
`Anchorage DailyNews
`VOL XL“. "0.!!! 346 PAGES
` [——
`Reagan says
`peace plan
`President says flaws allow
`Nicaragua to tap Soviet aid M
`ByW mm
`theplan lacks “safefunds for:
`Lm AW lanes
`democraq (in Nit-ataxia) and
`our national security."
`Asked in Lo interview ii“!
`deal: Reagan. in an . .en.
`made public Sat-onto}. said
`{35 News 3: World Report
`the Centre} Amer-lean peace
`magazine it
`the pact had a
`flaw” because it al-
`plan adopted by the region's
`lowed motioned Soviet bloc
`tive presidents is
`flawed because it permits Nil:-
`aid to Elinor-gun. Reagan tr
`ma :9 continue acceptingW from Cuba and the
`plied simply. "Yes."
`Elaboratim on the meal-
`Soviet Union
`remarks. Elliott
`Reagan‘s assessment was
`Abrams. assistant
`ta.- liarshe: than his own ears
`of state to:
`Lie: mannenzs or those a! key
`altars. said that
`the peace
`administration aim-la]: who
`plan can be salvaged but nit-J;-
`have praised the ohjenive-s a!
`if it is Hanged to bar. Soviet
`the peace in:
`11 I'mk rat
`and. Cuban aid to Nicararua.
`‘m Soviet-Cuban issue 15
`GET-111‘ HIM
`menu's ieft‘
`in government is unlikely to
`a direct national security :5-
`sue to: 1.1:." Abrams Sal
`Ex: I
`abide by its requirement 5m-
`dmoctatic reform:
`tatephoae lawn-in "it has
`to be adds-used.
`isn’t an
`Raga: said the pmpusai.
`issue are can Bet ride it an be
`W Aux 'l in Guatema-
`la Ct‘q. coast-sins
`‘ loopholes
`sailed. but we can‘t go along
`.. that we‘re pnsiln‘e theW would take ad
`with the Guatemala agree-
`vantage oz.'Efilda he said
`Wasilla takes the lead in celebratin
`mama FILLER
`Dal: Newsreader
`WASilLA— "be “Nah Aa-
`niversry of them with:
`L'. S. Constitutjoz im‘t me!-
`ly seating ahoctnves a: tear
`through Alaaea
`people 1::
`Since Last
`Wasilla nave beer. planar;
`the biggest Communal: eeie
`11mm in Alaska. It starts
`today laid, by next weekend.
`Wasillfians will have expen“
`eased seem days of pat-Lia.
`rad! eve-eats
`like the Ben
`Franklin Kite Flying Comet
`than. a para e
`t's hem]
`billed as the biggut in Alas-
`h mosey. plus lore n! so:
`nus talk about The Document.
`Not even rejection by PR?
`idem Ronald Reagan has
`dampened orgimizers‘ ardur.
`An engraved iflViIBtlim was
`ant to Reagan earlier this
`year. but me from the
`White Ewan culed‘ In turn it
`down. Reagan will be'in some
`barn ceded Philadelphia .or
`it: bicentennial wieg-ding.
`Wasilla Mayor Harold New-
`manh said.
`amass. chi-mm groups and
`other pull“ her:- have been
`warned by the Constitu-
`tional boo
`. As my as
`3M]! peep: _. almost
`population oi the town -- are
`expected to participate in
`next Saturday‘s parade
`9 Constitution
`will [urine Boats with Cun-
`nin'n‘ the event- wili actually
`siiluliun memes. sud: as
`show up to watch the parade
`group in a ball. simulating
`or Dll‘timplle in die other
`activltles it anyone‘s guess
`George Washington‘s" trip
`am: the Delaware,-'ae well
`But organizers think W115i}
`la the usual. assortment of
`liana and omen will turn out
`in times if Lin weather is
`marching bands military
`drill was. beauty queens
`think- basically Wasilla
`and campaigning pnlfllrians
`Whether large numbers at
`1011:: not involved “:11 orga-
`s-au page. emu
`AIDS yields
`new market
`for old fraud
`eral and state 18th have
`bstm aggressive wrap-33:1:
`against manufacturefi and
`distfibmut's that prams u
`AIDS treaunents WWW
`iron make em in algae.
