In-App Purchase
`Programming Guide


`Introduction 5
`At a Glance 5
`Understand Products and Design Your App 5
`All Apps Implement Core Behavior 6
`Some Apps Implement Additional Behavior 6
`Apps and Products are Submitted for Review 6
`See Also 6
`Designing Your App’s Store 7
`Understanding What You Can Sell Using In-App Purchase 7
`Creating Products in iTunes Connect 8
`Types of Product 8
`Differences Between Product Types 9
`Displaying Your App’s Store UI 11
`Getting a List of Product IDs 11
`Embedding Product IDs in the App Bundle 12
`Fetching Product IDs from Your Server 12
`Retrieving Product Information 14
`Present Your Store UI 15
`Requesting Payment 17
`Creating a Payment Request 17
`Submitting a Payment Request 18
`Suggested Testing Steps 18
`Sign In to the iTunes Store with Your Test Account 19
`Verify Your Observer Code 19
`Test Fetching the List of Products 19
`Test a Products Request 20
`Test a Payment Request 20
`Delivering Products 21
`Waiting for the Store to Process Transactions 21
`Persisting the Purchase 23
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Persisting Using User Defaults or iCloud 23
`Persisting Using Your Own Server 25
`Making the Product Available 25
`Finishing the Transaction 25
`Suggested Testing Steps 26
`Test a Successful Transaction 26
`Verify That Transactions Are Finished 26
`Providing Purchased Content 27
`Unlocking Local Content 28
`Downloading Hosted Content from Apple’s Server 28
`Downloading Content from Your Own Server 29
`Locating and Managing Downloaded Content 29
`Working with Subscriptions 30
`Calculating a Subscription’s Active Period 30
`Expiration and Renewal 31
`Cancellation 32
`Cross-Platform Considerations 32
`The Test Environment 33
`Preparing for App Review 34
`Submitting Products for Review 34
`Receipts in the Test Environment 34
`Document Revision History 36
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Figures, Tables, and Listings
`Designing Your App’s Store 7
`Table 1-1
`Comparison of product types 9
`Displaying Your App’s Store UI 11
`Figure 2-1
`Stages of the purchase process—displaying store UI 11
`Table 2-1
`Comparison of approaches for obtaining product identifiers 11
`Listing 2-1
`Retrieving product information 14
`Listing 2-2
`Formatting a product’s price 16
`Requesting Payment 17
`Figure 3-1
`Stages of the purchase process—requesting payment 17
`Listing 3-1
`Creating a payment request 17
`Delivering Products 21
`Figure 4-1
`Stages of the purchase process—delivering products 21
`Table 4-1
`Transaction statuses and corresponding actions 21
`Listing 4-1
`Responding to transaction statuses 22
`Working with Subscriptions 30
`Figure 6-1
`Example subscription timeline 30
`Table 6-1
`Timeline of a sample subscription 30
`Preparing for App Review 34
`Figure 7-1
`Development, review, and production environments 34
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`In-App Purchase allows you to embed a store inside your app using the Store Kit framework. This framework
`connects to the App Store on your app’s behalf to securely process payments from users, prompting them to
`authorize payment. The framework then notifies your app, which provides the purchased items to users. Use
`In-App Purchase to collect payment for additional features and content.
`At a Glance
`For example, using In-App Purchase, you can implement the following scenarios:
` ● A basic version of your app with additional premium features
` ● A magazine app that lets users purchase and download new issues
` ● A game that offers new environments (levels) to explore
` ● An online game that allows players to purchase virtual property
`Understand Products and Design Your App
`Understanding what kinds of products and behaviors are supported by In-App Purchase lets you design your
`app and in-app store to make the best use of this technology.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`See Also
`Relevant Sections: “Designing Your App’s Store” (page 7)
`All Apps Implement Core Behavior
`All products require certain basic behavior in your app to support the basic In-App Purchase flow of letting
`the user select a product, requesting payment for the product, and delivering the purchased product.
`Relevant Sections: “Displaying Your App’s Store UI” (page 11), “Requesting Payment” (page 17),
`“Delivering Products” (page 21)
`Some Apps Implement Additional Behavior
`Some products require aditional behavior app: products that include digital assets need your app to perform
`the download, and subscriptions need your app to keep track of when the user has an active subscription.
