`Page 1
` vs. ) No. CBM2013-00023
` Thursday, March 6, 2014
` Reported By:
`GregoryEdwards, LLC
`866 4 Team GE
`3 4
`Apple Exhibit 4366
`Apple v. SightSound Technologies
`Page 00001

`Page 2
` EXAMINATION BY MR. BATCHELDER .................7
` AFTERNOON SESSION ...........................124
` Exhibit 1 United States Patent Number ......7
` 5,191,573
` Exhibit 2 United States Patent Number ......7
` 5,966,440
` Exhibit 3 Document entitled, ..............16
` "Declaration of John Snell
` In Support of Patent Owner
` SightSound Technologies,
` LLC's Response to Petition"
` Exhibit 4 Document entitled, ..............25
` "Plaintiff SightSound
` Technologies, LLC's, Expert
` Report of John Snell On
` Validity"
` Exhibit 5 Document Bates stamped ..........66
` 00001 through 00235
` ///
` ///
`GregoryEdwards, LLC
`866 4 Team GE
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`Page 3
` Exhibit 6 Document Bates stamped ..........78
` 00001 through 000323
` Exhibit 7 Letter dated November 30, .......85
` 1993, from Ansel M.
` Schwartz to Arthur R. Hair,
` Bates stamped STI 011642
` through STI 011648
` Exhibit 8 Document entitled, "Patent ......93
` Owner's Response to the
` Petition"
` Exhibit 9 Screenshots of SightSound ......124
` Technologies web site
` Exhibit 10 Screenshots of SightSound ......148
` Technologies web site
` Exhibit 11 Screenshots ....................152
` Exhibit 12 Screenshots ....................176
` Exhibit 13 Screenshots ....................186
` Exhibit 14 Screenshots ....................198
` Exhibit 15 PowerPoint presentation ........230
` entitled, "Technology
` Tutorial"
` ///
` ///
`GregoryEdwards, LLC
`866 4 Team GE
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` Exhibit 16 Document entitled, "The ........257
` MIT Press"
`Page 4
` 102 21
` 219 21
`5 6
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`Page 5
` BE IT REMEMBERED that on Thursday, March
` 6, 2014, commencing at the hour of 9:15 a.m.
` thereof, at ARNOLD & PORTER, Three Embarcadero
` Center, 10th Floor, San Francisco, California,
` before me, Kathleen A. Wilkins,
` RPR-RMR-CRR-CCRR-CLR, a Certified Shorthand
` Reporter, in and for the State of California,
` personally appeared JOHN SNELL, a witness in the
` above-entitled court and cause, who, being by me
` first duly sworn, was thereupon examined as a
` witness in said action.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC
`866 4 Team GE
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`Page 6
` For the Petitioner:
` 1900 University Avenue, 6th Floor
` East Palo Alto, California 94303-2284
` Telephone: (650) 617-4000
` For the Patent Owner:
` 777 South Figueroa Street
` Los Angeles, California 90017-5844
` Telephone: (213) 243-4027
` E-mail:
`GregoryEdwards, LLC
`866 4 Team GE
`Page 00006

` March 6, 2014 9:15 A.M.
`Page 7
` P R O C E E D I N G S
` having been sworn,
` was examined and testified as follows:
` (Whereupon, Deposition Exhibit 1 and
` Exhibit 2 were marked for identification.)
` Q. Would you please state your full name
` and home address for the record?
` A. John M. Snell, PO Box 337, San Geronimo,
` California 94963.
` Q. And where are you currently employed?
` A. I've been self-employed as a consultant
` and expert witness, for a number of years as a
` consultant since, geesh, the late '80s. So it's
` been over 20 years.
` Q. Is that your only employment?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What's the name of the firm?
` A. Timbre Engineering.
` Q. Timbre?
` A. Timbre.
` Q. Spell it, please.
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`866 4 Team GE
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`Page 8
` A. T like Tom, I, M like Mary, B like boy,
` R, E.
