In: Proc. PAAM ’96, London, U.K., April 22-24, 1996, pp. 45–59
`Constraint-based Information Gathering
`for a Network Publication System
`Uwe M. Borghoff and Remo Pareschi
`Rank Xerox Research Centre, Grenoble Laboratory
`6, chemin de Maupertuis. F-38240 Meylan, France
`Tel.: +33 7661-5076. Fax: +33 7661-5099
`E-mail: borghoff,pareschi
`Harald Karch
`Rank Xerox Germany Systems Operations
`Werftstraße 37. D-40549 Düsseldorf (Heerdt), Germany
`Tel.: +49 511 6269-38. Fax: +49 211 990-7570
`Martina Nöhmeier and Johann H. Schlichter
`Institut für Informatik
`Technische Universität München. D-80290 München, Germany
`Tel.: +49 89 4505-5220. Fax: +49 89 4505-5222
`E-mail: noehmeie,schlicht
`The Internet and the World-Wide Web (WWW) are revolutionizing knowledge
`exchange by linking heterogeneous information repositories into a kind of gigantic
`world-wide digital library. Yet up until now, knowledge management on the WWW
`has mainly been provided by navigation tools like Mosaic and Netscape, and by engines
`like Alta Vista, Lycos and Yahoo which support navigation by automating the search for
`user-relevant WWW sites. The simplicity of this paradigm has been the key to the initial
`success of the Web infrastructure but now falls short of more complex applications
`needed by an ever-growing community of users. Prominent among these needs is
`flexible information gathering from multiple knowledge sources to ad-hocratically
`serve the requests of specific user groups. For instance, Network Publication Systems
`(NPS) for large organizations need flexible integration of enquiry information like
`Who’s Who services and tables of contents of journals with E-print archival material,
`as well as flexible adaptation of local query services. Agent technology can provide
`the right answer to these demands. In this paper, we describe agent-based information
`gathering on the WWW in the context of a NPS for the European Physicist Society. In
`our approach, we exploit constraints to implement information gathering with maximal
`Key words. Internet, WWW, network publication systems, information gathering,
` Work performed while visiting the Rank Xerox Research Centre in Grenoble
`1 of 15

`1 Introduction
`In spite of the enormous amount of information available, the World-Wide Web has so far
`been accessible essentially through simple navigation tools like Mosaic and Netscape. The
`simplicity of this paradigm has been the key to the initial success of the Web infrastructure
`but now falls short of more complex applications needed by an ever-growing community of
`users. Prominent among these needs is flexible information gathering from multiple knowl-
`edge sources to ad-hocratically serve the requests of specific user groups. Agent technology
`is an obvious candidate to fulfill this demand. Through the use of remote programming tools
`like Java and Telescript, autonomous software agents can access heterogeneous information
`repositories to select and merge appropriate knowledge to satisfy user requests. In doing
`so, they can leverage basic yet powerful indexing facilities such as Lycos, Alta Vista, Yahoo
`and other retrieval engines.
`However, aside from such infrastructural support, the issue on how to design and imple-
`ment agents of this kind remains open. In this paper, we show how constraints, a long-known
`construct from artificial intelligence and computer science, can give the right answer. Con-
`straints have in the past been exploited essentially for the combinatorial optimization of
`computationally hard problems. These capabilities have been embedded into full-blown
`programming environments, either of the object-oriented (Freeman-Benson 1990) or of the
`logic programming (Hentenryck and Saraswat 1995) breed. More recently, constraints have
`been used to capture partial information in a world of concurrent communicating agents
`(Henz et al. 1995, Saraswat 1989). The possibility of exploiting such a view of concurrency
`in the context of distributed knowledge management was made explicit by Andreoli et al.
`(1994–1996). For the practical purpose of knowledge management on the Web, the main
`advantages of using constraints can be summarized as follows:
`1. from the users point of view, constraints can be used to flexibly specify partial
`requests, namely requests which may leave underspecified, certain aspects of the
`requested information.
`2. from the point of view of the agent platform, constraints can be used to create depen-
`dencies among concurrent subrequests into which an initial request is decomposed.
`Constraints also provide concurrency control among the agents managing the queries.
`3. for information providers, constraints can be used to dynamically augment local query
`interfaces by filtering result items on a per constraint basis.
`There is a large variety and number of multiagent applications for knowledge manage-
`ment on the Web where these capabilities can be exploited: among others, bargain finding,
`dynamic assemblage of virtual catalogs, data warehousing from backend repositories, agent-
`based document construction and customization can all be supported through this paradigm.
`In this paper, we describe a case from the domain of network publication systems (NPS),
`specifically a system embedded in a European distributed document database for physics
`which will be extended to other learned fields like mathematics, computer science and chem-
`istry. This project is being developed collaborative between Rank Xerox Germany System
`Operations, the Grenoble Lab of the Rank Xerox Research Centre and several university
`The paper is organized as follows. After a brief discussion of related work in Sect. 2, we
`present in Sect. 3 the application environment, namely the Physicists Network Publishing
`System (PNPS). PNPS serves as a testbed for the knowledge broker framework, our agent-
`based approach for information gathering using constraints. Sect. 4 describes, in detail, the
`2 of 15

