Case: 1:10-cv-00726 Document#: 68 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 1 of 16 PageiD #:2360
`Case: 1:1 O-cv..00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01121/11 Page 1 of 21 PageiD #:2313
`Trading Technologies International, Inc.
`Cunningham Trading Systems, LLC., and
`Cunningham Commodities, LLC.
`Civil Action No. 10 C 726
`Judge Hibbler
`As a result of settlement of this action by virtue of a settlement agreement
`between the parties dated December 31, 2010 ("Settlement Agreement'') which shall
`become effective upon entry of this Consent Judgment and upon consent of Plaintiff,
`Trading Technologies International, Inc. (''TT') and Defendant, Cunningham Trading
`Systems, LLC ("CTS"), judgment is hereby entered against CTS upon TI's Complaint,
`and it is hereby ORDERED. ADJUDGED, and DECREED that:
`TT commenced this action for patent infringemcmt against CTS and Cunningham
`Corrunodities, LLC ("CC") on February 3, 2010. This action alleges infringement of
`U.S. Patent Nos. 6,766,304 ("304 patenf'), 6,772,132 ("132 patent"), 7,212,999 ("'999
`patent"), 7,412,416 ("'416 patent"), 7,533,056 ('" 056 patent''), 7,587,357 ('"3 57 patent"),
`and 7,613,651 {"'651 patent"), The complaint was subsequently al'llended to add claims
`of infringement ofU.S. Patent Nos. 7,676,411 C"411 patent"), 7,693,768 ("'768 patent'').
`7,725,382 ('"382 patent") and 7,813,996 ("'996 patenf'). CTS and CC have received
`TD Ameritrade v. Trading Technologies
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`Case: 1:1 0-cv-00726 Document#: 68 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 2 of 16 ·Pagefo #:2361
`Case: 1 :10-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21111 Page 2 of 21 PageiD #:2314
`and. reviewed a copy of the Complaint and Amended Complaints filed by TT in thls
`This Court has jurisdiction over the parties to this action and over the subject
`matter of the Complaint
`'IT is the sole and exclusive owner of the patents-in~suit, and has the right to sue
`upon, and recover damages for past infringement and e~oin future infringement of the
`All claims of the '304, '132, •411, '768, '382 and '996 patents are valid and
`CTS has infringed the '304 and '132 patents WJder 35 U.S.C. Section 271 by
`making, using. selling, offering for sale, importing, and/or othenvise distributing
`electronic trading software referred to as t4, versions 1.5.0 • 1.22.1.
`CTS has infringed the '411, '768, '382 and '996 patents under 35 U.S.C, Section
`271 by making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing and/or otherwise distributing
`electronic trading software referred to as t4, versions 2.0.0 • 2.0.52. An excerpt from
`documentati~ describing the most recent product is included m Exhibit 1.
`Defendant CTS, its officers, directors, partners, members, affiliates, subsidiaries,
`assigDS, and suooessors-in-interest are hereby permanently enjoined (unless expressly
`permitted by IT (for example pursuant to the license granted in the Settlement
`Agreement)) during the terms of the '304, '132, '411, '768, '382 and '996 patents from
`infringing the '304, '132, '411, '768, '382 and'996 patents, including, without limitatio~
`by the making, using, selling, offering for sale, importing, and otherwise distributing in
`the United States the electronic trading software products referred to in paragraphs S and
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`Case: 1 :10-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 3 of 21 PageiD #:2315
`6 above, without limitation, for use in electronically trading any item (e.g.,
`futures, options, equities, fixed-income products, etc.).
`Pursuant to the Settlement Agreement, CTS shall pay to TI an amount in
`settlement of TT' s claims for past damages arising from the claims of infringement of the
`The Settlement Agreement resolves all claims in this amion. Accordingly, TI's
`claims of patent infringement of the '999, '416, '056, '357 and '651 patents are hereby
`dismissed with prejudice.
