`CBM2013-00020 (APPLE v. SIGHTSOUND)
`PAGE 000001
`In The Matter Of:
` ___________________________________________________
`April 4, 2014
` ___________________________________________________


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`JEFFREY ROBBIN - 4/4/2014
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` ---o0o---
` Petitioner,
` vs. Case CBM2013-00020
` Case CBM2013-00023
` Patent 5,191,573
` Patent Owner.
`__________________________ /
` ___________________________
` Friday, April 4, 2014
` (SF-001618)
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco


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`JEFFREY ROBBIN - 4/4/2014
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`Ms. Sklenar 4
`Ms. Fukuda 114
`Exhibit 1 Declaration of Jeffrey Robbin
` in Case CBM2013-00020 36
`Exhibit 2 Declaration of Jeffrey Robbin
` in Case CBM2013-00023 36
`Exhibit 3 Excerpt from the book I, Steve
` Steve Jobs In His Own Words 57
`Exhibit 4 U.S. Patent 7,958,441 B2 76
`Exhibit 5 U.S. Patent 8,046,369 B2 78
`Exhibit 6 Article reprinted from May 7th,
` 1999 from The Wall Street
` Journal entitled "Two
` Entrepreneurs Try to Turn Net
` Patent Into a Blockbuster" 83
`Exhibit 7 U.S. Patent 7,797,242 B2 95
`Exhibit 8 Declaration and Power of
` Attorney for Original U.S.
` Patent Application, 10/833,267 99
`Exhibit 9 Patent Application entitled
` "Method and System for
` Network-Based Purchase and
` Distribution of Media" 102
` ---o0o---
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco


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`JEFFREY ROBBIN - 4/4/2014
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` BE IT REMEMBERED that, pursuant to the laws
`governing the taking and use of depositions, on Friday,
`April 4, 2014, commencing at 9:03 a.m. thereof, at Ropes
`& Gray, 1900 University Avenue, 6th Floor, Palo Alto, CA
`94303, before me, RACHEL FERRIER, a Certified Shorthand
`Reporter, personally appeared JEFFREY ROBBIN, called as
`a witness by the Patent Owner, who, being by me first
`duly sworn, was thereupon examined as a witness in said
`For Petitioner APPLE INC.:
` BY: CHING-LEE FUKUDA, Attorney at Law
` 1211 Avenue of the Americas
` New York, NY 10036
` Telephone: 212.596.9336
` Email:
` BY: JENNIFER A. SKLENAR, Attorney at Law
` 777 S. Figueroa Street, 44th Floor
` Los Angeles, CA 90017
` Telephone: 213.243.4027
` Email:
` ---o0o---
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco


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` FRIDAY, APRIL 4, 2014
` 9:03 A.M.
` ---o0o---
` ____________________________________
` called as a witness, having been first duly
` sworn, was examined and testified as follows:
` ---o0o---
` Q Good morning.
` A Mr. Robbin, my name is Jennifer Sklenar. I'm
`an attorney for SightSound, and I want to ask you some
`questions here today.
` Q First of all, could you state your full name
`for the record.
` A Jeffrey Lowell Robbin.
` Q Have you used any other names in the past?
` A No.
` Q You are employed at Apple; correct?
` A Yes.
` Q What is your current title?
` A Vice president of iTunes.
`4 5
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` Q Have you been deposed before, Mr. Robbin?
` A Yes.
` Q How many times?
` A I can't remember.
` Q Approximately how many times have you been
`previously deposed?
` A Probably less than ten.
` Q When was the last time you had your deposition
` A I don't remember.
` Q Can you give me an approximate date?
` A No.
` Q Within the last couple years?
` A Yes.
` Q What has been the general subject matter of
`your prior deposition testimony?
` MS. FUKUDA: Before the witness answers, can I
`just put on the record: There's an understanding
`between the parties here that we will try to avoid the
`necessity of revealing any Apple confidential
`information during this deposition, so to the extent
`that I think a question may call for that or the witness
`believes that some confidential information might be
`implicated, we would like to note that on the record.
`We have a temporary agreement that it could be marked as
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`outside counsels' eyes only for today's purposes until
`the parties work out a heightened PO.
