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`meningococcus to mercantilism
`til the pm lllAlPl’ and arachnoid, caused by a bacterial or viral inter
`lion and characterized by high fever, severe headache, and stiff neck
`or back muscles,
`[1820-30] -—mn’in-yit/ic (-iiI/ik), adj
`mevninogo-(oc-cus (ma nlng’go kok’as), n., pl. «and t-kok/si,
`so]. a spherical or kidney~shaped bacterium, Ni‘isstrltl rrtcm‘ltgt'tt‘dis,
`that causes cerebrosplnal meningitis.
`[1890-95, < NL] —me-nln’go~
`roe/cal, mannin/go-coc/clc (‘kokfilc ~k0klslk), adj.
`-ké). -nis-
`memls-eus (mi nis’ltas).
`71., pl.
`ivttis’i, vnis’ki,
`(us-es. 1. a crescent or a crescetltrshapl‘d body. 2. the convex or con
`cave upper surface iii a column of liquid. the curvature of which is
`caused by surface tension. 3. a cuncavo-convex or convexoconcave
`lens. 4. a wedge of cartilage between the articulating ends of
`bones in certain joints,
`[tolls—'95; < NI. < Gk Int‘nt'sko: crescent.
`dim. of "Mud moon]
`Men’lo Park’
`(inert/lo). n.
`a village In central New Jersey. SE of
`Plainfield: site oI Thomas Edison's laboratory. 1876—87,
`Man-ning-er truen’ing or). rt. Karl Augustus. 1893—1990, U.S. psychi-
`Menrnonoite (men’s nit’). n. a member of a Protestant sect that re-
`fuses oaths and the bearing of arms and is noted for simplicity of lev
`[1555-65; < G Mcrmonit, after MEIUIU Simons (14924559). Fri-
`sian religious leader; see -rre‘] —Men’no-nit-ism. n.
`a combining lorm meaning "month,” “menstrual cycle"; mm-
`opartsc. Also. esp. before u vowel, men». [< Gk mind, comb. form of
`mén month; see Moon]
`memo-pause (men/o pdz’),
`the period of natural cessation of
`menstruation. usu. occurring between the ages of 45 and 55.
`75; < F] —men/o-paulsal. adj.
`ma-noroah [ma nor/a, par/a). n, 1. a candolabruin used in the Tem~
`pie and in modern synagogues, 2. a nindbranched candelabmm used
`during Hanukkah. 11885—90; < Heh manfirt'tlt]
`(def 2)
`Me-nor-ca (Sp. me mitt/Ital, it. MthltItJ
`menvor-rha-gI-a (mett’a rafié a, -ia). n. excossive monslrual
`tncnstrual flow.
`men-onrhe-a or man-or-rhM-a lnten’a ré’a]. n,
`[1355—60] —men/or-rhe/al. man/or-rho'ic ad}.
`Mamet-ti (ma not/r3], n Gian Carla (jani. born 19“. us. composer,
`horn in Italy.
`men-HI (men/sell. adj. of. pertaining to. or used at the table.
`50; late ME < L ménsdlis of a table < L mensa table]
`mansch (mcnclt),
`a decent and responsible person.
`[1950—55; < Yiddish memsh man. human being < MHG mmtsclt.
`0th IIlBrInISt‘O, rriannt‘sco.‘ see MAN, -tsH'l
`the menstrual
`(used wt'rh a sing. or pl. v.)
`flow, [1590-1600; < L mitoses. pl. of ménst‘s month]
`Mon-sho-vik (men’sha vilt),
`11.. pL -vlk5. -ka-l
`(-vik’é, vie/Ito)
`(sometime: Lc.) a member of the moderate wing of the Russian 50-
`cial-Democratic Workers' Party which,
`in opposition to the Bolshe~
`viks, advocated gradual development of socialism through reforms.
`<.' Russ nten'slmuflt - me’n'shnt) lesser
`4' vcuik, n. suffix]
`“Men/shawls"! (-vt’z’am). n. —Men/shu-vist. rt., adj.
`men's, mom’, n. a public lavatory for men. [1925-30, Amen]
`mans sa-nl In compo-re n-no (mans sa/na‘ in kon'po ste/ sa/no:
`bo y,
`a sound mind in a sound
`Eng. mam. sé’na itt hot/pa r?" si’nfi). Latin.
`men-strucal linen/stir?) al,
`-stral), adj, of or pertaining to menstrua‘
`[1350—1400; ME < L]
`to undergo
`men-swam. (men/soot: at’, ~Sttfit), v.i.. -at-ed, -at-ing.
