
`gvifiv .ow
`/ Unl Dolls!
`Akron. Ohio
`Sunday. January 25. 1997
`ml“ is". bummer moan-trio ca
`Celeste campaign cashed in on bond issuers
`7 firms shared
`unbid contracts
`by Iain limb-sen and "elite. Job-m
`onw- uvml our name.
`CULU'MDUS r Gov. Richard F'. De-
`iale tank In 5134.0th [or his reelection
`campaign horn Wall Street executives in
`investment lit-Ina picked by M! admires-
`Iratlou to set luermlve. nor-hid contracts
`In Ditln'l muillrallllontlollar band busi-
`Celeste used the New York City con-
`nection to tap 95 caecu'tlves In eight at
`the big-name brokerage Muses Item No
`uembcr ”85 through November
`which. according to campaign iimnce
`repotu. brie-girl
`in It percent oi all the
`money the governor raised In New York
`last year.
`Seven at those mummies shared mil-
`lion: ol dollars to contracts handed out
`by his administration to serve as under
`writers in selling state boards to build.
`Wm. oilire towers, water and neuter
`lines 3an a telecommunication mien.
`'l‘heeighlh firm. Lazar-d mm: a Co..
`has yet to become a big platter on the
`Ohio scene. but has begun to pursue
`state and total contracts aggressively.
`In ran. Michael R. Jacobo-t. Vite
`president at rourdeipal l'tnam at Lazaro.
`helped organize a fund-raiser In Smoth-
`bcr at the melt. ES-story Cltleorp Cele
`In Manhaltao. where Celeste was
`guest at honor. bringing In about 335300
`more [or Lbeohto Democratic Party.
`Baud undermitets are financial Inhi-
`dlenten Into chem! a fee [or helping
`stale marries set up and sell bond is.
`sues. Such tntnsactions allow the state to
`raLre mom [or pmjecls without
`diately dipping into tax money. Bond
`investors are essentially loaning the
`stale money and Ln return earn interest
`Jar a set period.
`Soliciting mlrlbultuifi l‘rurn contrac-
`tors who do business with the mate did
`not begin with Celeste. Governors have
`used It. to dllferent degrees,tor years.
`And when Calais tool: nillee [or his
`first term as governor —- after running In
`1582 under the election-lime banner at
`“No More Business As Usual" and harsh
`17 ct‘llicirjng [MIDIEI'ITI Republican Gov.
`James A. Rhodes [or
`tolerating net-bid
`contracts — were were Indeed some
`cit-Intros mode.
`these changes appear
`to have
`gone in the opposite direction at
`computer: pledge _. at least in the hood
`Two companies that did much oi the
`state's underwriting under Rhoti - the
`First Boulorl Corp, or New York nd the
`Olrto Co. of Columbus — were excluded
`cu came. page tn:
`More Americans Kidnapped in
` rut on Jan. 12.
`mmmtehro,mhem M tom} lo! M Al ml,
`lelI] merrier nlllt Soothers Clelltlla moo hilt-5 Mahala M mgr
`lander-hip Continence president III-opt: new mum
`Thousands join march
`in Ca. for civil rights
`ol' the match was delayed [or three hours
`By Jewell Mull
`arm Jone-It can urtler
`by the lingo tut-rurut. which created a
`traitic Jam halltray hack to Atlanta.
`cunnmc. Ga: — A1: army or people
`We march drew mote than four times
`mlmated at up to 2.0.000 — have: and
`the number that urgeniaet'l had anticipat-
`haveoots. block and white. pants and old
`ed. Orttoniuerl said that 4,000 had to be
`.— moved quietly and irrational}! Saturday
`loll behind in Minot-l beam there seem
`on part of the "March Against Fear and
`not enough bum lo transport them.
`Intimidation" in ell-white Fourth IJounw
`Sheriff‘s deputies estimated the crowd
`at noon to ld.Uiiti. while march enmity
`They come to coniront the racism that
`he: been lmnlmd here since 151:. when
`ere put participation as high a: 20000. A
`National Guard rpottemialt gave a would
`three blocks were killed and the eounly's
`militate oi 15.00! to 2|,flflfl.
`blaelt residents driven out In retribution
`Hunflmdl ot the marchers were lmm
`[or the rope and aubaequenl death of a
`white women.
`Ohio. and others come tram as tar away
`as New limit and Cotilorrda. Seventl were
`No injuries were reported. but at tent
`from iotelgn nations. Including tour peo-
`60 were arrested on charges lncludin;
`ple from Nigeria.
`carrying a concealed weapon. battery
`a. horrler at 2.300 Georgia National
`against an ottleor and blotting Io riot.
