`CBM2013-00023 (APPLE v. SIGHTSOUND)
`PAGE 000001
`In The Matter Of:
` ___________________________________________________
`March 31, 2014
` ___________________________________________________


`PAGE 000002
`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
` Petitioner,
` vs. No. CBM2013-00020
` Patent Owner.
` March 31, 2014
`Reported by:
`Natalie Y. Botelho
`CSR No. 9897 (SF-001621A)
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco


`PAGE 000003
`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
`Page 2
` Page
`EXAMINATION BY MS. LANSBERY..........................4
`EXAMINATION BY MR. BATCHELDER.......................30
` ---oOo---
`No. Description Page
`Exhibit 1 Declaration of Marco Mazzoni.........15
` in Case CBM2013-00020
`Exhibit 2 Declaration of Marco Mazzoni.........15
` in Case CBM2013-00023
`Exhibit 3 A document dated January 15,.........15
` 1999, to Steven Jobs, from
` Scott C. Sander
`Exhibit 4 A document entitled..................15
` "," described as
` a blow-up of page 2 of Exhibit 3
`Exhibit 5 A document dated February 3,.........20
` 1999, to Mr. Scott C. Sander,
` from Albert P. Cefalo
`Exhibit 6 Declaration of Scott Sander..........21
` in Support of Patent Owner
` Sightsound Technologies, LLC's
` Response Petition
` ---oOo---
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco


`PAGE 000004
`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
`Page 3
` BE IT REMEMBERED THAT, on Monday, March 31,
`2014, commencing at the hour of 10:01 o'clock a.m. of
`the said day, at the law offices of ROPES & GRAY LLP,
`Three Embarcadero Center, Third Floor, San Francisco,
`California, before me, NATALIE Y. BOTELHO, a Certified
`Shorthand Reporter for the State of California,
`personally appeared MARCO MAZZONI, a witness in the
`above-entitled court and cause, who, being by me first
`duly sworn, was examined in said cause.
` 1900 University Avenue, 6th Floor
` East Palo Alto, CA 94303-2284
` (650)617-4000
` 555 Twelfth Street, NW
` Washington, DC 20004-1206
` (202)942-5186
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco


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`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
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` MONDAY, MARCH 31, 2014, 10:01 A.M.
` being first duly sworn, testified as follows:
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. So you understand you're
`under oath, just like if it was a court of law?
`A. Yes.
`Q. And that my role today is to ask you
`questions, and your role is to answer them the best you
`A. Yes.
`Q. And we'll try not to speak over one another so
`that the court reporter can get an accurate transcript.
`A. Okay.
`Q. Great. If you don't understand something I've
`asked, please ask me to rephrase or clarify. Otherwise,
`I'll understand that you understood the question.
`A. I will do that.
`Q. Great. Your attorney is likely to have
`objections. Unless your attorney specifically instructs
`you not to answer, your role will still be to answer the
`2 3
`4 5
`7 8
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`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
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`A. Understood.
`Q. Is there any reason you can't give your best
`testimony today?
`A. No.
`Q. Okay. We can take breaks, but not during when
`a question is pending. And we've agreed to a two-hour
`time period for -- that's for the testimony time. So
`the breaks won't be included in that two-hour time
`A. Okay.
`Q. Have you ever provided testimony before for
`A. No.
`Q. Have you ever been known by any other names?
`A. Yes.
`Q. What are those names?
`A. My legal birth name was Mark Lawrence Gavini,
`and that's the name that I had while I was employed with
`Apple Computer. 2005 I legally changed my name to Marco
`Lorenzo Mazzoni, which is the name I go by now.
`Q. Great. Can you say why you made the change?
`A. It's personal family reasons.
`Q. Okay. Did you discuss the deposition with
`anyone to prepare for today?
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`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
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` MR. BATCHELDER: If I could, I just want to
`object on the ground of attorney-client privilege. You
`can certainly answer that question "yes" or "no," but
`you shouldn't divulge the substance of any of your
`communications with me.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. So if you can tell me who,
`for example, that's -- just a list of who you met with,
`if you met with anyone.
`A. I met with Jim.
`Q. Okay. And that's Jim Batchelder?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Batchelder.
` THE WITNESS: (Nods head.)
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Thank you. So then you
`didn't talk with anyone at Apple that you previously
`worked with, or is currently --
`A. No.
` MR. BATCHELDER: If I could, just make sure
`she's done with her question before you begin.
