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`Docket No. 1004293.005US
`Serial No.:
`11/1 12,990
`Confirmation No.2
`Applicant(s): McNally, et a1.
`Group Art Unit:
`April 22, 2005
`Brophy, Matthew
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`I, the undersigned, Keith R. McNally, declare and state that:
`I am an inventor of the subject matter claimed in the above-identified patent
`I have first-hand knowledge as to all of the facts, all of the referenced Exhibits
`and all of the information contained herein.
`I make this supplemental declaration providing additional evidence of
`"secondary factors’ by correlating and synchronizing all of the previously provided
`documents and evidence to support the Nexus confirming ‘non-obviousness’ - in response
`to the November 16, 2010 Interview.
`There was clearly a long felt and growing need - which Ameranth’s
`invention uniquely solved in September 1998 — (as was disclosed in the September 21, 1999
`filing of the original patent application) - which this application claims priority to. This


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`unsolved need dates back to M 1995, (with the founding of the Cybermeals company),
`(which later became in early 1999) and which was co-foundedby Bryan Cupps—
`(the ‘Cupps’ of one of the prior art patents asserted against the 11/112,990 application). In
`fact, ‘Cybermeals’ was formed with the expressed mission to meet online ordering needs for
`restaurants, yet after almost four years and $100M of investments, it had failed to effectively
`do so and Mtg that itw Ameranth’s ‘menu and communications wizard’ invention
`and it licensed Ameranth’s technology for both web and wireless ordering — (to include
`smart phones). (Note, this summary in Exhibit #23 of the original 1.132 declarationfrom
`September 1999 - Titled: and Ameranth'Technology Link Up — confirmed the
`wireless device/smart phone aspect of the relationship - “Ameranth, a leader in wireless
`technology will also work closely with its strategic partners, Symbol Technologies and
` to enable the ~site toreceive orders wirelessly from the emerging
`generation of wirelessly enabled smart devices.”
`It is difficult (in considering ‘obviousness’ now) vs. back in 1998 (looking
`backward in time) - (from a 2010 technology interconnected, ‘always on’, ubiquitous
`communications world perspective) to appreciate that things that might ‘appear’ obvious
`W c
`ompany) - (with almost all of the Hospitality POS and related software application systems
`riding on/leveraging Mcore software products - (one way or another) and who had
`introduced their new ‘Windows CE’ mobile products also had not—met the need. Micros, (the
`world’s largest POS company) - (then and now) was a_l§g entirely incapable in 1998/1999 of
`meeting this need without the technology invented by Ameranth that enables the interfacing
`and synchronizing of complex and GUI intensive POS and other hospitality based systems


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`with the intemet, with web pages and/or with the modern ‘PDA type’ wireless devices and
`smart phones - that were to ride on the intemet links.
`Thus at the inventive date timeframe of the Fall of 1998, if the invention
`were truly ‘obvious’ mg, certainly if there were three companies in the. world that should
`have been able to solve/invent the unique ‘menu wizard’ and ‘communications wizard’
`invention — it would have been one or more ofthese three companies. These companies were
`all ‘sofiware’ companies, market leaders, they were clearly operating i_r_i the hospitalig space
`and unarguably they had almost unlimited resources, (with with ~$100M - the
`smallest company of the three). Yet, what actually happened in 1998/1999? They all failed
`to invent what I and my co-inventors did invent and all three companies independently
`concluded that
`they needed .Ameranth’s ‘mcnu wizard’ and ‘comrnunications wizard’
`inventive technology and Micros and sought to gain exclusive rights to it and
`Microsoft took it
`to an even higher confirmation level and not only partnered with
`Ameranth, but made a multi million dollar strategic investment into Ameranth - its only
`such investment in this space in the world.
`Further, Microsofi itself confirmed, (the same month Ameranth submitted its
`parent ‘850 patent application to the USPTO that Ameranth’s invention) _n_1_e_t a flow—
`in their Fall 1999 Supplemental Hospitality Publication. “The 21st Century
`Restaurant System is a fully integrated system that provides a long —awaited hospitality
`industry mobile wireless solutionfor traditional restaurantprocesses”
`Not only did publicly partner with Ameranth in the summer of
`1999 and announce why it needed Ameranth’s invention but privately (in Exhibit #20 of the


