Patent Eligible Subject Matter
`TD Ameritrade v. Trading Technologies
`Page 1 of 112


`TT Claims Directed to Eligible Subject Matter
`• Not directed to an abstract idea—
`i.e., a fundamental economic concept
`• Not claiming merely “trading” or “displaying
`market data” with a generic computer tacked on
`• Do not preempt trading or
`displaying market information
`• Directed to specific features of an
`inventive GUI—technology
`(Improves functioning of computer)
`Page 2 of 112


`35 U.S. Code § 101—Inventions Patentable
`101: Inventions Patentable
`“Whoever invents or discovers
`any new and useful process,
`machine, manufacture, or
`composition of matter, or any
`new and useful improvement
`thereof, may obtain a patent
`therefor, subject to the
`conditions and requirements
`of this title.”
`Page 3 of 112


`35 U.S. Code—Other Sections
`102: Novelty
`103: Non-obviousness
`112: Written description
`Page 4 of 112


`Case Law
`Bilski v. Kappos,
`130 S.Ct. 3218 at 3225 (2010).
`Supreme Court
`“Congress took this permissive approach to patent
`eligibility to ensure that ‘ingenuity should receive
`liberal encouragement.’”
`Quoting Chakrabarty, 100 S.Ct. at 2207.
`Page 5 of 112


`Case Law
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`Supreme Court exceptions: “Laws of nature, natural
`phenomena, and abstract ideas are ‘the basic tools of
`scientific and technological work.’”
`Quoting Myriad, 133 S.Ct. at 2116.
`Page 6 of 112


`Overriding Concern = Pre-emption
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“[T]he concern that drives this exclusionary principle
`[is] one of pre-emption.”
`“[U]pholding the patent “would pre-empt use of this
`approach (hedging) in all fields, and would effectively
`grant a monopoly over an abstract idea.”
`Quoting Bilski, 130 S.Ct. at 3218.
`Page 7 of 112


`Overriding Concern = Pre-emption
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“We have ‘repeatedly emphasized this… concern that
`patent law not inhibit further discovery by improperly tying
`up the future use of’ these building blocks of human
` Quoting Mayo, 132 S.Ct. at 1292.
`Page 8 of 112


`Overriding Concern = Pre-emption
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354-55 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“Accordingly, in applying the § 101 exception, we must distinguish
`between patents that claim the “‘building[g] block[s]’” of human
`ingenuity and those that integrate the building blocks into something
`more, thereby “transform[ing]” them into a patent-eligible invention. The
`former “would risk disproportionately tying up the use of the underlying”
`ideas and are therefore ineligible for patent protection. The latter pose
`no comparable risk of pre-emption, and therefore remain eligible for the
`monopoly granted under our patent laws.
`Quoting Mayo, 132 S.Ct. at 1294, 1303 (citations omitted)
`Page 9 of 112


`What Is an Abstract Idea?
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2350 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“‘[a]n idea of itself is not patentable.’”
`Quoting Benson, 93 S.Ct. at 255.
`“A principle, in the abstract, is a fundamental truth;
`an original cause; a motive; these cannot be patented,
`as no one can claim in either of them an exclusive right.”
`Quoting Le Roy, 55 U.S. at 144.
`Page 10 of 112


`What Is an Abstract Idea?
`Benson: mathematical algorithm itself +
`generic computer
`Parker: mathematical formula + generic
`Bilski: fundamental economic concept of
`Alice: fundamental economic concept of
`intermediated settlement (on a generic
`Page 11 of 112


`Bilski: Claims Directed to Hedging
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2357 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“[T]he Court grounded its conclusion that all of the claims
`at issue were abstract ideas in the understanding that risk
`hedging was a ‘fundamental economic practice.’”
`Quoting Bilski, 130 S.Ct. at 3230.
`Page 12 of 112


`Alice: Claims Directed to Settlement +
`Generic Computer
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2355, 2360 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“These claims are drawn to the abstract idea of intermediated settlement.”
`“Viewed as a whole, petitioner’s method claims simply recite the concept of
`intermediate settlement as performed by a generic computer… the claims at
`issue amount to ‘nothing significantly more’ than an instruction to apply the
`abstract idea of intermediated settlement using some unspecified, generic
`computer… Under our precedents, that is not ‘enough’ to transform an abstract
`idea into a patent-eligible invention.”
`Quoting Mayo, 132 S.Ct. at 1297, 1298.
`Page 13 of 112


