`Covered Business Method Patent Review
















`Patent Owner.
`I, Dr. Ray R. Larson, declare as follows:
`My name is Ray R. Larson.
`I am a citizen of the United States and am over 18
`years of age. I have personal knowledge of the matters stated in this Declaration and, if called as


`a witness, could competently testify to them.
`I am a Professor at the University of California (“UC”) at Berkeley’s School of
`I specialize in the design and performance evaluation of information access
`systems, and the evaluation of user interaction with those systems. My current research focuses
`on Geographic Information Retrieval, Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Structured
`(XML) retrieval using probabilistic methods.
`I received my Ph.D.
`in Library and Information Studies from UC Berkeley in
`1986. My background includes work as a programmer/analyst with the University of California
`Division of Library Automation (DLA) where I was involved in the design, development, and
`performance evaluation of the UC public access online union catalog (MELVYL).
`My research has concentrated on the design and evaluation of information
`retrieval systems, with an emphasis on digital libraries.
`I currently teach courses on the design
`and evaluation of information systems,
`including IS202 “Information Organization and
`Retrieval,” 1S257 “Database Management,” 1S240 “Principles of Information Retrieval,” and
`1S245 “Organization of Information in Collections.”
`Additional details regarding my qualifications, education, and experience are
`described in my Curriculum Vitae, which is attached as Exhibit A.
`I understand that at
`least Expedia, Inc., Fandango, Inc., Hotel Tonight Inc.,
`Hotwire, Inc.,, L.P., Kayak Software Corp., Live Nation Entertainment, Inc., Micros
`Inc., Orbitz, LLC, OpenTable,
`Inc., Papa John’s USA,
`Inc., StubHub,
`Ticketmaster, LLC, LP, and Wanderspot LLC (collectively, “Petitioners”) are
`filing petitions for post-grant review of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,384,850 (“850 Patent”), 6,871,325
`(“325 Patent”), 6,982,733 (“733 Patent”), and/or 8,146,077 (“077 Patent”).
`I have been retained by Petitioners for their petitions for post-grant review and
`Page 2


`submit this Expert Declaration.
`I am being compensated for my time at my customary rate of $350 per hour plus
`any out-of pocket expenses.
`I am being paid for my time, regardless of the facts I know or
`discover and regardless of the conclusions or opinions that I reach and express.
`I have no
`financial interest in the outcome of this case.
`I have been asked to review the ‘850, ‘325, and ‘733 Patents and their prosecution
`In my opinion, a person of ordinary skill in the art to which the patents pertain
`would have a Bachelor’s degree in either electrical engineering or computer science and two
`years of experience developing software for wireless networks and devices.
`The phrase “application software for generating a second menu from said first
`menu and transmitting said second menu to a wireless handheld computing device or Web page”
`is found in Claim 1 of the ‘850 Patent, Claims 1, 7, 8, and 9 of the ‘325 Patent, and Claim 1 of
`the ‘733 Patent.
`I have reviewed the patent specification and prosecution histories, and I find no
`suggestion of “application software for. .
`. transmitting said second menu to a. .
`. Web page.”
`Indeed, because a web page is document, the phrase “transmitting a second menu to a Web page”
`is nonsensical, particularly given that the term transmitting presumably has its ordinary meaning
`given that the claimed application software is for transmitting both to a wireless handheld
`computing device and to a Web page.
`Based on my review of the patents’ specification, the patentee did not expressly
`define the term “web page.”
`the patents’ specification suggests an ordinary and
`customary meaning of this term. For example, the ‘850 Patent’s Summary of the Invention
`states that “[t]he menu generation approach of the present invention has many advantages over
`Page 3


