Venner Shipley
`20 Little Britain
`London EC1A 7DH
`-rc1¢p1.on¢: +44 (0)20 7600 4212
`Facstmilez +44 (0)20 7600 4183
`Jan Waksh
`To: MrJtmBarmrtd
`Trading Technologies Inc.
`Number qfpqgex in (bi: trmLrm'.r.rian,
`including rim xlreel:
`Ifjau did not naive all cfthepager
`,,_/5,"; ,5‘, ,;,9, M ,][,:,‘b],'
`001 312 476 1182
`F“ “W
`31 August 2004
`P/me my“I bane.
`Our ref: IFW/41797EP1
`Please note:
`Tin’:-fiuinib avaun»v'1n'oa mntaim: :'vy'anulfllon wbk-II it wqfidcnfnl and/or /lga/5' and fxuudd nulyfir XL: iudipiduml or
`«IE9 and M tbs)’ mmmlaion Jbnl. _I/yu 4!? rm’ tba amid naflmgjou arr /.-my ulajird tba my a£.rr/war. trying,
`dia1n'£IIk'an or 15: taking gfag nrfion in n-Emu: on lb: MIIMIJ of1&2’: trumiuiax ix Jrritigjimliibired, and II): downer/.r .1/mold
`be mama to Venner Sbsplg LLP immfiaujz.
`Ifjou bane mn'.m1 112;‘: waunia-ion in rnw, p/can nonfi m by rrlvj:/mu m (but
`u can amngtfirrvtum afrbr ¢9urumnt.v at In rwflvjm
`Pa e 1 of 32
`TD Ameritrade v. Trading Technologies

`D4 0955 Bed,“
`I (+4.9-so)25901-o
`L+.| ‘1a"u€.0\
`Puent otfine
`omen uuropun
`duo brevets
`Fax (+49.3o) 25901-B40
`N,-_ . N°_ . Nu
`Total number of pages
`3 /1
`Empflngar - Addnasuee - Dostinahin
`Name - Name - Nom
`Ancchrifl - Addmsa -Adresse
`.,__; Jan Wllasld‘
`Absender -sender - Expédinur
`Name - Name - Nom
`Anschrln - Addtess - Adnasse
`Doreen Golze
`European Patent Ofilce
`Bemerkunnen - Ronlulcs -Rumamuu
`- Minutes of the oral proceeding and daims
` —;- — . — — — ——-—————
`3 1 AUG 2004
`Dalum I Date- Date
`Page 2 of 32

`Europilschee Paeentamt
`Europcan Patent Oflice
`Office: européen dos brevets
`Application No. :
`Minutes of the oral proceedings before the EXAMINING DIVISION
`The proceedings wen not public.
`Proceedings opcnad on
`Examining Division:
`1st member:
`2nd membec
`Minute writer:
`Pusan! anflor the apiulicamb:
`Maiihew Read. Jochan Ehien
`accompanied by:
`Steven Borsan, Jens-Uwe schiuetizer, Leif Sigmund. Matthew Sampson
`"#19 “MW Of0'19 P979073 PNGBM 3'16. when necanan/. the auihorisaiion to represemhuihoriiy to not were
`Esseniiais of the discussion and possible relevant statements of the appiicanils:
`Page 3 of 32

`Sheet 211
`Application No.: 01 920 183.9
`The chairman informed me appllntb as follow:
`The examining division intends to grant a European patent based on the following applicalian documents:
`Ducfilfion. P8996
`2. 3. a. 7. 10-12. 14-16, 18. 19
`4a, 13, 17
`1. 4. 5. 8. 9, 20
`claim. Numbers
`as originally lllad
`received on 28.05.2004 with letter of28.05.2004
`filed durilg Oral pluceedlllgs on 30.06.2004
`filed during Oral Proceedings on 3o.oe.2oo4
`I8 originally filed
`The chairman closed the proceedings on 30.06.2004
`Power of attorney for Mr Ehlars
`requasla fled at1o:17. 11:45. 11:55, final request
`Page 4 of 32

