`oz> United States Patent
`.. Glltlt~'~i
`om PatentNo.:
`(45) D~te ()f Patent:
`US 7,904,326 B2
`Mar:. 8~ lOll
`.(54) ~\fll(),)),i\NlJ:,\:.PF:ARA'fUS FOR
`{75} J~Yettt<~x:
`$1,•n'toilta:tav~" Atlsfil~;Tj( (US}
`(73) A:$1~tee; Versata DtlY¢lopmciit Gr<~up, lll(h,
`Austin, TX {US)
`Subjcet to atiy dlsclah11ct; tncrcr!lll>flhh~·
`patent is extended or lf~j\lllted tlllder 3$
`U.S.C.l54{b) hy 120 ~s;
`(21) A.ppLNo.: 09!89li:,144
`(~l 'Filed!
`Jim. Z9, :2001
`081'7017 A:2
`No,rmaa Walsh.; X~I, The &'tt~nstble Styll) I..;mj.!_itage f11nlit1e]. Web
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`Pritllt:!f)' E~dlf/iner Andrew Jo$1i!pl1 Rudy
`(74) Jfttar/Jf!J'f Agent, ot Firm - Hatnilton & 'lerrile., LLP;
`K<mt J~; t;;funnb"ers
`An emb<Jdnnent ·Of th't{ invention compris~ .a t:netbod and
`ap~mttts for j?\lfllmtr!!lg ¢t~lll;letive Villidatl~i~ ofc~•.mlial
`~>Quite:!l!ll~~~1~<1r·ti~~s~r~laJed.l9·i.l.u?.(lfstritmtion·of a
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`<i ••. : }> For exan;tple~ Iu order t!} sell sm:ne fi.llilll~ial il).Sfrtt~

`· mtdlor fedeml
`. .
`invention pro·
`yi~e awtry to cns~,tr~¢. tlmtsales mpre~!l!<ttlv~~ f~~":t;lltm within
`~tl~r organi:r.,ation. C(ln;tpi!t1ies lllll}'~. for j~?ta!lc;;t1 tttiHze
`einoodimcnts ofthll! ii1ventio111o ensure that.$illcs represen·
`tathres. Cttl¢f.:ltewj~llif!a ~ctof:~linedcofl,lit~in\s, 0~ aspll:Ct
`" ' .. · .. · ''k .·.
`· . . ,
`.... .
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`Jan. 2. 2003
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`Callidus Ex. 1 019
`CBM20 14-00118
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`* cited by examiner
`Exhibit 1019 03/17

`102 \ ~ ARE
`104 \
`I 116 .......
`.L: _____ _ ,:. ____ ~
`Figure 1
`106 \ ~_A_R_E.~ NO I
`108 \ ~ ··~ I
`Exhibit 1019 04/17
`~ '
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`220 '1
`0 .n
`-Jursidiction : long
`f - -
`) .. n
`o .. n
`1 .. n
`-Jurisdicion : long
`-SubJurisdiction : long
`-Company : SCOrganization
`-Parent : FSDistributorData
`-StartDate : Date
`EndDate : Date
`-Object : GID
`-StatusCode : long
`Exhibit 1019 05/17
`Figure 2
`('D = ~
`~ :-:
`0 .....
`1 .. n c
`Licenseline : long
`~ -N
`0 -.

`U.S. Patent
`Sheet 3 ofS
`US 7,904,326 B2
`(/)~ wx
`(J)Cl. zz <{-
`- f -
`<{0: >
`<( en
`0 ,.....
`Exhibit 1019 06/17