`previous approaches in solving the problem of converting paper-based menus or Windows® PC-
`based menu screens to small PDA-sized displays and Web pages.” ‘850 Patent, 3:31-35
`(emphasis added). Therefore, I understand the ordinary and customary meaning of “web page”
`The ordinary and customary meaning of a “web page” is “[a] document on the
`World Wide Web.” MICROSOFT® PRESS COMPUTER DICTIONARY 479 (4th ed. 1999).
`A copy of the relevant pages from the MICROSOFT® PRESS COMPUTER DICTIONARY is
`attached as Exhibit B. This meaning is consistent with the patents’ specification and prosecution
`For example,
`the specification uses the term “Web” in accord with its ordinary
`meaning — the “world wide web.” ‘850 Patent at 2:8-19. Thus, the phrase “world wide web” is an
`adjective that modifies the word “page,” which is simply a document. Similarly, in response to
`an office action, it was argued that a prior art reference “describes the dynamic creation of menu
`web pages that are customized to a customer’s request.” Exhibit C,
`‘850 Patent 2/26/2001
`Amendment at 6-7. This too is consistent with a “web page” being a document. Finally, with
`to the claims themselves,
`the ordinary and customary meaning of “web page” is
`consistent with the “information entered on at least one web page” recited in claim 14 of the ‘850
`A “web server,” which is also called a HTTP server, is “[s]erver software that
`uses HTTP to serve up HTML documents and any associated files and scripts when requested by
`a client, such as a Web browser.” MICROSOFT® PRESS COMPUTER DICTIONARY 224.
`HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is “the protocol used to carry requests from
`a browser to a Web server and to transport pages from Web servers back to the requesting
`A “web browser” is “[s]oftware that lets a user view HTML documents and
`Page 4


`access files and software related to those documents.” MICROSOFT® PRESS COMPUTER
`A “client” is “[o]n a local area network or the Internet, a computer that accesses
`shared network resources provided by another computer (called a server).” MICROSOFT®
`A “web page” is neither software nor a computer. Moreover, a web page is a
`document, not a device. Thus, a “web page” is not a web server, web browser, client, or some
`combination thereof. This meaning is consistent with the specification’s separate use of each of
`these terms.
`Claim language confirms that a “web page” is not a “web server.” The use of
`“web server” and “web page” in Claim 12 of the ‘850 Patent is an indication that “web page” and
`“web server” are not synonymous. Likewise, the use of “web server” and “web page” in Claim
`11 of the ‘325 Patent is an indication that “web page” and “web server” are not synonymous.
`In light of the ordinary and customary meaning of “web page,” it is my opinion
`that the claim language “transmitting said second menu to a. .
`. Web page” is nonsensical to a
`person of ordinary skill in the art, and one of ordinary skill in the art could not understand the
`scope of this language.
`It does not make sense to refer to transmitting a menu to a web page,
`which is a document. For example, the teaching in the specification that changes on a wireless
`handheld device would be “reflected” on a “backoffice server, web pages and the other handheld
`devices” (‘850 Patent, 2:29-32; ‘325 Patent, 11:52-55; ‘733 Patent, 5:32-34) is not helpful at
`least because the passage does not address “transmitting” or a “menu.”
`Further confirming my opinion is
`the patent specification’s discussion of
`transmitting to a web server. That is, the patent specification discusses transmitting to a server,
`Page 5


`not a Web page. See, e.g., ‘850 Patent at 12:24-28 (“The client specifies a HTML document or
`other source on the server by transmitting a Uniform Resource Locator (“URL”) which specifies
`the protocol to use, e.g., HTTP, the path to the server directory in which the resource is located,
`and filename of the resource.”); 12:36-39 (“A user may cause a URL to be transmitted by typing
`it in the designated Window on the browser or by maneuvering the cursor to a position on the
`displayed document that corresponds to a hyperlink to a resource and actuating the mouse
`button.”); 12:56-57 (“The information entered by the user is transmitted to the server.”); Claim
`14 (“Wherein information entered on at least one Web page and transmitted over the internet is
`automatically communicated to the central database and at
`least one Wireless handheld
`computing device.”). The specification’s recognition that one transmits to a Web server or over
`the Internet but includes no disclosure of transmitting to a Web page confirms my opinion that
`the phrase transmitting to a Web page lacks a comprehensible meaning and the applicants did not
`disclose transmitting to a Web page in the patent specification.
`I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the
`foregoing is true and correct.
`Executed on: /j
`ay R. Larh
`Page 6


