Paper No. 33
`Patent Owner
`Real Party-In-Interest
`Case CBM2013-00053
`Patent 7,958,024
`Filed: August 22, 2014


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`Page No.
`INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1 
`CLAIM CONSTRUCTION ............................................................................ 1 
`A. ..... “Using a Distributor Management System” .......................................... 2 
`B. ..... “Regulatory Conditions Applicable to/Associated with said Sales” .... 2 
`C. ..... “Executing a Payment Process” ............................................................ 4 
`D. ..... “Generating a Selling Agreement” ........................................................ 4 
`E. ...... Means-Plus-Function Claim Terms ...................................................... 4 
`A. ..... The Remainder of Claims 1, 40, 42, and 45 Do Not Transform the
`Abstract Idea Into a Patent-Eligible Claim ........................................... 9 
`B. ..... Claims 1, 40, 42, and 45 are not Tied to a Particular Machine ............. 9 
`C. ..... CyberSource and Bancorp are highly relevant ................................... 11 
`VI.  CONCLUSION .............................................................................................. 15 


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`Alice Corp. Pty. Ltd. v. CLS Bank Int’l,
`134 S. Ct. 2347, 110 U.S.P.Q.2d 1976 (2014) ............................................passim
`Bancorp Servs., L.L.C. v. Sun Life Assur. Co. of Canada (U.S.),
`687 F.3d 1266 (Fed. Cir. 2012) ...................................................................... 8, 11
`Bilski v. Kappos,
`130 S. Ct. 3218 (2010) .......................................................................................... 8
`Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Res. Def. Council,
`104 S. Ct. 2778, 467 U.S. 837 (1984) ................................................................. 13
`CyberSource Corp v Retail Decisions Inc.,
`654 F.3d 1366, 99 U.S.P.Q.2d 1690 (Fed. Cir. 2011) .............................. 8, 11, 12
`Diamond v. Diehr,
`450 U.S. 175, 101 S. Ct. 1048 (1981) ................................................................... 9
`Ethicon Inc. v. Quigg,
`849 F.2d 1422 (Fed. Cir. 1988) .......................................................................... 13
`Princess Cruises, Inc. v. United States,
`201 F.3d 1352 (Fed. Cir. 2000) .......................................................................... 14
`WMS Gaming Inc. v. Int’l. Game Tech.,
`184 F.3d 1339 (Fed. Cir. 1999) ........................................................................ 5, 6
`35 U.S.C. § 101 .................................................................................................passim
`35 U.S.C. § 282 .......................................................................................................... 9
`35 U.S.C. § 321 .................................................................................................. 14, 17
`35 U.S.C. § 325 .................................................................................................. 13, 15
`AIA § 18(a)(1) ......................................................................................................... 13


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`AIA § 18(a)(1)(B) .................................................................................................... 14
`AIA § 18(a)(1)(C)(i) and (ii) .................................................................................... 14
`37 C.F.R. § 42.201 ................................................................................................... 13
`37 C.F.R. §§ 42.300 ................................................................................................. 13
`37 C.F.R. § 42.300 ................................................................................................... 13


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`The Board instituted this CBM Review because it found that “it is more
`likely than not that Petitioner will prevail in establishing the unpatentability of
`claims 1, 2, and 35-47 of the ‘024 Patent under 35 U.S.C. § 101 as being directed
`to non-statutory subject matter.” Institution Decision, Paper No. 16 at 19 (PTAB
`Mar. 4, 2014) (“ID”). Nothing in the Patent Owner’s Response (“POR”) changes
`the reasoned and correct conclusions in the Institution Decision.
`Alice reaffirmed that claims directed to abstract ideas, without limitations
`sufficient to tie them down, are patent ineligible. Rather than address this
`standard, PO concocts its own misguided tests for patent-eligibility that have no
`basis in precedent and, in fact, run afoul of the holdings in Alice, Bilski, Benson,
`Flook, Bancorp, and CyberSource.
`PO provides an alternative claim construction for three terms (“regulatory
`conditions,” “executing a payment process,” and “genperating a selling
`agreement”) it does not contend are either necessary or even relevant for the Board
`to construe. As to a fourth term, “using a distributor management system,” PO
`seeks to inject the express use of a computer into the construction for this term. Of
`course, even if adopted, the use of a general purpose computer without more does
`not tie down the abstract idea of the challenged claims. Finally, PO attempts to


