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`TD Ameritrade v. Trading Technologies


`04 0955 Benin
`I (ma-so)25901-0
`LH 7916” .
`Patent Ofiice
`omen wropun
`«In News
`Fax (+4940) 25901-340
`Nr. - No. - N“
`Total number of pages
`3 4
`Empflngar - Addmsm - WEB
`Name - Name - Nom
`Anselm - Addmsa -Mresse
`.._> Jan WIIasld
`Abunder -8ender - Expédiumr
`Name - Name ‘ Nom
`Anschrm ~ Addfess - Admsse
`Doreen Gala
`Eumpean Patent Office
`Bomerkungen - Mules -Rumamuu
`- Minutes of the oral proceeding and daims
` ———-———_--—————
`3 1 AUG 2004
`31 A091!“
`Datum I Date- Date
`Page 2 of 32


`Europalschee Patenbumt
`European Patent Office
`Office empéen do: brevets
`Minutes of the oral proaeodings heron the EXAMINING DMSiON
`The proceedings wen not public.
`Proceedings opamd on
`Enmlnlng Division:
`1st member:
`2nd member.
`Minute writer:
`Pusan! sailor the applicants:
`Matthew Read. Jochen Ehien
`accompanied by:
`Steven Bonsan, JensPUwe Schiuetter, Leif Sigmund. Matthew Sampson
`Inna identity oftho pemnb present and, where necessary. the authorisation to repressnthuthomy to act Wane
`Essentials of the discussion and possible relevant statements of the applicant/s:
`Page 3 of 32


`$119912“ Applicant! Na: 01 920 183.9
`The chairman mtonnod the applianfls as follows:
`The examining division intends to grant a European patent band on the following application documents:
`Description. Pages
`2. 3. 6. 7, 10-12. 14-16, 18. 19
`4a, 13, 17
`as odglnally filed
`received on 28.06.2004 with letter «28.05.2004
`1. 4. 5. 8. 9. 20
`filed dur‘ng Oral proceedings on 30.06.2004
`claim. Numhon
`filed during Oral proceeding: on 30.06.2004
`anings. Show
`as oviginally filed
`The chairman closed (In proceedings on 30.06.2004
`17h25 noun.
`Power of attorney for Mr Ehlers
`munch fled at1o:17.11:45. 11:55. final request
`momma cam
`Page 4 of 32


`Oflieo europhn
`deg brcVets
`Patent Office
`amass scum
`3 +49 39 aim-o
`:2): on so 25301-340
`Becker Kurt; Strcus
`Bavariastrasse 7
`80336 minchen
`2.? *6- d‘ - £009
`50707 EP
`.Trading Technologies International, Inc
`ham Ala/Application NoJDomanae n'JPam Nr flaunt Nolauvu M
`Provision of a copy of the minutes in accordance with Rule 760) EPG
`The attached copy of the minutes of the
`M 0:81 proceedings
`C ) taking of evidence
`is sent. to you in accordance with Rule 760;) EPc.
`) You are invited to file your obsewatims and to correct the
`deficiencies indicated within a period
`from the notification of this cmicaticn, this period being
`computed in accordance with Rules 73(3) and 63(2) and (4) BPC.
`) Failure to comply with this invitation in due time will result
`in the European patent application being doomed to be withdrawn
`(Article 96(3) RFC).
`Romantics Office:
`Tel. No.:
`(+49-3o)259o1- 74L!
`Enclosures: Copy of the minutes (Porn 2009)
`) Registered letter
`Page 5 of 32


`)0“ *‘CODINGDATE" m 1 WW1.”e:
`01 920 18 3. 9
`The chairman opened the oral promerfinge at 9:04 and asked the applicant (AP) it he
`maintained the request as filed with letter of 28/05/04.
`AP confirmed maintenance of these requests.
`A) Art 1 23(2)
`The compliance of claim 1 of the main request with the requirements at Art. 123(2) was
`then discussed.
`in particular. the chairman pointed out that an additional area for orders . that could be
`differentiated from the first and second areas or columns corresponding to the bid and
`ask prices, was defined in the last pamgraph of claim 1 and asked AP to give the basis
`in the originally filed application for that feature.
`Aocording to AP, a basis for that generalization can be seen in last paragraph of page
`16 and first paragraph of page 17. For a person skilled in the art (PSiA) it is evident that
`the price level is important and therefore thatihe positioning of the click has not to be
`limited for the bid or ask columns.
`The chairman maintained that all embodiments disclosed in the patent showed the click
`on the bid or ask columns and that the examining division (ED) did not see any basis
`for accepting the generalization.
`in AP's View. it is not stated in the application that the positioning of the click is on
`essential feature and therefore the general-hon is for the PSlA evident and allowable.
`The Chairman asked for the basis of the expression "price axis" which is now used in
`claim 1.
`According to AP, column 1005 of figure 3. is an axis because the column is static.
`. Chairman replied that the prices in the column are static but not the column itself and
`moreover that it is a column and not an axis and that the generalization Is a prior] not
`AP then requested to show the presentation they had prepared so that the ED Would be
`able to admowledge what a PSIA Would have understood at the date of filing of the
`90mm owes:
`Page 6 of 32


