132 at Claim 1
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Page 28 of 112


`CQG’s Phantom Claim Covers All
`Trading Screens
`• JL.,playiut.:, tuarket iufl.lrmatioo
`tradtng ol :1 oommodtty being traded in .ll1
`dcclmnic 1.. xchan~l
`10:48:44 BidQ AskQ Pre LTQ
`L l
`xl 10
`10 1H
`50 3H
`1K SH
`s 0 w 24
`s 0
`W7 xl 10
`B 0
`w 15 EID
`B 0
`w 17 NET REAL
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Page 29 of 112


`CQG’s Phantom Claim Covers All
`Trading Screens
`1. A 111~tllod lor displaying market information dating_ t('
`and f.lcthtatmg trading of a com modity being traded in an
`dcclronic exchange uvm:,; ;m insich.; marl.d wiihafi:g l:::-.1
`hid pt i-.:e .u1d a lo11 ~s asl, p1 ice <111 .t 51 aphicaltL<;t;l intcJ fact.:.
`I he mt: t hod c0m pn "lllg ·
`dvuamio..:aLy di:,;playing a first imlicator in um: ll[ ll plu(cid:173)
`Jallt~ ot J<,..atJOns 10 a l>td display rcgwn. c.acblo:,cahon
`in thl: hie! chsp :1y rcg1on corrc:;spo1nding to ~ 11ricc lcHI
`'llomg a L1lmiii•Jn :-t11lil' prk:c :~xi~ the first ind!Cllt<lr
`rvprcscnting qu:~ntily a<:socwtcrJ With <tt lca~t one ord.:r
`!0 buy lbu commochty at the highest b1d pnet. cum:ntly
`a\·;Jil;ihlc in I'll market.
`dynamically displaying .1 second mclic;ttor 10 ~1nc o1 a
`plmality or lex: moo. ... 10 an a<;k di'>pl:iy f( g.ioo, cadJ
`loc;,lio 1 i11 t!J~: ask di..,play rcg11111 cur1.:s1HH1dillg ''' a
`pm:c: kv~;·.J along th.: L'DilllllOO staltc pn..:e ~xe:;, the
`sc~·ond indicatr,r rroprest:otmg. quanliry associaletl with
`:tl k~sl ou~;; md~r t~• ..,dJtu..- ~omwoditv :11 tuc ll•wc:,-1
`as!. lfi..:.: ~ourrc:ollv ava!l~blc: in the markc:t.
`displ11ying the bHI :.nd w.;(.; di:-;p(;Jy r-.:gwn-.: m rcl<~tlnn n
`fixell 111 i..:~: [i;:.vcb po:-.JIJum:tl afoul!, tiJt Cl'IIIIUUII :-;tall~:
`pnce ~Xl" such that wh.:n tbe inside.; mm·kelo.:hangc:::-.. the
`pncc kvd:- alnng; the cnmrnnn static pri..:c ax1~ d•J nnl
`lllll\t: :wd :~l lca...,l ''lit: ,,f th~:: fi1:-.1 and secoud i11dicawrs
`IDO'-·e" in lhe bid or ask display region" rdall\'c: IC• lll<::
`,:c'm'1wn .;tali<: pri,:c ;L'iis~
`displa ing an urdc1 ~ont1 y rl:'gion compn,;iug a plunlltly ot"
` t(.r rcccrvmg c,·,mn,:mo<. tP c;.end tfi11lt ordtr ....
`each lol<:;thun corrc:-.punding IP :~ price kv..:l along 1h,
`..:omm1•n static pri-.:" a.xis. and
`in response lo :1 sckc· ion of a pan icular local ion 11f the
`urtkr clJ\!\ ~~il•IJ h a siu!!lc <~cliuu uf a u--,l:r iunal
`UCVJc~. sctl in~ a plur:dny or paramc,~:rs fnr a trade
`order r<>•:1110g to iht: C•lmmoHiiry ~nd sending the rradc
`L•rdr:r lo U1c ch:ctmnic .:xchao)l,c..:.
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Contract Deoth
`BidatV Bid Pre
`Ask Pre ~skQtv LastPrc LastQtv Total
`7629 815
`7630 600
`7631 2456
`7632 800
`Page 30 of 112


`CQG’s Phantom Claim Covers All
`Trading Screens
`• JL.,playiu" tuarket iufl.lrmatioo
`tradtng ol :1 oommodtty being traded in .ll1
`dcclmnic 1.. xchan~l
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Page 31 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims
`’132 Patent, Claim 1
`’304 Patent, Claim 1
`Page 32 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims: E.g., ‘304 Claim 1
`FIG. 4
`BidQ AskQ Pre LTQ
`FIG. 3
`L A method for displa yiog market iofonnatioo relating to
`and facilitating trading of 11 commodity being traded in ao
`electronic exchange havmg 11n inside market with a highest
`bid price and a lo" c!-t """ pri~'C on a graphical user interface.
