In-App Purchase
`Programming Guide

`Introduction 5
`Who Should Read This Document 5
`Organization of This Document 5
`See Also 6
`Overview of In-App Purchase 7
`Products 7
`Registering Products with the App Store 8
`Feature Delivery 9
`Built-in Product Model 9
`Server Product Model 11
`Retrieving Product Information 14
`Sending Requests to the App Store 14
`SKRequest 14
`SKRequestDelegate 14
`Requesting Information About Products 15
`SKProductsRequest 15
`SKProductsRequestDelegate 15
`SKProductsResponse 16
`SKProduct 16
`Making a Purchase 17
`Collecting Payments 17
`SKPayment 18
`SKPaymentQueue 18
`SKPaymentTransaction 18
`SKPaymentTransactionObserver 18
`Restoring Transactions 19
`Adding a Store to Your Application 20
`The Step-By-Step Process 20
`Where to Go Next 24
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Verifying Store Receipts 25
`Verifying a Receipt with the App Store 25
`The Store Receipt 26
`Testing a Store 28
`The Sandbox Environment 28
`Testing in the Sandbox 28
`Validating Receipts in the Sandbox 29
`Auto-Renewable Subscriptions 30
`Adding Auto-Renewable Subscriptions to Your Store 30
`Designing your Client Application 31
`Verifying an Auto-renewable Subscription Receipt 31
`Document Revision History 34
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Figures and Tables
`Overview of In-App Purchase 7
`Figure 1-1
`In-App Store model 7
`Figure 1-2
`Built-in product delivery 10
`Figure 1-3
`Server product delivery 12
`Retrieving Product Information 14
`Figure 2-1
`Store Kit request model 14
`Figure 2-2
`A request for localized product information 15
`Making a Purchase 17
`Figure 3-1
`Adding a payment request to the queue 17
`Verifying Store Receipts 25
`Table 5-1
`Purchase info keys 27
`Auto-Renewable Subscriptions 30
`Table 7-1
`Status codes for auto-renewable subscriptions 32
`Table 7-2
`Auto-renewable subscription info keys 32
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`In-App Purchase allows you to embed a store directly within your application. You implement In-App Purchase
`in your application using the Store Kit framework. Store Kit connects to the App Store on your application's
`behalf to securely process payments from the user. Store Kit prompts the user to authorize the payment, then
`notifies your application so that it can provide items the user purchased. You can use this in-application
`payment functionality to collect payment for enhanced functionality or additional content usable by your
`For example, you could use In-App Purchase to implement any of the following scenarios:
` ● A basic version of your application with additional premium features.
` ● A book reader application that allows the user to purchase and download new books.
` ● A game that offers new environments (levels) to explore.
` ● An online game that allows the player to purchase virtual property.
`Important: In-App Purchase only collects payment. You must provide any additional functionality, including
`unlocking built-in features or downloading content from your own servers. This documentation details the
`technical requirements of adding a store to your application. For more information on the business
`requirements of using In-App Purchase, see the App Store Resource Center. You must also read your licensing
`agreement for the definitive treatment of what you may sell and how you are required to provide those
`products in your application.
`Who Should Read This Document
`You should read this if you are interested in offering additional paid functionality to users from within your
`Organization of This Document
`This document contains the following chapters:
` ●
`“Overview of In-App Purchase” (page 7) introduces the functionality offered by In-App Purchase.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`See Also
` ●
` ●
` ●
` ●
` ●
` ●
`“Retrieving Product Information” (page 14) describes how your application retrieves information from
`the App Store about products it offers.
`“Making a Purchase” (page 17) explains how your application requests payment from the App Store.
`“Adding a Store to Your Application” (page 20) is a walkthrough that describes how to add a store to your
`“Verifying Store Receipts” (page 25) describes how your server can verify that a receipt came from the
`App Store.
`“Testing a Store” (page 28) discusses how to use the sandbox environment to test your application.