`tram swamp water to injec-
`tions of hy
`The Federal Food and Drug
`Administration dreads has
`acted against a numb‘e'z- oi
`modems being mounted as
`in the treatment or
`AIDS. And in minerals. un-
`ptuvu: claim: a! medial “hm-
`efita true: and: Mimi lid
`to the formation recently at
`[he California State AIDS
`Fraud Task Force The unit.
`which met for the that time
`in mid-Angina.
`is the am of
`it: find in the nation aimed
`at W What author?
`flea believe is am amb-
`Leta ofW fi'aud.
`Apologizing for World War II injustices
`Congress likely to apologize. compensate camp internees
`1m. Janice De-
`year! in the dumps.
`The Wat-rm Poe:
`partment has opposed the let
`Opposition in: fart-3a! on
`mt. but an aide :11 one. Dflhe
`Nation. me sponsoxs.
`ty-flve years alter Army
`eluding the in: numbers at
`primapal opponents said Fri
`hoops rounded up thousands
`day there is no oplimiam
`Cannes who 'were held in
`of Japanese—Americans Ind
`flopping it no the
`flour. partly became
`mounds“ camps. Coup!“ is -
`“aim is Ire-kan-
`ill spousal! have scheduled
`on the verge at lamina
`the rate am Thanh! to
`tum-1 apology to the aux-vi
`mam-st: the 200th annir
`van and offering 31.: billion
`vunary at the constitution.
`“2th but“ maxi
`to make amends for that a
`"I“ ha a long mod to
`":11th HEMP:
`number 0! legislators th'u
`set to this point." said Rep.
`duhit'laneilball game."
`Ieek mead as "a deep
`New Minna. D-Calif.. who
`mdBep Mbu-tflamu, D
`ml: at: out Constitution and
`Cam. a Jam Annie»
`m agent his
`tint three
`like to shop at home? This is for you
`Aliyouneedisai'v. phoneandoraditwdorchecksmatdon'lbounce
`elln. hello. hello and well
`came an the Wkly up-
`hut Home Shopping Club. a
`cable television network.
`leashe- «01:111an
`The Home shaming Gabmlfl
`viewm ll! Kiln “Huh m“
`11an and bay-in;
`[mm apart-
`the Kuahokwim. From the hill: of
`'1'me bmduertj‘mm
`right here Ln Anchorage,
`the crow-
`i'uada 0! Earth Amen-ion. The but:
`saga-aim, manuals
` . pp' e Exhibit 4381
`' oun Technologies
`0 M2013-00023
`Page 00001
`Apple Exhibit 4381
`Apple v. SightSound Technologies
`Page 00001


`Like to. shop at home?This iSforyou.
`All you need is a TV. phone an’dicredit card or Checks\ti1:donftf_._bounce,
`Daily.' News reporter
`ello, hello, hello and wel-
`come to the incredibly UP-
`beat Home Shopping Club. a“
`cable television network
`that lets you shop ’til you drop in
`your living room,
`then go right on
`shopping from bed if you want to.
`Feeling a little blue and want to
`perk up? Buy something. one You
`already perky and looking for a bar-
`gain? Buy something. Twenty-four
`hours a day, 365 days a- year. Call in
`and buy something. All it takes is a
`television, a telephone and a credit
`card or checkbook.
`The Home Shopping Club (HSC)
`reaches 40 million viewers on both
`cable and broadcast channels and it's
`only one of about 20 different shows
`around the country. Two million HSC
`viewers are active “club members,"
`watching and buying from apart-
`ments in Manhattan and homes along
`the Kuskokwim. From the hills of
`Tennessee and the Texas desert. From
`right here in Anchorage,
`the cross-
`roads of North America. The basic
`cable package available in Anchorage
`includes two, count 'em - one, two —
`channels, a full time
`home shop '
`channel (12) and one-that airs from 8
`pen. to 2 a.m. {14).
`So call in now. Only two minutes
`left on this beautiful item, and what a
`bargain it is. Collectible dolls, 100-
`percent polyester (”easy care-easy
`wear”) clothes, gold chains,
`pots and pans, vacuum cleaners, room
`typewriters and tele—.
`ghones, Italian porcelain. electnonlc
`ea collars, and of course. and the.
`ever popular cubic zirconia. A two'-
`ltarat diamond for $85.50. Sure it's
`See Page ill-11. T'If SHOPPING
`Page 00002
`Page 00002


`Anchorage Daily Ne'ws
`Sunday Sauternoer 1.], Wu? m I
` .4:
`TV SHOPPING. Sitting at home, you don't bu
`y the goods — you ‘get in on’ them
`Something special is going
`on here. some new variety 31
`take. but “only your sen-tolu-
`runs communicetlun. Some-
`gist" can tell {or sure.
