Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 1 of 692 PageID #:48666
`Exhibit A
`TDA 1028
`TD Ameritrade v. TT

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 2 of 692 PageID #:48667
`Page 1
`INC., )
` )
` Plaintiff, )
` )
` v. )
` )
`CQG, INC. and CQGT, LLC., ) February 25, 2015
` ) Chicago, Illinois
` ) 10:05 a.m.
` Defendants. ) Trial
` jury
` 222 South Riverside Drive
` Suite 1100
` Chicago, Illinois 60606
` 300 South Wacker Drive
` Suite 3200
` Chicago, Illinois 60606
` Official Court Reporter
` 219 South Dearborn Street
` Room 1426
` Chicago, Illinois 60604
` (312) 435-5570

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 3 of 692 PageID #:48668
`Page 2
` 1333 Burr Ridge Parkway
` Suite 200
` Burr Ridge, Illinois 60527
`For the Defendants: LOEB & LOEB LLP
` 321 North Clark Street
` Suite 2300
` Chicago, Illinois 60610
` 10100 Santa Monica Boulevard
` Suite 2200
` Los Angeles, California 90067

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 4 of 692 PageID #:48669
`Page 391
` (Brief pause.)
` Q. Mr. McDonnell, keep your voice up so everyone can hear.
` A. I'm sorry, yeah.
` Q. No worries. Can you think of an example where TT has
` monetized its distribution?
` A. I can. In fact, just recently we went live, in fact,
` last week with a firm called EEX, the European Energy
` Exchange. They're a very big exchange in Europe, and they
` pay us to connect their markets into TT. So they get our
` distribution, and in doing so that means that all of our
` traders can trade on their exchange.
` Another example would be early on this year we did
` a deal with BM & F which is the Brazilian exchange. And
` they, too, paid us to connect to their market. And in doing
` so, that preserves prices on TT screens, and traders
` throughout the world can access those prices. It's valuable
` to them and valuable enough for them to pay us. So that's
` the value of the distribution asset.
` I am presently working on a half dozen deals right
` now where other exchanges are looking to connect to TT and
` pay us for that same distribution.
` So it's not just selling the software to traders
` anymore, it's selling to exchanges who want to avail
` themselves of our distribution throughout the world. And we

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 5 of 692 PageID #:48670
`Page 392
` have offices all over Asia, and all over Europe, and here in
` the States. And that's really important.
` Q. Has TT's competition changed over the years?
` A. Well, it has, given the fact that most of the
` competitors that were in play back in '98 and '99 have either
` gone out of business or been bought, and we're seeing new
` competitors coming into the space who are not traditional
` independent software vendors. So other players who already
` have established their own distribution points can come in
` and compete with us as they move in and start offering
` electronic trading execution on their systems.
` Q. Who does TT compete with today?
` A. CQG is one of our big competitors.
` Q. Was CQG a competitor in TT's early years?
` A. No.
` Q. How has that changed?
` A. Back many years ago CQG began to offer execution on
` their screens and such they were -- they've already
` established a user base, and they're using what we think is
` infringing software to sell against us.
` Q. Is CQG a direct competitor?
` A. Absolutely.
` Q. Does the presence of CQG's DOMTrader screen impact TT?
` A. It does, yeah. Yes.
` Q. How so?

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 6 of 692 PageID #:48671
`Page 393
` A. Well, in the first instance, they -- CQG are present at
` a number of our customers because they're cheaper than we
` are. They're competing with us. We've had to drop our
` prices, in fact. So our ability -- it's called price
` erosion. Our ability to keep pace with pricing is difficult.
` And we lose business to them because they have already got
` charts out there in the system, and they just add an MD
` Trader type window to it, and they can displace us.
` Q. Is TT still profitable today?
` A. No.
` Q. Why is that?
` MS. WYTSMA: Objection. Calls for speculation.
` Foundation. He's testified he has no knowledge of the
` financials.
` MS. KURCZ: We just went over some financials, your
` Honor.
` THE COURT: He did state that's not his area,
` didn't he? All right?
` Objection sustained.
` Q. How does price erosion impact TT?
` MS. WYTSMA: Objection, your Honor. There is no
` lost profits claim in this case.
` THE COURT: Response?
` MS. KURCZ: Your Honor, this is part of the impact

