
`MW? Exhibgjtj.9,2l(ai/5l
`Monster Worldwide, Inc. Exhibit 1027 (p.1/5)


`Monster Worldwide, Inc. Exhibit 1027 (p.2/5)
`Monster Worldwide, Inc. Exhibit 1027 (p.2/5)


` Ninth New
`Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
`‘Monster Worflvgigte, ”Inc. Exhibit 1022 _(p.3/5)>
`Monster Worldwide, Inc. Exhibit 1027 (p.3/5)


`Monster Worldwide, Inc. Exhibit 1027 (p.4/5)
`Monster Worldwide, Inc. Exhibit 1027 (p.4/5)


` 1002
`request 0 reserved power
`‘ W n (1919) i a price announced at an auction as 1
`implies releasing from bondage or penalties by giving what ‘
`l : to make a r neat to or of (~ed her to write it
`lrequest vt (1533)
`' belcpnsrdered
`manded or necessary; RANSOM specif. applies to buying out
`'l't r
`r) 2 : to ask as a favor or pnvi ege (~S to be excused) 3 obs: to
`ity; RECLAIM suggests a bringing back to a former state or
`‘ \n' zor-vast\ 2', (1876) - a “1.3m l r 0 (a)mi 3.3 YD: ré
`(a person) to come or go to a thing or place 4 : to ask for (~ed a
`someone or something abandoned or debased; SAVE may
`‘rez-a(i2v-.war, '°(")V'-(W)°r ‘1 5° '3 " -.V};J.l\ ". k
`brief delay) syn see ASK——re-quest-er orr
`uest-or \-'kwes-tar\ it
`of the forefiping terms; it may further imply a preserving or
`.t fr. reserve]. 1690)
`1 i a place wherensomet “1 1:5 SP
`re-quigem \'rek-wé-am also 'rak- or 'rék-\ n [ E, fr. L (first word of the
`ing for use lness or continued existence.
`an artificial lake where water is co ected an
`ep ii
`intrort of the requiem mass). ace. of requies rest, fr. re- + quies uiet,
`rescue mission n (1902) : a city religious mission seeking to con
`' 9'
`II: a part Of an apparatus 1“ WhICh a “9“” ‘5 held. ‘
`rest — more at WHILE (14c)
`l : a mass for the dead 2 a : a so emn
`rehabilitate the down-and-out
`(a latte "f 0f educated people) 2 i. an "ht” supp? ‘ R
`chant (as a dir e) for t e repose of the dead I) : something that resem—
`Ire-search \ri-‘sarch, 're-.\ n [MF recerche, fr. recerchier to in .
`ism in which. a Parasite that IS. pat 083m? '0' f‘
`bles such a so emn chant 3 a: a musical setting of the mass for the
`thoroughly, fr. OF, fr. re- + cerchier to search — more at :v’,
`es and myltiplies without damagin "5 host, a so '
`dead b: amusical com sition in honor of the dead
`l :. careful or diligent search 2.: studious in uiry or w
`organism Within Whlcll a pathogen 0 economic or m‘
`requiem shark n (ca. l
`: any of a family (Carcharhinidae) of sharks
`tion; esp : investigation or experimentation aimed at t e disco .
`that includes some dangerous to man
`interpretation of acts, revision of accepted theories or laws in
`‘. hpré'sefi Vt -set; -set-tin (1655)
`l : to set 3 am or
`re-qui-es-cat \.rek-wé-'es-.k'at;; .ri-kwé-‘es-.k'ait\ n L. may he (or she)
`of new facts, or practical application 0 such new or revised t, ..
`’1" a diamond)
`2 : to c ange the reading 0f "’ an 1
`rest, fr. requiescere to rest, fr. re- + quiescere to e quiet, fr. quies]
`» vle
`-'set-a-bal ad'
`laws 3 : the co lecting of information about a particular sub ectg
`(1824) : a_prayer for the repose of a dead erson
`. u \'rasE'ges-.ti, 'ré\z-'jeS-(.)té\ n l [L] (1616) : thin s
`Zresearch vi (1593)
`l : to search or investigate exhaustively (in
`re-quire \n-‘kwi(a)r\ vb required; re-quIr-ing [ME requeren, fr. MF
`facts that form the environment 0 a itigated issue an i
`lem) 2 : to do research for (~ a book ~ vi : to engage in
`requerre. fr. (assumed) VL requaerere to seek or, need. requrre, alter. of
`evi ence
`—— research-able \-a-bal\ adj — re-searc -er n
`L re uirere, _fr. re- + quaerere to seek,.ask] Vt (14c)
`_l a : to claim or
`‘ dint?» [Heb re'sh] (ca. 1899) : the 20th letter of the H
`research-kt \-'sar-chast, -.ssr-\ n (1921): one engaged in research
`ask or b n63 and authority (this night your soul is required of you
`rte-scan Vii-'25, ri-\ n, pl re-seaux \-'zI)z\ [F réseau, fr. 0F resel.
