Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` Case CBM2014-00133
` Patent 7,676,411
` and
` Case CBM2014-00135
` Patent 6,772,132
` Monday, May 11, 2015
` 2:00 p.m. - 2:15 p.m.
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`TD Ameritrade v. Trading Technologies
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
`BY: LORI GORDON, ESQ. (of Counsel)
`BY: ROBERT SOKOHL, ESQ. (of Counsel)
`1100 New York Avenue, NW, Suite 600
`Washington, DC 20005
`(202) 371-2600
`BY: KEVIN RODKEY, ESQ. (of Counsel)
`901 New York Avenue, NW
`Washington, DC 20001-4413
`(202) 408-4000
`8 9
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Good afternoon. This
` is Judge Medley.
` I have on the line with me Judges
` Petravick and Hoffman. This conference
` call is in relation to CBM2014-00133 and
` 135.
` At this time, I would like to take a
` roll call, beginning with petitioner.
` MR. SOKOHL: This is Rob Sokohl for
` petitioner. Along with me is Lori Gordon
` and Jonathan Strang.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Thank you, and for
` patent owner?
` MR. GOLDBERG: Good afternoon.
` This is Joshua Goldberg, and with me
` I have Kevin Rodkey. Also, we have a
` court reporter on the line.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you.
` (Pause)
` JUDGE MEDLEY: All right.
` We understand that patent owner seeks
` to expunge Exhibit 2011 from the record,
` in both the 133 and 135 cases. We'd like
` to begin by hearing from the patent owner.
` MR. GOLDBERG: Thank you, Your Honor.
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` We requested this call to seek permission
` to expunge that exhibit, 2011, that you
` just referred to, which is Mr. Brumfield's
` testimony in a District Court trial, so it
` was not prepared for these proceedings,
` and we said that the in the testimony only
` a handful of times in our patent owner's
` responses, and to support just three
` points.
` As Your Honors may recall, we agreed
` on our last call to let petitioner depose
` Mr. Brumfield; rather, that the deposition
` was strictly limited to the testimony we
` relied on for our patent owner's
` responses, but we have since recognized
` that most of our cites to Brumfield are
` redundant, because our two points are also
` supported by other exhibits in the record.
` For example, the patent itself, or
` the patents themselves, I should say, so
` any additional support from our points
` from the Brumfield testimony is not worth
` the additional cost of the deposition, and
` because we had previously agreed to let
` the deposition move forward only on the
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` testimony we relied on and the patent
` owner's responses, we now request
` permission to expunge Exhibit 2011, the
` Brumfield testimony, in the same way we
` expunged -- that the board previously
` expunged the Helmert memo at petitioner's
` request.
` The patent owner's responses would
` then no longer rely on any of the
` Brumfield testimony, making a deposition
` of Brumfield unnecessary, and giving
` patent owner exactly what it asked for,
` when it earlier started giving petitioner
` exactly what it asked for when it earlier
` objected to the testimony as being hearsay
` and not admissible.
` (Pause)
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you.
` Petitioner, we understand that you
` don't necessarily oppose the expungement
` of the exhibit, but that you, in addition,
` want the patent owner to file a corrected
` response; is that correct, and can you
` please explain?
` MR. SOKOHL: Sure. This is Rob
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` Sokohl. We do not oppose to -- the
` exhibit, which is the testimony of
` Mr. Brumfield, from being expunged.
` What we do object to, and what we
` will try to do with patent owner is work
` out a compromise where they simply removed
` statements and citations that are
` supported by the evidence that is now no
` longer going to be of record, and that --
` As patent owner points out, there are
` only a handful of places where those
` citations occurred, so it would not be
` very burdensome. We felt removing those
` statements would essentially make for an
` even playing field. Once the bell is
` rung, you can't really unring it, and we
` just felt removing those statements would
` make a lot of sense in this context.
` Patent owner just argued that the
` testimony is supported by other documents,
` but the fact is that there are no other
` citations provided at those places where
` the testimony is cited to, and therefore,
` it just to us makes a simple solution of
` removing the text and citations.