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 7 of 692 PageID #:48672
`Page 616
`MD Trader have a static price axis?
`A Yes, as you saw last week. Yes, MD Trader has a static
`price axis, yes.
`Q Can you explain that to the jury, please, how that's so.
`A Well, sure. So MD Trader has a static price axis as you
`saw because it operates in a mode. It has one mode in which it
`has a static price axis. But it also has another mode in which
`it has automatic re-centering.
`Q Is MD Trader covered by the patents in suit here?
`A Yes, it is covered by the patents in suit.
`Q Okay.
`A And I think that's probably the most important thing to
`understand here is that just because something has a mode in
`which there's automatic movement doesn't mean that it's not
`covered by the patent. Because if it also has a mode in which
`it is static, it's covered, and that's exactly the case.
` MR. VOLLER: Your Honor, objection.
` THE COURT: Basis.
` MR. VOLLER: Modes are not described in the claim
`construction. This is well beyond the claim construction that
`you provided in this court.
` THE COURT: Response.
` MR. GANNON: The question wasn't about the claim
` THE COURT: Objection's overruled.

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 8 of 692 PageID #:48673
`Page 617
` THE WITNESS: So I think that's the important thing
`to really understand here.
`Q Okay. Now, you're describing -- you described in your
`answer mode. Could you tell the jury what a mode is. Can we
`go to the next slide, please.
`A Sure. So mode is an operational state or maybe you could
`look at it as a set of conditions in which you would operate
`something in. Everything we do in our lives has modes. In
`your car most people have automatic transmission. It has
`reverse, neutral, drive. Those are modes. Your thermostat in
`your house, it has heating mode, cooling mode. The cruise
`control on cars, those have modes to get into the cruise
`control, out of the cruise control.
` When you go on a plane, most phones these days have
`airplane mode, so you can turn off the transmission when you're
`own the plane. And there's even apps now for phones, and cell
`phones are coming up with a mode where if they detect movement
`of the car, then it will stop you from texting. So those are
`all kind of examples of molds.
`Q So taking this into consideration, in your opinion do the
`CQG products have a static price axis?
`A Yes, they do.

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 9 of 692 PageID #:48674
`Page 618
` Q Why is that?
` A Because they function in such a way that there is a mode in
` which the price axis is static.
` Q Do the accused products have a noninfringing mode?
` A Yes, they do.
` Q And could you describe to the jury what mode that is.
` A In the DOMTrader -- well, in the accused products, that is
` known as the dynamic scale mode.
` Q What mode in the accused products meets the construction of
` static?
` A Okay. Now, that is called the responsive scale mode.
` Q Okay. And with respect to DOMTrader, how do you put that
` product into that responsive scale mode?
` A Well, there's a menu setting, and you can actually see it
` here. There's a menu setting where you can choose either one,
` responsive scale or dynamic scale.
` And, actually, the default mode, so to speak, the
` default setting is the responsive scale. So, well, if you just
` got the software and you opened it for the first time, it would
` be in the responsive scale.
` Q Does the presence of the dynamic scale impact your opinion
` in any way?
` A No, not at all.
` Q And why not?
` A Because it's just an additional mode. The fact is is that

