store, where the consumer would not have "possession and control." over the
`device, as requiredby the Hair lnventlon. (Tygar Rebuttal at 75-76)
`Defendants correctly point out that‘ in interactive Gift Express,
`inc. v. _

`' Compuserve, lnc., 256 F.3d 1323, 1334 _ll=ed.icir. 2001), the court~cons_trued ‘point of
`T’ _p:,sale kiosk" to include a location in la" consumershome, contrary to"Dr. Tygar's
`conclusion that it was limited to a business location. However, the Courtin
`, Interactive Gift Express affirmed the lower courts constructioniof theterm
`"umaterial object”. In the Freeny Patent to be la) separate and distinct from the llvllvl,
`lb) removed from,-the IMM after purchase, and (cl intended for use away from the
`point-of—sale location.
`la_. at 1536. The Federal Circuit Court stated, “These three 4'
`conditions. .‘. are fundamental to" the meaning of a material object as clearlvand
`consistently specified in the patent description." I_(; at 1337. The Court explicitly
`. noted that the 1“material object" on, which the information is recorded “does not
`encompass the hard disk component ofa home personal computer’ and “the
`material object "must be offered for sale, and be purchasable, at lthel point of sale
`b‘locatlonl.l." I_cL at 1338.‘ Since one using the Hair invention purchases only the
`I 7 signals, not the material object on which they are stored, and since the sightsound
`Patents specifically reference the consumer's system as incorporating a hard disk,
`the Freeny‘ Patent, as construed by the Federal Circuit Court in Interactive Gift
`Express, arguably teaches away from the Hair invention in atileast twoways. (§e_e,
`.,e.g., Claims 13 and 14‘of the ‘.4110 Patent as discussed in the Magistrate's Report at 65.)
`9. The Hellman Patent:
`Page 00426

`This patent was issued inApril 1987 and describes a "software distribution "
`system!" (Hayes Decl. Exh. 24, u.s. Patent No. 4,658,093, "the Hellman Patent") The"
`_ patent description concentrateson a mechanical means ofprevehtlng unauthorized
`copying,-That_ls, the digitalsighal downloaded to the customer is never encrypted,
`"per se;'ins'tead,, theconsumer must purchase a specially manufactured base unit
`which hasa built-In decoder key.
`(Hellman Patent, col. 4, lines 37-63.)‘ In order to
`_ playback the software,‘ music or ‘movie the consumer has purchased and
`downloaded, he initiates-another contactto the sellerwho sendsa signal to "unlock"
`% the playback mechanism. In this sense, the Hellman Patent envisions a system more
`like ‘pay per view" television in that the copyright holder controls playback, not the '
`lDefs.' Brief _at 12'.)
`_As Dr. Tygar points out, the need for a special base
`‘unit (as compared to a personal cornputerland the lack of control by the consumer
`both teach away from the Hair invention. rrygar Rebuttal at 79.)
`lnsum, Dr. Tygar offers precise reasons why the prior art referenced by
`“Defendants both fails to disclose the elements of the Slghtsound Patents and fails
`- to render the Asserted ‘claims obvious. someprior art - for instance. the»lRD
`' Reports and the _Hellman Patent- actually teach away from the Sightsound Patents
`and would thus discourage one skilled in the art in 1988 from attempting to develop
`«a system or methodology comparable to the Hair invention.
`' There is another question to be considered, however, and that ls whetherone
`skilled inthe art would be motivated to combine the teachings of Akashl, PAN,
`' Compusonics and/or other prior art toarrlve at the Hair l_nvention.j The Federal
`Page 00427