` THE WITNESS: Understood.
` MR. BATCHELDER: It just helps the court
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. How many times did you meet
`with Jim?
`A. Once.
`Q. And how long did you meet with him?
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`A. Approximately an hour.
`Q. Did you take any notes during that meeting?
`A. No.
`Q. Did you discuss any depositions that have
`already occurred with regard to the 5,191,573 patent or
`the 5,966,440 patent?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection on the ground of
`attorney-client privilege. The substance of our
`communications are privileged, so I instruct you not to
`answer that question.
` MS. LANSBERY: I think I can just get a
`subject line of -- a "yes" or a "no." I don't need the
` MR. BATCHELDER: I disagree. You're asking
`him about content, so I object on that ground.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Can I refer to the '573
`patent and '440 patents in the future, and we'll know
`those are the two that I'm referring to?
` MR. BATCHELDER: I don't --
` MS. LANSBERY: That was a question for Marco.
` MR. BATCHELDER: Okay. I'll just object on
`the ground of ambiguity. The witness doesn't have those
`two patents, and I don't have any reason to think he's
`familiar with them.
` MS. LANSBERY: Okay. We'll let him answer.
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`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco


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`Q. Do you -- can I refer to the 5,191,573 patent
`as the '573 patent, and you understand what that means?
`A. I --
` MR. BATCHELDER: Same objection.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. You can still answer.
`A. I do not know the specifics of the patents you
`are referencing.
`Q. Okay. What else did you do to prepare for the
`A. Nothing.
`Q. Okay. Are you currently employed?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Who with?
`A. I am self-employed.
`Q. What's your title, the name of the company?
`A. The company name is Northwest Home Comfort. I
`am the building analyst/owner.
`Q. Okay. And when were you employed by Apple?
`A. As an Apple badged employee, from April of
`1992 until July of 2000.
`Q. Okay. And how did you get your job with
`A. I was a contractor at Apple answering
`telephone calls for their support hotline and applied
`for a permanent employee position.
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`Q. And what was your title in 1992, when you
`A. Support analyst, I believe.
`Q. Okay. And do you remember the titles that --
`did your title change before you left in 2000?
`A. Yes, several times.
`Q. Can you give me some of the -- a list of those
`titles, to the best of your ability?
`A. Support analyst, customer requirements
`specialist, marketing specialist, evangelist, product
`marketing manager.
`Q. And in 1999, what was your title?
`A. Evangelist.
`Q. Okay. What type of -- what were your
`responsibilities at that time, in 1999?
`A. In 1999, I was responsible for music and audio
`technologies, hardware and software.
`Q. Can you give any further description about
`what would have been covered in that; more specifics?
`A. My job as an evangelist was to develop
`relationships with third-party hardware and software
`vendors in the music and audio technology space.
`Q. Was music security a concern for you at that
`A. No.
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`Q. What type of companies were the -- you said,
`"hardware and software vendors." Can you give examples
`of some of those companies?
`A. Yes. Opcode, Digidesign, Steinberg, Emagic
`are the -- some of the large names at the time.
`Q. And what type of vendor were they, other than
`software and -- can you give some more description of
`A. Opcode was a hardware and software vendor that
`developed music authoring and recording software aimed
`at musicians. It's a technical tool that a musician
`would need to write and record music compositions.
`Digidesign was a hardware and software vendor that
`developed digital signal processing hardware that would
`be installed into a computer and the software that would
`manage the digital signal processing hardware for
`recording audio information, either music or spoken word
`or anything along those lines.
`Q. Okay. Did you then not meet with any third
`parties regarding music security?
`A. I met with a lot of developers over my tenure
`as an evangelist, and it is possible that I did meet
`with people involving music security, but it was not a
`focus of mine at the time, so my memory is scarce.
`Q. Were there team meetings during that time
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`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
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`period when you were an evangelist?
`A. Please describe "team meetings."
`Q. Sure. Would there be a team meeting with
`other evangelists? Were there -- well, I'll let you
`answer that.
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; vague.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. I can try and rephrase.
`Did you get together with colleagues to discuss what was
`going on in your position at Apple?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; vague.
` THE WITNESS: Are you referring to meetings
`internally or meetings --
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Meetings internally would
`be fine.
`A. No, not really. I was the only person focused
`on music and audio technologies in my department.
`Q. Did you get together with colleagues outside
`of the office, not regularly scheduled?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; vague.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. To discuss third parties
`and what was going on in the industry at the time.