`“Auto-Renewable Subscriptions” (page 30) describes how your application can implement subscriptions
`using the Apple Store to manage the renewal process for you.
`See Also
`The App Store Resource Center describes the business side of using In-App Purchase, as well as the steps you
`need to take to sell a product within your application.
`The iTunes Connect Developer Guide describes how to configure products and test accounts on the App Store.
`The Store Kit Framework Reference describes the API for interacting with the App Store.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Overview of In-App Purchase
`Store Kit communicates with the App Store on behalf of your application. Your application uses Store Kit to
`receive localized information from the App Store about products you want to offer in your application. Your
`application displays this information to users and allows them to purchase items. When a user wants to purchase
`an item, your app calls Store Kit to collect payment from the user. Figure 1-1 shows the basic store model.
`Figure 1-1
`In-App Store model
`The Store Kit API is only a small part of the process of adding a store to your application. You need to decide
`how to track the products you plan to deliver, how your application presents a store front to the user, and how
`your application delivers the products users purchase from your store. The rest of this chapter explains the
`process of creating products and adding a store to your application.
`A product is any feature that you want to sell in your application’s store. Products are associated with the App
`Store through iTunes Connect in the same way that you create new applications. There are four supported
`kinds of products that you may sell using In-App Purchase:
` ●
` ●
`Content includes digital books, magazines, photos, artwork, game levels, game characters, and other
`digital content that can be delivered within your application.
`Functionality products unlock or expand features you’ve already delivered in your application. For example,
`you could ship a game with multiple smaller games that could be purchased by the user.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`App Store
`Mac or iOS Device
`My App
`Store Kit

`Overview of In-App Purchase
`Registering Products with the App Store
` ●
` ●
`Services allow your application to charge users for one-time services, such as voice transcription. Each
`time the service is used is a separate purchase.
`Subscriptions provide access to content or services on an extended basis. For example, your application
`might offer monthly access to financial information or to an online game portal.
`In-App Purchase provides a general mechanism for creating products, leaving the specifics of how your products
`are implemented up to you. However, there are few important guidelines to keep in mind as you design your
` ●
` ●
` ●
`You must deliver a digital good or service within your application. Do not use In-App Purchase to sell
`real-world goods and services.
`You may not offer items that represent intermediary currency because it is important that users know the
`specific good or service they are buying.
`Items you offer for purchase may not contain, or relate to, pornography, hate speech, defamation, or
`gambling (simulated gambling is acceptable).
`For detailed information about what can be offered using In-App Purchase, consult your licensing agreement.
`Registering Products with the App Store
`Every product you wish to offer in your store must first be registered with the App Store through iTunes
`Connect. When you register a product, you provide a name, description, and pricing for your product, as well
`as other metadata used by the App Store and your application.
`You identify a particular product using a unique string called a product identifier. When your application uses
`Store Kit to communicate with the App Store, it uses product identifiers to retrieve the configuration data you
`provided for the product. Later, when a customer wants to purchase a product, your application identifies the
`product to be purchased using its product identifier.
`The App Store supports many types of products:
` ●
`Consumable products must be purchased each time the user needs that item. For example, one-time
`services are commonly implemented as consumable products.
` ● Non-consumable products are purchased only once by a particular user. Once a non-consumable product
`is purchased, it is provided to all devices associated with that user’s iTunes account. Store Kit provides
`built-in support to restore non-consumable products on multiple devices.
` ● Auto-renewable subscriptions are delivered to all of a user’s devices in the same way as non-consumable
`products. However, auto-renewable subscriptions differ in other ways. When you create an auto-renewable
`subscription in iTunes Connect, you choose the duration of the subscription. The App Store automatically
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Overview of In-App Purchase
`Feature Delivery
`renews the subscription each time its term expires. If the user chooses to not allow the subscription to be
`renewed, the user’s access to the subscription is revoked after the subscription expires. Your application
`is responsible for validating whether a subscription is currently active and can also receive an updated
`receipt for the most recent transaction.
