Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
` Petitioner,
` v.
` Patent Owner.
` Case CBM2014-00025/CBM2014-00026
` Patent 7,010,508
` Administrative Patent Judges.
` Tuesday,
` August 19, 2014
`Reported by: Christine Allen,
` Capital Reporting Company
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`Lockwood Exhibit 2023
`eBay v. Lockwood


`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 A P P E A R A N C E S
` Don Daybell
`3 James Maune
` Mark Wine
` 2050 Main Street, Suite 1100
`5 Irvine, CA 92614-8255
` United States
`6 TEL: (949) 567-6700
` Donald Featherstone
`8 Byron Pickard
` Robert Sterne
` 1100 New York Avenue, NW
`10 Washington, DC 20005
` TEL: (202) 371-2600
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 P R O C E E D I N G S
`2 (1:33 p.m.)
`3 JUDGE KIM: Good afternoon. This is
`4 Judge Kim, on the line with me is Judge Wood, and
`5 this is a conference call regarding two cases CBM
`6 2014-00025 and 26.
`7 Can I please get a roll call? Who's
`8 online for Petitioner?
`9 MR. DAYBELL: Good morning Your Honor
`10 this is Don Daybell, lead counsel for Petitioner
`11 and with me I have Mark Wine and Jim Maune, both
`12 backup counsel for both cases.
`13 JUDGE KIM: Thank you. And for Patent
`14 Owner?
`15 MR. PICKARD: Good afternoon Your Honor,
`16 this is Byron Pickard. I'm backup counsel for
`17 Patent Owner and with me on the call is Rob Sterne
`18 and Don Featherstone.
`19 JUDGE KIM: Okay. I believe patent
`20 Owner asked for this call, so we'll hear from
`21 Patent Owner and then Petitioner and then Patent
`22 Owner in that order.
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 So Patent Owner you may go ahead.
`2 MR. PICKARD: First of all, thank you to
`3 the Board and opposing counsel for getting on this
`4 call on such short notice. I think as the Board
`5 is well aware, we have perhaps an unusual
`6 situation where we have testimonial evidence in
`7 the record that was voluntarily put in the record
`8 by the Petitioner as well as the Declarant Newton.
`9 And despite the Petitioner's efforts to expunge
`10 that evidence, the evidence remains and yet we
`11 feel deprived of the opportunity to cross examine
`12 Newton as to that testimony that she's offered.
`13 It is our view that we ought to be
`14 entitled to that and a failure to provide that
`15 opportunity would be an arbitrary, capricious
`16 exercise of the Board's authority, not to mention
`17 a violation of our due process rights in view of
`18 the valuable property right that's at stake in
`19 this proceeding.
`20 So we would like the opportunity to
`21 brief for the Board essentially a motion to
`22 reconsider its prior ruling that, I guess, barred
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 the deposition of Newton.
`2 JUDGE KIM: Okay. Is that it?
`3 MR. PICKARD: That is Your Honor.
`4 JUDGE KIM: Okay. Petitioner, you can
`5 go ahead.
`6 MR. DAYBELL: Thank you, Your Honor.
`7 While as Mr. Pickard notes this is in fact a
`8 motion to reconsider our motion for rehearing
`9 request, essentially, which is very untimely at
`10 this point. I mean, they had--the order was filed
`11 on July 23rd, so we're nearly a month after that
`12 order denying their motion to compel. And under
`13 the Board's rules they had 14 days to seek
`14 rehearing and they didn't do that.
`15 So our view that this is an extremely
`16 untimely motion for reconsideration. And
`17 furthermore, there is no need on the substance to
`18 revisit this issue. We've already indicated that
`19 Petitioner is not relying on any aspects of this
`20 declaration and the testimony therein. The Board
`21 has already found that the testimony was not
`22 relied on by the Board in its institution
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 decision. It doesn't appear that there is any
`2 need for this deposition, even if their request
`3 was timely which it is not.
`4 The final point I'll make, and this is
`5 something that just came up in preparing for
`6 today's call, I was reviewing my notes--I guess
`7 you can call it. I'm not sure because I haven't
`8 talked to our expert in a while, but I believe
`9 she's traveling out of the country for a
`10 substantial period of time. So I don't know that
`11 she even could be made available were the Board to
`12 consider this untimely request.
`13 JUDGE KIM: Okay. Is that it from the
`14 Petitioner?