`Ray R. Larson
`University of California, Berkeley
`School of Information
`102 South Hall #4600
`Berkeley, CA 94720-4600
` (510) 642-6046 (office)
`EMAIL: ray@ISchool.Berkeley.EDU
`University of California, Berkeley
`California State University,
` Fullerton
`University of California at Berkeley
`University of California at Berkeley 1991-2003
`University of California at Berkeley 1986-1991
` 1984-1986
`(510) 642-5814 (fax)
`University of California, Berkeley
`School of Information
`PhD: Library and Information
` Studies.
`Certificate: Library Automation
` and Information Science
`M.S.L.S.: Library Science.
`B.A.: English and Comparative
` Literature.
`Professor, School of Information
`Assoc. Professor, School of
`Library and Information Studies.
`And School of Information
`Management and Systems
`Asst. Professor, School of Library
`and Information Studies.
`Acting Asst. Professor, School of
`Library and Information Studies.
`Programmer-Analyst and
`Production manager
`University of California,
`Systemwide Administration,
`Division of Library Automation.
`Prof. Larson specializes in the design and performance evaluation of information access systems, and the
`evaluation of user interaction with those systems. His current research focuses on Geographic Information
`Retrieval, Cross-Language Information Retrieval and Structured (XML) retrieval using probabilistic methods.
`His background includes work as a programmer/analyst with the University of California Division of Library
`Automation (DLA) where he was involved in the design, development, and performance evaluation of the
`UC public access online union catalog (MELVYL). His research has concentrated on the design and
`evaluation of information retrieval systems, with an emphasis on digital libraries. Prof. Larson was the
`principal investigator for the "CHESHIRE Demonstration and Evaluation Project" sponsored by the US Dept.
`of Education, that developed a next-generation online catalog and full-text retrieval system. He was a faculty
`investigator on the Sequoia 2000 project sponsored by Digital Equipment Corporation. He was a co-principal
`investigator for the "Searching Unfamiliar Metadata Vocabularies" project sponsored by DARPA. Prof.


`Larson was a faculty investigator on UC Berkeley’s participation in the NSF/NASA/DARPA Digital Library
`Initiative, and also the principal investigator of the "Cross-Domain Resource Discovery: Integrated Discovery
`and Use of Textual, Numeric and Spatial Data" project sponsored by NSF as part of the International Digital
`Libraries program.
`Prof. Larson was Co-PI along with Michael Buckland and Fredric C. Gey for the IMLS National Leadership
`grants ``Seamless Searching of Numeric and Textual Resources'', ``Going Places in the Catalog: Improved
`Geographic Access'' and more recently, ``Support for the Learner: What, Where, When and Who''. Prof.
`Larson was the PI on the recently completed IMLS National Leadership grant “Bringing Lives to Light:
`Biography in Context.”. He is currently an investigator on the NEH-funded “Social Networks and Archival
`Context (SNAC)” project and its continuation with sponsorship from the Mellon Foundation. He is currently a
`co-PI on the NSF and DHS funded project “Recasting Nuclear Forensics Discovery as a Digital Library
`Search Problem”, and the US PI on the IMLS and JISC funded international Digging Into Data program
`project “Integrating Data Mining and Data Management Technologies for Scholarly Inquiry”. Prof. Larson
`teaches courses on the design and evaluation of information systems, including IS202 ``Information
`Organization and Retrieval'', IS257 ``Database Management'', IS240 ``Principles of Information Retrieval'',
`and IS245 ``Organization of Information in Collections''.
`Elected to Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society, 1976.
`Elected to membership in the New York Academy of Sciences, 1988.
`American Society for Information Science Journal Best Paper Award, 1993.
`Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2002.
`DELOS Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries, Best ECDL Paper Award, 2004.
`American Association for the Advancement of Science.
`American Society for Information Science and Technology.
`Association for Computing Machinery.
`IEEE Computer Society.
`American Library Association.
`Chair-Elect 1990, Chair 1991 for the ASIS special interest group
`on Human-Computer Interaction.
`Elected to ASIS SIG Cabinet Steering Committee, 1991-1993.
`Chair-Elect 1994-95, Chair 1995-96 for the ASIS special interest group
`on Education for Information Science.
`ASIS Board of Directors (Director-at-large) 1997-2000
`Faculty Advisor to the Bay Area Student Chapter of ASIS, 1992-.
`Electorate Nominating Committee, AAAS, Section T, 1997-2000
`Chair Electorate Nominating Committee, AAAS, Section T, 1999-2000
`Associate Editor (1995-2002 ) ACM Transactions on Information Systems.
`Editorial Board (1998- ) Journal of the American Society for Information Science


