Filed on behalf of:
`Patent Owner SightSound Technologies, LLC
`By: David R. Marsh, Ph.D.
`Kristan L. Lansbery, Ph.D.
`555 12th Street, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20004
`Tel: (202) 942-5068
`Fax: (202) 942-5999
`Patent Owner.
`Case CBM2013-00023
`Patent 5,966,440

`Patent Trial and Appeal Board
`U.S. Patent & Trademark Office
`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`I. Statement of the Precise Relief Requested
`Pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 42.22(a)(1) and for the reasons set forth below,
`Patent Owner SightSound Technologies, LLC (“Patent Owner”) respectfully
`requests that the Board: (1) expunge Exhibits 2310, 2317, and 2347 from the
`record; and (2) file in their place corrected Exhibits 2310, 2317, and 2347.
`II. Statement of Material Facts
`Patent Owner filed its Response to the Petition and related Exhibits on
`January 3, 2014.
`On March 4, 2014, Patent Owner noticed that Exhibits 2310, 2317,
`and 2347, as filed with the Response to the Petition, contained small portions of
`illegible and omitted text.
`On March 5, 2014, Patent Owner alerted Counsel for Petitioner Apple
`Inc. (“Counsel for Petitioner”) that some Exhibits may contain illegible and
`omitted text. Subsequently, Counsel for Petitioner agreed not to oppose the
`present Motion.

`On March 14, 2014, Patent Owner emailed the Board requesting
`authorization to file this Unopposed Motion to Expunge and File Corrected
`On March 14, 2014, the Board authorized such a filing in an email to
`myself, David R. Marsh, lead counsel for Patent Owner.
`Patent Owner submits herewith, as attachments to the present Motion,
`corrected versions of Exhibits 2310, 2317, and 2347, which may be filed into the
`record should the Board grant the present Motion.
`III. Statement of the Reasons for the Relief Requested
`Patent Owner files the present Motion in accordance with the Board’s
`authorization on March 14, 2014. The corrected Exhibits serve to clarify and
`complete the record before the Board and do not introduce new material into the
`proceeding. For the foregoing reasons, Patent Owner respectfully requests that the
`Board: (1) expunge Exhibits 2310, 2317, and 2347 from the record; and (2) file in
`their place corrected Exhibits 2310, 2317, and 2347.
`Dated: March 19, 2014
`Respectfully submitted,
` By:
`/David R. Marsh/
`David R. Marsh, Ph.D.
`Kristan L. Lansbery, Ph.D.
`555 12th Street, N.W.
`Washington, DC 20004

`Tel: (202) 942-5068
`Fax: (202) 942-5999
`Attorneys for Patent Owner
`SightSound Technologies, LLC

`The undersigned certifies that a copy of the UNOPPOSED MOTION TO
`corrected Exhibits 2310, 2317, and 2347, was served on March 19, 2014 to the
`following Counsel for Petitioner via e-mail, pursuant to the parties’ agreement
`concerning service:
`J. Steven Baughman, Lead Counsel
`Ching-Lee Fukuda
`Prudential Tower
`800 Boylston Street
`Boston, Massachusetts 02199-3600
`Attorneys for Petitioner Apple Inc.
`/David R. Marsh/
`David R. Marsh (Atty. Reg. No. 41,408)
`555 12th Street, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20004
`Tel: (202) 942-5068
`Fax: (202) 942-5999