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 10 of 692 PageID #:48675
`Page 619
` the responsive scale mode is there, and that's all you need.
` Q Have you seen any evidence in this case of CQG describing
` the responsive scale as static?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q Okay. Let's go to PTX2314, please.
` MR. GANNON: And, Brian, if you could just blow up the
` top of the document just so we can see what we're looking at.
` And then if you could highlight the first sentence.
` First sentence. And then also highlight the third sentence
` where it starts with "It," "It does work."
` Q So, Mr. Thomas, could you describe what's shown on the
` screen here.
` A So this is an internal CQG engineering document. And
` they're referring to a dynamic DOMT, and they're referring to a
` static DT.
` And really -- so DOMT and DT, those are the
` DOMTraders. There's really only two choices as you saw in the
` menu setting. There's dynamic or responsive scale. So CQG
` internally are referring to the responsive scale mode as a
` static DOMTrader.
` Q And who is the e-mail from here?
` A It's from a gentleman called Yuriy Shterk, who I believe
` was head of product development for CQG.
` MR. GANNON: Brian, let's go to PTX138.

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 11 of 692 PageID #:48676
`Page 620
` And if you could highlight -- I'm sorry, Brian. It's
` PTX138. Could you highlight just the top of the document,
` please.
` Q Mr. Thomas, just generally, can you describe what this
` document is?
` THE COURT: You know what, sir? While you're doing
` that, go ahead and make your move so you can turn --
` Q Just highlight that --
` THE COURT: One second, please.
` MR. GANNON: Sorry.
` THE COURT: You can turn your screen.
` COURT REPORTER: Thank you.
` Q Just generally, is this a CQG document?
` A Yes, it is, yes.
` Q And who is it from?
` A It's from Mr. Shterk again.
` MR. GANNON: Okay. Can you go to the page 2, Brian,
` and highlight static DT and dynamic DT.
` Q What is this showing, Mr. Thomas?
` A Well, just like in the previous document, they're referring
` to the dynamic DT and static DT, so again static being the

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 12 of 692 PageID #:48677
`Page 639
` potentially too big.
` Q Have you prepared a video showing how you get in and out of
` the browse prices mode?
` A Yes, I have.
` Q Okay. You want to just take the jury through this?
` A Yeah, yeah.
` Okay. So I'm going to launch the DOMTrader, and when
` it launches, it's in the responsive scale in market mode. And
` what I'm going to do next is I am going to select a price
` eventually.
` Okay. So you can see the price at 17977 is selected.
` Q How do you know that, Mr. Thomas?
` A Well, it's highlighted.
` Now I'm going to enter an order. Okay. I entered an
` order, and now we've got one contract working at 17976.
` Next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to deselect
` that price, get out of the market mode. So I'm going to hit
` the escape key, and you can see it's not selected anymore.
` And the next thing I'm going to do, I'm going to
` select a price again, and I'll be back in browse prices mode.
` And there you go. 17974 is selected back in browse
` prices mode.
` MR. GANNON: Let's go to the next slide, please.
` Q What is this showing, Mr. Thomas?

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 13 of 692 PageID #:48678
`Page 640
` A So this shows -- it's a summary of the infringing products
` from the CQG Integrated Client. It shows the version ranges
` that have the DOMTrader with browse prices mode.
` Q What is this slide showing, Mr. Thomas?
` A This shows it for CQG Trader and WebTrader, and this shows
` which versions have browse prices mode.
` Q So we've talked about the browse prices mode. What is the
` second infringing mode that has a static price axis?
` A Well, those market -- excuse me -- the market windows that
` I showed you just a little bit ago, those can actually be
` disabled. And I call that market window disabled mode.
` Q And what is this slide showing?
` A So this is showing the DOMTrader with the market windows
` disabled. And in this case, you can see the red highlighted --
` the whole price display here is static.
` And that's what that shows.
` Q And so when you disable the market window, what price
` levels become static?
` A All of them. All of them in their display.
` Q Have you seen any documents in this case about disabling
` the market window?
` A Yes, I have.
` MR. GANNON: Okay. Let's put up PTX192.
` And can you highlight the bottom portion of that,
` Brian. Highlight the first sentence and the third sentence.