`Editorial Board(2000-2004 ) AAAS Signal Transduction Knowledge Environment
`Editorial Board(2001-2003 ) Annual Review of Information Science and Technology
`Reviewer for:
`Journal of the American Society for Information Science
`Information Processing and Management
`Information Retrieval
`ACM Transactions on Information Systems
`Library Quarterly
`Journal of Geographic Information Science
`Transactions on Geographic Information Systems
`Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
`Funding Agencies:
`National Science Foundation
`Institute for Museum and Library Services
`American Society for Information Science Proceedings
`Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR) Proceedings
`Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries(JCDL) Proceedings
`Initiative for XML Retrieval (INEX) Proceedings
`European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) Proceedings
`ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) Proceedings
`IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) Proceedings
`American Society for Information Science and Technology Proceedings
`European Conference on Information Retrieval
`Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) Proceedings
`Twente Data Management Workshop
`Geographic Information Retrieval Workshop
`Location and the Web conference
`Workload Characteristics and Computer System Utilization in Online Library Catalogs. (Ph.D. dissertation)
`University of California at Berkeley, March 1986. University Microfilms No. DA8624828.
`Ray R. Larson, Edie Rasmussen, Shigeo Sugimoto, Elaine Toms, Eds. Building and Sustaining the Digital
`Environment: JCDL 2007 : Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries,
`Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada June 18-23, 2007.
` Refereed Journal Articles and Proceedings Papers
`"Hypertext and Information Retrieval: Towards the Next Generation of Information Systems". In: Borgman,
`C. L. and Pai, E. Y. H. (Eds.) Information and Technology: Proceedings of the 51st ASIS Annual Meeting,
`Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc., 1988.


`Yunhua Shi and Ray R. Larson. "Facilitating Chinese Character Entry and Information Retrieval Through
`Regular Expression Searching." Library and Information Science Research, vol. 11, 1989, pp. 335-355.
`"Managing Information Overload in Online Catalog Subject Searching". In: Katzer, J. and Newby, G. B.
`(Eds.) Managing Information and Technology: Proceedings of the 52nd ASIS Annual Meeting, Medford, NJ:
`Learned Information, Inc., 1989.
`"The Decline of Subject Searching: Long-Term Trends and Patterns of Index Use in an Online Catalog."
`Journal of the American Society for Information Science. vol. 42 no. 3, 1991, pp. 197-215.
`"Classification Clustering, Probabilistic Information Retrieval and the Online Catalog." Library Quarterly, vol.
`61, no. 2 (April), 1991, pp. 133-173.
`"Between Scylla and Charybdis: Subject Searching in Online Catalogs." Advances in Librarianship, vol. 15,
`1991, pp. 175-236.
`"Rapid Prototyping and Code Generation for Direct Manipulation Interfaces". In: Martin Dillon, Ed. Interfaces
`for Information Retrieval and Online Systems. New York: Greenwood Press, 1991.
`"Evaluation of Advanced Retrieval Techniques in an Experimental Online Catalog." Journal of the American
`Society for Information Science, v. 43 no. 1 (January 1992), pp. 34-53
`"Experiments in Automatic Library of Congress Classification." Journal of the American Society for
`Information Science, v. 43 no. 2 (March 1992), pp. 130-148
`Jolly Chen, Ray Larson, and Michael Stonebraker. "The Sequoia 2000 Object Browser." in Digest of papers,
`Compcon spring 1992 : San Francisco, California, February 24-28, 1992. Los Alamitos, Calif.: IEEE
`Computer Society Press, 1992.
`Ray R. Larson "Design and Development of a Network-Based Electronic Library." In: Andersen, Deborah
`Lines; Galvin, Thomas J.; Giguere, Mark D. (Eds.) Navigating the Networks: Proceedings of the ASIS
`Midyear Meeting, Portland, Oregon May 21-25, 1994 (pp. 95-114). Medford, NJ: Learned Information, Inc.,
`Ray R. Larson, Ralph Moon, Jerome McDonough, Lucy Kuntz & Paul O'Leary. "Cheshire II: Design and
`Evaluation of a Next-Generation Online Catalog System" IN: ASIS '95: Proceedings of the 58th ASIS Annual
`Meeting. Medford, NJ: Information Today, 1995. (p. 215-225).
`Ray R. Larson, "Geographic Information Retrieval and Spatial Browsing" IN: GIS and Libraries: Patrons,
`Maps and Spatial Information, edited by Linda Smith and Myke Gluck, Urbana-Champaign : University of
`Illinois, 1996. (p. 81-124)
`Ray R. Larson, Jerome McDonough, Lucy Kuntz, Paul O'Leary, and Ralph Moon, "Cheshire II: Designing a
`Next-Generation Online Catalog." Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 47(7) (July
`1996), p. 555-567 .
`Ray R. Larson, "Bibliometrics of the World Wide Web: An Exploratory Analysis of the Intellectual Structure of
`Cyberspace." IN: Hardin, Steve (Ed), ASIS '96 Proceedings of the 59th ASIS Annual Meeting. Baltimore,
`MD, Oct 21-24, 1996. Medford, NJ : Information Today.
`Ray R. Larson, “The UC Berkeley School of Information Management and Systems” IN: Sprague, Ralph
`(Ed). Proceeding of the 30th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1997
`Gey, F., Chen, H., Norgard, B., Buckland, M., Kim, Y., Chen, A., Lam, B., Purat, Y., and Larson, R.
`"Advanced Search Technologies for Unfamiliar Metadata" IN Meta-Data '99 Third IEEE Meta-Data
`Conference April 6-7, 1999.


