`CBM2013-00020 (APPLE v. SIGHTSOUND)
`PAGE 000001
`In The Matter Of:
` ___________________________________________________
`April 2, 2014
` ___________________________________________________

`PAGE 000002
` --o0o--
` )
` Petitioner, )
` )
` vs. ) NO. CBM2013-00020
` ) CBM2013-00023
` )
` Patent Owner. )
` ------------------------------------
` Wednesday, April 2, 2014
` Volume I
` (Pages 1 - 175)

`PAGE 000003
`Page 2
` I N D E X
`EXAMINATION BY MS. SKLENAR ........................6
`EXAMINATION BY MS. FUKUDA .......................157
`EXAMINATION BY MS. SKLENAR ......................164
` --o0o--
`No. Description Page
`Exhibit 1 Declaration of Lawrence Kenswil ......6
` in case CBM2013-00020
`Exhibit 2 Declaration of Lawrence Kenswil ......6
` in case CBM2013-00023
`Exhibit 3 Petitioner's Reply, Case ............36
` CBM2013-0020
`Exhibit 4 U.S. Patent 5,191,573 ..............43
`Exhibit 5 U.S. Patent 5,966,440 ..............44
`Exhibit 6 Press release entitled "Apple .......70
` Launches the iTunes Music Store"
`Exhibit 7 Press release entitled "iTunes ......72
` Music Store Hits 5 Million
` Downloads," dated 6/23/03
`Exhibit 8 Chapter from "The Perfect Thing: ....79
` How the iPod Shuffles Commerce,
` Culture, and Coolness," by
` Steven Levy, 2006
`Exhibit 9 Variety article from 11/3/10 .......81
`3 4
`7 8
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco

`PAGE 000004
`Page 3
`No. Description Page
`Exhibit 10 Transcript of prepared testimony ....86
` of Lawrence Kenswil before the
` Copyright Royalty Board, Library
` of Congress
`Exhibit 11 Article entitled "RealNetworks ......96
` Breaks Apple's Hold On iPod"
`Exhibit 12 Article entitled "RealNetworks ......97
` to Apple: Our music will run on
` your player now."
`Exhibit 13 Article entitled "Thoughts on .......99
` Music," by Steve Jobs, dated
` 2/6/07
`Exhibit 14 Press release entitled "Changes ....102
` Coming to the iTunes Store,"
` dated 1/6/09
`Exhibit 15 Press release entitled "Apple ......128
` Announces iTunes 8," dated
` 9/9/08
`Exhibit 16 Declaration of John Snell .........138
`Exhibit 17 Virtual Records document ...........151
` entitled "Two Year Expansion
` Plan"
`Exhibit 18 Private Placement Memorandum .......156
` dated 4/27/99
` --o0o--
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco

`PAGE 000005
`Page 4
` BE IT REMEMBERED THAT, pursuant to Notice, and
`on Wednesday, April 2, 2014, commencing at Ropes & Gray,
`1900 University Avenue, 6th Floor, East Palo Alto,
`California, before me, Megan F. Alvarez, a Certified
`Shorthand Reporter, Registered Professional Reporter,
`personally appeared
` ____________________________
`a witness in the above-entitled court case, called by
`the Patent Owner, who, having been first duly sworn, was
`examined and testified in said cause.
` --o0o--
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco

`PAGE 000006
`Page 5
` NEW YORK, NY 10036-8704
` 212.596.9336
` 213.243.4027
` --o0o--
`6 7
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco

`PAGE 000007
`Page 6
` WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2, 2014, 9:09 A.M.
` having been first duly sworn, was examined and
` testified as follows:
` (Whereupon Exhibits 1 and 2 were marked
` for identification.)
` --o0o--
` Q. Good morning, Mr. Kenswil.
` A. Good morning.
` Q. Am I pronouncing your name correctly?
` A. That's perfect.
` Q. My name is Jennifer Sklenar. I'm here on
`behalf of SightSound, and I wanted to ask you some
`questions about your declarations.
` First of all, could you state your full name
`for the record?
` A. Lawrence Kenswil.
` Q. And could you spell your last name?
` A. K-E-N-S-W-I-L.
` Q. Have you ever gone by any other names?
` A. No.
`2 3
`6 7
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`PAGE 000008
`Page 7
` Q. Have you ever been deposed before?
` A. Yes.
` Q. How many times?
` A. Many.