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` In regard to the Helmert memo, we
` find that the circumstances are completely
` different. We had that document removed,
` because all it did was summarize another
` document, which was the deposition
` transcript that was already of record and
` was going to remain on record, so here the
` facts are completely different.
` Here, they are looking to expunge a
` document that isn't supported by anything
` else and has no other citations in the
` reply, and so we believe that it's a very
` simple solution for the patent owner to
` just remove those references and then
` expunge the document.
` Now, if they choose not to remove
` those citations, we believe we are
` entitled to depose Mr. Brumfield as
` previously agreed to so that we can
` essentially explore the testimony that
` Mr. Brumfield has provided in the past.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Let me
` understand. So you just want them to
` remove the citations? So, for example, I
` pulled -- I pulled the response in the 133
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` case. I'm looking at page 6.
` (Pause)
` JUDGE MEDLEY: There, it says "He was
` focused on entering orders at particular
` prices as opposed to market-type orders."
` So you would just want that stripped,
` the citation to the 2011?
` MR. SOKOHL: We would want not just
` the citation, but also the statements that
` are supported by the citation, so in other
` words, they would strip out the actual --
` what had -- what would become
` attorney/client argument.
` Yes, at some point, the board could,
` of course could give that little to no
` weight, but it seems to us that you do
` that time and time and time again, as the
` patent owner has done, and suddenly, it
` creates a record that is prejudicial.
` So we would just ask that they just
` remove those statements along with the
` citations, and there aren't that many, and
` it's not a huge burden.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, so scrolling
` down to page 16, there are two citations,
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` the 2011 and 2201?
` MR. SOKOHL: Correct, and 20 --
` JUDGE MEDLEY: And then the next --
` the sentence, id, presumably refers to the
` same two documents?
` MR. SOKOHL: The 2201 is the expert
` report of Mr. Thomas, who is also relying
` on the Brumfield testimony, so it is the
` same. The same argument applies.
` (Pause)
` JUDGE MEDLEY: But they are not
` seeking to expunge 2201 from the record?
` MR. SOKOHL: Exactly, and we would
` submit that, in fact, this is part of the
` problem, is that they should not be
` relying on an expert declaration of Mr.
` Thomas that then relies on evidence that
` has now been expunged.
` This is why by removing all these
` places, all this text, it will remove any
` ambiguity in the document.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So paragraph 33 of
` 2201 references 2011?
` (Pause)
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Mr. Brumfield's
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` testimony?
` MR. SOKOHL: I am going from memory,
` Your Honor, but I don't have it in front
` of me. If you -- I think I have it handy.
` MR. GOLDBERG: While he's doing that,
` just to clarify an issue, Your Honor?
` MR. GOLDBERG: I believe that
` paragraph 33 actually does refer to some
` Brumfield testimony, but as you may
` recall, the Thomas declaration, which is
` Exhibit 2201, also is not something that
` was prepared for this proceeding and was
` just relying on the earlier trial
` testimony of Brumfield.
` Now, the fundamental problem that we
` have with just striking these sentences,
` as petitioner is requesting, is it creates
` problems that basically in rewriting our
` patent owner's response is going to make a
` bunch of stuff nonsensical, and I'll give
` you an example.
` That first point that you referred
` to, which I think was on page 6 of the
` patent owner's response, if you look down
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` a little bit further and go to page 7 of
` the patent owner's response, the first
` sentence after the picture states "This
` problem with inaccuracy is described in
` the patent," and there it's referring to
` Exhibit 1001, the patent.
` Well, if we were to strike the
` sentences that are before it, now, even
` though the patent actually supports our
` position, nobody knows what the problem
` is, because this portion of the patent
` owner's response is gone, and that's just
` kind of a repeating problem.
` It makes our entire patent owner's
` response nonsensical, so we just ask that
` we expunge the exhibit, very simply and
` straightforward, the exact same way it was
` done with the Helmert memo earlier on.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Now, for petitioner,
` how are you prejudiced if the response
` remains as is? You mentioned that you
` would be prejudiced?