`10. · This Court shall retain jurisdiction over this case for purposes of enforcing the
`~onsent Judgment and the Settlement Agreement between the parties pursuant to which
`the Consent Judgment is filed.
`11.. The right to enforce this Consent Judgp1ent shall transfer to any successor-in-
`interest to Tf.
`Each party shall bear its own costs and attorneys' fees.
`I J
`United Stat~s
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`Case: 1:10-cv-00726 Document#: 68 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 4 of 16 PageiD #:2363
`.. Case: 1 :1o-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 4 of 21 PageiD #:2316
`Dated: ! l rz. I I{
`Dated: (- }2- -z~) l
`Leif R. Sigmond, Jr. (ID No. 6204~80)
`Matthew J. Sampson (ID No. 6207606)
`S .• Richard Carden (ID No. 6269504)
`McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff LLP
`300 South Wacker Drive ·
`Chicago, lL 60606
`Tel.: (312) 913-0001
`Fax: (312) 913..()0{)2
`Attorneys for Plaintiff
`N • 2655098)
`mith (
`e Spatz (ARDC No. 6278494)
`77 W. Wacker Drive, Suite 4100
`Chicago, IL 60601
`Tel: {312) 849-8100
`Fax: (312) 849-3690
`Attorneys for Defendants
`Cunningham Trading Systems, LLC and
`Cunningham Commodities, LLC
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`· - - - ._ ........ -
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`Case: 1:10-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 6 of 21 PageiD #:2318
`T4 Client
`By Nate Ostrye
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`Case: 1:10-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 7 of21 PageiD #:2319
`..... -......... ,.... .. .
`-·-WM0'0•0 00000 ..
`Strategy Activation
`N<\W Screen d.ropdown
`CD ~El
`I Change properties for the contract window
`I Al'luw:; U$crs tn view both omrights and strat.t:gi::-·
`i on the contract w.indow
`1 Bnngs up <l ~econd contruct wmdow. a new chart,
`j a market history window, or an accoum contract
`1 window.
`List of the variou~ l:ontract months you ':an
`choose: fmm
`G) I Marn9A Ju:n09_j
`, Comract Months
`I Lot Size
`-----jr:-------+ .... ., .. , ___________
`Pull All
`~-·;~tllcn your p:::::--------
`1-;latLC:1 AI~-
`I View Prolit & Lo:;~. Unrealized Profit & Los:\,
`<D Net
`I Net po$ition. and more (select fl'!,llll variCJUS
`UP&L: -2:.f.'3'l
`; The number llf lots you want w ~mer (using the
`i k:ft click nf the mm1.~c)
`\ Pull all the orderK ()Ill of the market
`T4 Client
`• 22
`Page 8 of 16


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`Case: 1 :10-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 8 of 21 PageiD #:2320
`Order Types
`Volume Bar
`Center Market
`Session High
`Market Status
`Choose fi·om a various •election of order type~.
`can b~· adtkd in the main "'· . .,n.r-•n·;, .• ,
`Add thl~ volume bar from contruct properlies. Use
`il to add volume to the Lot size
`Center the market in the contract window
`The session high
`The status of the market. Can be opened. dos~;~d.
`Net Changt'
`The. net change per trading. session
`The prcvinu~ ses~ion's sctllemeut price
`Market Volume By Price
`Markel volume by price
`Your Working BkVOfTer
`Show whatever bid or offer you arc cun-t!rllly
`T1•ade Histogmm
`A gmphicul display oftrades as !hey occur in the
`Last PriceNolumt~
`The htst price: and vQlume traded
`Averagt: Price of Open
`The average pricc of lilt: open
`Shows the market depth
`Show$ the
`l\·1arket Dcpll1
`Prke L<tdder
`S<:ssion Low
`Total Trading Volume
`T4 Client
`• 23
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`Case: 1:10-cv-00726 Document#: 68 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 10 of 16 PageiD #:2369
`Case: 1 :10-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 9 of 21 PageiD #:2321
`Selecting Contracts
`Click the r·t: to the
`left ur l]Jl! exchanges
`to sec a list of
`ovuilable cnntmcls.