`Fundamental Economic Practice
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2356 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“The Court explained that ‘hedging is a fundamental
`economic practice long prevalent in our system of
`commerce and taught in any introductory finance class.’”
`Quoting Bilski, 130 S.Ct. at 3231.
`Intermediated settlement is “a building block of the modern
`Alice, 134 S.Ct. at 2356.
`Page 14 of 112


`Most Software Related Inventions Are Eligible
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2358-59 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“There is no dispute that…many computer-
`implemented claims are formally addressed to
`patent-eligible subject matter.”
`Page 15 of 112


`Most Software Related Inventions Are Eligible
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“At the same time, we tread carefully in construing this
`exclusionary principle lest it swallow all of patent law. At
`some level, ‘all inventions…embody, use, reflect, rest upon,
`or apply laws of nature, natural phenomena, or abstract
`ideas.’ Thus, an invention is not rendered ineligible for
`patent simply because it involves an abstract concept.”
`Quoting Mayo, 132 S. Ct. at 1293–1294 (citations omitted).
`Page 16 of 112


`Claims to Technology Are Clearly 101 Eligible
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2359–60 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`“Viewed as a whole, petitioner’s method claims simply recite the
`concept of intermediate settlement as performed by a generic
`computer…The method claims do not, for example, purport to improve
`the functioning of the computer itself…Nor do they effect an
`improvement in any other technology or technical field…instead, the
`claims at issue amount to ‘nothing significantly more’ than an
`instruction to apply the abstract idea of intermediated settlement using
`some unspecified, generic computer… Under our precedents, that is
`not ‘enough’ to transform an abstract idea into a patent-eligible
`invention.” [citations omitted]
`Page 17 of 112


`Claims to Technology Are Clearly 101 Eligible
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2358 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`Diehr gives example of eligibility despite claim employing a
`mathematical equation.
`“[T]he claims in Diehr were patent eligible because they
`improved an existing technological process, not because
`they were implemented on a computer.”
`Diehr, 101 S. Ct. 1048 (1981).
`Page 18 of 112


`Two Part Test
`Alice Corp. v. CLS Bank,
`134 S.Ct. 2347, 2354 (2014).
`Supreme Court
`Part 1: Are claims at issue directed towards an “abstract idea”?
`“[a]n idea of itself”
`Part 2: If so, consider “the elements of each claim both
`individually and ‘as an ordered combination’ to determine
`whether the additional elements ‘transform the nature of the
`claim’ into a patent-eligible application.”
`“inventive concept”
`Quoting Mayo, 132 S.Ct. at 1294, 1297, 1298.
`Page 19 of 112


`Two Part Test
`Part 1: Are claims at issue directed towards an “abstract idea”?
`“[a]n idea of itself”
`Part 2: If so, consider “the elements of each claim both individually and
`‘as an ordered combination’ to determine whether the additional
`elements ‘transform the nature of the claim’ into a patent-eligible
`“inventive concept”
`TT’s claims eligible under both prongs
`Page 20 of 112


`Case Law
`Supreme Court
`Key Takeaway:
`Cannot patent an abstract idea with a
`generic computer tacked on
`Page 21 of 112


`Claims Directed to Eligible Subject Matter
`Examples of Abstract ideas looked
`at by the U.S. Supreme Court:
`Supreme Court
`• Fundamental economic practices
`• Mathematical expressions
`Page 22 of 112


`Technological Inventions Are Eligible for Patents
`Can patent improvements to:
`• Technology
`• A technical field
`• The functioning of computer
`Page 23 of 112


`TT’s Claims Are Eligible Under 101
`• Not directed to abstract idea
`• Do not pre-empt ability to trade
`• Do not pre-empt displaying data
`• Claim a new trading tool
`• Rooted in computer technology—GUI
`Page 24 of 112


`CQG’s Improper Analysis
` says TT’s claims are merely directed to:
`“the abstract idea of placing an order for a
`commodity on an electronic exchange, based
`on observed market information, as well as
`updating the market information.”
`–Dkt. 898, at 1
`Page 25 of 112