` Q. Could you give me an estimate of how many
` A. Probably 20, 25.
` Q. Can you generally describe the nature of the
`cases in which you were deposed previously?
` A. During my career at Universal, I was often
`designated as the witness for certain subjects in
`litigation, whether it was plaintiffs or defendants. I
`was usually testifying on music contracts more than any
`other subject.
` Q. Did you give any prior testimony that relates
`to the issues covered in your declarations that you
` A. No.
` Q. Did you ever testify in any proceedings other
`than depositions?
` A. I -- trial witness.
` Q. And how many times were you a trial witness?
` A. I'd say three or five.
` Q. And what was the general nature of the cases
`in which you were a trial witness?
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`PAGE 000009
`Page 8
` A. Usually they were music contract litigation.
` Q. Were you ever giving trial testimony on any
`issues that relate to the subject matter of your
` MS. FUKUDA: I'm going to object to form to
`the question.
` You can answer.
` THE WITNESS: There were not about patents.
`They may have peripherally related to online music
` Q. In what way did your prior testimony relate to
`the online music business?
` A. The -- I don't know in my mind which were
`depositions and which were trial testimony. But
`certainly the history of Universal's business dealings
`online would come up in several of these litigations.
` Q. Do you recall any other aspects in which you
`gave previous testimony that related to the online music
` A. I know there was one case in -- specifically
`don't remember the actual name of the plaintiff, but
`it's often referred to as the Eminem, E-M-I-N-E-M, case,
`the rapper, which dealt with the royalties payable to
`contracting parties on digital sales. And I believe I
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`PAGE 000010
`Page 9
`testified in court on that case.
` Q. Any other testimony that comes to mind that
`related to the online music industry?
` A. Not in court that I remember, no.
` Q. Was there any other testimony outside of court
`that you've given that related to the online music
` A. Well, there's been depositions that -- I can't
`remember specifically any that were directly related to
`online sales.
` Q. Have you ever been a party yourself to any
`legal proceeding?
` A. I may have been named personally once in a
`case against Universal.
` Q. And what case was that?
` A. It was a case brought by a man named
`Gary Kurfirst, K-U-R-F-I-R-S-T, who named several
`executives and the company. I believe we had the case
`dismissed against the individuals, but I don't remember
`specifically what happened with it.
` Q. And what was the general nature of that case?
` A. It was a contract dispute.
` Q. In what regard?
` A. He was a -- he had label that I had done a lot
`of legal work on that was distributed by Universal
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`Music. I don't remember the exact nature of the case.
`They usually are about the amount of money owed on the
` Q. You are here today as an expert witness for
`Apple; is that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Have you ever served as an expert witness
` A. No.
` Q. And I've already used the term "your
`declarations." You submitted two declarations in two
`different proceedings; is that correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And they're -- the declarations are identical;
`is that right?
` A. Virtually. They refer to different patents,
`but otherwise they're the same.
` Q. So if I refer to "your declarations," will you
`understand that I'm referring to the declarations you
`submitted in the CBM proceedings between Apple and
` A. That's fine.
` Q. Now, it sounds like you've been deposed a fair
`number of times. So just to go over the depo process,
`obviously the court reporter is taking down your
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`PAGE 000012
`Page 11
`testimony and it would be extremely helpful to her, I'm
`sure, if we try very hard not to speak over each other.
` And so I will do my best to let you finish
`your answer before I ask the next question. I would
`also ask you to try to wait to let me get the full
`question out before you proceed to answer.
` Is that okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. And if I ask you any questions that you
`don't understand -- and that could happen -- I would ask
`that you let me know and ask me to clarify it so we have
`a clear record.
` Is that okay?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you understand you're under oath here
`today as you would be in a court of law?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you're under penalty of perjury.
` Do you understand that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And you -- I'm sure you're aware that
`sometimes your attorneys will be -- your attorney will
`be making objections. And so long as you're not
`instructed not to answer, you understand you should go
`ahead and answer the question?
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`PAGE 000013
`Page 12
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. What, if anything, did you do to
`prepare to testify here today?
` A. I reviewed my declarations and the exhibits to
`my declaration.
` Q. When did you do that?
` A. Yesterday and this morning.
` Q. Did you do anything else to prepare for your
` A. No.
` Q. Did you meet with counsel?
` A. Yes.
` Q. When did you do that?
` A. Yesterday.
` Q. For how long?
` A. About four hours.