`architectural framework and illustrates the four basic components, user interface, broker
`hierarchy, wrappers, and external archives. Sect. 5 concludes the paper.
`2 Related Work
`Well-established publishing systems, like Gopher and the World-Wide Web, provide a
`seamless information space in the Internet, at least as far as graphical browsing is concerned.
`Index and search subsystems appeared hand in hand with the rapid growth in the amount of
`information and in the number of users having specific needs. Obraczka et al. (1993) and
`Schwartz et al. (1992) give an overview of resource discovery approaches.
`One of the earliest Internet indexing approaches were the Wide-Area Information Servers
`(WAIS) (Kahle and Medlar 1991), providing a Z39.50-based search and retrieval interface,
`and Archie (Emtage and Deutsch 1992). Archie periodically contacts a set of registered
`servers to gather a file index. Similar to that, Aliweb contains user-written summaries of
`server contents that are displayed on request.
`More recently, with Glimpse (GLobal IMPlicit SEarch) (Manber and Wu 1994) an
`index/search subsystem has been installed that allows sophisticated searches over entire file
`systems. Among others, it allows misspelling and regular expression searches over non-
`uniform information including many types of documents. At the University of Karlsruhe, a
`prominent application has been realized on top of Glimpse, namely the sophisticated search
`facility for a large collection of computer science bibliographies.
`Although multi-source index/search subsystems have already been built for Gopher,
`with Veronica, and for WWW, with Alta Vista, Lycos, and the World-Wide Web Worm
`(WWWW), retrieval engines or retrieval support systems for heterogeneous information are
`still open research fields (Barbara 1993). Early prototypes have however got an airing. The
`system Inquery, currently being developed at Amherst University by Callan et al. (1992,
`1995), calculates the appropriateness of heterogeneous information sources with respect to
`a given query. It chooses the best fitting sources and conducts the search processes. At
`Stanford University gGLOSS (generalized Glossary-Of-Servers Server) addresses a similar
`idea. Following Gravano and Garcia-Molina (1995), gGLOSS keeps sophisticated statistics
`on available databases to determine an estimate of which databases are most appropriate for
`a given query. The search process is performed in a ranked list of databases. In contrast
`to Archie, which gathers an index without having a particular query in mind, Inquery and
`gGLOSS provide their indexes dynamically and are tailored to individual needs, viz a single
`query. The indexes then guide individual searches across the set of servers.
`As soon as appropriate index/search prototypes were implemented, intelligent agents
`(CACM 1994, Wooldridge and Jennings 1995) or knowledge brokers (Barbara and Clifton
`1992) started to exploit these subsystems. Harvest (Bowman et al. 1994a), for example,
`exploits as an index/search subsystem, both Glimpse and Nebula (Bowman et al. 1994b).
`Knowledge brokers are autonomous entities that may collaborate, negotiate, and coordinate,
`but which by no means can be coerced into activities such as searching information or
`answering a query whose scope does not conform with the broker’s ability in query handling
`(Andreoli et al. 1995). Thus, knowledge brokers are generally used in combination with
`index/search subsystems.
`In the Constraint-Based Knowledge Broker model (CBKB), constraints have been in-
`troduced to flexibly manage the search space of broker agents, as well as to flexibly adapt
`user requests and answers from information providers. Andreoli et al. (1996) present the
`3 of 15