`_ circuit has stated: 5
`‘Evidence of a. suggestion’, teaching, or motivation to
`combine prior art references may flow, inter alia', from
`the references themselves, the ‘knowledge ofone of
`ordinary skill in the art, or from the nature of theproblem _
`to be solved. Although a reference need not expressly
`teach that the disclosure contained therein should be_
`combined with another, the showing of combinabllity, in
`whatever form, must nevertheless be clear and particular.
`_ Winner ln_t'i, 2o2 i='._3a at 1348-48 (citations omitted);
`As noted above, the purpose of the "motivation to combine" requirement is -
`to prevent the use of hindsight based onthe invention to defeat its patentability.
`“in other words, the iparty opposing the patent] must show reasons that the skilled '.
`‘artisan, confronted with the sameproblems as the inventor and with no knowledge
`vof'th_e claimed invention, would select the elements from the cited prior art
`~ references for combination in themanner claimed." "In re Rouffet, 149 F.3d 1350, ‘
`.1357 (Fed. Cir. 1998).
`Dr. Tygar has offered his views as to why none of the’ prior art references,
`readin combination with other priorart, would rendertheAsserted Claims obvious.
`"Moreover, he has put forth several arguments to support the conclusion that some
`prior art references actually teach away from certain sightsound elements such as;
`copy protection or a single unit to control all aspects of the consumers use of the.
`invention. igge, e.g., Tygar Rebuttalat 5_tl-55' (Bowen Article); 64, 66, 67 (IRD Reports);
`75-76 (Freeny lfiatentl; 76-78 lAl<ashi Patent); 78 (PAN); 78 (compusonlcsl; and 79
`lHellman).l These reasons are sufficiently cogent and "well-reasoned that a
`I factflnder could conclude the sightsound Patents were notobvious. ’
`Page 00428

`Furthermore, I findthat summary judgment must be denied because there.
`‘are underlying unresolved questions of fact with regardto evidence of secondary‘
`secondary considerations can "provide
`-considerations of non-obviousness.
`I objective evidence of how the. patented device is viewed ‘in the-marl<etpIace,'by
`i=_.von Langsdorff
`those directly interested in the product." 'Dem_ac_o corp. v.
`[Licensing Ltd., 3s1_i=.2d 1387,1391 (Fed. Cir; 1933).. Secondary considerations include"
`(1) long-felt but unsolved need; (2) commercial successof the invention; (3) failed
`_ efforts of others; (4) copying by others; (5)Apraise for the invention; (7) unexpected '
`results; (8) disbelief of experts; (9) general. skepticism of those in the art; (10)
`j,comm_ercial acquiescence; and (11) simultaneous development. _s_ee Nat‘! steel Car,
`Ltd. v. Canadian Pac. Ry.rCo.,'25l_1F. Supp.2d "527, 570 (ED. Pa. 2003), and cases cited
`therein. “Evidence of secondary considerations may often be the rnostprobative
`and cogent evidence in the record. It may often establish that an invention
`appearing to have been obvious in light of the prior art was not. it is to- be
`considered as part of all the evidence, no.t just when the decisionmaker remains in
`- doubtafter reviewing the art." Stratoflex, inc. v. Aeroguip Corg., 713 F.2d 530,1 538-.
`39 (Fed. Cir. 1983). However,- ‘there must be arnexus between the claimed invention
`' and the secondary considerationsbefore the evidence is relevant to the question _
`« of obviousness." Nat'l steel car, 1;, citing SIBIA Neurosciences, 225 F.3d at 1358-59.
`Plaintiff has presented evidenceshowing. that not
`later. than 1987,-
`,‘ Compusonicshad abandoned its efforts to commercialize the music downloading
`Page 00429

`-industry" and, in fact, Dr, Tygar opined that none of-the systemsln"co‘rporatlng
`prior art survived as a_c'onsumer oriented mass market distribution system "for
`. digital music distribution.
`lTygar Rebuttal at 80.) AAS he also noted, the IRD Reports .
`V reflected a general skepticism in 1986 for the viability ofia teledeliverysystem for.
`digital audio signals.’ At the same time, numerous‘ articles d'at_in'g .fron"1the 19905.
`show an ongoing interest in such services, establishing the fact that therewas a
`long-felt need for the invention. iP|f.'S Exh. C, Rebuttal Report of Frederic’ R. Miller,
`“Miller Rebuttal," at‘5.l we also know from the history of this case that while.the"440
`Patent application was still pending, sightsound accused N2l( of illegally copying.
`H technology covered by its earlier Patents.
`on the other hand‘, Defendants essentially omit any discussion of secondary
`_ considerations from their Brief in support of the'Motion for summary Judgment.
`"in their Reply 'Brief,'.their argument on this point is
`limited to a conciusory
`“sightsound hasgnot presented relevant evidence of secondary"
`I considerations because it failed to establish a nexus between the merits of the
`V-ffciaimed invention and the evidence offered." iDefs.' Reply. Brief ates, citing Cable
`Electric Prods.
`inc. v. oenmark lnc., 77o r.2d 1015,1027 iFed. Cir. 1995);” siolund v
`' Musia'nd,‘8a7 F.2d 1573 (Fed, Cir. 19%); windsurfing lnt‘l Inc., supra.) I have reviewed
`" A former principal in Compus_onlcs, David Schwartz, testified at his -deposition that -
`sometime in 1986‘or1987,'hls company "gave up on trying to commercialize‘ telerecording (which
`he defined 85 DUYIHQ, selling and databasing music libraries for sale on demand) (F|f.'S Exh. M,
`Deposition of David Schwartz. at 97.) He-explained that record companies in -the United States,
`. Europe and Japan “were not receptive to the concept in any way, shape, or form.‘ (LI; at 142.)
`7' Overruled on other grounds by Midwest lndus., inc. v. Karavan Trailers, inc.,- 175 F.3d 1356,
`1358 (Fed. Cir. 1999).
`Page 00430