` Q. With whom did you meet?
` A. Ching-Lee.
` Q. Did you meet with anyone else?
` A. I met with Jim...
` Q. Batchelder?
` A. Batchelder. I'm bad at names.
` Q. No problem.
` Did you meet with anyone else?
` A. No.
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`PAGE 000014
`Page 13
` Q. You say you reviewed your declarations and the
`exhibits that were cited?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What specific exhibits do you recall
` A. I recall reviewing the proposed SightSound
`business plan and various prospectuses where they were
`seeking investment funding.
` Q. Do you recall reviewing any other exhibits?
` A. No.
` Q. So is it fair to say that in preparation for
`your deposition today, the only documents you reviewed
`were SightSound documents?
` MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: There may have been some
`articles. I don't remember if I cross-checked the
`quotes in my deposition with the actual articles, but I
`may have glanced articles that were also exhibits.
` Q. Sitting here today, the only exhibits you're
`certain of that you reviewed in preparation for your
`deposition were the SightSound documents?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. When you say you may have reviewed some
`articles, are there specific articles that you think you
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`PAGE 000015
`Page 14
`might have reviewed but you're not certain?
` A. Well, there were various quotes in my
`declarations to publications. And I may have looked at
`some of those publications, but I don't recall whether I
` Q. Were you shown any documents, other than the
`ones that you've mentioned, that refreshed your
`recollection as to any events?
` A. No.
` Q. Did you discuss your deposition with anyone,
`other than your attorney here today and Mr. Batchelder?
` A. No.
` Q. Now, you were also retained by Apple as an
`expert in the district court litigation; is that
` A. That's correct.
` Q. And you submitted some reports for Apple in
`those proceedings?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Did you review those reports in preparation
`for your deposition here today?
` A. No.
` Q. When's the last time you reviewed those
` A. Before the case was stayed was the last time.
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`PAGE 000016
`Page 15
` Q. Did you review those reports in any way in
`preparing your declarations that were submitted for the
`purposes of the CBM proceedings?
` A. No.
` Q. Are you taking any medication or any alcohol
`that would -- or any other substances that would affect
`your ability to testify truthfully here today?
` A. No.
` Q. Do you have any mental or physical illness
`that would affect your ability to testify truthfully?
` A. No.
` Q. Is there anything that you could think of that
`might impair your memory or your ability to testify
`truthfully here today?
` A. No.
` Q. I am going to put in front of you what's
`already been marked Kenswil Exhibits 1 and 2.
` And Kenswil Exhibit 1 is the declaration of
`Lawrence Kenswil that was submitted in the CBM
`2013-00020 proceeding.
` Do you see that?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And this is your declaration that was
`submitted for purposes of that CBM proceeding that I
`just read, correct?
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` A. Correct.
` Q. And that's your signature at the end of the
` A. Yes, it is.
` Q. And Kenswil Exhibit 2 is the declaration of
`Lawrence Kenswil that was submitted in the CBM
`2013-00023 proceeding?
` A. Yes.
` Q. And that's your signature at the end?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Who drafted your declarations?
` MS. FUKUDA: Object to this line of
`questioning. There's an agreement between the parties
`here that there would be no discovery into the expert
`report drafting process.
` MS. SKLENAR: Mr. Batchelder asked Mr. Snell
`the same questions. Are you instructing not to answer?
` MS. FUKUDA: Can you give me one second here?
` (Off the record at 9:21 a.m. and back on
` the record at 9:25 a.m.)
` Q. Mr. Kenswil, who drafted your declarations?
` A. It was -- I would say the drafting itself was
`a joint effort between me and the lawyers. They
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`PAGE 000018
`Page 17
`outlined the -- the initial.
` MS. FUKUDA: And I'm just going to instruct
`the witness to, you know, this is -- we have to be
`careful here because there's an agreement that we
`wouldn't get into expert draft reports. So I allow that
`general question, but I don't want the details of what
`sentence was drafted which way to come out during the
`course of this line of questioning.
` Q. So you were given a general outline; is that
` A. Yes, the points we covered and, you know,
`which area of expertise that we're looking for
` Q. Did you -- in the course of reviewing your
`declarations to prepare to testify here today, did you
`come across any errors?
` A. I saw a few typos and a misplaced heading,
`which I probably ignored when I was doing the drafting.
`The headings, I didn't do the headings, so I --
` MS. FUKUDA: Again, I'm going to caution the
`witness let's not talk about exactly what happened.