`theoretical background of CBKB. Protocol issues within CBKB are addressed by Arcelli et
`al. (1995) and Borghoff et al. (to appear). Fikes et al. (1995) also use logic-based models
`to capture the domain of expertise of information brokers. Rather than using constraints,
`their modeling language is based on a predicate logic with contexts. The Tsimmis project
`(Chawathe et al. 1994) takes a different approach using a self-describing object model for
`the internal representation of information and queries.
`It should be pointed out, however, that our approach differs from other frameworks for
`agent-based information gathering on the Internet not only in the technology, but also in
`the assumptions we make with respect to the development of a “cyber-economy.” Indeed,
`we differ from those approaches which view the Internet as a kind of global market where
`agents – roaming over open electronic domains – will meet and gather information, possibly
`leading to business transactions. On the contrary, we see the Internet as evolving into
`a galaxy of intranets, linking together information providers and users around common
`interests. On the basis of these social and economic considerations, technological choices
`can be consequently specialized to optimally fit the requirements of specific intranets and
`user communities. Tools like Java, that provide capabilities for easy customizations of both
`client and server sides, appear particularly well-suited for this purpose.
`This paper documents one such case of specialization, namely the adaptation of an agent
`infrastructure for constraint-based information gathering to the requirements of a network
`publication system for research and education.
`3 Physicists Network Publishing System
`In this section we describe the application environment, namely the Physicists Network
`Publishing System (PNPS), that serves as a testbed for the knowledge broker framework.
`PNPS is embedded in a European distributed document database for physics (DDD-
`Physics). The DDD-Physics is a coordinated effort to organize, and to some degree stan-
`dardize, the document-servers of physics departments and related research institutions and
`combine them with services of commercial providers such as publishers, database hosts,
`or libraries using common search interfaces. It will allow searches in a somewhat unified
`way over all diverse distributed document servers. This effort will be extended into other
`learned fields in Germany like mathematics, computer science and chemistry.
`The PNPS will serve the remote user from an html browser to order a document from
`several document databases for printing-on-demand on local commercial copy centers.
`3.1 Basic Architecture of the PNPS
`There are three major functional subsystems:
`1. archive management. There may be different archive systems, each managed locally
`by their providers (e.g. commercial publishers, scientific archives like E-print servers
`LANL, SISSA, or local department servers). The archives may be based on different
`management software and are integrated by the knowledge brokering system. This
`aspect of the subsystem will be discussed in detail in Sect. 4.
`2. production management and controlling. The production management subsystem
`handles incoming jobs from network clients. A job describes a workflow, which in
`the simplest case is a printing task of a network document.
`4 of 15

`3. clients and communication infrastructure. The complete production process must be
`managed including accounting, authorization, billing, and logistics information.
`3.2 Production Management and Controlling
`Rank Xerox Germany System Operations (RXG-SO) has developed a printing-on-demand
`(POD) system based on Xerox printer technology in a local area network.
`Special focus was placed on implementing the specific functions and requirements of the
`customers, and designing a highly generic rescalable system. In contrast to network printing
`application classes, where the emphasis is to have a highly universal network print server
`with strongly varying print jobs, the POD-system addresses an application class which may
`be called archive printing. The characteristics of archive printing are quite similar to the
`design model of local POD-systems:
` the system works in a nearly static and well-defined production environment. This
`means that the formats of the printable data are specified in advance, since they are to
`be stored in local archives.
` the system is interfaced to external control systems, for example, jobs are input
`from external systems, and information (accounting, document-keys, etc.) has to be
`returned to these external systems.
` the local archives are managed by system administrators, and there is a validation
`process for all new documents.
` documents are described by both page description languages (PDL) and in raster
` the print jobs are mixed with logistic information (delivery sheets, DP-data with
`forms, etc.) and archive documents.
` the print jobs may be huge (100.000 pages) requiring a focus on crash recovery.
` jobs enter the system anonymously, where they have to be identified, classified, and
` all printers serve as one printer pool, which can be controlled centrally.
`3.3 Clients and Communication Infrastructure
`Network clients use a general purpose interface (e.g. WWW) to input jobs into the pro-
`duction system. The communication infrastructure provides functions for authentication,
`authorization and accounting of services. Today, the first version of an accounting ser-
`vice exists. It is installed at the University of Oldenburg, to authenticate client orders by
`Billing servers use the accounting information and other user related data (e.g. rating)
`to produce the invoices for the printing-on-demand service. The status of a job may be
`reviewed by the user client after it has passed the production stage.
`3.4 Current Status and Futures
`The dedicated POD-system was implemented for commercial applications in a LAN, fol-
`lowing the operational model given above. In a second step it was extended to distributed
`5 of 15

