`Page 00001Page 00001
`Apple Exhibit 4404
`Apple v. SightSound Technologies
`Page 00001

`Ultllndelr. nu an urge: ‘am: In Swir-
`Europe skids to a staenfdstilleeeiu
`-lIIs.Iwwrn PIIP‘
`PedwxlansinlhlrichuulltlhIu§ldfll8lIIIlheHln5W|ll|nmnnmmiII}1flIlflwa:_heiflysluWwreakedluunconllllnporgeibn. ..
`snarl hamwnHululhuulrdlishuildilig.
`.-My liaisin-
`the numuu:u."ha
`airnom um: flue dawn. mnunnln
`wlc avnwnmi and IN.»-
`olhnurislswaeslillded a] ski
`Flzm."|I Fllaldellt Jll: ucs
`mun Clnraalht Gerh
`In Stradnung. Flinn. said he felt
`uwmru :
`Hnte1 Ia Bax Rug In Hnlllnc.
`'ufzIJI'."ne.IdSI|I|.||I. 51.‘Wb can‘:
`|Ivudem1'ri)'." .
`E wuwhm. M can! do are-Ihlng.
`Trallrumdu are cannaeled
`human clwmnin and st. Gama
`|!1alIcT|llll Mlulhu flnntl.
`.1 uwuifsmfluu
`Ihe an
`_ Allbndtlu In Sullzahill Md
`Ema musenu Ind uh:
`move dflrnn ‘Ans won some n!
`‘That Is ml my. and fr"!
`IN lam all
`shunting be:-Mun Seth and eIl|mc
`1'||eIa1B aim In read: :1 unpe-
`yur intefim sen1eIne1l for Selhns
`suumarn pmvimc uf Ilmavoqyher:
`Ihelr bum: in a gear of raw
`Inmsand Illm
`_ Wallthdepelldelnoe
`In Hllihielyt
`maths MI Serbia. which nnlmslq)
`wk slug um-fin Imdkr
`' ul I’-‘mum Ind nnhinounls or Brimbl.
`Faneignfi Minlaieu Huhen warm
`mines: or
`Ihe conference m the
`mgnlf‘-can Huh nelillrzr Chabuu de
`Jun Ihreedmsallafile
`Ihmbumnet. renmled hem ighsmID HUI!
`talks. Ln alfloparan
`he who
`Repuuululve nhlflle Hum LI15.
`. 1.5”» ,gIII.
`""3" *""* '
`Ille unhed mu: Russia. F:-agree.
`- draned
`llwe nnl been nmumerz
`Illa iIIm'|n zII|umelIL
`1_||flldeMI‘flKhu:SH'l‘.1e!I\G1I uillbe
`IB In
`up In
`no Nmuvn.
`wllfinendu Ihnuluwavndda
`Jorda.n’s_new king greets his
`an nfl'|:laIs game m dalalls. sun:
`npmuhlinnlimn iamjllialsyriawulld.
`Abdulllh Imeptui
`11n:h-nnhms.JcisaeIu\d liarndshniuswre
`tn mflckhr Gene‘;
`Ewnlflcmbufimunlauddm Iuqzlhu
` m meeaenda] In Ibcdualt Iilfibllfll
` H Abdulhlu [mm hing dlwll no Ihe
`En yew: pm» M-.|wlnlIns.
`Israeli! and
`mm: Mm|M Mfin:orangelim
`yluflonm urine mhlau and idly
`InM'llnnn|c Hum washed my lb:
`Page 00002

`ge 00003ge 00003
`Page 00003

`firililrd yuan M
`A email but
`' iiued I
`l'mnIi ol C'_'
`maintain aitoiihhk
`lam in all iaur hsisi-Ihflfilil
`Iflwfll-‘P FWP
`Tile Swill! man he‘ in):
`piciiei. prnvoeued fkilig mus and iose
`iafallnllklih Iiillslns.
`shun Iii pidiguwrs iiiey can
`inmate iimsbia hi 3|-
`Elly Cmmcl man Fuhiii Sicili-
`hiuecli. who drained Ii! ilw pedi-
`nain. aid is would pnnaem inur-
`iiliia when they Ill’ soi NI)‘ IIIIYE:
`iawii-prnfii gniupia Ia big sniisndiziad
`“NIH have In iaiaiiilaiil In--innooiir
`iuuusiaig unis. Iieald.
`s musizcis support
`nrn_dlIIa:ie.i;e'ih§Il FWIII
`in bu
`aswuiias ailiisidizfiiolifi.