` ●
`Free subscriptions are a way for you to put free subscription content in Newsstand. Once a user signs up
`for a free subscription, the content is available on all devices associated with the user’s Apple ID. Free
`subscriptions do not expire and can only be offered in Newsstand-enabled apps.
` ● Non-renewing subscriptions are a mechanism for creating products with a limited duration. Non-renewing
`subscriptions differ from auto-renewable subscriptions in a few key ways:
`The term of the subscription is not declared when you create the product in iTunes Connect; your
`application is responsible for providing this information to the user. In most cases, you would include
`the term of the subscription in the description of your product.
` ●
` ● Non-renewing subscriptions may be purchased multiple times (like a consumable product) and are
`not automatically renewed by the App Store. You are responsible for implementing the renewal
`process inside your application. Specifically, your application must recognize when the subscription
`has expired and prompt the user to purchase the product again.
` ●
`You are required to deliver non-renewing subscriptions to all devices owned by the user. Non-renewing
`subscriptions are not automatically synchronized to all devices by Store Kit; you must implement this
`infrastructure yourself. For example, most subscriptions are provided by an external server; your server
`would need to implement a mechanism to identify users and associate subscription purchases with
`the user who purchased them.
`Detailed information about registering products with the App Store can be found in iTunes Connect Developer
`Guide .
`Feature Delivery
`The delivery mechanism your application uses to provide products to users has significant implications on its
`design and implementation. There are two basic models you should expect to use to deliver products to users:
`the built-in model and the server model. In both models, you track the list of products offered in the store and
`deliver products successfully purchased by users.
`Built-in Product Model
`In the built-in product model, everything required to deliver products is built in to your application. This model
`is most often used to unlock functionality in your application. You could also use this model to deliver content
`provided in your application’s bundle. A key advantage of this model is that your application can promptly
`deliver products to the customer. Most built-in products should be non-consumable.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Overview of In-App Purchase
`Feature Delivery
`Important: In-App Purchase does not provide the capability for your application to be patched after a
`successful purchase. If your product requires changes to your application’s bundle, you must deliver an
`updated version of your application to the App Store.
`To identify products, your application stores the product identifiers in your application’s bundle. Apple
`recommends using a property list (plist) to track product identifiers for your built-in features. Content-driven
`applications can use this to add new content without modifying the source for your application.
`After a product is successfully purchased, your application must unlock the feature and deliver it to the user.
`The simplest way to unlock features is by changing your application preferences. See “Implementing Application
`Preferences”. Application preferences are backed up when users backs up their iOS-based devices. Your
`application may want to recommend to users that they back up their devices after making a purchase to ensure
`that purchases are not lost.
`Figure 1-2 shows the series of actions your application takes to deliver a built-in product.
`Figure 1-2
`Built-in product delivery
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`App Store
`The application retrieves the
`list of product identifiers from
`its bundle
`The application sends a
`request to the App Store to
`get information on the
`4 The application uses the
`product information to display
`a store to the user
`The user selects an
`item from the store
`The application sends a
`payment request to the
`App Store
`The application reads the
`transaction and delivers the
`purchased content
`3 The App Store returns
`product information
`The App Store processes the
`payment and returns a
`completed transaction

`Overview of In-App Purchase
`Feature Delivery
`Server Product Model
`In the server product model, you provide a separate server that delivers products to your application. Server
`delivery is appropriate for subscriptions, services and content, because these products can be delivered as
`data without altering your application bundle. For example, a game might deliver new play environments
`(puzzles or levels) to the application. Store Kit does not define the design of your server or its interactions with
`your application. You are responsible for designing all interactions between your application and your server.
`Further, Store Kit does not provide a mechanism to identify a particular user. Your design may require you to
`provide a mechanism to identify a user. If your application requires these (for example, to track which
`subscriptions are associated with a particular user), you need to design and implement this yourself.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Overview of In-App Purchase
`Feature Delivery
`Figure 1-3 expands the built-in model to show interactions with a server.