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`CEO,CFO,CTO,COO and other Senior VP’s - it ad_mitt_ed that it needed Ameranth’s ‘menu
`wizard’ and ‘communications wizard’ technology and identified the many advantages that
`Ameranth’s inventive technology would provide to them, (despite their nearly five years of
`development effort) and them having filed for and received allowance on their Cupps patent.
`this document confirms their already existing relationship with
`Micros- yet confirms their need for Ameranth to meet that unsolved need. This document
`and its critical
`importance was discussed with the Examiner and his superiors in the
`November 16, 2010 Interview. Further, not only did conclude that Ameranth’s
`invention was superior to and beyond the Cupps patent, but the Patent Examiner (for
`Ameranth’s allowed parent application), (the ‘850 patent) — himself, (even without access
`then to Exhibit #20) independently concluded that Ameranth’s inventive technology was
`superior to the Cupps patent and granted Ameranth allowance m for both independent
`I and numerous dependent claims and for two subsequent patents as well.
`Micros also unquestionably concurred - since it had already partnered with
` in early 1999, yet m had m and concluded that it n_ee¢:_d our
`breakthrough ‘menu generation’ invention and not just in a normal licensing way — rather it
`in 1999 (or any time earlier with w of its systems, and utilizing its vast resources) it would
`n_ot have sought the exclusive license to pu_r invention and ofl‘ered Ameranth in May 2000 to
`pay $200/Handheld license fee and up to $1500/restaurant license fee for an exclusive
`license to our ‘menu/communications wizard’ invention. Thus, fiirther, any conceptual
`‘combination’ of Micros and/or with Cupps/ having been ‘obvious’ - to meet our
`pending claims is innately confirmed false and only reflects ‘hindsight conceptualization’,


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`since the f_ac_ts_ of what actually happened contemporaneously are that pilh Micros and
` fiailii and did not have our invention, they did not know ho_w to meet the need
`wilh_o_u_t Ameranth,
`they had fiailil in their collaboration and in fact,
`they sought the
`exclusive license to M invention — which thus was po_t obvious to them.
`the market
`confirmations of
`Micros/ are compelling in and of themselves, it would be reasonable to
`expect additional confirmation from others in the Hospitality Industry also to confirm the
`demand for this ‘long unmet need’. Again, what actually happened in 1998/1999 is that not
`pm did these three industry giants recogpize/confirm the breakthrough nature of
`Ameranth’s invention, but so did virtually the entire hospitality indusg, and many more
`companies also took or sought licenses w to Ameranth’s 21St Century Restaurant
`System technology (which embodied and embodies) the claimed invention. Many of these
`companies had been in the Hospitality Market (for a decade or more) and they too fiaflfl and
`needed Ameranth’s invention. This M and additional widespread adoption further
`confirmed the long felt need.
`Additional POS and/or technology companies partnering with Ameranth in
`W P
`ositouch, Foodtrak, Comtec, Squirrel Systems, JTECH, and Symbol. (In fact, Symbol also
`made a multi million dollar investment into Ameranth — just as Microsoft did.)
`is also important
`to note/confirm that
`this widespread adoption and
`licensing of our invention and products (derived from the invention) occurred mph;
`independent of, any ‘threats of litigation’ (in fact there were none). The adoption occurred


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`solely due to the breakthrough nature of our innovative solution to the ‘long felt and
`' unsolved need’.
`Also, Ameranth was a small and relatively new company, had no established
`‘brand name’, nor were these new adopters and licensees ‘regular customers’ of Ameranth
`(with some'kind ofdependency on Ameranth) thus their adoption ofour technology is s_ole_ly
`attributed to its innovations , breakthrough aspects and unique solution to meeting the long
`felt need.
`Further still, Ameranth received numerous technology awards for products
`embodying the invention (including e.g. wireless handhelds, ‘non standardsized’ displays,
`data synchronization, web interfaces etc) (and the National, Regional and Hospitality press
`too confirmed the breakthrough nature ofAmeranth’s invention. These m, these w
`— they happened, they are independently confirmed (with documentation in the other 1.132
`declarations) and collectively they confirm that there was a ‘long felt- unmet need’, uniquely
`and only s_ol_veg by Ameranth’s breakthrough invention.
`As is thoroughly documented in my 1.131 declaration, the original core
`invention was invented in September 1998 and then steadily advanced and commercialized
`W o
`riginally referred to as the ‘Intraset Wizard’ — (which is shown in the center of the
`embodying product chart - 21St Century Restaurant) — 1998. The ‘menu wizard’ and
`‘communications wizard’ were Lbsets of the overall
`‘Intraset Wizard’. Ameranth’s
`subsequent software products e.g. 21St Century Restaurant, ImprOv Comedy Ticketing and
`(each inclusive of
`aspects of wireless handhelds,
`synchronization, ‘non standard sized displays’, communication control software, configured


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`for display etc) - (as well as others too) all innately mm these inventive software wizards
`— (that themselves embody and are commensurate with the claims of the issued patents Q91
`also those in the 11/112,990 pending application). As such, the related ‘secondary factors’ —
`(referring to these products) form a Nexus and are thus non obviousness confirmations of
`the core invention and the claims of same (which were/are embodied in those products)
`Again, I thank the Examiner and his supervisors for the November 16, 2010
`interview. Attached as Exhibit A is my ‘11/112,990 Secondary Factors -- Nexus Overview
`Summary’ in which I am responding to the discussions/guidance from that interview to
`more clearly confirm the nexus of the evidence submitted with the claims of the pending
`application. This summary is further explained in the next paragraph.
`Concurrently submittedwith this 1.132 “Nexus” declaration is an additional
`supplemental declaration (with 13 additional exhibits) to further support the nexus of the
`evidence submitted with the claims of the pending application. These new documents are
`compelling (in and of themselves) - since they clearly show that we had added in ‘patent
`pending’ markings to our 21St Century Restaurant product brochures (as soon as we were
`W p
`ublicly issued a press release nationwide (via the AP and UPI) as well as posted it on our
`web site and sent out hundreds of paper copies of our patent press release in May 2002,
`upon the issuance of the formal parent ‘850 patent. In this press release I and we m1b_li_c_ly,
`clearly and directly explained, connected and associated the ‘just all‘owed’ parent ‘850
`patent application with the core inventive aspects ofthe patent and associated m our 213‘
`Century Restaurant System products.