`Patent Ofllce
`H mm
`Office europun
`des brevets
` ?
`T +49 39 95091-9
`3.3‘ no so 25:01-no
`Becker Kuzig Straw
`Bevan-iastznsse 7
`50336 niinahen
`2? .—-6.0-‘ .. fgotf
`507o7 gp
`_ ‘;’_n,3 Technologies Interuetzonnl , Inc
`Aflflelfifllfl NP./Al95E*l Noflamande HUPBIIM Nf ./Faun! NI./WIVII H'-
`Pzovision at a copy of the m:im1.I:es in accordance with Rule 76(4) EPG
`The attached copy of the minutes of the
`()Q era]. proceedings
`C ) taking of evidence
`is sent to you in accordance with Rule 76(4) EPC.
`J You. are invited to file your observutinnx and to correct the
`deficiencies indicated within 8 period
`from the notification of this conwunication, this period being
`computed in accordance with Rules 73(3) and 83(2) and (4) arc.
`) Failure to comply with this invitation in due time will result
`in the Eu:-opean patent application being doomed to be withdrawn
`(Article 96(3) RFC).
`Pomalitias Office:
`Tel. No.:
`(+49-3o)259o1- 74‘-1
`Enclosures: Copy of the mimntas (Fan: 2009)
`) Registered letter
`290 Form 20423:; 02.94 om9;( 12332/omzx;( >3ao/nao
`7051225 22/oa/on
`Page 5 of 32

`3,,”-,,;| (Anlage)
`NotK'rcationIProcee-verbal (Annexe)
`‘gig-ii'§k= 01 920 183-9
`FgumD“ Oernlndorfz
`cernrrurnleationmlruaae rfinrroro
`The chairman opened the oral pmoeedinge at 9:04 and asked the applicant (AP) if he
`maintained the request as filed with letter of 28/05/04.
`AP confirmed maintenance of these requests.
`A) Art 1 23(2)
`The compliance of claim 1 of the main request with the requirements or Art. 123(2) was
`then discussed.
`in particular. the chainrran pointed out that an additional area for orders . that could be
`differentiated from the first and second areas or oolumns corresponding to the bid and
`ask prices, was defined in the last paragraph of claim 1 and asked AP to give the basis
`in the originlly tiled application for that feature.
`Aooording to AP, a basis for that generalization can be seen in last paragraph of page
`16 and first paragraph of page 17. Fora person skilled in the art (PSIA) it is evident that
`the price level is important and therefore thatthe positioning of the click has not to be
`limited for the bid or ask columns.
`The chairman maintained that all embodiments disclosed in the patent showed the click
`on the bid or ask columns and that the examining division (ED) did not see any basis
`for accepting the generalization.
`in AP'a vlw. it is not stated in the application that the positioning of the click is an
`essential fture and therefore the generaiticn is for the PSIA evident and allowable.
`The Chairman asked for the basis of the expression "price axis" which is now used in
`claim 1.
`According to AP, column 1005 of figure 3. is an axis because the column is static.
`. Chairman replied that the prices in the column are static but not the column itself and
`moreover that it is a column and not an axis and that the generalization is a priori not
`AP then requested to show the presentation they had prepared so that the ED would be
`able to acknowledge what a PSIA would have understood at the date of filing of the
`EPOF¢rn2ll 01.91D8X
`Page 6 of 32

`Ania-ta-was 01 920 183-9
`maypg, DemIndon':
`present application and , therefore, what could be accepted as generalization.
`The chairman repried that the analysis of 123(2) has to be based on the documents as
`originally filed.
`AP was asked where the difference between a column and an axis is to be seen. He
`replied that an axis can be not only vertical. like a column, but also horizontal. In fact an
`axis can present any form. as for example an 8 form.
`The chairman presented a last point concerning 123(2). New claim 1 is apparently
`based on original claim 35 without the feature of last paragraph. According to the ED
`said feature is essential and therefore cannot be deleted.
`AP replied that the basis train new claim 1 is claim 1 as originally filed evn it the
`category of these two claims is different. The features of last paragraph of claim 35 are
`not essential to the subiectwnatter of present claim 1.
`The proceedings were paused at 9:50 and resumed at 10:17.
`The applicant filed a new first auxiliaru request taking into account the discussion of
`AP gave the following basis for amendments
`Feature A), see fig 3
`Feature 3). description page 16. line 13 and page 17. line 1 and 26.
`"Range of prices". fig 3 and page 13. line 14.
`The Proceedings were paused at ttxso to decide on Art- 123(2) for the main request
`and the newly filed first auxiliary request
`The proceedings were resumed at 11:02
`The chairman announced the following
`"°°"°6|’|i'|'l9 the main request. we are ofthe opinion that claim 1 does not fulfil the
`Page 7 of 32