`Lhe method compri ... tng
`dynamically dt.,playmg a first indicator in one of a plu-
`rality of location-, in a bid display region, each location
`io the bid display region corresponding to a price level
`along a common static price axis, the first indicator
`representing quan tity n:.sociated with at least one order
`to buy the commodity ntthc highest hid price currently
`available in the marklll;
`dynamically displaying a scwml indicator in one.: of a
`plura lity of loca tions in an a!-.k displ;1y region, cac.:h
`location in the.: a~k tlisplay rllgiun c.:orrc~ponding 10 a
`price level along the common static price axis, the
`second indicator r~o:prescnting quantity associated with
`at least one order w sell the commodity at the lowest
`ask price currently available in the market;
`displaying the btd and ask display regions in relation to
`fixed pricc h:\ch positioned along the common static
`price axis -,uch that when the inside market changes, the
`price level<> along the common static price axis do not
`move and at least one of the first and second indicators
`moves in the bid or ask display regions relative to the
`common static price axis;
`di. ... playing an ordcr entry region cnmpri ... ing. a plurality of
`lucati<li"L' lur n:c.:eiving eummaml' lo ~mltrade orders,
`each loc<•tion c.:orrc~punding 111 ~~ prke level along the
`t."<lnun<m ~tatic price axi-;; and
`in response 10 a sclcction or a particular location of the
`order entry region by a single action of a user input
`device, setting a plur:tlity lll' paramctcrs for a trade
`ordcr relating l~l the C.:OIIIIIIOdity and !Scnding the trade
`order to the electronic exchange.
`10:48:44 BtdO AskQ Pre LTQ
`104 99
`115 96
`~ 024
`s 0
`w 17 NET REAL
`50 3H
`s 10
`w 14
`w 15
`w 13
`Page 33 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims
`FIG. 3
`FIG. 4
`115 96
`1. A method for di playing market information relating to
`and facilitating trading of a commodity being traded in an
`electronic exchange having an inside market with a highest
`bid price and a lo\\c!-.t ac..l.. price on a graphical user interface.
`the method compri,tng·
`• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • in one of a plu(cid:173)
`rality of location-, in a bid display region, each location
`in the bid display region corresponding to a price level
`along a common swtic price axis, the fi rst indicator
`representing quantity a~socia ted with at least one order
`to buy the commodity at the hip.hest hicl price currently
`available in the market;
`dynamical ly displaying a second indk-ator in om: of a
`plurality of loca tiow; in an a ~k displ;1y region, each
`location in the <1:-.k display regiuu correspom.liog to a
`price level along the common static price axis, the
`second indicator representing quantity associated with
`at least one order 10 sell the commodity at the lowest
`ask price currently available in the market;
`displaying the hid and ask display regions in relation to
`fixed price.' lc\eh p
`itioncd along the common static
`price axis 'u~h that when the inside market changes, the
`price levelc; along the common static price axis do not
`move and at least one of the first and second indicators
`moves in the htd or ask display regions relative to the
`common static price axis;
`tli. ... playing an mder entry re~ion a plurality of
`locati<ln.' l(lr receivin~ commarul~ to ~ nd trade on.lcrs,
`each loc<ttion l:mre~ ponding to a pric..: kvcl al<1ng the
`<.:on11n<1n ~tatic price axi-;; ;uul
`in response to a sch!ction or n particular location of the
`order entry region by a single action of a user input
`u cvi~.:c, sell ill!-!.
`:t plllr:llity uf parameters for a trade
`order relating l~l the co1111110dity and sending the trade
`order to the electronic exchange.
`AskO Pre LTO
`115 96
`Page 34 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims
`FIG. 3
`FIG. 4
`115 96
`1. A method for di playing market information relating to
`and facilitating trading of a commodity being traded in an
`electronic exchange having an inside market with a highest
`bid price and a lo\\c!-.t ac..l.. price on a graphical user interface.
`the method compri,tng·
`.... llllllilllillllllllllllllfinino
`fa lu-
`rality of l(~ation., in a bid display region, each location
`in the bid display region corresponding to a price level
`along a common swtic price axis, the fi rst indicator
`representing quantity a~socia ted with at least one order
`to buy the commodity at the hip.hest hicl price currently
`available in the market;
`dynamical ly displaying a second indk-ator in om: of a
`plurality of loca tiow; in an a ~k displ;1y region, each
`location in the <1:-.k display regiuu correspom.liog to a
`price level along the common static price axis, the
`second indicator representing quantity associated with
`at least one order 10 sell the commodity at the lowest
`ask price currently available in the market;
`displaying the hid and ask display regions in relation to
`fixed price.' lc\eh p
`itioncd along the common static
`price axis 'u~h that when the inside market changes, the
`price levelc; along the common static price axis do not
`move and at least one of the first and second indicators
`moves in the htd or ask display regions relative to the
`common static price axis;
`tli. ... playing an mder cntry re~ion a plurality of
`locati<ln.' l(lr receivin~ commarul~ to ~ nd trade on.lcrs,
`each loc<ttion l:mre~ ponding to a pric..: kvcl along the
`<.:on11non ~tatic price axi-;; ;uul
`in response to a sch!ction or n particular location of the
`order entry region by a single action of a user input
`u cvi~.:c, sell ill!-!.