`CQG’s Improper Analysis
`method of placing a trade order for a commodi ty on
`an elcctrontc ex-.:hange having an inside market with a
`t bid price and a lowest ask price, using a graphical
`Wl(;f iutcrfa<..c autl a u~"r iuput dt:vice, said mt;llmtl wm(cid:173)
`sening a prc.~et parameter for rhe trade order
`displaying market depth of the commodity, through a
`dynamic display of a plurality of bids and a plurality of
`asks in the ma rket for the commodity, including at least
`a portio 1~ of the bid and ask quantities o( the
`l:UJI.lllludity, tlw dym11 uic display being aligoed wil11 a
`static display of prices corresponding thereto, wherein
`the static displny of prices does not move in response
`to a change in tbe inside market;
`displaying an order entry region aligned with the static
`display pncc comprising a plurality of areas for
`rt:ctivi ng C<.lmmand!> from the user input devices tu
`send trade orders, each area corresponding to a price of
`the stntic display of prices; and
`elect ing a particular area. in the order enrry region
`ingJe action of the user input device with a
`pointer of the u er input device positioned over the
`particu Jar area 10 set a pluraliry of addiLional param(cid:173)
`eter lor the trade order and send the trade order to the
`electronic exchange.
`I /\method for displaying market intormation rdatma. 10
`and (actbtallog tradiog of a commodi1y bctng traded tn an
`d~:ctrl) ll ic ellcl•aoge having an inside marh l \\-ilh a hi~h.:-.t
`htd pnce and a lo~ ask price on a g.rapbu.:ill \ber ulll.:rla~o.~.
`the mc.•hOO comprising:
`d~ nJ m ically displaying a fiiSt indi.:aklf •n l' ll"' of a plu(cid:173)
`ralny of locations in a bid display regton, each locJttoo
`m th.: hie[ clisplay region corr.:•;pumhng 111 " pm:~.; lc""l
`a lu~ a 1.:ommon static prke axi!-., the lir-.t imJicatur
`repr senting quantity associated witb :11 least one order
`ro huy rhe commodity ar the highe<\1 hid pnce c11rrenrly
`nv11ilahlt: in the:: markt:~
`dynamically displaying a second indicator in one of n
`plura lir.y of locations in an ask clisplny rc~ion, each
`lvo.:1aliou in llle ask display regiou r..:wrc~puudiug to t1
`price level along the common sl:alic. price tiX i'l, tho
`sct•oocl indicator representing quanlity nssndu L~d with
`;tl ]e!\,l,t one order to sell tbe commodity nt the lowest
`ask price currently available m t b~: m:~rl<e l ;
`displaying Lhc bid and ask display regions in rd alion 10
`tixed price levels position"'d :~long the com mon '>tJtic
`price axis sucb thai -.vilen the m; cb:~ ngt<;. th~:
`prkc l~vch alo ng tl1e commnu :o.JaLi~.: priet. aoci-. uu llltl
`move and al leas! one of Lbc fir it aod ~couJ Jtlllkatvr-.
`OX>\'c.S in the bid or ask di~play region' relatl\'e 10 lilt.
`t:ommoo static price axis;
`d i.<;pi3}1Dg an order entry region compris10g :a ptur.1ht) ol
`lr"Calinr:r- fur rccciving oomm.tmb In -..:nd lr:ulc unk:r-,
`ucb location cmra:;ponding to :t priu; k:vd .tlung lh\;
`\.'Ommoo stattc price axis; and
`in rl:l>JX>"* to a selection u( d parti.:ular kl(.:alton of lh~.:
`order entry region by a single a.:tion of a Ul>Cr input
`device, ~lli ng, a plura lil~ uf paramclcn. fur a Irati..:
`nrtlcr relating lo the commodity ;mel N;nthng I he lr.ulc
`order to the e.lectrouic exchange.
`Ex. 1, ’132 at Claim 1
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Page 26 of 112