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Roughly how many times?
` A. I'm sorry. I'm having a little --
` Q. Roughly how many times?
` A. I think this is probably my sixth
` deposition.
` Q. Sixth?
` A. I think so.
` Q. What did you do to prepare for this
` deposition today?
` MS. SKLENAR: I'm just going to caution
` the witness not to reveal any attorney-client
` privileged information.
` THE WITNESS: Thank you.
` I read through the patent, patents, and
` looked at the exhibits.
` Q. Anything else?
` A. I met with the attorneys in the last few
` days, yesterday. But other than that, that's it.
` Q. You said you met with the attorneys the
` last few days. Was it -- was it more than
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`Page 9
` yesterday?
` A. Well, I came in late -- what is today?
` Thursday? Late in the day. I hadn't met Jennifer
` yet, so ...
` Actually, I hadn't met either one. I
` hadn't met two of the attorneys before, so I met
` them and we got acquainted, and then came back the
` next day for a full day.
` Q. So which attorneys did you meet with to
` prepare for this deposition?
` A. I think -- am I allowed to answer that?
` MS. SKLENAR: You may answer the names,
` yes.
` THE WITNESS: Okay. Jennifer, and Tracy
` Lane.
` Q. And who else?
` A. That's the only attorneys I've met in
` this -- what do you call this -- proceeding.
` Q. And by Jennifer, you're referring to
` Ms. Sklenar sitting next to you?
` A. Yes. Exactly.
` Q. Is Ms. Sklenar representing you today in
` this proceeding?
` A. Yes.
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`866 4 Team GE
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` Q. If there's any question that I ask you
` along the way today that confuses you in any way,
`Page 10
` would you please let me know?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Thank you.
` I don't know whether you've been
` informed of this, but in these proceedings, once a
` deposition begins, you are not to communicate with
` your counsel about the subject matter of the
` deposition. Do you understand that rule?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And will you abide by it?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I see that you brought some documents
` with you today that are in front of you. Would
` you tell me what they are, please.
` A. The '573 patent and the '440 patent, and
` the exhibits related to those, and my declaration.
` Q. What do you mean, "the exhibits related
` to those"?
` A. Well, my declaration references a bunch
` of exhibits. Actually, there's two declarations,
` one for each patent. And the declarations have
` references, and so they reference the exhibits in
` these binders.
`GregoryEdwards, LLC
`866 4 Team GE
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`Page 11
` Q. Okay. So other than the two patents and
` your two declarations in these proceedings and the
` exhibits to those declarations, do you have any
` other documents in front of you today?
` A. That's all I'm aware of that's in these
` binders. I confess I didn't go through these in
` detail this morning, but they were waiting for me.
` That's what I asked for, was just the exhibits
` and -- and I know my declaration and patents
` because I just -- I found them here, so I have
` them in front of me.
` Q. Do any of the documents that are in
` front of you have any handwriting on them?
` A. These -- the patents in my declarations,
` I believe, have no handwriting. I haven't put any
` handwriting on them. I think there is handwriting
` in one exhibit. Not handwriting but a -- maybe a
` correction. There was one exhibit number that was
` incorrect. I'm sure we'll get to it at some
` point.
` Actually, that may be in my declaration.
` I don't know if Tracy logged that. There's one
` correction to an exhibit number. It was a typo.
` And I'm sure we'll get to that at some point.
` Q. Well, now that we're on it, why don't
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`Page 12
` you let me know what it is.
` A. Okay. On page 35 of my
` '573 declaration, about middle of the page,
` there's an Exhibit 4113. That exhibit should be
` 4108. These lines aren't numbered, but it's a
` little -- a little past the middle of the page.
` Q. Okay.
` A. And the correct exhibit number should be
` 4108. I believe that that's probably reflected in
` the '440 declaration, too. Should I check that,
` too?
` Q. That's okay.
` But other than that handwriting, is
` there any other handwriting in the documents that
` are in front of you?
