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` ------------------------------------------------X
` Petitioners,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` ------------------------------------------------X
` Case CBM2014-00131
` Patent 7,533,056
` Case CBM2014-00133
` Patent 7,676,411
` Case CBM2014-00135
` Patent 6,772,132
` Case CBM2014-00137
` Patent 7,685,055
` Thursday, April 16, 2015
` 3:30 p.m.
`JOB NO. 13985
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`GTL 1026
`CBM 2014-00133


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` A P P E A R A N C E S:
` 1100 New York Ave. NW Suite 600
` Washington, DC 20005
` 202.371.2540
` LORI GORDON, ESQ., of Counsel
` ROBERT SOKOHL, ESQ., of Counsel
` 901 New York Avenue, NW
` Washington, DC 20001-4413
` 202 408 4000
` CORY BELL, ESQ., of Counsel
`1 2
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Good afternoon,
` this is Judge Medley. I have on the
` line with me Judge Hoffmann. This is
` in regards to CBM 2014 00131, 133, 135
` and 137. I would like to take a roll
` call beginning with the Petitioner
` first.
` MR. STRANG: Yes. Good morning,
` Your Honor, this is Jonathan Strang of
` Sterne Kessler and with me on the line
` I have Rob Sokohl and Lori Gordon.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Thank you.
` And for Patent Owner?
` MR. GOLDBERG: Good afternoon,
` Your Honor, this is Joshua Goldberg and
` I also have on the line Cory Bell for
` Patent Owner, Trading Technologies.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Thanks.
` And I understand that we have a court
` reporter; is that correct?
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. All right.
` So we understand that Petitioner
` requested the call, so we'd like for
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` the Petitioner to sort of walk through
` the issues -- actually we got the
` e-mail that you sent and that wasn't
` supremely clear on what all was going
` on, and just to tell the parties,
` really a 13 page e-mail is kind of over
` the top for the purpose of conference
` calls. We kind of want you to stay
` high level to just sort of bullets on
` what the issues are. We don't need the
` back and forth between the parties and
` all of that. So just for future
` reference.
` MR. STRANG: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So I'd like to
` begin with the issue of Mr. Brumfield's
` testimony, the timing on that, if you
` could explain that, please.
` MR. STRANG: Yes, Your Honor.
` Trading Technologies has agreed to make
` Mr. Brumfield available for cross, but
` only for two hours and limited to the
` scope of the testimony that they
` actually cited in the PORs. Trading
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` Technologies relied on Brumfield's
` testimony in two different proceedings,
` so under routine discovery, we are
` entitled to 14 hours of cross. We
` tried to reach an agreement with the
` other side lowering our request to just
` five hours. Trading Technologies
` offered just two hours and we haven't
` been able to close that gap between two
` and five hours. So we, TD Ameritrade,
` Petitioner, are asking the Board to
` order up to five hours of cross as
` routine discovery and, in the
` alternative, if the Board decides that
` this is not routine discovery for any
` reason, permission to file a motion for
` additional discovery so that -- of five
` hours of cross, so it may fully address
` Mr. Brumfield's testimony and our reply.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Patent
` Owner?
` MR. GOLDBERG: Yes. So a lot of
` the issue I think is actually coming
` down to whether this is routine
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` discovery or whether this is additional
` discovery. We did not submit an
` affidavit with testimony from
` Brumfield. All we submitted was copies
` of his previous trial testimony and
` under the rules routine discovery is
` limited to cross-examination of
` affidavit testimony. For that reason,
` it's our view that this is actually
` additional discovery and under
` additional discovery, in order to take
` the testimony, in order to take direct
` deposition testimony, the rules
` actually require that the party seeking
` the deposition needs to identify the
` scope and content of the deposition.
` Our dispute here is not about whether
` it's two or five hours. We can
` actually agree to the five hours. The
` dispute is that our view is that
` because this is additional discovery,
` this is just something that we are
` agreeing to do between the parties that
` they have not yet motioned the Board
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` for it. We are simply willing to agree
` that the scope of his testimony be
` limited to the relevant issues in his
` testimony as opposed to a bunch of
` other portions of the trial testimony
` that are related to things like a
` different company, eSpeed, trying to
` buy Trading Technologies. So that's
` really where the dispute lies, and
` since, again, routine discovery only
` applies to cross-examination of
` affidavit testimony, which we have not
` given in this case for Brumfield, this
` should be an additional discovery
` issue, and while we have previously
` asked Petitioner to identify the scope,
` they haven't been willing to do
` anything other than just say it's
` routine discovery and the scope is
` limited to the testimony. We don't
` know what that testimony is. Clearly
` the testimony about eSpeed trying to
` buy TT is totally irrelevant to these
` proceedings and there shouldn't be any
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` deposition on it, and we need to know
` where that line is before we can either
` agree to let them depose Mr. Brumfield
` under additional discovery or say that
` we can't and force a briefing on the
` issue.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. So I just
` want to clarify a few things. It
` sounds like the parties are in
` agreement that Mr. Brumfield can be
` cross-examined. Whether we call it
` routine or additional, you know the
` scope of cross should always be to
` relevant issues in the case. It
` shouldn't be to, you know, something
` that's outside of the scope of
` certainly the testimony of the
` individual or what the person relied on
` with respect to the proffering party,
` what they relied on in support of the
` arguments that they make. So I think
` whether or not -- it sounds like -- it
` sounds like, Patent Owner, not so much
` that you agree that five hours is too
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` much, it's whether or not you agree on
` the scope of what the cross-examination
` should be.