` THE WITNESS: I did see typos.
` Q. Were there any typos of a substantive nature?
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`PAGE 000019
`Page 18
` A. You know, the only one I remember off the top
`of my head...
` In paragraph 94 -- I just noticed this this
`morning -- the next-to-the-last line is the word "it."
`It should be the word "is."
` Q. Is there anything else you noticed?
` A. I'm not a very good proofreader, so I don't
`recall seeing any.
` Q. Anything else you noticed of a typographical
` A. I know there was one yesterday that I saw that
`the bold letterheading didn't refer to what came after
`it. It was misplaced, but I don't remember which one it
` Q. Is there anything else about your declarations
`that you would wish to correct?
` A. No.
` Q. How much time did you spend in the process of
`preparing the declarations?
` A. I'd have to look at my hourly sheets. I don't
` Q. Could you give me an estimate?
` A. Ten maybe. At the most.
` Q. Ten hours?
` A. I have to think about that.
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`PAGE 000020
`Page 19
` Q. Does the ten hours include reviewing the
`materials that were cited in your declaration?
` A. Yes. Not counting yesterday, preparation for
` Q. Right. So prior to the time that you signed
`the two declarations you spent approximately ten hours,
`which would include the declarations themselves and the
`review of the set of materials, correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. I'd like you to turn to paragraph 5 of your
` And that's under the heading "Qualifications,"
` A. Yes.
` Q. And in paragraph 5, you describe your
`educational background?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Does paragraph 5 accurately state the totality
`of your formal educational background?
` A. It states my degrees, yes.
` Q. Have you taken any course work other than
`what's reflected in paragraph 5?
` A. I think since then, probably only in
`continuing education sources.
` Q. And when you say "continuing education," do
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`PAGE 000021
`Page 20
`you mean as a lawyer?
` A. Yes.
` Q. Do you have any other formal course work other
`than what's reflected in paragraph 5?
` A. No.
` Q. Paragraph 5 states that you graduated in 1972
`from Cornell University with a bachelor's of arts in
`theater arts.
` Do you see that?
` A. Correct. Yes.
` Q. While you were at Cornell, did you take any
`courses of a technical nature?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What was that?
` A. Well, I started in the engineering school. So
`my first year was all engineering courses.
` Q. What engineering courses did you take?
` A. Basic sciences, chemistry, physics -- you
`know, math.
` Q. And then it states that in 1977 you received a
`master of science degree in communications from Boston
` A. Yes.
` Q. While you were at Boston University, did you
`take any courses of a technical nature?
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`PAGE 000022
`Page 21
` A. There may have been some courses that touched
`on the technical nature of broadcasting, but I don't
`recall specifically.
` Q. You don't know one way or the other whether
`you took any courses of a technical nature while at
`Boston University?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. What types of things did you study as part of
`your communications degree?
` A. I was mainly studying broadcast regulation.
` Q. Did you study anything else?
` A. Well, there were other courses in TV
`production, radio, but mainly on the regulation side.
` Q. And if you would turn to paragraph 6,
`paragraphs 6 through 18 describe your employment
`history; is that correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Do those paragraphs accurately summarize your
`prior employment?
` A. Yes, they do.
` Q. So focusing on paragraph 7. You say you
`worked from -- and I'm paraphrasing -- but from --
`strike that.
` Paragraph 7 states that you worked from 1983
`to 1991 as a business and legal affairs attorney; is
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`PAGE 000023
`Page 22
`that correct?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What types of things did you do as a business
`and legal affairs attorney?
` A. The bulk of my time was negotiating and
`drafting recording agreements. I also worked on music
`publishing, concert touring agreements, merchandising,
`and general corporate matters.
` Q. Okay. And paragraph 8 states that in 1991 you
`became executive vice president for business and legal
`affairs and you were the chief legal officer of UMG
`Global; is that correct?
` A. That's correct.
` Q. What types of things did you do in that
` A. All of the above that I mentioned before,
`along with general counsel duties and supervising --
`more supervising of other lawyers doing the same thing.
` Q. And you held that position, executive vice
`president for business and legal affairs, and the chief
`legal officer position from 1991 until 1998; is that
` A. That's correct.
` Q. Prior to the time that you left that position
`in 1998, did you have any occasion to review business
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`PAGE 000024
`Page 23
` A. Yes.