`) one Demand.11': run
`conundrum (Au-rm
`Nelileatonlllmeo-nm Mm)
`w‘m'm'm'fio. 01 920 183.9
`Beecheldli'relolren (Antone)
`31’” “courtrooms“
`present application and , therefore, what could be accepted as generalization.
`The chairman repred that the analysis of 123(2) has to be based on the documents as
`originally filed.
`AP was asked where the difference betWeen a column and an axis Is to be seen. He
`replied that an axis can be not only vertical, like a column. but also horizontal. In fact an
`axis can present any form. as for example an 8 form.
`The chairman presented a last point concerning 123(2). New claim 1 is apparently
`based on original claim 35 without the feature of last paragraph. According to the ED
`said feature is essential and thereiore cannot be deleted.
`AP replied that the basis ti'om new claim 1 is claim 1 as originally filed even if the
`category of these two claims is different. The features of last paragraph of claim 35 are
`not essential to the subiecthmatier of present claim 1.
`The proceedings were paused at 9:50 and resumed at 10:17.
`The applicant filed a new first auxiliary request taking into account the discussion of
`AP gave the following basis for amendments
`Feature A), see fig 3
`Feature B). description page 16. line 13 and page 17. line 1 and 26.
`"Range of prices". fig 3 and page 13. line 14.
`The proceedings were paused at 1&30 to decide on Art- 123(2) for the main request
`and the newly flied first auxiliary request
`The proceedings were resumed at 11:02
`The chairman announced the following
`"Concerning the main request. we are ofthe opinion that claim 1 does not fulfil the
`IPO Fm” omen
`Page 7 of 32


`) muwmMICE)
`3:“ **CODINGDA'1‘B**
`Faili-nu Denmden‘.
`M if!
`AM””u..- 01 920 193.9
`requirements of Art.123(2) for the two folloMng reasons
`there is no basis for the use or the term "price axis“ in the originally filed
`The definition or an "order entry region" comprising a plurality of areas which
`may be different from the first and second area is considered as being an
`unallowable generalization.
`Conoemlng claim 1 of the first auxiliary request, it also does not fulfil the requirements
`of Art, 123(2) for the following reasons.
`the definition ofthe plurality of areas In the order entry region allows for an
`interpretation of these regions being compleny separated from the level of
`the price in the price column (unallowablo generalization)
`it is not possible 0 find a basis of the term range of price in the originally filed
`The chairman also announced that a basis for allowable amendments can be wen on
`page 12, last paragraph and claim 29, last lines of second and third paragraph of the
`application as originally filed.
`The proceedings were paused at 11:16 In order to allow AP to prepare a new set of ,
`The proceedings were resumed at 11:45.
`AP filed a new first and second auxiliary requests.
`The amendments were based on the passage suggested by the ED.
`The proceedings were paused at 11:55.
`' The proceedings were resumed at 12:07
`The chairman announced that the first and wound auxiliary requests fulfil the
`requirements of Artt 23(2).
`3) presentation and Art. 52(2) and (3)
`FORM!” 01.910“
`Page 8 of 32