`15 MR. DAYBELL: Yes, Your Honor.
`16 JUDGE KIM: Okay, Patent Owner.
`17 MR. PICKARD: Yes, concerning the
`18 timeliness of the request I would--we don't
`19 believe it's untimely. First of all, I think the
`20 issue sort of re-raised itself when the Board
`21 handed down its denial of the expungement order,
`22 which I believe was early last week. And it
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 wasn't until we had that order which tells us
`2 definitively that the Newton evidence is going to
`3 remain in the record; that gives us cause to move
`4 the Board to reconsider it.
`5 So to the extent that the request for
`6 reconsideration is out time, which we don't
`7 believe it is, we believe there is good cause to
`8 excuse that delay. Concerning the availability of
`9 Newton, I'll simply say that we're happy to work
`10 with Petitioner to find an available date and
`11 adjust the other deadlines in the case. But to
`12 the extent she's not available, that's not a
`13 problem that Patent Owner should have to deal
`14 with. If we're entitled to the deposition, then
`15 her unavailability is not our problem.
`16 She voluntarily provided a declaration,
`17 presumably understood that she would be called
`18 upon to appear at a deposition and this is really
`19 a thrust upon issue from the perspective of Patent
`20 Owner.
`21 So I believe that's all we have.
`22 JUDGE KIM: I'm a little curious as to
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 how will the recent order reopened the question of
`2 whether Dr. Newton should be deposed. I mean,
`3 from our reading of the orders I think probably
`4 made it pretty clear that neither Petitioner nor
`5 the Board has relied on this. And so, as far as
`6 the Board is concerned, you know, it's a nullity
`7 and quite frankly the only reason we really left
`8 it in the record was that you said in the July
`9 phone call that you may want to rely on it for
`10 inconsistent statements. So that's the only
`11 reason we left it in.
`12 So, I guess I'm a little confused as to
`13 why the August 12th order really changes anything.
`14 MR. PICKARD: Well, from our perspective
`15 when we concluded the hearing on the issue of
`16 whether we would compel Newton to appear at a
`17 deposition, I think, it was expected that evidence
`18 would be expunged. As it turns out, it wasn't.
`19 And that's correct, we didn't want it to be
`20 expunged because we believe that there are certain
`21 statements in the Newton declaration that are
`22 helpful to our case.
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 JUDGE KIM: So why don't you just use
`2 that?
`3 MR. PICKARD: I'm sorry.
`4 JUDGE KIM: Why don't you just use that?
`5 MR. PICKARD: We will use those. But we
`6 also believe that there are other statements in
`7 the declaration that warrant a cross-examination.
`8 I believe we may have some disagreements with her
`9 on the level of the skill and the art, and so
`10 forth.
`11 JUDGE KIM: Why can't you present your
`12 own testimonial evidence? Because like I said, as
`13 far is the Board is concerned I mean, it's not
`14 there. The only reason it will be there is if you
`15 wanted to be there. So right now in the face of
`16 no evidence you can present some evidence. So, I
`17 guess I'm having a hard time seeing where, you
`18 know, why this is necessary.
`19 MR. PICKARD: Well, I think there has
`20 been some confusion about whether there's
`21 evidence. It's our view that the Petitioner has
`22 no evidence. I think I'm encouraged to hear that
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 the Board shares that view.
`2 JUDGE KIM: Yeah, that's pretty clear in
`3 the order is that as far as Petitioner is not
`4 allowed to rely on this, because they did not
`5 present the cross-examination.
`6 So it's all in your advantage--
`7 MR. PICKARD: Well, perhaps. I will say
`8 I do think it is a fundamental deprivation of our
`9 due process rights to have evidence in the record
`10 that we cannot take the cross examination of--
`11 JUDGE KIM: So why didn't you oppose
`12 expunging it?
`13 MR. PICKARD: Because at the same time
`14 we shouldn't be left in the position where the
`15 Petitioner voluntarily submits evidence when it
`16 did not have to and willy-nilly withdraw that
`17 evidence as it sees fit throughout the proceeding.
`18 The evidence, some of it's good for us,
`19 some of its harmful to us. We believe that we
`20 should be entitled to take her cross-examination
`21 on those areas which are potentially harmful to us
`22 and yet not be deprived of relying on those
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 aspects of her testimony that are helpful to us.
`2 JUDGE KIM: Okay. All right, let me
`3 confer with my colleague real quick and I'll be
`4 right back.