`Relevant Sections: “Providing Purchased Content” (page 27), “Working with Subscriptions” (page
`Apps and Products are Submitted for Review
`When you are done developing and testing, you submit your app and your In-App Purchase products for
`Relevant Sections: “Preparing for App Review” (page 34)
`See Also
`iTunes Connect Developer Guide describes how to use iTunes Connect, in particular, how to create and
`configure your app’s products.
` ●
` ●
`Receipt Validation Programming Guide describes how to work with receceipts, in particular, the record of
`sucessful in-app purchases.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Designing Your App’s Store
`The first step in designing your app’s store is to determine which types of product you need to use to build
`the user experience you designed for in your app. A product is something you want to sell in your app’s store.
`You create and configure products in iTunes Connect, and your app interacts with products using the SKProduct
`and SKProductsRequest classes.
`Understanding What You Can Sell Using In-App Purchase
`You can use In-App Purchase to sell content, app functionality, and services:
` ●
`Content. Deliver digital content or assets, such as magazines, photos, and artwork. Content can also be
`used by the app itself—for example, additional characters and levels in a game, filters in a camera app,
`and stationery in a word processor.
` ● App functionality. Unlock behavior, and expand features you’ve already delivered. For example, a free
`game that offers multiplayer mode as an in-app purchase and a free weather app that lets users make a
`one-time purchase to remove ads.
` ●
`Services. Have users pay for one-time services such as voice transcription, and for ongoing services such
`as access to a collection of data.
`You can’t use In-App Purchase to sell real-world goods and services or unsuitable content:
` ●
`Real-world goods and services. You must deliver a digital good or service within your application when
`using In-App Purchase. Use a different payment mechanism to let your users buy real-world goods and
`services in your app, such as a credit card or payment service.
` ● Unsuitable content. Do not use In-App Purchase to sell content that the App Review Guidelines do not
`allow, for example, pornography, hate speech, or defamation.
`For detailed information about what you can offer using In-App Purchase, see your license agreement and the
`App Review Guidelines. Reviewing the guidelines carefully before you start coding helps you avoid delays and
`rejection during the review process. If the guidelines don’t address your case in sufficient detail, you can ask
`the App Review team specific questions using the online contact form.
`After you know what products you want to sell in your app and you determine that In-App Purchase is the
`appropriate way to sell those products, you need to create the products in iTunes Connect.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Designing Your App’s Store
`Creating Products in iTunes Connect
`Creating Products in iTunes Connect
`Before you can start testing code, you need to configure products for your app to interact with. You can
`configure products in iTunes Connect at any time. As you develop your app, expect to configure a few test
`products early on, and come back later to configure additional products as your app’s design develops.
`Products are reviewed when you submit your app as part of the app review process. Before users can buy a
`product, it must be approved by the reviewer and you must mark it as “cleared for sale” in iTunes Connect.
`A typical timeline for a new app might look as follows:
`Create products in iTunes Connect.
`2. Write code that uses those products in test environment.
`Refine your app design, and go back into iTunes Connect to create additional products or adjust the
`existing products.
`4. Continue iterating, refining, and testing, both your app’s code and the products.
`Submit the app and products for review.
`For details about configuring products in iTunes Connect, see “In-App Purchase” in iTunes Connect Developer
`Guide .
`Types of Product
`Product types let you use In-App Purchase in several different situations, by letting the products behave in
`different ways that are appropriate for specific use cases. In iTunes Connect, you select one of the following
`product types:
` ●
`Consumable products. Items that get used up over the course of running your app. Examples include
`minutes for a Voice over IP app and one-time services such as voice transcription.
` ● Non-consumable products. Items that remain available to the user indefinitely on all of the user’s devices.
`They are made available to all of the user’s devices. Examples include content, such as books and game
`levels, and additional app functionality.