`A. I would say that there were conversations with
`like-minded people in the industry on an informal basis
`to discuss trends in the industry, yes.
`Q. Was music security a hot topic?
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`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
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`A. No.
`Q. How many, approximate, third parties did you
`meet with during your time as an evangelist?
`A. I do not have an exact number, but vaguely I
`would say somewhere between 50 and 100 different
`Q. And that -- what was -- was that your primary
`role as an evangelist?
`A. My primary role was to be an advocate for
`Apple technologies to the third-party developers to
`promote Apple technologies that might be of use to the
`developers, at the same time acting as a champion for
`third-party developer issues within the company.
`Q. Okay. When you were acting as a champion for
`the third-party developer issues within the company, how
`would that play out within Apple?
`A. If there was a significant technology that I
`considered to be substantial and relevant to the
`company's interests, there would be advocacy on my part
`within the company to other individuals, you know,
`starting probably with my manager and with other
`individuals at the company. There would be meetings set
`up between the third-party developer and other
`interested or relevant parties within Apple to discuss
`specifics of the technology at hand.
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`Q. Would those meetings ever include Steve Jobs?
`A. No.
`Q. What would happen within Apple before meeting
`with a particular third party?
`A. Could you be more specific, please?
`Q. Sure, I can rephrase. How did a decision get
`made about what third parties to meet with?
`A. That was mostly my own initiative in my
`analysis of whether the developer or the technology at
`hand -- how relevant it was to the platform and the
`company's business.
`Q. Did you get inquiries from third parties
`A. What kind of inquiries?
`Q. Any kind. A letter, an e-mail, a phone call.
`A. I would get inquiries from third-party
`developers to meet frequently.
`Q. Was that how -- was that the primary way of
`you meeting with these third-party developers?
`A. It was one of the ways. Other ways would be
`reading about them in industry trade publications or
`referrals from other individuals in the industry or
`within the company.
`Q. Did Steve Jobs ever ask you to meet with any
`third party?
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`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
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`A. Not in this iteration of my evangelism
`Q. How are you dividing up this iteration of your
`A. I was an evangelist responsible for games
`prior to becoming the full-time audio technologies
`Q. Okay. So as an audio technologies evangelist,
`Steve Jobs never directed you to meet with a particular
`third party?
`A. No.
`Q. Did he ever indirectly, that you know of,
`suggest a third party for you to meet with?
`A. No.
`Q. Have you heard of a company called SightSound?
`A. No.
`Q. Have you heard of Scott Sander?
`A. Doesn't ring a bell.
`Q. Have you heard of Art Hair?
`A. Doesn't ring a bell.
`Q. Okay. You signed a declaration regarding --
`let me provide that to you. Would you like to refer to
` MR. BATCHELDER: If you're going to ask him
`about it.
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`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
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` MS. LANSBERY: Yeah, absolutely.
` THE WITNESS: My only recollection was --
` MR. BATCHELDER: There's no question.
` MS. LANSBERY: Why don't we just mark it.
`This is Exhibit 1 and 2. We can have Exhibit 1 be from
`the 4257 exhibit, which is from the 20, the CBM2013-20.
`And then we can have Exhibit 2 be Apple Exhibit 4415,
`which is from the CBM2013-23.
` (Whereupon Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2 were
` marked for identification.)
` MS. LANSBERY: I also provide Exhibit 3, which
`is a '99 letter from SightSound to Apple.
` (Whereupon Exhibit 3 was marked for
` identification.)
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Feel free to take a look at
`that. And I have a blow-up of that page, but we can
`just focus on the first page. Let me just give him the
`blow-up. This is a blow-up of page 2 of the letter I
`just provided.
` (Whereupon Exhibit 4 was marked for
` identification.)
` (Pause.)
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. And you can refer to those
`as we ask questions. Have you ever seen this letter
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`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
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` MR. BATCHELDER: Which letter?
` MS. LANSBERY: The January -- it's the same
`document. It's one letter. It was a letter from
`SightSound to Steve Jobs sent January 15, 1999. The
`second exhibit is simply a blow-up of that attached
` MR. BATCHELDER: So you're referring to
`Exhibit 3?
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Would you have any
`understanding or expectation of whether Steve Jobs would
`have reviewed that letter?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; calls for
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. You can still answer.
`A. I would have no knowledge of that.