`granite F‘ri£imrii.gra.ip
`Fat mm iinn a decade. Biil
`Gains‘ aunt and uncie, Mislriifiy and
`ilaissliai wiiiianu. tieiped suaiiagoi
`maria :1 III: Fmnionin Public Jim-
`i:iaIam's land Iialihas mizilihaeis.
`flieir onimnliiiielil has lead in ii
`‘The files Foiiiliialiun 3"’: has
`Illini niir
`and our ui-g|iIizni-
`iinin in a new
`." said ciizrii
`are daqily gniafu
`W Fm Inning
`nnlnieiiduus aoninrn‘iuii:in:n."
`dig inuiiihiinin reoeiml n 83.3 Iiiltinm
`enuoimienn fmlil Bill and Mrliliili
`Gala: Tlie Iiiciiuy is ea:-uiarkad in
`illp din rm iuiie debt an is new
`i‘.‘ol1ili|i:Iii'_i' Humane Center. which
`opened in Julie ill Wh|l|Iii:J'm‘iI.
`W nbun iwu aigmilaa But
`m3. mu» m r.;".‘Ei mm":
`iiiihynimi skin In liar South Seiiznlo
`Poiioc hiillne Ii!
`llie head will a
`ll siiocheil can vnellil olli
`Saul: pniice liomiuile dfleuiw
`I2 a-auau-innaap-iuinwiaanu-naprebvuarym new a
`11 ailsra lniallli-{lair
`am .. ~§u'.'§u' °‘m."ii"‘n.
`ht uulu-rnmyaial riniiil
` nl.|InIHdfl7J|l'|i'Il5-
`sunning m
`aiiuf sum:-iz. a ‘Imuivila men.
`washer fined $67,200 for safety iriolations
`ii“ HMefili
`Wmmwaa.” ....n""..n..i.i
`nInn¢52.-Itlillinnuiiirhili wi-amine
`llil-I line sniiniding was
`3 uinaiarnniwdiieiiaotidsia
`ulirmvic mm for
`Ind aliflhel am} In
`pmlnaniai In: dun
`km The
`ml: Ihaln to Ian alimnagrumd ni-
`— Iillhlnvlnflimltlfiilfiwflit
`carlliflirl 0! I Iliiliafl Mzml
`has 1.50:;-sic mini ii: uiplminns
`aiilzltlafl l9i..Icv
`iiunsiniiiiesme between lam and
`I P-Inwmiflaihafliwitl
`UW gets $500,000 gift from the heart
`UW. and a dish ll: nauu Ilia:
`laainiued incliml
`llhn iriaireliml.
`“I'VE been ill: hcnlbufl ilf I
`wail-ind IacuiIbI'." Ltiifls aid. “1l']‘i‘l
`I.-ellixs pt I inn lilnspiall did
`Illfl tile he'll! amcilevansi: liliillis
`by Ibii 1£i'I and I fllisinf
`saved liis iliii. Milli
`lie‘! Iillidlfl I
`Ililll wmiil
`ix I irfllll‘
`Rimnmaiy. Iiow:ver.iier:i'.2iveni
`An inisplnnniaaie pumping min:
`iiiai Nbeil riiunlm hlunil
`no his
`I aim
`Iii: uni-rnsii)-. :tunni<-
`flauigd bean will: lie mailed a
`wiisnanngmn Schwi or Mediainie to
`in-aIienlIni.iun-¢wiIPE.wasn'i avail-
`ig iiiem III‘ nliis
`It or lire.“ said
`Deoenihu I991‘. "Iii! weds igilid 0|’
`"1'Iinrryinnunn'netob¢ hie.‘
`Lulu: and Ida
`De decinlui in
`aid Lefinss.