` ● Auto-renewable subscriptions. Episodic content. Like non-consumable products, auto-renewable
`subscriptions remain available to the user indefinitely on all of the user’s devices. Unlike non-consumable
`products, auto-renewable subscriptions have an expiration date. You deliver new content regularly, and
`users get access to content published during the time period that their subscription is active. When an
`auto-renewable subscription is about to expire, the system automatically renews it on the user’s behalf.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Designing Your App’s Store
`Differences Between Product Types
` ● Non-renewable subscriptions. Subscriptions that don’t involve delivering episodic content. Examples
`include access to a database of historic photos or a collection of flight maps. It is your app’s responsibility
`to make the subscription available on all of the user’s devices and to let users restore the purchase. This
`product type is often used when your users already have an account on your server, which you can use
`to identify them when restoring content. Expiration and the duration of the subscription are also left to
`your app (or your server) to implement and enforce.
` ●
`Free subscriptions. A way to put free subscription content in Newsstand. After a user signs up for a free
`subscription, the content is available on all devices associated with the user’s Apple ID. Free subscriptions
`do not expire and can be offered only in Newsstand-enabled apps.
`Differences Between Product Types
`Each product type is designed for a particular use case. The behavior of different products differs in certain
`ways, as shown in Table 1-1 (page 9). For example, consumable products get used up and subscriptions
`expire, so the store lets the user buy the products of these types multiple times.
`Table 1-1
`Comparison of product types
`Multiple times
`Multiple times
`Not synced
`By the system
`By the system
`By your app
`can buy
`By the
`By the
`Not restored
`By the system
`By the system
`By your app
`in the
`Products that expire or get used up—consumable products, auto-renewable subscriptions, and non-renewing
`subscriptions—can be purchased multiple times to get the consumable item again or extend the subscription.
`Non-consumable products and free subscriptions unlock content that remains available to the user indefinitely,
`so these can only be purchased once.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Designing Your App’s Store
`Differences Between Product Types
`Products that do not get used up are made available across all of the user’s devices. These products are also
`restored so users can continue to access their purchased content even after erasing a device or buying a new
`device. Consumable products by their nature are not meant to be synced or restored. Users understand that,
`for example, buying ten more bubbles on their iPhone does not also give them ten bubbles on their iPad.
`Store Kit handles the syncing and restoring process for auto-renewable and free subscriptions, and for
`non-consumable products. Your app is responsible for syncing and restoring non-renewable subscriptions.
`Non-renewing subscriptions differ from auto-renewable subscriptions in a few key ways which give your app
`the flexibility to implement the correct behavior for your needs:
` ●
` ●
` ●
`Your app is responsible for calculating the time period that the subscription is active, and determining
`what content needs to be made available to the user.
`Your app is responsible for detecting that a subscription is approaching its expiration date and prompting
`the user to renew the subscription by purchasing the product again.
`Your app is responsible for making subscriptions available across all the user’s devices after they are
`purchased. For example, most subscriptions are provided by a server; your server would need some
`mechanism to identify users and associate subscription purchases with the user who purchased them.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Displaying Your App’s Store UI
`In the first part of the purchase process, your app presents its store UI to the user, and then lets the user selects
`a product, as shown in Figure 2-1. The second and third part of the process are described in the two chapters
`that follow this one.
`Figure 2-1
`Stages of the purchase process—displaying store UI
`Getting a List of Product IDs
`To get a list of product identifiers, have your app either read them from a file in your app bundle or fetch them
`from your server. Table 2-1 summarizes the differences between the two approaches. If you offer a fixed list
`of products, such as an in-app purchase to remove ads, embed the list in your app bundle. If your list of product
`identifiers can change without you updating your app, have your app fetch the list from your server.
`Table 2-1
`Comparison of approaches for obtaining product identifiers
`Embedded in the app bundle
`Fetched from your server
`Used for purchases that
`Unlock functionality
`Deliver content
`List of products can change
`When the app is updated
`At any time
`Requires a server
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Displaying Your App’s Store UI
`Getting a List of Product IDs
`There is no runtime mechanism to fetch a list of all products configured for an app in iTunes Connect. You are
`responsible for managing your app’s list of products and providing that information to your app.
`Embedding Product IDs in the App Bundle
`Include a property list file in your app bundle containing an array of product identifiers, such as the following:
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
`<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN"
`<plist version="1.0">
`To get product identifiers from the property list, locate the file in the app bundle and read it.