`PAGE 000001

`I, Scott Sander, hereby declare as follows:
`I am a member of the managing board of SightSound Technologies,
`LLC (“SightSound”).
`I provide this Declaration in support of SightSound’s
`Responses to Apple Inc.’s Petitions for Covered Business Method Patent Review of
`United States Patent Nos. 5,919,573 (“the ‘S73 Patent”) and 5,966,440 (“the ‘440
`Patent”) (collectively “the Patents”).
`I am over the age of eighteen, have personal
`knowledge of the facts set forth below unless otherwise stated, and if called to
`testify as a witness in this matter, I could and would testify competently thereto.
`In 1995, together with Arthur Hair (the inventor of the Patents) 1
`founded Parsec Sight/Sound,
`Inc. and Digital Sight/Sound, Inc., SightSound’s
`predecessors in interest, to commercialize Mr. Hair’s invention. Mr. Hair assigned
`all of his ownership rights in the ‘5 73 Patent, and every subsequent patent to issue
`from that same disclosure, to SightSound. Shortly after obtaining the ‘S73 Patent,
`Mr. Hair wrote to John Sculley, the then-Chairman of the Board and CEO of Apple,
`informing him of the ‘S73 Patent, which Mr. Hair stated would “revolutionize the
`video rental industry and prerecorded music industry, among others, and will serve
`as a catalyst to propel the multimedia industry into the 21“ century.” Attached as
`PAGE 000002
`PAGE 000002

`In the late_ 1990s and early 2000s, SightSound developed an online
`commercial system for the sale of digital music and video files which was found at
`In 1995, SightSound became the first company to offer digital
`downloads of music through electronic sale over the Internet, when it offered the
`album (as well as individual songs) from the band The Gathering Field’s debut
`album “The Gathering Field.” Attached as exhibit 2312 is a true and correct copy
`of a screen shot from the website in 1995 offering the Gathering
`Field album for sale for $6.00, as well as offering individual songs from the album
`for sale for $1.00. Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to this
`document but no other alterations have been made. offered free 30
`second previews of the music being offered for sale. Id. (“Free Sample: 5.4 MB:
`30 second clip”). also showed the cover art for music being
`offered for sale and provided reviews and press coverage regarding the album as
`shown in exhibit 2312.
`Shortly after Sightsound began offering The Gathering Field’s album
`for sale, SightSound temporarily ceased selling music on its website due to
`PAGE 000003
`PAGE 000003

`I believe the music labels were not ready to adopt such a radical change in
`the mid to late l990s, as the new model would have required them to migrate away
`from production of physical media (such as CD5) and transition to digital formats,
`as well as sell individual songs instead of entire albums which I understood they
`believed would be less profitable.
`I also understood that the music labels were
`reluctant to embrace the new model as they were concerned about unauthorized
`copying of their content. For these reasons, I understood that content holders were
`reluctant to license their content to SightSound for sale over the Internet.
` initially offered individual songs for sale for $1.00.
`1998, however, Sightsound began offering songs
`for $0.99.
` website presented a menu of music to select for purchase by
`showing the cover art of particular albums in a table format. Attached as exhibit
`2313 hereto is a true and correct copy of a screen shot from from
`1998-1999 reflecting music for sale at Page numbers and an
`exhibit label have been added to this document but no other alterations have been
`In 1999, SightSound offered the first sale of a movie over the Internet
`(Darren Aronofsl<y’s movie “Pi”).
`PAGE 000004
`PAGE 000004

`website can still be found at Some specific press
`articles and television coverage about Mr. I-Iair’s invention and are
`under the drop down menu “In the News.” As just a few examples of the press
`coverage SightSound received, attached as exhibit 2314 is a true and correct copy
`of a November 1998 article "from the Pittsburgh Business Times entitled “Internet
`Firm Pioneers Downloadable Music Sales.” Page numbers and an exhibit label
`have been added to this document, and text has been organized to fit on an 8 1/2” x
`11” page, but no other alterations have been made. Further, the September 6, 1999
`issue of Time magazine featured SightSound.corn in an article entitled i‘Movies Hit
`the Net.” Attached as exhibit 2315 is a true and correct copy of the September 1999
`article. Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to this document but no
`other alterations have been made. Further, in January 2000, Yahoo Internet Life
`magazine featured as the lead story in its article on the 100 best
`sites for 2000. Attached as exhibit 2316 is a true and correct copy of the January
`2000 Yahoo Internet Life magazine article. Page numbers and an exhibit label have
`been added to this document but no other alterations have been made.
`PAGE 000005
`PAGE 000005