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`Thus, the claims of the invention were/are commensurate in scope with our
`21ST Century Restaurant System products and the majority of the licensees and partner
`companies had licensed or sought to license flit product. Our closely related products a_lsp
`encompassing the invention and commensurate with the claims of the invention e.g.
`Hostalert and Improv Ticketing
`(both inclusive of wireless handheld/smart phone
`interfaces) have also been marked with our patent numbers (as is shown in several of the
`#12 exhibits of the latest 1.132 declaration submission).
`In fact, and as yet additional evidence against ‘obviousness’ - each of these
`three products won major technology awards
`linkages and data synchronization) fiom independent panels of experts- which clearly
`confirms their breakthrough nature and provide further confirmations that Arneranth’s
`(focused on their wireless handheld/device
`invention met a ‘long felt need’. The press and public accolades that we also received (for
`these products embodying the invention and the claims) were simply overwhelming and are
`documented in the 1.132 declarations and also summarized in the attached 11/112,990
`Nexus Overview Summary. The attached summary graphically links/explains
`interrelationships between the previous and newly provided documents and the documents
`rea ltleS O W a
`supporting the ‘secondary factors’ — revealing the complex ‘real world’
`actually happened contemporaneously in the fast moving and dynamic period of invention,
`product development and partnering/licensing. The nexus ofthe evidence submitted with the
`claims of the pending application was and is real;
`it is what actual] ha
`ened in the
`inventive timeframe and confirms that our invention was mt obvious.
`The commercial success, and other above ‘secondary factors’ were/are
`directly derived from products embodying the claims of the claimed invention and which


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`flow from the functions, claims and advantages disclosed and/or
`in the
`specification. The Abstract and Field OfThe Invention were/are:
`An information management and synchronous communications system and method
`facilitates database equilibrium and synchronization with wired, wireless and Web-based
`systems, user-friendly and efficient generation of computerized menus and reservations
`for restaurants and other applications that utilize equipment with nonstandard graphical
`ormats dis la sizes and/or applicationsfor use in remote data entry, in ormation
`management and communication with host computer, digital input device or remote
`pager via standard hardwired connection, the internet, a wireless link or the like.
`This invention relates to an information management and synchronous communications
`system and methodfor generation of computerized menus for restaurants and other
`applications with specialized display and synchronous communications requirements
`related to, for example, the use ofequipment or software with non-PC-standard
`graphical (ormats, display sizes and/0r applicationsfor use in remote data entry,
`information management and synchronous communication between host computer,
`digital input device or remote pager via standard hardwired connection, the internet, a
`wireless link, smart phone or the like.
`Referring to the chart on page 3 of the attached “Ameranth 11/112,990 ‘Secondary
`Factors’ - Nexus Overview’ , the ‘Abstract’ and ‘Field ofInvention’ above, the definition of
`the ‘long felt need’, the claims, (the interactions with Micros and - as reflected in
`declaration and m ublic statements as to the unique aspects of
`the invention/patent — (upon the parent patent issuance in May 2002),
`the connection
`between the patent, the claims, the invention, the market acclaim, the ‘secondary factors’
`and the products (derived from the invention/patent) demonstrates a nexus of unified
`In additionto all the other factors summarized above — it is veg compelling
`that the Harvard Business School referred to Ameranth’s technology as “an exceptionally
`innovative approach to growth, resulting in the market-transforming changes we call


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`Marketbusters’ and that Microsoft. founder Bill Gates personally nominated Ameranth’s
`products/inventions for a major technology award with the accolade that ‘[Ameranth] is one
`of the leading pioneers of the information technology revolution for the betterment of
`I respectfully request that the Examiner consider this Supplemental Nexus
`Declaration (along with the attached ‘Nexus Overview Summary’) and the previously
`provided 1.131 and 1.132 declarations and evidence together,
`as conclusive rebuttal
`evidence of nonobviousness and that the presently pending 11/112,990 claims (as amended)
`be allowed.
`I hereby declare that all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and
`that all statements made on information and belief are believed to be true; and further, that
`these statements are made with the knowledge that Willfill false statements, and the like so
`made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 of Title 18 of the
`United States Code, and that such willful false statements may jeopardize the validity of the
`application or any patent issued thereon.
`Keith R. McNally




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