`) MammalianMae-i
`9)) m” ”courtrooms“
`Faunnote murder:
`umml (Annexe)
`mu‘o. 01 920 133.9
`AP then showed a presentation disclosing the prior art as disclosed In fig 2 of the I
`application and the embodiment at the invention, a software product called Xtrader.
`AP tried to make clear with the presentation the following points:
`In trader applications, the issue of speed has become very important
`In the prior art a trader may send a wrong order. with a wrong price. since
`the prices column may change more rapidly than the human reaction is able
`to follow With the embodiment of the invention, it Is not possible because
`the values in the price column are static
`With the embodiment of the invention. a trader needs less efforts to
`recognize the direction ofthe changes.
`the software is a huge commercial success
`with the embodiment of the invention. more space is available on the screen.
`After the presentation, a pause was made from 12:55 to 13:00.
`Aflerthe break, the chairman announced:
`- that the ED considered that the features relating to the order entry region confer
`technical character to the subject-matter of claim 1 of all requests. The
`requirements of Art 52(2) and (3) are therefore fulfilled for all requests.
`- Document Di has to be considered as representing the closest prior art.
`A lunch break took place from 13:05 to 14:00
`0) Art. 58
`After the break, the chairman reminded the participants that claim 1 of the main request
`was objectionable on Art. 123(2) and that. therefore. the Art. 58 discussion will be
`based on claim 1 of the first auxiliary request
`The first member summarized the position of the ED concerning the teaching of D1.
`The only difference which could be seen between the subject-matter of claim 1 and the
`teaching of D1 lies on the use of “field of statics prices".
`AP argued that the teaching of 01 was in fact similar to the prior art disclosed In 59.2 of
`EPO Pm” 01.911}!
`Page 9 of 32


`Beachciwnukoh (Mtge)
`cwunlcetlorrlfllnubs (Annexe
`NcflfioafloHPmk-urhai (Aurora)
`9) om
`Warm: 01 920 183.9
`the application.
`The new feature was the central Idea of the invention and solved two problems
`how to display the market information such that the perception of the trader
`on market changes and thus his reaction time can be improved
`the trader wil always be able to place an order at exactly the desired price,
`irrespective of the speed at which the bid and ask prices change in real time.
`Thus. potential errors are reduced in the system.
`AP also argued that. in the trader world, the changes may occur in millisecond time and
`that 'the embodiment of the invention lncmsed both the speed and accuracy at the
`orders made by the trader.
`Moreover. a teelmlcai prejudice was overcome by the embodiment of the invention
`because for a trader itwas a priori counterintuiiive to display bids and asks relative to a
`static field since it gave the impression that in this way the amount of information
`received reduced. The traders were very reluctant in using the software Xtrader but in
`fact this software is now a big commercial success.
`To that last point, the second member noted that in his view. It was not a technical but a
`psychological prejudice which was overcome.
`AP argued again that even if the solution looks simple, it is inventive because a priori a
`PSIA would neVer come to the idea of introducing a field of static prices in the teaching
`of D1.
`The chairman then noted that problem a) cannot support an inventive step because the
`increase of speed was not in the processing of the date but in the brain of the user, due
`to a different presentation of information.
`AP replied that problem b) Is also solved by the introduction of the field of static prices.
`The proceedings were paused at 14:55 to allow the ED to make a decision on Art 56
`for claim 1 of the first auxiliary request.
`The proceedings were resumed at 15:55.
`The chairman announced the following:
`"Conceming claim 1 of the first auxiliary request, the ED is of the opinion that the
`EPO Flam MID“
`Page 10 of 32


`assahcidiprctokoli (Anions)
`9)) 3"“ ”commons"
`Communicationflllnuhc (Annert)
`”Glimmer“! (Mann)
`mm. 01 920 183.9
`subject-matter of claim 1 solves a technical problem which is to improve the operabiiity
`of the system in terms of increasing the accuracy for placing orders. In fact, this
`problem is independent from the business aspects of the claims. It relates to the fact
`that the user is confronted with two consisted changing measures in a real-time
`environment and the need to perform an action (order placing) on one measure (prices)
`at a guaranteed level. The solution is to use metadata to create a field 01 static values
`(prices). The other measures (bids and asks) are moved relative to the static field. This
`assures both speed and accumoy.
`Starting from the teaching of D1. the ED considers that this solution is new and
`The chairman then asked AP which were the current request on file.
`AP then presented a new main request based on the last claim 1 filed during oral
`proceedings. All other requests were withdrawn.
`The proceedings were paused at 16:10 in order to allow AP to prepare a complete set
`of specification.
`The proceedings were resumed at 16:50.
`AP filed the following documents as basic for the only remaining request.
`Pages 1. as filed during proceedings
`Page: 2, as originally mad
`pages 43, 13, 17 filed with letter from 28/5.
`Claims 1-55 flied during oral proceedings
`Figures as originally filed.
`During the following discussion and because of clarity problems. AP asked the ED to
`make the following amendments with the communication according to rule 51(4).
`Replace claim 30 to claim 29 in page 4:.
`Change the dependency of claim 16 to make it dependent only on claim 1
`Delete claims 37 and 3B and renumbered the following claims.
`EPO Fl'll'l 2” 01mm
`Page 11 of 32