`clients and archives in the Internet in a joint venture with the Physics Department of the Uni-
`versity of Oldenburg, Germany. The prototype systems have proven to work in production
`The next steps include: opening the system to WAN solutions with multiple distributed
`archive and production sites, use of information brokering services for global integration of
`local sites, supporting individual profiles and interfaces, and the full integration of authen-
`tication, authorization, and accounting services. Furthermore, the setup of communication
`infrastructure services adapted to high-speed transport and commercial applications is cru-
`cial to the success of the entire system.
`In the following, the use of an information brokering service for the global integration
`of local sites with individual profiles and interfaces will be addressed in more detail.
`4 Archive Management through Knowledge Brokers
`In this section we motivate and discuss the architectural aspects of the agent-based archive
`management system giving a brief description of the major components and their function-
`ality including:  the interface which mediates between the user and the knowledge broker
`agents,  the internal information representation used by the knowledge brokers,  the
`partially archive-dependent back-end encapsulating the information which is necessary to
`integrate external data repositories.
`4.1 Overview
`As mentioned in Sect. 3.1, there already exist numerous documents in physics and other
`fields being archived in distributed heterogeneous information repositories which can be
`accessed via specific search subsystems. Unfortunately, these repositories often differ in
`many respects:
` first of all, both the structure and the significance of the information provided by the
`index may highly differ.
` as a consequence, the kind of search which can be performed ranges from full text
`search, resulting in lines of documents matched by the query, to requests on the basis
`of structured meta-information only.
` furthermore, the means offered to specify requests range from formal languages based
`on first order logic – which often allow flexible combinations of typed or untyped
`keywords but which force the user to acquire detailed knowledge about their syntax
`– to a static number of preselected, sometimes even untyped keywords, which suffer
`from limiting the extent to which more complex queries can be built.
` additionally, the structure as well as the significance of the results returned by the
`search engine is far from being homogeneous, depending on which method was used
`to create the index.
` last but not least, there are only few possibilities offered allowing the user to customize
`the applied query/answer format to their own needs in order to overcome problems
`arising from the heterogeneity of data repositories.
`This variety of information formats, access interfaces and protocols causes many diffi-
`culties if a user wants to search for information stored over different archives. Indeed, a
`6 of 15

`main problem is specifying related requests over different data repositories. Furthermore,
`it is generally impossible for a user to compare or combine results obtained from parallel or
`subsequent searches because of differences in attribute schemata. Finally, this heterogeneity
`is also one important obstacle that prevents the support of complex queries which allow
`transitive request combinations, breaking down the barriers between different archives. As
`a consequence, information stored in distributed, heterogeneous archives requiring the use
`of different search tools can only be retrieved in a fragmented way. This fragmentation
`originates from a lack of means to express interdependencies between search results and to
`specify the context for a request in terms of the results of precedent requests (Grötschel and
`Lügger 1995, Sanchez 1994).
`Constraint Based Knowledge Brokers (CBKBs) have been exploited to overcome the
`problem of heterogeneity of data representations, and enable the user to search for infor-
`mation in a wide range of data repositories, including different kinds of indexes and search
`tools, in a less fragmentary way.
`4.2 Architecture
`Fig. 1 shows the current architecture of the CBKB system for the PNPS application. It
`consists of four major components:
`1. the user interface that mediates between the user and the constraint-based knowl-
`edge brokers. Currently, the interface consists of dialogue-based components for
`permanent request-session control, iterative request and subrequest specification, and
`combination as well as representation of results.
`2. the knowledge brokers which handle constrained requests and corresponding answers.
`3. the wrappers that consist of an independent data repository part, which mediates be-
`tween the constraint-based knowledge brokers and several database-dependent com-
`ponents, implementing the various interfaces to the available external data repositories.
`These interfaces encapsulate all the information which is specific to the corresponding
`data repository; refer also to the paper by Borghoff and Schlichter (1995) for more
`details on the mediating aspects of the architecture.
`4. the external information repositories which are accessible via the corresponding in-
`terface using a variety of supported protocols, e.g. http.
`Using this broker system to exploit a wide range of physics-specific archives, many of the
`above mentioned shortcomings can be overcome by flexibly adding missing functionalities
`to the individual data access interfaces.
`First of all, it is possible to homogenize or even extend the admissible types of requests
`with respect to the different data repositories to be accessed, even when the accessed data
`repositories do not exactly match the type of request specification.
`Beside the well-known attribute/value pairs, the request specification includes logical
`, etc., and information thresholds, used for specifying concurrency control
`among related requests (e.g. whether results have to be returned from one query to start
`another one). Furthermore, results from different subrequests can be combined to obtain
`the desired result. This feature enables the user to perform quite more powerful searches
`than with standard search tools.
`Add to this the fact that the number and kind of data repositories that may be accessed
`via the knowledge brokers is easily extensible. This is because the integration of additional
`7 of 15