` MS. SKLENAR: I need to ask questions to get
`information about -- if you want to designate it, that's
` MS. FUKUDA: My understanding, based on
`correspondence with your side, is you do not believe
`your questioning would delve into Apple confidential
` MS. SKLENAR: I can't say what you guys think
`is Apple confidential. I'm going to ask my questions,
`and you can take it question by question.
` MS. FUKUDA: Let's do that.
` Go ahead.
` THE WITNESS: It's generally over iTunes and
`what I do at Apple.
` Q Can you be more specific as to the subject
`matter of your prior depositions?
` A It's generally -- I mean, what I do at Apple in
`the last 14 years has typically been around iTunes, and
`so usually I'm being deposed relating to matters around
` Q Generally, for your prior depositions, were
`these taken in patent litigation matters?
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` A Yes.
` Q Have you been deposed for matters other than
`patent litigation matters?
` A Yes.
` Q What kind of matters were those?
` A Contract.
` Q Can you describe, generally, what type of
`contract issues?
` A I was involved in a lawsuit with the Beetles.
` Q And over what?
` A A contract between Apple and the Beetles.
` Q For the patent litigation matters in which you
`were previously deposed, did those litigations relate to
`the Music Store component of iTunes?
` A I don't remember. I think some did.
` Q Do you know who the parties were to those
` A I don't.
` Q You can't name any of the parties in the
`litigations in which you were previously deposed?
` A You know, the honest truth is I try to put this
`stuff out of my mind when I'm done with it.
` Q Okay. Fair enough.
` Have you ever testified in a proceeding other
`than a deposition?
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` A Yes.
` Q What kind of proceeding?
` A The Beetles lawsuit.
` Q You testified in court for purposes of that
` A Yes.
` Q Have you testified in any other proceedings
`other than at deposition or for purposes of the trial
`that you just mentioned?
` A I don't remember.
` Q Have you ever been a party to a litigation?
` A Personally?
` Q Yes.
` A No.
` Q Well, it sounds like you have some prior
`experience with deposition, which is to go over some of
`the procedural matters. I'm obviously going to ask you
`questions to try to get your best answer under oath.
` You understand you are under penalty of
` A Yes.
` Q If you don't hear a question or understand a
`question and you need clarification, I would ask that
`you let me know and ask for that clarification so we
`have a clear record.
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` Is that okay?
` A Sure.
` Q Sometimes your attorney will be making
`objections, and as long as she doesn't instruct you not
`to answer, I would ask that you go ahead and answer the
` Is that okay?
` A Sure.
` Q What, if anything, did you do to prepare to
`testify here today?
` A Met with counsel.
` Q With whom did you meet?
` A Andrew -- I don't remember.
` MS. FUKUDA: Song.
` THE WITNESS: Andrew Song.
` Q Who is Mr. Song?
` A Apple attorney.
` Q When did you meet with Mr. Song?
` A Yesterday.
` Q For how long did you meet with him?
` A I don't know, four hours, three hours. Three
` Q Did anyone else attend the meeting? You are
`gesturing, just to be clear.
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` A Sorry. Ching-Lee. My attorney, Ching-Lee.
` Q We want to get a clear record for the court
`reporter, so we need to have you answer audibly and not
`shake your head "yes" or "no."
` Is that okay?
` A Yes.
` Q We need to not speak over one another. I will
`try hard not to do that, but I would ask you not to do
`that as well.
` A Okay.
` Q Did you review any documents during your
`preparation yesterday that refreshed your recollection
`as to events?
` MS. FUKUDA: I'm going to caution the witness.
` You can answer that "yes" or "no," but do not
`reveal the content of any documents that were reviewed
`as a result of selection by counsel.
` Q You did review documents that refreshed your
`recollection as to events?
` MS. FUKUDA: Oh, I'm sorry. I did not catch --
`you may answer that question as a "yes" or "no."
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` Q What documents were those?
` MS. FUKUDA: I just want to make sure the
`witness understands.
` Would you repeat the question, because I missed
`that last clause.
` Q What documents did you review in preparation
`for your deposition that refreshed your recollection as
`to events?
` MS. FUKUDA: You can answer that question if
`there's a document that refreshed your recollection.
` THE WITNESS: It was my declaration.
` Q Did you review any other documents that
`refreshed your recollection as to events?
` A Yes.
` Q What were those?
` A I reviewed some patents that were referenced by
`my declaration.
` Q Did you review any other documents that
`refreshed your recollection as to events?
` THE WITNESS: Can I ask you a question?