`Bscholdlfioinknl wince)
`Notiticatlarvrraels-verbal (Arman)
`7a"pi"uZ??.§n"§..- 01 920 193.9
`rumml. Demanden‘.
`aanrnunieatiarflinulns (Anne!)
`requirements of Art.123(2) for the two following reasons
`there is no basis for the use of the term "price axis“ in the originally filed
`The definition of an "order entry region" comprising a plurality of areas which
`may be different from the first and second area is considered as being an
`unallowable generalization.
`Concemlng claim 1 of the first auxiliary request, it also does not fulfil the requirements
`of Art. 123(2) for the following reasons.
`the definition ofthe plurality of areas in the order entry region allows for an
`interpretation of these regions being completely separated from the level of
`the price in the price column (unallowabla generalization)
`it is not possible 0 find a basis of the term range of price in the originally filed
`The chairman also announced that a basis for allowable amendments can be seen on
`page 12, last paragraph and claim 29, last lines of second and third paragraph of the
`application as originally filed.
`The proceedings were paused at 11:16 In order to allow AP
`prepare a new set of ,
`The proceedings were resumed at 11:45.
`AP filed a new that and second auxiliary requests.
`The amendments were based on the passage suggested by the ED.
`The proceedings were paused at 11:55.
`' The proceedings were resumed at 12:07
`The chairman announcad that the first and second auxiliary requests fulfil the
`requirements of Artt 23(2).
`3) presentation and Art. 52(2) and (3)
`EPOFOMIZQC 01.9108!
`Page 8 of 32

`Ieocheidlimtelull (Ant-a-l
`0) an
`Mrhti°nN°~' 01 920 133-9
`Fflikpg UEl'l\IMOIl't
`conrrwniaetlonllllnutrrl WW!)
`N nml lfinnuu)
`AP then showed a presentation disclosing the prior art as disclosed in fig 2 of the I
`application and the embodiment of the invention, a software product called Xtrader.
`AP tried to make clear with the presentation the following points:
`ln trader applications, the issue of speed has become very important
`In the prior an a trader may send a wrong order. with a who price. since
`the prices column may change more rapidly than the human rection is able
`to follow. With the embodiment of the invention, it is not possible because
`the values in the price column are static.
`With the embodiment of the invention, a trader needs less efforts to
`recognize the direction ofthe changes.
`the software is a huge commercial success
`with the embodiment of the invention, more space is available on the screen.
`After the presentation, a pause was made from 12:55 to 13:00.
`Afler the break, the chairman announced:
`- that the ED considered that the features relating to the order entry region confer
`technical character to the subject-matter of claim 1 of all requests. The
`requirements of Art 52(2) and (3) are therefore fulfilled for all requests.
`- Document D1 has to be considered as representing the closest prior art.
`A lunch break took place from 13:05 to 14:00
`0) Art. 58
`Atter the break, the chainnan reminded the participants that claim 1 of the main request
`was objectionable on Art. 123(2) and that. therefore. the Art. 58 discussion will be
`based on claim 1 of the that auxiliary request.
`The first member summarized the position of the ED concerning the teaching of D1.
`The only difference which could be seen between the subject-matter of claim 1 and the
`teaching of D1 lies on the use of “field of statics prices".
`AP argued that the teaching of D1 was in fact similar to the prior art disclosed In iig.2 of
`EPO Pum& 01.91125!
`Page 9 of 32