`Figure 4
`.., ASSOCIATED WITH THE SET OF 14 - - - - - - - - - ,
`' - - -
`Exhibit 1019 07/17
`('D = ~
`~ :-:
`0 .....
`~ -.&:;.
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`v 51 0
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`Figure 5
`Exhibit 1019 08/17
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`US 7,904,326 B2
`This invention relates to the field of computer technology.
`More specifically, the invention relates to a method and sys(cid:173)
`tem for perfonuing collective validation of credential infor(cid:173)
`mation (e.g .. license and/or appointment data).
`Portions of the disclosure of this patent document contain
`material thai is su~jectto copyright protection. Tbe copyright
`owner has no objectiou to the facsimile reproduction by any(cid:173)
`one of the patent document or the patent d isclosure as it
`appears in the Patent and Trademark Office file or records, but
`otherwise reserves all copyrights whatsoever.
`One aspect oftbe invention provides a method for validat(cid:173)
`ing sales agents' credentials while processing the sales trans(cid:173)
`action data to detennine commission amotmts. TI1e system is
`configured to perform such transaction processing in an effi-
`5 cient manner that minimizes the amount of computational
`resources required to detenuine whether a sales agent bas
`valid credential at the time of a particular sale and is therefore
`entitled to compensation (e.g., a commission) for the sale.
`The system may process one or more transactions at a time
`tO and may perform lf311saction processing collectively if such
`processing is desirable.
`In an embodiment of tbe invention, the compensation
`engine or some other software component determines the
`grouping of input such that validation can be performed col-
`tS Jectively (e.g .. in batch). For instance. the compensation
`engine may perform an initialization process where it obtains
`credential information that relates to the sales agents and
`assembles the credential information into a denormalized
`table. The system may obtain credentia l information (e.g.,
`licensing and/or appointment data) from several tables of a
`database and put the credential information into a single
`denonnalized table. The system may also load mle informa(cid:173)
`tion that can be utilized to process the credential information.
`Tllis m le infonnation may be provided to the system in any
`stntctured form (e.g., text, XML. etc ... ) and the mle data
`may comprise a set of tests for determining if a particular
`transaction was valid. lu one embodiment of the invention,
`the system instantiates an instance of an object oriented class
`referred to as the RuleSet class. The RuleSet class and a set of
`associated object reachable from that class (e.g., precondi(cid:173)
`tions, test, etc ... ) provide the fUllctionality referred to as the
`rule engine. Thus, the rule engine may comprise a collection
`of objects working together. However. the invention also con(cid:173)
`templates other software or bardwaremecha11isms configured
`to provide ntle engine functionality. The objected oriented
`examples provided herein arefor illustrative purposes and the
`reader should note that other non-objected oriented programs
`may be configured to provide the ftmctio nality described
`Once the ntle information is loaded, au embodiment of the
`invention utilizes the rule infonnation to deiennine if the
`distributor (e.g., sales agent) specified in the transaction was
`properly credited. Thus, the system obtains a set of transac(cid:173)
`tions (e.g .. a batch) associated with one or more sales agents
`and utilizes the transaction data to determine if a commission
`amount associated with each transaction may be credited to
`one or more of the sales agent's accounts. Compensation is
`distributed when the constraints placed on the sales tral1Sac(cid:173)
`tion are satisfied. For example, a sales representative that
`so made a sale tmder an invalid credential (e.g .. a license or
`appointment) will not be compensated for the sales. Thus.
`part of the compensation process involves determining the
`validity of the sales agent's credentials (e.g., license and/or
`appointment data).
`Jn one embodiment oft be invention, the process associated
`with determining whether the credential data is val id involves
`converting each transaction to input usable by the ntle engine.
`A coUective set of mle engine input may then be provided to
`the system to perform val ida I ion. The process 0 f detenuining
`60 whether the transaction input is valid may involve determin(cid:173)
`ing the set ofnlles that apply to the input by filtering thentles
`using a set of preconditions. TI1e set of tests may then be
`partitioned by test type and each test type is associated with
`the transaction input. Once the association occurs a candidate
`65 for each test type is selected and a collective group of the tests
`of a particular type is fonuulated. The group of tests is then
`input to U1e system for processing. The reader should note,
`Exhibit 1019 09/17
`·n1ere are many complexities to the financial services busi- 20
`ness. At any given time large amounts of sales transaction data
`must be organized a11d processed. St1ch data may relate to
`many types of sales transactions and much of it is necessary to
`keep the business nullling smoothly. Some of the more sig(cid:173)
`nificant classifications of sales transaction data stem from the 25
`J'ilct that in tbe financial services business there are multiple
`distribution channels each with multiple distributors a nd
`many different incentive plans for employees. In most
`instances, these incentive plans are constantly modified and
`changed. This is particularly true in the financial services 30
`sector where distributors an d sales representatives may
`require certain licenses and appointments in order to legally
`sell certain financia l instruments . The status of the license or
`appointment data changes continuously and must therefore
`be updated on a regular basis. Furthenuore, the volume of 35
`sales transactions is large, and for each transaction a number
`of tests must carried out to validate the sales agents' creden(cid:173)
`tia ls and compute the compensation amotmts associated with
`the sales transactions.
`Updating such a large amount of records is a cumbersome 40
`process thai can require significant system resources. Thus,
`systems must be configured to efficiently validate sales tmns(cid:173)
`actions in view of the licenses and/or appointments necessary
`to legally complete the transaction. Existing systems do not
`currently have a mechanism for processing such data in a way 45
`that minimizes the time required to process license and
`appointment data and validate a sales agent's credentials
`before distributing compensation to the sales agent for the
`transaction. Therefore there is a need for an improved mecha(cid:173)
`nism for processing sales transaction data.
`An embodiment of the invention comprises a method and
`apparaltiS for perfonuing collective validation of credential 55
`information. The invention has applicability in industries that
`require sales agents or those related to the distribution of a
`certain product to be credentialed (e.g., licensed and/or
`appoin ted) when selling certain products (e.g., life insurance,
`etc ... ). For example, in order to sell some fin<mc ial instm(cid:173)
`ments sales representatives must meet state and/or federal
`licensing requirements. Embodiments of the i1wention pro(cid:173)
`vide a way to ensure that sales representatives operate within
`any regulatory constraints put in place by government or any
`other organization. Companies may, for instance, utilize
`embodiments of the invention to ensure that sales represen(cid:173)
`tatives operate within a set of defined constraints.