`[)(luble click a
`dcsirt:.<.l contmct or
`selt!c1 it and C'11ck
`: ~ N.~:::~~::.."t!.~~2~ij~r~~~YUi~~:·:;i~tc.i~L·.:,y,~~::~+~ .. J!Iis .... ;;:!':~.~-·'''· .. J·~~J
`j F'l.:.osc <~<~ootlho <:>:mll'o-;;:t
`1 l·.-i.· CME ~
`! t
`J:~ ~:xnl'ua~ lS f'l.1t- (I'XN)
`, · E<Oi'll US ... I WE. Puture iE~E:i
`E..,... MSCI ~ Madr.ll1ii!W..o"C ~1.11:•
`.. ·I 1
`S1'MI N~OJlll ao ru~ (lliO}
`t<Mi ltl\.S!i-lldlC!ll!'4l' Rfue peN)
`l:..oo:r>< w-..s:i.!'o.O·!OO Fti..,..,{IIIQi
`,;. ~ Slf' 500 Euro Futurc (EMEi
`. t':mM1 S~P /<&~ !/0 fU!Jr!, .[!f.f'!i]
`,,. !:..,,~ S!.!' ~ ~o~r< Fut..,, t,EMD)
`. Emt'14 S~P 5m1Jli~ SOO ~ure :sr.q


`: GSCI ~~ f\elu!l"l t\llwe \GI~
`• · 1~ Fi.Joe•o12000 hllll'!) {!Y>Ml
`· NAS!Mil·IOO Fut~W (NiJ;
`liASO,...·lOOT•~ St~ N!'"!I:I'Al
`Nl>:ko 225 ri.II<A't (!<Iilli
`l#<ic:el .2./5 Yen FV:~ (l'fiY)
`· ~F· :;oo (51'}
`SM' $00 ~ow Growth 1'-.r.= (%:.
`T4 Client
`• 24
`Page 10 of 16


`Case: 1:10-:cv-00726 Document#: 68 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 11 of 16 PageiD #:2370
`Case: 1 :1 0-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 10 of 21 PageiD #:2322
`Selecting Months and Strategies
`Use the fol10wing Market Tab l<> switch between available markers. Just click on the markN that you Jc~Irc 10 trade. If
`you want to view m\lltiplc market$. for the same contract tht~n just open a second Contrm:t and select the additioual
`The Sp1·ead dropdown allow<. you 10 choose whether or not strategic>
`are visible in the Market Tab Strip. If a contract hns no spreads
`available tl1c1.1 tl1c 'SP' huur.m will n<ll be di~playcd. TI1c SP
`dropdown will dis-play allll\'ailahle strategies for that markt:t. If you
`do not to ~ec all the avaihtblc mnrkt~ts choose the first 2 mo111h~ only
`~~: o~~~
`isPi P--.. ·--------------------------------..,
`I·· ! ; ..; Redoced Tick C:.ii!l:.endar Spreads
`L__~rst~~~~~~-~~-~--- _________________ )
`- 1
`T4 Client
`• 25
`Page 11 of 16


`Case: 1:10-cv-00726 Document#: 68 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 12 of 16 PageiD #:2371
`Case: 1 :10-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21111 Page 11 of 21 PageiD #:2323
`Ouce visible. selecting Spreads is the same as ~electing ;my othe.r
`market. To the right of each spread market is a caJTOt dropdown with
`all available spreads for that l'nmt month.
`Setting Volumes
`\i l
`lle:"JO& ..