`Larson, R. and Carson, C. "Information Access for a Digital Library: Cheshire II and the Berkeley
`Environmental Digital Library" Proceedings of the 62nd ASIS Annual Meeting, Nov. 1999, pp 515-535.
`Larson, Ray R. (2001) "TREC Interactive with Cheshire II", Information Processing and Management 37
`(2001) 485-505.
`Gey, F, M Buckland, A Chen and R Larson (2001). Entry Vocabulary - a Technology to Enhance Digital
`Search. In: Proceedings of HLT0 2001, the First International Conference on Human LanguageTechnology
`Research, James Allan, Editor, San Diego, California, March 2001, pp. 91-95
`Larson, Ray R. (2001) Distributed Resource Discovery: Using Z39.50 to Build Cross-Domain Information
`Servers. Proceedings of the 1st Joint ACM-IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries. pp. 52-53
`Larson, Ray R., Fredric Gey, Aitao Chen, and Michael Buckland (2002) Harvesting Translingual Vocabulary
`Mappings for Multilingual Digital Libraries. Proceedings of the Joint IEEE/ACM Conference on Digital
`Libraries, 2002 (Portland Oregon, July 14-19, 2002), pp. 185-190
`Larson, Ray R. (2002). A Logistic Regression Approach to Distributed IR. SIGIR 2002 proceedings
`(Tampere, Finland, August 12-14, 2002). pp. 399-400
`Larson, Ray R. (2003). Placing Cultural Events in Space and Time. In: Foundations in Geographic
`Information Science. London: Taylor and Francis, 2003.
`Ray R. Larson, “Distributed IR for Digital Libraries” In Research and Advanced Technology for Digital
`Libraries (ECDL 2003). Pp. 487-498. Lecture Notes in computer Science #2769. Berlin : Springer, 2003
`Ray R. Larson. “Approaches and Effectiveness of Distributed Searching for Digital Libraries”. (refereed
`poster session) Abstract in ASIS&T 2003: Humanizing Information Technology: From Ideas to Bits and Back
`(2003 American Society for Information Science & Technology Annual Meeting Proceedings), Long Beach,
`CA, October 19-22, 2003.
`Ray R. Larson and Patricia Frontiera. “Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR) Ranking Methods for Digital
`Libraries”. (Refereed Demo/Poster), Abstract in JCDL 2004: Proceedings of the Fourth ACM/IEEE Joint
`Conference on Digital Libraries (Tucson, Arizona, June 7-11, 2004) p. 415
`Fredric C. Gey, Aitao Chen, Ray R. Larson and Kim Carl. “Geotemporal Querying of Multilingual
`Documents.” (Refereed Demo) Abstract in SIGIR 2004: The Twenty-Seventh Annual International ACM
`SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. (Sheffield, UK, July 25-29, 2004)
`p. 596.
`Ray R. Larson and Patricia Frontiera. “Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR): Searching Where and What”.
`(Refereed Demo) Abstract in SIGIR 2004: The Twenty-Seventh Annual International ACM SIGIR
`Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. (Sheffield, UK, July 25-29, 2004) p.
`Ray R. Larson and Patricia Frontiera. “Ranking and Representation for Geographic Information Retrieval”.
`Extended abstract in SIGIR 2004 Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval. (Sheffield, UK, July 29,
`Ray R. Larson and Patricia Frontiera. “Spatial Ranking Methods for Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR)”
`IN R. Heery, L. Lyon (Eds). Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries: 8th European
`Conference on Digital Libraries, Bath, UK, September 2004.Springer (LNCS 3232). p 45-56.
`Ray R. Larson. “Cheshire II at INEX '04: Fusion and Feedback for the Adhoc an Heterogeneous Tracks”. IN