`Figure 1-3
`Server product delivery
`Apple recommends you retrieve product identifiers from your server, rather than including them in a property
`list. This gives you the flexibility to add new products without updating your application.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`App Store
`Developer Server
`The App Store returns
`product information
`The App Store processes the
`payment and returns a
`completed transaction
`12 The App Store parses the
`receipt data and returns both
`the receipt and whether the
`receipt is valid
`The application sends a
`request to the server to
`retrieve a list of product
`The application sends a
`request to the App Store to
`get information for the
`The application uses the
`product information to display
`a store to the user
`The user selects an
`item from the store
`The application sends a
`payment request to the
`App Store
`The application retrieves the
`receipt data from the
`transaction and sends it to
`the server
`The server returns a list of
`product identifiers
`The server records the
`receipt data to establish an
`audit trail
`The server sends the receipt
`data to the App Store to verify
`that this is a valid transaction
`The server reads the returned
`receipt data to determine
`what the user purchased
`14 The server delivers the
`purchased content to the

`Overview of In-App Purchase
`Feature Delivery
`In the server model, your application retrieves the signed receipt associated with a transaction and sends it to
`your server. Your server can then validate the receipt and decode it to determine which content to deliver to
`your application. This process is covered in detail in “Verifying Store Receipts” (page 25).
`The server model has additional security and reliability concerns. You should test the entire environment for
`security threats. Secure Coding Guide provides additional recommendations.
`Although non-consumable products may be recovered using the built-in capabilities of Store Kit, non-renewing
`subscriptions must be restored by your server. You are responsible for recording information about non-renewing
`subscriptions and restoring them to users. Optionally, consumable products could also be tracked by your
`server. For example, if your consumable product is a service provided by your server, you may want the user
`to retrieve the results of that request on multiple devices.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Retrieving Product Information
`When your application is ready to display a store to the user, it must populate its user interface with information
`from the App Store. This chapter details how to request product details from the App Store.
`Sending Requests to the App Store
`Store Kit provides a common mechanism to request information from the App Store. Your application creates
`and initializes a request object, attaches a delegate to it, and starts the request. Starting a request transmits it
`to the App Store, where it is processed. When the App Store processes the request, the request’s delegate is
`called asynchronously to deliver the results to your application. Figure 2-1 shows the request model.
`Figure 2-1
`Store Kit request model
`If your application quits while a request is pending, your application needs to resend it.
`SKRequest is an abstract base class for requests sent to the store.
`SKRequestDelegate is a protocol that your application implements to handle requests that completed
`successfully and requests that failed because of an error.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`Store Kit
`App Store

`Retrieving Product Information
`Requesting Information About Products
`Requesting Information About Products
`Your application uses a products request to retrieve localized information about a product. Your application
`creates a request that contains a list of product identifier strings. As described earlier, your application might
`embed product identifiers inside your application or it might retrieve the identifiers from an external server.
`When you start the products request, the product identifier strings are transmitted to the App Store. The App
`Store responds with the localized information you previously entered in iTunes Connect. You use these details
`to populate the user interface of your store. Figure 2-2 shows a products request.
`Figure 2-2
`A request for localized product information
`Important: You must make a product request for a particular product identifier before allowing the user
`to purchase that product. Retrieving product information from the App Store ensures that you are using a
`valid product identifier for a product you have marked available for sale in iTunes Connect.
`An SKProductsRequest object is created with a list of product identifier strings for the products you want
`to display in your store.
`The SKProductsRequestDelegate protocol is implemented by an object in your application to receive the
`response from the store. It receives the response asynchronously when the request is successfully processed.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`Store Kit
`Product identifier:
`App Store
`Name: Expansion Pack
`Description: New levels to explore!
`Price: $0.99

`Retrieving Product Information
`Requesting Information About Products
`An SKProductsResponse object contains a SKProduct object for each valid product identifier in the original
`request as well as a list of the product identifiers that were not recognized by the store. The store might not
`recognize the identifier for a number of reasons; it might be misspelled, marked unavailable for sale, or changes
`you have made in iTunes Connect have not propagated to all of the App Store servers.