`”chew (M)
`Gunmaniefinflllllulho (Anna)
`Humaafiuwmmu (Anna‘s)
`m"'”'"‘iio_= oz 920 183.9
`The chairman then announced the intention of the ED to grant a patent on the basis of
`the above discussed documents.
`The proceedings were closed at 17:25.
`EEO Fflmm mm
`Page 12 of 32


`W0 01165403
`PCTNSWO 6791.
`comdifies. Madmwnmnfionwiduamwhhavmem
`mom-mm-mcmfigm. nmmmmedispiayotmmempm
`wmeawmasqmmmmmomhmmqmms undid:
`Vim dqgmcs In and: stocks, bonds. mm. Options .an'd otha" pmducts.
`WGHM). mmbumdnaMche-ntarmemny
`Wemmm. neamm’wpmfimwmm
`:fiatchfmg, maintaining. mam- book: and positions, prise infomation. and
`‘1" MWW
`Page 13 of 32


`W0 um
`s unmmmnmmnmmumm. and:
`mimmnnmhm mmmnmmm
`Mumhmflaflehum mmhthhflumm
`m ”Mahlbbmmuly. nmmm
`, mmthammau-amummmmwm
` ,
`«www.mmmmmmm. 3mm.
`Emma-nan mmafimmm. 0n
`_1s mun-man. mmmnmunma-MMT
`' mumuww'mmmmmum
`mum.nmmmm.mdfimam. n.
`m _..__9'
`' u ammsmbmnmmmmmnm
`' Page 14 of 32


`WO 01/65403
`'auosa thgplaneasflmmuketpdm flucmam. This allows then-mun trade
`qfiickly and dficimtly.
`1112:113th memmm "mic-display ofprlm mnespmdimmthe
`plurality ofbids mun. Inthisanbodm the pxmufiea 0(sz and asks.
`mmmsummmmnfim. chnr
`mmwmmunmnmmeadempm Itéhouldbe
`Fxgurezmumtas mmmwmgmemmémmmm
`. .
`.-... a
`_._...________.__.._. __.-__'__.—':.—_u.'».'—1-'-.¢.._u .4--
`_______. -__.. n..." . _. “:1.
`Page 15 of 32


`W0 0155403
`inaddiflanmtheinsidem 'Foraeommndhybdngtradad, the "inside
`mrket’ is the higheltbid price mm: lowest askprlca.
`The exchange sends theme, mudmlinfomfiontoeuchmder
`anthem. Thcpreaminvenflonpxowmufisinfomfionmdmapsn,.
`through simple algmithzm andmnpplng ables topoeifitma inntheozetical grid
`program at any 0111c: comparable mapping melmique tor mapping data to a
`screen. mmysicalmapphsofmwhinfomafionmasmgxgimbedone
`bymmamiqnenownmmosamuedmmm Themammvemnmm:
`on fibw-mnch offllemarimnepth'fln exchange provides. Sofie exchanges
`fawmdmmfiomflleimldemuket. Themel'm’fllepreaentinvufion-un
`mm 2 Wm aLcrem mmmm
`.. -....
`WWW!» shuwuhemidemmm
`thematkfldepfiotagivmmmndity'beingtmded. Row lrcptalmth:
`25 mmmmtebehaowest)askpfioeandqmflty. mmz-s
`nepmscntthe “Wdejfl’bflhe
`’ beingtraded. WW
`Whmdmmmmm 2.5)
`mammaawmmeumhcolmm andwksdncolumnzm. The
`30 mummymmm rawl) mmqmtimtoma
`.5. W/
`Page 16 of 32