`CQG’s Improper Analysis
`method of pladng a trade order for a rommodi ty on
`an c lcctwnt~ c'~h.tngc avtng an mstde market with a
`bigb . t bid price and a lowest ask price, using a graphical
`u~r iutt:rla(.l: <tttd .t u~u iupul Jc~ i<.:~;;, said mt;llmd wm(cid:173)
`scning a prc.~et parameter for rhe trade order
`display1ng market depth of the commodity, through a
`dynamic display of a plurality of bids and a plurality of
`asks in the market for the commodity, including at least
`a portio 1~ of the bid and ask quantities o( the
`l:UII.lllludity, tlw dym11uic display being aligoed wil11 a
`static display of prices corresponding thereto, wherein
`the static displny of prices does not move in response
`to a change in tbe inside market;
`<hsplay1ng an order entry region aligned with the static
`display pncc comprising a plurality of areas for
`rtctiving C<.lmmand!> from the user input devices tu
`send trade orders, each area corresponding to a price of
`the stntic dis play of prices; and
`<>dcet ing a particular area. in the order enrry region
`ingJe action of the user input device with a
`pointer of the u er input device positioned over the
`particu tar area to set a plurality of addiLional param(cid:173)
`eter lor the trade order and send the trade order to the
`electro nic exchange.
`I /\ method for dispbying markel iOI\lffilJll\ n rdaun ~ 10
`and faC'thlatJOg l radin~ of a com mod at~ t-ung t·Jd\d tn ln
`" ""11l•rtu.: .:'\dl,lfl!)..: having an instde markd \\-ilh a h i~h.: ... t
`btd pnce and a lo~ ask price on a g.rapbu.:ill \ber ulll.:rta .. ~.
`the mc.•hOO comprising:
`d~ nJmically Ji..<;pbying. a fiiSt indi.:aklf •n l'll"' of a plu(cid:173)
`ralny of locanons in a bid display regton, each IOCJIIOO
`m th.: hitl clisplay region corr.:•;pumhng 111" pm:~.; lc,;""l
`a lu~ a 1.:ommon static prke dxi!-., the lir\t imJicalur
`repr senting quantity associated witb :11 least one order
`to huy rhe commodi ty at the highe<\t hid pnce c11rren1ly
`nv11ilahlt: in the:: markt:~
`dynamically displaying a second indicator in one of n
`plurality of locations in an ask clisplny rc~ion, each
`lvo.:1aliou in llle ask display regiou r..:wrc~puud iug lo t1
`price level along the common st:alic. price tiX i'l, tho
`sct•oocl indicator representing quanlity nssnd ut~d with
`;tl ]<;!\,l,l one order to sell tbe commodity nt the lowest
`ask price currently available m t b~: m:~ rl<e t ;
`di!-.playing the bid and ask display regions in rdalion to
`tixed price levels positioned :~long the com mon '>latk
`price axis sucb thai -.vilen too m; cb:~ ngt<;. t h~:
`prkc l~v.:h along tl1e com mnu :o.J aLi~.: p rie&. aoci ... uu tlltl
`move and at leas! one of the fir >1 aod ~couJ Jttdk atvr-.
`OX>\ 'c.S in the bid or ask di~play region' relall\'e 10 the.
`'-'Ommon static price axis;
`d L.,piJ\10~ an order entry region compris10g :a plur.1ht) ol
`lncaliorr- fur rccciving oomm.tntb In -..:nd lr:ulc unk:r-,
`ucb location cmra:;ponding to :t priu; k:vd .tlung th\;
`\.'Ommoo stattc price axis; and
`in rcl>JX>"* lo a selection u( d parli.:ular kl(.:alton of lh~.:
`order eolry region by a single a.:tion of a Ul>Cr input
`device, :<Umg a pluralit~ uf paramclcn. fur a Irati..:
`nrtlcr r.:laling lo the commodil y ;mel :-.t;nchng I he lr.ulc
`order to the e-lectronic exchange.
`Ex. 1, ’132 at Claim 1
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Page 27 of 112


`CQG’s Improper Analysis
`an clcctr<' n•~ cx~h tn:.!,c
`iutcri<KC .111d J U"il.l inpu l Jcvit:t:,
`nar.tmch:r for the t adc ordt;r
`the ~ lmmodit,. tl n ugh a
`d1spiJying m
`I ct d~;l th o
`.. daspl ' ) .1 pluralit) o( bids and a 1l1Urdlil) c,f
`asks 111 h(; 11 11 kc.:tlo the cnmm >etity, mcludmg al t..:asl
`1 portae 1 of lhv h1d md ask quanl itius ( i the
`~.,;ullllllJHlit\, til~; d) IJ,llllk di~pla~ bt:iug. alig11l'll wall1 "
`"il.aiJl' d!"J1l.•y ol priL·~·s cnrrt;}srnnding therl'tr', whl a in
`till st, lll dtspl.ty ol pm:cs doc!'. not movt: in t:sp •nsc:
`I ,lfluc 111 the n~dc markt-l;
`tllspl.ay111g n
`'dcr cnlr) rcgt n all.!ned Wllh th
`pluraltv oi arc
`from l ... inp
`mespoodmg t
`Ex. 1, ’132 at Claim 1
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Page 28 of 112