` MR. GOLDBERG: Right. And as
` Your Honor just noted, so long as the
` cross-examination, if you want to call
` it that, even though we would call it
` additional discovery, so long as it's
` limited to the testimony that Patent
` Owner actually relied on in the Patent
` Owner responses, we could rely on the
` five hours. We don't know that it
` would be necessary given that the
` entire testimony that we cited only
` took 30 minutes, but if Petitioner
` needs five hours to depose him on that
` 30 minutes, that's fine with us.
` Petitioner -- all right. That seems
` reasonable to me, that it should be
` contained within what they, you know,
` that your request should be contained
` within the scope of what Mr.
` Brumfield's original testimony was
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` relied upon for.
` MR. STRANG: Yes, Your Honor, as
` a matter of fact, had the agreement of
` five hours or the offer to agree to
` five hours been made before, we
` probably wouldn't be discussing this on
` this call.
` Well, let me just throw this out
` there then. Everybody agrees to five
` hours. If there's an issue with
` respect to whether or not the
` questioning goes astray, you know, you
` can always call the Board.
` MR. STRANG: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. So that's
` off the table.
` MR. GOLDBERG: Thank you, Your
` Honor.
` MR. STRANG: Thank you, Your
` Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: You're welcome.
` Okay. Let's go back to the
` first issue with respect to I believe
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` it's only with respect to the 131 and
` the 137 proceedings with respect to
` this, quote, unquote, opposition
` against the Japanese counterparts. If
` you can explain that, please,
` Petitioner.
` MR. STRANG: Yes, Your Honor.
` This is Jon Strang for Petitioner.
` The GE Ameritrade is using a
` document which we'll refer to as TSE,
` which stands for Tokyo Stock Exchange,
` as prior art in these two proceedings.
` Trading Technologies is arguing that
` TSE is not prior art and that Mr.
` Kawashima's deposition which was taken
` back in 2005 in Japan is not reliable
` because Mr. Kawashima, his employer
` apparently filed a, quote, opposition
` against the Japanese counterpart of the
` patent issue, end quote, and that's a
` quote from the POR.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Wait. I've got
` to -- slow down. I've got to figure
` out what's what. Okay. So they rely
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` on Kawashima's declaration in support
` of their argument that TSE is not prior
` art, it's not publicly available -- was
` not publicly available at the time?
` MR. STRANG: Not quite, Your
` Honor. We rely on Mr. Kawashima and
` they say that his testimony is not
` reliable because he's biased, because
` they allege that TS -- Tokyo Stock
` Exchange, his employer, filed an
` opposition against the Japanese
` counterpart of the patent at issue, but
` they have not provided that opposition.
` So in order to address -- in order to
` address this issue of bias, we need to
` see that opposition, and since it's
` Japanese, we need to see it in English.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So that was filed
` at the Japanese Patent Office?
` MR. STRANG: I don't know, Your
` Honor, we have not seen it.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. And it's
` not something that you could readily
` get a hold of?
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` MR. STRANG: Not to our
` knowledge, Your Honor. They didn't
` give us any patent number or signing
` information, but what goes even further
` is that even if we could pull it, it
` would be in Japanese, Your Honor, and
` 42 -- 37 CFR 42.63(b) says, quote, when
` a party relies on a document, unquote,
` it is required to produce a translation
` of the document in English. They rely
` on this opposition, so it's our
` position that they are, under the
` rules, required to produce an English
` translation of this document.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: If they had put
` it into the record, but they didn't
` even put it into the record; correct?