`over the Internet.
`I informed Mr. Jobs that “we believe that the download sale of
`movies and music will become the consumers’ method of choice,” and further, that
`the Mac OS (operating system) required specific functionality to support the
`download sales of music and movies.
`I also suggested that there could be an
`opportunity for Apple to participate in the “manufacture of an open platform audio
`player.” I further attached a graphical schematic detailing how the
`servers stored content, permitted the downloaded content to be received by the
`consumer, and could be used on a handheld device that SightSound suggested that
`Apple develop. Attached as exhibit 2317 is a true and correct copy of my January
`15, 1999 letter to Mr. Jobs with the attached schematic. Page numbers and an
`exhibit label have been added to this document but no other alterations have been
`On or around February 3, 1999, SightSound was contacted by Apple
`with a proposal to discuss the potential business described in my January 15, 1999
`letter. The letter from Apple requested that a meeting take place on a non-
`confidential and non-obligation basis and asked SightSound to confirm that
`understanding. With full confidence in the protection afforded SightSound by
`PAGE 000006
`PAGE 000006

`of Apple to me. Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to this
`document but no other alterations have been made.
`On or around February 26, 1999, Mr. Hair and I met with Mark
`Gavini and Tom Weyer from Apple in Los Angeles.
`I understood that Mr. Weyer
`was an Apple engineer and that Mr. Gavini was Partnership Manager of Worldwide
`Developer Relations. During that meeting, Mr. Hair and I explained our patents,
`expressed our belief in the superiority of our download purchase model versus
`streaming subscription services, and made several requests of Apple, notably that
`they manufacture a hand held portable player, and re-architect their operating
`system. We discussed in more detail the written schematic previously provided to
`Steve Jobs. We requested enhancements to Apple’s operating system to bolster
`digital rights management (DRM) capabilities——specifically encryption—to permit
`the sale of digital audio and video for download on Mac computers. After a lengthy
`I recall Messrs. Gavini and Weyer concluding that it would take an
`entire re-write of the Mac operating system to adequately support the level of
`encryption that would be needed to satisfy the media and entertainment industry.
`PAGE 000007
`PAGE 000007

`a movie into a handheld pocket personal computer; the movie “Quantum Project”
`was sold into the iPAQ, which was sold by Compaq Computer Corporation.
`Attached as exhibit 2319 is a true and correct copy of a screen shot
` from 2001
`reflecting the Quantum Project
` Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added to this
`document but no other alterations have been made.
`SightSound continued to promote and the patented
`invention in the early 2000s. However, we were unable to successfully convince
`the major record labels that music and video distribution via a digital online
`download format was the future of the music industry and obtain licenses to sell
`their content.
`I believe that the record labels were resistant for the reasons
`mentioned above, and were slow to understand the market potential for online
`digital music and video sales. Without sufficient licenses for content to sell through
`it was difficult
`to generate significant revenue from digital
`download sales.
`In 2002, paradoxically, our Patents, the very things that enabled us to
`raise the capital to launch the download industry, now were draining us of cash,
`PAGE 000008
`PAGE 000008

`unwilling for the reasons outlined above, but also because sold
`only to users of Microsoft’s’ operating system, which the record labels feared as a
`monopoly with its 96% market share, was of further concern to the record labels. In
`contrast, Apple’s 4% share made it a far less threatening partner to the record
`labels, or so they thought, so they were willing to grant Apple licenses to their
`content. Time magazine confirmed my understanding on this point, stating that the
`record labels gave Apple a “sweet deal” because “Apple with its miniscule share of
`the computer market was never going to be a real distribution threat.” Attached as
`exhibit 2320 is a true and correct copy of the November 17, 2003 Time magazine
`article “Invention of the Year.” Page numbers and an exhibit label have been added
`to this document but no other alterations have been made.
`In 2002, Sightsound ceased its own commercial operations, as
` was unable to generate sufficient revenue to fund SightSound’s
`expenses, including the costs associated with defending the Patents.
`PAGE 000009
`PAGE 000009