` Q. How often would you say that you did that?
` A. It was a regular part of my job when people
`had business proposals for the company, I would review
`their proposals.
` Q. And did you have occasion to review private
`placement memoranda?
` A. Prior to 1998?
` Q. Correct.
` A. I may have, but it wasn't common.
` Q. Are you familiar with the term "risk factors"?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What are risk factors?
` A. Risk factors are events that may happen that
`would adversely affect a business.
` Q. Do prospectuses generally include risk
` A. Yes.
` Q. In your experience, do people tend to be sort
`of as negative as possible in describing risk factors
`associated with a particular business?
` MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: They're not as negative as
`possible because if they were as negative as possible,
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`PAGE 000025
`Page 24
`they wouldn't be looking to work in that business.
` Q. Well, how would you characterize the general
`approach to risk factors that are laid out in things
`like prospectuses?
` A. Conservative.
` Q. In 1998, you founded and ran UMG's eLabs as
`eLabs president; is that correct?
` A. Correct.
` Q. Did that position as eLabs president also
`include a legal component?
` A. No.
` Q. So that was a business function; is that
` A. Yes.
` Q. Okay. Prior to the time you became eLabs
`president, did you work with individuals who had
`computer engineering background?
` A. Prior to the time, yes, I did.
` Q. And when was that?
` A. Well, I worked with them all through my career
`at Universal.
` Q. Who was that?
` A. The -- we had a recording studio, mastering
`studio, and those were run by technical people. Also, I
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`PAGE 000026
`Page 25
`was on various committees at industry associations such
`as the RIAA, the IFPI, and they had technical people on
`staff ready to advise with any technical issues and
`questions. And I also worked on developing new formats,
`which would also include technical people on those
`groups -- in those groups.
` Q. Can you give me some names of the technical
`individuals you worked with prior to 1998?
` A. Sure. Try and get the dates right.
` Paul Jessop, J-E-S-S-O-P.
` Paul West, W-E-S-T.
` Chris Horton, H-O-R-T-O-N.
` Albhy, A-L-B-H-Y, Galuten, G-A-L-U-T-E-N.
` It was a cross-over person, both technical and
` There were technical people also at the RIAA,
`but I can't recall who was there before '98.
` Q. The individuals that you named -- Mr. Jessop,
`Mr. Galuten, Mr. West, and Mr. Horton -- were all those
`employees of UMG?
` A. No.
` Mr. Jessop was the head of technology for the
` Mr. Galuten became an employee of UMG prior to
`'98, but I worked with him before that.
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`PAGE 000027
`Page 26
` Mr. Horton was at Panasonic, and we hired him
`around 1998 to work for us.
` And who else did I mention? There was one
`more name I had.
` Q. Mr. West?
` A. Yes. Paul West ran the Universal recording
`studio, so he was employed.
` Q. So let me just run through the list.
` Mr. Galuten, what was his technical
` A. He worked as a record producer.
` Q. What was his undergraduate degree in?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. Did he have a graduate degree?
` A. I don't know.
` Q. What about Paul Jessop? Do you know what his
`technical background was?
` A. He was a -- I don't know his degree, but he
`was definitely a techie.
` Q. When you say, "He was definitely a techie" --
` A. I would say he probably had a graduate degree
`in electrical engineering or something like that because
`he was more hardcore, let's say.
` Q. But you don't know one way or another what
`specific degrees he held?
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`Page 27
` A. I don't know what his degrees were.
` Q. I know the court reporter is going to shoot us
`both if we don't stop talking over each other. So we
`don't want her to do that.
` What about Mr. West? What technical degree
`did he have?
` A. I don't know his education.
` Q. And what about Mr. Horton? What technical
`degree did he have?
` A. He went to graduate school at MIT. I don't
`know exactly what his degree was in.
` Q. Okay. Prior to 1998, did you personally have
`any firsthand experience with the technical constraint
`for the storage of digital audio files?
` A. Yes.
` Q. What was that?
` A. Prior to the founding of eLabs, I was
`basically ramping up the same job. So I'd say starting
`in around 1993, I became -- I started working on the
`development of, internally, of digital business planning
`for the company, specifically for the digital
`downloading of files.
` Q. Apart from planning for the company, did you
`do anything firsthand in the field as far as it relates
`to the storage of the digital audio files?
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`PAGE 000029
`Page 28
` MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Our general plan at that point
`was to learn as much as possi

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