`the cited cases, despite not having a_ clear idea of how 0efendants' sin_gie—se_nten_ce
`argument relates tothern, and find that all three. concentrate on. commercial,
`‘success, only one of many secondary considerations which may be offered ’by.a
`patentee. See Cable Electric,i_cLat1027, holding that for commercial success"to_have _
`“true relevance" to the question of nonobvlousness, that successmust be shown to
`be due to thenature of the patented subject matter, rather than to economic and A
`commercial factors unrelated .to the technical quality of the patented subject.
`% matter; sioiund, i_<; at 1582, concluding that evidence of commercial success was
`irrelevant because theaspect of the invention to which its success was attributed
`.' was notpart of the claimed invention. windsurfing lnt'i,'which also discusses
`A commercial success, focuses on the weighta district courtlmay p.roper_Iy give to
`secondary considerations, concluding thatthe yweightshouid co_r_relate to the
`, objective evidence provided ‘to support them.‘ 782 F.2d at 1000.
`Here‘! have noted Plaintiff's arguments that at the time the sightsound
`% Patents were issued, there were numerous examples of secondary considerations:
`_ copying, skepticism on the part of those skilled in the art as to the viability of such
`:a system, long-felt but'unsatisfied needs, and unsuccessful attempts by others to
`solve the problem underlying the claimed invention. Given nothing substantive
`from Defendants in their Reply Brief to refute these claims, l accept" them as
`.present_edby Plaintiff fo_r purposes of deciding this summaryjudgment motion."
`5. conclusion
`Conflicts in the evidence on factualissues are not to be resolved on summary
`Page 00431

`1. Name of conveying party(ies)/Execution Date(s):
`2. Name and address of receiving party(ies)
`Sightsound Technologies, inc. (Delaware Corp)
`Name: DMT Licensing. LLC gflelaware LLC)
`Internal Address:
`Execution Date(s)
`10 November 2005
`Additional name(s) of conveying party(ies) attached?[j Yes I No
`3. Nature of conveyance:
`Street Address: One Independence Way
`[1 Merger
`Ci Change of Name
`[3 Security Agreement
`C] Government Interest Assignment
`C] Executive Order 9424, Confirmatory License
`State: New Jersey
`Country: US
`Zip: 08540
`E]Other Additional name s 8. address es attached? D Yes
`4- APP"¢3ti°" 0' Patent "Umb9|'(S)3
`A. Patent Application No.(s)
`D This document is being filed together with a new application.
`B. Patent No.(s)
`5. Name and address to whom correspondence
`concerning document should be mailed:
`6. Total number of applications and patents
`involved: I]
`Additionalnumbers attached? |:]Yes No
`Name‘ a""””P" ""°"‘“"“”"S
`Internal Address: Drinker Biddle 8- Reath LLP
`Street Address: One Logan Sguare
`15th and Che
`City: Philadel ma
`State: Penns vania
`Phone Number: 215.988.3381
`Fax Number: 215.988.2757
`Email Address: matthewmcvvilliams
`7. Total fee (37 CFR 1.21(h) & 3.41) $ 360.00
`D Authorized to be charged by credit card
`E] Authorized to be charged to deposit account
`E] None required (government interest not affecting title)
`8. Payment Information
`a. Credit Card Last 4 Numbers
`Expiration Date
`b. Deposit Account Number
`Authorized User Name
`9' s'9"at""'°‘
`December 26, 2005
`Matthew P. McWi||iams, Re .No. 46,922
`sheet, attachments, and documents:
`Name of person Si "in
`Documents to be recorded (Including cover sheet) should be faxed to (703) 306-5995. or mailed to:
`Mail Stop Assignment Recordatlon Services, Director of the USPTO, P.O.Box 1450, Alexandria, V.A. 22313-1450
`Total numberofpages including GOVNE
`Page 00432