`fl. who mliend :
`altlliaifil Ii: '5 Iii mum H mm
`lit {HEB N ll! lllill. WIIHI IEII
`Lefinas‘ new bean is fiilfilfinfi
`niassivir heart annals iii Naleidiie‘
`lbs |iI|ii7$an|5lI’q)oilolg1fli-
`llie are he I-euzivud It Lin-
`him parI‘n1!}' laraiyud
`199'}. silollb‘ anti nlliraz In‘: Kirk-
`Search to resume for missing hikers
`Leann cnlied off nbe snmin III: puer-
`n, rnuoini: L}:
`||l filfllfll
`when ii! liihens diam manned:
`buaiiplils. an slliwmnbilis Mid all
`aaipliu-dannuais I‘:Ii InId_ ienieis In
`lEi.'|l! will
`Ibcir friends inieiled il-e
`sin: '
`aii"iac lane ymtiiiqy. Ui-
`Bad illhilm
`nhelx ymm:smLmHuF
`for an
`II‘;-Eilhllid iriioc
`rial Siiuipaliliie
`"'fi."i.“1°3 mm” L?..$'?i"nn.e
`.A354}!3l-aid Iikiiiiaiiiiiiziaiiaiiila
`daiigeriais ava-
`'|'i's a ma] itangsmus Ina." Ul-
`lD|])!i1l'd ho Iuuni [mm
` flH Sean]: iliali RI mil Friday
`Iiiiie Sunday. aaki Jnlili Ul-
`Highways: House leader advises patience
`diam Iinil SEE inilliiiri [mm R49.
`tin nrppicnielilal iii?
`mifiirriauihemne ihmughluiie
`II IE-Nil W
`The Hmummm iltlidc III: II
`Hons: Tnrapuriainun‘ Oamiiiinee
`oudialr Rep. |(a:i!i'.i Scliniiit. Ii-Baiir
`in i
`' Mini hstmtwaiik g1IsiIv.I:"llii.'
`Wt... g.i...’3.i
`.§§n'.’;"‘5‘u... §
`lilis Hist isms pmpusai
`Ilia: iwi; needs no name la-warnd al
`TM decision i_Ii: IIIII until
`Irma: "
`House GDP rrliicunac In mm
`on live wniaiemeruai
`vault. "Cerfiiil [NOW5 an
`or not
`iinlie Eidnslbe
`unlflixnun win pi wars: — pcrind."
`Lnclil liaspmpnsed S23 Iillliau iii
`in III! flflll
`Vehhlsfin mad: wndfiyud Ia
`Ilnnliollic duiiiliollllnnh
`Elcii piwnaal \l2IiI| and la’
`Plflllurudinuin pru-
`I F—I Rmiiu rnnmassnnpley
`can he iuchlil ll 350-943-3990
`or itooniiasalllflmisuiiie-vicu-ni
`Agency: Kim Long ‘on leave with pay’
`M1161. “Bil!
`Iilis "I awililiiig llial
`ifihill. Min is
`luponfliie lnr
`$3 Ilflhlflllflflt The lfiellidklg: 0|’
`"Hi Lang tin! not
`iaiiiguprngi-auisln Waist: Whali-
`nalitluiiiin. Ind Shdi at! he had
`"Kiirii Long is Iii! an ui.ili.iI|i!lI-
`I-WESIH“I was laid III iiluiis lint Iii:
`mminmiiammngm '
`Hisnlluzlnmeon lwerlise
`hi! but
`-reel-mid. _
`milur. Binilllih‘ liq}-
`dnciilaililiilbahnlrilun in-my.»
`"Du: Iiilaw at
`Ihis mini
`Ieililiils In
`kins aurn
`lion lind "He-ma Iurl-nil and IE-
`I in mint llliioilal nunuvwnduni
`-Iniiiw Sdiiiaiihi an be Iaaniaii
`aiiareandineidu Iiisciilia-pi.ocIii
`F-I P£& Riiil WIIISWHWII Hill
`iiadiriclld can be isacileil at 21$-dd;
`3535 ca ianvmiibflfli saaiaia-piozii
`a bear
`Brush with
`Wqgnlr ail Blanviliu blusiirsl nimnllld fllailzlil blmvil
`Wu Eli: liillrilnlnul Spnrls
`9. Her imnrs booth isuliuif
`althe Mm '
`I: all mniiil
`genllors aid‘;-iiii‘uns 1 lo 12. Ind
`" Book: Critic calls switch
`‘a very cowardly decision’
`lesbian ieenis iauuc when dealing wnih
`aim: an Explicit um-ipnmns til in»
`"Iii awry cu. Ihuae rducncu
`are aei
`in a larger uiliimci.
`like a
`manual veiaiiorniahinis. Sm:-ially I-.~
`rwun ariiiiis and teenagers in both
`snzitlit |‘l'sEI'.i'iIir§ iiaw difiisili
`mm-‘nu-oui prams
`ii." Uiciuerslie
`aiclieiaine III-In.-and bani euinsonai.
`said. "i'.iIfii: WEI? passing ialiiluiios
`Ann Hamiundpuhiishailby
`lu flflifiiifi WE IiUi\'I
`dmse but
`that an pan 0!‘
`M3-inn Piiblicdiions Inc..