`-—Lk 12: 0
`SW) b archaic: REQUEST
`a :
`to call for as suitable
`—--see ALPHABET table
`5 ~
`\(')rE-'shap\ vi (1827) : to give a new form or one
`rais net, fr. L retis, rete — more at RErrNA] (1578)
`l : a net ;i
`or appropriate (the occasion ~S formal dress)
`I: : to demand as nec-
`ANIZE —— re-shap-er n
`foundation in lace 2 : a system of lines forming small squares
`essary or essential : have a compelling need for (all living bein
`dard Size photographed by a separate exposure on the same pl
`V\(‘)ré-'ship\ vt (1654) : to ship again;‘specrf: to put 9
`food) 3 : to impose a compulsion or command on : COMPEL 4 cfiiefly
`Star ima es to aci itate measurements
`. time ~ vi : to embark on _a ship again or anew; Specrl
`3 :.a screen wrth
`Brit: to feel or be obliged —_used with a following infinitive (one does
`ments 0 three colors in a regular geometric pattern used for
`for service on a ship — re-shrpment \-mant\ n — re-sli
`not ~ to be a specialist ——Elizabeth Bowen) ~ vi, archaic : ASK syn
`color photo raphs
`.fle \(')ré-'sh9f-al\ vt (1830)
`1 : to shuffle'(a.s cards)
`, resect \ii-‘Se t\ vt [L resectus pp. of resecare to cut off, fr. re- + ‘
`reorganize usu. by the redistnbutlon of mustang] 61¢"
`\-'kwi(a)r-mant\ n (1662)
`: something required:
`to cut — more at SAW] (1846) : to erform resection on — r
`3, a was reshuf ed by the prime minister) — ml!
`e n
`: something wanted or needed : NECESSITY (production was not suffi-
`My \-.sek-ta-'bil-at-é\ n — re-lect-a le \—'sek-to-bal\ adj
`\fi-‘zid\ n (1 67) : RESIDUAL OIL
`cient to satisf military ~s) b : something essential to the existence or
`re-sec-tion \fi-‘sek-sham n (1775) : the surgical removal of part
`" , \fi-‘zid\ vi re-sid
`- re-sid-inngE. residen, fr. MF‘I
`occurrence 0 something else : CONDITION (failed to meet the school’s
`. fr. L reside‘re to Sit ack, remain, abide. fr. re- + sealer
`organ 01“ StruCture
`“‘5 {01” graduation)
`reseda \'ra—za-,dii\ n [F re’se’da, fr. réséda, a mignonette] (1873):
`req-uI-si e \'rek-wo-zat\ adj [ME, fr. L requisitus, pp. of requirere] (15c)
`- at m] (15c) l a: to be in residence as the incumbent
`' «office It : to dwell permanently or continuously :
`able color averaging a grag/ish green
`: ESSENTIAL. NECESSARY— requisite n — re ~ui-site-ness n
`re-seed \(')ré-'séd\ vi (188 )
`l : to sow seed on again or anew ,
`req-ui-si-tion \rek-wa-‘zish-am n [MF or
`L; MF, fr. ML requisition-,
`as one's legal domicile
`a : tolbe present as an e
`maintain (itself) by self-sown seed ~ vi : to maintain itself ~
`requisitio, fr. L, act of searchin , fr. requisitus, pp.] (1503)
`l a: the
`b : to be vested as a right —— re-srd-er n
`sown seed
`act of formal]
`requiring or cal ing upon someone to perform an action
`'rez-o-.den(t)s\ n (1‘
`a : the quality or
`resemblance \ri-‘zem-blan(t)s\ n (14c)
`1) : a formal emand made by one nation upon another for the surren-
`1 act or fact of dwelling in a place for s0me time b : the,
`der or extradition of a fugitive from justice 2 a : the act of r uinng
`g or regularly staying at or in some place for the disc
`resembling; es
`: correspondence in appearance or superficialq
`“ or the mjoyment of a benefit
`a (1) : the place I
`b : a point 0 likeness : SIMILARITY 2 : REPRBENTATION. l
`something to be furnished b : a demand or application ma e usu.