`CQG’s Phantom Claim Covers All
`Trading Screens
`10:48:44 Bid() AskQ Pre LTO
`L l
`R l
`s 0 w 24
`s 0
`10 1H
`xJ 10
`~~3 EJD 97
`B 0
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Page 29 of 112


`CQG’s Phantom Claim Covers All
`Trading Screens
`1. A 111~thoJ lor displaying market information dating_ t(•
`and t.1cthtarmg_ trading of a commodity being traded in an
`dcclronic exchange uvm:,; ;m insich.; wiili7Tr:g t:::-.1
`hid pt i.:e . .u1d a lo\1 .:s asl, puce <111 o.t g,r a]'hicaltL"t;J imcrfact:.
`lht melhl)d ..:''mpn"mg:
`dvoamkaLy displaying a first imlic<~Lor in tJm: tot ll plu(cid:173)
`Jallt~ ot Jo .. atJons 10 a l>td flisplay regwn, cacb k'callon
`m l~c hid chsp1:1y rcg1<:n cnrrc:;sp•1nding to~ 11ricc lvvcl
` ll L1ltnlfllln ;,llllil' pri.:t: :JXi~ t!Jc nrsl indJClllllf
`rvprcs...:nring quantity a"socwtt.:d With <tt lca~t one ord.:r
`to buy lbc commfldity at the bigbcsc b1d pnct. curn:ntly
`a\·ail;lhlc in r1c markd.
`dynamkally displaying .1 second mdk.ttor tn LlfiC o1 3
`plmalily of lrx:1 1oos w an a~k displ:ly rrg.ioo, cacl1
`lol:<tlio 1 i11 tla: ask di..,play rt::gtllll corr.:s1J011Uiug (,, a
`Frtcc: kvt·-1 along De common slJltc pn..:~ axc-;, the
`sc.:ond iodi,acor rtpres<.:nltng. quanliry aossoci:1tetl with
`al k~:,l om: OJrder t~• o.,dltu<: ~muwoditv at tlt~: ll>\\ic:,l
`as!. Jri..:c ~..urrc:otlv avallablc: in the markc:l,
`displl•ying lhc bHI r:nd w.;k di:-;pJ;J~ r..:gwo.; m rcl:1!Hm o
`u ... ~J PI i..:c k\'t::b postiJUUt:U altH!l!, lilt +.:l•liiiUUll stall..:
`J'fKt' ~Xl'- such that wh.:n !be. insidt market .. :hJill.(<::s, 1 1e
`pncc kvd1' alrm'=- lh..: ..:nmrnon static pri..:..: axt~-d•J nt11
`lllll\t: and :~l lea..<ol t•ll.: c•ftlt<:: first and secoud i•H.licawrs
`IDO'-·t:, in tho: bid or ask display region~ rdall\'c: to the
`,:c'm'1lnn .;falic pri..:c ;L'iis;
`displa ing an ordct l..lltl.Y n::gioo compn;-;iug a plurality of
`Clc;, fc,r rci.'crvmg .:,·,mm:mos to c;.end tra<ll' ordn-.,
`.:a.:h lol<:;Jhon corresponding IP :~ price lev..:l along 1h~
`..:omm\•n stati..: pri...:._ a..xis, and
`in rc-.;ponsc In :1 sdcciion o1 a pnnicular 1ocalion nf lhc
`urd-:r C.:!J!B w~il'II L,~ u siudc at.:Liuu ur a u-.t:r umat
`UO:VIl~. selling! a pJur:.JiLy oJ' paramt:cUS for a trade
`,,refer re•:111ng to iht: C•lffinloldiry ~nd sending lbe rradt:
`l•rdtT to U1~; electmnk exchaog~.:.
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Contract Deoth
`BidatV Bid Pre
`Ask Pre ~skQtv LastPrc LastQtv Total
`7629 815
`7630 600
`7631 2456
`7632 800
`Page 30 of 112


