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`l. English language--Dictionaries.
`I._ Merriam-Webster, Inc.
`man-tailored 0 Maoris
` 709
`Agni B%c%‘E%JE%
`;r= dc? R 1% W.
`manuual alphabet
`materials by hand or by machinery , b : to produce according to an
`organized plan and with division of labor
`3 : mivi-:N'r. FABRICATE 4
`: to produce as if by manufacturing : CREATE (writers who --- stories
`cturing ri
`for television) N vi‘: to engagein manufacture -manufa
`man-u-fac-tur-er \-‘talc-char-ar, -'l'ak-sht'ar\ r: (1719) :
`one that manu-
`factures; esp : an employer of workers in manufacturing
`man-uomis-sian \.man-ya-‘mi-shai1\ rt gME, fr. MF, fr. L mortii'rni'r-
`siqn-, manumissio, fr. martti_riti'tt_ere] l15c
`the act or process of manu-
`mitting; esp: formal emancipation from slaver
`man-u-rnit \.tnan-ya—‘mit\ vt -mit-ted: -init-ting [ME niaitumitieri, fr.
`MF manumitter; fr. L maiiitmittere. fr. mantis hand fi-Ht‘i1i'!EEr‘€ to let go,
`send] 05:2):
`to release from slavery syri soc FREE"
`; ma-nur-irig [ME maricimzri,
`‘ma-nure \ino—'ni'ir, -'nyi'ir\ vt ma-nured
`fr. MF manouvrer, Iit.. t'o do work by h
`and. fr. L mami aperare] (l5c)
`lII8Il1I.Il'-21' fl
`t obs: CULTJVATE 2 : to eru-icli'(_land) by the application of manure -
`imamire it (1549) : material that fertilizes land; esp :_ .re.iu§; of stables
`and barnyards consisting of livestock excreta with‘ or without litter -
`iiia-mi-ri-nl \-"ii(y)i2ir-e-ol\ adj
`ma-nus \
`'m§-\ ri. pi maonus \-nos. -.ni.is\ [NL, fr. 1., hand]
`terminus .
`(1826) :
`the distal segment of the vertebrate forelimb from carpus to
`lman,-u-script \'ttian-ya-.sltript\ adj [L mantiscriptus] (V1597) : written
`by hand or typed (I--r letters)
`Imariuscript it (1600)
`I i a written or typewritten composition" or
`it document
`document as distinguished from a printed copy; also -
`1Mnrix \'man(
`submitted for Eublication 2 : writing as opposed to print
`}s\ ad‘ [alter. of Maniske, fr. (assumed),0N mrtnskr, i'r.
`Marta Isle of Man] ( 630) : of, relating to, or characteristic of the Isle
`of Man, its peo
`le. or the Manx language
`comp etc
`1 : the Celtic language of the Manx people almost
`2l\'IB.l1¥ nil1672
`displaced by English 2 pi in constr: the people of the Isle
`of Man fly:
`Manx cat ti (13359) : any of a breed of shorthaired tailless domestic
`‘many \'rne-ne\ adj more \'ii-ifir,
`'mor\; most \'mt‘ist\ EME, fr. OE’.
`bcf. 12c}
`rrim-ii’g.' akin to OHG maritzg many, OCS mi‘t'rtogi‘t' much]
`: consisting of or amounting to al
`argc but indefinite number (worked
`for ~ yrnrs) 2: being one of it
`large but indefinite number (v-_« a man)
`the. same in number (saw three
`(~ another student) —- as many :
`plays in as many days)
`1many prim.
`(H4 are called)
`pl tn coristr (bef.