`Guardsmen and eherlll'a deputies pepti-
`A with! caravan mode the Ito-mile
`caterplllar crawl from downtown Allen-
`Baa 1110mm. page All
`ta‘e Martin tamer Itlng Center. The start
`seize four
`I39 Rodents lie-neon
`BEIRLTT. Lebanon — Four
`mule-ed as police-
`rncn and carrying rifle:
`three Amerienn teachers and an
`indlan FNIPSI’II‘ at .1 our Beirut
`college Saturday anti
`then tied
`with thelr hostages
`in a jeep.
`police said.
`The kidnappers duped the [or-
`elgn teachers into assembling in
`a lleLrut University College attire
`by eiairolne to have been as-
`signed to protect
`Ihenr. polite
`and school sources said.
`The abductions came it: angli-
`enn Church envoy Terry Waite
`was reported to have concluded
`[tee data ol secret negotiations
`with Shiile Moslcma who have
`hEll] two limeriromt eruptive slnte
`U.s. ambassador John Kelly
`hold crisis talks with senior aides
`the culture}! in east flelrut'a
`Christina suburb oi Aukar to an.
`cuss the latest kidnappings. Etn-
`.harsy spokesmen declined to
`Twenty-rive l'oreltrnem are re-
`ported eralrtg and believed Irid-
`napped in Beirut.
`including ill
`selacd spice Willie orrtved In lini-
`Police and unturntlty ull'ie‘lnli.
`all speaking on condition at one
`nymllr, identified lhe Americans
`d Saiurdly as Mann
`Stern, ii, a iournnlisrn minor:
`Jesse Terrier. assLaLunt Instructor
`of molhematlcs and computer
`sciences: and Robert Folhltl. rut:
`jatttout prudence or business slutt-
`The lndian was Identified as
`Mtlhllesl'twar Sit-nth. chairman til
`lhe business studies divislou.t1rc
`college sold he had on duration
`firm card. which makes him a
`legal [1.5. resident alien.
`Four mcn wearing ollvett'reen
`police uniform entered the cam-
`pus at 1' pm. in a police patrol
`jeep on said they were assigned
`to prov
`rotcetion for all lon-
`CleVeland is no laughing matter
`g... “gum-m. villi! nu Apiple Exhibit 4382
`Apple V} SightSound Technologies
`Showing by TV
`a big turn-on
`for many buyers
`mt of mo pom
`By lick! tat-merits;
`u“- Jew-II M m
`combine trio of America‘- lavotrlte pastimes —
`television watchtn and shoppinl — and the result
`in mutton!
`that isgrwlng with every
`tick ol the clock and ring oi Ihe phone.
`Bhopal-home television shows bring brutal-name
`merchandise —- comm. loud pm. lure.
`tail. I'flflllltlre, dlrtrnmttl rings — llilo ham :1
`hour) a do! with more guslo lino a blue-light
`Ipelrlll ll it man.
`From the comfort ol 3 tarortte chair. I Viewer
`cltt order IB endiess any at goods by Sll'llfllJ'
`dll'llnl the telephone. a week later. I padres-e is
`on the lindl'llep.
`Once corutdered a tad. video bog-Inn ta chanshut
`the was American: then. it the trend continues. it
`could uh a 15-40 percent bite out oi retell store
`nus. Indium experts ray. so tr: not mung
`national chains auelr as Sure linemen and. Co.
`599 mullahs. euro Al's
`Giants and the Denver Bron-
`' Swimmer
`coo begins on page tit.
`Ham and View:
`in and 5M"
`Wag U.5. in Eriol
`WBM'IIBII Partly cloudy
`today. High near 15. Law
`rtear 5. Mostly cloud? Mon—
`CnUCIttht Necessary evil:
`one we lllte too much to
`Downtown rebirth replaces jokes with respect
`3! Bill III-ll
`m m nut I'll-r
`Downtown Clevehnd is an old take
`iiwuh a Ia-and-rtew. billion-dollar puma:
`Up until a learners are, Cleveland‘lt
`turning river. bummed some-pent and
`cellaednelilns sports teams provided
`Now. though. the air of cooperation
`the prime and public aeelrn
`and. the Indian!
`are Mlllllllfl. and the nation to noltclng.
`People actually feel good about helm
`And the reversed perception ore
`{notched by the new malityd down
`astou- 1m. about 10 motor coo—
`Itrtlcllon. renovation and restoration
`have been completed or begun
`In omtm Cleveland. representing an
`Iavulrneot or more than 5:. billion
`I in the lust live years. the amount at
`downtown oililce lance hu-rloeo by
`a; a... we in flnhhdtl
`that no: . eleventh tlto :
`hmdatoomabaek. ltwlll he. '
`Mayors-org; Voinovtch
`velopers and planners from around the
`nation and the world Will gather in
`Ciei'ellntl tor the annual convention oi
`the international Minion ot Domi-
`twna. muutmuy, the host city lot-
`the convention also serves the associa-
`tion members as in laboratory and model
`[or downtown development.
