`CBM2013-00020 (APPLE v. SIGHTSOUND)
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`Conference Call
`Washington, D.C.
`May 5, 2014
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` ----------------
` ----------------
` Petitioner,
` V.
` Patent Owner.
` ---------------
` CASE CBM2013-00020 and 23
` Monday, May 5, 2014
` 10:59 a.m. to 11:16 a.m.
`Alderson Reporting Company


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`Conference Call
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`May 5, 2014
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` A P P E A R A N C E S
` (As introduced on teleconference)
`On behalf of the Patent Owner, SightSound
`Technologies, LLC:
` Arnold & Porter
` 555 Twelfth Street Northwest
` Washington, DC 20004
` (202) 942-5068
`On Behalf of the Petitioner, Apple, Inc.:
` Ropes & Gray
` Three Embarcadero Center
` San Francisco, California 9411-4006
` (415) 315-6300
` - - -
`3 4
`Alderson Reporting Company


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`Conference Call
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`May 5, 2014
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` P R O C E E D I N G S
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Good morning, Steve
`Baughman and Ching-Lee Fukuda for Petitioner.
` MR. MARSH: Good morning. David Marsh and
`William Louden for Patentee.
` THE COURT REPORTER: Good morning, this is
`the court reporter. My name is Sharon James. Could
`you please state your names again?
` MR. MARSH: David Marsh and William Louden
`for Patentee.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Steve Baughman and
`Ching-Lee Fukuda for Petitioner.
` JUDGE ARBES: Hello, everyone. This is
`Judge Arbes for the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
`This is a conference call in the case of CBM2013
`00020 and 23.
` Is Counsel for the Petitioner on the line?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, your Honor. Steve
`Baughman and Ching-Lee Fukuda for Petitioner.
` JUDGE ARBES: And Counsel for the patent
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` MR. MARSH: Yes, your Honor. David Marsh
`and William Louden for the Patentee.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. My understanding is
`we have a court reporter today?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: That's correct, your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Thank you. Counsel, if you
`are kind enough, can you file a copy of the
`transcript and exhibits whenever it's available?
` MR. MARSH: Yes, your Honor.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: The conference call was
`requested by the parties today to discuss issues
`with demonstrative exhibits to be used at the
`hearing tomorrow. So, we received an E-mail before
`the call with a number of slides that the parties
`object to so we can discuss, we can discuss those a
`bit with the parties.
` A couple of notes before we do. One, just
`that demonstrative exhibits are merely visual aids
`to assist the party's presentation. The Board has
`found it helpful in some cases to have
`demonstratives, for instance, showing figures or
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`annotated figures to aid in the party's explanation
`during the hearing. Something to keep in mind is
`that demonstrative exhibits are just visual aids.
`They are not evidence. And, so, I think this is, in
`the normal case, something that the parties should
`be able to agree on and should not have a large
`number of objections for demonstrative exhibits
`given the fact that they are merely visual aids.
` So, with that said, the panel does not
`intend to spend too much time on demonstrative
`exhibits before we reach the merits at this hearing.
`So, what we would ask the parties to do is to -- we
`can go through maybe one example from each party,
`ask the party why it objects to the slide and then
`hear from, hear from the other side.
` So, we understand that patent owner
`objects to five slides of the petitioner and that
`the petitioner objects to three of the patent
`owner's slides. So, why don't we start with the
`petitioner's slides and patent owner. Can you
`please point to what you believe is the best example
`of the slides at issue and explain the basis for
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`your objection?
` MR. MARSH: Your Honor, slide 7 is
`probably illustrative at least of one of the issues
`that applies to slide 6. And, your Honor, the issue
`that we have with slide 6 and with slide 7 is that
`the extent F1 tends to argue that SoftNet teaches
`transfer of money electronically with respect to
`103, obviously a rejection of such argument was
`never previously raised by Apple and cannot for the
`first time be raised at the oral hearing. And it
`ties back to the fact that it's not being tied back
`to any of their SoftNet electronic references, your
` JUDGE ARBES: Judge Arbes okay. This is
`on slide 7 referring to Exhibit 4109 in the 20
` MR. MARSH: That's correct, your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Counsel for the
`Petitioner, would you like to respond?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, your Honor. We are
`presenting slide 7 to show the background
`information that would have been known to a person
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`of ordinary skill in the art. We did that in our
`petition, pages 2 to 9 in general, and we actually
`cited this reference in particular on pages 8 and 9
`of our petition and on page 22 footnote 16 of the
`petition. So, we really -- we don't see how this is
`in any way an inappropriate presentation of an
`argument that's been made in this proceeding.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. I take it, Counsel,
`that you are not arguing for a new, a new 103 ground
`based on this in combination with anything else?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Absolutely not, your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Counsel for the
`patent owner, would like to respond?
` MR. MARSH: Your Honor, to the extent that
`Apple intends to argue it solely as in the
`background section, it is certainly appropriate. We
`agree they want to apply it to any of the
`CompuSonics' references. We reiterate it's never
`been applied to any of the CompuSonics' references
`during any stage of this proceeding.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Okay, anything else
`to discuss for slide 7 of Petitioner?
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` MR. MARSH: This is David Marsh for the
`patency. Not with respect to the patency, your
` MR. BAUGHMAN: No, I think we have
`addressed that objection.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Why don't we go to
`the one example from the patent owner's slides and
`then the panel can confer briefly.
` Counsel for the Petitioner, would you like
`to give us an example of how the patent owner's
`slides -- explain the basis for your objection?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, your Honor. Thank
` We determine not to press other objections
`to the Board and have limited our concerns to just
`this set of slides and we can use 20 and 21 together
`if that's okay as an example. These slides are a