`archaic : characteristic appearance 4 obs: PROBABILITY syn '
`y lives as distinguished from his domiCIle or a place
`with authority: as
`(1) : a demand made by military authorities upon
`pojoum (2) ; DOMICILE 2a b : the place where a cor}:
`civrlians for sup lies or other needs
`(2) : a written request for some-
`re-sem-blant \-blont\ adj (14c) : marked by or showing resemh.
`orofficially established c : the status of a legal resrr
`thing authorize but not made available automatically 3 : the state of
`' ding used as a home : DWELLING b : housmg or a uni
`n-‘zem-bal\ vt resent-bled; re-sein-bling \-b(a-)l
`being in demand or use — requisrtion vt
`r. MF resembler, ressembler, fr. OF, fr. re- + semb _.
`'ded for students 4 a : the period or duration Of i
`re-quit-al \rr-'kwit-f1\ n (1582)
`1 : something
`ven in_ return, co’mpen-
`like, seem, fr. L similare to copy, fr. similis like — more at SA H’
`moon. or retaliation 2 : the act or action 0 requiting : the state of
`(after it ~ of 30 years) b : a eriod of active and esp
`research, or teaching at a col ege or universtty 5 :
`l : to be like or Similar to 2 archaic : to represent as like
`bein requited
`re-Send \(')ré-'send\ vt -sent \-'sent\; -serld-ing (1554): to send ',
`re-qu te ri-'kwit\ vt re-quitued'
`nit-in [re- + obs.
`ui'te (to quit,
`\ME quiten —- more at’QUlT (152%)
`a : to mike return for
`of a substance that is suspended or dissolved in a medit
`on pollutant) — in residence : en aged to live and
`4 place often for a specified time (gpoet in residence ai
`re-sent \ri-‘zent\ vt F ressentir to be emotionally sensible of, fr.
`: REPAY b : to make retaliation for : AVENGE 2 : to make suitable
`re- + sentir to fee , frilL Islentire — more at SENSE] (1628) : to ‘
`‘ >'
`( )
`return to forita benefit or service or for an injury syn see RECIPROCATE.
`\'rez-od-an-sé, 'rez-don-, 'rez-a-.den t -\ n, p -cies
`express annoyance or 1 w‘ at
`PAY— M“ -er n
`re-sent-ful \-fal\ adj (1656)
`1 : full of resentment :
`inclined to=
`in a rotectr
`2 g
`re-ra-di-ate \(')rE-'r§d-é\ vi (1913) : to radiate a ain or anew; es
`: to
`official place Of “51de
`2 : caused or marked by resentment — re-sent-ful-ly \-fa-lé\ adv
`a er
`emit (energy) in the form of radiation after absorbigng incident I‘adfiltion
`the powers of the protectingstate are executed by
`— re-ra-di-a-tion \(.)re-.rid-e-'a-shan\ Ii
`sent-ful-ness n
`rere-dos \‘rer-a—.diis also 'rir-a—.d2«is or 'n(a)r- diis\ n [ME, fr. AF arere-
`3 : a period of advanced training in a medical s
`re-sent-inem \fi-‘zent-mant\ n (1619) : a feeling of indignant di ~
`\‘rez-od-ont, 'reZvdant, 'rez-s-._dent\_ adj [M , fr. 1.
`or persistent ill Will at something regarded as a wrong, insult, or ‘
`syn see OFFENSE
`dos. fr. MF arrere behind + dos back, fr. L orsum — more at ARREAR}
`prp. of residére] (14c)
`1 a: livrng in a place for so
`l : a usu. ornamental wood or stone screen or partition wal
`: RESIDING b : serving in a re
`ar or full-timelcapac
`behind an altar 2 : the back of a fireplace or open hearth
`1more-lease \.ré-ii-'la\ n (1945) : something that is rereleased
`for a highway department ; also : being in res,
`re-ser-pine \ri-‘sor-.pén, -pan\ n [G reser in.2prob. irreg. fr. NL
`fia ser mine, a species of rauwolfia
`a drug C3,H .