`l2.c) -. a large number of persons orthirigs
`3:1-inny n. pl in canstrllzcl
`1 : 2 large but indefinite number (a good ~
`of them) 2 : the great majority of people (the --4)
`mari—)'ear \'ma_n-
`yir\ rt U916) : a unit of the work done by one person
`in a year composed of a standard number of working da 5
`mny-fold \.mc-ne-'tt'ild\ adv (l4c) : by many times aid to research
`has increased ~>
`many—sid-ed \.me-ne-‘st-r.l:id\ adj (1570)
`1 :
`having many sides or
`2 : having many interests or aptitudes —- many—sid-ad-ness
`1 : possessing
`any—val-ued \.me-ne-‘val-lilyiid.‘ -y:i:l\ adj (1934)
`more than l_l‘.lE.C|.IStO_l'nIil’y two truth-»values of truth and falsehood
`Man-za-nil-la \.man-29-'né-yo, -'ni-lc\' ri [Sp. dim. of manzartrt apple]
`(1343) :
`it pale very dry Spanish sherry
`man-za-rii-ta \.man-za-‘tie-ta\ rt [AmerSp,_ dim.’ of Sp manzana apple]
`(1846) : any of various westem_No. American evergreen shrubs (genus
`Aretostapiiylos) of the heath family with alternate leaves
`Mao-ism \'mat'i-.i-zarri\ ri (1950) :
`the theory and practice oi Marxism:
`Leiiitiisrri developed in China chiefly by Mao Tse-tung ~— Mao-lat
`\'mat‘i-ist\ u or adj
`Mao-ri \'n-iat‘i(::)r-E\ rt, pi Maori or Maoris (1843)
`I i a member of a
`Polynesian people native to New Zealand
`2 :
`the Austronesian lan-
`guagc of the Maori
`n m
`cIg{l1Dl' blanklct 5l?:.i‘:ln'i1n séauiliwgsteirn _U.Si1and]Latin Americla usu. as a
`or show
`er p. r. p;
`r. its s ape : DEVILFISH
`nggfktgj-lured \'man-.ti'i-lard\ adj (l922)_ : made with the severe sim-
`igy associated with men's coats and suits
`,l',':gg my :1 (1936): DEVILFISH 1
`I. or ro e
`ii loose cloak,
`man-tenu }Jman—'t<'5. 'man-.\ n [‘F. tr. OF mantel] (1671) :
`,,§§‘.';.ie: \-mim.r°i\ n [M_E. fr. Mr, fr. or. mantle] (l5c)
`a : a
`mm, stone, or ar<_:h.se-rving as a lime! to support the masonry above a
`nrgplace h : the finish around a fireplace 2 : a shelf above a fireplace
`min-tel-ct \'niai1t-lot. ‘man-t°l-at. .man—t°l-'et\ ti [ME. tr. MF marttiet,
`din. of mantel] (14-6)
`1 :
`it very short cape or cloak 2 or rnant-let
`tion when attac tng
`\'tnant-l3l\ : a [movable shelter formerly used by besiegers as a protec-
`,m.ie|.pi'ece \'mari-t‘l-.pEs\ it (1686)
`1 : a mantel witlrits side ele-
`nirnls 2: MANTEL2
`mmtel-shelf \—.shell\ ri (ca. 1828) : MANTEL2
`inthc scu ty 0
`ivinat on: PROPHETIC
`man-ti? \'r;ian-til? £1d)|EGl( mantikas. fr. mantis} (13501 : of_or relating
`man-ti‘-core \'ina.n-ti-.kt':r. -.kt'ir\ fl {‘lV_[E, tr. L mcmticiiara, fr. Gk man-
`tichrireis] (14§): allegenéiary animal with the head of a man, the body of
`a lion, and t e tat o a
`ragon or scorpion
`1 9
`min-ti? §'t't;§n-tr-.Id\
`ti [NL Mantidae. group name. fr. Mantis. genus
`man-til-In \mai't—'tE-ya. -‘ti-Ia\ ti [Sp. dim. of manta] (I'll?)
`l : a light
`5A('flI'l _worn over til; headhanclrsltiloulders eslp.
`[by Spanish and Latin:
`mencan women
`: as art
`tcape or"-c oa
`man-tis \'man-t:.ts\ ii, pl‘ man-tigs-es or man-tes \'rnan-.tez\ [NL. fr.