`NSURL * url = [[NSBundle mainBundle] URLForResource:@"product_ids"
`NSArray * productIdentifiers = [NSArray arrayWithContentsOfURL:url];
`Fetching Product IDs from Your Server
`Store a JSON file on your server with the product identifiers. For example:
`To get product identifiers from your server, fetch the JSON file and read it.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Displaying Your App’s Store UI
`Getting a List of Product IDs
`-fetchProductIdentifiersFromURL:(NSURL*)url delegate(id):delegate
`dispatch_queue_t global_queue =
`dispatch_async(global_queue, ^{
`NSError * err;
`NSData * jsonData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:url
`if (!jsonData) {
`// Handle the error...
`} N
`SArray * productIdentifiers = [NSJSONSerialization
`JSONObjectWithData:jsonData options:NULL error:&err];
`if (!productIdentifiers) {
`// Handle the error...
`} d
`ispatch_queue_t main_queue = dispatch_get_main_queue();
`dispatch_async(main_queue, ^{
`[delegate displayProducts:productIdentifiers];
`For information about downloading files using NSURLConnection, see “Using NSURLConnection” in URL
`Loading System Programming Guide .
`To ensure that your app remains responsive, use a background thread to download the JSON file and extract
`the list of product identifiers. To minimize the data transferred, use standard HTTP caching mechanisms, such
`as the Last-Modified and If-Modified-Since headers.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Displaying Your App’s Store UI
`Retrieving Product Information
`Retrieving Product Information
`To make sure your users see only products that are actually available for purchase, query the App Store before
`displaying your store UI.
`Use a products request object to query the App Store. First, create an instance of SKProductsRequest and
`initialize it with a list of product identifiers. The products request retrieves information about valid products,
`along with a list of the invalid product identifiers, and then calls its delegate to process the result. The delegate
`must implement the SKProductsRequestDelegate protocol to handle the response from the App Store.
`Listing 2-1 shows a simple implementation of both pieces of code.
`Listing 2-1
`Retrieving product information
`// Custom method
`- validateProductIdentifiers:(NSArray *)productIdentifiers
`SKProductsRequest productsRequest = [[SKProductsRequest alloc]
`initWithProductIdentifiers:[NSSet setWithArray:productIdentifiers]];
`productsRequest.delegate = self;
`[productsRequest start];
`} /
`/ SKProductsRequestDelegate protocol method
`- (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request
`didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response
`self.products = response.products;
`for (NSString * invalidProductIdentifier in response.invalidProductIdentifiers)
`// Handle any invalid product identifiers.
`} [
`self displayStoreUI]; // Custom method
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Displaying Your App’s Store UI
`Present Your Store UI
`When the user purchases a product, you need the corresponding product object to create a payment request,
`so keep a reference to the array of product objects that is returned to the delegate. If the list of products your
`app sells can change, you may want to create a custom class that encapsulates a reference to the product
`object as well as other information—for example, pictures or description text that you fetch from your server.
`The way you handle invalid product identifiers depends on where the list of product identifiers came from. If
`your app loaded the list from its app bundle, log a note to aid debugging and ignore the invalid identifiers. If
`your app fetched the list from your server, let your server know which product identifiers were invalid. As with
`all other interactions between your app and your server, the details and mechanics of this are up to you.
`Present Your Store UI
`The design of your store has an import impact on your in-app sales, so it’s worth investing the time and effort
`to get it right. Design the user interface for your app’s store so that it integrates with the rest of your app. Store
`Kit can’t provide a store UI for you. Only you know your app and its content well enough to design your store
`UI so it showcases your products in their best light and integrates with the rest of your app.
`Consider the following guidelines as you design and implement your app’s store UI:
`Display a store only if the user can make payments. To determine whether the user can make payments,
`call the canMakePayments class method of the SKPaymentQueue class. If the user can’t make payments (for
`example, because of parental restrictions), either tell the user that the store is not currently supported (by
`displaying appropriate UI) or omit the store portion of your UI entirely.
`Expose as much information about a product as possible. Users want to know exactly what they’re going
`to buy. If possible, let users interact with a product. For example, a game that lets the user buy new characters
`can let users run a short course as the new character. Likewise, a drawing app that lets the user buy additional
`brushes can let users draw with the new brush on a small scratch pad. This kind of design gives users an
`opportunity to experience the product and be convinced they want to buy it.