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`“tie down” means-plus-function claims 40 and 41 by arguing that such claims
`require the disclosure of a specific algorithm implemented on a computer. When
`measured against the 304 patent’s paltry disclosure, PO has not shown the
`disclosure of specific programming or a resulting special purpose computer, but
`instead has only demonstrated that its means-plus-function claims are both abstract
`and indefinite.
`“Using a Distributor Management System”
`The Board has already construed “distributor management system” as
`“software for managing information about a sales force,” noting that “the
`specification of the ‘024 Patent does not provide specifics of hardware of
`software.” ID 10-11. PO contends that the entire term “using a distributor
`management system” should be construed as “using a special purpose computer
`executing software to perform distributor management system functions.” POR 5.
`PO never specifies what the “distributor management system functions” are and
`merely reciting the words “special purpose computer” does not make it so.
`Since PO does not argue that this term is means-plus-function, the recited
`“special purpose computer” is nothing more than any general computer. In any
`event, as discussed in Section E below, nothing in the patent recites a particular
`way or discloses a particular algorithm for implementing recited functionality.
`“Regulatory Conditions Applicable to/Associated with said Sales”


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`PO argues that the Board’s claim construction of “regulatory conditions” is
`too broad and that the term should be construed as “regulatory conditions put in
`place by licensing and governmental organizations.” POR 7-9. PO’s argument is
`not supported by the intrinsic record. Moreover, PO does not and cannot argue
`that its construction does anything to “tie down” the abstract idea of claim 1.
`PO argues that “quotas” and “plan objects” fall within the scope of the
`Board’s construction of “regulatory conditions.” POR 8. But this argument rests
`on the false premise that “it is known that quotas and plans can serve as internal or
`external constraints,” (POR 8) yet this statement is not supported by PO’s citations.
`To the contrary, the cited passages (cols. 7:28-30 and 8:1-9) deal expressly with
`commission models and linked hierarchies; nowhere does the patent suggest that
`quotas or plan objects are an internal or external constraint with which a sales
`representative must comply in order to receive compensation.
`Even if adopted, PO’s proposed construction does not change the § 101
`analysis for the challenged claims. PO’s proposed construction simply recites a
`narrower genus of regulatory constraints without adding any meaningful limitation
`to the claims. In fact, the Board has already considered this issue in the context of
`the ‘024 patent’s dependent claims and concluded that the claims are still more
`likely than not unpatentable. For example, dependent claim 5 further defines the
`“regulatory conditions” to be at least one license (which would be put in place by a


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`licensing or governmental organization), yet the Board has already concluded that
`claim 5 (and many other dependent claims like it) is likely unpatentably abstract.
`“Executing a Payment Process”
`PO argues that “executing a payment process” should be construed to
`require the use of a computer, i.e., as “executing a payment process by a computer
`programmed to execute a payment process.” POR 10-12. PO does not and cannot
`argue that its proposed construction is relevant to determining the patent eligibility
`of the challenged claims. Even if adopted, PO’s proposed construction would do
`nothing more than make the method step of claim 1 (“executing a payment
`process”) akin to the system limitation of claim 45 (“computer readable code
`executable by the processor to…execute a payment process”), which the Board has
`already concluded is more likely than not unpatentably abstract.
`“Generating a Selling Agreement”
`Patent Owner argues that no explicit construction of “generating a selling
`agreement” is necessary or probative to the issue of patent eligibility before the
`Board. POR 16-17. Petitioner agrees. While the Board properly construed this
`term in its ID, Petitioner does not believe that construction of this term can add in
`any meaningful way to the abstract idea of the claims in which it appears, and thus
`does not require construction for purposes of the Board’s decision on § 101.
`E. Means-Plus-Function Claim Terms
`To resuscitate unpatentably abstract claims, Patent Owner argues that the