`None at the corporate onerouues. city
`nlllclhls. developers. arr-liltecte and ur-
`tanoloplsta inlet-viewer] [or this article
`:5 percent, a greater Increase
`then In our previous lflyear period.
`I In “E last three )‘Eafl. Clewland
`has gone trout
`terelvins hardly any
`iederal developmentvlnceullve mote In
`lacing along the top three cities In the
`country tor there awards.
`0 In ldli'l'. In a downtown that used to
`be essentially devoid of nightme. more
`than one million people ltte expected to
`petroolse the restored theaters ot
`Playhouse Square dlslrlct.
`I later this year.
`leading urhrrn de-
`Page 00001
`Apple Exhibit 4382
`Apple v. SightSound Technologies
`Page 00001


`First arts-u parts
`By Belay [amulet-ding
`m Jaurn-Ii sflfi 1airliner
`Cmnhine twn at Ameriea‘s [ayurite pastimes —
`televisinn watching and strapping -— and the result
`is a megahueits industry that is growing with every
`link at the sleek anii ring at the phane.
`Mat-heme teiefisian shuws bring brand-name
`merchamilse — eameras,
`laud prneessum.
`iuntiture, diamunci rings — intn homes 21
`hears a day with mere gusts than a blue-tight
`special at H mart.
`Frum the eumiurt at a tayurite chair. a 1viewer
`ean order an endless array at gnads by simply
`dialing the telephone. A week later. a package is
`an the deurstep.
`{lune enmiderefl a fad. yideu buying is changing
`the way Americans shnp. II the trend eunttnues, it
`euuld take a 15-411 percEnt bite out at retail stare
`sales. industry experts say. So it's nut surprising
`natinnal ehains sueh as Sears flashes]: and Cu.
`See MILLIGNB, page are
`Page 00002
`Page 00002


`Millions of viewers turn on to shop
`ping via TV -
`i‘?'? ’3 ""1 fi'
`'K‘ti... 1;
`Continued tron: page at
`are climbing on board.
`In less than turo years. shop
`shows have attracted an audience
`or 50 million daily viewers. who
`bought $450 million oi goods in
`1986. This year. sales are project-
`ed to exceed $2 billion. The aver-
`age shopper spends more than
`$500 a year on 15 purchases.
`Competition is keen. About 25
`shows — most clones oi the popu-
`lar pioneer. Home Shopping Net»
`Work — vie for viewers around
`the country. The shop phenome-
`non. originally geared to cable
`television. has now moved to the
`mainstream. WJW-Channel
`Cleveland began such a show
`All shop shows operate the
`same way: Items are displayed.
`described and often demonstrat-
`ed. and viewers may order by
`calling toll4ree numbers and us-
`lng credit cards or checks as
`payment. Most shows otter mon-
`ey-back guarantees ii merchan-
`dise is returned within 30 days.
`For some fonts. watching the
`shows is a diversion. They tune in
`during commercials on other sta-
`tiorw. using a remote tuner to rap
`hack and lorth. Others get
`Avid watchers
`in a recent look at the trend.
`ABC's news ieaiure show 20/20
`found a number of viewers who
`have run up huge credit-card
`hills. Some shoppers admitted to
`being addicted. spending hours
`glued to the tube. plastic cards
`ready. One Woman was “afraid to
`leave the house for {ear of miss
`ing a bargain."
`When the shows began. most of
`the merchandise was diacontin-
`ued. marked-down items. Much
`is. But now. more name-
`hrand products are shown. Sav-
`ings range iron-i 20 to To percent
`oi! the retail price. the sponsors
`say. because they buy in built.
`When an item is
`shown on
`screen. two prices are flashed —
`the suggested retail price and the
`show's price. On recent shows. a
`Hold watch sold for $295 retail.
`$145 on television. A mink vest
`Went {or 51-13 retail. $291 on tele-
`vision.’ a diamond-ruby necklace
`was soon retail. $375 on televi-
`sion. Not all merchandise has a
`big price tag, however. Figu-
`rines. leather clusters and the like
`are under 510.
`How can shoppers be sure
`they‘re getting a bargain? The
`only way to be certain is to com-
`parison shop in local stores. The-
`resa Powers oi Cuyahoga Falls
`did and her legwork paid off.
`"I bought a set oi pots and
`pans from TV," Ms. Powers said.
`"I had been pricing them ior
`weeks and saved about 20 per-
`I don‘t buy anything rull
`price i! 1 don’t have to."
`With more players in the mar-
`ket and the competition [or view-
`ers becoming keen. programming
`has become more sophisticated.
`Some shows have celebrity hosts
`who use a talk-show approach [or
`selling toasters, tables and trin-
`kets. Some otter entertainment.