`A Contract volume must be set prior to submitting an order. If you try and submit an order with no volume it will he
`rejected. By default only left dkk trading is enabled. H you would like Lo take advalllttgc uf right t:lit:k nel. or a
`separate right click volume. you will need ro enable right. click trading from the Tradinu. Tab of 1J1e Contract Propertic>.
`The volume lields usc a custom Voi!L11J.£.£id:er designed fnr quick volume thanges.
`T4 Client
`• 26
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`Case: 1:1 0-:-cv-00726 Document#: 68 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 13 of 16 PageiD #:2372
`Case: 1:1 0-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 12 of 21 PagelD #:2324
`. I
`:R; I Net==:J
`This ''olume is \ISe.d when suhmilting an order with a left click .
`1l1is \'Olume is used when submitting an order a right click, This field can he ser to
`net positiun entry or a numeric entry (same as left click volume). The Net feature <dlows
`you 1:() flatten tour position with a right click. Enable right click trading from the Trudin!!
`I®.. of the. Contract Properties.
`The volume fields usc a custom .Y.l2l.\.1!!.1L!:i£.kcr designed for quick volume ch<mges.
`Volume Bar
`The Volume Bar is convenient for quick volumt~ changes. If the right click volume fidel is enabled for numt!rical emry
`then the Volume Bar will update the volume !ield that is currently sclectt\d
`T4 Client
`• 27
`Page 13 of 16


`' ..
`Case: 1:10-cv-00726 Document#: 6B .. _Filed: .01/21/11 Page 14 of 16 PageiD #:2373
`Case: 1:10-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 13 of 21 PageiD #:2325
`~ · ~c . . -~
`~ .
`Switch between fixed number tabs. X and Y are fixed
`tabs. Z is configurable in the Main Properties. Volume
`Picker Tab,
`Switch between Sum and Chain mode.
`Sum mode: clicking 2, 2, 2 = 6
`• Chain mode: clicking 2, 2, 2 = 222
`The font can be increased or decreased by sliding the
`Splitter underneath up or down.
`Account Positions
`T4 Client
`.. 28
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`Case: 1:10-cv-00726 Document#: 68 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 15 of--1-6-P.~g~ID #:2374
`Case: I :10-cv-00726 Document#: 61 Filed: 01/21111 Page 14 of 21 PageiD #:2326
`AccouTU Position information is displayed in the upper right corner of the Contract. By default your Net Position and
`Unreali7.ed Profit and Lo~s are liste:d. Only tmdes !'or the current mark0t and account arc included. Additional acwunt
`position fields can be selected from ·the Accounts tab of the Contruct Propcrtie~.
`Account Position details co1Tespontl l<> the current m;u·ket and Current Tradin!! .Account.
`UP&L: -2.D31
`Additional details can be adck~d from the Accounts t.nh ol' the Comra<:l Proper1ies. lf 1h~.
`additional items don't all f'ilthe.n adjust the ,SplittiT below them by 5liding it up or down.
`UP&L: -2 . .fY.;l;1
`RP&L: D
`Buys:. 15
`Se"s: 10
`T4 Client
`• 29
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`------=----=--::-::-------------------·-------· ···-·-··-··---·-----··--· ·--·-·.
`Case: 1:1 0-cv-00726 Document#: 68 Filed: 01/21/11 Page 16 of 16 PageiD #:2375
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`Contract Ticket
`Th~ Contract Ticket is. used for rapid order entry. Preconfigurcd volume~ reduce the need w change a eontrm:ts volume
`between the submission of one order and the next Hit Bid and Hit Offer huUons ~ubmit orders againsr. the be~t bid ancl
`best otTer prkes without having to click a specit'ic price. Joining the bid and best ofl\:r is simplified by enahling
`price tracking.
`The Contract Ticket can be enabled from the Tmdin!!; tab of the Contract Prc.lpt~ttics.
`Contract. Ticket configurations arc on the Ticket tab of the Conlnt(:t Propertie!;,
`T4 Client
`• 30
`Page 16 of 16

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