`Use the properties of your product objects to populate your store’s user interface. Their properties give you
`information such as the product’s price and its description. Combine this with additional data from your server
`or the app bundle, such as images or demos of your products.
`Display prices using the locale and currency returned by the store. Don’t try to convert the price to a different
`currency in your UI, even if the user’s locale and the price’s locale are different. Consider, for example, an
`English-speaking user in China who pays for purchases with a Chinese credit card but prefers the US English
`locale settings for apps. You app would display its UI according to the user’s locale, using US English as requested
`by the user. It would display prices according to the products’ locale, using the currency that corresponds to
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Displaying Your App’s Store UI
`Present Your Store UI
`the Chinese locale (renminbi) with that locale’s formatting. Converting the prices to US dollars (to match the
`US English locale) would be misleading because the user is billed in renminbi, not US dollars. Listing 2-2 shows
`how to correctly format a price using the product’s locale information.
`Listing 2-2
`Formatting a product’s price
`NSNumberFormatter * numberFormatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init];
`[numberFormatter setFormatterBehavior:NSNumberFormatterBehavior10_4];
`[numberFormatter setNumberStyle:NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle];
`[numberFormatter setLocale:product.priceLocale];
`NSString * formattedPrice = [numberFormatter stringFromNumber:product.price];
`After a user selects a product to buy, your app connects to the store to request payment for the product.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Requesting Payment
`In the second part of the purchase process, after the user has chosen to purchase a particular product, your
`app submits payment request to the App Store, as shown in Figure 3-1 (page 17).
`Figure 3-1
`Stages of the purchase process—requesting payment
`Creating a Payment Request
`When the user selects a product to buy, create a payment request using a product object. Populate the quantity
`if needed, and add the payment to the transaction queue to submit it to the App Store for processing. Adding
`a payment object to the queue multiple times results in multiple transactions—the user will be charged multiple
`times and your app will be expected to deliver the product multiple times. Listing 3-1 shows a simplified
`example of the process.
`Listing 3-1
`Creating a payment request
`// At app launch
`[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:observer];
`// ...
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Requesting Payment
`Submitting a Payment Request
`// When the user buys a product
`SKPayment payment = [SKPayment paymentWithProduct:product];
`payment.quantity = 2;
`[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addPayment:payment];
`Store Kit calls the transaction queue observer to handle a completed or failed payment request. For information
`about implementing the observer, see “Providing Purchased Content” (page 27).
`Submitting a Payment Request
`The transaction queue plays a central role in letting your app communicate with the App Store through the
`Store Kit framework. You add work to the queue that the App Store needs to act on, such as a payment request
`that needs to be processed. After the App Store has processed the request, Store Kit calls your transaction
`queue observer to handle the result. In addition to using the transaction queue for payment requests, your
`app also uses the transaction queue to download hosted content and to find out that subscriptions have been
`renewed, as discussed in “Providing Purchased Content” (page 27) and “Working with Subscriptions” (page
`Register your observer when your app is launched, and make sure that the observer is ready to handle a
`transaction at any time, not only after you add a transaction to the queue. For example, consider the case of
`a user buying something in your app right before going into a tunnel. Your app isn’t able to deliver the
`purchased content because there is no network connection. The next time your app is launched, Store Kit calls
`your transaction queue observer again and delivers the purchased content at that time. Similarly, if your app
`fails to mark a transaction as finished, Store Kit calls the observer every time that your app is launched until
`the transaction in properly marked as finished.
`Suggested Testing Steps
`Test each part of your code to verify that you have implemented it correctly.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Requesting Payment
`Suggested Testing Steps
`Prerequisite: To perform the suggested tests, you must have at least one product configured for
`your app in iTunes Connect. For more information, see “Creating Products in iTunes Connect” (page
`Sign In to the iTunes Store with Your Test Account
`Create a test user account in iTunes Connect, as described in iTunes Connect Developer Guide .
`On a development iOS device, sign out of the iTunes Store in Settings. Then build and run your app from Xcode.
`On a development OS X device, sign out of the Mac App Store. Then build your app in Xcode and launch it
`from Finder.
`Use your app to make an in-app purchase. When prompted to sign in to the App Store, use your test account.