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`means-plus-function limitations of claims 40 and 41 involve “specific processes
`executed by a specially programmed computer.” POR at 17-18, 44. Nothing in the
`‘024 patent discloses a specific algorithm to perform the recited function and just
`saying that these claims require specific programming does not make it so.
`PO correctly argues that a means-plus-function claim requires more than just the
`recitation of a general purpose computer; it requires the disclosure of an algorithm
`that, when implemented on the computer, performs the recited functional. POR
`18; see also WMS Gaming Inc. v. Int’l. Game Tech., 184 F.3d 1339, 1348 (Fed.
`Cir. 1999). PO uses this statement of law to argue that claims 40 and 41 recite not
`only a general purpose computer, but also the special programming required to
`perform the recited function. Of course, PO’s argument ignores the fact that the
`‘024 patent never discloses any way of implementing the recited functionality,
`much less an algorithm for doing so. WMS Gaming made clear that simply reciting
`“an algorithm executed by a computer,” as Patent Owner seeks to do here, was
`insufficient to adequately disclose corresponding structure for a means-plus-
`function claim. Id. at 1348. Only through new and unobvious programming (i.e.
`with an algorithm) is the general purpose computer transformed into a programmed
`special purpose computer. The Federal Circuit noted:
`A general purpose computer, or microprocessor, programmed
`to carry out an algorithm creates “a new machine, because a
`general purpose computer in effect becomes a special purpose
`computer once it is programmed to perform particular functions


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`pursuant to instructions from program software.” …The
`instructions of the software program that carry out the
`algorithm electrically change the general purpose computer by
`creating electrical paths within the device. These electrical
`paths create a special purpose machine for carrying out the
`particular algorithm.
`Id. at 1348. In contrast, one of the named inventors of the ‘024 patent admitted in
`deposition that the ‘304 patent does not disclose any “way” or “algorithm” to
`implement the recited functionality. 1
`PO’s claim construction argument for these means-plus-function limitations
`conflate into its §101 argument. Because PO never discloses any particular way or
`any specific programming to accomplish the recited means limitations of claims 40
`and 41, these claims are not tied down for purposes of §101 (and, while not
`relevant here, they are also indefinite under §112(2)).
`1 8/13/14 Cheng Tr. (rough) at 161:5-16, 163:13-164:13, 164:14-165:10; 170:15-
`25 (“A. So, what it basically is describing is what you – what you want to have
`happen but not how to make that happen.”), 174:21-175:6 (“Q. Based on your
`review of the ‘024 patent is that algorithm set forth anywhere in the patent? A. I
`think the what is described but not the how.”), and 175:10-176:8 (“Q. And, again,
`same question, is there anything in the ’024 patent that discloses how to implement
`this functionality. A. I don’t see any.”).


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`The Supreme Court in Alice was very clear about the standard that should be
`used to determine patent eligibility under § 101: “First, we determine whether the
`claims at issue are directed to one of those patent-ineligible concepts. . . . If so, we
`then ask, “[w]hat else is there in the claims before us?” Alice Corp. Pty. Ltd. v.
`CLS Bank Int’l, 134 S. Ct. 2347, 2355 (2014) (quotations omitted). The Institution
`Decision is consistent with Alice, which reaffirms the patent ineligibility of the
`present claims. Here, that abstract idea is compensating sales representatives for
`their sales transactions that conform to regulatory conditions. ID 15; Pet. 1.
`Contrary to the clear authority of Alice and its predecessors, PO argues that
`claims are invalid under § 101 only where the abstract idea is “a fundamental
`economic principle or a building block of the modern economy.” POR 27-32.
`Nothing in Alice, Mayo, Bilski, Benson, or Flook limits the categories of patent
`ineligible abstract ideas to the specific examples of abstract ideas found in those
`cases, nor those made up by PO by a cramped misreading of Alice and Bilski.
`In fact, the Supreme Court roundly rejected exactly this line of argument in
`Alice: “petitioner contends that the abstract-ideas category is confined to
`preexisting, fundamental truths that exist in principle apart from any human
`action. . . . Bilski belies petitioner’s assertion.” Alice at 2356 (emphasis added,
`quotations and modification omitted). PO does not explain how the abstract idea
`here is different in kind than “managing a stable value protected life insurance