`CQG’s Phantom Claim Covers All
`Trading Screens
`100 x 113.54 FGBL SEF04 GTO Llmlt <Nont>
`.:.:.:::JI---:;.,_--=.;.;:;:;,.::.........., G TO t.nJ <NO!'e :::JI Open ::::lA 1 3
`, . . - - - - -l
`Ex. 2, ’304 at Claim 1
`Page 31 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims
`’132 Patent, Claim 1
`’304 Patent, Claim 1
`Page 32 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims: E.g., ‘304 Claim 1
`1. A method for dt.,playmg market information relating to
`and facilitating tradtng o f a commodity being traded in an
`eJectronic cxcho~n~~: ha' tng an msidc market with a rugbest
`bid price and a I•'""'' a<.k priL"C on a graphical user interface.
`the method compri,tng
`dynamically dt,pl.l~ tns a Jir;t tndic:uor in one of a plu(cid:173)
`rality of lc~ation., 111 a hid tli)>play region, each location
`in the bid di,play region corrc~ponding to a price level
`along a l.'Cimmon 'tatic price axis, the first indicator
`represent in~ quantity Oi-S<Iciatcd with at least one order
`to huy the cnmmnclity 111 the highest hid price currently
`av:tilahlc in the murkcl;
`dynamically displaying 11 sceoml indit·al\lf in onl: of a
`pluralit y of loc.::lliOIIS in 1111 a ~k di~p l :.y region, each
`local ion in the U~>k display rc~iuu ~.:urrcl>pondiog to a
`price level along the t.-ommon stntic price axis, the
`second indicator representing quantity associated with
`at Jell!)! one t'rdcr 10 )>Cit the commodity at the lowe 1
`ask price current!\ avaalahlc in tbc market;
`displaying th" haJ :~nd ask tlasplay regions in relation to
`fixed pnc'- h.:'·'-h J'<Niaoncd along the common static
`price axi' ,u .. h th.&t when the insade market changes, the
`price level<, .tlong the common static price axis do not
`move and at ka_c;t one of the first and second indicators
`move, in the had or a.'k dt,play region<; relati\.-e to the
`common statac pnce ax~
`tli. ... playuag an uuk:r ~ntry 1'\.gKm a plurality of
`lliC<Ittun.-. lm n.x~:a' 10)1. ~umt namh It• '-'=nd trad(; urdcrs,
`c;tda h~e;~taon (.'tlrfc,pomliug 111 ;a prk~: lo.:vd alung the
`L,nmtun 1\t.ltl'-' pm:c a\i .... and
`in response to a sdcction of a panicular location of the
`order cntr) region by n l>inglc action of a user input
`dcvi~.:o, selling a plurality of parnml:tcrs for a tradv
`ordur rulati ug Itt lhc COitllatodily und sending the tradu
`order to the electronic.: exchange,
`FIG. 3
`~ 024
`~017 NET REAl
`AskO Pre LTO
`FIG. 4
`[- u::n&:
`1048~ BidO AskO Pre LTO
`104 99
`115 96
`X I 10
`s 10 w 14
`w 15
`1K 5H
`xl 10
`lo 97
`w 17 NET REAl
`Page 33 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims
`FIG. 4
`115 96
`l. A method tor di:.p!.tyiog market information relating to
`nod facilitating trading of a commodity being traded in an
`electronic cxch.tngc havmg an in<oidc market with a highest
`bid price and a lo\h:'-t .t'-k price on a graphical user interface.
`the method t:ompn..,tnt;.
`·········~·····in one of a p lu-
`rality of 1<1\:alllln-. 10 a bid display regio n, each location
`in the bid display region corresponding to a price JeyeJ
`along a common
`tatic price axis, the first indicator
`representing quantity a:o...'i<Jcinted with at least one order
`to buy the commodity nt the highc~t hid price currently
`<~vui l ahlc ill the markut;
`dyuarnicutly displaying n second iudicutor in one.: of a
`plurality of lm:n tious in au a:.k region, c.:ai.:h
`location in the U!o>k display region Clllle~pundiog to a
`price level ;dong the common static price axis, the
`o;ecood indicator representing quantity associated with
`at lea.<,ton~.: order to M:ll the commodity at the lowest
`a.'-k price current!~ :wa.ilablc in the markcL:
`displaying th'- b1d and a.<>k d1 play regaons in relation 10
`fixed pric'- k'd' ~tS itioncd along the common static
`price a xi-. '-U~ h that when the in<>i<k: market changes, the
`pnce level<. along the common <>latic price ax:is do not
`move and at least one of the first and second indicators
`moves in the htd or ru.k display regions relative to the
`common MaliC price axis.
`tli.,playin~ an orck.r \.ntry n.~ton compri'"'C. a plurality of
`I<ICJtiUII.'- l<•r rcc~l\ 1 0~ \.'IIITinlJmh 111 "'mltrad~ urlk:rs,
`~.u.:h locatmn ~"'lff~'-pondin~ In ,, pnu: kvcl along tb~
`l."nuuun :.l.ttu.: pric~ a:~.i,, :tnd
`in rcspon<.e to a !)C)cctioo of 11 p::tnicular location of the
`order entry region by a single nction of a user input
`device, '1.!11111~ :t plur~llity uf paramc.:tcr' for a track