`Ind. mu ymisiday wilh a aciiooi
`He also said his flair! In become
`dhifia aummiiie:
`ind muni-
`ilielidad. in lane Jamianry Ihai Ihe l1IiEE_
`uipi-r'Iili:Iidi:rii lild not iiiliuiinwd his
`Ofliifi of tile filsl oililiwl OI lit book
`Itiuaiii Insdiml |.i‘hii-ariis.
`'[itiiIi um: I mlictni. I wiui|dii‘1
`haveitive Iiinuilis Issue." in sali-
`Jnrdlli aid
`min‘ lliiil silt is
`Oidilrlsiir EH it lrvirllod the
`ilk I very n:uwaIIi§'
`houiis {mm a raihers pelspmivc and
`asked hililscli wlill hi:'d walit his
`i‘Iisi:iii|il|."slI2sa.h‘i. ‘His walillligin be
`hail‘ same-
`daugiiinir in mad if she I-9-: sing-
`Iiziilig In fl Willi ii. The lnuimexuill
`gning iiI‘iiJI_i'li:rs:xi|aJ iuu_uiii;«.
`HE sad “I9 ¢flllI|i|'liIE‘E fllfl T9‘
`-mmmuliityis Ii1'yili!iuci1iiI|.'
`Jordan said Iha saoaaa! edliim slill
`virwizd Ila: hook agreed Ilia: raplmiig
`minim miiicluiss !i:l‘iiruiai:s in sex
`|.! in-iih Ilnr riemlid edilioli was I
`beiweeli Ieeliagers. minil as berwtril
`haiiliagcis and Iitills.
`A inilr-pclwni milililiilze/wtiidi
`tile d|§l'ii:l‘s supervisor 05
`"The iiooli enmunagns kids in
`any in am with aflier diildreli am!
`inmnry srr\'3n5.a|ii|1riIli.a|'ilirii:ipIi
`|I‘li!IM|Ii|3u' Silt Rid.
`and a paiuaii. rupailied in lane Jlln\l-
`Bin Oicbefslie said ilime refer‘-
`ary with a imizs sayii-giiiie hook ‘is
`ences Inustbeciialiilisd ill tiieonliiant
`inert: mmainilig in l iiwi EIIWI
`in was iwinen in give suppil-I
`vi‘ the boat’: purpcse. Whicli
`is no
`iii: slrugis Iiziat
`ga_i' and
`lop)‘ Deena“
`I III;-lliutl-T-6.
`I Kit! 'Ni'Inhfi ":nlUa"ifOi'I'l
`{in in drawing Nara
`E1 E1 E1 [E1 IE}
`Na wirirw. Taught‘: IWIDUI
`llniirl T
`v 2-74-
`I-l.?-I.8-2?- 0-34-83-
`nialihaua — 10-41-B)’
`I Lilfiy for Lilo: I
`llailin: Biiurdlifs riuriibara
`- 3-I-I-B-SI.-IE. N9 M1-
`.TcI-i5yirs|ad(poI' -56
`Recordings: Industry calls it theft, artists the victims
`dwnmiileimiaiuclihnsbecanse Nov.Z3.
` “ llieylliaawilieizillesissedizo
`lliknuxi Muitiilifila war:
`CDg,|liu'3' yuirnrus,
`Ih!|eI=b|rdo||ee|:i-|hy.beoauaei mpirlahiedmangralsrsnaeiznunid.
`Fosfl.|i¢Iiglai3nld£;.l1.ii'l mi:
`Ilninas inc rucuraning nmuaniy has such
`11:2 pnpnaaniy iii MP3. lhnii in sanmiuu uyiliefm
`MPEG unnidiu kviillliaaupiiaiiesiiia
`Ii’: ¢IqC|U'_lilil niiniude lhat has
`ihepaatyaarorm. TM
`has been Iilfl PC uilhiiaist marlin,
`III! Iumlllia mdistrr irflmhflllis I0
`l:clinn|im' Piss been aruna!
`peqik win win llie lam mi
`Aaandniili of
`tr. but wlniaiiipi me man popular at iediininyf‘ aalil lmnine
`Ins nnelinvi Ir;
`inosmn for
`in‘-W II .
`I abtof
`Iawer-in o-mu-c «I
`-mice-and use 33‘ Sin’.