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 14 of 692 PageID #:48679
`Page 641
` Q Now, first of all, Mr. Thomas, is this an internal CQG
` document?
` A Yes, it's from Mr. Shterk again.
` Q And what does this document say?
` A Well, he's saying he wants to know, basically, how the
` market windows disappear because in this case then, CQG is in
` violation of the TT patents.
` Q Okay. And do you understand what arguments CQG is making
` with respect to this disabling the market window --
` A Yes.
` Q -- or at least one of their arguments in connection with
` the mode issue?
` A Sure. Again, they're saying that it's -- it's not a mode.
` And also they're saying that it's a defect and that nobody did
` it.
` Q Okay. Do you agree with their argument regarding the mode?
` A No, definitely not.
` Q And why is that?
` A Well, because it has a set of conditions that when it's
` done, it meets the limitation.
` MR. GANNON: Okay. Let's go to the next slide,
` please, Brian.
` Q So how does a user disable the market windows?

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 15 of 692 PageID #:48680
`Page 642
` A So there's two ways to disable it. You can either resize
` it or you can change a file, a setting in a file called an ini
` file.
` Q Okay. Let's talk about resizing. Did you prepare a video
` showing how to resize?
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Okay. Now, what is this? Could you take the jury through
` this portion.
` A Okay. So here we see the DOMTrader, and we've got the
` market window in the top, same browse prices mode. Price is
` selected at the bottom.
` Now, I'm going to resize the market windows so that
` it's just a bit smaller than the overall DOMTrader, deselected
` the price. Now what I'm going to do is I make the DOMTrader
` smaller, and I reselect the price.
` Now, when I've done that, the market windows will not
` appear.
` Q And how does the price levels change, if at all, when the
` market window is disabled?
` A The price levels when the market window is disabled are
` static.
` Q Do you have to resize the window every time that you trade?
` A No. Once you've done this, there's a few steps involved to
` do that.
` But once you've done it once, then you don't have to

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 16 of 692 PageID #:48681
`Page 643
` do it again. It remembers -- it remembers the settings. So
` when you reopen it -- if you close it, reopen it, I even
` believe that if you installed a new version that the settings
` would carry over. So you've only got to do it once.
` Q Is it pretty easy to resize to disable the market window?
` A Yeah.
` Q Now, you mentioned disabling the market window through a
` change in the ini file. What is that?
` A Sure. Well, an ini file is a file that's commonly used in
` applications to enable or disable certain functions of that
` application when it's running. So you can -- here is an
` example here. This is actually a CQG internal document that
` talks about the ini file.
` And if you look at the bottom, you can see that you
` can change it from -- the settings are either a 1 or a 0. If
` it's set to 1, then it will appear. If it's 0, then it won't
` appear.
` Q Is it pretty easy to change the ini file?
` A Sure. You just have to find -- at the bottom here, it says
` market window auto 0. You just find that line item, and you
` just change it to 0, save the file, and that's done.
` Q So when the market windows are disabled, what happens if
` the inside market goes past the edge of the screen?
` A Well, it will disappear.
` Q Do you have a video just showing that?

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 17 of 692 PageID #:48682
`Page 644
` A Sure, yep.
` So you can see here -- so we've disabled the window.
` And price is selected. And you can see here the market's gone
` off the bottom of the screen. There's no market windows,
` nothing.
` And the price display is static. There's no movement.
` Q When the market window is disabled, can you re-center like
` in MD Trader?
` A Yes, you can, yes.
` Q Now, you mentioned that CQG said that disabling the market
` window is a defect.
` A Mm-hmm.
` Q Is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you know whether CQG's disputing whether or not the
` functionality is actually in the products?
` A No, they're not disputing that.
` Q Okay. Do you agree that this is a defect?
` A No, not at all.
` MR. GANNON: Okay. Let's go to PTX194.
` And if you could go to page 3, and highlight the first
` paragraph starting with "the behavior in question." Yeah.
` So go up -- yeah, right there. And you can stop right
` there.