`[IMO—St); < LL mémo'uftzus, pip. of nténstruéro der. of
`I. mEnstrnn menstrual discharge.
`it, use of neut. pl. of ménsmtus
`monthly - menstr- (see sliMhsrPJt)
`t -uus ad}. suffix]
`menstrual-lion (men/stréo i’shan. shah). n. 1. the periodic dis
`charge of blood and mucosal tissue from the uterus, occurring approx
`imately monthly front puberty to menopause in nottprcgnant women
`and females of other primate species. 2. the period of menstruating
`[1770-80] ~men/stru-ous («strain as. —s(ms], adj
`tmen’stro’o am.
`IL, pl,
`(Aser—O a). SOLVENT (def. 3].
`[160545; < NL. MI. flienSN‘llIll'l'l.
`as sing. of L menstrua menstrual discharge]
`mon-sur-aoble (men/sitar a bat.
`-sar 9-), ad). MEASURABLE.
`1605; < LL méttsfirflbt‘lr‘s w L mfirtsurdflc) to manta; r ‘bilt's -l.tLl:]
`(men’shar al. ~sar-). adj. pertaining to measure.
`10; < LL)
`the act or process of
`men-su-rautlon (men/aha ré’shan,
`(1565—75; < LL] —man’su-ra/tive, ad}
`menskur tmenz’war’],
`1. Also, men's’ waar’. apparel and at:
`cessories for men. 2. cloth. esp. wool. used itt making men’s and often
`women's tailored garments,
`a suffix of nouns that denote an action or resulting state
`a product
`[fragment], or means (orna-
`l< F < L menthol. suiiix forming nouns. usu. from verbs]
`men-tal‘ (men/ti). adj. 1. of or pertaining to the mind. 2. of, pertain-
`ing to. or affeclctl by a l'llhlif‘li‘l' iii the mind {I
`pctsons with a psychiatric disorder.
`ct Illr'tllfll ltusptm!
`' 320mm“
`by or existing in the mind' mcnral ant/“imam-
`intellectuals or intellectual activity. 6. Informal. insa
`5- Pettnnmg
`“9; crazy,
`1425‘. < LL ntenmlts ; L monk MINI] + >611: up] ”mm-tat
`(men/ti], adj. oi or pertaining to the chin “720 3,?"
`ntettlhrm} the chin + ~At.‘]
`‘ "“t
`men/tall age/.
`the level of mental ability of an individtut
`child. expressed as the chronological age of the average Win: ““3 i
`this level of ability. as determined by all intelligence teat
`lAl‘iil'tduu' at
`man/bl dafi/ciency. n.
`(no longer in technical use) MENU}: n
`" "7w
`men/tat heanhl, TI. psychological well-being and satislaclorn ..
`ment to society and to the ordinary demands of lite
`llBlqu’i 41'” “‘
`is or c.
`men/bl Ill/no“,
`71. any of various forms of psycho:
`neurosis. Also called men/tel disor/der. men/la! disease;
`ll lug.
`mencul-lsm (men/ti
`tz’am). n,
`the doctrine that obiem
`of imp}.
`edge have no existence except in the mind of the percetver,
`ll 57!}. 73.
`—men’ta|vis/tic adj.
`men-talnlst [men/t] istJ. TI. 1. a person who believes tn Qt amm.
`mentalism. 1. a mind reader or {ortunalcllcr [1780—90]
`man-tal-i ty (man tat/i153. n., pl. dies. 1. mental uapactty or Elwin,
` i']
`ment. 2. mental inclination; Outlook: (1 llbt’l‘fll mentality. [may J "
`men/tal retarda/tlon. n,
`a developmental disorder Cllill’xlctenl.
`varying degrees by a subnoi'rnal ability to learn.
`substantially 'Cv
`IO, and impaired social adjustment. “900—1 5]
`men-notion [men ta/shart], n mental activity.
`[18-10 50, a er:
`(s. of Indus) MIND + van-ton]
`(nten’thdl, ~thol],
`71.. a colorless, crystalline. sltgttigy
`soluble alcohol.
`(3.311100, obtained from miru oil or syntthtze,
`chiefly iit perfumes, cigarettes, and foods and in nasal nti‘lilcllzfin:
`(1675-80; < (3 < NL Menthm) (see mm”)
`4 C .01 ~uL‘]
`men-tho-lat-ed (men/tits la/tirl), adj, containing, COV€red. or um...
`with menthol.
`men-Hon (men/shalt].
`ILL 1.
`to refer hnefly in; mum. 5pm,
`speak of. 2.