`thlng vaguely like a radio
`According to the Wall
`talk show. but where lots of
`Street Journal. Americans are
`people set to talk and listen
`in the midst of a shopping
`to other people like them-
`org-v — buying for the plea-
`selves "on television " .
`“.5 not what
`is said Ihnt
`sure 0! buying in an economy
`molten. it's the wnlacl.
`should have dried up
`Even the hosts seem unim-
`such pursuits. "Going shop.
`ping“ instead 01 going to a
`pnrlnnl. more conduits lor the
`store to blur something they
`callers. They are. already so
`need. A study cited by the
`plastic. to phony. they could
`Joni-ml on July 30 round that
`be replaced by what! without
`only 2.5 percem of mail shop-
`noticeable efreet. "They hau-
`pers questioned had mine to a
`some happy women on that
`mall to buy a specific itern.
`channel." is how Vick put it.
`nae mt were just shopping
`IS recreaiton.
`“They‘re too happy. People
`jusl aren‘t that happy."
`“Economists are amazed."
`it seems apparent that. [or
`exclaimed the Journal
`many people. the home shop-
`line. Eoonorr sts obviously
`pinlt shows are company
`haven‘t been watching the
`They Diler something that is
`home shopping cbannels and
`to communication what sin-
`listening to newer: who say
`glee bars are to love — it way
`they have begun collections (It
`to go through the motions of
`dolls or clown figurines or
`human contact when.
`jewelry sets that
`they buy
`whatever mason. real contact
`only from tcie 'siou
`is undesirable or unavailable.
`And they clearly appeal In
`Item: 15inch porcelain musl-
`the voyeur in all of us.
`cal dull. S25
`likes to peek at
`Caller. Helen {mm Pboe
`other people‘s lives. even on
`the most trivial level. without
`Well. I've bought so many
`getting involved.U
`dolls . leave about 150 since
`last Nwetabe
`I‘m not
`there. Welcome to the
`going to bu_
`any more.
`Home Shopping Club. You're
`don't inserts Where I‘m going
`live on the air will: Katherine
`to put
`them You get
`them end you
`can‘t stop.
`Hi Katherine. how ya do-
`I sWear.
`'o 1 can't do it.
`ing honey”
`no I can’t do
`In fed.
`Doing grunt Welcome in
`wasn't even game to watch
`what is your more?
`you. leer-s. ’lt‘s eight o'clock.
`My name is Frances.
`I‘m going to watch a movie.‘
`Well. Frances. you sound
`Then 1'
`turned this on and 1
`like you, you‘re pretty well
`keen about all our fashions
`'Here we go again '
`this morning.
`Are you going to have any
`Ob well.
`listen bone]
`. l
`was telling your representa-
`Home shopping. as
`u‘ve that Thursday i couldn't
`called by the industry.
`is a
`even order anything because l
`erned Excess produced by
`had everything.
`mating the shopping urge :o
`I: that right“
`the television habit. Ibis mu-
`Yesterday. I wasn‘t borne. I
`tant offspring is the opposite
`could only watch an hour of
`of pub!
`television. where
`it And or course,
`today I‘m
`they did away- witb the corn
`only going to be able to watch
`an hour or it. but so .‘or l't-e
`in borne shopping
`they've done away with the
`only been able to buy one
`fl hours of
`item. I lilre that blouse that‘
`you have on. .
`commercials and you don‘t
`have to get up oil the much to
`I'm going to be selling this
`buy the products.
`one a little later. If you stick
`"it's real eas_
`said Soon-
`around by your television set.
`as Vick. an Anchorage bouse—
`give me a call back when
`wife who admits
`to being
`We're doing {Ills one so you
`addicted. ”It‘s not
`like you
`can tell every-one. about the m
`have m get dressed. brush
`Mdall that.
`your hair‘ see other people.
`Well. Inape l'nz here 'cause
`u no:
`sit here in your
`I'm leaving soon [or the beau-
`undue-ear and your credit
`t_v parlor.
`Ob. OK.
`Vick had n cable drop in
`'gltt now I'll sit and
`stalled in her bedroom so she
`can watch 1m: bed alter her
`watch 'tll I‘m ready to go.