`aescngrwpmulmli (mirage)
`communloatlonllalmbs (MMIO
`rrcitificlitlorillirwisavortaal (Amara)
`Awliuiilurinsz 01 920 183.9
`Demand: 11':
`the application.
`The new feature was the central Idea of the invention and solved two problems
`how to display the market information such that the perception of the trader
`on market changes and thus his reaction time can be improved
`the trader wil always be able to place an order at exactly the desired price,
`irrespective of the speed at which the bid and ask prices change in real time.
`Thus, potential errors are reduced in the system.
`AP also argued that. in the trader world. the changes may occur in millisecond time and
`that the embodiment of the invention increased both the speed and accuracy at the
`orders made by the trader.
`Moreover, a technical prejudice was overcome by the embodiment of the invention
`because for a trader it was a prion counterintuitive to display bids and asks relative to a
`static field since it gave the impression that in this way the amount of information
`received reduced. The traders were very reluctant in using the software Xtrader but in
`fact this software is now a big commercial success.
`To that last point, the second member noted that in his view. It was not a technical but a
`psychological prejudice which was overcome.
`AP argued again that even ifthe solution looks simple, it is inventive because a priori a
`PSIA would never come to the idea of introducing a field of static prices in the teaching
`of D1.
`The chairman then noted that problem a) cannot support an inventive step because the
`increase of speed was not in the processing of the date but in the brain of the user. due
`to a different presentation of information.
`AP replied that problem b) is also solved by the introduction of the field of static prices.
`The proceedings were paused at 14:55 to allow the E0 to make a decision on Art. 56
`for claim 1 of the first auxiliary request.
`The proceedings were resumed at 15:55.
`The chairman announced the following:
`"Conceming claim 1 of the first auxiliary request, the ED is of the opinion that the
`90 Flrulifl 01.0105!
`Page 10 of 32

`gggaharrunyoralroll (Ilnbgo)
`Gcrnuunicalionllllnubs (Annex)
`Notifieatiolllfirecowertral (Annexe)
`IwlleI5cnl'Io.: 01 920 183. 9
`subjedematter of claim 1 solves a technical problem which is to improve the operabillty
`of the system in terms of increasing the accuracy for placing orders. In fact, this
`problem is independent from the business aspects of the claims. It relates to the fact
`that the user is confronted with two correlated changing measures in a real-time
`environment and the need to perform an action (order placing) on one measure (prices)
`at a guaranteed level. The solution is to use metadata to create a field of static values
`(prices). The other measures (bids and asks) are moved relative to the static field. This
`assures both speed and accuracy.
`Starting from the teaching of 01. the ED considers that this solution is new and
`The chairman then asked AP which were the current request on file.
`AP then presented a new main request based on the last claim 1 filed during oral
`proceedings. All other requests were withdrawn.
`The proceedings were paused at 16:10 in order to allow AP to prepare a complete set
`of specification.
`The proceedings were resumed at 16:50.
`AP tiled the following documents as basic for the only remaining request,
`Pages 1. as filed during proceedings
`Pages as originally filed
`pages 4a, 13, 17 tiled with letter from 28/5.
`Claims 1-55 filed during oral proceedings
`Figures as originally filed.
`During the following discussion and because of clarity problems. AP asked the ED to
`make 319 f0|l0W5l'l9 amendments with the communication according to rule 51(4).
`Replace claim 30 to claim 29 in page 43.
`Change the dependenw of claim 16 to make it dependent only on claim 1
`Delete claims 37 and 33 and renumbered the following claims.
`EPO Form 200! otmcsx
`Page 11 of 32

`aencheldmvuuwll (mace)
`Gunmunielflnlilllmnho (Annex)
`Numcafiuwmaowu (Annw)
`mum"'"'”'iim oz 920 133.9
`DIR FISH Dea-main’:
`The chairman then announced the intention of the ED to grant a patent on the basis of
`the above discussed documents.
`The proceedings were closed at 17:25.
`Page 12 of 32

`wo on/55403
`coxumodifies. Spa:lflaIl1y.the1\1venfionprwidesatnderwhhavexsatiIen:d
`efiicimt-molzfoi:-a:ecu!.iigu1dn. nranaimestncdispiaarormmnenpm
`15 whueawnmndilyinchadeslxénhhgthatcmbuhndedvdthqmnfiflexandloh
`varying dances wound: Btnckx. bonds. thtunea. options.an_d other’ products.
`~Theseelc_c1Inni: emhmpsn:ebuedmaneccompouicm:mmmm.
`ci!nzp'gtn‘zs aznst'),eonuuunicaflanu‘xarvats.nnd1hem:hangepa:6nipum'
`oxder book: and positions, pm infimnation. and
`Page 13 of 32