` A. No. To my knowledge, that's the only
` thing.
` MR. BATCHELDER: All right. I'm going
` to ask the court reporter to mark as official
` exhibits to this deposition along the way certain
` documents, and I'm going to hand you those as we
` go. It's important that you not walk away with
` them at the end of the day, because the court
` reporter is very possessive about such things.
` Q. So I'm going to hand you right now
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`866 4 Team GE
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`Page 13
` Exhibits 1 and 2.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Exhibit 1 is U.S. patent number
` 5,191,573.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. I'm going to refer to that
` today as the '573 patent.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And Exhibit 2 is U.S. patent number
` 5,966,440.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'm going to refer to that today as the
` '440 or '440 patent.
` A. That's fine.
` Q. I'm also going to refer to those two
` patents collectively as "the challenged patents."
` Does that make sense?
` A. That's fine.
` Q. I'll also refer to -- I'll use the term
` "the challenged claims." And by that I mean to
` refer to the seven claims that are challenged in
` these proceedings.
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`866 4 Team GE
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`Page 14
` Do you understand that terminology?
` A. I understand that terminology.
` Q. And so just to be clear, by "the
` challenged claims," I'm referring to claims 1, 2,
` 4, and 5 of the '573 patent, and claims 1, 64, and
` 95 of the '440 patent.
` Is that clear?
` A. That's clear.
` Q. Also refer to the term "priority date"
` in this deposition today. And by "priority date,"
` I mean June 13th, 1988.
` Is that clear?
` A. That's clear.
` Q. All right. I also will ask some
` questions about what a person of ordinary skill in
` the art would have understood. And when I ask
` those kinds of questions, just to be clear about
` the time frame, I'm referring to the time frame
` just before that priority date.
` Does that make sense?
` A. That makes sense.
` Q. Also, we'll use the word
` "communication," or "communications," forms of
` that word, "communicating." And by those terms, I
` mean to refer to communications in the broadest
`GregoryEdwards, LLC
`866 4 Team GE
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`Page 15
` sense, whether oral, written, electronic, or
` otherwise.
` Is that clear?
` A. Are you referring to these -- to our
` communication here, or are you referring to
` electronic data transfer of audio and video?
` Q. No. When I use the term
` "communications," I'm talking about communications
` that you may have had or that you may be aware of
` with other people or entities.
` A. Okay.
` Q. Okay.
` A. As opposed to the patent contents?
` Q. Right.
` A. Okay. I'm clear.
` Q. Also, as you know, there are district
` court proceedings between Apple and SightSound in
` front of Judge Ambrose in the Western District of
` Pennsylvania, correct.
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'll refer to those as the district
` court proceedings, okay?
` A. Okay.
` Q. And I'll refer to these patent office
` proceedings as the CBM proceedings, CBM standing
`GregoryEdwards, LLC
`866 4 Team GE
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` for covered business method patent proceedings.
`Page 16
` Does that make sense?
` A. Okay.
` Q. Are you set with that?
` A. Yeah, that's fine.
` I should mention to both you and the
` court recorder that if I fail to speak loud enough
` or distinctly enough, please don't hesitate to ask
` me to speak more clearly or loudly. I spend too
` much time in an office by myself, so when I'm out
` talking to people, sometimes I forget how to talk.
` MR. BATCHELDER: Mark that next, please.
` (Whereupon, Deposition Exhibit 3 was
` marked for identification.)
` Q. I had marked as Exhibit 3 your
` declaration in this CBM proceeding directed to the
` '573 patent.
` Do you recognize it as such?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Within Exhibit 3, if you could turn to
` page 10. See in about the middle of the page
` there's a Roman numeral 2 titled "Materials
` Reviewed."
` Do you see that?
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`Page 17
` A. Yes.
` Q. What is that section?
` A. It's the section of the materials that I
` looked at and considered in providing my opinions
` in the declaration.