`I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
`Sworn this 2_7fl' day of December, 2013 at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
`PAGE 000010
`PAGE 000010


`PAGE 000001

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`Network interface Card
`Microsoft OS
`1. .‘
`Download Point of Sale Promotion
`,£..""'-" "
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`ritm‘ :1.-’
`Network Map
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`3 ci.
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`‘ a
`Download Enabled Internet Videos
`ct remade
`,‘i'IDI ‘(Ina -ran:
`Operating System Security Enhancements
`SlE':‘l-lTSOUND.COM sells music (digital audio files) via the Internet in download fashion. Currently. s “cm key fits all" security architecture does not exist for
`lntemet users. Encryptionldecryption currently takes place at the application level (i.e. Win32 Appfization). and once the music is decrypted, an
`unencrypted audio signal is sent by the application (i.e. the audio player) to the OS for playback through the sound card.
`if a consumer of encrypted
`audio files experiences a hard disk failure and must reinstall their audio player software, requiring a new encryption key. the new audio player will not
`be able to decrypt and playback their old library of purchased audio files which were encrypted with the lost key, even if they have backed up those
`audio files.
`Microsoft has announced plans to include a Shared Public Key infrastructure (Shared PK!) in the upcoming Windows NT 5.0 and penn it application
`developers to take advantage of these new encryption features. SlGl-t'iBOUNEl.C.DM believes that it wou.d be to the benefit of both Microsoft and its
`customers ifMicrosoft provided a downloadable update forWindows CE, Win 95, Win 98, and Wir NT4.0 (ifpossible) to provide the same Shared
`PK! functionality, and that they be compatible with the Mac OS. SiGl-lTSUUND.C'.DiVi also believes that it would be to the benefit of both Apple and its
`customers if Apple provided compatible Shared PKI functionality in their operating systems as weli
`siei-irsouNo.coivi believes that this "Shared Public
`Key" (Shared PK) will increase ease of use for the customer and increase on-line security for the atidiolvideo files.
`Additionally, Microsoft has announced plans to include a Encrypting File System (EFS) in the upcoming Windows NT5.0, which supports transparent
`encryption and decryption of files stored on a disk.
`sicHTsouivi:i.coM believes that it would be to the benefit of both Microsoft and its customers if
`Microsoft adds "merchant" functionality to the EFS and updates the Microsoft Commerce Server to provide an encrypted download link between a
`consumer's PC operated by Windows NT 5.0 and the merchant's Microsoft Commerce Server. An; file (i.e. WAV, AVI, MP4, EXE) could be sold and
`transmitted by the merchant's Microsoft Commerce Server, encrypted for lntemet transmission (i.e. 'iLS or SSL) using the customers Shared PK.
`decrypted by the customers NT 5.0 using the Shared PK. re-encrypted by the custom er‘s NT 5.0 using the updated EFS and using the custom er’s
`Shared PK, and saved to the custom er‘s NTFS disk in encrypted format. Playback or opening of any file sold in this manner is only possible if the OS
`detenriines that its Shared PK matches the Shared PK used to initially encrypt the file. Additionally, believes that it would be to the
`benefit of both Microsoft and its customers if Microsoft adds "transport" functionality to the EFS to enable the customer to pass along the EFS
`encrypted file without creating unauthorized duplicates. SlGH'l'SEll.lND.CCiM believes that it would be to the benefit of both Microsoft and its customers if
`Microsoft provided a downloadable update for Windows CE, Win 95, Win 98, and Win NT 4.0 (if possible) to provide the same EFS functionality, and
`that they be compatible with the Mac OS. Sil3i-l'|'5ClUND.CD\ii also believes that it would be to the beneit of both Apple and its customers if Apple provided
`compatible EFS functionality in their operating systems as weil. This would permit portability of EFS encrypted audioivideo files from one PC or Mac to
`another. including pcrtables running Windows CE.
`Windows CE I APP"? Mac
`Handheld Audiolvideo Player
`MS Commerce
`"rriercl1:int" supported Encrypted Filo System
`_...__.-....._. --.j_.._.._...._....,. ____ rw__ _,_,_ ___,,__.-_. ...:.__. ._.._......_fi__....___:j.. LI- _.._........._-....e_._...._..._ _.___...............s...__-. .
`PAGE 000002
`taplico encryption mrtcilonoilty ofln-.tlvi:lu;:l
`UW Mode
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`Kemol Mario
`swam SW“
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`lilo htnnagor
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`i-Itirdvtnre Abstraction Layer (HAL)
`_..___.____._...._..._..___._._..__ ,
`system H: rdwarn
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`Windows NT 4-0
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`PAGE 000002