`An SKProduct object provides localized information about a product you’ve registered with the App Store.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Making a Purchase
`When the user is ready to purchase an item, your application asks the App Store to collect payment. When
`your application asks for payment, the App Store creates a persistent transaction and continues to process the
`payment, even if the user quits and relaunches your application. The App Store synchronizes the list of pending
`transactions with your application and delivers updates to your application when the status of any of these
`transactions changes.
`Collecting Payments
`To collect payment, your application creates a payment object and queues it on the payment queue, as shown
`in Figure 3-1.
`Figure 3-1
`Adding a payment request to the queue
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
`Product Identifier
`Examine all completed purchases
`and deliver purchased items
`App Store
`Store Kit
`Product Identifier
`Product Identifier
`Product Identifier

`Making a Purchase
`Collecting Payments
`When the payment is added to the payment queue, a persistent transaction is created to hold it. After the
`payment is processed, the transaction is updated with information about the payment collection. Your
`application implements an observer that receives messages when transactions are updated. The observer
`should provide purchased items to the user and then remove the transaction from the payment queue.
`Collecting payment starts with a payment object. The payment object includes a product identifier and optionally
`includes the quantity of that product to be purchased. You can queue the same payment object more than
`once; each time a payment object is queued results in a separate request for payment.
`Users can disable the ability to make purchases in the Settings application. Before attempting to queue a
`purchase, your application should first confirm that payment can be processed. You do this by calling the
`payment queue’s canMakePayments method.
`The payment queue is used to communicate with the App Store. When payments are added to the queue,
`Store Kit transmits the request to the App Store. Store Kit presents dialogs to ask the user to authorize payment.
`The completed transaction is returned to your application’s observer.
`A transaction is created for every payment added to the queue. Each transaction has properties that allow your
`application to determine the status of the transaction. When payment is collected, the transaction includes
`additional details about the successful transaction.
`Although your application can ask the payment queue for a list of pending transactions, it is more common
`for an application to wait until the payment queue notifies the payment queue’s observer with a list of updated
`Your application implements the SKPaymentTransactionObserver protocol on an object and adds it as
`an observer to the payment queue. The observer’s primary responsibility is to examine completed transactions,
`deliver items that were successfully purchased, and remove those transactions from the payment queue.
`Your application should associate an observer with the payment queue when it launches, rather than wait
`until the user attempts to purchase an item. Transactions are not lost when an application terminates. The
`next time the application launches, Store Kit resumes processing transactions. Adding the observer during
`your application’s initialization ensures that all transactions are returned to your application.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Making a Purchase
`Restoring Transactions
`Restoring Transactions
`Once a transaction has been processed and removed from the queue, your application normally never sees it
`again. However, if your application supports product types that must be restorable, you must include an
`interface that allows users to restore these purchases. This interface allows a user to add the product to other
`devices or, if the original device was wiped, to restore the transaction on the original device.
`Store Kit provides built-in functionality to restore transactions for non-consumable products, auto-renewable
`subscriptions and free subscriptions. To restore transactions, your application calls the payment queue’s
`restoreCompletedTransactions method. The payment queue sends a request to the App Store to restore
`the transactions. In return, the App Store generates a new restore transaction for each transaction that was
`previously completed. The restore transaction object’s originalTransaction property holds a copy of the
`original transaction. Your application processes a restore transaction by retrieving the original transaction and
`using it to unlock the purchased content. After Store Kit restores all the previous transactions, it notifies the
`payment queue observers by calling their paymentQueueRestoreCompletedTransactionsFinished:
`If the user attempts to purchase a restorable product (instead of using the restore interface you implemented),
`the application receives a regular transaction for that item, not a restore transaction. However, the user is not
`charged again for that product. Your application should treat these transactions identically to those of the
`original transaction.