`Gk‘ lit.. diviner, prophet; akin to Gk mtiiries_thai' to be mad — more at
`§»iANii\] (1655) i any of an order or suborder (Mantodea-and esp. fam-
`Ill)’ Maltlitidael of larrgigusut; girelen insects that feed on other insects and
`cusp: eir prey in or im s cdup asi in prayer
`lnlln-llS-SI! \man~'ti-sa\ rt [L mantfsa. ‘mamisra mrikeweight, fr. Etrus-
`Eiolllllca. I847) :
`the pan of a logarlthtrt to the right of the decimal
`‘Win-fie \'rnan-t°l\ ii [ME mantel‘. fr. OF, fr. L marttellum] (Dc)
`:a loose sleeveless garment worn over other clothes : CLOAK b :
`mantle regarded as a syrribol of preeminence or authority (invested his
`P901116 with the ~ of universal champions of justice ——Denis Goulet)
`8; something that covers, enfolds. or envclops b (1) : a {old or
`W 0! PflIr_0f lobes of the body wall ofva mollusk or brachiopod that
`ii‘ 5l1B11~be_anng fo_rms linesthe shell and bears shell—secreting glands »—~
`93: CLAM illustration
`(2) :
`the soft external body wall that lines the
`fill or shell of a tunicate or barnacle ti : the outer wall and easing of 21
`Jill {I-Imace above the hearth; broadly : an insulated support or casing
`IE2 which something is heated 3 : the back, scapuliirs, and wings of a
`:‘ a lacy hood or sheath of some refractory material that gives
`I hi’ mcandesperice when placed over a flame
`ii : REGOUTH h
`in :3 Part of tlie_interior of a terrestrial planet and esp. the earth that
`an ttineath the lithosphere and above the central core 6 : MANTEL
`min eyb man-tled; _rnan-tliiig \'mant-liig, ‘man-t‘l-ii_i\ vt (13c) :
`Irgfjmwiih or as it with is mantle : CLOAK (the encroaching jungle
`that maritled the building —.Sanka Knox) W vi’ 1: to become
`M [age ma i'i_coat_ing
`2 :. to spread over asurface 3 ': BLUSI-I (her
`- db r
`M and h
`arac enze
`y ran .
`Mm (
`(8. on talk) 2 . of. relating to. or being a system of
`59 as |l'_| football or basketball) in which each defensive player
`,I]L::Idt5 3 31'-'ecifIed opponent
`3-3"] (“"1 test \.man‘-'tii~, imii"-\ ri [Charles Mairtaux 1-1947 Fr. physi-
`mun Ifiav F923) : an intracutaneous test for hypersensitivity to tuber‘-
`,.n_“_a3\l.|fl_t‘lJcates past or present infection with tubercle bacilli
`‘mun man-tr_a also 'tiian- or 'man-\ it [Skt, sacred counsel. formula,
`mkfifirlf he thinks;_ akin to L meri_s mind —more at Ml_ND (1808) : a
`Ormuia of invocation or incantation (as in Hip L1lsm);'aIso
`""“"‘ \'b[:i2 _t‘m\mliri'iii)_mk\ adj:
`0- rap rt
`: a trap or care ing umans: SNARE
`H8628 Inatilt -slits-)wa, ‘man-to-wa\ ri [modifi of F martteau man-
`gmum : a usu. loose-htting gown worn esp. in the l‘i'tli and 180:
`tih, ,\e2l"‘l'l-)UU\ rt [Ski] : the progenitor oi'_ the human race and giver
`.,n_u_alE\|pus laws oi’ Menu according in Hindu mythology
`It .,,u,mS hmilfl-Y9_-wal. -y::l\ adj ME monuel, fr. MF, fr. L mamiairli,
`3-‘lid: akin to 013 mun hand and perh. to Gk more hand]
`don . of, relating to, or involving the hands (~ dei_tte_i-ity) b
`ipumio1‘)Unc by hand and not by _rr_iachine (a ~ transmission) (H9
`'1 ~ indexing)
`2 : requiring or using physical skill and
`> ("V workers) —+ man-ti-algly adv
`1 :'_-a book that is conveniently handled; esp : HAND-
`‘ 8 prescribed movements in the handling of a weapon or
`it yboaagyfltcln during adrill or ceremony (the ~ of arms)
`ilan 0'. hr
`Q!‘ the hands; specif: one of the several keyboards of an
`ltni h_ *“'PS1_chord that controls a separate division of_the instru-
`al H-‘Eh evice or apparatus intended for manual 0 eratton
`ar abet in (ca. H364): an alphabet esp. for t e dent in which
`1 tmie represented by finger positions -_
`lug me ha “HIE P! (1880) i a course oi’ training to develop skill in
`lids and to teach practical arts (as woodworking and met-
`1ii[N “'11 \rna-'ni.i-bre-arri. -'nyi'.l-\ ri, pi -brie \-bré-c\ ais «bri-
`H s[fi'B:"édLi_handic. fr. man us] (ca. I848): an anatomical groccss
`- o 11
`ans Ianeda handle:£18
`a : thelcepiialic segment of the ster-
`E h of a hydro;t;t;IAy_0}:Y§gSn;3ihI{1;na s h . the process that bears
`H‘-u,fiféfg;Il:¥ \.man-ya-:fak-tla-Jré. .ma-na—\ It (1647) : FACIORY 2a
`H in L m B \.man-yo-fak-char. .ma-no-\ RPVIF, fr. ML manufac-
`arm fac_tus. lit., made by hand] 1567)
`1 : something
`raw materials by hand or by machinery 2 I! : the process
`,,;_3{ with divicini-i nF inn...