` Q I need you to answer my question. If you have
`a question about a privilege concern --
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` A It's a privilege concern.
` Q Then you may confer with your counsel.
` MS. FUKUDA: Let's go outside.
` MS. SKLENAR: Let's go off the record.
` (Recess taken from 9:09 to 9:10 a.m.)
` Q Mr. Robbin, did you review any other documents
`that refreshed your recollection to events other than
`what you have already testified to?
` A No.
` Q Did you talk to anyone in the course of
`preparing for your deposition other than the two
`attorneys you have already identified?
` A Yes.
` Q With whom did you speak?
` A Dave Heller.
` Q And who is Mr. Heller?
` A Dave Heller works for me on the iTunes team.
` Q And what is his position?
` A He runs the iTunes client engineering team.
` Q Do you know his formal title?
` A Director.
` Q When did you talk to Mr. Heller?
` A Yesterday afternoon.
` Q And what did you talk to him about?
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` A I asked him a question about a feature of
` Q What feature was that?
` A It's a menu in the application that links out
`to other websites.
` Q And what specific discussion did you and
`Mr. Heller have about that feature?
` A I was asking him how it worked.
` Q And what did he tell you?
` A He told me how it worked.
` Q How does it work?
` A It links out to a web browser.
` Q And for what purpose does it do that?
` A To let you go get music from other websites or
`from websites.
` Q Have you testified on the record now to the
`full substance of your conversation with Mr. Heller?
` A Yes.
` Q Yesterday?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you speak to anyone else in preparation for
`your deposition other than the individuals you have
` A No.
` Q Did you do anything else to prepare to testify
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`here today other than what you have already testified
` A No.
` Q Have you previously been deposed for purposes
`of the litigation between Apple and SightSound?
` A No.
` Q Are you taking any medication or have you
`consumed any alcohol or any other substances that would
`affect your ability to testify truthfully here today?
` A No.
` Q Do you have any mental or physical illness that
`would affect your ability to testify truthfully?
` A No.
` Q Is there anything you can think of that might
`impair your ability to give full and accurate testimony
`here today?
` A No.
` Q Where did you go to high school?
` A Allen Park High School.
` Q In what state?
` A Illinois.
` Q What year did you graduate?
` A 1987.
` Q What has been your educational background since
`high school?
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` A I went to the University of Iowa for
`undergraduate, and then I went to the University of
`Illinois for an MBA.
` Q Well, let's start with the University of Iowa.
` During what years did you attend?
` A 1988 to 1991.
` Q And what degree did you obtain?
` A I got a Bachelor of Science with a -- in
`computer science and a minor in business.
` Q And you said you went there 1988 through 1991;
`is that correct?
` A I think that's right, or is it 1987 to '91?
` Q Did you take a break between high school and
` A I did not.
` Q And what years did you attend the University of
` A Right out of the University of Iowa, so after
`four years of Iowa, it was two years of Illinois.
` Q And you said you obtained an MBA; is that
` A Yes.
` Q Have you obtained any other degrees?
` A No.
` Q Have you done any other formal course work
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`other than as part of your Bachelor of Science and MBA?
` A No.
` Q Can you just briefly describe for me your
`employment history prior to Apple?
` A Apple is the only full-time job I had out of
` Q You started as an intern at Apple in 1992;
` A Yes.
` Q Did you have any sort of employment prior to
` A Odd part-time jobs or high school jobs.
` Q Did you have any jobs working in an engineering
`capacity prior to starting at Apple in 1992?
` A I worked for myself.
` Q You say you worked for yourself.
` What do you mean by that?
` A Well, I was a computer programmer, and so I
`wrote programs, and I tried to sell those programs via
`third party.
` Q Starting with your internship at Apple in 1992,
`what, specifically, were you hired to do?
` A Well, as an intern, you have a little bit of
`flexibility, so I was hired as an intern. I ended up
`working in the operating system team at Apple doing QA
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` Q You were working on a specific product?
` A Yeah.
` Q What was that?
` A It was the -- it was part of the operating
`system called a microkernel.
` Q And during what years did you work on the
` A Actually, it was also a -- I also did testing
`of 68k-processor emulator. That was the fun part.
` Q During what years did you work on the
` A Well, the internship was over the summer while
`I was getting my MBA.
` Q So during your internship, you worked on the
`microkernel and the 68k-processor emulator that you
`described; is that correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you do anything else during your internship
`other than what you have already described?