`Such tactics are quite a switch
`from the hard-sell. carnival-like
`atmosphere —- ringing bells.
`blowing horns. flashing lights —
`of the Home Shopping Network's
`Home SimppingCiub.
`in the beginning
`The concept was launched by
`Home Shopping Network in
`Clearwater. Fla.. in 1982. In July
`the show went national.
`This year. HSN is expected to
`generate more than $1 billion in
`sales. HSN reaches more than 30
`million households in the 13.5..
`Puerto Rico and Canada. and
`sells 50.ilflfl items a day.
`To keep in the forefront of the
`movement. HSN has bought a
`number of UHF stations. includ-
`ing W
`in Cleve-
`land. now WQHS. HSN also plans
`to launch a syndicated television-
`shopping game-show in Septem-
`In May. HSN went public.
`opening on the American Stock
`Exchange at $18 and ending its
`first day at 542 — a 131' percent
`gain on a 2.3 million-share otter-
`ing. The stock split 3 for 1 in
`September and 2 for 1 Tuesday.
`Earlier this week. officials of
`HSN and its chlelr rival. C.O.M.B.
`(30.. announced that “preliminary
`discussions" were under Way for
`"an exchange of stock." industry
`observers say ltSN Ls gearing up
`to buy out its major competitor.
`COMB. iL‘lose Out Merchan~
`dise Buyers) of Minneapolis, op-
`erates Cable Value Network in
`partnership with 20 cable compa-
`nies. It the merger goes through.
`CVN programming would proba-
`bly be replaced by HSN.
`Dial a car loan?
`HSN also announced this week
`is buying Baltimore Federal
`Financial. a savings and loan in-
`stitution. It the sale goes through.
`HSN may otter insurance and car
`loans to customers.
`While HSN is the clear leader.
`.it has strong challengers. The
`competition includes:
`I‘I'he Minnesota-based Cable
`Value Network is the largest ca-
`ble Tit-exclusive video retailer.
`CVN, which calls itself "the do
`partment store people come home
`to," began in June and has 12
`million viewers. A spokesman
`said the 24-hour»a-day show is
`growing at a rate oi "1 million
`new subscribers every 30 days."
`OShop Television Network of
`Los Angeles otters a one-hour
`show. which began in July and
`has 2.? mlllion viewers. Enter-
`tainer Pat Boone hosts.
`0 QVC Network at West Ches-
`ter. Pa.. began a continuous ca-
`ble shop show Jan. 1. Chairman
`Joseph Segel hopes to reach 10
`million homes by May.
`We purchase of
`stations caused some cable com-'
`parties to switch shop shows.
`Among them was Warner Cable
`in the Akron area. which
`switched to cvn.
`thus uttering
`viewers another option.
`Kickback on sales
`To entice cable companies and
`stations to buy their shows most
`shop shows other e. kickback (usu-
`ally 5 percent) on all sales in
`their broadcast area to the local
`stations or cable companies.
`shop shows
`have aired on cable stations. But
`the market is expanding.
`VaiueTeievision. a new syndi-
`cated talkg‘home shopping show.
`made its debut Monday on Cleve»
`land's WJW-Channel 8. The show
`is a venture or Lorimar-‘l‘eiepic-
`hires. Fox Television and Hano-
`ver Companies.
`8. direct—mail
`The one-hour show airs week»
`days at 9 a.m.. replacing Falcon
`Crest reruns. Valor-Television has
`a relaxed pace with attractive
`sets. Hosts Alex 'i‘rebek and Mer—
`edith MacRae interview celebri-
`ties and demonstrate merchan-
`The major networks do not
`QVC Network at West Chester, Pa., has a tour-set stage and 150 phone order stations
`it will continue to WMWW is satisfied. how—
`otter shop shows. but probably
`ever. Bessie Huber of Akron be
`will soon. Networks are consider-
`ieel discount merchandise will
`lieves she was "ripped oil" by
`sell best, others are going for
`ing them for the hours between 2
`one show. She‘s been trying tor
`luxury items such as travel."
`am. and Ii a.m.. said an ABC
`two months to get a credit
`Broad market base
`merchandise ordered in the fall
`The showa appeal to a broad
`—— a filing cabinet, telephone and
`including shut-ins. non-
`some gold necklaces.
`workers, retirees. bored or lonely
`“They overrate their prod—
`television watchers. and increas-
`ufls." Mrs. Huber said. “I had :1
`two-income families. who
`real hassle returning the mcrv
`enjoy the convenience buying.
`chandlse.ahd they didn’t reim-
`' Linda Subich. associate protes-
`burse me to:- shipping. The gold
`sor oi psychology at the Universi-
`was chintzy. it didn‘t look at all
`ty of Akron. said the shows satis-
`like what I saw on TV. Also. they
`fy a variety oi needs.