`5 unuuuumummnuaammmiuunamm. Such
`wmmuiwununaaauaamm muumummummu;
`dnnpwnurhaavuiahlehmemnlng. Ibnnhthfiflumymfis
`-1o mmainguutnwmsnnmshnmmuxy. ntmunousmimrlaan
` ,
`r:imuquanauun.m.paeuorsaéa::i§éaasaauumuupimy. on
`_15 wfiflnthonztntirfl.
`uumeuua-.n=muuumnma,muuna.evuui'iuau oflolhn. Tb
`' n:d:IwhIabod’Ih:aniu.imdh5nru_:InInddrI3nnhnytudncutuflmc
`Wr5':§§L§ .1-4o.f32

`W0 01/651035
`'u:xosa thsplaneasthcmukctpdces fluctuates. This alldws tnuradea-to trade
`qviickly and dficicntly.
`themzrketmt theconnnodifiylnd um.-in-display ofprlm eorrespornninnuthe
`phuality ofbids mun. Inthisanbodixnmt the plnralifiea ofbids and Inks‘
`exeau&ng.uanea:q¢ntm»oom:pod:tie.inane1ecuoniéexd:ang=. om:

`_j_:.__.""1?-u'» -11.‘?-4.. pa. .4-a E ""____"“‘:*-"_...__.--_' .. ..-.-.3. , __ -,_",'-."."“"'*
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`Page 15 of 32

`WO 01165403
`inmdlflantotheinsidamrlm. _l?oraeon1mndi1§/baingtradad, the ‘inside
`market’ is the higheltbid price andthe lowest askprlca.
`onthnuxalnnge. Thcpreaaninvauflonp:oce.seest11isinformationu1dmapsi:,.
`through simple algmifluna andmnpplng ables topoeitiona inntheozetical grid
`program or any other comparable mapping technique for mapping data to a
`semen. Thcphysicalmappingofsuuhinformationmamaangqdcanbedone
`byanymclmiqneknownmflzosasfllledhfisnt Theptcsaminvefiflnnisnot
`an fibw-much of the
`depth 'the zxdmnge provides. Sofie archanges
`few orders may fiomthcinnlde market. The user m’the-present invention-can
`.Figure 2 flmmnm aécreunmm
`on u- -‘
`; ' “._
`_ H414 --" '
`.. 3..
`:v.~.. 3(-
` mmmy shuwstheinsida market
`thr:mm‘k6tdepfl1o£agivéncnmmnditybeingtmdcd.- Rowlzcpzrananuthn
`p1'Icaandquan_flIUandfi:=bé3t(1owcst)askpfioeandqnu1flty. Rnwsz-5
`‘ beingtraded. mupmanu.
` hmwummmmmw 2.5)
`nmmaavanamanaau-ueuhiaa,:nco1umn2o3.anaaaks.anco1umnE4. m
`30 wzamdzofinspecfivelyfinlidemuket-rawl). Priceundquantitiezforthe
`ineidexnaxlaetandmstkztdepth updabdynamioaiiromareirfizfiihuisuwch
`fnfannaflmiaremed ftomthemarket.
`Page 16 of 32

`W0 01155403
`Inflsescremdisplxyahowninflim-Ire 2.1516 cunrnodity (¢°n¥W=t)b=*!_13
`tradedistnplfsentedinrow lbythoplfimnctaratrinx "CDHO”. ‘The Depth
`infnrmthctndarotasmms bydisplnying different colors.
`5 Yellowindicatesthattheprunamnppllcationlswaifinzfordata. Redindinnea
`"flnu:dant.' Greenhudimmsilntthcdanlhasilstbaaflnpdated. Thoofher
`‘ Laatgzy East Quardio): me qunflw ‘traded at the last price. . Total represatm
`significant advanlageby seeing the mzrlnet depth because they cansee ucnda in
`flwocrdzninthcunrket. nemmupmaiaphyshwsmeuwummmac
`shnuldsall-DI’ buyhufiursthe fixaidemarigetrnchcsme mocrassofo'rdei'I. A
`omdnrswth:inddcmark:t.Wit!mntse:lngfi1emarketdepth,‘no such
`25 mreg1ascauuuenu1szed.rIavhgthadynanucmar1mzdap:h.m=h:dinga:e
`displayed below the mrmnt insido market of the cammodity conveys the.
`inmnnatlon to tho user in nmore inmiti\.re antfeasily undarmmdahle manner.
`so mzewmwmmm-wfimammmme&m W”/‘Of?
`3 a///2M4»
`Page 17 of 32