`wo 01165603
`Inthcxcreen displxyahpwnhmgmez, the camodity (contractwdgg
`traded is rumoured in mm 1 by the chm string "CDHO" The Depth
`5 YeuowmdimesthattbsprDmoppnmumiswaifingfoxdm. mm:
`Humedant. mmmwmlmmmm. Thoother
`thaprinefioruchwotfinzbid AakPrc (AskPricc): mpficeforeachwrking
`' Lama mm): filequnflw'mbd «wanna-1m. .Toralrepresatm
`hudminthewbt. mmmdepmmmmemmmn
`20 membemmagivmoumdityndifihwtpficelevels.liningemm
`shouldsen-mbuymmeinmemmmnmmemmssofma. A
`mflmwthcinddcmuht. Witommlngthemarkm depth,'no such
`strategieswnmteufiliud. Hhvhagthedymndcmmdapm.1mmmngme
`displayed below the current insido market of the cummodity conveys the.
`50 mozeeasfiyidmfimbhbymausctmuughflwuaaaflhepmw'WM’ E‘
`#W ,
`‘3 fl/J/zdv4
`Page 17 of 32


`W0 Dtl65403
`valueofthekfield (1‘!pr B07wu3alu) orthevahmofmeLfieldfiflep
`1309 wasukmnmmqnanflficshflmmrkctforpflcesbmmanorequal
`mammmembcmm mswmaddupmqumueamrmmuin
`5 memmthmvflflflflthsordflbaingmdbythatmdar (phuflzeLpIR
`mu calm my 1310,1311 or 1312, the Iyatem.
`in step 1313,
`detennlnen which com was man. BidQ or AnkQ. If Astwas ch'cted,
`10 mmalzpla14,flnsymfinamdsaflllhnitotdfltafllemmaflheprice
`mpspondingtomerowimflmwmasakudydemnfined. 11an
`mnkntutflnpdeammspoudibgmflw'rawfonhb'mqumfiiymumdy ..
`Page 18 of 32


`' Main-Request‘
`A client dwiee (110 ~ 116) far receiving commandsrelaxing to ‘a commodny '1
`being traded on an eleckofilcexchange (191-103). compnsmg
`minterface for was data. relafingto sm'd commodity ion: the' efleetmmc .
`‘ exchangenhe dataoompmingat least acmcmhxghm bud pnpe and a meat!Iowest
`' ask price (1020, 2101).mlflable£o_r”saidcombditya
`' .'

`aimleaxas for uprisingfie asaplayo'fthe flat and second11161::anm_m"? '
`“up”? ‘°”WWWW?Whisks: 31:1inaudio:humscheme?
`infirm; a's. moved telafive to the '
`- V beans seleqtnmebya}.135wW 1.11:ordergnu-f“gm”an” Wfismgk
`. 2wseleenongiomoffiaaplumhtytimes some an brdgrmessagfo the:el viii-c ,.
`, _
`. {1 -1_ .‘ “ ‘3' , . - --'_ - ~. _ . . u
`' ax'filalrg 1.5.31? ,v.~
`'::?-‘.5'- 11“]...
`'1'}? A" '71
`. "_
`2.-."-.=A client demos!.aeeoxdmg toflame .1 cpufiguredto- set a plurahty6f. 3
`.. pmaers for the exam' response to selection ofone 131‘the plurality of
`areaso'f’die ofierentryregxm.
`9 WW _-
`.. /(//MA/
`1‘ ~-.'r.


`M n Wma aha/WA
`A client device according to claim 2, wherein the plurllity of panama
`oederon sell order.
`and an otdertype,flae order type comprising Ill-my
`A client device according to any one of the preceding claims, fiIrther
`comprising means for mtering the price levels alongWe about an
`inside market in response to receipt of: tunneling command.
`A client device according to "claim 4, wherein the Mud comprises a
`predmirlnd action of a user input device.
`A client device according to claim 5, wherein the predetermined action
`compziaesasingle action otthe usetlnputdevieegtapredggminedarea,
`A client device aoeoxding to claim 5, wherein the predetermined action
`indicator is displayed in one of a plm'dity of man in a bid display region (1003.
`1201) andwheteln the leeond indlcntur is displayed in one ofu plurality urn-ens in an
`' u
`askdisplaymgiom (1004. 1202).
`A client devicemdingtochhts,Wh¢!¢ineachmofthsbiddisplay
`oftheaskdisplayregioaconespomhm adifi‘mtpxioelwd alongthew
`A client device. emailing to claim 8 or 9. wherein the bid display region is
`separate fi'om the alt dilplay region.
`Page 20 of 32