` A No.
` Q And then when did you return to Apple
` A In 1993.
` Q What were you hired to do?
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` A I worked as an engineer on the microkernel.
` Q And that was the same project that you worked
`under in your internship?
` A It was the same teams.
` Q What was your title?
` A Engineer.
` Q Now, if I understand your background correctly,
`you were at Apple from 1993 through 1997 initially;
` A Yes.
` Q What titles did you hold in the -- from the
`1993-through-1997 time period?
` A Engineer, senior engineer, technical lead -- I
`think that was it.
` Q So while you were an engineer, did you work on
`projects other than the microkernel that you have
` A The -- while I was in -- I can't remember which
`title I had when, so I don't want to distinguish by
`title, but the projects that I generally worked on were
`the microkernel, and then that was the beginnings of
`trying to do an operating system, which was code-named
`Copeland. That was also called Mac OS 8, and so I spent
`my time the first few years doing whatever I could to
`help that project. So it was mostly around Copeland's
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`operating system.
` Q So prior to your departure in 1997, did you
`work on any other projects other than what you have
`already described?
` A Yes. In -- at the last -- I want to say it was
`the last year -- but I'm not exactly sure of the exact
`timing -- I worked on a project that was called the Blue
`Box, and this is a cool project. It was about trying to
`make Mac OS applications run on top of whatever new
`operating system without the developer having to do
`anything special.
` Q Did you work on any other projects from the
`1993-through-1997 time period other than the microkernel
`and the Blue Box?
` A And Copeland.
` Q And Copeland.
` A No.
` Q To whom did you report?
` A From the 1993-through-then-'97 time period, I
`don't think I can remember all my managers. I was hired
`in by Bill Bruffey, and when I left, I was working for
`someone named Mark Sinakin (phonetic).
` Q Do you remember anyone else that you reported
`to in the 1993-through-1997 time period?
` A I don't remember who I went to from in between,
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`no, but I was doing the same job.
` Q Did anyone report to you during the
`1993-through-1997 time period?
` A No.
` Q Were you in a specific group during that time
` A It was the kernel team.
` Q And how, generally, was Apple organized during
`that time period as far as different teams?
` A I don't understand the question.
` Q Well, did Apple have different teams that
`worked on various projects? You said you were on the
`kernel team.
` Were there other teams?
` A Yes.
` Q How many other teams, approximately, were
` A I have no idea.
` Q Can you give me some sort of estimate?
` A No.
` Q Did the kernel team fall within a larger
`overall department?
` A It did.
` Q What was that?
` A The operating system.
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` Q And then you left Apple in 1997; is that
` A Yes.
` Q Now, if I understand it correctly, Steve Jobs
`returned to Apple in 1996; is that right?
` A I don't remember exactly when he came back.
` Q Did Mr. Jobs return to Apple before your
`departure in 1997?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you work with Mr. Jobs prior to your
`departure in 1997?
` A I met him one time.
` Q And under what circumstances did you meet him?
` A I met him to ask him some questions about the
`operating system.
` Q And what types of questions did you ask him; do
`you recall?
` A I don't remember. It was a long time ago.
` Q What was -- was there any reporting
`relationship between you and Mr. Jobs before your
`departure in 1997?
` A No.
` Q Why did you leave Apple in 1997?
` A I had been through some very difficult times at
`Apple, and I was ready to take a break.
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` Q What did you do when you left?
` A I started out doing nothing.
` Q And -- but eventually you did something; is
`that correct?
` A I did a lot of things. I mean, can you be more
`specific about what you are looking for?
` Q Eventually you started doing something in a
`work capacity; correct?
` A Yes.
` Q What did you do?
` A I started a company.
` Q What company did you start?
` A I called it SoundStep.
` Q And did you start that company with other
` A I don't remember how I incorporated. In the
`end, there were three of us in the company.
` Q Who were those individuals?
` A Dave Heller and Bill Kincaid.
` Q And if I understand it correctly, you worked
`on -- at SoundStep until you returned to Apple in 2000;
`is that right?
` A Yes.
` Q Did you have any other employment between the
`time that you departed Apple in 1997 to the time that
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`you returned in 2000?
` A No.
` Q What did you found SoundStep to do?
` MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: Yeah, I mean, that's a little --
`I guess that's just kind of vague. We did lots of
`things, so I'm not sure what you are looking for.