` MR. SOKOHL: I think, as discussed at
` a previous board discussion, there is a
` lot of evidence that patent owner has put
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` in that is hearsay or not supported by the
` record, and what was funny was that the
` board gave little to no weight to that
` testimony, if they were not going to
` produce underlying documents.
` Well, here at some point the bell
` keeps getting rung, and it's unfair that
` if they wrote their reply -- their
` response -- the way they wanted to and
` they can simply change the document in
` regard to Exhibit 2202. They can remove
` that exhibit as well.
` If they don't want Mr. Brumfield to
` be deposed for whatever reason, and they
` truly want to expunge his testimony and
` the evidence regarding his testimony, then
` let's go the full 10 yards and remove it
` completely, and all documents that relate
` to it, let's remove from them the
` responses so there's no ambiguity as to
` what the argument is that's being made.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: But if we start
` removing bits and pieces, it gets
` dangerous, if you will. Then -- you know,
` we have the argument down the road "I've
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` had this experience where a party filed a
` "corrected paper," and then the other side
` may not agree with what was excluded or
` stricken out, and it just can make for a
` more messy record than if we just expunge
` it and we state per order that the exhibit
` is no longer relied upon.
` You know, it is what it is, and then
` at that point, when we pick up the paper,
` the response, it's as if there's no
` supporting evidence for some of the
` statements that are made, so we have to
` weigh that against the parties' interests
` as well.
` MR. SOKOHL: Understood, but if
` Mr. Brumfield -- the statements that they
` are making in their documents are
` Mr. Brumfield's. That's why they cited
` his testimony.
` If those statements are to remain in
` the response, then we -- it's our position
` that we should be able to depose
` Mr. Brumfield as previously agreed between
` the parties, and so I understand, Your
` Honor, your concern about this being
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` piecemeal, but again, it's not us,
` petitioner, asking to have the document
` expunged.
` It's patent owner, and I think the
` burden should be on them to remove the
` document and any other related documents
` as they see fit to make the document read
` correctly.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. I think we have
` enough information.
` I am going to put the parties on hold
` for a few moments, and we are going to
` confer. Please hold on.
` (Recess taken at 2:12 p.m.)
` (Resumed at 2:14 p.m.)
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. We have
` conferred, and we aren't in total
` agreement at this point, so we are going
` to confer offline and come out with a
` subsequent order.
` Are there any questions for us right
` now or other issues that you would like to
` discuss?
` MR. SOKOHL: No, Your Honor.
` MR. GOLDBERG: None for patent owner,
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` Your Honor. Thank you.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you, and
` timing-wise, when is the petitioner's rely
` due?
` MR. SOKOHL: So it's due on May 29th,
` which just means we are going to depose
` Mr. Brumfield. We just need to do so by
` the 22nd, and we're notifying the
` petitioner we are available to do that.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay, so we have just
` at least a couple days to rule on this.
` MR. GOLDBERG: Your Honor, just so
` our position is clear, we wanted to go
` about this expunging stuff in order to
` just make everyone's life easier.
` We are no longer willing to make
` Brumfield available, so to the extent that
` his testimony remains, then our view is
` that this is going to be an additional
` discovery issue that petitioner is going
` to have to meet the appropriate interests
` of justice in order to be able to get it.
` MR. SOKOHL: Your Honor, the board
` has already discussed the Brumfield
` deposition.
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Yeah, that's
` sort of premature at this point.
` Let us decide what we're going to do,
` and then we will go from there. How's
` that?
` MR. GOLDBERG: Sounds good, Your
` Honor, thank you.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thank you.
` Goodbye.
` (Thereupon, the conference call was
` concluded at 2:15 p.m.)
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`cmnliricnim Ur nmruninfi
`I, CHERYLL KERR, Registered Professional Reporter
`and Notary Public in and for the State.of New York,
`County of Nassau,
`the officer before whom the
`proceedings were taken, do hereby certify that the
`foregoing transcript is a true and correct record of
`these proceedings,
`that said proceedings were taken in
`Stenotype notes by me on the 11th day of May, 2015, by
`telephone conference commencing at 2:00 p.m. and ending
`at 2:15 p.m.