`Q. Sure. Would you expect that Steve Jobs would
`have received the letter given that his name is -- was
`directed to him?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; calls for
` THE WITNESS: I doubt it.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Why is that?
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`A. Lots of people send things to the CEO, and he
`doesn't read every single one of them.
`Q. Sure. Would the attention to Andrea Nordemann
`change whether or not he might be more likely to have
`seen the letter?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; calls for
`speculation, lacks foundation.
` THE WITNESS: I wouldn't know.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Okay. Do you have any
`reason to believe that Steve Jobs did not read the
` MR. BATCHELDER: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: No knowledge.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Okay. Are you aware of any
`discussions involving Steve Jobs and SightSound apart
`from this letter?
`A. No.
`Q. Are you aware of any discussions involving
`anyone at Apple regarding SightSound?
`A. Other than Tom Weyer, who was with me at the
`meeting, at the SDMI meeting, and was at the meeting
`with SightSound, no.
`Q. What do you understand the letter to be
`A. It appears to be a request from a third-party
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`developer to work with Apple to develop an open platform
`audio player.
`Q. And it states that SightSound is selling music
`over the Internet currently, correct?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; the document
`speaks for itself.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. It's --
`A. That's what it says right there.
`Q. Right. And the schematic, it details how
`SightSound sells music to those customers over the
`Internet, correct?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; the document
`speaks for itself. He's never seen this before. It's a
`waste of time.
` THE WITNESS: It's a graphic. I don't know
`how accurate or relevant it is. I had never heard of
`anybody selling music over the Internet at that time.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Okay. Were you aware if
`Apple in 1999 had plans to sell music over the Internet?
`A. I was aware of no plans.
`Q. And why would you not have been aware of such
`plans if they existed?
`A. Well, Apple could be very compartmentalized
`when it came to certain developments, and I was not made
`aware of any plans to sell music.
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`Q. Okay. Do you have any -- going back to the
`letter --
`A. Exhibit 3?
` MS. LANSBERY: Exhibit 3, yes.
`Q. It was proposing that there was specific
`functionality that SightSound proposed to have added to
`the Mac operating system; is that right?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; the document
`speaks for itself. The witness has never seen this
`letter before.
` THE WITNESS: Would you restate the question?
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Yes, sure. It was just
`to -- I think I said that SightSound was suggesting a
`specific functionality to add to the Mac operating
`system, correct?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: That's what it says in the
`letter here.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. And do you understand that
`to be a digital rights management system?
`A. I do not.
` MR. BATCHELDER: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: I do not.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. And why is that?
`A. I don't see that listed here anywhere.
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`Q. It doesn't -- the letter doesn't say "digital
`rights management." It refers to software that would be
`required to sell music over the Internet.
` MR. BATCHELDER: Is there a question?
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Yes. Would you understand
`that to be digital rights management software?
`A. No.
` MR. BATCHELDER: Same objections. Give me a
`chance to object before you answer.
` THE WITNESS: Okay. Sorry.
` MS. LANSBERY: Another document.
` (Whereupon Exhibit 5 was marked for
` identification.)
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. This is a letter from Apple
`to Scott Sander dated February 3, 1999. It's
`Exhibit 2118. Have you seen this letter before?
`A. No.
`Q. Have you seen non-confidential agreements like
`this before from Apple?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; vague.
` THE WITNESS: I have not seen these types of
`letters before, no.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. So when you were getting
`ready to meet with a third party, would you not send a
`letter like this?
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`A. No.
`Q. Why would Apple use such a letter like this?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; lacks foundation,
`calls for speculation.
` THE WITNESS: I wouldn't know.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Did you participate in a
`meeting with SightSound in 1999?
`A. I don't recall that specific meeting.
`Q. Do you -- strike that.
` What would you -- so none of these documents
`help refresh your memory about a meeting with SightSound
`in 1999?
`A. No.
`Q. I'm going to give you Scott Sander's
`declaration. It's Exhibit 2110.
` (Whereupon Exhibit 6 was marked for
` identification.)
` THE WITNESS: Should I read this?
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Yes, please. Particularly
`refer to paragraphs 8 to 10.
` (Pause.)
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Does that help refresh your
`memory at all of meeting with SightSound?
`A. It does not.
`Q. Had you seen the document before?
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`A. No.
`Q. Could that be an accurate description of a
`meeting you would have attended with SightSound in 1999?
`A. Yes.
`Q. So then you don't disagree specifically about
`anything that Mr. Sander recollected?