` Q. So to be clear, the Materials Reviewed
` section in Exhibit 3 is a complete list of the
` materials you reviewed in connection with
` formulating your opinions in the CBM proceedings
` in connection with the '573 patent?
` A. Yes.
` Q. In connection with formulating your
` opinions in these proceedings regarding the
` '573 patent, did you read or --
` A. You know, I should say that I believe
` that what is here is the same as the set of
` exhibits that I have in my binders. I -- I -- it
` would take awhile -- if this is the same thing as
` the set of exhibits that I referenced in my
` declaration and that Apple has provided in this
` proceeding, then yes, the answer is yes.
` Q. I don't understand what qualification
` you're imposing.
` A. I believe this is the same thing. Yes.
` The answer is yes.
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`866 4 Team GE
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`Page 18
` Q. In connection with you formulating your
` opinions in these proceedings directed to the
` '573 patent, did you review and consider the
` district court claim construction order?
` A. Well, I believe it was adopted by the
` patent board in this proceeding, that the claim
` construction was, I believe, just adopted, or at
` least it was accepted as a starting point. My
` understanding is they'll do their own claim
` construction or challenge -- do their own analysis
` of claim construction. But I did look at the
` claim construction in the district proceeding.
` Q. So you did consult that in connection
` with these CBM proceedings?
` A. In connection with? I'm sorry.
` Q. With these CBM proceedings.
` A. Yes. Yes.
` Q. Is there a reason you didn't list it in
` section II, "Materials Reviewed" in your
` declaration?
` A. I thought it was in here. I'm sorry. I
` thought claim construction was here.
` Q. Well, correct me if I'm wrong. Perhaps
` it is.
` A. It should -- claim construction should
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`Page 19
` be in here. And I believe I referred to it in
` the -- in the -- for the -- in the declaration.
` Q. It looks like the second to the last
` bullet in the list in Roman Numeral II is order of
` claim construction dated 2/13/13.
` A. That's it. I think I provided a chart
` of the claim construction in here, if I remember
` right. Should I point to that?
` Q. I believe you're referring to what's on
` page 21?
` A. Exactly. That's what I -- that's what I
` assumed was being used in these proceedings, or at
` least a starting point. My understanding is this
` is -- that the patent board will form their own
` opinions and do their own analysis. But my
` understanding is this is at least the starting
` point of claim construction for these proceedings.
` Q. Given that understanding, why did you
` review the district court Markman opinion in
` connection with these proceedings as opposed to
` confining that to the district court proceedings?
` A. Well, to understand the interpretation,
` to understand the meaning and the reasoning behind
` it. So there are two sides that have different
` perspectives on interpretation, and -- actually, I
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`Page 20
` should look at the exhibit.
` I looked at a claim construction
` analysis, and I thought that's -- maybe it was for
` this proceeding. I don't know whether it was for
` the previous one or for this one. I'll have to go
` back and look at the exhibit.
` Q. What exhibit are you referencing?
` A. On page 14, it says, "Order reference
` claim construction dated 2/13/13 in the matter of
` SightSound text." I assume that's for the
` previous. Is that for this or the previous?
` Q. I don't know what you mean by "the
` previous."
` A. The district court.
` Q. I assume that that is referring to the
` district court proceeding?
` A. I did too. That's why I answered it
` that way. But -- okay.
` Q. Okay.
` A. Anyway, I did review that.
` Q. Okay. So I just want to make sure the
` record is clear on this. You did, in connection
` with these CBM proceedings, review the district
` court's claim construction order?
` A. Yes. Yes.
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`Page 21
` Q. And my question is, why did you do that?
` A. To understand their reasoning.
` Q. And why was that relevant to these CBM
` proceedings?
` A. Well, as an engineer, I do -- I always
` analyze rather than just taking what I'm given. I
` want to understand the reasoning behind things.
` It helps me understand the broader picture.
` Q. In connection with these CBM
` proceedings, did you also review the district
` court Markman order in the previous litigation
` between SightSound and N2K?