`HowStuffWorks "How iTunes Works"
`Page 1 of 9
`How iTunes Works
`by Julia Layton and Jonathan Strickland
`Browse the article How iTunes Works
`Internet Connection Image Gallery The iTunes store has a slick
`interface and a huge library of media and applications.(cid:160) See
`options for getting online with Internet connection pictures.
`Screenshot by
`Introduction to How iTunes Works
`Remember when Microsoft was the bad guy and Apple was the underdog? Funny how a brilliant
`idea can change everything. With the raging success of the iPhone, the iPod line of products and
`iTunes, you'll now find almost as many people ranting about Apple as about Microsoft. Where one
`person sees the coolest combination to hit electronics since TiVo met the TV, another sees plans for
`world domination. And it's all about one word: control.
`in the world, review
`In this article, we'll see what makes iTunes the most popular jukebox software
`some of its more advanced functions, explore the integrated iTunes Store and find out why the
`whole setup has inspired some lawsuits and epic hacking wars. First, let's cover the basics.
`iTunes is a piece of software that lets you add to, organize and play your digital media collection on
`your computer, as well as sync it to a portable device. It's a jukebox player along the lines of
`Songbird and Windows Media Player, and you can use it on a Mac or Windows machine. The most
`significant difference between iTunes and some other media players is the built-in iTunes Store
`(where you can get podcasts; iPhone, iPad and iPod touch apps; music videos; movies; audiobooks
`and TV shows, too) and its multi-level integration with Apple's iPhone and its iPod portable media
`• MP3 Quiz
`• HowStuffWorks Podcasts
`• Discovery Channel Podcasts
`But a portable media player isn't the only way to enjoy iTunes content. There's your Mac OS X or
`Windows computer, first off -- if you've got a sound card and a set of speakers (and you probably
`do), that's all you need to use iTunes. There's also Apple's popular entry into the smartphone
`market, the iPhone. Or you can play your iTunes library with one of the few phones Apple authorized
`to access the service, such as the Motorola ROKR E1 phone. Some enterprising hackers have created apps that let you synchronize non-Apple products with iTunes,
`but these aren't supported by Apple and may not work with every version of iTunes. Apple's wireless networking hub, AirPort Express, lets you wirelessly stream
`iTunes music from your computer to your hub-connected home-theater speakers. With this setup, you control playback via your computer, iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.
`With another iTunes stream receiver, Roku's SoundBridge Network Music Player, you control everything through the SoundBridge remote control. So you're not
`limited to any single option when it comes to playback. But you may be limited by the type of player you have and the capabilities of your computer system. You may
`also have some difficulty tracking down one of these devices; Roku no longer sells the units [source: Roku]
`Next, learn about iTunes compatibility with your computer and MP3 player.
`iTunes Compatibility
`iTunes compatibility in the realm of portable players is a bit of a quagmire, which is part of the
`reason why some people just avoid iTunes entirely. You can use the iTunes Mac software with, say,
`a Creative Nomad MP3 player (see iTunes for Mac OS X: Compatible Players for a complete list).
`But iTunes for Windows only supports the iPhone, iPad or iPod series -- if you connect a Creative
`Nomad to a Windows machine running iTunes, the software won't see it. And there's no version of
`iTunes for Linux machines, either. But there are ways around that -- just do a Google search for
`PAGE 000001