`r am so pleased you're or»
`husband and daughter go to
`log some shopping with us
`HSC originates in Clear-war
`There are indications that a
`:er. Fla. It‘s the brainchild of
`classier group or hueksterx is
`two teen who a leer years ago
`owned a Laekluster local radio
`eyeing the home shopping
`arena. But
`investors still
`Elation and began selling
`seem unsure if buying du-ect
`things like can opene's over
`from television is a passing
`the air. The response was so
`fut! orthe wave of the future
`seed. according to Business
`it home shop-ping begins
`Week amigaflne.
`they began
`peddling some 0! life‘s necesr
`selling other products and. in
`sities. perhaps we‘ll {ind out
`1952. moved :a cable :cle
`if useiulners or
`sion. They‘re new reported.
`some pay hie need ls at
`silhouettes and the whole sto-
`ry sounds like a
`core of its appeal Meanwhile.
`better call right now if you
`Horne Shoppmg Network
`want to get
`in on this beauti-
`(HEN) did 5160 millrm'.
`ful pnrt‘elmn ballerina. She's
`Sales in fiscal yes.- 1535. ac-
`inches tall and double
`cording to Judy Luddeo. an
`look at
`HSN spokeswoman
`In the
`colors. will you.
`look at that
`first one months of
`seine But better hurry.
`year 1957. fires- did .5122 call
`there's just :0 seconds left on
`this item.
`“(f-main: on, Mural—r.- w:
`Debbie Krlvonlro hour sum of the doll: she Ms caught for her daughter through the Home 5
`hooplng Club: Easy to get hooked.
`lion in sales and they‘re still
`Yes I am and I've ordered
`m1 Vick. who lives in down
`The average income or club
`to m- u or them all.
`town Anchorage and
`members is 537.500. Loader:
`"I love it when people say.
`rearl': the last few days
`CVN She keeps a hen colt-u-
`is this a lad?” Ladder:
`said hilt-rely percent are high
`Oh my goodness Well now.
`latur close by to figure bar-
`said. Financial and television
`Ann. tell us who:
`is obeur
`school graduates and U2 per-
`gain percentages.
`ccnt are employed
`experts who write about
`tbeCastlJle that you love
`"i haven‘t bought anything
`Mike McGoIiigal
`rs another
`home shopping like to suggest
`Well. i like the subtlemlcr
`in probably three weeks. but
`it will to the way of video
`Anchorage viewer who says
`Jug they have and the porce-
`1 still watch it every night
`he Wilk'l‘IL‘S for bargains. He‘s
`lain is so smooth
`I have
`1 do watch Johnny Carson
`bought a radar detector.
`HSN and the other home
`some snelm in my dial 4:
`and David Letterman
`blood pressure machine and
`Shopping channel available in
`room and l have .liern all
`ibuu 1 fall asleep with it on
`Jewelry — gold. which he
`Anchorage. Cable Value Net-
`displayed there and so I'm
`'ttgbt "
`knows something about. not
`anxious to get all these that
`work (CW). use sim'iar for;
`cubic zin-onias.
`Vick discovered home shop-
`roots: The item for sale is
`I‘ve ordered in the last couple-
`ping about eighl months a a
`"I happened to turn it on
`a! day's.
`shown on the screen for any-
`where from three to 10
`once and they were selling
`while flipping through me 55
`channels on her cable televi-
`Oh good. so you'ae going :n
`gold chains.
`1 said.
`'Tbat's a
`ones. while a “short bus
`be waiting Inr the UPS 12.111
`blu- says she was at-
`good buy.‘ so I rent and got it
`extols its virtue: in a repen-
`tracteo because she's a born
`I owe 3m.
`for the wife.
`It's a very.
`tious. tent-show style that has
`very convenient way of shot}
`my friend Madeline
`some emu: predicting borne
`"I shop everywhere.
`shopping is the natural soc
`ll's apparent
`that some.
`the Salvation Army to Nords-
`terror to fading TV preachers.
`trom‘s and even where to be-
`tween ”
`thing besides shopping is go.
`This idea is rc'trrlort'ed by
`The merchandise ollen‘ '
`ing on with borne shopping.
`the practice of asking "club
`Her iirst purmase was "a
`something even beyond rec-
`a combination of manufactur-
`members“ who have already
`Norulcn limited edition coffee
`bought and received the item
`reational shopping lor things
`ers' closeouts bought cheap
`pot with the 23-karat gold,
`no one needs Neither
`on sale to call up and "give
`and sold at discount prizes.