`THIS PATENT ASSIGNMENT AGREEMENT (this “Agreemen ”), is made asof this.
`Iflflday of _Mj_em£fi, 2005 by and between Sightsound Technologies, Inc., a Delaware
`corporation (“Assignor”), and DMT Licensing, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company
`(“Assiggee”). Assignor and Assignee are sometimes referred to herein as a “P
`' or
`collectively as the “Parties.”
`WHEREAS, Assignor is the owner ofthe entire right, title and interest in- and to an ofthe
`patents and patent applications (including any and all inventions and improvements disclosed
`and described therein‘) set forth on Exhibit A hereto (the “Patents”); and
`WHEREAS, Assignee desires to obtain all of Assignor’s right, title and interest in, to and
`under the Patents.
`. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and mutual covenants contained in
`this Agreement and in the Asset Purchase Agreement between Assignor and Assignee, the
`receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows:
`transfers and delivers to Assignee,
`l. Assignor hereby conveys, assigns, sells,
`successors and assigns, all of its right, title and interest throughout the world in, to and under the
`Patents, including the underlying inventions described therein and any and all United States or
`foreign reissues, divisions, renewals, extensions, provisionals, continuations and continuations-
`in-part thereof and substitutes therefor, all letters patent of the United States which have been or
`may be granted thereof and all foreign counterparts thereof, including any reissues or extensions
`of letters patent granted thereon and any and all rights corresponding to any of the foregoing
`. throughout the world, all priority rights rthelntemaiional Convention for the Protection of
`Industrial Property for every member country (and any other international convention or treaty),
`any and all accounts, contract rights, warranties, litigation claims and rights, including the right
`to sue for and collect upon all claims for profits and damages as a result of future or past
`infringement, and other general intangibles of Assignor related to any of the. foregoing, in each
`case whether now existing or hereafter acquired or created, whether owned, leased or licensed
`beneficially or of record and whether owned,
`leased or licensed individually, jointly or
`otherwise, together with the products and proceeds thereof (including license royalties and the
`-proceeds of infringement suits from the date of this Agreement forward), all payments and other
`distributions with respect thereto fi'om the date of this Agreement forward, and the right to frilly
`and entirely stand in the place of Assignor in all matters related thereto.
`2. Assignor hereby conveys, assigns, transfers and delivers to Assignee, its successors
`and assigns, all of its right, title and interest throughout the world in and to any and all lab notes,
`prototypes, draft patent applications, correspondence with the United States Patent and
`Trademark Office or any foreign patent office, nondisclosure agreements, invention agreements
`and nonoompete agreements, to the extent such materials relate to the Patents.
`3. Assignor hereby requests the Commissioner for Patents (the “C.omrnissioner") to
`record this assignment of the Patents to Assignee. Assignor hereby further requests the
`Page 00433

`Commissioner to issue any and all letters patent of the United States resulting fiom applications
`among the Patents or derived therefrom to Assignee as assignee of the entire interest. Assignor
`hereby covenants that the Commissioner has full right to convey the entire interest herein
`assigned, and that Assignor has not executed, and will not execute, any agreements inconsistent
`4. Assignor further agrees that it shall on the date hereof and from time to time
`thereafier, at the request of Assignee, perform‘ or cause to be performed such acts and execute,
`acknowledge and deliver at the request of Assignee, such documents as may reasonably be
`required to evidence or efi‘ectnate the sale, conveyance, assignment, transfer and delivery to
`Assignee of the Patents or for the performance by Assignor of any of its obligations hereunder.
`5. This Agreement will be binding upon and will inure to the benefit of the parties ‘
`hereto and their "successors and assigns, and no person other than Assignor, Assignee or their
`respective successors and assigns shall have any rights under this Agreement or the provisions
`contained herein.
`6. Anexecuted copy of this Agreement may -be filed with the proper governmental or
`regulatory authority or public body by Assignee at any time.
`7. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
`the State of New York without regard for the conflicts of laws. principles thereof, except that if it
`is necessary in any other jurisdiction to have the law of such other jurisdiction govern this
`Agreement inorder for this Agreement to be efl‘ective in any respect, then the laws of such other
`jurisdiction shall govern this Agreement but only to such extent.
`Page 00434