`5 6
`record at 1:40 p.m. and went back on the record at
`7 1:47 p.m.]
`8 JUDGE KIM: Thank you very much for
`9 waiting, the panel is back and we are going to
`10 deny Patent Owner's request for rehearing or
`11 compel cross-examination, whatever you want to
`12 call it.
`13 We feel that right now Patent Owner is
`14 trying to have it both ways. On the one hand you
`15 don't want it in the record, but on the other hand
`16 you do want it but only for specific purposes.
`17 So, we're going to offer Patent Owner a
`18 choice. One, we can either expunge it, which you
`19 opposed but you know, we're giving the option
`20 again to expunge it so that there's clarity that
`21 this can't be relied on by anybody for anything
`22 even though already we said that Petitioner cannot
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 rely on it or we can keep it in the record, as we
`2 did before, and you can cite for inconsistent
`3 statements but there's going to be no cross-
`4 examination. So, you can use it but you use it at
`5 your peril.
`6 So, it's up to you Patent Owner.
`7 MR. PICKARD: Thank you Your Honor. Is
`8 there a deadline in which the Board wants Patent
`9 Owner to make its election or how do we move
`10 forward?
`11 JUDGE KIM: Good question. Hold on one
`12 second.
`13 [Pause.]
`14 JUDGE KIM: All right. We will provide
`15 Patent Owner until the 21st, the end of the day on
`16 the 21st. So two days to make its election. All
`17 right.
`18 MR. PICKARD: Very good.
`19 JUDGE KIM: Okay. Anything else?
`20 MR. PICKARD: Not from Patent Owner.
`21 MR. DAYBELL: Not from Petitioner, Your
`22 Honor.
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`1 JUDGE KIM: Okay, great. Thank you very
`2 much everyone. Appreciate it. Bye-bye.
`3 MR. PICKARD: Thank you.
`4 MR. DAYBELL: Thank you.
`5 (Whereupon, at 1:49 p.m., the conference
`6 call concluded.)
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`7 8 9


`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`2 I, CHRISTINE ALLEN, the reporter before
`3 whom the foregoing hearing was taken, do hereby
`4 certify that the witness whose testimony appears
`5 in the foregoing deposition was duly sworn by me;
`6 that the testimony of said witness was recorded by
`7 me and thereafter reduced to typewriting under my
`8 direction; that said deposition is a true record
`9 of the testimony given by said witness; that I am
`10 neither counsel for, related to, nor employed by
`11 any of the parties to the action in which this
`12 deposition was taken; and, further, that I am not
`13 a relative or employee of any counsel or attorney
`14 employed by the parties hereto, nor financially or
`15 otherwise interested in the outcome of this
`16 action.
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`1:33 3:2
`1:40 11:6
`1:47 11:7
`1:49 13:5
`1100 2:4,9
`12th 8:13
`14 5:13
`19 1:12
`20005 2:10
`2014 1:12
`2014-00025 3:6
`202 2:10
`2050 2:4
`21st 12:15,16
`23rd 5:11
`26 3:6
`371-2600 2:10
`567-6700 2:6
`7,010,508 1:9
`92614-8255 2:5
`949 2:6
`action 14:11,16
`adjust 7:11
`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`Page 1
`advantage 10:6
`afternoon 3:3,15
`ahead 4:1 5:5
`Allen 1:13 14:2,19
`allowed 10:4
`already 5:18,21
`am 14:9,12
`anybody 11:21