`HowStuffWorks "How iTunes Works"
`Page 2 of 9
`"iPod Linux hacks." What's more, Apple is no longer updating the compatible players list, which may
`suggest iTunes won't support new non-Apple players moving forward.
`Since the introduction of the iPhone, Apple no longer provides iTunes support to new phones from
`other manufacturers. Apple's strategy is to convince consumers to purchase Apple products and use
`them with Apple services. The company doesn't make it easy for you to use iTunes with any non-
`Apple device. Some companies, such as Palm, tried to get around Apple's closed system only to be
`shut down in subsequent iTunes updates.
`So iTunes (or at least the Mac version) does support other players besides the iPod. But here it gets
`even trickier: Older music you downloaded from the iTunes Store is protected by the Apple FairPlay
`digital rights management (DRM) format, which is a proprietary, protected AAC file format that Apple
`doesn't license to anybody. The only devices that can play those files are ones with the ability to
`decrypt the Apple DRM, which includes your computer running iTunes, an iPod, an iPad, an iPhone,
`an iTunes phone and your speakers connected to AirPort Express. (You can't play them on Roku's
`SoundBridge, because Apple licensed Roku the iTunes software minus the DRM decryption.)
`To play iTunes Store files with DRM on a portable player besides an iPod, you have to first burn
`them to a CD or DVD as MP3 files. The DRM encoding doesn't make it to the disc. You then rip the
`now-unprotected files back into your iTunes library and download them to the player.Alternatively,
`you can repurchase songs at a reduced price to get the version without Fairplay. Songs purchased
`from the iTunes Store in the iTunes Plus format don't carry DRM, which means you won't have to go
`Music is still the heart of the iTunes store.
`Screenshot by
`• MP3 Quiz
`• HowStuffWorks Podcasts
`• Discovery Channel Podcasts
`through this step.
`So now we know which devices will and won't work with the iTunes software. Next, we'll find out what you can do with the software if you've got the right hardware (or
`the wrong hardware with the right hack).
`Mac OS X v10.5 or later
`1 GHz or faster processor (G4 Mac or better)
`QuickTime 7.6.4 or later
`1 GB RAM to play HD video
`16 MB of video RAM for HD video
`200 MB of disk space
`Broadband Internet (to use iTunesStore)
`Windows XP service pack 2 or later
`200 MB of disk space
`2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or faster processor to play HD video, iTunes LP or iTunes Extras
`DirectX 9.0-compatible video card with at least 32 MB of video RAM
`Screen resolution of 1024 x 768 or greater
`QuickTime-compatible audio card
`1 GB of RAM to play HD video, iTunes LP or iTunes Extras
`Broadband Internet (to use iTunes Store)
`A podcast is an audio (or sometimes video)
`broadcast that you can download via the Internet
`and subscribe to so your computer automatically
`downloads all new episodes served up by that
`podcaster. You can listen to it on your computer or
`download it to a portable media player. Lots of
`podcasts are homemade, put together on a home
`PC and loaded up to a server for distribution. Many
`bloggers now produce their own podcasts. Some
`podcasts are professional-grade recordings put out
`by organizations like,
`iTunes Software
`Even if you never make a single purchase from the iTunes Store, you can still take advantage of the basic
`functions of iTunes. iTunes offers all of the features we've come to expect from a high-level jukebox media
`• Audio-file playback: iTunes supports AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless, MP3, WAV,'s .aa format and
`unprotected WMA audio formats.
`• Streaming music: You can open a stream in iTunes just by entering the URL in the "Open Stream" dialog
`PAGE 000002