`1N WITNESS WI IEREOF. the Pzuttics have caused this Agreement. to be duly executed,
`as of Lhe dale first above written.
`B y:
`Nume: Peusf Mollcr
`Title: Vice President
`Date: Nnvemher_ 10. 2005
`Tau : President and Chief Executive otrm
`Om M on lo!-LIJ-la o{- Wnflibl v/.1 ,v_,, 4, Date; November 10, 2005
`at 1x us Mn
`0%‘ day of . 2005. before me personally came
`On LIE:
`. Q
`. to me known (gr Halisfacltrrily pnwenk who being by
`me duly sworn. did depose and say that he is the \ l'1hd5n+‘ and C6
`Assignor, the corporation described in. and which executed the foregoing instrument. and that he
`was fully authorized to exeeute this Patent Assignment Agreement on behalf of said corporation.
`. a¢mm.12.m8
`ennsylvania Association 01 Nolifies
`Page 00435

`. A/V eC'ammerce Patents:
`- Coung
`United States
`United States
`United States
`04 Ihnwdsmks
`A/V Compression Patents:
`United States
`New Zealand
`China '
`United States
`Hong Kong
`,China A
`European Patent Office
`United States
`World Intellectual Property Organization
`I idppliedEncryption Patents:
`New Zealand
`United States
`Application In Process
`Issued «
`Application In Process .
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Page 00436

`United Kingdom
`Hong Kong
`United States
`EP20003O0727 ‘
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Peer-to-Peer Patents:
`01] European Patent ;Office
`03] World Intellectual Property Organization
`IP20045 l 3453T
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`Application In Process
`All Intellectual Property to be free of any liens or encumbrances.
`Page 00437

`"5 ‘*5 p.,
`ocuments or copy thereof.
`1_ Name of convaymg pmy(-.93)-'
`Arthur R. Hair
`Auumonnr namo(s)oroonveyingpany(iee) attached? 0 Yes di No
`2. Name and address of receiving pany(ies)
`Name-_ Parsec Sight./Sound, Inc.
`internal Address:
`3. Nature of conveyance:
`in Assignment
`D Merger
`1518 Allison Drive
`D Secumy Agreemem
`0 Change omams
`D °‘hm_
`Cay: Upber St. Clairggate; PA
`E’‘°°““°" 93”‘
`Se tembe‘ 20’ 1995
`Auamonainamaxsu. addres.s(es)etiec.hed7 D Yes Ki No
`4. Application number(s) or patent number(s):
`if this document is being fried together with a new application. the execution date oi the application is:
`A. Patenmppiication No.(s)_
`B. Patent No.(s)
`5 , 191 , 573
`Ariditienalnunrbereairached? D Yes E9 No
`5. Name and address of pany to whom correspondence
`conceming document should be mailed:
`6. Total number of applications and patents involved:
`Name: Ansel M. Schwartz
`inzemai Address:
`7. Toiaifee (37 CF!-33.41)............,$
`qg Endosed
`— D Authorized to be charged to deposit accoum
`Street Address: 425 N- Crai Street
`Suite 301
`8. Deposit account number:
`(Miach duplicate copy of me page if paying by deposit account)
`PA ZIP: 15 213
`oo N01’ use me srmc:
`050 an 10/15/95 5;91nu3
`‘ N
`‘ I
`9. Sretementend signature.
`To the best of my knowledge and belief, the foregoing irwlorrnaiion ls_true and correct and any attached copy /5 a this copy at
`the original document.
`Ansel M. Schwartz
`Name of Person Signing
`Tore! number of pages including cover sheet. attachments. and document:
`Men eocumenteloberecordodwmrrequirod covereheet lmomwflonrnz
`commlu|or\ero1Peterrtn&1’redermriu. Box
`Wuhlngton.D.C. 20231 PA'l‘l §N'l'
`RI-Z1.-Il..: 7656 l*'l{/\l\/11:‘: 0701
`Page 00438