`Note that the text “[Environment: Sandbox]” appears as part of the prompt, indicating that you are connected
`to the test environment.
`If the text “[Environment: Sandbox]” does not appear, that indicates you are using the production environment.
`Make sure you are running a development signed build of your app. Production signed builds use the production
`Important: Do not use your test user account to sign in to the production environment; if you do, the test
`user account becomes invalid and can no longer be used.
`Verify Your Observer Code
`Review the transaction observer’s implementation of the SKPaymentTransactionObserver protocol. Verify
`that it can handle transactions even if you aren’t currently displaying your app’s store UI and even if you didn’t
`recently initiate a purchase.
`Locate the call to the addTransactionObserver: method of SKPaymentQueue in your code. Verify that
`your app calls this method at app launch.
`Test Fetching the List of Products
`If your product identifiers are embedded in your app, set a breakpoint in your code after they are loaded and
`verify that the instance of NSArray contains the expected list of product identifiers.
`If your product identifiers are fetched from a server, manually fetch the JSON file—using a web browser such
`as Safari or a command-line utility such as curl—and verify that the data returned from your server contains
`the expected list of product identifiers. Also verify that your server correctly implements standard HTTP caching
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Requesting Payment
`Suggested Testing Steps
`Test a Products Request
`Using the list of product identifiers that you tested, create and submit an instance of SKProductsRequest.
`Set a breakpoint in your code, and inspect the lists of valid and invalid product identifiers. If there are invalid
`product identifiers, review your products in iTunes Connect and correct your JSON file or property list.
`Test a Payment Request
`Create an instance of SKPayment using a valid product identifier that you have already tested. Set a breakpoint
`and inspect the payment request. Add the payment request to the transaction queue, and set a breakpoint to
`confirm that the paymentQueue:updatedTransactions: method of your observer is called.
`During testing, it’s ok to finish the transaction immediately without providing the content. However, even
`during testing, failing to finish the transaction can cause problems: unfinished transaction remain in the queue
`indefinitely, which could interfere with later testing.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Delivering Products
`In the last part of the purchase process, after the App Store has processed the payment request, your app
`stores information about the purchase for future launches, downloads the purchased content, and marks the
`transaction as finished, as shown in Figure 4-1 (page 21).
`Figure 4-1
`Stages of the purchase process—delivering products
`Waiting for the Store to Process Transactions
`Implement the paymentQueue:updatedTransactions: method on your transaction queue observer. Store
`Kit calls this method when the status of a transaction changes—for example, when a payment request has
`been processed. The transaction status tells you what action your app needs to perform, as shown in Table
`4-1 and Listing 4-1.
`Table 4-1
`Transaction statuses and corresponding actions
`Action to take in your app
`Transaction still in
`Update your UI to reflect the status, and wait
`to be called again.
`Transaction failed
`Use the value of the error property to present
`a message to the user.
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Delivering Products
`Waiting for the Store to Process Transactions
`Action to take in your app
`Provide the purchased functionality.
`Validate the receipt, as described in Receipt
`Validation Programming Guide , and download
`any content, as described in “Providing
`Purchased Content” (page 27).
`Transaction ready
`to restore
`For information about restoring transactions,
`see Restoring Transactions (page $@).
`Listing 4-1
`Responding to transaction statuses
`- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray
`for (SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in transactions)
`switch (transaction.transactionState)
`case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased:
`[self completeTransaction:transaction];
`case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed:
`[self failedTransaction:transaction];
`case SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored:
`[self restoreTransaction:transaction];
`To keep your user interface up to date while waiting, the transaction queue observer can implement optional
`methods from the SKPaymentTransactionObserver protocol as follows. The
`paymentQueue:removedTransactions: method is called when transactions are removed from the queue—in
`your implementation of this method, remove the corresponding items from your app’s UI. The
`2013-09-18 | Copyright © 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.


`Delivering Products
`Persisting the Purchase
`paymentQueue:restoreCompletedTransactionsFailedWithError: or
`paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished: method is called when Store Kit finishes
`restoring transactions, depending on whether there was an error. In your implementation of these methods,
`update your app’s UI to reflect the success or error.
`Persisting the Purchase
`After making the product available, your app needs to make a persistent record of the purchase, to ensure
`that it co

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