`plated permanent
`McGunigaLs nor Vick are the
`testimony" about how great
`Vick can recite the screen
`and some ttems. parlicul
`it is
`compulsive buyers that those
`jen'eltjr. rnade specifical'
`bucksters' pitches word for
`who sneer at home shoppers
`Nobody buys
`nyttting on
`the Home Shopping Network.
`word. arid does
`so with a
`SC they "get
`on" it. as
`like to portray. They watch
`Ludden said. A “retail" price
`touch of irony She knows it ‘s-
`tor long periods without but"
`is drawn on the. screen.
`all fau- v bizarre.
`Ill bet you're really glad
`log anything. As dons Debbie
`you got
`in on the emerald
`lou-ed by the club‘s discount
`As trees go. Vic‘s
`price. which is often low red
`Krivcoko. a military wile
`pendanb.Did you get
`in on
`with two drildren. who lives
`borne shopoin
`is reasonably
`several times while the item
`the matching earring Earli-
`in Muldoon. Sire buys some-
`is being ollered.
`lt‘s completely
`nonviolent." she said "You
`thing once even week or two
`Those lucky enough to talk
`Just go into dthl "
`Viewers who want.
`to our
`Do the other hand. Kriven-
`live on the air to the show
`phone on 500 number and
`Vick got to talk live on tho
`host are rewarded with a
`tro has begun a doll collection
`place their orders. An item
`air once. when she called in to
`can be ordered only while it
`for her (-3. ear-old daughter. a
`“tool" — I blast iron: is bicy-
`buy a pair of binoculars with
`is or. the screen.
`cle born that
`is one of
`collection she freely admits
`an altacbcd sound receiver
`comics: and obviously weflr
`she would not have begun
`Buyers. or "club mem-
`"i told them :it was forout
`except for the emoymmt she
`in me woods.
`for n-tore in
`bers," can charge their pur
`liked gimmicksftnployed
`gets from watching the home
`chose to a credit card or mail
`Alaska." she said. "But actu
`i'rezn: Porcelain clown. 55:? ll
`shopping shows and partici-
`in a chads. Once buyers have
`21113:. I listen to the neighbors
`Caller: This is Ann.
`paling by.‘buying something
`Btablished an account. or be-
`I listen to the bids outside.
`once to a while.
`drive around and listen to
`come club members. they can
`"They get you in a good
`Show host. Well. Ann. You
`make purchases
`people's conversations.
`mood if you're depressed."
`sound like you‘re pretty hop-
`talking to any living being 7
`rhev re great. They sold out."
`pf to get in on our Camille
`Krivenlto said. "You Just flip
`by using their )2. one buttons
`hrs is 34 with some col
`it on. They tell
`:3 Jake and
`Damian: tonight
`to contact “Tootie.” the HSC
`lege. which makes her not a
`make you laugh." She liltes to
`Well. I sure am i’t'e been
`Witter. direct and then lol-
`l‘jplt‘al viewer. According to
`collecting them and I‘m 50
`listen to the callers who get
`low’to'g her instructions
`Leiden. the HSN spokeswom-
`put on the air. "just
`to see
`been! rou‘re having {3.3 pm.
`"-0 percent ol viewers are
`Delivery is promised in
`gran: on tonight with all the
`what they have to say "
`seven :0 i0 days if an estal}
`women u'itn an average age
`McGoojgal also mentioned
`or 45.
`doom: and all Lire other [igu-
`lisbecl credit card account
`the call-ins. "I: gcts comical
`used. and somewhat longer if
`Vieutets an:
`(it'll. as one
`at times. he said.
`Well. now. do you have
`they have to wait
`critic suggested in a
`He got put on the air the
`several pieces sire-adj."
`rice poor at the land
`check to arrive and clear Any
`I've got to or ii home here
`time be bought
`item can be returned or. Mn
`being taken {or a ride. You
`thing. "I was standing here
`34] clays, :io quutions asked.
`have to bare credit to shop.
`and I could hear myself no.
`‘l'rc addicted." said Sabri-
`or chants that don‘t bounce.
`02:. you're a collector Eberr’
`on TV A phenomenon”
`00 you el§ny
`o Outdoors
`l The
`2. independently
`on lied Math 3.
`3. COi'Fl‘IpUlEl‘S
`Ilyou answered “yes" to these qucslions.