`to cite formally for a mentortous act or achieve
`——n, 3. a brief or incidental reference; a mentioning. 4. format I
`nition for a meritorious act or achievement. —ldt'om. 5. not to mail.
`in addition to: They own two houses, not
`ra mention i1 hm...
`{1250—1300; ME Irtizncfotut < AF < L merino reference, menttor
`moo (hast: of) ans mind (see MEN]AI.‘)) + «in now] «men/tints.»
`ble. rid] «men/timber, It.
`Manvton (men ton’: Fr. man tout), n.
`a city tn SE France, or;
`Mediterranean; resort. 25,072. Italian, Men-to-ne (men ifi’llt“)
`(men/tor. dart, n.
`a wise anti
`trusted C(Jtlllht'lt'lr or
`teacher. 2.
`(in the Odyssey) a loyal adviser of Odysseus ‘rn
`trusted with the education of Telcntachus. —v.i. 3. to act as a menu;
`--U.t. 4. to act as a mentor to.
`[IMO—50; « Ck]
`the ohm.
`mun-u (men/ytii, rni/nytfi), rt, pl. men-us. 1. a list of
`that can or will be served at a meal. 2.. the dishes served, 3. any 3,5.
`or set of items from which to choose. 4. a list of options available to
`a user. as displayed on a computer or TV screen.
`tailed list, n. use of menu small, detailed < I. inim'nus Mount]
`malnu-driv/en, adj. of or pertaining to computer soitwate that use»
`menus to enable users to choose options.
`Momu-hln (mm/yon in), It. Ve-hu-di (ya lttit/tle'). horn ldlti, ti .1 v:-
`Men-ties (men/2:61.), n, Sir Robert Gordon, lav-171m. [)t‘lmt‘ nliilislet
`of Australia 1939—41 and 194966
`rue-ow (tné ou’, tnyou], n
`1. the characteristic sound a cat IltitlLP‘i
`.t spiteful or catty remark.
`-—I).l. 3. to make the sound of a on 4.
`make a spiteful or catty remark.
`[1870-752 imit]
`me-pur-lodlne (ma per/i dén’, >din].
`a narcotic compound
`CHI-luNOl, used as an analgesic and sedative.
`[t‘MS—SO. w'irnvt]
`also Me-phis-to tint
`[is/to), n.
`(in the Faust legend] the devil who tempts Faust. —Meph/s
`is-to-pha’lioan, Meph’t‘s-to-phe’lo-an (-sto fé’lt‘l on], till}
`m-phlt-lc (ma fit/1k). ad}. 1. offensive to the smell. 2,
`l‘iDXlfllis. res-
`tilential. [lots-ZS; < LL] —me-phit/i-cal-Iy. adv
`mI-phi-tls [ma fi/tts]. IL 1. a noxious exhalation from the earth. a:
`poison gas. 2. any foul or poisonous stench.
`[1700.» I0; c L "rcpt?
`me-pro-ba-mate (ma prd’ba mall. rnep’rt‘) ham/at). n A white putv-
`tier, C,I~I”N_,0‘, used chiefly as a tranqurlizer.
`[1950-55. MEllltTl“
`i-tto(rvi.] + [cnnhmmn‘t]
`a combining form used in the names of classes oi
`chenucal compounds. etc. that cxhihit the feature specit’imi hv tilt“ utl
`tial element: clastontcr, monomer,
`[extracted {tout isomrk or pmvut‘l
`men, 1. meridian, 2. meridional
`a green, water—soluble powdét
`mer-hro-mln (mar bro/min). n.
`CmHsurfigNa-Dh, that forms a red solution in water. used .1.» .in wt.
`Septic and as a germicide.
`[1940-451 Mimic-mm] + tntoMitNE]
`mar-can-tile (mt‘tr/kan tél’, -til’, «till, ad]. 1. of or pertaining in mm-
`chants or
`trade; commercial.
`2. of or pertaining to tncrcantiltsm
`(1635,45; < F < lt. - mercanr(e) [< L mercr'ms, prp. ol' rnc'fll’? I“
`trade; see mancumr) + the dual]
`mer-can-tll-lsm (mitt/kart ti liz’ant.
`(H, n. 1. an economt‘
`political policy, evolving with the modern nation-state.
`in wt
`government regulated the national economy with a view to the at't‘ll
`mulation of gold and silver. esp. by achieving a balance of cations
`over imports. 2. mercantile practices or spirit; commerctalitnn [HT/(v-
`75; < F] ~—mev’can-tll-lst, rt.. ad}. wmer/can-til-it/tic, mi;