`Permanent PNPS control window
`request management
`initiate request
`dynamical interaction
`customization of result
`choose search domain and
`specify request attributes
`by value or connector
`generate corresponding
`natural language query
`status display
`user intervention
`check request and
`generate a feature
`constraint request
`constraint exchange
`display of final
`several levels of
`further propagation
`of results
`result presentation
`subrequest model
`constraint exchange
`constraint exchange
`http-interface core
`in physics
`theses in physics
`documents in
`in comp. science
`Figure 1: Architecture
`graphical user interface
`knowledge brokers
`external archives
`repositories is a straightforward process affecting mostly just the data-dependent part of the
`Finally, an interactive user interface allows the user to dynamically widen or narrow
`the scope of the search during execution. This may be extremely useful when it becomes
`8 of 15

`evident that the request as initially specified is not leading to a satisfying result.
`In the following sections the individual components of the knowledge broker system are
`described in more detail, with a discussion of the requirements which they have to fulfill, of
`their functionality and of the current status of implementation.
`4.3 User Interface
`This section describes some problems and guidelines which had to be considered for the
`design of the user interface as well as the approach that was taken to fulfill these requirements.
`4.3.1 Requirements
`To support users, we have designed a graphical user interface which translates the content-
`based, domain-oriented natural-language world of the physicists accessing the system and
`the formal, constraint-based representation of knowledge used by the broker agents (An-
`dreoli et al. 1995).
` first of all, we have to take into consideration that the knowledge broker system should
`comply with the needs of both the experienced information retrieval expert and the
`physicist who often is not used to the internal knowledge representation of the broker
`system and therefore might prefer to specify requests in a more content-based manner.
` one of the major tasks the user front-end has to fulfill is to allow access to the PNPS
`brokering services from the working environment preferred by the user, without
`forcing them to get used to unknown applications, to use a specific type of hardware
`or to install lots of additional software to take advantage of the service.
` furthermore, an important objective is to provide both an homogenized and user-
`friendly interface to the PNPS service. This requirement is a special challenge as
`the interface should also provide sophisticated means to describe and handle complex
`queries, which might consist of subqueries, to various heterogeneous data repositories.
` finally, it is vital for a powerful broker interface to be user-adaptive, to allow user
`interaction during the request execution and to also dynamically display results. This
`is especially important as there is often only a thin line between specifying too many
`or too few attributes to obtain the desired answer. The interface should therefore be
`able to support flexible, interactive query execution which allows the adjustment of
`complex requests on the fly.
`4.3.2 Approach
`In order to guarantee availability and user-friendly access to PNPS the graphical user
`interface was designed on the basis of a World-Wide Web browser and can therefore be
`easily accessed by means of widespread browsers like Mosaic, Netscape, or HotJava. In
`addition, this minimizes the effort to get used to the new broker service.
`With respect to the required adaptivity and dynamics of the interface, a realization based
`on cgi-scripts would have caused problems (each single task has to be performed on the
`server site even if this is not needed in all cases). Moreover, the hypertext-markup language
`was developed to construct static web pages. For this reason we decided to design and
`implement the user interface based on Java-applets. The applets can be accessed via an
`html-page and are directly executed at the client side. The Java-based approach provides a
`9 of 15