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 18 of 692 PageID #:48683
`Page 645
` Q Okay. What is this? First of all, what is this document,
` Mr. Thomas?
` A So, again, this is an internal CQG engineering document.
` And I'd just like to say, you know, a defect, the
` normal word of a defect is like a software bug where there's
` something wrong. It's not -- it's not a feature or anything.
` If you look here at what the highlighted text, it says
` the behavior in question is intentional. That's not a defect.
` So it's intentional. Somebody requested it. And it says the
` code checks whether the market window will have more rows than
` the grid has, and, if so, then it doesn't show the market
` window.
` It's not a defect. Although they are calling it a
` defect in this e-mail, it's not a defect in the common meaning
` of the word.
` Q What does a defect mean?
` A To me?
` Q Yes.
` A A defect to me is, like I said, just a bug, something that
` is just not functioning correctly or it's an error. But this
` isn't an error. It's intentional.
` Q Okay. Did CQG remove the market window disabled mode from
` their products?
` A Yeah, they did in late 2010, I believe. But it was in the
` product for about five to six years before that.

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 19 of 692 PageID #:48684
`Page 654
` Q Okay. So so far you've talked about the browse prices mode
` and the mode -- and the mode in which the market windows are
` disabled.
` A Yes.
` Q Is there a third infringing mode?
` A Yes. My favorite is called -- sorry. Excuse me.
` Yes, this mode is called price hold or hover mode.
` Q And can you describe that mode, please.
` A So this mode occurs when the product is in the responsive
` scale, in market mode.
` And in this mode, the price hold, what it does is
` it -- even if there's some movement in the price display, the
` price hold ensures that you do not miss your price when you
` place an order, even if there's movement in the screen.
` Q Okay. So how do you access the -- this particular mode?
` A Well, you have to have what's called fast click enabled.
` Q Okay. And when you get in -- what -- is this in responsive
` or dynamic, this particular mode?
` A Yes, this is in the responsive scale.
` Q Okay. And then once you're in the responsive scale, how do
` you access the mode?
` A Well, when you open it, when you open the product in the
` responsive scale, it's in market mode.
` Q Do you have a video showing that?
` A Oh, yes. Actually, yeah.

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 20 of 692 PageID #:48685
`Page 655
` Q Okay. What is shown here, Mr. Thomas?
` A So this is showing our market mode on the left here. So on
` the right is the DOMTrader -- the MD Trader. And you can see
` the market is moving up and down relative to the price axis,
` and that is basically in market mode.
` Q Okay. Now, when you're in this market mode, can the price
` axis move automatically?
` A Yes. Occasionally, maybe one or two times a day for common
` futures, sometimes less if you have a lot of price -- lot of
` price levels displayed. There can be movement if the price
` goes off the display. There can be automatic movement.
` Q So in the first two modes that you described, a trader
` could avoid all automatic movement. Is that a fair statement?
` A Yes.
` Q Okay. Can the trader avoid this type of automatic movement
` in this particular mode, the market mode?
` A Yes, it can. In fact, if all that this did was just this,
` then my infringement analysis would stop at this point.
` But the fact is is that CQG added a feature into
` market mode called price hold. And what that does is when you
` hover your mouse over either a buy or sell region next to a
` price, it locks in that price.
` So if the labels change, the price labels change on
` the display, when you place an order, you still get your price.
` So although it doesn't meet the construction of static

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 21 of 692 PageID #:48686
`Page 656
` literally, then -- but it is -- it's equivalent to static.
` Q Okay. When you say equivalent, what do you mean by that?
` A So I've been informed that if the difference between the
` claims and the functionality of an accused product is
` insubstantial, then they're equivalent.
` MR. GANNON: Okay. Let's go to the next slide.
` Q What is this showing, Mr. Thomas?
` A Right. So what this is showing is a patented key on the
` top, and on the bottom is the test for equivalents. And the
` test is performs substantially the same function in
` substantially the same way to perform substantially the same
` result. That's the test for equivalents.
` Q Okay. What is this slide showing?
` A So this shows another key. And it's not literally the same
` as the patented key because it has a different shaped head and
` it's a different color.
` So now what we're going to do is we're going to do the
` test, test of the bottom. What is the function of the keys?
` The function of both of them is to unlock the door. The way in
` which they do that, you insert the key and the lock turns. And
` the result is the door opens.
` So both of these keys are equivalent.
` Q Okay. Now, you mentioned -- you described the price hold
` feature. Did you prepare anything to show that visually?