`ma nniinuiii
`MP3 traflic 15
`at ..n'_m I
`and humane‘ Iiissi
`F-:1: arlifii at: nine bums vied: minim iegm-‘"3139 and "WE
`imiil Wm . mi 'IIi.:a:|i|P8$
`Un--I-mud I-war-er mic -d-in mm
`am 310; ofjegitin-ate
`m......u..._n- 0 in men: an inn

`1'5 M131"
`velainis HI-[ll III’ SI? llnm kick
`um um
`'1' W
`Hm: mm. -*'=....““ T l|lI.i¢|' M.
`‘'3'? “"59” M MP\3wii1":
`_ Ur.-0'-ind!"
`mm“ 3:9‘; mum-is -Ind lflwalinnlilinad that
`' a wwwrio urn.
`mm'“u?”h fiulpuggguiqgppunqgnihu
`mipimiupg woiiiil
`lei eoiuiiaiasdovuiJouIal-
`“ ?dfl'BTl:1!ll|flH|d
`- Dianncvm-viciuuid
`Iilllilllialmiuigijigpympuhnl mi-iiihe
`Iialimmwamchkw ‘Eli; MP3.|xiili|hoolI'2IaCIkfiiHI|emm' mIcIi|llofIil\‘lii'.ii‘l|miiluinIIIi! Pi-fllfihlliml
`[iiel¢nmiIiMF‘3 lihs h . |bg\|.fi_
`of W
`33.32% .1‘: #'i...".'.=:.m"""3
`"""""'“.i'..""??.5' .
` M M
`mrndumhmmfifiihd 8-ojliryiwllnnhhwunahrflwagu
`pluideli: and up
`‘fiini would be
`iilledfiieiflioun bminlhippning
`nuiaaaeaiihephptcninstiaiihnn numrnlilnlllylbmnflnsalk.
`Page 00004

`Page 00005Page 00005
`Page 00005

`ll'| ae
`intersl. at
`this pe-int still
`ary with a letter saying the lineal: "has
`decided by the heard an unday.“
`P-I Paeilie Him eerrespendent Hen
`remains In separate allegtttiens sur-
`Hedmend can be teaehed at t‘|Z'IEi-e-5tE-
`I-lililer en Friday said the ledera-
`remaining in a high seheel
`ltirn Le
`lrem the littsitiess
`is te
`It was written te give supper!
`tien had “stepped ferwnrd and re-
`3336 at renredmendnfi seattle-pi.eem
`l'l.-HIE at
`ederatiert" Kiltler
`r‘ and
`rttetted liim Leng and are llIl‘lI1g'l.|!1g in
`te gtty teens '
`Recordings: Industry calls it theft, artists the victims
`Frem Pegefll
`dewn en ltereit
`Nev. 23-
`[iiarrtend Multimedia u.nen‘t
`lettsesales fI_gllI'E5.‘El.11tElJ.|I||]-ll:|'l".T reple-
`‘E hat:
`“I thinltfllrtte til-'il'rinterj.r m tar
`has been the PC enthusiast marltet.
`they're semetimes ttsed te duplieate
`eer.I:y't'igltted t'rI-aterials.” Sreeltny said.
`The pepttlarity at MP3. shen fer
`MPEG etitlie letrel 3. has etepleeled in
`the past year er se. The ee
`peeple ‘ll-|'l'ttZI want the latest and fl1'!.‘!_I*
`tIElfl'It'It]lIt:|fl|' has been amend e.r leng-
`liut Winantp.
`the meet pep-ular
`teeht'-elegy." sald'raine Cem-
`earn as mg
`direeter at Dia-
`MP3 me-., was
`mend Multime-
`ereated in mid-
`‘huge. mifliemlgi
`I tnta e
`eu .
`tent eat there"
`Te betster
`By Hmember
`their "legitimate
`teat. what
`Eentelflfi elsirn,
`new thir hI"I‘It!t_5t
`- uwt an”m tent
`hlP3.t:errt.-.t.'asup % wwa-.rinperI-
`and running.
`.ee-tn, e Welt site
`etferstertse thettsandsetfreeseng,
`including eeeasianel special features
`[rent s-t.1t:h
`‘names as the Eeastie
`MP3 else is a petential
`tuel far I
`ndent reeerd
`Be].-s. Billy
`del. Peter T .
`httntls that
`have the premetftenal
`t.tP:'t.eam atse efieis CD5 fer sate ever
`machine all a major rented ezmtt-set
`behind them.
`ealled Dia-
`lam year. a eetn
`the ante by
`mpnd lulultimedsla
`I. pertflale.