` Q Well, what was the purpose of SoundStep as a
` A To create software programs and sell them.
` Q How many different software programs did you
`work on there?
` A I --
` MS. FUKUDA: Objection to form.
` THE WITNESS: I think we created two. I don't
`remember if the -- I had two projects I was sort of
`dabbling with at the time, and I don't remember if the
`other one was in SoundStep or if I was just doing it
`personally. It's not really relevant.
` Q Well, what were the two projects that you are
`thinking of?
` A One was some kind of a little utility for
`accelerating applications on the Mac. I don't even
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`remember if we actually did anything with it, but I
`remember working on it. And the other was SoundJam.
` Q Is it fair to say that SoundJam was the primary
`thing that you worked on at SoundStep?
` A Yes.
` Q And what is SoundJam?
` A SoundJam was an MP3 -- among other things, it
`was an MP3 player for the Mac, but it did a lot of
` Q What else did it do?
` A So SoundJam was a comprehensive program for
`managing your music in a playlist. It would let you
`copy songs onto third-party MP3 devices. It would let
`you encode digital music from CDs. It did a lot of
`things, mostly around digital audio.
` Q Was -- did you work on what became SoundJam
`prior to the time that you founded SoundStep?
` A I don't -- I mean, it was during those -- only
`during those couple of years. I don't remember if --
`the exact date of incorporation and whether or not we
`had started a little bit of coding before it was
`incorporated or not.
` Q But you didn't work on SoundJam while you were
`at Apple the first time?
` A No.
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` Q How far did you get in the development process
`of SoundJam while you were at SoundStep?
` A I'm not sure what you mean by how -- I don't
`know what you mean by how far in the development
` Q In other words, did you get to a beta version?
`Did you release the product commercially?
` A We released the product commercially.
` Q And what was the name of the product that you
`released commercially?
` A SoundJam MP. Also, I think we called it
`SoundJam MP Plus. There were two versions.
` Q And how well did it sell?
` A I don't know how you define "how well."
` Q How do you define it?
` A I think we had a decent start of a business.
` Q So you were selling software; is that correct?
` A Yes.
` Q Do you know how many copies of software were
` A I don't remember.
` Q Do you have an estimate?
` A I don't.
` Q How much were you selling SoundJam for?
` A I don't remember. Back then, software in
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`general sold in the tens of dollars, but I don't
`remember the exact prices.
` Q Do you know how much revenue the company made
`prior to its acquisition by Apple?
` A No, I don't remember.
` Q Do you have an estimate?
` A No.
` Q You identified two different individuals that
`you say you worked with at SoundStep, Mr. Heller and
`Mr. Kincaid; correct?
` A Yes.
` Q What is Mr. Heller's background?
` A What do you mean?
` Q What's his educational background?
` A I don't know.
` Q You have no idea what his educational
`background is?
` A He went to the University of Arizona.
` Q And do you know what degrees he holds?
` A No, I don't.
` Q Is he an engineer?
` A Yes.
` Q And what about Mr. Kincaid; what's his
`educational background?
` A I don't remember the school he went to.
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` Q Do you know what type of degree he holds?
` A He has -- at least went to college.
` Q Do you know whether he is an engineer as well?
` A Yes.
` Q How did you meet Mr. Heller?
` A I met Dave -- well, the first time I met him in
`person was at Togos restaurant in Cupertino when I came
`out to California for the first time, but I had met him
`online before that because he had done a software
`product that had some compatibility problems with one of
`my software products. His was wrong.
` Q And did he also work at Apple prior to your
`departure in 1997?
` A Yes.
` Q And what about Mr. Kincaid; how did you meet
` A I met him at Apple.
` Q In what capacity did you meet him?
` A As an engineer.
` Q Was there a specific project for which you met
` A Copeland.
` Q Now, you returned to Apple in September of
`2000; correct?
` A Yes.
`(800) 869-9132
`Merrill Corporation - San Francisco


`PAGE 000029
`JEFFREY ROBBIN - 4/4/2014
`Page 28
` Q And did Mr. Heller return as well?
` A Yes.
` Q And did Mr. Kincaid return as well?
` A Yes.
` Q Did your -- did you become part of a specific
`group there upon your return?
` A Yes.
` Q What was that?
` A We were brought back to Apple to -- what ended
`up -- to turn it into what ended up being iTunes, so we

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