`Attorney’: Docket No.
`For. 3 U.S. and/or 2 Foreign Rights
`For. Ci U.S. Application or
`U U.S. Provisional Application
`For: X] U.S. Patent
`For. B PCT Appiication
`By: X3 Inventoris) or :1 Present Owner
`in consideration of the payment by ASSIGNEE to ASSIGNOR of the sum of One Doliar
`($1.00). the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and for other good and vaiuabie
`('IrWBMOI'(B) or personts) or
`en(ity(ies) who own the
`Arthur R’ Hair
`(type or print name(s) of ASSlGNOR(S))
`1518 Allison Drive
`Upper St. Clair, PA
`(if assignment is by person or entity to whom invention was previously assigned and
`this was recorded in PTO, add the following)
`Recorded on
`Reel _________.____:______
`hereby sells. assigns and transfers to
`Inc .
`Parsec Sight/Sound,
`(type or print namo(s) of ASSIGNEE(S))
`1518 Allison Drive__
`Upger St. Clair, PA
`and the successors. assigns and legal representatives of the ASSIGNEE
`(Assignment of invention [18-.1]—page 1 at 3)
`Ri—:i~-21.: 7656 l‘-‘R/\l\/ll-Z: 070;
`Page 00439

`(complete one of the following)
`the entire right. title and interest
`percent (.;_.___%) interest
`D an undivided
`for the United States and its territorial possessions
`(check the following box, If foreign rights are also to be assigned)
`and in all toreign countries, including all rights to claim priority,
`in and to any and all improvements which are disclosed in the invention entitled:
`Name of inventorlsi ___._________._'“'”“’1'3- H31’ __________.__________j_
`(check and complete (8).
`and which is found in
`(D). (c).
`if) or (9))
`(a) D U.S. patent application executed on even date herewith
`(b) D U.S. patent application executed on
`III U.S. provisional application naming the above inventor(s) for the above-entitled
`D Express
`To comply with 37 CFR 3.21 tor recordal of this assignment, I, an ASSIGNOR
`signing below, hereby authorize and request my attorney to Insert below the filing
`date and application number when they become known.
`U.S. application no.
`tiled on
`lntemational appliciation no. PCT]
`U.S. patent no. _§_t.l;9_1_a.2l3__.___ issued £Q___
`i_.-’ A change of address to which correspondence is to be sent regarding patent
`maintenance fees is being sent separately.
`(also check (9). if foreign applicationls) is also being assigned)
`(9) D and any legal equivalent thereof in a toreign country, including the right to claim
`and. in and to. all Letters Patent to be obtained for said invention by the above application
`or any continuation. division, renewal. or substitute thereof, and as to letters patent any
`reissue or re-examination thereof
`ASSIGNOR hereby covenants that no assignment, sale, agreement or encumbrance has
`been or will be made or entered into which would conflict with this assignment;
`(Assignment ol invention [16-3]-page 2 or 3)
`RI‘.-Zl-21.: 7656 I"-‘RAIVII-1; 0703
`Page 00440

`ASSIGNOR further covenants that ASSIGNEE will. upon its request, be provided promptly
`with all pertinent facts and documents relating to said Invention and said Letters Patent
`and legal equivalents as may be known and accessible to ASSIGNOH and will testify as
`to the same in any interference, litigation or proceeding related thereto and will promptly
`execute and deliver to ASSIGNEE or its legal representatives any and all papers. instruments
`or alfidavits required to apply for, obtain. maintain. issue and enforce said application. said
`invention and said Letters Patent and said equivalents thereol which may be necessary
`or desirable to carry out the purposes thereo.
`lN WITNESS WHEREOF. Wile have hereunto set hand and seal this
`2 L‘
`day of [me of signing).
`(If ASSIGNOR is a legal entity, complete the following lnfomrallon)
` _____:
`authorized to sign on behalf of ASSIGNOR)
`essay. I! the asslgnment ls nomrized or legalized. then
`. 35 use 261. Use next page I! nolarlzation is desired.
`D Notarization or Legalization Page Added.
`(Asslzrnment of invention [18-3)——oego 3 cl 3)
`RJ:IC1()RJ')E5l'): 10/U2/1995
`I.{)‘€F-2].: 7656 l:<'R/~\!\/H55: 0704
`Page 00441