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`policy” (Bancorp at 1280-81), a “fraud detection method” (Cybersource at 1376),
`“risk hedging” (Bilski at 1321), or “intermediated settlement” (Alice at 2355). It is
`not. PO does not explain why an abstract idea regarding a mundane economic
`practice should be more deserving of patent protection (and thus, patent eligibility)
`than an abstract idea directed to a “fundamental economic practice.” The only
`proper inquiry is whether the claims are directed to an abstract idea;2 PO’s attempts
`at misdirection should be ignored.3
`PO argues that the prior examination of the claims is relevant here because
`“the PTO has already determined the claims novel and nonobvious.” POR 31.
`While Petitioner has not in this proceeding challenged the ‘024 patent under
`§§ 102 or 103, neither is the ‘024 patent presumed valid. See 35 U.S.C. § 282.
`“The question . . . of whether a particular invention is novel is ‘wholly apart from
`2 Both Alice and the Preliminary Examiner Guidelines agree that a fundamental
`economic practice is one of several examples of abstract ideas, but that abstract
`ideas are not limited to a particular category. Exh. 2015 at 2-3; Alice at 2356-57.
`3 Even if the “fundamental nature” of an economic practice were relevant to the
`§101 analysis (which it is not), PO — even while acknowledging “the expertise” of
`Ms. McGuffey and Mr. DeHaven — offers no evidence to rebut their declarations
`that provide the only evidence of record bearing on the importance of the economic
`practice at issue. E.g. Exh. 1012 ¶¶16-17, 21.


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`whether the invention falls into a category of statutory subject matter.’” Diehr,
`450 U.S. at 190. The PTO’s § 102/§ 103 determination is simply irrelevant here.
`A. The Remainder of Claims 1, 40, 42, and 45 Do Not Transform the
`Abstract Idea Into a Patent-Eligible Claim
`PO argues that Petitioner’s characterization of the abstract idea of the ‘024
`patent claims omits a critical feature of the claims—namely that both the sales
`representatives and their sales transactions must conform to regulatory conditions
`to be eligible for compensation. POR 33-35. Based on this purported omission,
`PO argues no preemption and also that this additional feature adds materially to the
`abstract idea found by the Board. PO’s argument is a strawman.
`First, Petitioner’s characterization of the abstract idea includes both sales
`representatives and sales transactions. As set forth in the Petition, the abstract idea
`of claim 1 is “compensating sales representatives for their sales transactions that
`conform to regulatory conditions.” Pet. 1.
`Next, PO argues that because applicant argued during prosecution that the
`regulatory conditions for the sales representatives were “applicable to said sales,”
`claim 1 does not preempt the abstract idea of compensating sales representatives
`for their sales transactions that conform to regulatory conditions. PO 33-35. The
`issues of novelty/obviousness and patent eligibility are distinct issues. Moreover,
`PO mischaracterizes the prosecution history. As discussed in the Petition, PO
`argued the limitation at issue to overcome prior art related to sales of products, not


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`distributors, so PO’s characterization of validated product transactions was actually
`a feature of the prior art. Finally, PO’s preemption argument is misplaced since
`both transactions and distributors are within the scope of the abstract idea as
`framed in the Petition and the ID. In any event, as Alice makes clear, pre-emption
`is a policy concern justifying the limits on patent eligibility, but is not a test for
`patentability itself. See Alice at 2354.
`B. Claims 1, 40, 42, and 45 are not Tied to a Particular Machine
`PO argues that claim 1 is tied to a special purpose machine because it recites
`“using a distributor management system.” POR at 38-39. As discussed in Section
`II.E. above, only through specific programming (i.e. with an algorithm) is the
`general purpose computer transformed into a programmed special purpose
`computer and no such algorithm or specific programming is recited or disclosed in
`the ‘024 patent. The use of a general purpose computer to implement the recited
`functionality, without more, cannot confer patentability. Alice at 2359 (“purely
`functional and generic” hardware does not provide “a meaningful limitation”).
`Moreover, the recited functionality of the challenged claims can be performed
`entirely in the human mind, as was confirmed by named inventor, Charles
`Erickson, in deposition.4 The Federal Circuit has never suggested that “reciting the
`4 The limitations of Claim 40 could be performed by “a person” using “your
`brain.” See Exh. 1026 at 213:20-215:24.