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 22 of 692 PageID #:48687
`Page 657
` A Yes, I did.
` Q Okay. We're going to put up an animation. Can you take
` the jury through this.
` A Right. So this is in market mode, the responsive scale
` market mode. Excuse me.
` And what you're going to see here is you're going
` to -- so just focus on 98 for a second. The market moves up,
` and you can see here that what was -- 98 has moved down one
` price. Okay?
` Now, let's keep going. So now you see I've moved my
` mouse right next to the price. So I'm hovering over it. Now,
` that price that's there is now locked in. It's locked in.
` Okay?
` So let's keep going. Now you can see -- you see the
` 98 has moved down. And so we have a displayed value next to
` where I'm hovering of 101.
` The real price, though, is still associated with
` there, but the labels -- not the price -- the labels have moved
` down. You can see 98 down below there.
` So keep going. Now, I just placed an order. I wanted
` 98. Now, look. If you look down to where 98, the label, had
` moved down to, you see I have a working order at 98. So even
` though the labels moved in the display, I still got my price.
` Q Mr. Thomas, is this type of -- isn't this the type of
` automatic movement that you showed in the figure 2-style

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 23 of 692 PageID #:48688
`Page 658
` screens that we talked about last week?
` A No, this is very different.
` Q And how is it different than those conventional screens?
` A Okay. Now, if you remember the conventional screens, when
` we had the prices -- so every single time the inside market
` changed, those prices changed. But that's the real value of
` that price. The real value of that price is changing.
` Here what's happening is the label associated with the
` price may move, but the real price associated with where the
` mouse was is still there. Otherwise, it wouldn't get my order.
` So it's kind of a gimmick in a way.
` Q When you say a gimmick, what do you mean by a gimmick?
` A Well, think of it this way. Imagine -- imagine you've got
` your keyboard on your computer, and somebody paints a Z on the
` A key. If I press the A -- well, now what it's saying, it's a
` Z key. If I press it, I still get A, though. So it's kind of
` a gimmick.
` The real thing that you get -- that you want is still
` associated when the mouse is hovering.
` Q Okay. And you mentioned to get into this mode, you need
` fast click?
` A That's correct, yeah.
` Q What is that?
` A Well, fast click is a -- it's a menu setting. And that's
` needed to get into this.

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 24 of 692 PageID #:48689
`Page 659
` Q Okay. Have you seen any documents in this case that
` support your opinion on this price hold feature being
` equivalent?
` A Yes, I have, yes.
` MR. GANNON: Okay. Let's go to PTX182.
` And if you could blow up in the middle and highlight
` it in yellow starting with "When I hover."
` Q And, Mr. Thomas, could you just describe, just generally,
` again what this e-mail is.
` A This is an internal CQG e-mail. And here it says, "When I
` hover over a price, the price becomes static, not the price
` display."
` So that's exactly what I was just saying. So the
` price that you want, the intended price, stays associated with
` it, but the labels move.
` Q And is this document, when it's referring to hover, is that
` the hover you were describing?
` A That's it, yes, exactly.
` Q Okay. Are you aware of any testimony in this case relevant
` on this particular issue?
` A Yes.
` Q Could you describe what testimony you recall, if you do,
` Mr. Thomas?
` A I believe that Mr. Veselica, who is coming to testify here

`Case: 1:05-cv-04811 Document #: 1228-2 Filed: 04/15/15 Page 25 of 692 PageID #:48690
`Page 660
` this week, I believe in his deposition that he testified that
` he uses the price hover feature to trade.
` Q Okay. Are you aware of any testimony from any CQG
` employees in this case?
` A Well -- well, actually, I believe the depos

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