` MR. STRANG: Well, the Rule
` 42.63 doesn't have that requirement,
` Your Honor. It actually states, and
` I'm reading from 42.63(b). Now,
` translation required. Next sentence,
` when a party relies on a document or is
` required to produce a document in a
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` language other than English, a
` translation of the document into
` English and an affidavit attesting to
` the accuracy of the translation must be
` filed with the document. So we're
` reading the when a party relies on a
` document. Now, if we'd been in
` District Court, we probably would have
` asked to strike this accusation as
` unsupported, but we're not there and
` this is in the POR, so it's a matter of
` fundamental fairness that they produce
` the evidence that they rely upon in
` this allegation.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Well, we also
` have a rule that -- I don't know, you
` know, right off the top of my head I
` can't remember what it is, but it is
` fundamental to say if someone proffers
` up an argument and they say, you know,
` they don't give us the evidence to
` support it to give a factual basis,
` then we just don't -- we don't credit
` or give it weight. So I'll let Patent
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` Owner talk about this issue right now.
` MR. GOLDBERG: Yes. So, Your
` Honor, you just actually hit one of the
` main points here, but I do just want to
` back up and make sure that I have it
` clear as to exactly what's going on
` here and I'll just quote for you the
` actual sentence that this comes up in
` in the Patent Owner responses. All we
` say is that Exhibit 1007 is the
` deposition of Mr. Kawashima, an
` employee of TSE, which filed an
` opposition against the Japanese
` counterpart of the patent at issue in
` the litigation in which the deposition
` was taken. Full stop. We don't
` include any exhibit, we don't include
` any other citations, and with respect
` to the rules on routine discovery and
` in particular the rule about handing
` over copies of exhibits and things like
` that, the PTO’s AIA blog has actually
` said that that rule does not require
` that a party create materials or
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` provide materials not cited, and since
` we didn't cite anything, I don't see
` why we should be required to provide
` it. As Your Honor actually recognized,
` it's within the Board's discretion to
` determine what weight things should be
` given and that's basically all we have
` to say on the matter.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Did you
` submit evidence that this individual is
` or was at the time of his deposition,
` the transcript that you're relying on,
` at that time he was an employee of TSE?
` MR. GOLDBERG: We did not submit
` evidence of that, but I will note that
` the deposition testimony itself, which
` was submitted by Petitioner, actually
` right in the early pages of it says
` that he was an employee of TSE at that
` time.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. So back to
` Petitioner, you know, I don't think
` that we would compel them, it sounds
` like you want us to compel them to give
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` up this information. If they don't
` give it up, you know, it is what it is.
` We give the -- we give it little or no
` weight with respect to what they're
` citing it for.
` MR. STRANG: Yes, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So to me, it
` seems sort of like a nonstarter,
` nonissue, but I'm willing to hear
` anything else you have to say about it.
` MR. STRANG: No, Your Honor, if
` that's the Board's position, we're fine
` with that.
` So that addresses that issue.
` Then we trace back to the next
` issue. With respect to the Thomas
` reports, could you please explain that?
` MR. STRANG: Yes, Your Honor.
` The Thomas reports have a little bit
` difficult history, so if you'll bear
` with me for a short minute. The Thomas
` expert reports, and there's two of
` them, between all four proceedings, at
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` least one, if not both, of the expert
` reports show up in the proceeding, and
` they're largely identical. One is a
` first corrected report of Mr. Thomas
` and another one is a second corrected
` expert report of Mr. Thomas, and the
` short excerpts that we have appear
` that -- the overlapping excerpts that
` we have appear that the documents are
` substantively identical and perhaps
` some corrections were made at some
` portions of the document that's not
` immediately apparent.
` Trading Technologies filed these
` excerpts into the proceeding, and then
` when we objected on the basis of
` hearsay, they -- and among other
` things, they provided -- they served a
` declaration for Mr. Thomas adopting
` these expert reports or portions of
` these expert reports as his testimony.
` So it's our position -- it is our
` position that that doesn't remove from
` Trading Technologies the obligation
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` under routine discovery to serve any,
` quote, any exhibit cited in a paper,
` and since the expert reports were cited
` in the paper, it's our position that
` the full and complete expert reports
` should be provided so that we can see
` all of this testimony in context.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. So, again,
` I'm going to ask you again what I asked
` you earlier, these are -- these reports
` are not readily available to you?
` MR. STRANG: No, Your Honor, and
` as a matter of fact, portions that are
` redacted, it states right in the
` document redacted, highly confidential
` information, and so since the Board
` doesn't know this, the parties
` discussed issues of confidential
` information and at Trading
` Technologies' request, the attorneys
` for TD Ameritrade, myself, Lori Gordon
` and Rob Sokohl, signed acknowledgments
` agreeing to be bound by the Board's
` standing order, standing Protective
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` Order, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: For the Thomas
` reports, did they submit them as --
` under a motion to seal?
` MR. STRANG: No, Your Honor,
` they filed the Thomas reports -- they
` filed just excerpts. It's Exhibits
` 2010 and 2201 in the various
` proceedings, Your Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: But I was just
` curious. You said you all agree to be
` bound by the Protective Order, the
` Board's Protective Order with respect
` to what?