`I further certify that present on behalf of
`Petitioner were Robert Sokohl, Lori Gordon, and
`Jonathan Strang of Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox,
`and present on behalf of Patent Owner were Joshua
`Goldberg and Kevin.Rodkey of Finnegan, Henderson,
`Farabow, Garrett & Dunner, LLP.
`I further certify that I am not related to, nor
`associated with any of the parties or their attorneys,
`nor do I have any disqualifying interest, personal or
`in the actions within.
`Dated this llth day of May, 2015 at Oyster Bay, NY.
`Cheryll Kerr, RPR, SHR
`. 16
`I 18
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference CallConference Call
`May 11, 2015May 11, 2015
`able 13:22
`actions 17:20
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`agree 13:3
`agreed 4:10,24
`7:19 13:23
`ambiguity 9:21
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`4:16,22 5:4
`5:10,11 6:3
`7:18,21 9:8
`12:13 13:16
`13:23 15:7
`brumfields 4:3
`9:25 13:18
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`1:16 3:4
`16:10 17:9
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`9:2 17:6
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`11:23 15:24
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`9:21 12:10
`6:20 9:5 12:5
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`9:17 11:25
`12:16 13:11
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`exactly 5:12
`5:14 9:13
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`7:24 10:22
`excluded 13:3
`exhibit 3:22
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
`4:2 5:3,21
`6:2 10:12
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`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
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`5:17 8:2 9:10
`4:1 5:3
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`10:18 11:19
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`prepared 4:5
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`prices 8:5
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`10:16 11:4
`4:5 17:5,7,7
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`7:7 8:19 9:12
`12:2 13:5
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`7:16,24 8:21
`9:20 12:11
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`6:17,25 9:19
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`requested 4:1
`response 5:23
`7:25 10:20
`10:25 11:2
`12:9 13:10
`responses 4:8
`4:15 5:2,8
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Page 20 of 22


`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
`work 6:5
`worth 4:22
`wrote 12:8
`x 1:3,10
`yards 12:17
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`york 2:5,12
`Z 0
`00 1:18 17:9
`10 12:17
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`11 1:17
`1100 2:5
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`12 14:14
`132 1:14
`133 3:23 7:25
`135 3:6,23
`14 14:15
`15 1:18 16:11
`16 8:25
`2 1:18,18
`16:11 17:9
`20 9:2
`20005 2:5
`2011 3:22 4:2
`5:3 8:7 9:1
`trial 1:2 4:4
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`3:21 5:19
`7:23 13:24
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`3:16 17:15
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`10:17 11:8
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`11:16 12:10
`skgf 2:6,7,7
`sokohl 2:4 3:9
`3:9 5:25 6:1
`8:8 9:2,6,13
`10:2 11:23
`13:15 14:24
`solution 6:24
`sort 16:2
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`6:7,14,17 8:9
`8:21 13:12
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`4:18 6:8,20
`7:10 8:10
`supports 11:9
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`take 3:7
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`td 1:4,4,4
`testimony 4:4
`4:6,13,22 5:1
`5:4,10,15 6:2
`6:20,23 7:20
`9:8 10:1,10
`10:15 12:4
`13:19 15:18
`text 6:25 9:20
`thank 3:12,18
`3:25 5:18
`15:1,2 16:7,8
`thats 11:12
`12:21 13:18
`theres 12:20
`think 10:4,24
`11:23 14:4,9
`thomas 9:7,17
`three 4:8
`time 3:7 8:17
`times 4:7
`total 14:17
`trademark 1:1
`trading 1:8
`transcript 7:6
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Page 21 of 22


`Case CBM2014-00133; CBM2014-00135
`Conference Call
`May 11, 2015
`2015 1:17 17:8
`202 2:6,13
`2201 9:1,6,12
`9:23 10:12
`2202 12:11
`22nd 15:8
`29th 15:5
`33 9:22 10:9
`3712600 2:6
`4084000 2:13
`411 1:12
`5 6
`6 1:14 8:1
`600 2:5
`676 1:12
`7 1:12 11:1
`772 1:14
`8 9
`901 2:12
`Henderson Legal Services, Inc.
`Page 22 of 22

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