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`use of a computer to execute an algorithm that can be performed entirely in the
`human mind falls within the Alappat rule.” Cybersource, at 1374-75.
`C. CyberSource and Bancorp are highly relevant
`While arguing that Petitioner “distills the claim limitations until they are no
`more than their first word,” PO does not deny—aside from the generically-recited
`computer—that the limitations of claim 1 can be performed manually. POR 40-41.
`PO’s statement that “Bancorp is similar [to CyberSource] – the claims, on their
`face, did not implicate or even recite a computer” is simply false. POR 42. The
`Federal Circuit invalidated method, system, and computer-readable medium claims
`that explicitly recited or required a computer. In Bancorp, one of the independent
`claims recited a “computer system for administering an existing life insurance
`policy.” Bancorp at 1271; Exh. 1015, 17:52-55. There, the Federal Circuit noted
`that “particular computing devices” “such as a ‘generator,’ a ‘calculator,’ and
`‘digital storage’” were required. Bancorp at 1274. Independent claims recited
`“computer readable media for controlling a computer,” and were also invalidated.
`Bancorp at 1271; Exh. 1016, (cl. 18); Exh. 1015, (cls. 18, 63). Likewise, in
`CyberSource, invalidated independent claim 2 that recited “a computer readable
`medium” that required “execution of the program instruction by one or more
`processors of a computer system.” CyberSource at 1373-74; Exh. 1017, (cl. 2).
`The Federal Circuit treated claim 2 no differently than the abstract method of claim


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`3 that did not recite a computer: “Here, the incidental use of a computer to
`perform the mental process of claim 3 does not impose a sufficiently meaningful
`limit on the claim’s scope.” CyberSource at 1375. These holdings are consistent
`with Alice, where the challenged patents were directed to a “computer-
`implemented scheme,” and where each of the method, system, and media claims
`were held unpatentable as directed to abstract ideas. Alice at 2360. Here, the
`general-purpose computer does not save claim 1, or any other ‘024 patent claims.
`PO’s arguments for claims 2, 44, and 47 are premised on arguments the
`“generating a sales agreement” limitation is something other than merely “reducing
`the information to a written form,” contrary to the institution decision. ID 17-18;
`POR at 29-32. As discussed in Section II.4, supra, PO’s construction is incorrect
`and, in any event, does not tie down the abstract idea of the claim. Claim 41
`suffers from the same deficiencies as independent claims 2 and 40. Furthermore,
`PO nowhere addressed claims 35-39, 43, or 46. Compare Pet. 61-64 with POR 42-
`45. PO thus concedes that these claims are also unpatentable.
`As the Board has already held, Petitioner is not estopped from challenging
`the claims on the grounds identified in the Petition. ID 4-6; Decision on Request
`for Rehearing, Paper No. 22 at 2-6 (April 9, 2014). Petitioner’s second-filed


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`declaratory judgment (“DJ”) action did not bar Petitioner from filing its Petition.
`First, according to 37 C.F.R. §§ 42.300 et seq., 35 U.S.C. § 325(a)(1) does
`not apply to CBM Review. This is because 37 C.F.R. § 42.201—the rule
`promulgated by the Director of the USPTO to implement 35 U.S.C. § 325(a)(1)—
`is explicitly carved out of CBM Review by 37 C.F.R. § 42.300(a). 37 C.F.R.
`§§ 42.300; Exh. 1010 at 48691. The Director’s rulemaking that resulted in
`37 C.F.R. § 42.300(a) was authorized under AIA § 18(a)(1). See id. at 48680; see
`also Exh. 2008 at S5428 (Sen. Leahy). In that regard, the Director found that the
`exceptions set forth in § 42.300(a) were “consistent with section 18(a)(1) of the
`AIA.” Exh. 1010 at 48693. The Director’s rulemaking is consistent with the
`statutory mandate and entitled to deference.5 See Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Res.
`Def. Council, 467 U.S. 837, 843-44 (1984); see also Ethicon Inc. v. Quigg, 849
`F.2d 1422, 1425 (Fed. Cir. 1988).
`Contrary to PO’s argument, nothing in AIA § 18 incorporates Chapter 32 in
`its entirety for CBM Review. In fact, such incorporation would result in statutory
`conflicts with other provisions of Section 18. Compare, e.g. 35 U.S.C. § 321(a)
`with AIA § 18(a)(1)(B); compare also 35 U.S.C. § 321 (b) with AIA §
`5 While the PTAB’s recent decision in SecureBuy tacitly assumed that 35 U.S.C. §
`325(a)(1) applies to Section 18 proceedings, the issue was not raised or argued by
`either party there. See SecureBuy, LLC, Paper No. 12 at 3.