`order rclut111g to the corn111odity and licnding the tra<.lc
`order to the e lectronic exchange.
`- --··
`- ·-·-
`- ----
`- ·---
`Time 1
`- ·-··
`Time 2
`Page 34 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims
`l. A method tor di:.p!.tyiog market information relating to
`nod facilitating trading of a commodity being traded in an
`electronic cxch.tngc havmg an io<oidc market with a highest
`bid price and a lo\h:'-1 .t'-k price on a graphical user interface.
`the method t:ompn..,tnt;.
`·~~~~~~····~~-~~·llftm ooc: of a
`rality uf lti\:JIIIlll'- 10 a hid display n.:gion, each location
`in the bid di'>play region corresponding to a price leYel
`along a common
`tatic price axis, the fi rst indicator
`representing quantity a:o...'i<Jcinted with at least one order
`to bu y the commodity nt the highc~t hid price currently
`<~vui l ahle ill the markut;
`dyuarnicu tly displaying n second iudicutor in one.: o f a
`plu ra lity of lm:ntious in au a:.k ay region, c.:ai.:h
`location in the U!o>k display region Cllllc~pund iog to a
`price level ;dong the common static price axis, the
`o;ecood indicator representing quantity associated with
`at lea.<,t on~.: order to M:ll the commodity at the lowest
`a.'-k price currcnll~ :wa.ilablc in the markcL:
`displaying th'- brd and a.<>k dr play regaons in relation to
`fixed pric'- k'd' ~tS it ioncd along the common static
`price a xi'> '-U~ h that when the in<>i<k: market changes, the
`pnce level<. along the common <>latic price ax:is do not
`move and at least one of the first and second indicators
`moves in the htd or ru.k display regions relative to the
`common Malle price axis.
`tli.,p layin~ an orck.r \.ntry n.~ton compri,ntc, a plurality of
`l<~t:Jttun.' l<•r n.:c~l\ rn~ \.'IIITinlJmh 111 "'mltradc urlk:rs,
`c.u.:h lc~eatmn ~"'tfrc'-fMtndin~ In ,, pnu: kvd along the
`~"111111<111 :o.IJiu.: price a:~.i,, :tnd
`in rcspon<.e to a !)Cicctioo of 11 p::tn icular location of the
`order entry region by a single nction of a user input
`device, '-CIIIII~ a plu r~ll i t y uf parameter' for a trade
`order rclutwg to the corn111odity and licnding the tra<.lc
`order to the e lectronic exchange.:.
`FIG. 4
`115 96
`u •11111
`- ··--
`Time 1
`- ••••
`Time 2
`Page 35 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims
`FIG. 3
`1. A method for dt.,playmg market information relating to
`and facilitating tradtng o f a commodity being traded in an
`eJectronic cxcho~n~~: ha' tng an msidc market with a rugbest
`bid price and a I•'""'' a<.k priL"C on a graphical user interface.
`the method compri'IDI!
`• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • in one of a plu-
`rality uf lu • .: .. ttun' 111 a !lid di~lay region, each location
`in the tud dt\ play r~:~10n corn:~pondi ng to a price level
`along a common 'tatic price axis, the llrst indicator
`representing quantity Oi-S<Iciuted with at least one order
`to huy the cnmmnclity at the highest hid price currently
`av:tilahlc in tl11.: murkcl;
`dynamically displaying 11 sceoml indit·al\lf in one of a
`pluralit y of loc.::lliOIIS in 1111 a ~k di~p l :.y region, each
`local ion in the U~>k uisplay rc~illll ~.:urrcl>pOnding to a
`price level along the <.-ommon stntic price axis, the
`second indicator representing quantity associated with
`at lea!)! one t'rdcr to M:ll the commodity at the lowe t
`ask price current!\ avatlahlc in tbc market;
`displaying th" htJ :tnd ask tltsplay regions in relation to
`fixed pnc'- h.:'·'-h J'<Nitoncd along the common static
`price axi' ,u .. h th.&t when the instde market changes, the
`price level<, .tlong the common static price axis do not
`move and at ka_c;t one of the first and second indicators
`move, in the htd or a.'!.. dt,play region<; relati\.-e to the
`common stattc pnce ax~
`tli.,playwg an uuk:r ~111ry 1'\.gKm ~oiiiJlri,ing a plurality of
`lliC<IIIttn.' lm n.x~.:l' 101!, ~um mamh 111 '-'=nd trad~.: urdcrs,
`c;1d1 h1Cilllon (.'tlrrc~poml ing 111 ;1 prk~: lo.:vd alung the
`L,lOIIllon 1\t.lll'-' pm:c a\i,, and
`in response to a sdcction o f a panicular location of the
`order entr) region by n l)inglc action of a user input
`d~.:vi~.:o, selling a plurality of parameters for a lradv
`order rclatiug lt1 lhc COIIIIIIOdily und sending the trad~.:
`order to the electronic.: exchange,
`115 96
`FIG. 4
`1048~ IIIIQ
`5 r-=-
`[- u::ms:
`AskO Pre LTC
`104 99
`115 96
`~ -
`xJ 10
`1K 5H
`s 10 w 14
`xl to
`lo "
`w 15 GEJ
`w 17 NET REAl
`Page 36 of 112