` A. Not for these proceedings.
` Q. Why not?
` A. Because that -- I already had it here in
` the -- the order for claim construction. For this
` proceeding, though, it wasn't necessary.
` I already -- I had the results of that
` in the order, the claim construction dated 2/13
` from the district court. So that had already
` adopted our -- or taken into account the
` information from the N2K proceedings. At least
` that's my understanding.
` Q. Is it your understanding that those
` Markman orders were -- the rulings were identical
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`Page 22
` as between the N2K proceeding and the
` Apple/SightSound proceeding?
` A. I don't remember whether they are
` identical or not.
` (Reporter clarification.)
` Q. As to Exhibit 3 to this deposition,
` which, again, is your declaration in these CBM
` proceedings in connection with the '573 patent,
` who drafted that declaration?
` A. Well, this went back and forth. I wrote
` the material in here. I consulted with the
` attorneys, and they had feedback and drafts were
` exchanged. There was definitely interaction
` between me and Arnold & Porter. And in the end, I
` signed it. I take responsibility for it. I
` believe this is correct and true and a good
` analysis of the material I reviewed.
` Q. Do you think it's fair to say that you
` drafted it?
` A. I think it's fair to say that it was a
` combination of my analysis of exhibits and them
` asking me questions about the material, and drafts
` went back and forth.
` Q. Is that a question that you can answer
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`Page 23
` yes or no? Again, the question being, is it fair
` to say that you drafted Exhibit 3?
` A. Well, I'm trying to be careful about
` what's privileged information here. So I'm not an
` attorney, so I don't know whether this is
` privileged or not.
` Q. I'm just asking that yes-or-no question.
` I'm not calling for attorney-client privileged
` information.
` A. Okay. Well, I -- I wrote a large part
` of the material in here, and I take responsibility
` for what's here. I spent a lot of hours editing
` and correcting and stating what I thought the
` facts were and my analysis, and -- both in writing
` and drafts and by phone.
` Q. You also submitted a declaration in
` these CBM proceedings directed to the '440 patent,
` correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Is your answer the same as to whether
` you drafted that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Are you aware of any mistakes in
` Exhibit 3?
` A. Just the one correction I mentioned on
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`Page 24
` the exhibit number, which is 4108 exhibit instead
` of -- I'd have to ask to go back if we want to
` correct that on the '440. It's the same paragraph
` in '440. We kept paragraph numbers the same to
` make it easy to ...
` Q. You say that was on page 31; is that
` right?
` A. Let me just check. No.
` Oh, I'm sorry. I'm looking at your
` exhibit, and I have a copy of the same thing. Of
` course, your exhibit doesn't have it marked.
` Page 35. And it's paragraph 50. Can I
` give you the paragraph number and correction in
` the '440 patent, as long as we're at this and get
` it corrected in both places so we don't --
` Q. That's fine.
` A. Okay. In the '440 declaration that I
` provided, on page 37, the fourth line from the top
` says, "Described in Exhibit 4316." It should be
` "described in Exhibit 4311."
` Q. Okay. And in Exhibit 3, where is the
` correction?
` A. That's the '573. That's page 35. This
` is paragraph 50, and it's the middle of the page.
` And on page 35 of the '573 declaration by myself,
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` the line reads, "Described in Exhibit 4113.
` Second Exhibit 4114 suggests connecting record."
` That line should be changed to "Described in
` Exhibit 4108." The rest of the line is correct.
` Q. Okay. Thank you.
` (Whereupon, Deposition Exhibit 4 was
` marked for identification.)
` THE WITNESS: Thank you.
` MS. SKLENAR: Counsel, you gave me a
` copy of 3 but not 4.
` MR. BATCHELDER: Oh, I'm sorry.
` MS. SKLENAR: Thank you very much.
` Q. All right. I've had marked as Exhibit 4
` a redacted copy of what's titled "Plaintiff
` SightSound Technologies, LLC's expert report of
` John Snell on validity."