`sent me two filing cabinets when
`his. Sublet: said. "People who
`I ordered one."
`sit home alone can stay connect-
`Betty Patton oi Cuyahopn
`ed to the world. get involved in
`Falls said she's an avid shop
`the lives of the people on the
`show watcher. usually during
`programs. especially the chatty
`commercials tor other shows.
`"I hate to shop." she said. "i
`A number of shoppers are re-
`sit there with my Jewel Mari or
`peat customera. On a recent al-
`‘ternoon. a woman named Val
`Best catalogs. comparing prim-s.
`they sold groceries.
`I’d buy
`from Georgia phoned in three
`times. ordering dinnerware, jew-
`elry and a blood-pressure kit. She
`obviously enioyed interacting on
`air with the host. and chatted on
`about her
`the weather
`and how much she likes shopping.
`:Part two of this story. with mn-
`suiner tips for
`television shop-
`ping, will run Monday in the Lire-
`style section.
`Sears signs on
`National retailers also see the
`value of television marketing.
`Sears was the first major chain to
`sign on. with an exclusive con-
`. tract with QVC. James Podany.
`director of marketing ior Sears.
`said QVC airs selected goods. in-
`cluding some not. yet
`in stores
`and catalogs.
`J.C. Penney Co. has an agree-
`ment with Shop Television Net»
`work [or STN to use Penney‘s
`telemarketing system. and it is
`expected Penney‘s products will
`be on STN. Kmart and Spelgel
`are also checking Tit-shop op-
`Originally. shop shows were
`denounced as a flash in the pan.
`That has proved iar from true.
`said Eleanor Morris of Paul Ka-
`gan and associates in flannel.
`Calii.. an industry consultant.
`"The industry is so big right
`now." Ms. Morris said. "We ieel
`Page 00003
`Page 00003


`Sunday. Janua'v 25. i987
`The deacon Journal A15
`join march
`against racism
`Gouda-ed tram mo A:
`rated the throw who partici-
`pated in the its-mile wall: Into
`Olimmliur Im the unto
`came to oppose the oemonattae
`limiters emptied Iron: their
`lat-see at the Cumming clly Ilm-
`Ito and Walled at: abreast along
`Old Elulurd Rind. which was
`Lined ll]
`the law Eliliimerrwnt
`F‘rDrri outlay IlIIJa, monom-
`pie Ihnnilul. "Nigger. enhmne."
`and carried signs that praised
`James Earl Ray. who rtho! rind
`Irllled civil rights leader the
`Rev. Martin Luther King Jr in
`Mart-hers Were greeted at the
`5‘th Colitity Courthouse by
`hliitnta Mayor Andrew Young:
`Benjamin lioolta. executive ril-
`necior oi
`the National Wlae
`tlon tor the Advancement of Cnlv
`art-d People: political activist
`Dick Grl'ltDW: U5 Sens. 5.1m
`Nunn and Wyche Fowler oI
`Georlrlo: Southern Christian
`Leadership Conference L‘IL‘CIL
`tive director Joseph Lowry'.
`King‘s widow. L'oritlla Scott
`Kink. and daughter Bernice.
`rot-me: Allanta Mamr Maynard
`Jackson; Ilic REV. Ralph Aber-
`iutlhy and his wile. Juanita:
`Demecratle Fen. CM')’
`lint-t or
`Colnrndn: and Fortylli Count;-
`"a will ago today. we nod ii
`grotto ot people march in For
`ayth County In the spirit oi
`brotherhood." Nunn said. "A
`second group did not show then:
`wrlmmc. So a third group is
`here today in lcl the world know
`the mod group date: not
`speak {or Foray-1h County or the
`stale oi Gawain,"
`On Jan.
`l7. ahoiil TE- march-
`ers who gathered in amount“
`were pelted with rocks and bol-
`tlea by Itu lilo); Idlattsmeri and
`their symmlhiui‘s Eight were
`arrested In the incident and sew-.-
`er-I others were lnjmo.
`"This a great day to Ire
`alive." Mm ltherluimy told the
`assembly. "we out to let the
`Etngans nnd anyone else in
`Washington who ts anti-black
`know that we ain't going to Ice
`nobody turn its around."
`Lorry said. "we did not
`come hue to score you to deem.
`We eame to dtalienge you to a
`Up to IUD Ohioans Irant lhe
`Columbus area were among
`muse who arrived Ln m to
`participate. Cornell Weary.
`vice president at the Columbus
`chapter ol
`the NAACP. de-
`scribed line which as "paicdvl.
`quiri. etioche and lotally ove'r'
`"ll SEEM America's mm-
`to be what
`It's sup
`posed to he.” he said,
`Also marching were tour
`women wno Iorinerli'
`lived to
`the Akron area. All new Live In
`Atlanta, and all said they hire
`Very passionate reasons that
`mulluated them to protest.