`--:— —
`licallg Wares by band or by machinery esp when carried an sys-
`modern 0 moisture
`regulated 3 _a : any in a series of standardized units for use,“
`just now. fr. madus measure — more at MB‘l‘l,§.] (1585) 1 a : of. relat-
`(1) : a unit of furniture or architecture (2) : an educaun
`ing to. or characteristic of the present or the immediate past :
`PORARY Ii 1 of. relating to, or characteristic of a period extending from
`which covers a single subject or topic Ii : a usu. packaged 51"“
`is relevant remote past to the present time 2 2 involving recent tech-
`assembly of electronic components for use with other such 35:”
`4 : an independently-operable unit that is a part of the tota[ SF"
`niques, methods, or ideas : UP-TO-DATE 3 cap : of. relating to, or hav-
`of a space vehicle
`5 a : a subset of an additive group that im
`ing the characteristics of the present or most recent period of develop-
`ment of a language 4 i of or relating to modernism : MODERNIST ——
`group under addition )3 : a mathematical set that is a com 5“
`mo-der-nl-ty \m:»'dor-no-IE.
`also -'der-\ Pl — mod-ern-ly \‘mti-
`group under addition and that is closed under multiplicationwf
`darn-lE\ adv — mod-ern-ness \-dam-nas\ u
`distributive from the left or right or both b elements of a ring“ '
`‘modern n (1585)
`s : a person of modern times or views
`Ii : _an
`which a(bx) m (ab)x or (xb)a = x(ba) or oth where a and hm‘
`ments of the ring and it belongs to the set
`adherent of modernism : MODERNISI‘ 2 : a style of printing type distin-
`guished by regularity of shape, precise curves. straight hairline serifs,
`mod-uolo \'inii-E13-.l6\ prep [NL, abl. of modulus] (189?) : with
`to a modulus o (19 and 54 are congruent ~ 7')
`and heavy downstrokes
`mod-u-his \’m‘ii-is-lcs\ n, pl -li_ \-.lI, -.lQ NL. fr. L, small in
`mo-derne \rno-‘item. ma-\ :2. after: cap [F, modern] (1955) : ART DECO
`Modern Hebrew n (1949) : NEW iissssw
`(1153) _ 1' l: the factor by which a logarit m of a numhe,-100°‘
`mod-ern-l-sa-tion. mod-om-ise Bi-ii var ofmonssmzimon. MODERN-
`is multiplied to obtain the logarithm of the number to a new hm
`: ABSOLUTE vAu_Ja 2
`(1) : the number (as a positive ini
`other mathematical entity (as a polynomial) in a song.-“em U"
`mod-ernolsm \'mti-dar-.ni-zam\ n (l'.'3'l')
`1 : a practice. usage. or
`vides_ the difference of the two con ruenl mtnnhers without]
`expression peculiar to modern times 2 often cap : a tendency in theol-
`ogy to accommodate traditional religious teaching to contemporary
`remainder_— compare Rrsinue b
`g.) : the number of differem‘
`bers used lll. a system of modular arithmetic 2 : a constant um‘
`thought and. esp. to devalue supernatural elements
`3 :_modern artistic
`or literary philosophy and practice; esp : a self-concious break with
`cient that expresses usu. numerically the de rec to which a 1:“?