`discussion of four cases, none of which were
`previously cited by the patent owner in submission
`to the Board and the Petitioner. They essentially
`appear to us to be sort of a sur reply brief that
`was not authorized. We're happy to address why each
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`of the four cases is not applicable, doesn't support
`the arguments that they're being cited for, but
`respectfully, we don't think that that should have
`to come out of our allotted time at tomorrow's
`hearing to address these late arguments.
` Understanding that the Board would rather
`not be dealing with procedural issues, if the Board
`prefers not to have these slides removed, as an
`alternative we just respectfully request maybe an
`additional ten minutes during tomorrow's hearing to
`address them just because they're not arguments
`we've had a chance to respond to previously.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Counsel for the
`patent owner?
` MR. MARSH: Your Honor, we don't agree
`with that characterization. As your Honor is aware,
`the one case that was cited by petitioner with
`respect to these proceedings and the petition was
`Verdegaal Brothers vs. Union Oil which state -- and
`they spend -- the petitioner stated, "The claim is
`anticipated in each and every element as set forth
`and the claimant found, either expressly inherently
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`described in a prior reference." It's a 102 E case.
` The patency -- it wasn't until the reply
`did the petitioner state that the public use or
`known by others was the basis for the 102 rejection
`and these cases refer to the additional evidence and
`the like put forward in the reply that was not in
`the original petition. The original petition
`limited the 103 arguments to a single paragraph of
`the declaration of Mr. Kelly.
` JUDGE ARBES: Counsel, these cases that
`are cited on pages 20 and 21, they don't appear in
`any of the briefs in this case?
` MR. MARSH: That's correct, your Honor.
`They were raised -- they had to be raised in light
`of the fact that new -- for the first time in our,
`in our evidence in chief we put forward on page 21
`of our evidence in chief that the CompuSonics'
`system and the petitioner never raised whether
`CompuSonic's system was known or used in section
`102. In its reply, your Honor, they put forward
`that it was known by others and in light of that,
`and without the ability to brief post reply, that's
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`why these are raised, your Honor.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Your Honor, if I might
`briefly respond for Petitioner.
` JUDGE ARBES: Briefly.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: When we produced the
`challenge based on 102 for CompuSonics, we state
`specifically the technology and concepts embodied in
`CompuSonics' publicly disclosed system and we've
`been making our -- this public disclosure argument
`from the beginning. Every entry in our claim chart
`begins with the CompuSonics systems disclosures and
`it's supported in the Kelly declaration paragraph 32
`as well. So, that's our position, your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay, the panel will confer.
`One note before we do. We have seen this situation
`before where one party will, will argue that the
`other side made an improper new argument in its
`reply, and it's -- certainly you're free to make
`that argument. I'm not sure we need slides to --
`that we can hear a party on that, on that issue, but
`that is something that the parties are free to
`argue, that a reply went beyond the bounds permitted
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`by rule.
` So, anything else from the parties before
`the panel confers and we can discuss these two
` MR. BAUGHMAN: No thank you, your Honor.
` MR. MARSH: No thank you, your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. We'll go on mute and
`the panel will be back in just a minute.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Thank you.
` (Pause in the proceedings.)
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay, this is Judge Arbes.
`The panel has had a chance to confer.
` Are the parties still on the line?
` MR. MARSH: Yes, your Honor.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Yes, your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. The panel has
`conferred. We don't believe that any of the slides
`need to be struck or that the parties should be
`prevented from showing the slides. Again, much of
`the exhibits are merely visual aids. The parties
`are free to make the arguments that they want at the
`hearing. We're not sure that these -- the
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`demonstrative exhibits of this nature are really
`necessary at the hearing for things like case law
`and other things of this nature.
` The patent owner slides appear to be just
`general case law and the Board is well versed in
`that law. So, the parties can just make their
`arguments. But we're not prepared at this point to
`order that either party cannot present these slides
`in particular. So, both parties can go ahead and
`file their demonstrative exhibits. It would
`probably makes more sense to file one whole set
`rather than two sets. So, if the parties today can
`file a complete set of demonstratives exhibits in
`each case, that would be preferable.
` Any questions from either party?
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Thanks, your Honor. Just
`to clarify for Petitioner, that's one set per party?
` JUDGE ARBES: That's correct, yes.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Thank you, your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: I think, and correct me if
`I'm wrong, Counsel, but I believe that the
`demonstrative exhibits that were filed so far were
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`just the ones that were not objected to. Is that
` MR. BAUGHMAN: I wanted to make sure you
`didn't want the parties to file in a single
` JUDGE ARBES: No. I think both parties
`can file a full demonstrative set in each case as
`one exhibit each. But that should include both the
`ones that were filed already and the ones that we
`discussed today.
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Understood, your Honor.
`Thank you.
` MR. MARSH: Understood, your Honor. Your
`Honor, would you want us to file a motion to expunge
`the partial set that was filed on Friday?
` JUDGE ARBES: No, that's fine. We can
`leave it in.
` MR. MARSH: Thank you, your Honor.
` JUDGE ARBES: Okay. Thank you all for
`your time and we will see you at the hearing
` MR. BAUGHMAN: Thank you, your Honor.
` MR. MARSH: Thank you, your Honor.
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` (The proceedings concluded at 11:16 a.m.)
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` I, SHARON M. JAMES, hereby certify that I am
` the certified shorthand reporter who, on behalf
` of Alderson Reporting Company, stenographically
` reported the foregoing proceedings via
` telephone conference call to the best of my
` ability.
` /s/ Sharon M. James
` __________________________
` Certified Shorthand Reporter
`8 9
`Alderson Reporting Company

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