`_vnu are a good candidate for the Surveying
`Program at The New University of Alaska at
`Anchorage. Sun'eying is exciting and vital
`work to the growth of our staLE.CaIItl1c
`Sorter-mg Program a1786—1172 [or all [he
`Check the Fall '37 ACC Class Schedule for
`Registration dates and limes.
` GCYN nvE
`Elm " _
`to u -.
`Open I to 6 pm. deli}
`4 Models From 5:15.950 to 5139.95}.
`tip to 2130 sq. ft.
` lJlSvLUVl-Jl lullllx‘ 31“" LII L'SI‘LJE
`“mnmABltt'ERs MARKET.
`no IDEA now GOOD 11'
`WW 1mmwe sawA new
`coppoamon HOME-~-
`Ii'nng were Clippetwoud homes GHQ-red
`clipper-mod Ins more square footage. more
`quality and not: more man not. more reasons
`to buy a nee-ly- construcled home...
`‘rm is. we realised we would pmbablynemt
`get another opponent? as flood as no; one
`idem "
`Deleeoul and reefer-yourself. . .tllen you'tl
`one-entry this '15 lfll‘smun womsshu new
`home development
` Eumbhed Model]
`Page 00003


`Sitting at home, you don't buy the goods ——- you ‘get in on’ them
`Anchorage Daily News
`Sunday, September i3. 198?
`A11 .
`Continued from Page A-t
`false. but “only your geniolo-
`gist" can tell for sure.
`According to the Wall
`Street Journal. Americans are
`the midst of a shopping
`orgy -- buying for the plea-
`sure of buying in an menu,-
`tlmt should have dried up
`such pursuits. “Going shop-
`ping" instead of going to a
`store to buy something they
`need. A study cited by the
`Journal on July 80 found that
`only 25 pen'em of mall shop-
`pers questioned had come to a
`to buy a specific item.
`The rest were just shopping
`as recreation.
`"Economists are amazed."
`exclaimed the Journal head;
`line. Economists obviously
`haven't been watching the
`home shopping channels and
`listening to viewers who say
`they have begins collections of
`dolls or clown figurines or
`jewelry sets that
`they buy
`only from television.
`Item: 15-inch porn-Jain musi—
`cal doll. 325.
`Caller: Helen from F'hoeL
`Well. I've bought so many
`dolls . .l have about 150 since
`last Nwember.
`I'm not
`going 'l'o buy any more.
`don‘t know where I'm going
`to put
`them. You get
`them and you just can‘t stop.
`... I swear.
`‘No Ican't do it.
`no I can‘t do it.‘ In fact. I
`wasn't even going to watch
`you. I says. ‘It's eight o'clock,
`I'm going to watch a movie.‘
`Then I turned this on and I
`said. ‘Here we go again.’
`Are you going to have any
`Something special is going
`on here, some new variety of
`mass communication. Same-
`thing vaguely llke a
`talk show. but where lots of
`people get to talk and listen
`to other people like them-
`selves "on television." .
`It's not what is said that
`matters. it's the contact.
`Even the hosts seem unirm
`portant. mere conduits for the
`callers. They are already so
`plastic. so phony. they could
`be replaced by robots without
`noticeable effect.
`'"I'hey have
`some happy women on that
`channel." is how Vick put lt.
`"They're too happy. People
`just aren't that happy."
`It seems apparent that. for
`many people. the home shop-
`ping shows are company.
`They offer something that is
`to communication what sin-
`gles bars are to love — a way
`to go through the motions of
`human contact when.
`Whatever reason. real contact
`is undesirable or unavailable.
`And they clearly appeal to
`the voyeur in all of us. the
`likes to peel: at
`other people's lives. even an
`the most trivial level. without
`getting involved.
`there. Welcome to the
`Home Shopping Club. You're
`live on the air with Katherine
`Hi Katherine. how ya do-
`Doing great. Welctlme in.
`What is your name?
`My name is Frances.
`lWell. Frances. you sound
`like you. you're pretty well
`keen about all our fashions
`this morning.
`Oh well. listen honey .. . I
`was telling your represents-
`tlve that Thursday I couldn't
`even order amrthiug because i
`had everything.
`Is that right?
`Yaterday, I wasn't home. I
`could only watch an hour of
`it. And of course.
`today .l’rn
`only going to be able to watch
`an hour of it. but so far l've
`only been able to buy one
`item. I like that blouse that“
`you have on. .
`I'm going to be selling this
`one a little later. If you'stfclr
`around by your television set.