`substance possesses a particular property (as e asticity)
`the past and a search for new forms of expression —«~— mod-ern-ist
`moqius ope.1-“amdi \.mo-dos-.ii-pa-‘ran-dc, -.di\ P1, pl mom ope
`\-nist\ a or adjm-« mod-ern-is-tie \.m*a’-dar-'nis-tik\ adj
`vma-.ae-, 'mo-.a§-\ [NL (1554) : a method of procedure
`mod-ern-I-za-tion \.m':i.-dcr-no-‘zi-shcn\ n (1770)
`1 : the act of mod-
`mo-dus vi-ven-dl \.rn6- as-vi-'ve_n-de, -.clfl n.
`l mu-di vivemfi 1
`ernizing : the state_of being modernized 2 : something modernized
`: a modernized version
`.dE-, ‘mo-.di-\ [NL, manner of living] (ca. 187911 1 i a feasible a \
`ment or practical compromise; esp : one that bypasses difliculr
`' mod-em-lze \‘m'd—dcr-.nlz\ vb -ized; -iz-ing vi (1743) :' to make mod-
`2 a manner of living : a way of life
`em (as in taste. style, or usage) H vi: to adopt modern ways — mod-V
`Mogen David var a3_°M.«\os_1;4 DAVID
`ern-lz-er n
`mog-gy‘ also mog-gne \'ma-gt":\ II. Pl mog-gtes [pro1i.
`fr‘ M '
`modern puntathlon :1 (ca. 1912) : a composite contest in which all
`Mag, nickname fr. tlienarne Margaret (ca. 1911) Brig; .-_-AT
`contestants compete in a 300-meter freestyle swim. a 4000-meter cross:
`lmo-gul \'mo-(.)5al\ pr[Per Mughul,_ r. Mongolian mung-mu M ‘
`country run. a 5000-_meter 30-jump equestrian steeplechase. épée fenc-
`1 or mo-ghul cap : an Indian Muslim of or descends:
`ing, and target shooting at 25 meters
`on_e_of several conquering groups of Mongol. 'ru1-1;jgh_ and PH
`mod-est \'rnii-c1ast\ ad ' [L mcdestus moderate: akin to L-modus mm-
`sure] (1565)
`a : p acing a moderate estimate on one’s abilities or
`a . 0 en cap
`D2jgll%esp : GREAT MOGUL 2 : _a great personage: MAGNATE — my
`worth 1: : neither bold nor sell-assertive :
`tending toward dlffldence
`‘mo-gul \'mo~gal\ n {G dials akin to G dial. (Viennese) mug,‘ mg
`2 i arising from or characteristic of a modest nature 3 :_ observing the
`(1959): abump inaslri run
`propnetles of dress and behavior : DECENT 4
`I : limited in size.
`mo-hair \'m§-.har, -.her\ rz morlif. of obs. It mccalarra. lr. Ar mg
`amount. or scope
`: uNi>ne'inN'rious (21 ~ cottage)
`syn see suv.