`Non-renewing subscriptions and consumable products are not automatically restored by Store Kit. Non-renewing
`subscriptions must be restorable, however. To restore these products, you must record transactions on your
`own server when they are purchased and provide your own mechanism to restore those transactions to the
`user’s devices.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Adding a Store to Your Application
`This chapter provides guided steps for adding a store to your application.
`The Step-By-Step Process
`When you set up the project, make sure to link to StoreKit.framework. You can then add a store by following
`these steps:
`1. Decide what products you wish to deliver with your application.
`There are limitations on the types of features you can offer. Store Kit does not allow your application to
`patch itself or download additional code. Products must either work with existing code in your application
`or must be implemented using data files delivered from a remote server. If you wish to add a feature that
`requires changes to your source code, you need to ship an updated version of your application.
`Register product information for each product with iTunes Connect.
`You revisit this step every time you want to add a new product to your application’s store. Every product
`requires a unique product identifier string. The App Store uses this string to look up product information
`and to process payments. Product identifiers are specific to your iTunes Connect account and are registered
`with iTunes Connect in a way similar to how you registered your application.
`The process to create and register product information is described in iTunes Connect Developer Guide .
`3. Determine whether payments can be processed.
`A user can disable the ability to make purchases inside applications. Your application should check to see
`whether payments can be purchased before queuing new payment requests. Your application might do
`this before displaying a store to the user (as shown here) or it may defer this check until the user actually
`attempts to purchase an item. The latter allows the user to see items that they could purchase when
`payments are enabled.
`if ([SKPaymentQueue canMakePayments]) {
`// Display a store to the user.
`} else {
`// Warn the user that purchases are disabled.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Adding a Store to Your Application
`The Step-By-Step Process
`Retrieve information about products.
`Your application creates an SKProductsRequest object and initializes it with a set of product identifiers
`for the items you wish to sell, attaches a delegate to the request, and then starts it. The response holds
`the localized product information for all valid product identifiers.
`Keep the array of valid products from the response. When the user selects a product to buy, you will need
`a product object to create the payment request.
`- (void) requestProductData
`SKProductsRequest *request= [[SKProductsRequest alloc]
`[NSSet setWithObject: kMyFeatureIdentifier]];
`request.delegate = self;
`[request start];
`} -
`(void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request
`didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response
`NSArray *myProducts = response.products;
`// Populate your UI from the products list.
`// Save a reference to the products list.
`5. Add a user interface that displays products to the user.
`Store Kit does not provide user interface classes. The look and feel of how you offer products to your
`customers is up to you!
`Register a transaction observer with the payment queue.
`Your application should instantiate a transaction observer and add it as an observer of the payment queue.
`MyStoreObserver *observer = [[MyStoreObserver alloc] init];
`[[SKPaymentQueue defaultQueue] addTransactionObserver:observer];
`Your application should add the observer when your application launches. The App Store remembers
`queued transactions even if your application exited before completing all transactions. Adding an observer
`during initialization ensures that all previously queued transactions are seen by your application.
`Implement the paymentQueue:updatedTransactions: method on MyStoreObserver.
`2012-09-19 | Copyright © 2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.

`Adding a Store to Your Application
`The Step-By-Step Process
`The observer’s paymentQueue:updatedTransactions: method is called whenever new transactions
`are created or updated.
`- (void)paymentQueue:(SKPaymentQueue *)queue updatedTransactions:(NSArray
`for (SKPaymentTransaction *transaction in transactions)
`switch (transaction.transactionState)
`case SKPaymentTransactionStatePurchased:
`[self completeTransaction:transaction];
`case SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed:
`[self failedTransaction:transaction];
`case SKPaymentTransactionStateRestored:
`[self restoreTransaction:transaction];
`Your observer provides the product when the user successfully purchases an item.
`- (void) completeTransaction: (SKPaymentTransaction *)transaction
`// Your application should implement these two methods.
`[self recordTransaction:transaction];
`[self provideContent:transaction.payment.productIdentifier];
`// Remo

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