` I should note on page 16, there's the
` redaction that SightSound provided of the only
` confidential information that it had identified in
` this document. So this is a public document.
` First of all, do you recognize
` Exhibit 4?
` A. I do recognize it.
` Q. What do you recognize it to be?
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` A. It's a report that I wrote on validity
` not quite a year ago. Well, probably about a year
` ago. I think it's dated June 13th, but, of
` course, it takes several months to put one of
` these together and do the analysis. So about a
` year ago.
` Q. If I could ask you to turn within
` Exhibit 4 to page 10.
` A. Okay.
` Q. And if you'd leave that open in front of
` you but also turn back to Exhibit 3 to page 21 we
` were looking at a moment ago.
` A. Okay.
` Q. You'll see in Exhibit 3, page 21,
` there's -- there are seven claim terms that you
` say you understand the board has adopted in
` connection with the '573 patent.
` Do I have that right?
` A. On page 21?
` Q. Yes.
` A. Yes.
` Q. All right. And then --
` A. Well, again, that was their starting
` point is my understanding. I -- again, I'm not an
` attorney, but my understanding is that this is
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`Page 27
` where -- where the patent board starts, and they
` can make their own analysis or adjustments to
` claim construction. Please correct me if I'm
` wrong.
` Q. I'm just trying to get at what you've
` said here in your declaration. So on page 20 of
` Exhibit 3, paragraph 29 begins, "I understand that
` the board has adopted the following
` interpretations of terms in the '573 patent."
` Have I read that correctly?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And then you set forth a table with
` seven terms, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Then leaving that open but turning to
` Exhibit 4 on page 10, you refer to the district
` court constructions in the district court
` proceedings between Apple and SightSound, and you
` set forth a table there on page 10 and 11.
` Do you see those terms?
` A. I do.
` Q. And so the question is, for a term that
` appears in the table that you have on pages 10 and
` 11 of Exhibit 4 but does not appear on the claim
` construction table that you have in Exhibit 3,
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`Page 28
` page 21, did you apply the claim construction of
` the district court in connection with these
` proceedings?
` A. Well, again, the claim construction I
` applied was the one on page 21 of Exhibit 3.
` Q. Okay. And -- and if there was a term
` that came up in your analysis that is construed by
` the district court as reflected on pages 10 and 11
` of Exhibit 4 but was not construed by the patent
` office in connection with these CBM proceedings,
` did you apply the district court claim
` construction to such a term or some other
` construction?
` A. I haven't looked at this in about a
` year, so I -- I wasn't applying anything from this
` proceeding or from this report.
` They are very similar. I'm sure you're
` aware of that. No. I used -- I used the table as
` provided on page 21.
` Q. In your last answer, you said, "I wasn't
` applying anything from this proceeding or from
` this report."
` I take it you mean to refer to the claim
` constructions that are in Exhibit 4 on pages 10
` and 11?
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`Page 29
` A. Yes.
` Q. If that's the case, then why did you
` read the district court claim construction order
` in connection with these CBM proceedings to
` prepare to render your opinions here?
` A. To understand the reasoning behind the
` claim constructions for these proceedings. I -- I
` think it's just basically to doing this kind of
` work, is you -- you analyze the material that's
` presented to you for the proceeding.
` Q. Were you assuming, then, that the patent
` office's reasoning for its claim constructions
` were based on or derived from the district court
` reasoning?
` A. I didn't make an assumption. I just
` wanted to see what their -- what their analysis,
` what their reasoning was.
` Q. If I could ask you to turn within
` Exhibit 3 to page 64, paragraph 89. Are you
` there?
` Are you there, sir?
` A. I'm getting there.
` Okay.
` Q. The first sentence of Exhibit 3,
` paragraph 89 says,
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`Page 30
` "I believe the ITMS practices
` the claimed invention, and, in
` fact, embodies and is coextensive
` with the claims of the patents."

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