`or, 1it.. choice] (1619) : a abric or am made wholly or in pm '
`Cl-IASTE-— mod-est-ly adv
`on silky hair of the Angora goat; a so: this hair
`Mo- am-med-an var QfMUl-IAMMADAN
`mod-es-ty \'n_i§-do-sté\ n (1531)
`1 2 freedom from conceit or vanity
`2: xiropriety in dress. speech. or conduct
`-cum \'m'ti-di-Rom also ‘mo-\ Pl IME. fr. 1., neut. o_f modic-us _mod-
`Mo-iiawk_ \'l'nfi-v.h6l€\
`n. pl Mohawk or Moliawks [01 Mg
`origin; akin to Nari-aganset or Massacbuset Mahowawag Mohi
`erate, fr. madus measure] (15c) : a small portion : a limited quantity
`cannibal] (1634) 1 : a member of an American Indian peoplg ‘
`mod-1-h-ca-tion \.mi-dc-fa-‘ks-shan\ n (1603)
`1 : the limiting of a
`Mohawk River valley, New York _ 1 : the lroquoian lnngu
`statement: QUALlFlCA'l‘lON 2: liuoosfia 3 a: the making ofa1iin-
`Mohawk people 3 i a hairstyle with a narrow center strip
`hair and the sides shaved
`lted change in something: also : the result of such a change
`1) _: a
`change In an organism caused by environmental factors 4 i a limita-
`Mo-he an \rno-‘lie-gen, mo-\ or Mo-hi-can \-'liE~kan\ n, pl
`tion or qualification 61‘ the meaning of a word by another word, by an
`gun or
`ohegans or Mohicun or Mohlcans (i660) : a _ '
`an American lndian people of southeastern Connecticut _
`mod-l-fl-er \'rnil-do-.fi(-a r\ R (1583)
`1 : one that modifies
`2 : a
`alfiit, or by internal Chang’:
`Mo-bl-can \mo-‘he-ken. mo-\ var of MLAHICAN
`word orphrase that makes specific the meaning of another word or
`Mo-ho \'m’-.ht‘)\ rt [short for Mohoroviclc discontinuity. fr,"
`phrase: 3 : a gene that modifies the effect of another
`Mohomviélé T1936 Yugoslavian geologist] (1952) :
`the bout)
`between the earth's crust and mantle whose depth varies-frost,
`mod-I-fy \'mfi-dc-.lT\ vb -fled: -fy-lng EMF. madtflen. fr. MF modifier.
`fr. L madificare to measure, moderate,
`r. modus] vt (Mo)
`1_: to make
`miles (5 kilometers) beneath the ocean floor to about 25 miles
`less extreme : MODERATE 2 s: to limit or restrict the meaning of esp.
`meters) beneath the continents
`in a grainmatical construction 1: i to change (a vowel) by umlaut 3
`: to make minor changes in
`b i to make basic or fundamental
`Mo-hock \‘rnc‘>-.hiik-\ is [alter. of Mohawk] (ca. 17121
`aristocratic ruffians who assaulted and otherwise maltrciiod
`London streets in the early 18th century — Mo-hock-,IIn:'I
`changes In often to give a new orientation to or to serve a new end (the
`wing of a bird is an anti modified for flying) *0 vi : to undergo change
`zam\ ri
`syn see CHANGE —- mod-i-ii-abil-i-ty \.m'a'-do-.fi-o-‘bi-lo-té\ n —
`discontnipity \i1'l1I3-ll‘:-'rfi-vlo-iwtzllili
`: M01-10
`mod_-l-f_i-able \‘rn'ii-do-.fi-a-bal\ adi
`mo-dil-lion \mo-'di1-yan\
`in [It modi llane] (1563) : an ornamen_tal
`Mobs’ scale \'rnoz-. ‘mos-, 'i-no-scz-\ ii Fried.ric1i M
`or er
`(1879) : a scale of hardness or minerals that
`mineralo ‘st
`b1t&ck)or bracket under the corona of t e cornice (as in the Corinthian
`a value o l or tale to 10 for diamond .
`mod-ish \'rno-dish\ adj (1660) : FASHIONABLE. srmsu (a ~ hat) (a ~
`writer) — mod-ish-ly adv — mod-lsh-ness n
`mo-liur \"mo(-c)r, ma-'hur\ in [(Hindi muhr gold c
`MPer; akin to Skt mudrd seal] 1690) : a former gold
`mo-diste \mo-'dést\ Pl [F, fr. made style, mode] (ca. 184-0) : one who
`makes and sells fashionable dresses and hats for women
`Persia equal to 15 rupees
`moi-e-ty \'rnoi-9-tE\ :1.