`Michele Evans. 31. la a hlnsv
`silion native and attended tile
`University Ill Akron. She is a
`supervisor at Atlanta’s Marriott
`Marquis Hotel.
`"'l'hLe is part or history." said
`Ms Evans. who is black. "1 am
`disturbed to know that
`could happen on]; 45 minutes
`lrom where I
`. This
`march will mate the natton
`were oi what's going on."
`Lynn Misneti. 35. Is a coun-
`al'lor at Menu Prison. The M0
`roll native has a master's on
`from Kent
`Universily, She moved to Allan.
`en spoilt a year ago. she said.
`"be-muse olthc 2 percent IirlElnr
`his. Misheli. who Is white.
`said her decision to march was
`meted. in port. by an event last
`, mite KluHKlltnwmi
`actually Isnied n permit in pa-
`rade through Decatur." she
`sold. “ .
`. You see. this has
`been building inside me.
`. I
`can't understand a group based
`on hate. It's his! so far out at
`the realm or possibility."
`Maggie Hank-3’. 32. ll Warren
`native, worked In Miran [mm
`1971 to with its a medical lech-
`naloglst at Akron Children's
`HospitalAMetIleoi Center. She
`moved to Minute In March "pe-
`cnuse there are to many oppor—
`tuniilea here.“
`“It‘s a iiiiilter at right and.
` —mnhlllrrduirlm '
`National Guardsmen separate civil rights marchers and boulders holdlng Conledeifsie flag-a In Cumming. Go.
`Wrong as i see ll.“ said his.
`. who is while.
`in ex-
`plaining her decision to march.
`"I want to stand up on the liltie
`oi rigliL
`"You know. in a way. enla-
`hoga Falls to not all that dilleh
`ent horn Fun—mil Cmnt)‘. 1 try
`to keep that lit mind. The only
`ll'utl probably no trite
`will organize a march ln Goya.
`itoga Falls." the said.
`tori-tier Akron resi-
`dent. Whom not to he lrienu-
`Iled, explained her involvement:
`"I'm sick of all lhoae ‘Georgla
`raciELo‘ headlines. So. let'n just
`say I'm dolag a little spring
`cleaning [or my mm. This Ia my
`state now.
`“a lot or people in Atlanta
`are linked out'tn the print oi
`teats by all
`thr." she sold.
`"They‘ve worked so hard to
`own-come (the old South's only
`at thinkllilil- Yet. It you step one
`toe out at the perimeter of Al,
`lanai. It’s 196i all over again.
`For that. I'm so ashamed."
`The marches Saturday and
`Jan. 11 were orglirdml by the
`Rev. Hosea Williams.
`at btnelt
`veteran otvii fights lender and
`Atlanta city councilman, and
`Dean Carter. 11 white who lives
`in nEIE’lDOI‘l'fiK Hall County.
`[loner told the mwd Salim
`day. "I guess i opened up a can
`of Wm. .. . You back me
`Saturday's event was labeled
`the nation's hippest civil rights
`gather-lag :lsirle King's Mimi
`nearly 19 years ago.
`Tutu-ads! I'Illtl‘lt. William had
`stood More a cruwd. to the little
`iicoer llaplisl Church to Atlanta
`London: The Forwth
`Gmlaicp line II lboli'l 30
`miles from downtown
`Atlanta. Dominion. tha
`come; not mu marshe-
`were halt! Sorted-Ir and
`Jan. 17.1a another In
`milu lnoiria elio ooum lino.
`Pupil-dost: About
`BLOW. Summing'l
`population In about 2.000.
`About 510.000.
`loamy: Moog tho
`amnion with opsroilool
`in Fonyeh County are
`oxford Industries and the
`Bus-oil Corn. both eIo-thlng
`nmuiecttirots: Fm
`Pinups: Tyson; Foods and
`M". KW! Foods.
`There were romu that
`the Dayton-baud Maud
`Corp. was considering
`building a plant In Fourth
`Cam. but III-ad aunt.- it
`over who hirer-nod in
`ill-lay: ‘l'iil Nov. 1 E
`Iiiilt's house en mi her
`mother and help bring
`al nunnerddldrorfi
`homo. 5h- iiow mode It.
`A search perry round Mr
`tho nest morning. beaten.
`nmra rhan hair dead and.
`worst of all by the
`standards oi that day.
`As llll not-yuan.
`bliur- lb. iii-d twin "It:
`later. Mn Crow tannin-d
`llIr I'll-1km In lilrlu
`literate. Ail IIIIIII'
`Ind him. A mob dragged
`on Irwn loll and Irish-d
`him: lilo two other! we
`convinced and hung.