`anything 8:13
`11:21 12:19
`appear 6:1 7:18
`appears 14:4
`Appreciate 13:2
`arbitrary 4:15
`areas 10:21
`art 9:9
`aspects 5:19 11:1
`attorney 14:13
`August 1:12 8:13
`authority 4:16
`availability 7:8
`available 6:11
`Avenue 2:9
`aware 4:5
`backup 3:12,16
`barred 4:22
`believe 3:19
`6:8,19,22 7:7,21
`8:20 9:6,8 10:19
`Board 1:5
`4:3,4,21 5:20,22
`6:11,20 7:4
`8:5,6 9:13 10:1
`Board's 4:16 5:13
`brief 4:21
`Bye-bye 13:2
`Byron 2:8 3:16
`CA 2:5
`Capital 1:13
`capricious 4:15
`case 1:8 7:11 8:22
`cases 3:5,12
`cause 7:3,7
`CBM 3:5
`6 1:8
`certain 8:20
`certify 14:4
`changes 8:13
`choice 11:18
`Christine 1:13
`cite 12:2
`clarity 11:20
`clear 8:4 10:2
`colleague 11:3
`Company 1:13
`compel 5:12 8:16
`concerned 8:6
`concerning 6:17
`concluded 8:15
`confer 11:3
`conference 3:5
`confused 8:12
`confusion 9:20
`consider 6:12
`correct 8:19
`3:10,12,16 4:3
`country 6:9
`COURT 14:1
`cross 4:11 10:10
`9:7 10:5,20
`curious 7:22
`date 7:10
`day 12:15
`Daybell 2:2 3:9,10
`5:6 6:15 12:21
`days 5:13 12:16
`DC 2:10
`deadline 12:8
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`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`Page 2
`feel 4:11 11:13
`filed 5:10
`final 6:4
`financially 14:14
`First 4:2 6:19
`fit 10:17
`foregoing 14:3,5
`forth 9:10
`forward 12:10
`FOX 2:9
`frankly 8:7
`fundamental 10:8
`furthermore 5:17
`hearing 8:15 14:3
`helpful 8:22 11:1
`hereby 14:3
`hereto 14:14
`Hold 12:11
`Honor 3:9,15
`5:3,6 6:15
`I'll 6:4 7:9 11:3
`I'm 3:16 6:7 7:22
`8:12 9:3,17,22
`Inc 1:6
`inconsistent 8:10
`indicated 5:18
`institution 5:22
`interested 14:15
`Irvine 2:5
`issue 5:18 6:20
`7:19 8:15
`it's 6:19 8:6
`9:13,21 10:6,18
`James 2:3
`Jim 3:11
`Judge 3:3,4,13,19
`5:2,4 6:13,16
`7:22 9:1,4,11
`10:2,11 11:2,8
`getting 4:3
`given 14:9
`gives 7:3
`giving 11:19
`great 13:1
`guess 4:22 6:6
`8:12 9:17
`had--the 5:10
`hand 11:14,15
`handed 6:21
`happy 7:9
`hard 9:17
`harmful 10:19,21
`haven't 6:7
`having 9:17
`hear 3:20 9:22
`deadlines 7:11
`deal 7:13
`decision 6:1
`Declarant 4:8
`declaration 5:20
`7:16 8:21 9:7
`definitively 7:2
`delay 7:8
`denial 6:21
`deny 11:10
`denying 5:12
`deposed 8:2
`deposition 5:1 6:2
`7:14,18 8:17
`deprivation 10:8
`deprived 4:11
`despite 4:9
`direction 14:8
`disagreements 9:8
`Don 2:2 3:10,18
`Donald 2:7
`Dr 8:2
`due 4:17 10:9
`duly 14:5
`early 6:22
`EBAY 1:6
`efforts 4:9
`either 11:18
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`else 12:19
`employee 14:13
`encouraged 9:22
`entitled 4:14 7:14
`essentially 4:21
`everyone 13:2
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`7:2 8:17
`10:10 12:4
`examine 4:11
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`exercise 4:16
`expected 8:17
`expert 6:8
`expunge 4:9
`expunged 8:18,20
`expunging 10:12
`extent 7:5,12
`extremely 5:15
`face 9:15
`fact 5:7
`failure 4:14
`Featherstone 2:7
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`move 7:3 12:9
`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`Page 3
`outcome 14:15
`Owner 1:8 2:7
`2 4:1 6:16
`Owner's 11:10
`point 5:10 6:4
`position 10:14
`potentially 10:21
`preparing 6:5
`present 9:11,16
`presumably 7:17
`pretty 8:4 10:2
`prior 4:22
`probably 8:3
`problem 7:13,15
`proceeding 4:19
`process 4:17 10:9
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`provide 4:14
`provided 7:16