`l -ties {MB moire. fr. MF ma
`Mo-dred \'mo-dred\ n : a knight of the Round Table and nephew of
`tat-, medletas. fr. L me lus middle -—— more at Mill] (l5Cl
`King Arthur
`two equal parts : HALF b : one of two apprc_x.im_Bl
`mod-u-la-bi]-i-ty \.m‘il-js-la-‘bi-lo-te\ n (1923) :
`the capability of being
`modulated '
`: one of the portions into which something is dlvldaii
`PART 3 i one of two basic complementary tribal suhd
`mod-u-lar \'ml-i—ja-1ar\ adj (1795)
`I : of, relatin
`to, or based on a
`module or a modulus
`2 : constructed with stan ardized units or di-
`lmoil\'moi(s)1\ vb [ME moillen, fr. MF mamiem -(
`mensions for flexibilit and variety in use — mod-u-lar-i-ty \.m%i- a-
`liars, fr. 1, molli‘.-i soft — more at MOLLIFYJ "1
`make wet or dirty ~ vi
`1 i to work hard : DRIJ
`‘lr-:-te\ n _— modoun ar-ly \'in'ii-js-lar-le\ adv
`tinuous agitation : Cl-1URN.SWlRL— moil-er ll
`modular arithmetic n (1959) : arithmetic that deals with whole num-
`imoll n (1612)
`hard work: osuoossv _2
`bers where the numbers are replaced by their remainders after division
`moil-ing \'moi-1in\ adj (£603)
`1 a :_reCluirinE 1:
`Ii _ a fixednumber (in a modular arithmetic with modulus 5. 3 multi-
`TRIOUS (~ workers) 2 : violently agitated
`|J ted in 4 Is 2)
`ly §-1e\_ adv _
`mod-u- or-ized \'rn?i-jc-la-.rizqE\ adj (1959) 1 : containing or consist-
`Moi-rai \'moi-.rl\ n pl [Gk, fr. pl. of molra 10
`ing of modules 2 : produced In the form of modules
` U1 3
`part u more at MERIT]:
`mod-u-late \'rn':i-j:»—.1§t\ vb -lat-ed: -lat-lng {L modulator, pp. of
`moire \'mo1(-qlr. ‘mot, 'mwar\ r: [F. fr.
`modulari to play, sing. fr. modulus small measure. rhythm, dim. of
`watered mohair
`niodus measure — more at Mr~:rE1 vi (1615)
`1 :
`to tune to a key or
`moi-ré \rno-‘rs, mw.'s'—\ or moire \same or me
`pitch 2 2 to adjust to or keep in proper measure or proportion ; TEM-
`molré. fr. moire‘ like moire, fr. moire] (1815)
`vei} 3 : to vary the amp1itude,_lrequency. _or phase of (a carrier wave or
`finish on a fabric is : a ripple pattern on a 5!
`a light wave) for the transmission of intelligence (as by radio); also : to
`a wavy watered appearance 3: an Indepelld
`vary the velocity of electrons in an electron beam ~ vi
`1 2 to play or
`tern seen when two geometrically regular Pillar“
`sing with modulation . 2 : to pass from one musical key into another
`lei lines or two hulltqne screens) are suP€|'"'."
`by means of intermediary chords or notes that have some relation to
`angle — moire or moire adj
`both keys 3 i to pass gradually from one state to another — mod-Ir
`moist \'moist\ adj [ME moisig, fr. MF. PE
`la-tor \-.11";-tar\ ri — mod-u-la-to-ry \-lo-.tor-E. -,tor-\ adj
`cldus, alter. of L muciclus slimy.
`modou-la-tron \.inil-ja-‘Ii-shsn\ n (1531)
`1 : a regulating accordingto
`: slightly or moderately wet: DAMF_ 2: T
`measure or proportion : TEMPERING 2 -. an inflection of the tone ‘or
`high humidity syn see wsr —- moist-Iy ad
`pitch of the voice; spec-if : the use of stress or pitch to convey meaning
`n:is\ n
`3 : a change from one musical key to another by modulating 4 t the
`moist-en \'mc'ii-s‘n\ vb moist-enelii 111°
`process of modulating a cari-ier or signal (as in radio); also =
`the result
`of this process
`s'n-i11\_vt(lS8G) : to make moist ~ vi . ‘to
`er_\'mois-nor. '_I'l.'t(')1—3'n-9I'\ _n
`mod-ole \'m'ii-(.)jii(c)l\ n [L modulus} (ca. 1628)
`1 : a standard or
`rnois-ture \'rnois-char,
`*1 [M *
`unit of measurement
`2 :
`the size of some one part taken as a unit of
`motile] (l-40) : liquid diffused or condense
`measure by which the proportions of an architectural composition are