`very flexible choice of working environment for the PNPS brokering service. Alternatively,
`there are other similar languages which might offer the same possibilities in the future, e.g.
`Python, which can then be integrated into the Grail browser.
`Figure 2: Form-based dialogue for request specifications
`The user-friendly request specification is easy to learn and does not require background
`information on the internally used constraint format, the request syntax of particular data
`repositories nor on their internal data format. After the user has specified the request
`(via the form-based dialogues, as illustrated in Fig. 2), the specifications are automatically
`10 of 15

`transformed into a corresponding constraint structure. The generated constraint-based query
`is then communicated to the generic broker, which further initiates all steps (decomposition
`of requests into subrequests, threshold checks, recomposition of answers, etc.) to answer
`the specified request.
`Apart from this, the homogenization of the request specification is achieved by presenting
`a set of possibilities which depend only on the search domain,no matter which of the included
`data repository and external search tools are contacted to answer the request (e.g. fields for
`author, title, date, etc., for bibliographical searches). This is achieved by transforming the
`request into a possibly more general,less precise, external search format of the corresponding
`external data repository, and by later filtering out the inappropriate results in the constraint
`In other words, the local constraint solving capabilities are exploited to obtain
`the results that match against the attributes specified via the user interface. For instance,
`imagine a query for finding a particular author. Imagine further that the search interface for
`the backend data repository (which has author attributed information) can only handle flat,
`i.e. attribute-less keyword searches. Searching for the author name will result in a superset
`of expected answers, i.e., the search interface will provide the documents where the author
`name appears as an author as well as where the author name is mentioned somewhere in
`the full text, for example as a cross-reference. All these “hits” are propagated, but only
`the expected answers, filtered out through local constraint solving, are presented at the user
`For these reasons, the user interface includes the following specification functionalities:
` default set of structured search attributes depending on the search domain with sup-
`plementary precedence operators.
` a “free-text” entry field which allows additional attributes or untyped keywords as
`well as combinations of them.
` transitive combination of partial requests viz the values of an attribute. These attributes
`are required for specifying a request that is fed through extraction from the output
`fields of the answers to precedent requests. A typical example is the generation of an
`author/co-author net: starting from an author name, the broker system extracts the co-
`authors from all publications received as answers, and searches for these co-authors
`in the same recursive way.
`With regard to the fact that various data repositories (e.g. physics, chemistry, computer
`sciences) can be accessed using a homogeneous interface, the capabilities for request
`combination can also be used to perform interdisciplinary searches. This type of
`search makes it necessary to run several partial requests on different information
`servers either consecutively or in parallel, and to combine the partial results in order
`to build up the final answers. Even in this case, the user only has to provide information
`about the content-based interdependencies between the partial requests by graphically
`linking the precedent partial request to the corresponding attribute of the subsequent
`A corresponding ’natural-language’-like representation of the specified query is gen-
`erated during request specification in the input form. This should help the user to
`control the degree of request combinations.
` threshold specifications which, for instance, allow the user to specify whether a
`particular field entry is obligatory, before submitting a subsequent partial request.
`The form-based request dialogue is quite self-descriptive. Search strings are specified by
`attribute values and content-based interdependencies between requests, rather than using a
`11 of 15

`formal specification language. In order to enable the sophisticated user to enlarge the default
`specification set according to his needs, the free-text input fields allow adding additional
`attributes. Further explanations concerning admissible requests can be obtained by the
`context-sensitive help service.
`After the complete request has been submitted by the user, a check is performed to
`ensure that sufficient, and only valid attributes, are chosen. If this is not the case, the user
`is immediately informed, before a time-consuming external request is initiated.
`The final results of a single or complex query are displayed via the WWW-based user
`interface. For this reason, the constraint representation of the answer is retransformed into
`a more user-friendly attribute/value format which may be presented to the user at different
`levels of granularity. For each answer given, the maximal available information (which may
`also include abstracts, matched lines of plain text) can be accessed by a provided hyperlink.
`The system displays answers immediately, and not when all external searches have been
`completed. This is important to be able to react quickly, and, if needed, to change the search
`specification, i.e., the user should be able to see first results as soon as possible, in order to
`give him/her an impression whether the r

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