`N. Fuhr, M. Lalmas, S. Malik and Z. Szlávik(Eds). Advances in XML Information Retrieval. Third Workshop
`of the INitiative for the Evaluation of XML Retrieval INEX 2004, Schloss Dagstuhl, 6-8 December 2004.
`LNCS 3493, pp. 322-336, 2005.
`Ray R. Larson. “A Fusion Approach to XML Structured Document Retrieval”. Information Retrieval. v. 8, pp.
`601-629, 2005.
`Ray R. Larson and Robert Sanderson. “Grid-Based Digital Libraries: Cheshire3 and Distributed Retrieval”.
`Proceedings of the 2005 Joint Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL05).
`Ray R. Larson, Vivien Petras and Fredric C. Gey. “Berkeley at GeoCLEF: Logistic Regression and
`Fusion for Geographic Information Retrieval”, CLEF 2005 Proceedings. Springer. In Press.
`Vivien Petras, Fredric Gey and Ray R. Larson. “Domain-specific CLIR of English, German and Russian
`Using Fusion and Subject Metadata for Query Expansion.”, CLEF 2005 Proceedings. Springer. In Press.
`Fredric Gey, Ray Larson, Mark Sanderson, Hideo Joho and Paul Clough, Vivien Petras. “GeoCLEF: the
`CLEF 2005 Cross-Language Geographic Information Retrieval Track.” CLEF 2005 Proceedings. Springer. In
`Michael K. Buckland and Ray R. Larson. “Metadata as Infrastructure: What, Where, When and Who.” ASIST
`2005: Proceedings of the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science and
`Technology”, ASIS&T, 2005.
`Ray R. Larson “Probabilistic Retrieval, Component Fusion, and Blind Feedback for XML Retrieval.” In, N.
`Fuhr, et al. (Eds). INEX 2005 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 3977), pp 225-239, 2006
`Vivien Petras, Ray R. Larson and Michael Buckland. “Time Period Directories: A Metadata Infrastructure for
`placing Events in Temporal and Geographic Context.” IN: Opening Information Horizons; 6th ACM/IEEE-CS
`Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2006. pp.151-160.
`Robert Sanderson and Ray R. Larson. “Indexing and Searching Tera-Scale Grid-Based Digital Libraries.” IN:
`INFOSCALE 2006 Proceedings, IEEE, 2006.
`Paul Watry, Ray R. Larson and Robert Sanderson. “Knowledge Generation from Digital Libraries and
`Persistent Archives”. IN J. Gonzalo, C. Thanos, M. Felisa Verdejo and R Carrasco (Eds.) Research and
`Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 10th European Conference ECDL 2006. Berlin: Springer (Lecture
`Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 4172), 2006.
`Ray R. Larson and Robert Sanderson. “Cheshire3: Retrieving from Tera-Scale Grid-Based Digital Libraries.”
`(Demonstration Abstract) IN S. Dumais, E. Efthimiadis, D. Hawking, K. Jarvelin (Eds). SIGIR ’06
`Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and
`Development in Information Retrieval. New York: ACM, 2006
`Michael K. Buckland and Ray R. Larson “Infrastructure for the Representation of Events and their Contexts.”
`(Poster Abstract) IN Information Realities: Shaping the Digital Future for All. Proceedings of the American
`Society for Information Science and Technology Annual Meeting, American Society for Information Science
`and Technology, Austin, Texas, November 5-8, 2006.
`Ingo Frommholz and Ray R. Larson. “The Heterogeneous Track at INEX 2006”, In N. Fuhr, M. Lalmas and
`A. Trotman(eds). Comparative Evaluation of XML Information Retrieval Systems (INEX 2006) Springer
`LNCS 4518. pp 312-317. 2007
`Ray R. Larson “Probabilistic Retrieval Approaches for Thorough and Heterogeneous XML Retrieval”. In N.
`Fuhr, M. Lalmas and A. Trotman(eds). Comparative Evaluation of XML Information Retrieval Systems (INEX
`2006) Springer LNCS 4518. pp 318-330. 2007.