`FORM PTO-1595
`(Has. 6-93)
`om No. 0651-0011 (exp.
`Tab settin o c: I: -\_.
`To the Honorabl ~-
`1_ Name 0f conveying partyfles);
`Parse‘: Sight/Sound’ Inc'
`Additional name(s) of conveying party(ies) attached? D Yes H No
`3. Nature of conveyance:
`_ Patent and Trademark Otfice
`2. Name and address of receiving party(ies)
` Incorporated
`Internal Address:
`D Assignment
`D Merger
`5"-ea‘ Address;
`733 Washington Road,
`0 Security Agreement
`0 other
`I3 Change of Name
`Suite (‘O0
`Mt. Lebanon
`sate: PA
`Execution Date: ———-?e—-?——-—--
`Additionainamets) 8 _address(es) attached? El Yes 5 No
`4. Application number(s) or patent number(s):
`If this document is being filed together with a new application. the execution date oi the application is:
`A. Patent Application No.(s)
`8. Patent No.(s)
`Additional numbers attached? El Yes X: No
`5. Name and address of party to whom correspondence
`concerning document should be mailed:
`6. Total numberof applications and patents involved:
`Name: Ansel it Schwartz
`7. Totalfee(37CFFi3.4‘i).............$
`Q Enciosed
`D Authorized to be charged to deposit account
`8. Deposit account number:
`201 N. Craig Street, Suite 304
`Ciw: State:
`‘lb: Ill.
`-. "N
`(Attach duplicate copy oi this page it paying by deposit account)
`9. Statement and signature.
`To the best 0! my knowledge and belief, the foregoing infomta tion I
`the original document.
`Ansel M. Schwartz
`Name of Person Signing
`Total number or pages including cover sheet. attachmenftf
`Malldocumentstoborecorded with requlredcovereheet Informatlonto:
`commlssionerorPatentstttTrademarks,BoxAsslgnments PATENT
`‘”""""°‘°"'°’°"°”' REEL: o1o77s FRAME: 0703
`Page 00442

`Practitioner’s Docket No. _._._j__j__
`. Particulars of assignments
`A_ list of assignments recorded against patent applications and/or patents is set forth on
`the attached page.
`2. Old name of assignee
`The old name for the assignee as shown for the assignments on the attached page is:
`Inc .
`Parsec Sight/Sound ,
`(type or print old name of Assignee)
`3. New name of assignee
`The new name of the assignee is
`SightSound.co1n Incorporated
`(type or print new name of Assignee)
`4. Proof of name change
`Proof of assignee’s change of name is established by the attached
`. K]
`certificate of the Secretary of Stateof .
`showing the name change.
`(type "3"" °' SW9)
`D certificate of name change from:
`(type or print name of authority)
`if applicable)
`D Because the certificate or the certified copy of the name change is not
`in the English language, it is accompanied by a verified translation
`signed by the translator.
`5. change of address for patent maintenance fees
`(complete, if applicable)
`[I A change of address to which correspondence_ is to be sent regarding patent
`maintenance fees_for each patent listed is being sent separately.
`(Change of Name in Recorded Assignments [16-12]—page 1 of 3)
`REEL: 010776 FRAME: 0704
`Page 00443

`C 0 H H 0 N U E A L T H
`0 F
`P E N N S Y L V A N I A
`D E P A R T N E N T
`0 F
`S T A T E
`In Kim Pizzingrilliu Secretary of the Commonwealth of
`Pennsylvania do hereby certify that the foregoing and annexed is a true
`and correct photocopy of Articles of Incorporation and all Amendments
`which appear of record in this department
`hereunto set my hand and caused
`the Seal of
`the Secretary's
`Office to be affixed:
`the day
`and year above written.
`Secretary of
`REEL: 010776 FRAME: 0705 --
`Page 00444

`Page 00445
`Page 00445

`Page 00446
`Page 00446

`Page 00447
`Page 00447

`Page 00448
`Page 00448

`Page 00449
`Page 00449

`Page 00450
`Page 00450

`Page 00451
`Page 00451

`Page 00452
`Page 00452

`Page 00453
`Page 00453

`PTDOCSJ; E18356
`Upon said merger becoming ettective. each share of common
`capital stock of Digital shall be convened into one share of common capital steel: of
`the Surv’ving Corporation. A Cerfiflcate for the npprvpfiate number of shares of the
`common capital stock of the Surviving Corporation shall be delivered by the Surviving
`Cor-pox-.tu‘on to each shareholder of Digital on or after the Effective Date. upon such
`shareholder's delivery to the Surviving Corp

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