`give me a call back when
`we're doing this one so you
`can tell everyone about the fit
`and all that.
`Well. I hope I'm here ’ca use
`Pm leaving soon for the bean-
`ty parlor.
`0h. OK.
`But right now I’ll sit and
`watch TU I'm ready to go.
`1' am so pleased you’re do-
`ing some shopping with us.
`There are Indications that. a
`classier group of huckster-s is
`eyeing the home shopping
`arena. But
`investors still
`seem unsure if buying direct
`from television is a passing
`fad or the wave of the future.
`If borne Shawl—Iii begins
`peddling some of life‘s neces-
`sities. perhaps we'll find out
`if usefulness or fulfilling
`some psychic need is at the
`core of its appeal. Meanwhile.
`belt!!! call right now if you.
`want to get in on this beauti—
`ful porcelain ballerina. She's
`15 inches
`tall and double
`look at
`colors. will you.
`look at that
`shine. But better hurry.
`there’s just 4-0 seconds left on
`this item.
`Page 00004
`findtuape Daily NtmsErA th
`Dabble Krlvonlto holds some of the doll: she has bought for her daughter through the Home Shopplng Club: Easy to got hooked.
`Yes I am and I've ordered
`ne Vick. who lives in down-
`lion ln sales sndmthey're still
`The average income of club
`about NJ or ll of them al-
`town Anchorage and
`members is 53?.500. Ludden
`"I love it when people say.
`ready the last few days.
`CVN. She keeps a ban calru‘
`said. Ninety percent are high
`'01:. is this a fad?‘ " Ludderl
`0h ruygoodness. Well now.
`Iator close by to figure bar-
`said. Financial and television
`Ann. tell us what if is about
`school graduates and 62 per-
`gain percentages.
`cent are employed.
`experts who write about
`the Castille that you love.
`“I haven't bought anything
`Mike McGonigal is another
`Well. .I' like the subtle color-
`home shopping like to suggest
`in probably three weeks, but
`Anchorage viewer who says
`it will go the way of video
`ing they have and the port-e
`1 still watch it every night.
`he watches for bargains. He‘s
`lain is so smooth. . .l have
`I do watch Johnny Carson
`bought a radar detector.
`HSN and the other home
`and David Letterman ...
`some shelves in my dining
`blood pressure machine and
`shopping chant-.1 available in
`{but} i fall asleep with it on
`jewelry — gold. which he
`Anchorage, Cable Value Net-
`dzspls‘ red there an
`so I‘m
`every night."
`room and I have dhem all
`knows something about. not
`anxious to get all these that
`work (Cm. use similar fon-
`cubic zirconias.
`Vick discovered home shop-
`mats: The item for sale is
`I've ordered in the last couple
`ping about eight months
`"I happened to turn it on
`of days.
`shown on the screen for any-
`while flipping through the 5
`where from three to Ill min—
`once and they were selling
`Oh good. so you're going to
`channels on her cable televi-
`gold chains.
`1 said. "That's a
`utes. while a "show host"
`be waiting for the UPS man
`sion. She says she was at-
`good buy.‘ so I sent and gel it
`extols its virtues in a repeti-
`tracted because she's a born
`for the wife.
`It's a very.
`tious, tent-show style that has
`I sure am. . .Wl'll you that
`very convenient way of shop
`my friend Madeline in Samso-
`some experts predicting home
`"I shop everywhere.
`shopping is the natural sue
`the Salvation Army to Nerds-
`It’s apparent
`that some-
`cessor tn fading TV preachers.
`trom's and everywhere in be
`thing besides shopping is go—
`This idea is reinforced by
`ing on with home shopping.
`the practice of asking “club
`Her first purchase was “a.
`something even beyond rec-
`members" who have already
`Norelco limited edition coffee
`bought and received the item
`reational shopping for things
`pot with the zit-karat gold-
`no one needs. Neither
`on sale to call up and "give
`plsted permanent
`testimony" about how great
`McGouigals nor Vick are the
`Vick can recite the screen
`it is.
`compulsive buyers that those
`hurl-listen" pitches word for
`who sneer at home shoppers
`Nobody buys anything on
`word. arid dm so with a
`like to portray. They watch
`HBO. they “get in on" it. as
`touch of irony. She knows it's
`for long periods without buy-
`in. "I'll bet you're really glad
`all fairly bizarre.