`US 7,904,326 B2
`FIG. 1 shows a flowchart of the steps in an example that
`jlJustrates the validity checks of credentials accordillg to au
`embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 2 shows a class diagram and relationships represent(cid:173)
`ing object models for licenses (e.g., credentials) in an
`embodiment of the invention.
`FIG. 3 shows a block diagram illustrating data communi(cid:173)
`cation during credential validatio n process in an embodiment
`of the iuventiou.
`FIG. 4 shows a flowchart illustrating the steps involved in
`validating distributors credentials in au embodiment of the
`FIG. 5 shows a tlowchart illustrating the steps involved in
`validating credential using an alternative approach to creden(cid:173)
`tia l validation in an embodiment of the invention.
`however, that the invention does not require that such test data
`be input collectively (e.g., in batch). The test data (e.g .. tests
`of a particular type) may also be input individually or in any
`other categorical methodology that provides the test data to
`U1e system. The results can be stored in cache for later use by 5
`tbe system.
`For each mle associated with each input, the system deter(cid:173)
`mines if the test conditions are met. If the test conditions are
`met. the transaction data with respect to that test type is
`considered valid. The system may use the cached results to
`determine if the test conditions are met. The results indicate
`which of the trausactious are va lid and can therefore be uti(cid:173)
`lized to determine which sales agents to compensation for a
`particular transaction.
`In an embodiment of the invention, the functionality is t5
`accomplished through the use of a set of software and/or
`hardware components configured to determjne whether a
`sales transaction should result in a credit to the sales agent
`associated with the transaction.ll1e system may perform thjs
`by utilizing a compensation engine configured to communi(cid:173)
`catewith the nlleengine. In one e mbodiment oflhe invention,
`the mle engille comprises a collection of software interrelated
`processing collectively if such processing is desirable. The
`specifics of the improved system for processing such trans(cid:173)
`action data will be described in further detai l below.
`The inventjon may be integrated into an extensible system
`fo r managing relationships between insti111tious (e.g., suppli(cid:173)
`ers/mauufacturers) of a product or service and !be distributors
`(e.g., sales representatives) of their product. Systems
`embodying the invention have applicability in industries that
`require sales agents or those related to the d istribution of a
`10 certain product or service to be credentialed (e.g .. licensed or
`appointed) in order to sell the product. For example, in order
`to sell a certain financ ial instmment a sales representative
`might be required to have a state and/or federal license to sell
`that type of financial instrtm1ent.
`Companies or organizations may utilize the invention to
`enforce agreements the company has with distributors who
`sell their products. Thus, the system may enforce an agree(cid:173)
`ment stating that all sales transactions are to be performed by
`sales representatives or distributors who bave valid credeu-
`20 tials. This provides organizations such as life insurances com(cid:173)
`panies a way to manage the sal e and distribution of life
`insurance plans in a way that coincides with the reg11latory
`constraints of govenm1ent organizatious. Whether a particu(cid:173)
`lar distributor or sales representative is appropriately creden-
`25 tialed can be viewed as a regulatory constrajnt. The system
`ensures that such regulatory constraints are not violated when
`a transaction is executed. Although. licenses and/or appoint(cid:173)
`ments are utilized as examples of the types of credentials that
`may be validated by embodinlents of the invention. the term
`30 credentials as it utilized encompasses any set of constraints or
`requirements associated with a sales transaction. For
`instance, company policies or individual constraints that vary
`on a product by product basis, or any other set of definable
`constraints can also be eulorced by the system by irnplement-
`35 iug such items as "credentials" that may be required for a
`sales representative to be compensated. Transactions that do
`not conform to the government regulations are not typically
`executed and may not therefore result in any compensation to
`the sales representative(s) ordjstributor(s) associated with the
`40 transaction. 1 n accordance with one embodiment of the inveu(cid:173)
`tion. credential checks are collectively submitted to the sys(cid:173)
`tem for processing. Thls decreases the time and resources
`required to process the credential information.
`The invention may use multiple techniques for processing
`'fi1e invention provides a method and apparatus Jor per(cid:173)
`45 the sales transaction data in orderto determine whether a sales
`agent has val id credential at the time of a particular sale and is
`forming collective validation of credential information. In the
`following description, numerous specific details are set forth
`therefore entitled to compensation (e.g., a commission) for
`the sale. l n an embodiment of the invention, a compensation
`in order to provide a more thorough tmderstanding of the
`invention. It will be

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