`,INHERENT 3: not migratory
`esp. from the root of rauwo ins and used in the trea
`zrerelease vt (1967): to release (as a movre or record) a ain
`71 (15c) 1 : one who resides in a place 2: a diplom
`hypertensron, mental disorders. and tension states
`rereward n [ME rerewarde, fr. AF, fr. OF rere behin + ONF warde
`g at a foreign court or seat of government; esp : one
`ive of the rotect
`res-er-va-tion \.rez-ar-'va-shon\ n (14c)
`1 :an act of reserving-
`guard; akin to OF garde guard — more at REAR GUARD] obs (14c)
`Vulgznpgtfifg iglfig‘jgmmm
`thing: as a (1) : the act or fact of a grantor’s reserving some
`created thing out of the thin granted (2) i the right or in
`leomndssioner n (1902)
`1 : a nonvoting re resent
`Ire-run \(')re-'ran\ vt -ran \-'ran\; -run; -run-ning (1903) : to run again
`reserved b : the setting of
`imitinfi conditions or withhol'
`‘ M c in the U S House of Representatives
`: a re
`or anew
`complete exposition (answered wit out N)
`c : an arran
`I?in a British colony or ossession
`Ire-run \'ré-.r:m, (')rE-'\ n (ca. 1934) : the act or action or an instance of
`have something (as a hotel room) held for one’s use; also : a
`\.rez(—a)-'den’clial\ a 1 (1654)
`1 a : used as a
`rerunning : REPETITION; esp : a presentation of a motion-picture film or
`guarantee, or record of such en a
`2 : something
`. uts b .
`roviding living accommodations for s:
`television program after its first run
`a : a tract of public land set asi e as for the use of American
`' P
`res \‘ras, 'rEz\ n,
`I res [L — more at REAL] (1623) : a particular thing
`2 : restricted to or occupied by residence: (21 ~
`b : an area in which hunting is not permitted; esp : one set
`: MA'ITER— us
`esp. in legalIphrases
`tag: of or relating to residence or resrdences — resu-
`a6] adllmltlgg coili‘di‘tio‘iii (agmd, .
`a-)lé\ adv
`res“41.53%“\Ire-z%1fidg.l(§§.6% "Emil (123:1): RESJUDICATA
`i co 'ection
`a ~sa utt e in ing
`ré-‘sa-a- a a'
`t on
`1reserve \ri—zarv\ vi Jreoened; re-serv-in ME reserven,
`\n-‘nJ-(a )wel,
`'nJ al\ ad] [L ’es’duu’" res'due]
`re-sale \'re-.sal, (')re-'sa(a) \ nj(1625) 1: the act of selling again usu. to
`server, fr. L reservare, lit., to keep back, gr.
`rve- + servare to
`relating to, or constituting a resrdue 2 ' leavrng a re
`a new party 2 ii : a secondhand Sale
`I) : an additional sale to the
`for some time — re-srd’-u-al-ly \-e.\ adv
`a : to hold in reserve :
`: he
`more at CONSERVE] (14c)
`same buyer
`grain for seed) b : to set aside (part of the consecrated e .,
`‘1’ " (.3321,Sine;EQAAbggfiahfiibgrfd‘brcogpuiafii
`re-scale \(')ré-'ska(o)l\ vi (1944) : to plan, establish, or formulate on a
`the Eucharist for future use _c : to retain or hold over to a in
`~‘ “abet
`th main of several observations and a
`new and usu. smaller scale
`or place : DEFER (~ one’s Judgment on a plan)
`(1 : to in
`educt or substance c . an internal aft
`rescind \n-‘srnd\ vt L rescindere to annul, fr. re- + scindere to cut —
`reservation of 2 : to set or have Set aside or apart (~ a hotel ,
`a ”5'
`. 1131-3) t influences later behavior esp : a
`more at SHED] (1643
`l : to take away : REMOVE 2 a : to take back
`syn see KEEP
`{01' ““131 a r o
`ration 2 _ a paymém (as t.
`: ANNUL, CANCEL( ~ the order)
`In to abrogate (a contract)
`. g from ahisease 0 ftJean initial Showing (as of a
`1 : something stored or kept
`Ireserve n, often attrib (1648)
`by restoring to the opposite party what one has received from him 3
`for futulre use or need : STOCK 2 : somethin l{estervedlor setf
`' '
`or eac
`rerun 3
`{to malt}? void (as an act) by action 3f the enacting airliltgiority; o\r asud)
`: a mi itary o
`articu ar purpose, use, or reason: as
`nor aut onty : REPEAL — re-sciii -er n — resc
`-sm -
`held from action for later decisive use — usu. used in pl.