`Wl'iltll inmrl al
`biaeit resident- -— bout
`LOGO. or 10 hires?“ 0! tbs
`Pofllllliion m Irorii Il‘II
`county with throats. Their
`hm. lili‘l church-I mf-
`aumed behind them.
`Today. Fourth has It!
`own Kii 'Kiiil Klein cit-plus
`end I White Patriot Party.
`tuna iii Cronin Loafing
`Woo. pubftotud In
`Atlanta. dwcrlbu FuraytJI
`this war:
`"The enemy‘- racial
`Endurance blnln In tho tall
`til “I 2. whorl the will":
`there were hardly- mar
`oif than Iormsr Illil'll. and
`53 years of poems!
`pun-fly and lunar-nu
`ell-no to I nodding boil.
`"Sept. 3 me e um
`Sunday Il‘llrlIDDII. Ind Mite
`Crow.“ Il-mrold farm
`girl. was on liar my to on
`and pronounced the Forsylti
`County delnonsu'atian a new be.
`gtnntng tor
`the civil rights
`“This ain'l no l'I'II'I'ch: we're
`starting it molrrrnent." Williams
`told a racially mixed crowd IliaI
`packed the church. “We have
`not been loitelher this Wail attire
`Met-tin Luther It In; was pm In
`that gave."
`King In buried near
`church that served its hls hose
`oi operations dudstz IJIE infill:
`and 'EDS.
`Millions of viewers turn on to shopping Via TV
`tantiauaa lnin page A!
`are climbing on board
`In lctai
`than IW years. shop
`shows have altroeled on audience
`of 50 million dolly viewers. who
`bought em million or goods to
`lI'IIlB. Thla year. salts on project-
`L-d to exceed 32 billion. 111‘ over-
`:ntc shopper spends more than
`15min year IJII15 purchases.
`Competition is Mail. About 25
`shows — roost clones oi the popli-
`tiir pioneer. Home Shopping Net-
`work — vie [or Written mural
`the country. The shop phenol-rte
`non. nrtainallr geared to cable
`television. has m moved. to the
`mainstream. WJW-Cllllnriel a In
`Cleveland began such I Show
`All shop thaws operate- the
`same my: items are displayed.
`described and alien demnstralv
`ed. and viewers may order by
`ctiliing toll-Ircc numbers and us—
`Intr credit cards or checks as
`Dunne-hi. Must shows otter mono
`try-back guarantees Lt nlercliariv
`dist» la returned within .‘Ifl ilsya.
`For some Ioiltii. wok-hing Ilhl.‘
`ithm is a dlvlriiluri. The! tune In
`during commercials on other no.
`tloils. using a remote tuner to up
`back and lorth. Others get
`livid watchers
`In n recent look at the trend.
`title's news I'eniurc show 2W»
`inland .1 number of Victim who
`have I'IIII up huge moist-ml
`lllILs. Sallie slinplrers arliniltr‘d tn
`tu-ing addicted. “tending haunt
`ltturd to the tulle, plastic citrus
`ready. One womnn who "afraid to
`leave the hint-1e tur- reer or rules.
`in; a bargain “
`When the Ebola hogan. most or
`lhe- merchandise was nlmntin‘
`inlflteddown Itrlrls. Mot-h
`Is. But now. mun.- name-
`ht-aprl products are staph-n. have
`Ines range trot-n fill to in percent
`I!” lhe rellili
`twice. the sport-airs
`my. because they buy in lmik.
`when an Item Is
`shown an
`wrt‘cn. tmi prim nn: flushed —
`-'Iu- mfimllnl retail prlu- that ”W
`ehnw’a price. Du mom shnws. .1
`.‘(IIII wfllt‘l‘i
`tor S295 retail.
`11.15 on islet-ennui, A mini: “is!
`d'l‘l'll [or $113 ruinil. I291 nn lilie-
`tlolnn. A dilmdrid-riiby necklace
`v'tts lltllll retail. $375 on irlcv-IA
`Marl. Nol till merchandise has a
`his prlri:
`tint. however. Fleu-
`Ilnea. leather tit-liters and lhl‘llltt‘
`flll‘ under 310.
`iiuw can shoppers be sure
`they're getting a bargain! The
`only way to be certain is to corn
`portson shop In local stores. m
`resn Primers at Dry-altos: Falls
`did and her legwork pitld oil.
`"I bought a net oI pots and
`point from TV." Ms. Powers said.
`"I hurt burn pricing them [or
`weeks and sound about 2d per-
`I don‘t buy :1an full
`print 11' i don‘t harem "
`with more players in I'll mar.
`itei and the oompetllton iorviewl-
`or: becoming been. FTUEI'II'I'IIIIIBE
`has become more sophisticated.