`1]. Aolient device aeootdingtn any one ofclnims 8 to 10, whereinthebidand ask
`displayregions campfiac eohnnns withaplurdityofceus that are dieplayedas a grid
`sueh that the cells if each colmm are aligned.
`A client device aeeudinatnny one ofolaim 8 to II. wherein the bid and ask
`dispuyregoneueoriented verdellly.
`A ob’unt device according» any one ofclainu 8 to 11, whereinthe bid and and:
`display regions are oriental! horizontally.
`A client device according to any one of claim: 8 to 13, wherein the bid display
`region overhpa the unlei' entry region.
`A-elient device according to my one oft-Jaime Stu 14, vitamin the uk display
`region Waiaps the order entry region.
`A dim device according to any one of the preceding claims, wherein the
`arder may region comprises I bid order entry ray'on (1003, 1201,) comprising a
`phmlityofareasfarreceiving commandstnsmdbuy ordmmdan ask ordereiin'y
`region (1004, 1202) coming aplurality of areas for receiving command: to lend
`A client device mdingto claim 16, wherein the order message remnants e
`18. Acliunt dmdceaoeordingtomymeofthepreceding elaimgmrther
`onW ”WW
`Page 21 of 32


`A. client device according to claim 18, whu'ein the amend order indicator is
`, displayedin an mmmgim (1001. 1208).
`A client device according to claim 19, wherein the entered order region
`comprises a plurality of cells, each cell commanding to a price law! on the
`21. Aelient device aeeardingbeldms 19u20,whercinfiicentctedmder
`indicatoris selectablebyfiie use: hipmmeanssoaetoreociveanomandhdeletem
`order represented by the entered order indicator.
`A client device acceding to any ofthe mending claims. fin-the:- ompricing @
`means fin displaying 3 Minnie indicator in mochtion With theW.
`A client device mam; to claim 22, Mam the last trade mam i.
`displayed in a 1m trade region (1006, 1207).
`24. Acuenzdeviceaneordinxtnanyufflicpeeeding claims. Wenmpfiflng
`25. Anflmtdcvice amdingloanyoneofthepreccdmgclainnmhaeinthefim
`andseoand indicators comprise numbers (1020,1101).
`A client device according to claim 25, wherein the firstindicator omnprines the
`totalnumberofbidsinthemaflmuthehighmbidpdoe ndwheminthe second
`indicator comprises the total number of asks in the market at the hiflzest ulna-ice.
`27. A client device according to any ofthe pleading claims. comprising:
`Page 22 of 32


`mm for displaying a fist plurality of indicators in relation' to x mm .
`ofprice levels on the:W
`associated with a: least one ordcr to buy the comdity; and
`menus for disfiguring a second plurality of indicators in relation to a '
`plurality of p'n'na levels on theMM?
`indicamrs being :5de With‘at least on order to sell tho comEodity.
`28% Acfibmduvioeoccordingmanyofthomdingclm‘mnwhaoinotlcasta' g}
`mmdmemmfi iodisplayedinacohnnnwithnplunlity creams-ash
`cell mmdingto ndifi'arcntpticelcvel.
`A method ofopcrofins a client down (110 -— 116) for reczivhlzg commands
`relating m a may to be traded on an electronic exchange (101 - 103),
`receiving data relating to said commodity him he demonic Mange. fit:
`dam comprising a «mithighea‘ bid price and a amt lowest unit price available for
`% (1005, 1203). the first indicator being associated with the current
`ammuamdm-kfim ambulance
`‘ ufimfioe‘lewlona
`1003. 1004; 1201, 1202) comprising a
`displaying an drou- entry rogi
`plurality ofareas, cach mining
`a pdoe level on thew
`' quéi':74MWFfi/‘WIA
`Page 23 of 32


`sandmordermomg -theelectrunic 3:011:11qu m1
`@ andanharenbdngselectablebyauserinputmemsoumreoeive‘aomandto
`mefixstandseqondindicators is moved«1mmMW
`the receipt ofuew data wanting a fluent sin-rent highest bid price androi-
`“70/31 Amethodaocmdingtoolaimfi, fuZhercmdaingthestzpofseiecfingone
`ofthe plurality ofmsofflieordaenu-y regionbyaaingle action offlieuserinput
`27 39
`3\ fl. Amethodmmdmgtuclnimyorflfimcompfismgsetfingaphmmyof
`QZfl Amfihoducoxdingmddmfloalpnsingsemmmdumenmtohca
`$325 Ammmmmmddmflmflmiwmpfishgthenop
`ofmdfingamenwfingoommdmdinrespomemmceiptofthecommmd. 12-?
`centering thopnce levels alongtheWalnut an inside marketprice.
`39335. Amethodaocordingtochimfi, whereinthecmnmmdoompmaa
`Anmhodanoordingtocmmfi whaeinfizepredetarminedufionmfises
`aahigie action oftheminput device at apredatormined are;
`9fl /6/W7”
`Page 24 of 32