`. o.“ n (“i 1948) ‘rfugl31(1)that {333% it]?{gal-€33;
`mant\ l!
`““1153e315535° “15
`not in the field but available (3) : the military forces of a court .
`m pe
`re-scis-sron ri-‘srzh-an\ n [LL rescission-. rescissio, fr. L rescissus, pp. of
`ra’i- _ (194s?) Ce“
`an of the regular Services; also : RESERVIST b : a tract (as of '
`held to remain at the disposa
`rescindere] ca. 1611): an act of rescinding
`. WW“;
`and) set apart: RESERVATION 3: an act of reservin : QUA .. 7’
`f. power
`r tion or delegation 01
`re-scivso-ry -'Siz-o-ré, -.'sis-\ adj (1605) : relating to or tending to or
`1 “$013233 cardiac; an enume a
`4f ab restraint, closenlfss, orfcfiutiorli in one‘s Wor Is an:
`havrng‘th'ee elft of\resciision
`‘sc .
`: or earance rom ma in a u ex anation, com ete
`ré-.s ri t n
`r. neut. o rescriprus, pp. 0 re-
`a : mm “‘i
`' \n-‘flJ-O-uwef'€\ ad} (1726) - 0" relating to, or con
`free expression of one‘s mignd
`5 are air: : SECRET
`scribere to write I}; reply. fr. re- + scribere to write — more at SCRlBE]
`equiva ent kept in hand or set apart usu. to meet liabilities
`<~ 68‘8“)
`l : a written answer of a Roman emperor or of a pope to a
`'rez-and )ii n ME, fr. MF residu, fr. Lresidyum.l
`liquid resources of a nation for meeting international pa or
`leeigal inquiry or petition 2: an official or aut oritative order, decree,
`\left 0 er,
`r. >esi Ere to remain] (l4c) : something th:
`: SUBSTITUTE s: RESERVE PRICE — in reserve : held back for
`ct, or announcement 3: an act or instance of rewriting
`part is taken, separated, or desrgnated : REMNANT. R1
`special use
`res-cue Wes-8119i“ vi
`reocu-ing [ME rescuen,
`fr. MF
`he art of a testator’s estate remaining after the sati:
`reserve bank n (1905): a central bank holdin reserves of other ;
`rescourre, fr.
`, fr. re- + escourre to shake out, fr. L excutere, fr. ex-
`ges, allowances, and previous deViSes and be
`reserve clause n (1944) : the clause in a. pro essional athlete‘s -~,'
`+ quatere to shake— more at QUASH] (14c) : to free from confine-
`- u ' ' der after subtracting a multiple of a modulus fro
`that reserves for the club the exclusive right automatically to
`men_t, danger, or evrl : SAVE. DELIVER: as
`a : to take (as a prisoner)
`I power of the integer that can appear as the second i
`contract and that binds the athlete to the club for his entire 7
`forcrbly from legal custody b : to recover (as a prize) by force c : to
`in an appropriate con r'uence (2 and 7 are ~s of 12 mo
`career or until he is traded or released
`deliver (as a place under siege) by armed force —— res-cu-able \-o—bal\
`- tic ~ of 7 mod 0 5 Since 72—8x5=9)
`e : ac
`l : restrained in words and m '
`reserved \ri-‘zarvd\ adj (1601)
`adj — rescue n —reS»cu-er n
`unit (as a group or monomer) of a usu. complex
`ial use syn see SI J
`: kept or set apart or aside for future or s
`Icid ~s left after hydrolysis of protein) '
`re-serv-ed-ly \- zar-vad-lé\ advTreserv-e mess \-'zar-v3d-ncs\.
`from confinement or danger. RESCUE implies freeing from imminent
`, m n (1948) : the set of elements (as integers) that
`reserved power it (1835) : afpolitical power reserved by a consti
`danger by prompt or vigorous action; DELIVER implies release usu. of a
`" - remainder when divided by a given modulus
`the exclusive Jurisdiction o a specified political authority
`person from confinement, temptation, slavery, or suffering; REDEEM
`Monster Worldwide, Inc. Exhibit 1027 (p.5/5)
`Monster Worldwide, Inc. Exhibit 1027 (p.5/5)

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