`HowStuffWorks "How iTunes Works"
`Page 3 of 9
`Discovery Channel, NPR, PBS and The Onion.
`See How Podcasting Works to learn more.
`You can subscribe to a podcast directly through
`iTunes. Just click "Subscribe to Podcast" and type
`the podcast's URL in the dialog box that pops up.
`You'll automatically receive all new podcasts from
`that broadcaster.
`• MP3 Quiz
`• HowStuffWorks Podcasts
`• Discovery Channel Podcasts
`• Sharing music over a network
`Internet radio: You can set Internet radio presets.
`• Graphics: You can view audio-coordinated graphics on-screen and print jewel-case art for your burned CDs.
`• CD track information: iTunes automatically displays all available CD information when you insert a disc into
`the drive . You can also edit the information if it's incomplete or wrong.
`• Organization and management tools: iTunes offers automatic and manual management options for your
`• File-type conversion: iTunes will convert your AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless, MP3, WAV or unprotected WMA
`files to AAC, AIFF, Apple Lossless, MP3 or WAV format.
`• Playlist creation
`• Burning and ripping CDs
`• Downloading files to a portable player
`Advanced Features in iTunes
`In addition to the typical jukebox functions, iTunes offers some nice advanced features:
`• Ping: The newest major feature in iTunes is Ping, Apple's attempt at inserting a social networking element
`into iTunes. With Ping, you can follow your favorite artists and see what music they like or get the early word on
`albums, releases and concerts. Your friends can follow you and learn more about the music you enjoy. Apple
`includes links to make it easier to purchase music you discover.
`• Autosyncing: iTunes will not only detect an iPod, iPhone or iPad, but will also automatically download all
`content you added to iTunes since the last sync (you can set it to manual mode if you don't want iTunes to
`transfer everything). Your iPod will also upload to iTunes any new song ratings or playlists you created directly
`on your iPod (but not any songs you added -- if there's a song on your iPod that isn't in your iTunes library, say
`goodbye to it when you autosync). The problem with autosync is that it syncs blindly -- if, for instance, you clear
`out your iTunes library for some reason, and you then connect your iPod to your computer, the autosync will
`wipe everything off your iPod to make it look just like your iTunes library. To avoid this, just turn off autosync.
`• Smart Playlists: You can set parameters for iTunes to create a playlist for you using songs from your library.
`Parameters can be the song's genre, date of release or rating. When you add a new song to iTunes that matches your Smart Playlist parameters, the software will
`automatically add it to the playlist.
`• Genius: One of the more recent features in iTunes is the Genius function. Genius assembles playlists for you -- just pick a song and Genius will build a playlist
`around it. Ideally, the songs should all complement each other. It will also recommend songs and apps for you to purchase to build out your library.
`• Home Sharing: If you have several computers in your household, you may have several music libraries. The Home Sharing feature lets you share music across
`multiple computers on your home network. All the computers must be logged into iTunes under the same account for Home Sharing to work.
`• Videos: You can download videos, movies or TV shows from the iTunes Store to watch them in iTunes and download them to an iPod video. You can also convert
`your DVDs to iTunes video format using one of many pieces of external software available for just this purpose. See Engadget: HOW-TO: Convert a DVD for your iPod
`(with video) in Windows and AfterDawn Forums: Rip Convert DVD to iPod, iPod Video Converter.
`• Audiobooks: You can listen to audiobooks (Audible .aa file format) through iTunes.
`• Editing ID3 tags: ID3 tags are bits of data attached to a song that can include the artist name, album title, release date, music genre, album art and other related
`items. You can edit the tags and add tag data to your songs through iTunes.
`iTunes Store: The iTunes Store is an integrated function of the software. Click the store icon in the main iTunes interface to browse and buy content online, or click
`the icon next to any song, album or artist in your library to go directly to that content in the Music Store.
`iTunes uses Apple's proprietary Digital Audio
`Access Protocol (DAAP) to transfer

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