`W0 0II654D3
`vI3ueoftI1eRfieId(fl’Itap 1307wanga1-gn) orthevlhJeoftheLfie1:l (ifstep
`1309 wastnkm)pu:sanqnan:ificsh:fl1amarkctforpricesbetIe;'thanorequal
`mupucemmemi-c1mm mswmaaaupmequanuueammcnomuin
`Am eithe: step: 1310,1311 or 1312, the system.
`in map 1313,
`deteumnen which cnhlmnwas c1Inhd.IBidQ or AAKQ. If A.!kQwa8 cficked,
`was c1!,in'au!g 1315,d1eayatema¢ndlnbuyl1mitotderto1ba
`Page 18 of 32

`' .'

` aaé
`' '
`inciifiatbgsislmpvod r'e'l§tive»t5otho_-
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`Page 19 of 32
`_3m‘f'c‘1i:im .1, téf a .g;1i§aigy¢:.
`to se_1e<”:fioi: of-one 't_:f tlie
`_ «--
`Mam Request
`t:t').I'_D.l'.l‘l«3‘-Iii-.1S»_I‘.$)_3.‘.1.‘.i.T1g' fo commddiq} ‘.
`clientldwice (lib —~ 1l6)‘for
`Being traded p'n‘an e1acud:1}c.e$:§:hange (IO_1 —.103~),
`an intagface for fiq}:¢i'vjing data. xaaigpgiio saga cogninpdity from the-Eagatygigj .
`'ex5h;nge_, the
`% askpzioe 0:020» i.i°?)'.ii='»§%9b1§"fé?f‘9“-‘*'§"”"’E‘°f‘*“'&- =
`. ' ;
`L . J
`-_m' ; fig‘;-.“"‘.é_;_-'iI_:dict'to:'_ at.a,'fimt“ai-ea _'
`I‘ -’ "'
`" I
`' level on
`.’=t'1?’_33)=‘fl=°5B‘i9d‘°“°"b€m5 “°*'°"‘“’Pd ' " “
`v: —eu:ran:us;g:;est‘_!:Ei&pficéf6rIsy§rr-éotqnfii=6dit»c-
`' -.5-WWI'#“5°°°“4..' ._W*'..
`. n«ié€5i=véi'dn~*?’..

`eézu‘ a mtagzu/mzaam aha/ma
`3. \ A client device according to claim 2, wherein the plurnlity of pammars
`include the-auoainul» prlc
`and an order type, the order type compris'mg a. buy
`order or a sell order.
`A client cievioe according to any one of the preceding claiins, further Q
`comprising means for remntering the pfiw levels along
`about an
`inside market in response to rcceipt «Ea wcamering command.
`A client device according to ‘claim 4, wherein the comxnand comprises a
`pmdetunnizmd action of a user input device.
`A client device acwxding to claim 5, wfiarciil the predeternzined action
`A client device acooxding to claim 5, wheiein the prcdeu-.‘:-mined action
`indicator is displayed in one of 3 plunlity of amen in a bid. display regimi (1003,
`1201) antlwhetein the peanut! imucmm displayed moms ofuplurality afareasinan
`‘ V‘
`ask display region (1004. 1202).
`A client device according to claim 8, wherein each art,-.1 ofthebid display
`oftheaskdizplaymgimwmsponcbmadifiexmtpfioelwdalongthenafieiw. $ I
`A client devica acconiing to claim 8 ot9, wherein thebid display region is
`Page 20 of 32