`Some show: have celebrity boats
`who uses talk-allow approleli for
`selling toasters. tables and trin-
`kets. Some DI'IEI' eolerhlrunetiL
`Such tactics are quite a switch
`horn lhe harrlpaeli. ooriiivaI-tiiie
`atmosphere — ringing belle.
`hlwhlg horn-i. nut-Lug light: —
`oi the Home Silhppbtg Network’s
`Home SWNM Clh'b.
`in the beginning
`The concept was launched by
`Home Shopping Network In
`Cit-annular. Flu. In £352. In .IiIL'v
`the show wdnt Mllilnlll.
`'Ibls year. HEN Li expected to
`generate more than :1 billion In
`sales. ltSN reaches more than an
`mlllipn households Lil
`the U.S..
`Pin-rip Rico and Canadn. nnd
`sat-Us horn: in tiny.
`To keep In lhe forefront ol the
`movement. HEN has bought a
`number or UHF stations. Includ-
`ing Wm—CMHMI 61 In Clem
`land. now WQIIS l-L'iN also plnns
`to launch a syrtdiceted television-
`sliopplng game show in Septemr
`In Hair.
`ilSN Wenl public.
`opening on lhe American Stock
`e‘aci-laatre at Ill! and ending Ila
`llrsl day at "I — a 131 percent
`train on a 2.3 million-snare oner-
`ing. The steel:
`rplll 3 for I In
`September and 2 Ior l Tuetnlny.
`Enrilcr this week, dint-Lois at
`IGN Inf] in chief rival. C.D.M.l].
`Con nnnnnncul INII "prciirnlnan'
`Illhcunrdmla“ were under way lot
`"on nxehnnne or hllrlt." 'Indirslry
`observers 5:111 Elm Lu goofing up
`to btly not its major competitor.
`c.0111.“ ILrlrooo thit Merchan-
`dise Buyersl ul Minileapoila. op-
`erates Cable i’altie Netwprlt
`[utrlrvmhltt will: In table compli-
`nlea. Ll the merger rot-it through.
`CVN programming would proba-
`bly be replaced by llSN.
`Din] a car loan?
`i-LS'N also announced tl‘Ild Welt
`is buying Baltimore Federal
`Financial. a sailing: and loan Ln-
`irllililinn. if the sale gm through.
`HEN may drier Insurance and car
`loans to customers.
`While iISN II the clear leader,
`lint atroiut challengefi. The
`eonipetillon Includes;
`0 The Minimum-board Cabli-
`Value Network Is the largest cli- '
`bIe TV-eltoludw Video mailer
`CVN. which calls Itself “le ile-
`partment store people come home
`to.“ began Lit June and has 12
`idllilon viewers. A EPUXnmaII
`sold the Ethan-adult show is
`gnawing al a tale oi "l. million
`new subscribers every 3|] days.“
`0 Shop Television Netwrk oi
`Lo: huge-lea otiera a one-hour
`show. which began In July and
`has 2.1' million viewers. Euler-
`inlner Pat Boone hosts.
`I ow: Network or west Ches-
`ter. Pa.. begun a continuous ca—
`bie shop show Jan. 1. Chairman
`.Toaepli Roget home to read:
`million homes by Mar.
`IISN'B purchase at
`stalluos caused some cable crun-
`panles to switch shop shows.
`driving them was Warner came
`lhe Akron
`area. which
`mm lo CW.
`thus uttering
`vieweraanoiher option.
`Kickback on Miles
`To enllce cable companies and
`stardom to buy their shows. most
`shop shows alter a Itlcitlnelt [use
`ally 5 percent) on all sales In
`their broadcast area lo the local
`stations «cable companies.
`recently. shop shows
`have hired on cable Slitllfllfl. Elil
`Ill! market In expniidlriir.
`Vsl'lieIt'IeIrlsliun a new syndi-
`cated Inllrjhotne shopping arms,
`made its debut Monday on Cleve
`land's Wchlt-nnel E. 11!! show
`is a venture ol
`turns. For. Television and Itano-
`vr-r Cnmpanios.
`a dirret‘rnnll
`The mhnlll' slim aha wank-
`tlnyli til 3 n.m.. replacing Palmn
`GesrrerUnlt. Valet-Television has
`a relaxed pace with attractive
`eels. Hunts Alex 'n'ebolt and Mer-
`edith Martian Intrrrlew eeieta'i.
`iiut. and demonstrate merchan-
`rho meiot- nelwnflra no not
`QVC Notworit at West Chester. Pa” line a tulle-at siege and 15! phone order stations
`otter anon shows. but probably
`Ieel dlscount merchandise will
`It wlll continue Inmthe La aattsiled. how-
`ever. Bessie iluber ol' Akron be-
`will soon. Networks are consider-
`tween 5M was "on11 oil" In
`eeli but. others are going for
`ing them [or t

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