`Fredric Gey, Ray Larson, Mark Sanderson, Kerstin Bischoff, Thomas Mandl, Christa Womser-Hacker,
`Diana Santos and Paulo Rocha. “GeoCLEF 2006: the CLEF 2006 Cross-Language Geographic Information
`Retrieval Track Overview", IN Peters, C., Clough, P., Gey, F., Karlgren, J., Magnini, B., Oard, D.W., de
`Rijke, M., Stempfhuber, M (Eds.) Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval -- Seventh
`Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006. Berlin: Springer (Lecture Notes in
`Computer Science 4730), pp. 852-876. 2007.
`Ray R. Larson. “GeoCLEF Text Retrieval and Manual Expansion Approaches", IN Peters, C., Clough, P.,
`Gey, F., Karlgren, J., Magnini, B., Oard, D.W., de Rijke, M., Stempfhuber, M (Eds.) Evaluation of Multilingual
`and Multi-modal Information Retrieval -- Seventh Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF
`2006. Berlin: Springer (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4730), pp. 970-977, 2007.
`Ray R. Larson. “Text Retrieval and Blind Feedback for the ImageCLEFphoto Task", IN Peters, C., Clough,
`P., Gey, F., Karlgren, J., Magnini, B., Oard, D.W., de Rijke, M., Stempfhuber, M (Eds.) Evaluation of
`Multilingual and Multi-modal Information Retrieval -- Seventh Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation
`Forum, CLEF 2006. Berlin: Springer (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4730), pp. 609-612, 2007.
`Ray R. Larson. “Domain Specific Retrieval: Back to Basics", IN Peters, C., Clough, P., Gey, F., Karlgren, J.,
`Magnini, B., Oard, D.W., de Rijke, M., Stempfhuber, M. (Eds.) Evaluation of Multilingual and Multi-modal
`Information Retrieval -- Seventh Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2006. Berlin:
`Springer (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4730), pp. 174-177, 2007.
`Michael K. Buckland, Fredric C. Gey, and Ray R. Larson. “Access to Heritage Resources Using What,
`Where, When, and Who”. Museums and the Web (conference), San Francisco, April 11-14, 2007
`Ray R. Larson. “Bringing Lives to Light: Browsing and Searching Biographical Information with a Metadata
`Infrastructure.” (Demo) In L. Kovacs, N. Fuhr, C. Meghini (eds). Research and Advanced Technology for
`Digital Libraries, 11th European Conference, ECDL 2007, Budapest, Hungary. September 2007. Springer
`LNCS 4675, 2007.
`Michael Buckland, Aitao Chen, Fredric C. Gey, Ray R. Larson, Ruth Mostern & Vivien Petras. “Geographic
`Search: Catalogs, Gazetteers, and Maps”. College & Research Libraries. Vol 68, no. 5 (Sept 2007): 376-
`Ray R. Larson. “Experiments in Classification Clustering and Thesaurus Expansion for Domain Specific
`Cross-Language Retrieval”. In Peters, C.; Jijkoun, V.; Mandl, Th.; Müller, H.; Oard, D.W.; Peñas, A.; Petras,
`V.; Santos, D. (Eds.) Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval: 8th Workshop of the
`Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2007, Budapest, Hungary, September 19-21, 2007, Revised
`Selected Papers Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 5152, pp. 188-195.
`Thomas Mandl, Fredric Gey, Giorgio Di Nunzio, Nicola Ferro, Ray Larson, Mark Sanderson, Diana Santos,
`Christa Womser-Hacker and Xing Xie. “GeoCLEF 2007: the CLEF 2007 Cross-Language Geographic
`Information Retrieval Track Overview”. In Peters, C.; Jijkoun, V.; Mandl, Th.; Müller, H.; Oard, D.W.; Peñas,
`A.; Petras, V.; Santos, D. (Eds.) Advances in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Retrieval: 8th
`Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2007, Budapest, Hungary, September 19-21,
`2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science , Vol. 5152, pp. 745-772.
`Ray R. Larson. “Cheshire at GeoCLEF 2007: Retesting Text Retrieval Baselines.” In Peters, C.; Jijkoun, V.;
`Mandl, Th.; Müller, H.; Oard, D.W.; Peñas, A.; Petras, V.; Santos, D. (Eds.) Advances in Multilingual and
`Multimodal Information Retrieval: 8th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2007,
`Budapest, Hungary, September 19-21, 2007, Revised Selected Papers Springer Lecture Notes in Computer
`Science , Vol. 5152, pp. 811-814.


`Ray R. Larson and Michael K. Buckland. “Browsing with a Metadata Infrastructure for Events, Periods, and
`Time”. American Society for

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