`purposes 11:16
`question 8:1
`quick 11:3
`quite 8:7
`reading 8:3
`real 11:3
`really 7:18 8:7,13
`reason 8:7,11 9:14
`recent 8:1
`reconsider 4:22
`5:8 7:4
`5:16 7:6
`p.m 3:2 11:6,7
`panel 11:9
`parties 14:11,14
`1:4,5,8,9,10 2:7
`4:1 6:16 7:13,19
`Pause 12:13
`perhaps 4:5 10:7
`peril 12:5
`period 6:10
`perspective 7:19
`Petitioner 1:6 2:2
`3:8,10,21 4:8
`5:4,19 6:14 7:10
`8:4 9:21 10:3,15
`11:22 12:21
`Petitioner's 4:9
`phone 8:9
`Pickard 2:8
`3:15,16 4:2
`5:3,7 6:17 8:14
`9:3,5,19 10:7,13
`12:7,18,20 13:3
`please 3:7
`Judges 1:10
`July 5:11 8:8
`Kim 1:10
`5:2,4 6:13,16
`7:22 9:1,4,11
`10:2,11 11:2,8
`last 6:22
`lead 3:10
`level 9:9
`line 3:4
`little 7:22 8:12
`Main 2:4
`Mark 2:3 3:11
`matter 11:5
`Maune 2:3 3:11
`may 4:1 8:9 9:8
`mean 5:10 8:2
`mention 4:16
`month 5:11
`morning 3:9
`motion 4:21
`nearly 5:11
`necessary 9:18
`neither 8:4 14:10
`Newton 4:8,12 5:1
`7:2,9 8:2,16,21
`nor 8:4 14:10,14
`notes 5:7
`notes--I 6:6
`notice 4:4
`nullity 8:6
`NW 2:9
`offer 11:17
`offered 4:12
`Okay 3:19 5:2,4
`6:13,16 11:2
`12:19 13:1
`online 3:8
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`opposed 11:19
`opposing 4:3
`option 11:19
`order 3:22
`5:10,12 6:21 7:1
`8:1,13 10:3
`orders 8:3
`otherwise 14:15
`ought 4:13
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`Capital Reporting Company
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`Page 4
`seeing 9:17
`seek 5:13
`sees 10:17
`shares 10:1
`she's 4:12 6:9 7:12
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`skill 9:9
`sorry 9:3
`sort 6:20
`specific 11:16
`stake 4:18
`8:10,21 9:6 12:3
`States 1:4 2:5
`Sterne 2:8,9 3:17
`Street 2:4
`submits 10:15
`substance 5:17
`substantial 6:10
`Suite 2:4
`sure 6:7
`sworn 14:5
`record 4:7 7:3 8:8
`10:9 11:6,15
`12:1 14:8
`recorded 14:6
`reduced 14:7
`regarding 3:5
`rehearing 5:8,14
`related 14:10
`relative 14:13
`relied 5:22 8:5
`rely 8:9 10:4 12:1
`relying 5:19 10:22
`remain 7:3
`remains 4:10
`reopened 8:1
`Reported 1:13
`reporter 14:1,2
`Reporting 1:13
`request 5:9
`6:2,12,18 7:5
`re-raised 6:20
`reviewing 6:6
`revisit 5:18
`rights 4:17 10:9
`Rob 3:17
`Robert 2:8
`roll 3:7
`rules 5:13
`ruling 4:22
`second 12:12
`talked 6:8
`TEL 2:6,10
`testimonial 4:6
`testimony 4:12
`5:20,21 11:1
`thank 3:13 4:2 5:6
`(866) 448 - DEPO
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`11:8 12:7
`that's 4:18
`7:12,21 8:10,19
`thereafter 14:7
`therein 5:20
`there's 9:20 11:20
`throughout 10:17
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`today's 6:6
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`TRIAL 1:5
`true 14:8
`trying 11:14
`Tuesday 1:11
`turns 8:18
`typewriting 14:7
`understood 7:17
`United 1:4 2:5
`untimely 5:9,16
`unusual 4:5
`upon 7:18,19
`valuable 4:18
`view 4:13,17 5:15
`9:21 10:1
`violation 4:17
`voluntarily 4:7
`7:16 10:15
`waiting 11:9
`warrant 9:7
`Washington 2:10
`wasn't 7:1 8:18
`ways 11:14
`week 6:22
`we'll 3:20
`we're 5:11 7:9,14
`We've 5:18
`whatever 11:11
`Whereupon 11:5
`whether 8:2,16
`whom 14:3
`Who's 3:7
`whose 14:4
`willy-nilly 10:16
`Wine 2:3 3:11
`withdraw 10:16
`witness 14:4,6,9
`Wood 1:10 3:4
`work 7:9
`would--we 6:18
`yet 4:10 10:22


`Capital Reporting Company
`Lockwood, Lawrence B. 08-19-2014
`Page 5
`York 2:9
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