`Aofient device aeootdingtn any one ofcleims 8 to 10,whexeinti1ebidand.- ask
`dj5p1gyn9',on§ comprise columns withaplunlityofeeus that are dieplayedas a grid
`sueh that the cells of each column are aligned.
`A client device aeeunlin3,1n.uny one ofoleims 8 to II. wherein the bid and ask
`display:-egonsemeotziented venieally.
`A ofignt device according» any one ofclaima 8 to 11, whereinthe bid and ink
`display regions are oriental! horizontally.
`A client device neeerding to any one of claims 8 to 13, Wheteiii the bid display
`region overlepe the onlei entry region.
`15. Aelient device according to any one ofcllimn an 14, wherein the ask display
`region ova-laps file order entry team.
`A elimt device ueotding to any one of the preceding claims, whexein the
`order entry region comprises e bid order entry region (1003, I201) comprising a
`pluralityofareasfarreceiving commmdstnsmdbuy ordenmdan ask ordereoiry
`region (1004, 1202) comprising aplurality of areas for receiving commands to tend
`A client device aeoatdingto cle1'm16, wherein the cadet message represents 3
`18. Aclient deviceaoeordingtoenyomeofthepreceding claims,mrther
`Page 21 of 32

`A client device according to claim 18, wherein the enternd order indicator is
`4 displayed in an entered ordu region (1001. 1208).
`A client device’ according to claim 19, wherein fire entered order rayon
`oojnpfilll a plurality of cells, each cell corresponding to or price level on the
`21, Adieu! device aoeardingtodnims l9or20,W‘hertintiroenteredur'der'
`indicator is selectable by the um‘ input means so he to receive rrcommand to delete an
`order represented by thé entered order indicator.
`c1airns.. further comprising
`A client device according to any ofthe
`means fin displaying a lastn-ad: indicator in asaoqintion with the
`A client device noearding to claim 22. "who-rein the Inst trade indicator is
`displayed in a last trade region (1006, 1207).
`A nlienl: device aooordinxroanyufthepreceding ulairnn, firrthur comprising
`25. Aelienrdevioe aocordingto anyoneofthepteccding claiJ'l1l,wher*er'nthefir=t
`and second indicatms comprise mnnbers (1020, 1101).
`A client device according to claim 25, wherein the &st_ indicator comprises the
`totalnnmberofbidsinthcmuxkctatthnhigholtbrldpdoe andwhereinthe second
`indicamr comprises the total number of asks in the market at the highest
`27. A client device according to any ofthe preceding claims,
`Page 22 of 32

`meahs for displaying a firs: plurality of indicator: in relafimi to a plurali
`ofprice levels On the
`asspciated with at least one order to buy the commodity; and
`means for asépxaying a second plunliw of indicators in telafion to a -
`pm-uity of
`levels on the &‘
`inqlicntors being associated witlrat least one otdcto sell the con-Eodlty.
`2814. Aclientdnv-ieooccowdingtoanyofthapxecedingclaimawhueinatlcasta‘ Q
`panion oftha
`isoisplayeain acolumn with uplurality ofcelk, each
`cell coxrcspoudingto udiifcrentpticelcvel.
`A method ofopcrafins a cliuntdevi¢e(1I0 -— 116) for reeeivix-lg commands
`relating m u oammoany to be traded on m electronic eicohange (101 — 103),
`receiving damn relating to said commodity from me electronic exchange. {he
`dun comprising 3 curnaxithidaeat bid price and a camera: loweét ask price available for
` (1006, 1203). the first indicator being associated with the current
`hi@:cstbidptiaefcu' ma ounnnodlty;
`displaying a
`a indicator as a second
`a ceeamd_priee
`1wamm , Iheaeoond indicatorbeing uaociated withfhg mm;
`' ufirstpdcelgvglong
`lowestaakprisefotthe commodity;
`displaying an drdar entry mg:
`plurality ofareas: each WWW
`it $7-Qnéa
`1003, 1004; 1201, 1202) g .
`a price level an the
`Page 23 of 32

`aandanordermossag -theelectmnicmm9 and
`9 andeaehareabeingselectahlabyauserinputmeanssoasmreoeiveacau-unandto
`thefirst and secpndindicators is movedrelativeto them
`@ a&fl«mtmuMd alongtheuua-pdfainaomrespouaaeto
`updafing the display ofthe its: and second indicator! ouch that at last one of
`the rseeipt of new data representing a different current highest bid price ancvor
`~, 9
`Amethod accomdingto ¢lnixn;lf,futther.eomp11aingthe step ofselectingone
`ofthe plurality of areas ofthe onder entry region by a single action ofthe use input
`27 30

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