`ing anything. As does Debbie
`you got
`in on the emerald
`As vices go. Vick figures
`Krivenko. a military wife
`_'d_ you get
`in on
`home shopping is reasonably
`with two children. who lives
`the matchifii earrings earli-
`benevolent. “It's completely
`in Muldoon. She buys some-
`nonviolent," she said. "You
`thing once every week or two.
`'i‘hose lucky enough to talk
`just go into debt."
`011 the other hand. Kriven-
`live on the air to the show
`Vick got to talk live on the
`ho has begun a doll collection
`host are rewarded with a
`air once. when she called in to
`for her 4-year—old daughter. a
`“toot" — a blast from a bicy-
`buy a pair of binoculars with
`cle burn that
`is one of the
`collection she freely admits
`an attached sound receiver.
`she would not have begun
`corulest and obviously well-
`"I told them it was for out
`except for the enjoyment she
`liked gimmicks employed.
`in the woods.
`for nature in
`gets from watwiug the home
`Alaska,” she said. ”But actu-
`Item: Porcelain clown. $63. If
`shopping shows and partial-
`ally. I listen to the neighbors.
`Caller: This is Ann. from
`pating by-' buying something
`I listen to the kids outside.
`once in a while.
`drive around and listen to
`"They get you in a good
`Show host: Well. Ann. You
`people‘s conversations. Hey.
`mood if you're depressed."
`sound like you’re pretty hap-
`they‘re great. They sold out."
`py to get
`in on our Castillo
`Krivenlso said. "You just flip
`Vick is 2-1 with some col-
`it an.
`'l'hey tell a joke and
`porcelain tonight.
`lege. which makes her not a
`make you laugh." She likes to
`Well. I sure am. I‘ve been
`typical viewer. According to
`collecting them and I'm so
`listen to the callers who get
`Ludden. the HSN spokeswom-
`put on the air. “just
`to see
`happy you’re having this pro-
`an. T0 percent of viewers are
`what they have to say."
`gram on tonight with all the
`women with an average age
`McGonigal also meutinned
`clowns and all the other figu-
`the call-ins. "It gets comical
`Viewers are not. as one
`at times." he said.
`Well. now. do you have
`critic suggested in a
`He got put on the air the
`several pieces already?
`the poor of the land
`time he bought some
`I've got 10 or 11 home here
`being taken for a ride. You
`thing. "I was standing here
`have to have credit
`to shop.
`and I could hear myself talk
`Oh. you‘re a collector then?
`or checks that don't bounce.
`on TV. A pheriomenon!”
`The melflliflldlse offered is:
`a combination of manufactur-
`El's‘ closeouts bought cheap
`and sold at discOunt prices.
`and some items. particularly
`jewelry. made specifically for
`the Home Shopping Network.
`Ludden said. A “retail" price
`is shown on the screen.
`lowed by the club's discount
`price. which is often lowered
`several times while the item
`is being offered.
`Viewers who want to buy
`phone an 300 number and
`place their orders. An item
`Can be ordered only while it
`is on the screen.
`Buyers. or “club mem-
`bers." can charge their pur-
`chase to a credit card or mail
`in a check. Once buyers have
`established an account. or be-
`come club members. they can
`make purchases without
`talking to any living being -
`by using their phone buttons
`to contact “Tactic," the HSC
`computer. direct and then fol-
`lowing her instructions.
`Delivery is promised in
`seven to 10 days if an estab-
`lished credit card account
`used. and somewhat longer if
`they have to wait for your
`check to arrive and clear. Any
`item can be returned within
`30 days. no questions asked.
`‘I'ru addicted." said SabriA
`Home shopping. as
`is a
`called by the industry.
`wretched excess produced by
`mating the shopping urge to
`the television habit. This mu-
`tant offspring is the opposite
`of public television, where
`they did away with the com-
`In home shopping
`they've done away with the
`It’s 24 hours of
`commercials and you don't
`have to get up off the couch to
`buy the products.
`"It's real easy." said Sabri-
`na Vick. an Anchorage house
`wife who admits to being
`addicted. "It‘s not
`like you
`have to get dressed. brush
`your hair. see other people.
`You can sit here in your
`underwear and your credit
`Vick had a cable drop in—
`stalled ln her bedroom so she
`can watch from bed after her
`husband and daughter go to
`HSC originates in Clearwa-
`tar. Fla. It‘s the brainchild of
`two men who a few years ago
`owned a lackluster local radio
`station and began selling
`things like can openers over
`the air. The reSpnns

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