`TT’s Inventive GUI Is Described By All of the
`Words of the Claims
`1. A method for dt.,playmg market information relating to
`and facilitating tradtng of a commodity being traded in an
`eJectronic cxcho~n~~: ha' tng an msidc market with a highest
`bid price and a I•'""'' a<.k priL"C on a graphical user interface.
`the method compri'IDI!
`• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • in one of a plu-
`rality uf lu • .: .. ttun' 111 a !lid di~lay region, each location
`in the tud dt\ play r~:~10n corl'\;~pondi
`to a

`a common 'tatic
`FIG. 3
`dynamically displaying 11 sccoml indit·al\lf in onl: of a
`pluralit y of loc.::nio11S in 1111 a~k di~p l:.y rl:gion, l:ach
`local ion in the U~>k uisplay rc~iuu currcl>ponding 10 a
`price level along the <.-ommon stntic price axis, the
`second indicator rcprcsc01ing quantity associated with
`at lea!)t one t'rdcr to M:llthc commodity at the lowe 1
`ask price current!\ avatlahlc in the market;
`displaying th" htJ :tnd ask tltsplay regions in relation to
`fixed pnc'- h.:'·'-h J'<Nttoncd along the common static
`price axi' ,u .. h th.&t when the instde market changes, the
`price level<, .tlong th~: common static price axis do not
`move and at ka_c;t one of tilt first and second indicators
`move, in the htd or a.'k dt,play regions relati\.-e to the
`common stattc pnce ax~
`tli.,playwg an uuk:r \:lllry 1'\.gKm collll'ri,in~ a plurality of
`lliC<Itturt' lm n.xt:l' 101!, \:llllll llamh 111 '-'=nd lrad~.: urdcrs,
`c;tdt h1Cilllon 1.'t1rrc~poml inl! 111 ;1 pril:~: kvd alung the
`L,lOIIltun 1\t.tll~o.' pm:c a\i,, and
`in response to a sdcction of a panicular location of the
`order cntr) region by n l>inglc action of a user input
`d~.:vico, ~tl in~ a plurality of parnm~.:tcrs for a tradv
`ord~.:r n.:latiug lt1 lhe COIIIIIJOdily und sending the trad~.:
`order to the electronic.: exchange,
`115 96
`FIG. 4
`1048~ IIIIQ
`5 r-=-
`[- u::ms:
`AskO Pre LTC
`104 99
`115 96
`~ -
`xJ 10
`s 10 w 14
`xl 10
`lo "
`w 15 GEJ

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