` MR. STRANG: With respect to
` everything, Your Honor, that the
` standing Protective Order binds us that
` if something is marked Confidential,
` that we will follow the rules of the
` Protective Order, which is in essence
` don't show the stuff to anybody else.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: So does the
` exhibits that you just mentioned, 2010
` and the 2201, those were marked --
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` they're under some kind of Protective
` Order? Were they sealed in any of
` these cases?
` MR. STRANG: I don't know that,
` Your Honor, but I assume that they were
` based on the fact that Trading
` Technologies marked them that they were
` redacted for highly confidential
` information, but we did -- the two --
` these two excerpts, they're overlapping
` excerpts, and we can see, for example,
` Exhibit 2201 is missing pages 2 through
` 5, which included Mr. Thomas's
` background, the information he
` considered and so forth, and pages 15
` through 19 which address Trading
` Technologies' alleged invention, its
` benefits, the prior art system, the
` level of ordinary skill in the art and
` claim construction. So through this
` overlapping, we can see that the
` redactions are inconsistent, so we are
` not sure exactly how much of this is
` confidential. But if it is
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` confidential, we are bound -- we've
` already agreed to be bound by the
` Board's standing Protective Order, Your
` Honor.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. Patent
` Owner, can I hear your thoughts on this
` issue?
` MR. GOLDBERG: Yes. So first
` just to I guess clear up the background
` a little bit, the -- as you recognized
` earlier, the e-mail to the Board was
` very long and included 13 pages or so.
` At the beginning of the parties'
` discussions about what Petitioner
` wanted from Patent Owner and what
` Patent Owner would be willing to give
` them, the list of documents the
` Petitioner was seeking was very large,
` more than 50 documents, and in that
` back and forth, one of the things that
` we were doing was trying to just give
` over everything that we could because
` we wanted to be reasonable, and
` regardless of whether we thought they
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15
` were actually entitled to it, we wanted
` to just resolve the issue so that we
` didn't end up being on a call like
` this, and we've actually handed over
` more than 50 of the documents that they
` had requested and we have given over
` all the ones that do not have
` confidential or third party
` confidential information. Now, as to
` these Thomas reports, well, the first
` one was served and it was just a longer
` version, and it was just with our
` Patent Owner preliminary response, and
` it had some portions that were
` redacted, we don't think that there's
` any inconsistency with the second
` report that we filed with our Patent
` Owner response. What we did in the
` Patent Owner response is we were
` actually referencing the exhibit that
` had been submitted in the CQG District
` Court proceedings and the exhibit that
` we filed here was an exact copy of the
` exhibit that was filed in the District
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` Court proceedings. So it wasn't that
` there were pages missing because we
` redacted them, it's just those pages
` weren't relevant to the District Court
` 101 issues where it was submitted. So
` those pages weren't submitted to the
` District Court, and for that reason
` weren't submitted here.
` Now, the portions of the -- let
` me start by saying we can and we will
` give to Petitioner the full version of
` that second Thomas report subject to
` the same type of redactions that were
` applied to the first report that was
` served with the preliminary response.
` The redactions that will exist in that
` document and do already exist in the
` first version of their report are all
` redactions related to third party
` confidential information. This was
` actually an expert report focusing on
` infringement issues submitted in the
` District Court litigation with CQG and
` we are not at liberty, Protective Order
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` or otherwise, to be handing over that
` third party confidential information,
` which is not relevant to any of the
` issues here since the infringement of
` CQG's products are not at issue in this
` CBM proceeding.
` Beyond that, I do just want to
` note that given the third party
` confidential information which would
` actually I think require a subpoena to
` issue in order to be able to bring it
` into this proceeding, that is something
` that actually requires even more an
` additional discovery and the Board has
` previously ruled that there are various
` additional factors, specifically that
` the person seeking it needs to identify
` as specifically as possible the
` testimony it seeks, it needs to explain
` why the information is relevant, needed
` in the proceeding, and it also needs to
` describe all efforts made by Petitioner
` to obtain that information. This is in
` the IBM v. Intellectual Ventures case,
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` IPR2014-01385.
` JUDGE MEDLEY: Okay. So let me
` just back up, so you -- have you
` discussed your proposition with them
` that you would give up the second
` report with the redactions or is this
` coming to light now?
` MR. GOLDBERG: No. That's
` just -- we were just looking it over
` just before this call, and we can do
` that, and as Petitioner recognized,
` substantively it's basically the same.
` The only reason why we had the
` difference between the reports is
` because when we were submitting the
` report in our Patent Owner response, we
` chose to just specifically give to you
` guys the exhibit that was cited in the
` District Court proceedings since that's
` what the District Court judge was
` relying on.
` Petitioner, does that appease you at
` this point?
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` Conference Call - 4/16/15

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