`:t plllr:llity uf parameters for a trade
`order relating l~l the collllnodity and sending the lr<tde
`order to the electronic exchange.
`AskO Pre LTO
`115 96
`Page 35 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims
`FIG. 4
`lldQ AskQ Pre LTQ
`L A method for displaying market iofonnation relating to
`and facilitaLing trading of 11 commodity being traded in ao
`electronic exchange havmg 11n inside market with a highest
`bid price and a lo" c!-t "'" pri~'C on a graphical user interface.
`Lhe method compri,tng
`·~!lllll!lllil•il• .. ~!ll~~~··in one of a plu-
`rality of h :ation-. in a bid display region, each location
`in the bid di<.,play region corresponding to a price level
`along a common •natic price axis, the llrst indicator
`representing quan tity n:.sociatcd with at least one order
`to bu y the commodity n il he highest hid price currently
`available in lhi.! marklll;
`dynamical ly displaying a scwml indicator in one.: of a
`plurality of lm:a tions in an a!-.k displ;1y region, cach
`location in the.: a~k tlisplay rllgiun corrc~pondiog 10 a
`price level along the common static price axis, the
`second indicator r~o:prescnting quantity associated with
`at least one order 10 sell the commodity at the lowest
`ask price currently available in the market;
`displaying the btd and ask display regions in relation to
`fixed pricc h:\cl-. positioned along the common static
`price axis <.,uc:h that when the inside market changes, the
`price level<> along the common static price axis do not
`move and at least one of the first and second indicators
`moves in the bid or ask display regions relative to the
`common static price axis;
`di. ... playing an ordcr cntry region cnmpri,ing. a plurality of
`lucati<li"L' lur n:ceiving cummaml-. lo ~ml trade orders,
`each loc<•tion corrc.,punding 111 ~~ prk..: level along the
`t."<llllln<lll :-.tatic price axio;; and
`in response 10 a sch.:ction or a particular location of the
`order entry region by a single action of a user input
`uevic~:, SCilillg a pJur:tJity llf paramclers for a lradv
`ordcr relating l~l the COIIIIIIOdity and !Scndi ng tha; trad~:
`order to the electronic exchange.
`FIG. 3
`10:48:44 Bir:l
`50 3H
`~ 024
`s 0
`BO w 17
`AskQ Pre LTQ
`104 99
`115 96
`s 10 w 14
`BO w 15
`w 13
`50 3H
`CLR • 92
`Page 36 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims
`FIG. 4
`lldQ AskQ Pre LTQ
`L A method for displa yiog market iofonnatioo relating to
`and facilitaLing trading of 11 commodity being traded in ao
`electronic exchange havmg 11n inside market with a highest
`bid price and a lo" c!-t "'" pri~'C on a graphical user interface.
`Lhe method compri,tng
`·~!lllll!lllil•il• .. ~!ll~~~··in one of a plu-
`rality of h :ation-. in a bid display region, each location
`to a
`in the bid di<.,play region cor
`a common 'itlltic
`dynamical ly displaying a scwml indicator in one.: of a
`plurality of lm:a tions in an a!-.k displ;1y rc.:gion, c.:ach
`location in the.: a~k tlisplay rcgiun corrc.:~pondiog to a
`price level along the common static price axis, the
`second indicator r~o:prcscnting quantity associated with
`at least one order 10 sell the commodity at the lowest
`ask price currently available in the market;
`displaying the btd and ask display regions in relation to
`fixed pricc h:\cl-. positioned along the common static
`price axis <.,uc:h that when the inside market changes, the
`price level<> along the common static price axis do not
`move and at least one of the first and second indicators
`moves in the bid or ask display regions relative to the
`common static price axis;
`di. ... playing an ordc.:r entry region cnmpri,ing. a plurality of
`lucati<li"L' lur receiving cummaml-. lo ~ml trade orders,
`each loc<•tion corrc.,punding 111 ~~ prk..: level along the
`t-"<1111111(111 .,tat ic price axio;; and
`in response 10 a seh.:ction or a particular location of the
`order entry region by a single action of a user input
`tlcvicc.:, selling a plur:tlity llf paramc.:lcrs for a trade.:
`ordc.:r rc.:lating l~l the conlltlodity and sc.:ndi ng the trade.

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