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`18(a)(1)(C)(i) and (ii). Where an “interpretation directly conflicts with the
`language of the statute,” it must be rejected. Princess Cruises, Inc. v. United
`States, 201 F.3d 1352, 1362-63 (Fed. Cir. 2000).
`In addition, as the Board found in its ID (at 5-7) and Decision on Request for
`Rehearing, Paper No. 27 (“Rehearing Denial”), Petitioner’s DJ action is properly
`treated as something that de jure never existed, leaving the parties as though the
`action had never been brought. See Rehearing Denial at 3-6, and authority cited
`therein. Callidus was never in a position to litigate invalidity on multiple fronts
`simultaneously; Petitioner’s DJ complaint was filed (but never served) and
`dismissed without prejudice by May 2013, more than three months before Callidus
`filed its petition for CBM Review. See Exhs. 2001; 2003.
`SecureBuy, the only precedential case addressing § 315(a) or § 325(a), is
`distinguishable. There, SecureBuy had filed two separate DJ actions two weeks
`before filing its petition for CBM Review, and those actions were still ongoing
`long after the petition was filed. Decision Denying Institution of Covered Business
`Method Patent Review, Paper No. 12 at 3, SecureBuy, LLC v. Cardinalcommerce
`Corp., CBM2014-00035 (P.T.A.B. Apr. 25, 2014); see Exhs. 1018 and 1019. The
`Board’s decision is also consistent with the legislative history that expressed
`concern about parallel litigation tactics or “abusive serial challenges to patents.”
`Exh. 2006 at S1363 (Sen. Schumer); Exh. 2009 at S952 (Sen. Grassley). None of


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`those concerns are implicated where there has been a voluntary dismissal.
`Finally, even if § 325(a) applied here, Petitioner’s second-filed DJ action is
`properly characterized as an excepted counterclaim within the meaning of §325(a).
`See 35 U.S.C. § 325(a)(3). PO sued Petitioner first in the District of Delaware.
`Petitioner’s standing for its second-filed DJ action in California was explicitly
`based on PO’s first-filed action.6 Exh. 2001 ¶ 9. PO does not dispute that
`Petitioner’s DJ counterclaim action was a mirror image of PO’s earlier filed patent
`infringement claim, and both parties understood and agreed that it could not
`proceed in parallel. Exh. 1020 at 1; Exh. 1021; Exh. 1022. And once the motion
`to transfer was resolved, Petitioner voluntarily dismissed its second filed DJ claim
`and added precisely the same DJ claim as a counterclaim to PO’s first filed
`Delaware action. Exh. 1023.
`Petitioner has demonstrated the patent ineligibility of each claim under Alice
`and its predecessors, under any of the proposed constructions, and had standing to
`file its Petition: claims 1, 2, and 35-47 of the ‘024 patent should be cancelled.
`6 Petitioner’s second-filed DJ counterclaim action was filed for the express purpose
`of anchoring venue (in response to Patent Owner’s cross-motion for transfer) until
`the Delaware Court (the first-filed action) had an opportunity to rule on the then-
`pending motion for transfer. Exh. 1024 at 4, n.1; Exh. 1025.


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`August 22, 2014
`Respectfully Submitted,
` /
` Deborah E. Fishman/
`Deborah E. Fishman (Reg. No. 48,621)
`Jeffrey A. Miller (Reg. No. 35,287)
`Assad H. Rajani (admitted pro hac vice)
`Michael S. Tonkinson (admitted pro hac
`1841 Page Mill Road, Suite 150
`Palo Alto, CA 94304
`Phone: (650) 690-9500
`Fax: (650) 690-9501
`Attorneys for Petitioner


`Petitioner’s Reply to Patent Owner Response
`The undersigned certifies that the foregoing PETITIONER’S REPLY TO
`PATENT OWNER RESPONSE and associated Exhibits 1015-1025 were served
`on Patent Owner on August 22, 2014, via electronic filing in the Patent Review
`Processing System.
`/ Deborah E. Fishman /
`Deborah E. Fishman
`Reg. No. 48,621

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