`figé Amethodawardingto Halli-1‘}!lwhimthepredetam'tned actioncompmes
`a click ofa middle mouse button on I. three-button mouse.
`, 2.7
`2‘. Amethodaccordingmanyoneofclaimflmmyfimhvrcommiaing
`updating the display ofthe first indicator ml: thatthe first indicaturia displayed at a
`diflerent are: that is undated with a third pn'oe level different from the firstprice
`2‘7 37
`99' Amethodwoo‘rdingtoanymeofclaiunfidtoflfimhetcompfising.
`updating the display'af the second indicator such that the semnd indicator is
`® displayed nadifi‘mtuesthatisusociatad with: fourth price level difl'erem from
`W, whet; the lowest ask price changes.
`’40' Ameflwdaccordlngwmyoneotelaimsfo’tofiéfimheroompfimme
`We“ each ofthe firstplurality ofindlcamn being unwanted
`displaying a fist plurality of indicators in relation to a plurality of mice
`with “least oneorderto buytho commditxund
`displaying a secondplurality ofindicaton in relation no a plurality ofprice
`W each of the second pluulity of indicators being
`. associnmdwithatleastoneordertoeellthecommodity.
`2‘? 37
`g4. Ammodmdingxomyoneommxfiozdfinmwmpfimumga
`2.7 4'0
`fig. Ammummmmymormsmgwfilmmmmsage
`7 ”WW
`‘ 32/1/2aa‘4r
`Page 25 of 32


`Ieve atthefimeoftheseleefioh “=1;
`‘ M “H
`% A method aceoxding to claim 5!wherein the offset is equal fan :1 am pre-
`determined value if the selection of one of the plurality of areas of the cadet any
`region is'therenntoflfirsttypeofaefiunandtheofiwth equal» Hemline-
`detemined value if the selection of one of the plunliv of areas of the order entry
`' 49-»
`v )4’ Amethoducadingmulumfiwmmefirsttypeofmflmoompfima
`click on alefi menu button and the seenndtypa of action comprises a eliekm night
`.. a?
`58'. Amehdm'dingtoanyoneofellimslétofi,fmhermfim3 OE)
`displayingeneumdarder indieuorinxemion teapdeelovelonmemfifiqda
`)5 Amethod accorlfinzm claim WWW seleefingme we can
`indicate: no as to delete the order represented by it at the undated priee level.
`#207 4s
`4. AmeflIDdaeeadingtoanyoneofdaimn
`displayinga'lsat trade indicatorin relafion m uprieelevd onWade.
`nethedaeemdingwanyoneofclaimslfim ,fimhcroompxixing
`displaying a region for receiving a command to delete all working orders.
`Page 26 of 32


`‘ 27 4—?”
`Q 31'. Ammodac‘commmmome amzfimflmmex cumming
`m in a column with a ~phira1ity of cells, each can
`2" Amqihodmrdingmanyoneofmeclaimgto filwherdnthefim
`indicatoris displayed inmofa plualny ofareas'inabid displayregion andwherein
`the second indicator is displayed in one of a plumlity of areas in an ask display
`,5! Amethodnccordingmalaimg,whnmineanh mofthebiddi
`nonaspands w a differentprice level alongtheW
`fl Amethodwootdim to damages-fl. whurdn thebid display region is
`separate fimfieaskdlsplny region.
`4‘7 57
`7% Ammdmdingmanymeofdfimgmzslwhmm‘nthebld'dmplay
`region overlaps the ordereuuyngion.
`4‘9 62-
`f AmfiwmwfiuwmmdwmgwiéwhmfinMaskdisplay
`region ova-lupstheonierenky region.
`' M 52
`fl. Amhodwcordingtomy omofclaimsgtofiwhmmbidand ask
`' display rem comprise column with a plurality shells that are displayed as a. grid
`such flint the cells ofeach alumnus aligned.
`Page 27 of 32


`% Aoompmerpmgnm proauct having program bode recorchéd threat: for
`tradedan?electronicexchange, adaptedforamnionofan ofth:ampsofmyone
`Page 28 of 32


`A client device (110 - 116) for receiving connnands relating to a commodity
`being traded on an electronic exchange (101 — 103), comprising:
`an inter

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