`he that plays MP3
`dewnleatled here the tnte:-net mtieh
`The Reettrdirtg ndustry el‘ t'JI'Ieri-
`release at the player
`t'.all, but
`lltilecl. The Hill uttit beget: shipping
`the least hit the I [eel guilty, tteeettse i
`thinlt the teeerding industry has such
`st enrnier on the tt13t'ltt1t."
`It's ettaetly that attitude that has
`the reeerding industry st:'t‘at't'I.l:Il'tn.g te
`lind ways te eentrel Il'It.': MP3 I'I'IrI2II'I."-IE‘.
`A statement en the WW site fer
`the Reeettling Industry asseeiatien el
`America needs:
`"Llnferh.ttuttely_ the
`lttternet eulhtte et' unlieensed use
`means that theft el intelleetual prepar-
`ty is rampant. and the music business
`and its artists are the higfit tnettnes.
`Llneuthetrised Internet musie arehitre
`sites using eetttpressieti
`such as MP3 ptettide illegal settnd
`reeerdings entine te enyene with a
`persenal eernpn.tter."
`lndustry greups have euntaetee
`LTW edministraters i.1't an eilert te
`thein te-t.'rat:lt dewn an MP3 t
`said Chen Sreehntt. main‘-tant
`el eempttting and eemntenieatiems at
`the UW.
`‘thfrittett pelieies prehilnit the dupli-
`eatiett pt materials that eatry eepy—
`righla. hut Ll":-Nelfteiels say tightening
`the reins en MP3 liies H :llIt||l|lI.".:illtlll3'.
`"We thinlt a let at MP3 lt.'alt'te is
`legitimate and there are a let et
`legitimate uses fer the teehnelegy."
`Steelzirty said.
`the LI'W's stature has been that
`atttiett will be
`taken if
`them is
`e-videnee that
`rights have been
`intrineed. but
`it-leis ant erneh
`dettrn en the ttse ed MP3 in general.
`We tlultl-E a let [If
`P933 “'3-flu”: 15
`legitimate and there
`are 3 lat flf 1
`USES ffll‘ [Ill].
`Laundry Ream Heeitds. a small
`laliel llflfifld in Eire? and New Turk.
`reeently Wu eetttatsed by Rie|:ert and
`frent me Fert:l1nd
`hen lllingen Web site.
`"The mere plahlielty fer us, the -
`nienier. l:t-eesttse in-e*re se small." sale
`Jttiin Geldhetg. ptesltlent and en-
`muner of laundry Httlllltl Reeatds.
`"Fer ill. i.'|' 30.531 peeple dnnrnlbad a
`Al 2:3
`EET5 'l'."E'I|]
`2-tee blew
`filled 911
`Her lI'LfllI
`tlrithettt a
`jail let‘ in
`inte an MP3 file. and the_I.r
`tree se
`tlllits. lhe.l‘sjust great let us.
`For [the big reeurd labels}. it's their
`"Iitanit: disaster
`In an efiett te rtqalatae ll-'lP'3 with a
`teehaetegy they can better tzehtret, the
`Eeeerding ]ntlustr_I.r
`ttmeehttimi ef
`eunerim ts spearheading an eflert by
`the big reenrd labels and teehnelegy
`eetttpatties t:e t.'eme up with. sellteare
`that urtntld eztrttrtttl
`the etzehange at
`I:tIp}.I'1'Igh'I rttaterielt.
`In reeent weelts. Lyees lauttehed a
`seantli ertgitte selely fer MP3 filfi
`[mp:t.tyete.e:mt. and Dream wartts
`Reeerds tleeided tn telease an MP3
`ttetsien et a rtettr single 1'I't:tt't't H1.lI:lL-
`e1'ien'y, "Lit Up," an the Ultintete Band
`List Web site
`etrntpanies and IE!-'I anneu.1:teed that
`they 'tli|'tEll.1ll.'l test selling albums enter
`the ltttemet using a new system that
`ueuld let eensumers ttttwnlnad at-
`ht.t.n:ts after pa‘-, with a tatel.
`The system uses a digital '-Irnterntarl-t
`in trade where the musie came lirern
`end will he
`te step HP3?
`get a legitimate
`"But." he aatte, “I dea:t.'t figure
`S-fl!|'l'ffI.'If them. heeattste it’: always
`peuptle ttialtingnletel’ lI'IJI'Il.'._'f."
`I P-I reperiet Ruth S-ehuaert
`ean he reached at Bite-edifl-E130
`er rttthsehuberte-seattle-|tu:nrrr
`Page 00006
`Page 00006

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