`A. I did not read the entire document.
`Q. Sure. Between paragraphs 8 and 10.
`A. Paragraph 8 refers to Exhibit 3, which I had
`never seen before. Paragraph 9 refers to Exhibit 5,
`which I had never seen before. Paragraph 10 describes
`me as a part -- as partnership manager when I was a
`partnership manager, one of many in that department.
`And paragraph 10 describes a meeting, and that seems
`like it could have happened that way, but again, I have
`no specific recollection of this meeting.
`Q. Is it possible that you don't remember the
`documents just as a part of not remembering the meeting?
`A. Which documents are you referring to?
`Q. Exhibit 3 and 2.
`A. No, I never saw Exhibit 3, and I never saw
`Exhibit 5 before today.
`Q. Have you seen Exhibit 4 before today?
`A. I don't recall ever seeing Exhibit 4.
`Q. Would you typically have taken notes after a
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`meeting with a third party?
`A. No. I would take notes during the meeting.
`Q. Okay. And would you have reported back to
`anyone after that meeting?
`A. If the topic was relevant to business issues,
`Q. And can you imagine in 1999 why you didn't
`think that the SightSound meeting would have been
`relevant to business issues?
`A. Apple was not in the business of selling
`digital content over the Internet, and the request made
`in paragraph 10 is beyond what Apple would do for a
`third-party developer that did not have something that
`was of specific interest to the company.
`Q. And can you be specific about what in
`paragraph 10 you're referring to; what request?
`A. Notably, that they manufacture a handheld
`portable player. Apple had no business creating a
`portable media player at the time. Rearchitecting their
`operating system is an outrageous request of a -- from a
`small company to a large company.
`Q. Would you have known in 1999, when meeting
`with SightSound, whether or not this request would
`require a rewrite of the Mac operating system?
`A. I would have had a pretty good idea of the
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`significance of the engineering required to adopt such
`technology, yes.
`Q. Okay. Would you ever report back in your
`duties as a music -- sorry -- as an evangelist for
`audio? Is that right?
`A. Mm-hmm.
`Q. Would you have reported back to anyone
`involved in the iTunes Music Store development?
`A. There was no such thing as the iTunes Music
`Q. Okay. Was Steve Jobs the person who conceived
`of the iTunes Music Store?
` MR. BATCHELDER: Objection; lacks foundation,
`calls for speculation.
` THE WITNESS: I have no knowledge of that.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. Would Steve Jobs have been
`one of the people who implemented the iTunes Music
` MR. BATCHELDER: Same objections.
` THE WITNESS: As the CEO, he implemented lots
`of things.
` MS. LANSBERY: Q. So do you have any direct
`knowledge of whether he did or did not?
`A. I do not.
`Q. Okay. Could you describe a meeting with a
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`third party that you found more impressive and memorable
`than you did the meeting with SightSound?
`A. Yes. Digidesign was the developer of the
`market leading application for audio recording at a
`professional studio level. They wanted to know about
`the next generation of the Mac OS operating system and
`how they -- their software would interact with it.
`Digital audio recording of huge amounts of information
`requires specific access to task scheduling in the
`kernel of the operating system, and they needed to know
`if that would be possible in the next generation of the
`operating system. So I called a meeting between members
`of the OS engineering team, the hardware team, and
`Digidesign engineers to discuss those issues and see how
`difficult it would be to accommodate their requests.
`Q. And that required several meetings?
`A. It was one big meeting, as I recall.
`Q. And who would have been involved in that?
`A. I don't remember specific names, but it was
`members of the OS engineering team, the low-level audio
`drivers, and Digidesign engineers.
`Q. You mentioned that you were one of many
`partnership managers?
`A. Yes.
`Q. Can you remember who the other partnership
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco


`PAGE 000027
`MARCO MAZZONI - 3/31/2014
`Page 26
`managers were in 1999?
`A. Tim Holmes was involved with general Mac OS
`evangelism. I don't recall the name of the person, but
`there was someone devoted specifically to Adobe as --
`for graphical programs, like Illustrator, PageMaker.
`"Desktop publishing" was the term at the time. There
`was an education evangelist, Cindy Lawrence. There was
`a Java evangelist. There was networking, and I believe
`that was Tom Weyer's position. He was a networking
`Q. And when you met with a third party, would you
`often talk to those other partnership managers about
`what the technology was?
`A. No.
`Q. How would you decide whether or not a
`particular third party was worth meeting with again?

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